var express = require('express') , cookies = require('cookies') , utils = require('./utils') , Storage = require('./storage') , Config = require('./config') , UError = require('./error').UserError , Middleware = require('./middleware') , Logger = require('./logger') , Cats = require('./status-cats') , basic_auth = Middleware.basic_auth , validate_name = Middleware.validate_name , media = , expect_json = Middleware.expect_json function match(regexp) { return function(req, res, next, value, name) { if (regexp.exec(value)) { next() } else { next('route') } } } module.exports = function(config_hash) { var config = new Config(config_hash) , storage = new Storage(config) var can = function(action) { return function(req, res, next) { if (config['allow_'+action](req.params.package, req.remoteUser)) { next() } else { if (!req.remoteUser) { if (req.remoteUserError) { var msg = "can't "+action+' restricted package, ' + req.remoteUserError } else { var msg = "can't "+action+" restricted package without auth, did you forget 'npm set always-auth true'?" } next(new UError({ status: 403, msg: msg, })) } else { next(new UError({ status: 403, msg: 'user '+req.remoteUser+' not allowed to '+action+' it' })) } } } } var app = express() // run in production mode by default, just in case // it shouldn't make any difference anyway app.set('env', process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production') function error_reporting_middleware(req, res, next) { var calls = 0 res.report_error = res.report_error || function(err) { calls++ if (err.status && err.status >= 400 && err.status < 600) { if (calls == 1) { res.status(err.status) var body = {error: err.msg || err.message || 'unknown error'}; // Make 404 responses compliant with CouchDB REST API if (err.status == 404) { body.reason = body.error body.error = 'not_found' } res.send(body) } } else { Logger.logger.error({err: err}, 'unexpected error: @{!err.message}\n@{err.stack}') if (!res.status || !res.send) { Logger.logger.error('this is an error in express.js, please report this') res.destroy() } if (calls == 1) { res.status(500) res.send({error: 'internal server error'}) } } } next() } app.use(error_reporting_middleware) app.use(Middleware.log_and_etagify) app.use(function(req, res, next) { res.setHeader('X-Powered-By', config.user_agent) next() }) app.use(Cats.middleware) app.use(basic_auth(function(user, pass) { return config.authenticate(user, pass) })) app.use(express.json({strict: false, limit: config.max_body_size || '10mb'})) // TODO: npm DO NOT support compression :( app.use(express.compress()) app.use(Middleware.anti_loop(config)) // validate all of these params as a package name // this might be too harsh, so ask if it causes trouble app.param('package', validate_name) app.param('filename', validate_name) app.param('tag', validate_name) app.param('version', validate_name) app.param('revision', validate_name) // these can't be safely put into express url for some reason app.param('_rev', match(/^-rev$/)) app.param('org_couchdb_user', match(/^org\.couchdb\.user:/)) /* app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send({ error: 'unimplemented' }) })*/ /* app.get('/-/all', function(req, res) { var https = require('https') var JSONStream = require('JSONStream') var request = require('request')({ url: '', }) .pipe(JSONStream.parse('*')) .on('data', function(d) { console.log(d) }) })*/ // TODO: anonymous user? app.get('/:package/:version?', can('access'), function(req, res, next) { storage.get_package(req.params.package, {req: req}, function(err, info) { if (err) return next(err) info = utils.filter_tarball_urls(info, req, config) var version = req.params.version , t if (!version) { return res.send(info) } if ((t = utils.get_version(info, version)) != null) { return res.send(t) } if (info['dist-tags'] != null) { if (info['dist-tags'][version] != null) { version = info['dist-tags'][version] if ((t = utils.get_version(info, version)) != null) { return res.send(t) } } } return next(new UError({ status: 404, msg: 'version not found: ' + req.params.version })) }) }) app.get('/:package/-/:filename', can('access'), function(req, res, next) { var stream = storage.get_tarball(req.params.package, req.params.filename) stream.on('content-length', function(v) { res.header('Content-Length', v) }) stream.on('error', function(err) { return res.report_error(err) }) res.header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream') stream.pipe(res) }) //app.get('/*', function(req, res) { // proxy.request(req, res) //}) // placeholder 'cause npm require to be authenticated to publish // we do not do any real authentication yet'/_session',, function(req, res) { res.cookies.set('AuthSession', String(Math.random()), { // sets 10h expire expires: new Date( + 10*60*60*1000) }) res.send({'ok':true,'name':'somebody','roles':[]}) }) app.get('/-/user/:org_couchdb_user', function(req, res, next) { res.status(200) return res.send({ ok: 'you are authenticated as "' + req.remoteUser + '"', }) }) app.put('/-/user/:org_couchdb_user', function(req, res, next) { res.status(409) return res.send({ error: 'registration is not implemented', }) }) app.put('/-/user/:org_couchdb_user/-rev/*', function(req, res, next) { if (req.remoteUser == null) { res.status(403) return res.send({ error: 'bad username/password, access denied', }) } res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: 'you are authenticated as "' + req.remoteUser + '"', }) }) // tagging a package app.put('/:package/:tag', can('publish'), media('application/json'), function(req, res, next) { if (typeof(req.body) !== 'string') return next('route') storage.add_tag(req.params.package, req.body, req.params.tag, function(err) { if (err) return next(err) res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: 'package tagged' }) }) }) // publishing a package app.put('/:package/:_rev?/:revision?', can('publish'), media('application/json'), expect_json, function(req, res, next) { var name = req.params.package if (Object.keys(req.body).length == 1 && utils.is_object(req.body.users)) { return next(new UError({ // 501 status is more meaningful, but npm doesn't show error message for 5xx status: 404, msg: 'npm star|unstar calls are not implemented', })) } try { var metadata = utils.validate_metadata(req.body, name) } catch(err) { return next(new UError({ status: 422, msg: 'bad incoming package data', })) } if (req.params._rev) { storage.change_package(name, metadata, req.params.revision, function(err) { after_change(err, 'package changed') }) } else { storage.add_package(name, metadata, function(err) { after_change(err, 'created new package') }) } function after_change(err, ok_message) { // old npm behaviour if (metadata._attachments == null) { if (err) return next(err) res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: ok_message }) } // npm-registry-client 0.3+ embeds tarball into the json upload // // issue #31, dealing with it here: if (typeof(metadata._attachments) != 'object' || Object.keys(metadata._attachments).length != 1 || typeof(metadata.versions) != 'object' || Object.keys(metadata.versions).length != 1) { // npm is doing something strange again // if this happens in normal circumstances, report it as a bug return next(new UError({ status: 400, msg: 'unsupported registry call', })) } if (err && err.status != 409) return next(err) // at this point document is either created or existed before var t1 = Object.keys(metadata._attachments)[0] create_tarball(t1, metadata._attachments[t1], function(err) { if (err) return next(err) var t2 = Object.keys(metadata.versions)[0] create_version(t2, metadata.versions[t2], function(err) { if (err) return next(err) res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: ok_message }) }) }) } function create_tarball(filename, data, cb) { var stream = storage.add_tarball(name, filename) stream.on('error', function(err) { cb(err) }) stream.on('success', function() { cb() }) // this is dumb and memory-consuming, but what choices do we have? stream.end(new Buffer(, 'base64')) stream.done() } function create_version(version, data, cb) { // assume latest tag, it's ignored anyway // if you want tags, tag packages explicitly storage.add_version(name, version, data, 'latest', cb) } }) // unpublishing an entire package app.delete('/:package/-rev/*', can('publish'), function(req, res, next) { storage.remove_package(req.params.package, function(err) { if (err) return next(err) res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: 'package removed' }) }) }) // removing a tarball app.delete('/:package/-/:filename/-rev/:revision', can('publish'), function(req, res, next) { storage.remove_tarball(req.params.package, req.params.filename, req.params.revision, function(err) { if (err) return next(err) res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: 'tarball removed' }) }) }) // uploading package tarball app.put('/:package/-/:filename/*', can('publish'), media('application/octet-stream'), function(req, res, next) { var name = req.params.package var stream = storage.add_tarball(name, req.params.filename) req.pipe(stream) // checking if end event came before closing var complete = false req.on('end', function() { complete = true stream.done() }) req.on('close', function() { if (!complete) { stream.abort() } }) stream.on('error', function(err) { return res.report_error(err) }) stream.on('success', function() { res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: 'tarball uploaded successfully' }) }) }) // adding a version app.put('/:package/:version/-tag/:tag', can('publish'), media('application/json'), expect_json, function(req, res, next) { var name = req.params.package , version = req.params.version , tag = req.params.tag storage.add_version(name, version, req.body, tag, function(err) { if (err) return next(err) res.status(201) return res.send({ ok: 'package published' }) }) }) app.use(app.router) app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { if (typeof(res.report_error) !== 'function') { // in case of very early error this middleware may not be loaded before error is generated // fixing that error_reporting_middleware(req, res, function(){}) } res.report_error(err) }) return app }