import crypto from 'crypto'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { HTTP_STATUS } from '../../../src/lib/constants'; import { createTarballHash } from '../../../src/lib/crypto-utils'; import { TARBALL } from '../config.functional'; import requirePackage from '../fixtures/package'; import { readFile } from '../lib/test.utils'; function getBinary() { return readFile('../fixtures/binary'); } const STORAGE = '../store/test-storage3'; const PKG_GH131 = 'pkg-gh131'; const PKG_GH1312 = 'pkg-gh1312'; function isCached(pkgName, tarballName) { const pathCached = path.join(__dirname, STORAGE, pkgName, tarballName); return fs.existsSync(pathCached); } export default function (server, server2, server3) { describe('storage tarball cache test', () => { // more info #131 beforeAll(function () { return server.addPackage(PKG_GH131); }); beforeAll(function () { return server.putTarball(PKG_GH131, TARBALL, getBinary()).status(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED).body_ok(/.*/); }); beforeAll(function () { const pkg = requirePackage(PKG_GH131); pkg.dist.shasum = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(getBinary()).digest('hex'); return server .putVersion(PKG_GH131, '0.0.1', pkg) .status(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED) .body_ok(/published/); }); beforeAll(function () { return server3.getPackage(PKG_GH131).status(HTTP_STATUS.OK); }); beforeAll(function () { return server3.getTarball(PKG_GH131, TARBALL).status(HTTP_STATUS.OK); }); test('should be caching packages from uplink server1', () => { expect(isCached(PKG_GH131, TARBALL)).toEqual(true); }); beforeAll(function () { return server2.addPackage(PKG_GH1312); }); beforeAll(function () { return server2.putTarball(PKG_GH1312, TARBALL, getBinary()).status(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED).body_ok(/.*/); }); beforeAll(function () { const pkg = requirePackage(PKG_GH1312); pkg.dist.shasum = createTarballHash().update(getBinary()).digest('hex'); return server2 .putVersion(PKG_GH1312, '0.0.1', pkg) .status(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED) .body_ok(/published/); }); beforeAll(function () { return server3.getPackage(PKG_GH1312).status(HTTP_STATUS.OK); }); beforeAll(function () { return server3.getTarball(PKG_GH1312, TARBALL).status(HTTP_STATUS.OK); }); test('must not be caching packages from uplink server2', () => { expect(isCached(PKG_GH1312, TARBALL)).toEqual(false); }); }); }