import chalk from 'chalk'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import Generator from 'yeoman-generator'; import yosay from 'yosay'; type propsTypes = { name?: string; pluginType?: string; description?: string; githubUsername?: string; authorName?: string; authorEmail?: string; keywords?: string[]; }; class PluginGenerator extends Generator { private props: propsTypes; private projectName = 'verdaccio-'; private destinationPathName = 'verdaccio-'; constructor(args, opts) { super(args, opts); this.props = {}; } prompting() { this.log(yosay(`Welcome to ${'generator-verdaccio-plugin')} plugin generator!`)); const prompts = [ { type: 'list', name: 'pluginType', require: true, message: 'What kind of plugin you want to create?', store: true, choices: [{ value: 'auth' }, { value: 'storage' }, { value: 'middleware' }], }, { type: 'input', name: 'name', require: true, message: `What's the plugin name? The prefix (verdaccio-xxx) will be added automatically`, default: 'customname', validate: function (input: string) { if (input.startsWith('verdaccio-')) { return false; } else if (input === '') { return false; } return true; }, }, { type: 'input', name: 'description', message: 'Please, describe your plugin', default: 'An amazing verdaccio plugin', }, { name: 'githubUsername', message: 'GitHub username or Organization', validate: function (input) { return input !== ''; }, }, { name: 'authorName', message: "Author's Name", store: true, }, { name: 'authorEmail', message: "Author's Email", store: true, }, { name: 'keywords', message: 'Key your keywords (comma to split)', filter: function (keywords) { return _.uniq(_.words(keywords).concat(['verdaccio-'])); }, }, ]; return this.prompt(prompts).then( function (_props) { // To access props later use this.props.someAnswer; // @ts-ignore this.props = _props; const { name, githubUsername } = _props; // @ts-ignore this.props.license = 'MIT'; if (githubUsername) { // @ts-ignore this.props.repository = githubUsername + '/' + name; } // @ts-ignore this.projectName = `verdaccio-${name}`; // @ts-ignore this.destinationPathName = resolve(this.projectName); // @ts-ignore = this.projectName; }.bind(this) ); } packageJSON() { const { pluginType } = this.props; const pkgJsonLocation = `${pluginType}/_package.json`; this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(pkgJsonLocation), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, 'package.json')), this.props ); } writing() { this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`common/gitignore`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, '.gitignore')) ); this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`common/npmignore`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, '.npmignore')) ); this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`common/jest.config.js`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, 'jest.config.js')) ); this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`common/`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, '')), this.props ); this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`common/eslintrc`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, '.eslintrc')), this.props ); this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(`common/eslintignore`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, '.eslintignore')), this.props ); this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`${this.props.pluginType}/src`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, 'src')) ); this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`common/index.js`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, `index.js`)) ); this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`common/tsconfig.json`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, 'tsconfig.json')) ); this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`${this.props.pluginType}/types`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, 'types')) ); this.fs.copy( this.templatePath(`common/editorconfig`), this.destinationPath(resolve(this.destinationPathName, '.editorconfig')) ); } install() { process.chdir(this.projectName); // this.installDependencies({ npm: true, bower: false }); } } export default PluginGenerator;