import * as child_process from 'child_process'; export async function _exec(options, cmd, args) { let stdout = ''; let stderr = ''; const flags = []; const cwd = process.cwd(); const env = options.env; console.log(`Running \`${cmd} ${ => `"${x}"`).join(' ')}\`${flags}...`); console.log(`CWD: ${cwd}`); console.log(`ENV: ${JSON.stringify(env)}`); const spawnOptions = { cwd, ...env ? { env } : {}, }; if (process.platform.startsWith('win')) { args.unshift('/c', cmd); cmd = 'cmd.exe'; spawnOptions['stdio'] = 'pipe'; } const childProcess = child_process.spawn(cmd, args, spawnOptions); childProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => { stdout += data.toString('utf-8'); if (options.silent) { return; } data.toString('utf-8') .split(/[\n\r]+/) .filter(line => line !== '') .forEach(line => console.log(' ' + line)); }); childProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => { stderr += data.toString('utf-8'); if (options.silent) { return; } data.toString('utf-8') .split(/[\n\r]+/) .filter(line => line !== '') .forEach(line => console.error((' ' + line))); }); // Create the error here so the stack shows who called this function. const err = new Error(`Running "${cmd} ${args.join(' ')}" returned error code `); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { childProcess.on('exit', (error) => { // _processes = _processes.filter(p => p !== childProcess); if (!error) { resolve({ stdout, stderr }); } else { err.message += `${error}...\n\nSTDOUT:\n${stdout}\n\nSTDERR:\n${stderr}\n`; reject(err); } }); if (options.waitForMatch) { const match = options.waitForMatch; childProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => { if (data.toString().match(match)) { resolve({ stdout, stderr }); } }); childProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => { if (data.toString().match(match)) { resolve({ stdout, stderr }); } }); } }); } export function npm(...args) { return _exec({}, 'npm', args); } export function node(...args) { return _exec({}, 'node', args); } export function silentNpm(...args) { return _exec({silent: true}, 'npm', args); }