diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index 1666d16ce..ce6ea70bc 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -176,20 +176,6 @@ jobs:
- store_test_results:
path: coverage/clover.xml
- publish_gh_pages:
- <<: *defaults
- <<: *default_executor
- steps:
- - *restore_repo
- - restore_cache:
- key: *base_config_key
- - run:
- name: Publish gh-pages
- command: |
- cd website
- yarn install
- GIT_USER=verdacciobot USE_SSH=false yarn run publish-gh-pages
<<: *defaults
<<: *default_executor
@@ -240,17 +226,7 @@ workflows:
- test_e2e
- test_size
<<: *ignore_non_dev_branches
- - publish_gh_pages:
- requires:
- - test_node6
- - test_node8
- - test_node9
- - test_node10
- - test_e2e
- - test_size
- <<: *execute_on_release
- publish_package:
- coverage
- - publish_gh_pages
<<: *execute_on_release
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-project_identifier_env: CROWDIN_VERDACCIO_PROJECT_ID
-base_path: "./"
-preserve_hierarchy: true
-commit_message: 'docs(website): new translations'
- -
- source: '/docs/*.md'
- translation: '/website/translated_docs/%locale%/%original_file_name%'
- languages_mapping: &anchor
- locale:
- 'af': 'af'
- 'ar': 'ar'
- 'bs-BA': 'bs-BA'
- 'ca': 'ca'
- 'cs': 'cs'
- 'da': 'da'
- 'de': 'de'
- 'el': 'el'
- 'es-ES': 'es-ES'
- 'fa': 'fa-IR'
- 'fi': 'fi'
- 'fr': 'fr-FR'
- 'he': 'he'
- 'hu': 'hu'
- 'id': 'id-ID'
- 'it': 'it-IT'
- 'ja': 'ja'
- 'ko': 'ko'
- 'mr': 'mr-IN'
- 'nl': 'nl'
- 'no': 'no-NO'
- 'pl': 'pl-PL'
- 'pt-BR': 'pt-BR'
- 'pt-PT': 'pt-PT'
- 'ro': 'ro'
- 'ru': 'ru-RU'
- 'sk': 'sk-SK'
- 'sr': 'sr-SP'
- 'sr-CS': 'sr-CS'
- 'sv-SE': 'sv-SE'
- 'tr': 'tr'
- 'uk': 'uk'
- 'vi': 'vi-VN'
- 'zh-CN': 'zh-CN'
- 'zh-TW': 'zh-TW'
- -
- source: '/website/i18n/en.json'
- translation: '/website/i18n/%locale%.json'
- languages_mapping: *anchor
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role [https://github.com/refinery29/ansible-verdaccio-role](https://github.com/refinery29/ansible-verdaccio-role)
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd)
-is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description
---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials
-max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-* [https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-cookbook](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-cookbook)
-* [https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/verdaccio](https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/verdaccio)
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When
-using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment
-for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is
-designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc.
-Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-Command | Default | Example | Description
---- | --- | --- | ---
---listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port
---config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share.
-If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#223](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/223)
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: `verdaccio@3.0.0`
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes
-a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all 👏👏 thanks for visiting this page, for us means you are willing contribute to `verdaccio` and we are happy for that. Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website [http://www.verdaccio.org/](http://www.verdaccio.org/) that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image [https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/) that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example
-of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`).
-*Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types
-definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use.
-The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
->Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000`
-in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**,
-since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000`
-This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match,
-so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration.
-You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000 `.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
-$ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`,
-and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available.
-To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-* Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode).
-Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-* Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio.
-For example `C:\verdaccio`.
-Save [package.json](#packagejson),
-and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-* Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want.
-I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-* Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-* Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
-cd c:\verdaccio
-npm install
-* Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-* Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-* I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}\` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-* I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-* I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS
-on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the
-for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
-Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
- You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the
-repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes
-cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a
-[Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio)
-chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may
-have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml)
-and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it.
-Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description
---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output
-path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file
-format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format
-level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by __[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)__ which
-won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237)
-([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution
-with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-__With text__
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-__No text__
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
diff --git a/docs/notifications.md b/docs/notifications.md
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming
-webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to
-any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish`
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
-# iterate all versions
-{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
-# publisher and `dist-tag` package published
-{{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
-An example:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
-{{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description
---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-method| string | No | all | | HTTP verb
-packagePattern| string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression
-packagePatternFlags| string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression
-headers| array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects.
-endpoint| string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call
-content| string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description
---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package
-publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish
-proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink
-storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding
-endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
-$> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the
-modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all.
-Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-[1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages...
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because
-the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs.
-Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested
-[refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you 🤠.
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
-server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time.
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot.
-When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed.
-Add the following entry to the file:
-@reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
-listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
-* Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
- key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
-Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
- pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx
- passphrase: 'secret'
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute,
-please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default
---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs
-ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default
-timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s
-maxage | string | No |10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m
-fail_timeout | string | No |10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m
-max_fails | number | No |2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2
-cache | boolean | No |[true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true
-auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled
-headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled
-strict_ssl |boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN `internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
diff --git a/docs/web.md b/docs/web.md
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description
---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface
-title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description
-logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located
-scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@)
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
-$> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
-npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
-npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path,
-Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a
-location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml`
-with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio\ `.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory'
-is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to
-persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
diff --git a/website/.gitignore b/website/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
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- * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-const React = require('react');
-class Footer extends React.Component {
- render() {
- return (
- );
- }
-module.exports = Footer;
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@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- - name: Trent Earl
- github: trentearl
- role: founder
- - name: John Wilkinson
- github: jmwilkinson
- role: founder
- - name: Juan Picado
- github: juanpicado
- twitter: jotadeveloper
- role: admin/core
- - name: Ayush Sharma
- github: ayusharma
- twitter: ayusharma_
- role: admin/core
- - name: Sergio Hg
- github: sergiohgz
- role: core
- - name: Meeeeow
- github: Meeeeow
- role: core
- - name: Priscila
- github: priscilawebdev
- role: core
- - name: Verdaccio
- github: verdacciobot
- twitter: verdaccio_npm
- role: bot
- - name: Roger Meier
- github: bufferoverflow
- active: true
- - name: Cameron Little
- github: apexskier
- active: true
- - name: Keli Grubb
- github: kgrubb
- active: true
- - name: Lucius Gaitán
- github: lgaitan
- active: true
- - name: Diego Louzán
- github: dlouzan
- active: true
- - name: Dharmender-Singh
- github: Dharmender-Singh
- active: true
- spanish:
- - name: María Eugenia Lucena
- crowdin: marugy99
- role: proofreader
- - name: Samuel Miller
- crowdin: SamuelLMiller
- role: translator
- - name: isabella394
- crowdin: isabella394
- role: translator
- - name: Alejandro Estévez
- crowdin: acrywhif
- role: translator
- - name: José Peralta
- crowdin: Josedpg11
- role: translator
- chinese:
- - name: sunray
- crowdin: sunray
- role: proofreader
- - name: aafeng
- crowdin: aafeng
- role: proofreader
- - name: susanli3769
- crowdin: emmali73
- role: translator
- - name: Samuel Miller
- crowdin: SamuelLMiller
- role: translator
- - name: Aaron Li
- crowdin: AaronLi
- role: translator
- - name: victory
- crowdin: victory622
- role: translator
- - name: breathewind
- crowdin: breathewind
- role: translator
- french:
- - name: Léon Cédric
- crowdin: leyt
- role: proofreader
- - name: Avoine
- crowdin: ahmedess
- role: translator
- italian:
- - name: mcassani
- crowdin: mcassani
- role: proofreader
- - name: Erika Scanu
- crowdin: akireuna
- role: translator
diff --git a/website/i18n/ar-SA.json b/website/i18n/ar-SA.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bc4d4446c..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/ar-SA.json
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- "_comment": "تم إنشاء هذا الملف تلقائيًا بواسطة write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "التالي",
- "previous": "السَّابق",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "المساهمة في Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "تطوير الإضافات",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "التنصيب",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "الإشعارات",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "الإضافات",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "حماية الحُزم",
- "puppet": "دمية متحركة",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "ما هو Verdaccio؟",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "المساعدة",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "الفريق",
- "Donate": "تبرَّع",
- "Introduction": "المقدمة",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "الخادم",
- "Plugins": "الإضافات",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "التطوير",
- "Guides": "الإرشادات"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "تعرف على المزيد باستخدام [التوثيق على هذا الموقع.] (/ docs / en / installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "طرح أسئلة حول التَّوثيق والمشروع",
- "Join the community|no description given": "الإنضمام إلى المجتمع",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "تعرف على الجديد في هذا المشروع",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "هل تحتاج مساعدة؟",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "يتم الحفاظ على هذا المشروع من قبل مجموعة مخصصة من الناس.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "تعرف على المزيد حول Verdaccio باستخدام [التوثيق على هذا الموقع.] (/ docs / en / installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "يمكنك متابعتنا والاتصال بنا على",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "ويمكنك أيضا الدردشة مع مجموعة Verdaccio في",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "إذا لم يكن التوثيق كافي للمساعدة، بإمكانك أن تجرب التصفح",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "يتم الحفاظ على هذا المشروع بواسطة مجموعة Verdaccio.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "البدء",
- "Contribute|no description given": "المساهمة",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "العديد من المطورين الرائعين يتمتعون بالفعل بـ Verdaccio ، انضم إلى المجموعة!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "من الذي يستخدم هذا؟",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "يُستخدَم هذا المشروع من طرف جميع هؤلاء الناس",
- "More|no description given": "المزيد",
- "Users|no description given": "المستخدمين",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "يُستخدَم هذا المشروع من قبل العديد من الناس",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "هل أنت تستخدم هذا المشروع؟ لا تخجل و قم باضافة شعار الشركة أو المشروع الخاص بك.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "قم باضافة الشركة الخاصة بك",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "قم بالمساعدة في الترجمة",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "تحرير",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "الترجمة"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/de-DE.json b/website/i18n/de-DE.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b860b0f..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/de-DE.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Diese Datei wurde automatisch generiert von write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Nächste",
- "previous": "Vorherige",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · Eine einfache private npm Proxy-Registrierung",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentifizierung",
- "build": "Den Quellcode erzeugen",
- "chef": "Kochbuch",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Befehlszeilen-Tool",
- "configuration": "Konfigurationsdatei",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Entwicklung von Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Auf IIS-Server installieren",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
- "packages": "Paket-Zugang",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Pakete schützen",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Quellcode",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse-Proxy-Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server-Konfiguration",
- "ssl": "SSL-Zertifikate einrichten",
- "unit-testing": "Unit-Tests",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use-Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "Was ist Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Als Windows-Dienst installieren",
- "Docs": "Dokumentation",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Hilfe",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Spenden",
- "Introduction": "Einführung",
- "Configuration": "Konfiguration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Entwicklung",
- "Guides": "Ratgeber"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Dokumentation auf dieser Seite.] (/ docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Stellen Sie Fragen über die Dokumentation und das Projekt",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Werde Teil der Community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Finden Sie heraus, was neu bei diesem Projekt ist",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Up to date bleiben",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Brauchen Sie Hilfe?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Erste Schritte",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Einen Beitrag leisten",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Wer nutzt das?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Dieses Projekt wird von diesen Leuten verwendet",
- "More|no description given": "Mehr",
- "Users|no description given": "Benutzer",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "Dieses Projekt wird von vielen Leuten verwendet",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Verwenden Sie dieses Projekt? Scheuen Sie sich nicht und fügen Sie Ihr Unternehmen/Projekt-Logo hinzu.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Fügen Sie Ihr Unternehmen hinzu",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Hilf bei der Übersetzung",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Bearbeiten",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Übersetzen"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/en.json b/website/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c923f6919..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Help",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
diff --git a/website/i18n/es-ES.json b/website/i18n/es-ES.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 20767f808..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/es-ES.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Este archivo es auto generado por write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Siguiente",
- "previous": "Anterior",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Autentificación",
- "build": "Construir el código fuente",
- "chef": "Libro de cocina de chef",
- "ci": "Integración continua",
- "cli": "Herramienta de línea de comando",
- "configuration": "Archivo de Configuración",
- "contributing": "Contribuye a Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Desarrollando Extensiones",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Instalando en un servidor IIS",
- "installation": "Instalación",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notificaciones",
- "packages": "Acceso a paquetes",
- "plugins": "Extensiones",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protegiendo paquetes",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Código fuente",
- "reverse-proxy": "Configuración de proxy inverso",
- "server-configuration": "Configuración del Servidor",
- "ssl": "Configurar certificados SSL",
- "unit-testing": "Tests Unitario",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Casos de Uso",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "Qué es Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Instalando como Servicio en Windows",
- "Docs": "Documentación",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Ayuda",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introducción",
- "Configuration": "Configuración",
- "Server": "Servidor",
- "Plugins": "Extensiones",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Desarrollo",
- "Guides": "Guías"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Aprende mas leyendo la [documentación en este sitio.](/docs/es-Es/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Navegar Documentación",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Haz preguntas sobre la documentación y el proyecto",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Únete a la comunidad",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Entérate que hay de nuevo en este proyecto",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Mantente actualizado",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Necesitas ayuda?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "Este proyecto es mantenido por un grupo de personas dedicadas.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Aprenda mucho mas sobre Verdaccio usando la [documentación en este sitio.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "Puedes seguirnos o contactarnos en",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "y también puedes hablar con nuestra comunidad en",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "Si la documentación no ofrece demasiada ayuda, puedes tratar de navegar en nuestra",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "Este proyecto es mantenido por la comunidad de Verdaccio.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Empezar",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribuye",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "Eso es todo ! Disfruta tu registro privado.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Muchos grandes desarrolladores ya están disfrutando de Verdaccio, ¡Únete a la comunidad!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** y **pnpm** son parte del ambiente de desarrollo e intentamos mantenernos al día con las últimas actualizaciones.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "Los clientes *npm* mas populares son compatibles",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "Ofrecemos una imagen oficial en **Docker** lista para usar",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "y soporte de **Kubernetes Helm** para fácil despliegue",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Facilitando el trabajo de los DevOps",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio esta basado en extensiones, autenticación, soporte para *middleware* y almacenamiento. Solo elige uno o crea el tuyo propio.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Soporte de Extensiones",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Quién está usando esto?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Este proyecto es usado por todas estas personas",
- "More|no description given": "Más",
- "Users|no description given": "Usuarios",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "Este proyecto es usado por mucha gente",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Estas usando este proyecto? No tengas vergüenza y agrega el logotipo de tu compañia/proyecto.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Agrega tu compañia",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Ayuda con traducciones",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Editar",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Traducir"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/fr-FR.json b/website/i18n/fr-FR.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be77c177..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/fr-FR.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Ce fichier est généré automatiquement par write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Suivant",
- "previous": "Précédent",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · Un journal proxy npm léger et privé",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Compiler le code source",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Intégration Continue",
- "cli": "Outil de Ligne de Commande",
- "configuration": "Fichier de Configuration",
- "contributing": "Contribuer à Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Développement des Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installation sur le serveur IIS",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Enregistreur",
- "logo": "Logo de Verdaccio",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Paquet d'accès",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protection des paquets",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Code Source",
- "reverse-proxy": "Configuration du Proxy Inverse",
- "server-configuration": "Configuration du Serveur",
- "ssl": "Configurer les Certificats SSL",
- "unit-testing": "Test unitaire",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Cas d’utilisation",
- "webui": "Interface d'Utilisateur Web2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "Qu'est ce que Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installation en tant que Service Windows",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Aide",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Équipe",
- "Donate": "Faire un don",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Serveur",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Développement",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "En savoir plus à l’aide de la [documentation sur ce site.] (/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Parcourir les Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Posez des questions sur la documentation et le projet",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Rejoignez la communauté",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Découvrez les nouveautés de ce projet",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Restez à jour",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Besoin d’aide?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "Ce projet est soutenu par un groupe de personnes dévouées.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "En savoir plus sur Verdaccio en utilisant la [documentation sur ce site.] (/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "Vous pouvez nous suivre et nous contacter sur",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "et aussi vous pouvez discuter avec la communauté Verdaccio sur",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "Si la documentation n’offre pas assez d’aides, vous pouvez essayer la navigation dans notre",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "Ce projet est soutenu par la communauté Verdaccio.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Commencer",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribuer",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "Voilà ! Profitez de votre gestionnaire de paquets privé.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Beaucoup de grands développeurs jouissent déjà de Verdaccio, rejoignez la communauté!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** et **pnpm** font partie de tous les flux de développement que nous essayons de suivre avec les dernières mises à jour.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "Les clients npm les plus populaires sont supportés",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "Nous disposons d'une image **Docker** officielle prête à l'emploi",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "et assistance pour **Kubernetes Helm** pour une distribution aisée",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Rendant le travail des DevOps facile",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio est basé sur les extensions, l’authentification, et le support des middlewares et du stockage. Choisissez-en un ou créez le vôtre.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Support des Plugins",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Qui se sert de cela?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Ce projet est utilisé par tous ces gens",
- "More|no description given": "Plus",
- "Users|no description given": "Utilisateurs",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "Ce projet est utilisé par beaucoup de gens",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Utilisez-vous ce projet? Ne soyez pas timide et ajoutez le logo de votre entreprise/projet.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Ajoutez votre entreprise",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Aidez à traduire",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Editer",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Traduire"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/hi-IN.json b/website/i18n/hi-IN.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8cb6f9a..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/hi-IN.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Help",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/it-IT.json b/website/i18n/it-IT.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f76b8c655..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/it-IT.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Questo file è generato automaticamente da write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Seguente",
- "previous": "Precedente",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · Un registro proxy npm leggero e privato",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Autenticazione",
- "build": "Compilare il codice sorgente",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Integrazione continua",
- "cli": "Strumento riga di comando",
- "configuration": "File di configurazione",
- "contributing": "Contribuire a Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Sviluppare Estensioni",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installazione su IIS server",
- "installation": "Installazione",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Logo di Verdaccio",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifiche",
- "packages": "Accesso al pacchetto",
- "plugins": "Estensioni",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protezione dei pacchetti",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Codice sorgente",
- "reverse-proxy": "Configurazione di Proxy inverso",
- "server-configuration": "Configurazione del server",
- "ssl": "Configurare i certificati SSL",
- "unit-testing": "Test Unità",
- "uplinks": "Uplink",
- "use-cases": "Casi di utilizzo",
- "webui": "Utente Web Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "Cos'è Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installazione come servizio di Windows",
- "Docs": "Documenti",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Aiuto",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donazioni",
- "Introduction": "Introduzione",
- "Configuration": "Configurazione",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Estensioni",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Sviluppo",
- "Guides": "Guide"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Per saperne di più utilizza la [documentazione in questo sito.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Sfoglia documenti",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Fai domande sulla documentazione e sul progetto",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Unisciti alla community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Scopri cosa c'è di nuovo in questo progetto",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Rimani aggiornato",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Hai bisogno di aiuto?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "Questo progetto è curato da un gruppo di persone dedicate.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Per saperne di più su Verdaccio utilizza la [documentazione su questo sito.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "Puoi seguirci e contattarci su",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "e inoltre puoi chattare con la community di Verdaccio su",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "Se la documentazione non offre sufficiente aiuto, puoi provare a navigare nel nostro",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "Questo progetto è a cura della community di Verdaccio.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Iniziare",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribuire",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "È tutto! Goditi il tuo nuovo gestore privato del pacchetto.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Molti grandi sviluppatori stanno già utilizzando Verdaccio, unisciti alla community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** e **pnpm** fanno parte di ogni flusso di sviluppo che cerchiamo di tenere al passo con gli ultimi aggiornamenti.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "I client di npm più popolari sono supportati",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "Abbiamo un'immagine ufficiale su **Docker** pronta per l'uso",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "e il supporto a **Kubernetes Helm** per una facile distribuzione",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Facilitare il lavoro del DevOps",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio è basato su estensioni, autenticazione, supporto per middleware e archiviazione. Scegli uno di questi o crea il tuo personalizzato.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Supporto delle estensioni",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Chi lo sta utilizzando?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Questo progetto viene utilizzato da tutte queste persone",
- "More|no description given": "Più",
- "Users|no description given": "Utenti",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "Questo progetto viene utilizzato da molte persone",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Stai utilizzando questo progetto? Non essere timido e aggiungi il logo della tua azienda/progetto.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Aggiungi la tua azienda",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Aiuta a tradurre",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Modifica",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Traduci"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/ja-JP.json b/website/i18n/ja-JP.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8cb6f9a..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/ja-JP.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Help",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/ko-KR.json b/website/i18n/ko-KR.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 39be4a7a7..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/ko-KR.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "다음",
- "previous": "이전",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio - 경량 사설 npm 프록시 레지스트리",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "인증",
- "build": "소스코드 빌드",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "지속적인 통합",
- "cli": "명령행 도구",
- "configuration": "구성 파일",
- "contributing": "Verdaccio에 기여하기",
- "dev-plugins": "플러그인 개발하기",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "IIS 서버에 설치하기",
- "installation": "설치",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "로거",
- "logo": "Verdaccio 로고",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "알림",
- "packages": "패키지 접근",
- "plugins": "플러그인",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "패키지 보호하기",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "소스코드",
- "reverse-proxy": "리버스 프록시 설정",
- "server-configuration": "서버 구성",
- "ssl": "SSL 인증서 설정하기",
- "unit-testing": "유닛 테스트",
- "uplinks": "업링크",
- "use-cases": "활용사례",
- "webui": "웹 사용자 인터페이스2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "Verdaccio는 무엇인가요?",
- "windows": "윈도우에서 설치",
- "Docs": "문서",
- "Blog": "블로그",
- "Help": "도움말",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "팀",
- "Donate": "후원",
- "Introduction": "소개",
- "Configuration": "구성",
- "Server": "서버",
- "Plugins": "플러그인",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "개발",
- "Guides": "가이드"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "[여기서](/docs/en/installation.html) 더 알아보기",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "문서 찾기",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "문서 및 프로젝트에 대해 물어보세요",
- "Join the community|no description given": "커뮤니티 가입하기",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "프로젝트의 새로운 업데이트에 대해 알아보세요",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "최신 상태로 유지",
- "Need help?|no description given": "도움이 필요하신가요?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "이 프로젝트는 열성적인 그룹의 구성원들로 인해 유지되고 있습니다.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "[여기서](/docs/en/installation.html) 더 알아보기",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/pl-PL.json b/website/i18n/pl-PL.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e708c071e..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/pl-PL.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Ten plik jest automatycznie wygenerowany przez write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Następny",
- "previous": "Poprzedni",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Uwierzytelnianie",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Narzędzie wiersza poleceń",
- "configuration": "Plik konfiguracyjny",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Tworzenie wtyczek",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Instalacja",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Logotyp Verdaccio",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Powiadomienia",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Wtyczki",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Kod źródłowy",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Konfiguracja serwera",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Instalacja jako Usługa systemu Windows",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Pomoc",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Serwer",
- "Plugins": "Wtyczki",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Poradniki"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Zadaj pytanie na temat dokumentacji i projektu",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Dołącz do społeczności",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Dowiedz się więcej o Verdaccio za pomocą [dokumentacji na tej stronie.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "Możesz nas obserwować oraz skontaktować się przez",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "można również porozmawiać ze społecznością Verdaccio na",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "Jeśli dokumentacja nie jest wystarczającą pomocą, spróbuj przeglądania naszych",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Pierwsze kroki",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Projekt ten jest używany przez wszystkich tych ludzi",
- "More|no description given": "Więcej",
- "Users|no description given": "Użytkownicy",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Używasz tego projektu? Nie wstydź się i dodaj logo swojej firmy/projektu.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Dodaj swoją firmę",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Pomóż tłumaczyć",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edycja",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/pt-BR.json b/website/i18n/pt-BR.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b83176d0..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/pt-BR.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Este arquivo é gerado automaticamente pelo script write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Próximo",
- "previous": "Anterior",
- "tagline": "Um simples e eficiente registro privado para npm",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Autenticação",
- "build": "Usando a partir do codigo fonte",
- "chef": "Livro de receitas do Chef",
- "ci": "Integração contínua",
- "cli": "Utilitário da Linha de Comando",
- "configuration": "Arquivo de Configuração",
- "contributing": "Contribuindo com o Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Criando Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Instalando em um Servidor ISS",
- "installation": "Instalação",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logs",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotipo",
- "node-api": "Api Node",
- "notifications": "Notificações",
- "packages": "Permissões dos Pacotes",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protegendo seus pacotes",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Código Fonte",
- "reverse-proxy": "Configuração de Proxy Reverso",
- "server-configuration": "Configuração do Servidor",
- "ssl": "Configurar SSL",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Casos de uso",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "O que é o Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Instalando como um Serviço no Windows",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Ajuda",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Equipe",
- "Donate": "Doação",
- "Introduction": "Introdução",
- "Configuration": "Configuração",
- "Server": "Servidor",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Desenvolvimento",
- "Guides": "Tutoriais"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Saiba mais, acessando a [documentação.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Documentação",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Faça perguntas sobre a documentação e o projeto",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Faça parte",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Descubra todas as novidades sobre o projeto",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Saiba as Novidades",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Precisa de Ajuda?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "Este projeto é mantido por um grupo dedicado de pessoas.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Saiba mais sobre o projeto acessando a [documentação](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "Você pode seguir e nos contatar",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "e também você pode conversar com a comunidade de Verdaccio no",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "Se a documentação não é ajuda suficiente, você pode tentar navegar em nosso",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "Este projeto é mantido pela Comunidade Verdaccio.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Primeiros Passos",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribuir",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "Tudo pronto! Aproveite o seu novo gerenciador de pacotes privado.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Vários desenvolvedores já estão desfrutando Verdaccio, participe da Comunidade!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "* * npm * *, * * fios * * e * * pnpm * * fazem parte de qualquer fluxo de trabalho de desenvolvimento tentamos apanhar com as atualizações mais recentes.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "Os maioria dos clientes npm são suportados",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "Temos uma imagem * * Docker * * pronto para uso",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "e * * Kubernetes Helm * * suporte para facilitar a implantação",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Facilitando o trabalho de DevOps",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio é plugin baseado, autenticação, suporte middleware e armazenamento. Basta escolher um ou criar seu personalizado.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Suporte a plugins",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Quem está usando?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Este projeto é usado por essas pessoas",
- "More|no description given": "Mais",
- "Users|no description given": "Usuários",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "Este projeto é usado por vários",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Você está usando este projeto? Não se acanhe e adicionar o seu logotipo de empresa/projeto.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Adicionar sua empresa",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Ajude-nos a Traduzir",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Editar",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Traduzir"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/pt-PT.json b/website/i18n/pt-PT.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8cb6f9a..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/pt-PT.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Help",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/ru-RU.json b/website/i18n/ru-RU.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a351b892c..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/ru-RU.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Этот файл был сгенерирован автоматически при помощи write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Следующая",
- "previous": "Предыдущая",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · Лёгкий приватный прокси для npm реестра",
- "ansible": "Ансибл",
- "authentification": "Аутентификация",
- "build": "Сборка исходного кода",
- "chef": "Поваренная книга шеф-повара",
- "ci": "Непрерывная интеграция",
- "cli": "Инструмент командной строки",
- "configuration": "Файл конфигурации",
- "contributing": "Содействие Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Разработка плагинов",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Установка на сервере IIS",
- "installation": "Установка",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Логи",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Уведомления",
- "packages": "Доступ к пакетам",
- "plugins": "Плагины",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Защита пакетов",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Исходный код",
- "reverse-proxy": "Настройка обратного прокси-сервера",
- "server-configuration": "Конфигурация сервера",
- "ssl": "Настройка SSL-сертификатов",
- "unit-testing": "Модульное тестирование",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Примеры использования",
- "webui": "Пользовательский Веб-Интерфейс2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "Что такое Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Установка в качестве службы Windows",
- "Docs": "Документация",
- "Blog": "Блог",
- "Help": "Помощь",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Команда",
- "Donate": "Пожертвования",
- "Introduction": "Введение",
- "Configuration": "Конфигурация",
- "Server": "Сервер",
- "Plugins": "Плагины",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Разработка",
- "Guides": "Руководства"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Узнайте больше, используя [документацию на этом сайте]. (/ docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Просмотр документов",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Задать вопросы о документации и проекте",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Присоединиться к сообществу",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Узнайте, что нового в этом проекте",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Оставайтесь в курсе",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Нужна помощь?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "Этот проект поддерживается отдельной группой людей.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Узнайте больше о Verdaccio, используя [документацию на этом сайте]. (/ docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "Вы можете следить и связаться с нами на",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "и так же вы можете общаться с сообществом Verdaccio в чате",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "Если документация вам не помогла, вы можете попробовать заглянуть в наш",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "Этот проект поддерживается сообществом Verdaccio.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Начать работу",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Содействовать",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "Ну вот! Наслаждайтесь вашим менеджером приватных пакетов.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Множество отличных разработчиков уже присоединились к Verdaccio, Присоединяйтесь к сообществу!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** и **pnpm** являются частью любой разработки и мы стараемся угнаться за последними обновлениями.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "Поддерижваются наиболее популярные клиенты npm",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "У нас есть официальный **Docker** образ готовый к использованию",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "и **Kubernetes Helm** поддерживается для простого развёртывания",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Делает работу DevOps проще",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio основан на плагинах, аутентификации, middleware и поддержке хранилищ. Просто выберите нужный или создайте свой.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Поддержка Плагинов",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Кто это использует?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Этот проект используется всеми этими людьми",
- "More|no description given": "Больше",
- "Users|no description given": "Пользователи",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "Этот проект используется множеством людей",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Вы используете этот проект? Не стесняйся и добавь логитип проекта.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Добавить вашу компанию",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Помочь перевести",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Редактировать",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Перевести"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/sr-CS.json b/website/i18n/sr-CS.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b065a39..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/sr-CS.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "Ovaj fajl je auto-generisan zapisivanjem write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Dalje",
- "previous": "Natrag",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Autentifikacija",
- "build": "Sagradi izvorni kod",
- "chef": "Veliki Narodni Kuvar",
- "ci": "Stalna Integracija",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Doprinos razvoju Verdaccio-a",
- "dev-plugins": "Razvijanje Plugina",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Instaliranje na IIS server",
- "installation": "Instalacija",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotip",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Obaveštenja",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugini",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Zaštita paketa",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Izvorni kod",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Podešavanje SSL Sertifikata",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web korisnički interfejs2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "Šta je Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Instalirajte kao Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Pomoć",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Tim",
- "Donate": "Donirajte",
- "Introduction": "Uvod",
- "Configuration": "Konfigurisanje",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugini",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Uputstva"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Naučite više čitajući [dokumentaciju na sajtu.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Pretraži Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Postavite pitanje vezano za dokumentaciju i projekat",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Pridržite se zajednici",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Otkrijte novine u ovom projektu",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Budite obavešteni",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Potrebna Vam je pomoć?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "Ovaj projekat održava grupa posvećenih ljudi.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Naučite više o Verdaccio-u iz [dokumentacije dostupne na sajtu.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "Možete nas pratiti i kontaktirati na",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "ili možete ćaskati sa Verdaccio zajednicom na",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "Ako dokumentacija nije dovoljna, probajte da potražite na našoj",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "Ovaj projekat održava Verdaccio zajednica.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Početak",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Doprinesite",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "To je to! Uživajte u svom private package manager-u.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Mnogo sjajnih developera već uživa koristeći Verdaccio, vreme je da se pridružite zajednici!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** i **pnpm** neizbežni u radu i stoga je dobro da pratite ažuriranja verzija.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "Najpopularniji npm klijenti su podržani",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "Imamo oficijelni **Docker** image spreman za upotrebu",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "i **Kubernetes Helm** podršku za lak i jednostavan deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Neka DevOps rade sa lakoćom",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio je baziran na pluginima i podržava authentication, middleware i storage. Izaberite neki od postojećih plugina ili kreirajte svoj.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Podrška za Plugine",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Ko uopšte koristi ovo?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "Svi ovi ljudi",
- "More|no description given": "Više",
- "Users|no description given": "Korisnici",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "Puno ljudi koristi ovaj projekat",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Da li i Vi koristite ovaj projekat? Ne budite stidljivi, dodajte logo svog projekta ili kompanije.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Dodajte svoju kompaniju",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Pomognite da se prevede",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Uredi",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Prevedi"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/sr-SP.json b/website/i18n/sr-SP.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8cb6f9a..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/sr-SP.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Help",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/ur-IN.json b/website/i18n/ur-IN.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b4d1a5a66..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/ur-IN.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Installing with Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Help": "Help",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "More Help?|no description given": "More Help?",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "Easy to Install|no description given": "Easy to Install",
- "Easy to Set Up|no description given": "Easy to Set Up",
- "Easy to Use|no description given": "Easy to Use",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/ur-PK.json b/website/i18n/ur-PK.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cacd07c19..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/ur-PK.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "اگلا",
- "previous": "پچھلا",
- "tagline": "ایک ہلکی نجی نپم پراکسی رجسٹری",
- "ansible": "انسیبل کے ساتھ تنصیب کریں ۔",
- "authentification": "اتھینتیکیشن",
- "build": "سورس کوڈ کو بلڈ کریں ۔",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "کمانڈ لائن ٹول",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Help": "Help",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "More Help?|no description given": "More Help?",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "Easy to Install|no description given": "Easy to Install",
- "Easy to Set Up|no description given": "Easy to Set Up",
- "Easy to Use|no description given": "Easy to Use",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/vi-VN.json b/website/i18n/vi-VN.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8cb6f9a..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/vi-VN.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "Continuous Integration",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "logo": "Verdaccio Logotype",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Help": "Help",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "Team",
- "Donate": "Donate",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.",
- "Get Started|no description given": "Get Started",
- "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people",
- "More|no description given": "More",
- "Users|no description given": "Users",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.",
- "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/zh-CN.json b/website/i18n/zh-CN.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9437e754d..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/zh-CN.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "此文件由 write-translations.js 自动生成",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "下一个",
- "previous": "上一个",
- "tagline": "Verdaccio · 一个轻量的私有npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Ansible",
- "authentification": "认证",
- "build": "编译源代码",
- "chef": "Chef Cookbook",
- "ci": "持续集成",
- "cli": "命令行工具",
- "configuration": "配置文件",
- "contributing": "参与贡献 Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "插件开发",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "iss-server": "在 IIS 上安装",
- "installation": "安装",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "日志",
- "logo": "Verdaccio 标识",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "通知",
- "packages": "npm 包访问权限",
- "plugins": "插件",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "保护 npm 包",
- "puppet": "Puppet",
- "source-code": "源代码",
- "reverse-proxy": "反向代理配置",
- "server-configuration": "服务器配置",
- "ssl": "设置 SSL 证书",
- "unit-testing": "单元测试",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "使用场景",
- "webui": "网页用户界面2",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "什么是 Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "作为 Windows 服务安装",
- "Docs": "文档",
- "Blog": "博客",
- "Help": "帮助",
- "GitHub": "GitHub",
- "Team": "团队",
- "Donate": "捐赠",
- "Introduction": "介绍",
- "Configuration": "配置",
- "Server": "服务器",
- "Plugins": "插件",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "开发",
- "Guides": "使用指南"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "通过 [站内文档](/docs/en/installation.html) 了解更多信息",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "浏览文档",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "询问有关于文档或项目的问题",
- "Join the community|no description given": "加入社区",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "了解项目中新增的内容",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "保持最新版本",
- "Need help?|no description given": "需要帮助?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "这个项目有专业的组织维护。",
- "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "通过 [站内文档](/docs/en/installation.html) 了解更多信息",
- "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "您可在这里以关注并联系我们",
- "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "你也可以在这里与 Verdaccio 社区交流",
- "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "如果此文档无法帮忙,您可以试着浏览我们的",
- "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "这个项目由 Verdaccio 社区维护。",
- "Get Started|no description given": "开始",
- "Contribute|no description given": "贡献",
- "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "就这么简单! 开始使用你的 私有 npm 仓库吧。",
- "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "很多好的开发人员已经开始享受使用Verdaccio, 请加入社区!",
- "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** 和**pnpm**是任何开发流程的一部分,我们试图在最新版本中赶上。",
- "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "支持所有主流的 npm 客户端",
- "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "我们有官方的 **Docker** 镜像可供使用",
- "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "和 ** Kubernetes Helm** 支持, 便于部署",
- "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "使 DevOps 工作轻松",
- "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio 是基于插件的,支持身份验证、中间件和存储插件。只需选择一个现有的即可使用或开发一个属于您自己的。",
- "Plugin Support|no description given": "插件支持",
- "Who's Using This?|no description given": "谁在用这个?",
- "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "此项目被所有这些人使用",
- "More|no description given": "更多",
- "Users|no description given": "用户",
- "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "这个项目已被许多人采用。",
- "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "您是否正在使用此项目?不要害羞, 请添加您的公司/项目Logo到这里。",
- "Add your company|no description given": "添加你的公司",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "帮助翻译",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "编辑",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "翻译"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/zh-HK.json b/website/i18n/zh-HK.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a959a38..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/zh-HK.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Installing with Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "home": "Verdaccio npm proxy private registry",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Help": "Help",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/i18n/zh-TW.json b/website/i18n/zh-TW.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a959a38..000000000
--- a/website/i18n/zh-TW.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- "_comment": "This file is auto-generated by write-translations.js",
- "localized-strings": {
- "next": "Next",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "tagline": "A lightweight private npm proxy registry",
- "ansible": "Installing with Ansible",
- "authentification": "Authentification",
- "build": "Build the source code",
- "cli": "Command Line Tool",
- "configuration": "Configuration File",
- "contributing": "Contributing Verdaccio",
- "dev-plugins": "Developing Plugins",
- "docker": "Docker",
- "home": "Verdaccio npm proxy private registry",
- "iss-server": "Installing on IIS server",
- "installation": "Installation",
- "kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
- "logger": "Logger",
- "node-api": "Node API",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "packages": "Package Access",
- "plugins": "Plugins",
- "protect-your-dependencies": "Protecting packages",
- "source-code": "Source Code",
- "reverse-proxy": "Reverse Proxy Setup",
- "server-configuration": "Server Configuration",
- "ssl": "Set up the SSL Certificates",
- "unit-testing": "Unit Testing",
- "uplinks": "Uplinks",
- "use-cases": "Use Cases",
- "webui": "Web User Interface",
- "what-is-verdaccio": "What is Verdaccio?",
- "windows": "Installing As a Windows Service",
- "Docs": "Docs",
- "Help": "Help",
- "Blog": "Blog",
- "Introduction": "Introduction",
- "Configuration": "Configuration",
- "Server": "Server",
- "Plugins": "Plugins",
- "DevOps": "DevOps",
- "Development": "Development",
- "Guides": "Guides"
- },
- "pages-strings": {
- "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)",
- "Browse Docs|no description given": "Browse Docs",
- "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Ask questions about the documentation and project",
- "Join the community|no description given": "Join the community",
- "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Find out what's new with this project",
- "Stay up to date|no description given": "Stay up to date",
- "Need help?|no description given": "Need help?",
- "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.",
- "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Help Translate",
- "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Edit",
- "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Translate"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/languages.js b/website/languages.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ad55538..000000000
--- a/website/languages.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-const languages = [
- {
- enabled: true,
- name: 'English',
- tag: 'en',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: '日本語',
- tag: 'ja',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'العربية',
- tag: 'ar',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Bosanski',
- tag: 'bs-BA',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Català',
- tag: 'ca',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Čeština',
- tag: 'cs',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Dansk',
- tag: 'da',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Deutsch',
- tag: 'de',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Ελληνικά',
- tag: 'el',
- },
- {
- enabled: true,
- name: 'Español',
- tag: 'es-ES',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'فارسی',
- tag: 'fa-IR',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Suomi',
- tag: 'fi',
- },
- {
- enabled: true,
- name: 'Français',
- tag: 'fr-FR',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'עִברִית',
- tag: 'he',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Magyar',
- tag: 'hu',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Bahasa Indonesia',
- tag: 'id-ID',
- },
- {
- enabled: true,
- name: 'Italiano',
- tag: 'it-IT',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Afrikaans',
- tag: 'af',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: '한국어',
- tag: 'ko',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'मराठी',
- tag: 'mr-IN',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Nederlands',
- tag: 'nl',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Norsk',
- tag: 'no-NO',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Polskie',
- tag: 'pl-PL',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Português',
- tag: 'pt-PT',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Português (Brasil)',
- tag: 'pt-BR',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Română',
- tag: 'ro',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Русский',
- tag: 'ru-RU',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Slovenský',
- tag: 'sk-SK',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Српски језик (Ћирилица)',
- tag: 'sr-SP',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Serbian',
- tag: 'sr-CS',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Svenska',
- tag: 'sv-SE',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Türkçe',
- tag: 'tr',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Українська',
- tag: 'uk',
- },
- {
- enabled: false,
- name: 'Tiếng Việt',
- tag: 'vi-VN',
- },
- {
- enabled: true,
- name: '中文',
- tag: 'zh-CN',
- },
- {enabled: false, name: '繁體中文', tag: 'zh-TW'},
-module.exports = languages;
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- "version": "3.3.0",
- "scripts": {
- "examples": "docusaurus-examples",
- "start": "docusaurus-start",
- "build": "docusaurus-build",
- "version": "docusaurus-version",
- "publish-gh-pages": "docusaurus-publish",
- "write-translations": "docusaurus-write-translations",
- "rename-version": "docusaurus-rename-version"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "devDependencies": {
- "docusaurus": "1.3.2",
- "js-yaml": "^3.12.0"
- }
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- * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-const React = require('react');
-const CompLibrary = require('../../core/CompLibrary.js');
-const Container = CompLibrary.Container;
-const GridBlock = CompLibrary.GridBlock;
-const translate = require('../../server/translate.js').translate;
-const siteConfig = require(process.cwd() + '/siteConfig.js');
-class Help extends React.Component {
- render() {
- const supportLinks = [
- {
- content: (
- Learn more using the [documentation on this
- site.](/docs/en/installation.html)
- ),
- title: Browse Docs,
- },
- {
- content: (
- Ask questions about the documentation and project
- ),
- title: Join the community,
- },
- {
- content: Find out what's new with this project,
- title: Stay up to date,
- },
- ];
- return (
- Need help?
- This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.
- );
- }
-Help.defaultProps = {
- language: 'en',
-module.exports = Help;
diff --git a/website/pages/en/help.js b/website/pages/en/help.js
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- * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-const React = require('react');
-const translate = require("../../server/translate.js").translate;
-const CompLibrary = require('../../core/CompLibrary.js');
-const Container = CompLibrary.Container;
-const GridBlock = CompLibrary.GridBlock;
-const siteConfig = require(process.cwd() + '/siteConfig.js');
-class Help extends React.Component {
- render() {
- const supportLinks = [
- {
- content:
- Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html),
- title: Browse Docs,
- },
- {
- content: You can follow and contact us on + ' [Twitter](https://twitter.com/verdaccio_npm).',
- title: 'Twitter',
- },
- {
- content: and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at + ' [Discord](https://discord.gg/7qWJxBf).',
- title: 'Discord',
- },
- {
- content: If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our +
- " [Question Database](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+label%3Aquestion+) ",
- title: 'GitHub',
- },
- ];
- return (
- Need help?
- This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.
In a world
- where @npmjs and other core infrastructure fully
- embraced the "move fast and break things" mindset, it's great to see other people care deeply about
- stability. https://t.co/uVk7xFeiwU "just works" and has saved us
- countless headaches. Thanks @verdaccio_npm !
Woke up to @timer150 fixing end-to-end test flakiness in Create
- React App 👏 Background: we have a Lerna monorepo and used very complex hacks for integration testing of
- generated projects. Solution: run a local npm registry to simulate a publish 😁 https://t.co/ggNfS4PpFv
- @verdaccio_npm is a pretty good open-source
- tool and seems to be growing. We're currently using them at NodeSource for some internal caching and
- modules, and are happy so far. Easy to setup for both business and use.
- That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.
- Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!
- **npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow
- we try to catch up with the latest updates.,
- image: siteConfig.baseUrl + 'img/package_managers_grey.png',
- imageAlt: 'The most popular npm clients are supported',
- imageAlign: 'right',
- title: The most popular npm clients are supported,
- },
- ]}
- />
- We have an official **Docker** image ready to use + ' \n' +
- '```bash\n' +
- 'docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio\n' +
- '```' +
- '\n' + and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment + '\n '+
- '```bash\n' +
- 'helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio\n' +
- '```\n',
- image: siteConfig.baseUrl + 'img/devops_support_grey.png',
- imageAlign: 'left',
- title: Making the DevOps work easy,
- },
- ]}
- />
- Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.,
- image: siteConfig.baseUrl + 'img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png',
- imageAlign: 'right',
- title: Plugin Support,
- },
- ]}
- />
' +
- '';
- return btn;
- }
- function addButtons(codeBlockSelector, btn) {
- document.querySelectorAll(codeBlockSelector).forEach(function(code) {
- code.parentNode.appendChild(btn.cloneNode(true));
- });
- }
- const copyIcon =
- '';
- addButtons(
- '.hljs',
- button('Copy', 'Copy code to clipboard', copyIcon, 'btnClipboard')
- );
- const clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.btnClipboard', {
- target: function(trigger) {
- return trigger.parentNode.querySelector('code');
- },
- });
- clipboard.on('success', function(event) {
- event.clearSelection();
- const textEl = event.trigger.querySelector('.btnIcon__label');
- textEl.textContent = 'Copied';
- setTimeout(function() {
- textEl.textContent = 'Copy';
- }, 2000);
- });
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
diff --git a/website/translated_docs/ar/dev-plugins.md b/website/translated_docs/ar/dev-plugins.md
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Als Windows-Dienst installieren"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Tenemos una solución hecha específicamente para `verdaccio` en nuestra organización.
-#### Otras opciones
-* Rol de Ansible para los usuarios de Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Rol de Ansible para los usuarios de Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-rol
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-id: authentification
-title: "Autenticación"
-La autenticación esta atada al [plugin](plugins.md) de autenticación que estes usando. Las restricciones de paquetes es manejado por el [maneador de acceso de paquetes](packages.md).
-El cliente de autenticación es manejado por el cliente `npm` en su mismo. Una vez has iniciado sesión en la aplicación:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Un toquen es generado en el archivo de configuración de `npm` alojado en el folder de usuario de tu máquina. Para mas información sobre `.npmrc`lea [la documentación oficial](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Publicar anonimamente
-`verdaccio` te permite habilitar publicar de manera anónima, para poder hacerlo necesitarás configurar correctamente tu [acceso a paquetes](packages.md).
-Por ejemplo:
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Como se describe en [el ticket #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) hasta la versión de `pm@5.3.0` y todas las versiones menores **no permitirán publicar sin un token**. Sin embargo, `yarn` no tiene esa limitación.
-## Htpasswd por defecto
-Para simplificar la instalación, `verdaccio` usa una extensión basada en `htpasswd`. A partir de la versión v3.0.x se usa una [extensión externa](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) por defecto. La versión v2.x de este paquete mantiene la versión integrada de esta extensión.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Propiedad | Tipo | Requerido | Ejemplo | Soporte | Descripción |
-| --------- | ------ | --------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Si | ./htpasswd | all | archivo que aloja las credenciales encriptadas |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | limita los usuarios que pueden registrarse |
-En caso que decidas no permitir más nuevos registros, puedes definir `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Construye el proyecto"
-Verdaccio usa `yarn` en vez de `npm` para descargar dependencias.
-*Nota: el actual projecto usa `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Para ver una lista completa de scripts, [clicka aquí](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Libro de Cocina del Chef"
-Usando el Libro de Cocina del Chef para Verdaccio
-Para más información:
-> Estamos buscando contribuyentes para este repositorio, si está interesado por favor notifique al autor via tickets.
-Autor: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Integración Continua"
-Puedes usar verdaccio con la integración continua al inicio de sesión o al publicar. Al momento de usar el NPM para instalar un módulo privado en un entorno de integración continua por primera vez, encontrarás un problema rápidamente. El comando de inicio de sesión del NPM está diseñado para ser utilizado interactivamente. Esto causa un problema en IC, scripts, etc. Aquí se explica cómo usar el inicio de sesión NPM en diferentes plataformas de integración continua.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) ó [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Herramienta de Linea de Comando"
-El CLI de verdaccio es la forma de iniciar la aplicación.
-## Comandos
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Comando | Por Defecto | Ejemplo | Descripción |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | --------------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | puerto http |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | el archivo de configuración |
-## Ubicación por defecto del archivo de configuración
-Para localizar el directorio de inicio, verdaccio confia en **$XDG_DATA_HOME** como primera opción y en un ambiente Windows se usa [la variable de ambiente APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Ubicación del almacenamiento
-Verdaccio usa la variable de ambiente **$XDG_DATA_HOME** por defecto para ubicar el almacenamiento por defecto, el cual [debería ser lo mismo ](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) que $HOME/.local/share. Si estas usando un almacenamiento personalizado, lo anterior es irrelevante.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Archivo de Configuración"
-Este archivo es la piedra angular de verdaccio donde puedes modificar su comportamiento por defecto, activar plugins y características externas.
-Cuando ejecutas por primera vez ` verdaccio` se crea un archivo de configuración por defecto.
-## Configuración por Defecto
-La configuración por defecto tiene soporte para paquetes con **enfoque** y permite a los usuarios acceder a todos los paquetes pero solo **a los usuarios autentificados a publicarlos**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Secciones
-Las siguientes secciones explican que significa cada propiedad y todas sus diferentes opciones.
-### Almacenamiento
-Es la localización por defecto del almacenamiento. **Verdaccio esta basado por defecto en archivos locales de sistema**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Extensiones
-Es la localización del directorio de extensiones. Muy útil para despliegues basados en Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Autentificación
-La configuración de autentificación es definida aquí, por defecto la autentificación esta basada en `htpasswd` y es por defecto. Puedes modificar el comportamiento via [extensiones](plugins.md). Para mas información sobre esta sección lee [la página de autentificación](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks es la habilidad del sistema para descargar paquetes de registros remotos cuando dichos paquetes no estan disponibles localmente. Para mas información sobre esta sección lea [la página de uplinks](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Paquetes te permite controlar como los paquetes van a ser accedidos. Para mas información sobre esta sección lea [la páginas de paquetes](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Configuración Avanzada
-### Publicar fuera de línea
-Por defecto `verdaccio`no permite publicar cuando el cliente esta fuera de línea, este comportamiento puede ser anulado ajustando esta propiedad a *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Desde: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Prefijo URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Desde: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Tamaño Máximo del Cuerpo
-Por defecto el tamaño máximo para el cuerpo de un documento JSON es de `10mb`, si encuentras errores tales `"request entity too large"` tu podrías incrementar este valor.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Puerto de Escucha
-`verdaccio` se ejecuta por defecto en el puerto `4873`. Cambiar el puerto puede ser echo o bien via [cli](cli.md) o en el archivo de configuración, las siguientes opciones son válidas.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Para habilitar `https` en `verdaccio` es suficiente con definir el argumento `listen` con el protocolo *https://*. Para mas información sobre esta sección lea la [página de ssl](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies tienen un proposito especial como servidores HTTP diseñados para transferir datos remotamente a clientes locales.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Si estás detras de un proxy en tu red puedes definir el encabezado `X-Forwarded-For` usando las siguientes propiedades.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Esta variable debe contener una lista de dominios separados por coma los cuales no deberian ser usado el proxy.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notificaciones
-Habilitar notificaciones para herramientas a terceros es muy sencillo via web hooks. Para mas información sobre esta sección lea [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Para información detallada sobre configuración, por favor [revise el código fuente](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Desde: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` es un nuevo comando liberado con [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio icluye una extensión middleware para el manejo de este comando.
-> Si tienes una nueva instalación va incluida por defecto, de otro modo necesitarás añadir las siguientes propiedades a tu archivo config
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contribuyendo en Verdaccio"
-First of all saltar en un código desconocido no es tarea fácil, pero estamos aquí para ayudarte.
-## Canales de Comunicación
-Si estas deseando por hacer preguntas, nosotros tenemos dos canales para discusiones:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Empezando
-A primera vista verdaccio es un solo repositorio, pero hay muchas mas formas en las que podrías contribuir y una gran variedad de tecnologías en las que practicar.
-### Encontrando mi lugar
-Todos tenemos diferentes habilidades, así que, vamos a ver donde podrías sentirte cómodo.
-### Se o quiero aprender Node.js
-Node.js es la base de `verdaccio`, usamos librerías como `express`, `commander`, `request` o ` async`. Verdaccio es básicamente un API REST para crear comunicación con clientes `npm` compatibles, como ` yarn`.
-Tenemos una larga [lista de plugins](plugins.md) que pueden ser usados y mejorados, pero al mismo tiempo [tu podrías crear el tuyo propio](dev-plugins.md).
-### Preferiría trabajar en el Interfaz de Usuario
-Recientemente hemos migrado a tecnologías mas modernas como `React`y `element-react`. Estamos con ganas de ver nuevas ideas como mejorar el Interfaz de Usuario.
-### Me siento más cómodo mejorado el stack
-Por su puesto, estaríamos muy felices que nos ayudaras a mejorar el stack, puedes actualizar dependencias como `eslint`, `stylelint` o `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Cualquier sugerencia es bienvenida. Ademas si quieres mejorar tu experiencia con**Yeoman** podrías ayudarnos con [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Aquí algunas ideas:
-* Crear un paquete común de de reglas eslint que podrían ser usados en todas nuestras dependencias o extensiones
-* Mejorar las definiticiones de tipado en Flow
-* Migrar a Webpack 4
-* Mejorar el hot reload con webpack
-* Usamos babel y webpack a lo largo de todas las dependencias, porque uno un preset en común?
-* Mejorar la entrega vía integración continua
-### Soy bueno con la Documentación
-Muchos colaboradores encuentras faltas o errores gramaticales, eso también podría ser de ayuda para mejorar la experiencia de resolución de problemas.
-### Soy Diseñador
-Tenemos un sitio web y estaríamos muy felices de ver tus ideas.
-Nuestro sitio web esta basado en [ Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Soy DevOps
-Tenemos una imagen muy popular en Docker que necesita mantenimiento y muy seguramente mejoras, necesitamos tu conocimiento para el beneficio de todos los usuarios.
-Ofrecemos soporte para ** Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** y **Chef** y necesitamos ayuda en esos campos, siéntete libre de ver todos los repositorios.
-### Puedo hacer traduciones
-Verdaccio tiene como objetivo ser multilenguaje, con el fin de conseguirlo **tenemos el soporte** de [ Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) que es una plataforma increíble de traducciones.
-Tenemos configurado un sitio donde puedes elegir tu idioma favorito, si no encuentras tu idioma siéntete libre de pedirlo [creando un ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Ir a Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Estoy listo para contribuir
-Si estas pensando *"Ya vi todos los [repositorios](repositories.md) y estoy deseando contribuir ahora mismo"* y tengo buenas noticias para tu, ese el siguiente paso.
-Primero necesitaras aprender como construir el proyecto, [nosotros hemos preparados uan guia justo para eso](build.md).
-Una vez has revisado todos los script y sabes como usarlos, estamos listos para ir al siguiente paso, ejecutar [**los test unitarios**](test.md).
-## La lista completa de colaboradores. Queremos ver tu cara aquí !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Extensiones en Desarrollo"
-Existen muchas maneras de extender `verdaccio`, los tipos de extensiones soportados son:
-* Extensiones de autenticación
-* Extensiones de Middleware (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Extensiones de Almacenamiento desde (`v3.x`)
-> Nosotros reocmendados desarrollar extensiones usando nuestras [definiciones de tipado de Flow](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Extensión de Autenticación
-Basicamente tenemos que retornar un objecto con un simple método llamado `authenticate`que recivirá 3 argumentos (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Solamente `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` son opcionales, verdaccio contiene una implementación interna en caso que no sean definidos.
-#### Callback
-Una vez que la autenticación ha sido ejecutada habrá 2 argumentos que dara una respuesta a `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-O bien algo malo paso o la autenticación no fue satisfactoria.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-La autenticación fue satisfactoria.
-`groups` es un array de cadenas de los cuales el usuario es parte.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Ejemplo
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Extensión de Middleware
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Extensión de Almacenamiento
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Para descargar la última [imagen de Docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Versiones con Etiquetas
-Desde la versión `` puedes obtener imagenes de docker por [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), de la siguiente manera:
-Para usar una versión "major":
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Para usar una versión "minor":
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Para un (parche) especifico:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Para el siguiente gran lanzamiento usando la versión `beta` (rama principal).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Si estas interesado en un listado de todos tags, [por favor visite el sitio web de Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Ejecutando verdaccio usando Docker
-Para ejecutar el contenedor docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-El último argumento define cual imagen se usa. En la linea de abajo se descargará la ultima imagen desde Docker Hub, si no existía previamente.
-Si has [construido una imagen localmente](#build-your-own-docker-image) usa `verdaccio` como el último argumento.
-Puede usar `-v` para montar `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` a archivos de sistema alojados:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio se ejecuta como usuario non-root (uid=100, gid=101) dentro del contenedor, si usas montaje para anular el por defecto, necesitas asegurarte que el directorio a montar es asignado al usuario correcto. En el ejemplo de arriba, necesitas ejecutar `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` de lo contrario, obtendrás errores de permiso en tiempo de ejecución. [Usar el volumen docker](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) es recomendado antes que usar el montaje de unión.
-### Extensiones
-Extensiones pueden ser instaladas en un directorio separado y montado usando Docker o Kubernetes, de todos modos debes asegurarte que construyes extensiones con dependencias nativas usando como base la imagen de Dockerfile Verdaccio.
-### Configuración de Docker y puerto de escucha por defecto
-Cualquier `host:port` configurado en `conf/config.yaml` bajo `listen` es ignorado cuando se usa Docker.
-Si quieres contactar la instancia de verdaccio en Docker bajo un puerto diferente, digamos `5000` en su comando `docker run` reemplace `-p 4873:4873` con `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Por supuesto los numeros a definir con parametros `-p` necesitan coincidir, así que, suponiendo que quieras que todos sean iguales, esto es lo que podrías copiar, pegar y adoptar:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Usando HTTPS con Docker
-Puedes configurar el protocolo que verdaccio va a escuchar, similarmente que con la configuración del puerto. Tienes que anular el valor por defecto ("http") de la variable de ambiente a "https" de `PROTOCOL`, despues debe especificar los certificados en el config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Usando docker-compose
-1. Obtén la última versión de [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Construye y ejecuta el contenedor:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Puedes definir el puerto a usar (para ambos el contenedor y el huesped) definiendo con un prefijo con el comando de arriba con `PORT=5000`.
-Docker generará un volumen con nombre que persistira con los datos de la aplicación. Puedes usar `docker inspect` o `docker volume inspect` para revelar la ubicación física del volumen y editar la configuración, de la siguiente manera:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Construye tu propia imagen de Docker
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Existe tambien un comando npm para construir la imagen de Docker, tambien puede hacerlo así:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: El primer build podria tomar algunos minutos para construir porque necesita ejecutar `npm install`, y podría tardar mas cuando los archivos no estan listados en `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Ejemplos con Docker
-Existe un repositorio separado que aloja multiples configuraciones de imagenes Docker con `verdaccio`, por ejemplo, un servidor proxy a la inversa:
-## Imágenes de Docker Personalizadas
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) imagen de docker que ejecuta verdaccio desde coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: home
-title: "Verdaccio npm proxy private registry"
-## Easy to Install
-One single command to install the application
-$> npm install --global verdaccio
-# or
-$> yarn global add verdaccio
-## Easy to Set Up
-Set your verdaccio registry as default
- $> npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-$> npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Easy to Use
-Run it in your terminal
- $> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:5555/ - verdaccio/2.2.0
-#### That's it ! Enjoy your **private package manager**.
-##### and all the most popular npm clients are supported.
diff --git a/website/translated_docs/es-ES/iis-server.md b/website/translated_docs/es-ES/iis-server.md
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-id: iss-servidor
-title: "Instalación en servidor IIS"
-Estas instrucciones fueron escritas para Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) y [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Instala IIS Instala [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Asegúrate de instalar los requerimientos (Url Rewrite Module & node) como se explicó en las instrucciones para iisnode.
-- Crea una nueva carpeta en Explorer en donde deseas alojar a Verdaccio. Por ejemplo `C:\verdaccio`. Guardar [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) y [web.config](#webconfig) en esta carpeta.
-- Crea un nuevo sitio en Administrador de Servicios de Información de Internet. Puedes ponerle el nombre que quieras. Lo llamaré Verdaccio en estas [instrucciones](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Especifica la ruta en donde guardaste todos los archivos y un número de puerto.
-- Regresa a Explorer y otorgale al usuario que ejecuta el grupo de aplicaciones derechos para modificar la carpeta que acabas de crear. Si has nombrado el nuevo sitio verdaccio y no cambiaste el grupo de aplicaciones, está funcionado gracias a un ApplicationPoolIdentity y deberías otorgarle al usuario derechos para modificar IIS AppPool\verdaccio mira las instrucciones si necesitas ayuda. (Puede restringir el acceso más adelante si lo deseas para que así solo tenga derechos para modificar en el iisnode y verdaccio\storage)
-- Empieza una línea de comando y ejecuta los comandos que aparecen debajo para descargar verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Asegúrate de tener una regla de entrada que acepte Tráfico de TCP al puerto en Windows Firewall
-- ¡Y listo! Ahora puedes navegar al host y al puerto que especificaste
-Quería que la página `verdaccio` fuese la página predeterminada en IIS así que hice lo siguiente:
-- Me aseguré que el archivo .npmrc en `c:\users{yourname}` tuviese el registro configurado a `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Detuve el "Sitio Web Predeterminado" y solo empiezo el sitio "verdaccio" en IIS
-- Establecí los enlaces a "http", dirección de ip "All Unassigned" en el puerto 80, ok cualquier advertencia o carácter de comando
-Estas instrucciones se basan en [Anfitrión Sinopia en IIS en Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Tuve que hacer pequeños ajustes a mi configuración web como se puede ver debajo pero puedes encontrar el original del enlace mencionado el cual funciona mejor
-Un archivo de configuración predeterminado será creado `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Solución de problemas
-- **La interfaz web no carga cuando se aloja con https ya que trata de descargar scripts sobre http.**
- Asegúrate de que hayas mencionado correctamente `url_prefix` en la configuración de Verdaccio. Sigue la [conversación](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: index1
-date: 2017-07-10T23:36:56.503Z
-title: Docs Home
-`verdaccio` is a fork of **sinopia** and it's backwards compatible.
-## Why should I use verdaccio?
-* I am/was **sinopia** user and need an **easy migration**.
-* I need a lightweight and free solution
-* I need long-term support and help when I got stuck.
-* I want a product compatible with the newer tools as **Yarn** and **DevOps (Docker, Ansible, Puppet, etc)** tools.
-* An evolving plugabble product, not only for **Authentification**, also for **Storage** and more in the future.
-* An active community
-* Integration with **Nexus**, **Artifactoy** and any other npm compatible registry.
-A bunch more of reasons [you might be interested](https://medium.com/@jotadeveloper/five-use-cases-where-a-npm-private-proxy-fits-in-your-workflow-632a81779c14).
-### Why we forked from Sinopia?
-It [appeared that sinopia maintenance had stalled and the author had abandoned it](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/376), so there was a suggestion that the sinopia-using community would benefit from a fresh look at the code and the outstanding issues. So here we are The last step about the [detach from sinopia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/38).
-### Near Future
-`verdaccio` aims to be compatible with sinopia along the time preserving the main features, a lightweight app based on local file system and easy installation but being able to be pluggable and built over a modern tool stack.
-## Getting Started
-### Installation
-* [Installation](/docs/installation)
-### Usage
-* [Command Line](/docs/cli)
-### Configuration
-* [The configuration file](/docs/configuration)
-* [Setting up *uplinks*](/docs/uplinks)
-* [Packages Access](/docs/packages)
-* [Authorization and Access](/docs/authentication)
-* [Enable Notifications](/docs/notifications)
-* [Custom Logs](/docs/logger)
-### UI Customization
-* [Configure the Web](/docs/webui)
-## Server Configurations
-* [Advanced Server Configuration](/docs/server)
-* [Reverse Proxy](/docs/reverse-proxy)
-* [SSL Certificates](/docs/ssl)
-### Windows Specific Settings
-* [Installing As a Windows Service](/docs/windows)
-* [Installing on IIS server](/docs/iis-server)
-## Extend Verdaccio
-* [Installing Plugins](/docs/plugins)
-## DevOps
-* [Configure with Ansible](/docs/ansible)
-* [Using Docker Image](/docs/docker)
-* [Using Kubernetes](/docs/kubernetes)
-## Guides && Recipes
-* [Learn how to protect your packages](/docs/recipes/protect-your-dependencies)
-## Development
-* [I want to to contribute](/docs/dev/contributing)
-* [Build verdaccio](/docs/dev/build)
-* [Create plugins](/docs/dev/plugins)
-* [Repositories](/docs/dev/repositories)
-* [Unit Testing](/docs/dev/unit-test)
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio es una aplicación web multiplataforma. Para instalarlo, necesitas unos pocos prerrequisitos.
-#### Prerrequisitos
-1. Node mayor que
- - En `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` es la versión mínima soportada.
- - Para la versión `verdaccio@latest` El Nodo `6.12.0` es la versión mínima soportada.
-2. npm `>=3.x` o `yarn`
-3. La interfaz web soporta los exploradores `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9`.
-## Instalando el CLI
-`verdaccio` debe ser instalado globalmente usando uno de los siguientes métodos:
-Usando `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-o usando `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![instalar verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Uso Básico
-Una vez ha sido instalado, solo necesitas ejecutar el commando CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Imagen de Docker
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Puedes encontrar las instrucciones para desplegar Verdaccio en un cluster de Kubernetes en el repositorio [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Sin embargo, el método recomendado de instalar Verdaccio en un cluster de Kubernetes es usando [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) es un administrador de paquetes que trae muchos beneficios y ventajas.
-## Helm
-### Configurar Helm
-Si no has usado Helm anteriormente, necesitarás configurar el controlador de Helm llamado Tiller:
-helm init
-### Instalación
-Desplegar Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. En este ejemplo usamos `npm` como nombre de lanzamiento:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Desplegar una versión específica
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Actualizando Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Desinstalar
-helm del --purge npm
-**Nota**: el comando borra todos los recursos, incluyendo los paquetes que tu podrías haber publicado anteriormente al registro.
-### Configuración personalizada de Verdaccio
-Puedes personalizar la configuracion de verdaccio usando un * configMap* de Kubernetes.
-#### Preparando
-Copie la [configuración existente ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) y adáptelo para su propio caso de uso:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Nota:** Asegúrese que usa la dirección correcta para el almacenamiento que es usado por la persistencia:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Desplegar el configMap
-Desplegar el ` configMap` en el cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Desplegar Verdaccio
-Ahora puedes desplegar Verdaccio Helm chart y especificar cual configuración usar:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Soporte Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) es una completa plataforma para la administración de contenedores en producción muy fácil de usar.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Registrador"
-Como cualquier aplicación web, verdaccio tiene un registrador personalizable integrado. Puedes definir varios tipos de salidas.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuración
-| Propiedad | Tipo | Requerido | Ejemplo | Soporte | Descripción |
-| --------- | ------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | todos | define la salida |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | todos | si el tipo es archivo, define la ubicación de ese archivo |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | todos | formato de salida |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | todos | nivel verboso |
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-id: logo
-title: "Logotipo de Verdaccio"
-El logotipo fue diseñado por **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** que gano el [concurso](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([ultima fase](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) y donó su trabajo a este proyecto.
-> Todos los logos estan licenciados bajo [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Especialmente gracias a *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* por su contribución con multiples formatos y tamaños.
-## Simbolos
-**Con texto**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**Sin texto**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Pancarta
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Nodo API"
-Verdaccio puede ser invocado programáticamente. El API de node ha sido introducido despues de la versión `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Uso
-#### Programáticamente
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Otras implementaciones
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) servidor proxy de registro de npm local
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notificaciones"
-Notify fué creado principalmente para usarse con los webhooks entrantes de Slack, pero también entregará una carga útil simple a cualquier endpoint. Actualmente sólo está activo para el comando `npm publish`.
-## Uso
-Un ejemplo con un hook de **HipChat**, **Stride** y **Google Hangouts Chat**:
-> Verdaccio soporta cualquier API, siéntase en libertad de añadir más ejemplos.
-#### Notificación sencilla
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Múltiples notificaciones
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Modelo
-Usamos [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) como el motor del modelo principal.
-### Ejemplos de Formato
- # iterar todas las versiones
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher y el paquete `dist-tag` publicado
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Propiedades
-Lista de las propiedades accesibles mediante el modelo
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (quién está publicando)
-* Paquete Publicado (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Paquete de metadata a la que el modelo tiene acceso
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-Puede acceder a la información del paquete publisher en el `content` de una webhook usando el objeto `publisher`.
-Vea a continuación el tipo de objeto `publisher`:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-Un ejemplo:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Nota:** no es posible obtener la información de publisher si el archivo `package.json` ya tiene la propiedad `publisher`.
-### Paquete Publicado
-Puede acceder al paquete que está siendo publicado con el comando `{{publishedPackage}}` como a continuación.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuración
-| Propiedad | Tipo | Requerido | Soporte | Por Defecto | Descripción |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | --------- | ------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Solo ejecutar esta notificación si el nombre del paquete coincide con la expresión regular |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Cualquier bandera para ser usada con la expresión regular |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | Si el endpoint requiere encabezados específicos, defínelos aquí como un arreglo (key:value). |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | define el URL para el endpoint |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | cualquier expresión [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) |
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-id: packages
-title: "Acceso a Paquetes"
-Es una serie de restricciones que permiten o limitan el acceso al almacenamiento local basándose en criterios específicos.
-Las restricciones de seguridad permanecen dependientes de la extensión en uso. Por defecto, `verdaccio` utiliza [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). Si usas una extensión diferente ten en cuenta que el comportamiento podría ser diferente. La extensión por defecto no maneja `allow_access` y `allow_publish` por sí misma, esta usa un recurso de seguridad interno en caso de que la extensión no esté lista para esto.
-Para mas información sobre permisos, visite [la sección de autenticación](auth.md).
-### Uso
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-si ninguno esta especificado, por defecto uno se define
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-La lista de grupos validos de acuerdo a la extensión por defecto son
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-Todos los usuarios reciben todos estos conjuntos de permisos, independientemente de si son anonymous o no, además de los grupos proporcionados por la extensión. En caso de `htpasswd` retorna el nombre de usuario como un grupo. Por ejemplo, si has iniciado sesión como ` npmUser` el listado de grupos será.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-Si deseas proteger un grupo de paquetes específicos dentro de tu grupo, debes realizar algo similar a esto. Vamos a usar un `Regex` que cubre los todos los páquetes prefijos con`npmuser-`. Recomendamos usar un prefijo para tus paquetes, de esta forma será más sencillo protegerlos.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Reinicia `verdaccio` en tu terminal trata de instalar `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-Puedes cambiar el comportamiento por defecto usando una diferente extensión de autenticación. `verdaccio` simplemente comprueba si el usuario que intentó acceder o publicar un paquete específico pertenece al grupo correcto.
-#### Definir múltiples grupos
-Definir múltiples grupos de acceso es bastante sencillo, simplemente defínalos dejando un espacio en blanco entre ellos.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Bloqueando el acceso a paquetes
-Si así lo deseas bloquea el acceso/la publicación a un grupo específico de paquetes. Simplemente no definas `access` y `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Bloqueando proxy a un grupo específico de paquetes
-Puede que quieras bloquear para uno o varios paquetes la capacidad de hacer fetching de repositorios remotos., pero, a la misma vez, permitir a otros acceder a *uplinks* diferentes.
-Veamos el siguiente ejemplo:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Vamos a describir lo que se desea con el ejemplo anterior:
-* Quiero almacenar mi propia dependencia ` jquery` pero necesito evitar que se busque en el proxy.
-* Quiero que todas mis dependencias que coincidan con `my-company-*` pero necesito evitar que dichos paquetes se actualicen vía proxy.
-* Quiero que todas las dependencias que estén en `my-local-scope` hagan scope pero necesito evitar que estas se actualicen vía proxy.
-* Quiero que el resto de las dependencias se actualicen vía proxy.
-Se **consciente que el orden de la definición de los paquetes es importante y siempre usa doble wildcard**. Porque si no lo incluyes, `verdaccio` lo incluirá por ti y la forma en que tus dependencias son resueltas se verá afectada.
-### Configuración
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Propiedad | Tipo | Requerido | Ejemplo | Soporte | Descripción |
-| --------- | ------- | --------- | -------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define que grupos estan permitidos para acceder al paquete |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | defini que grupos estan permitidos a publicar |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limita las busquedas a un uplink específico |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> Resaltamos que ya no recomendamos usar **allow_access**/**allow_publish** y **proxy_access**, estos son obsoletos y pronto serán removidos, por favor usar las versiones reducidas de estos (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Uso
-### Instalación
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` como un fork de sinopia tiene compatibilidad con versiones anteriores, con plugins que son compatibles con `sinopia@1.4.0`. En tal caso la instalación es la misma.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuración
-Abra el archivo `config.yaml` y actualice la sección `auth` como a continuación:
-La configuración por defecto luce así, debido a que usamos un plugin `htpasswd` incorporado por defecto que puede desactivar con solo comentar las siguientes líneas.
-### Configuración del Plugin Auth
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-y reemplazándolos con (en caso de que decida usar un plugin `ldap`).
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Múltiples Plugins Auth
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Configuración del Plugin Middleware
-Este es un ejemplo de como se instala un plugin middleware. Todos los plugins middleware deben estar definidos en el namespace **middlewares**.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Configuración del Plugin Store (Almacén)
-Este es un ejemplo de como instalar un plugin de almacenamiento. Todos los plugins de almacenamiento debe estar definidos en el namespace **store**.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Plugins heredados
-### Plugins de Sinopia
-(compatible con todas las versiones)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): plugin auth para sinopia soportando un registro npm.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): plugin auth para sinopia que mantiene a los usuarios en la memoria.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): plugin auth para sinopia que soporta atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): plugin de autenticación Active Directory para sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): plugin de autenticación para sinopia2, el cual soporta el flujo web de github oauth.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): plugin de autenticación de Sinopia que delega autenticación a otro URL HTTP
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alterna el plugin LDAP Auth para Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): Un plugin sencillo y completamente auth con configuración para usar una API externa.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Genera contraseña en formato htaccess, encripta con GPG y la evía a través de la API MailGun a los usuarios.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): Un plugin fácil y completamente auth con configuración para usar una base de datos mongodb.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): plugin auth para sinopia que soporta el formato htpasswd.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): un plugin auth leveldb respaldado para el npm privado de sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): plugin de autenticación de Gitlab para sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): plugin de autenticación de Gitlab para sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): plugin LDAP auth para sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) plugin de autenticación de Sinopia con flujo web github oauth.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Plugins de Verdaccio
-(compatible desde 2.1.x)
-### Plugins de Autorización
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): plugin de autenticación de Bitbucket para verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Plugins de Middleware
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): plugin de verdaccio para soporte cli de *npm audit* (incorporado) (compatible desde 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): plugin de verdaccio para soporte cli de *npm profile* y *npm profile set password* para la autenticación basada en *verdaccio-htpasswd*
-### Plugins de Storage (Almacenamiento)
-(compatible desde 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Plugin de almacenamiento para alojar paquetes en la Memoria
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Plugin de almacenamiento para alojar paquetes **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Plugin de almacenamiento para alojar paquetes **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Advertencias
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protegiendo paquetes"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Configuración del paquete
-Veamos por ejemplo la siguiente configuración. Tienes un conjunto de dependencias con prefijo `my-company-*` y necesitas protegerlas de anónimos o de otro usuario registrado sin credenciales.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Caso de Uso: teamD trata de acceder a la dependencia
-Entonces, si yo estoy conectado como **teamD**. No debería ser capaz de acceder a todas las dependencias que cumplan con el patrón `my-company-*`.
-➜ npm whoami
-No tendré acceso a dichas dependencias y tampoco serán visibles vía web para el usuario **teamD**. Si intentas acceder, ocurrirá lo siguiente.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-o con `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error Ocurrió un error inesperado: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: no se les permite acceder al paquete my-company-core a usuarios no registrados".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Instalar verdaccio para Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora y RedHat.
-# Uso
-Hay dos variantes para instalar verdaccio utilizando este módulo Puppet:
-* Modo Aplicación (con aplicación de Puppet y sin necesidad de configurar el puppetmaster)
-* Modo Agente Maestro (con acceso del agente Puppet a su configuración a través del puppetmaster).
-En ambas variantes tiene que llamar explícitamente a "class nodejs {}" en su script de puppet porque el módulo de puppet-verdaccio solo define esto como un requisito, por lo que tiene toda la flexibilidad que quiera cuando instale nodejs. Desplácese hacia abajo para detalles sobre la variante del Modo Agente Maestro.
-Para más información:
-> Estamos buscando colaboradores para esta integración, si está interesado [ refiérase a esta entrada](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Código Fuente"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Para ver la lista completa de repositorios, [haga clic aquí](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Configuración de Proxy Inverso"
-## Apache
-Apache y mod_proxy no deberían decodificar/codificar barras y dejarlas como son:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuración con SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Configuración del servidor virtual de Apache
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Ejecutar detrás del proxy inverso con un puerto y dominio diferente
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-La configuración Nginx debe lucir así:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-Para este caso, `url_prefix` NO debe establecerse en la configuración verdaccio
-* * *
-o a una instalación de sub-directorio:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-Para este caso, `url_prefix` debe establecerse a `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Configuración del Servidor"
-Esta materia es principalmente la configuración básica del servidor de linux pero me pareció importante documentar y compartir los pasos que tomé para obtener la ejecución de verdaccio permanentemente en mi servidor. Necesitará permisos de root (o sudo) para lo siguiente.
-## Ejecutar como un usuario separado
-Crear primero el usuario de verdaccio:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-Crear una capa como el usuario de verdaccio utilizando el siguiente comando:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-El comando 'cd ~' lo envía al directorio principal del usuario de verdaccio. Asegúrese de ejecutar verdaccio al menos una vez para generar el archivo de configuración. Edítelo acorde a sus necesidades.
-## Atender todas las direcciones
-Si quiere atender cada dirección externa establezca la directiva a atender en la configuración para:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-Si está ejecutando `verdaccio` en una instancia de Amazon EC2, [necesitará establecer la escucha en cambiar su archivo de configuración](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) como se describió anteriormente.
-> ¿Configurar Apache? Por favor verifique la [Configuración Inversa de Proxy](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Mantener verdaccio ejecutándose para siempre
-Podemos utilizar el paquete de nodo llamado 'forever' para mantener verdaccio ejecutándose todo el tiempo. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-Primero instale forever globalmente:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Asegúrese que ha iniciado verdaccio al menos una vez para generar el archivo de configuración y escriba el usuario admin creado. Puede entonces utilizar el siguiente comando para iniciar verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-Puede verificar la documentación para más información sobre como utilizar forever.
-## Sobrevivir a los reinicios del servidor
-Podemos utilizar crontab y forever juntos para reiniciar verdaccio después de un reinicio del servidor. Cuando inicie sesión como usuario de verdaccio haga lo siguiente:
-$ crontab -e
-Esto podría pedirle que escoja un editor. Elija su favorito y continúe. Agregue la siguiente entrada al archivo:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-Las ubicaciones pueden variar dependiendo de su configuración del servidor. Si quiere saber donde están sus archivos puede utilizar el comando 'which':
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Configurar los Certificados SSL"
-Siga estas instrucciones para configurar un certificado SSL que sirva al registro NPM bajo HTTPS.
-* Actualice la propiedad listen desde `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Una vez haya actualizado la propiedad listen e intente correr verdaccio nuevamente pedirá los certificados.
-* Genere sus certificados
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edite su archivo config `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`y añada la próxima sección
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternativamente, si tiene un certificado de formato `server.pfx`, puede añadir la siguiente sección de configuración. La propiedad passphrase es opcional y solo necesaria en caso de que su certificado esté encriptado.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-Puede encontrar más información referente a los argumentos `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` y `passphrase`, en la [Documentación de nodes](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Ejecuta `verdaccio` en su línea de comandos.
-* Abra el explorador y cargue `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-Estas instrucciones son válidas mayormente para OSX y Linux. Para Windows, las rutas serán diferentes, pero los pasos a seguir son iguales.
-## Docker
-Si está usando la imagen Docker, debe configurar la variable de entorno `PROTOCOL` como `https` ya que el argumento `listen` es proporcionado por [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43) y, por lo tanto, ignora lo establecido en su archivo config.
-También puede configurar la variable de entorno `PORT` si está usando un puerto diferente a `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Tests Unitarios"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-Un *uplink* es un enlace a un registro externo que provee acceso a paquetes externos.
-### Uso
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuración
-Puedes definir múltiples uplinks y cada uno de ellos debe tener un nombre único (key). Pueden tener las siguientes propiedades:
-| Propiedad | Tipo | Requerido | Ejemplo | Soporte | Descripción | Por Defecto |
-| ------------ | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | El dominio del registro | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | Ubicación del certificado SSL | Desactivado |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | timeout por petición | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limite máximo de fallos de cada petición | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | define el tiempo máximo cuando una petición falla | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | límite máximo de fallos | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [ver abajo](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | asigna el encabezado 'Autorización' [más información](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | desactivado |
-| headers | list | No | ]] | all | listado de encabezados por uplink | desactivado |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | Es verdadero, requiere que el certificado SSL sea válido. | true |
-#### Propiedad auth
-La propiedad `auth` te permite usar un token auth con un uplink. Usando la variable de entorno por defecto:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-o a través de una variable de entorno específica:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN` utilizará internamente `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-o al especificar directamente un token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Nota: `token` tiene prioridad sobre `token_env`
-### Debes saber
-* Verdaccio no usa Basic Authentication desde la versión `v2.3.0`. Todos los tokens generados por verdaccio están basados en JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Por ejemplo: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, * npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* y más.
-* Definiendo el `caché` como falso te ayudará a ahorrar espacio en tu disco duro. Esto evitará almacenar `tarballs` pero [ mantendrá los metadatos en carpetas](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Excederse con múltiples uplinks puede ralentizar la búsqueda de tus paquetes debido a que cada solicitud que un cliente npm realiza, verdaccio hace una llamada por cada uplink.
-* El formato (timeout, maxage y fail_timeout) sigue las [unidades de medida NGINX](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Casos de Usos"
-## Uso de paquetes privados
-Puede agregar usuarios y administrar qué usuarios pueden acceder a cuáles paquetes.
-Se recomienda que defina un prefijo para sus paquetes privados, por ejemplo "local", así que todos sus elementos privados se verán así: `local-foo`. De esta manera puede separar claramente los paquetes públicos de los privados.
-## Uso de paquetes públicos desde npmjs.org
-Si algún paquete no existe en el almacenamiento, el servidor intentará recuperarlo desde npmjs.org. Si npmjs.org está fuera de línea, este proporciona paquetes desde el caché que simulan que no existen otros paquetes. Verdaccio descargará solo los que necesita (los solicitados por los clientes), y esta información se almacenará en caché, entonces si un cliente pregunta lo mismo por segunda vez, puede ser atendido sin preguntar a npmjs.org por eso.
-Ejemplo: si solicita exitosamente express@3.0.1 desde este servidor una vez, podrá hacerlo nuevamente (con todas sus dependencias) en cualquier momento incluso si npmjs.org está fuera de línea. Pero digamos que express@3.0.0 no se descargará hasta que realmente alguien lo necesite. Y si npmjs.org no está conectado, este servidor diría que solo express@3.0.1 (únicamente lo que está en caché) se publicará, pero nada más.
-## Anular paquetes públicos
-Si quiere utilizar una versión modificada de algún paquete público `foo`, puede sólo publicarlo en su servidor local, así que cuando escriba `npm install foo`, lo considerará instalando su versión.
-Hay dos opciones aquí:
-1. Quiere crear una bifurcación separada y detener la sincronización con la versión pública.
- Si quiere hacer eso, debe modificar su archivo de configuración para que verdaccio nunca más realice solicitudes en cuanto a este paquete en npmjs. Agregue una entrada separada para este paquete a *config.yaml* y elimine `npmjs` desde la lista `proxy` y reinicie el servidor.
- Cuando publique su paquete localmente, probablemente deberá iniciar con la cadena de versión superior a la existente, para que no entre en conflicto con el paquete existente en caché.
-2. Quiere utilizar temporalmente su versión, pero regresar a la pública tan pronto como se actualice.
- A fin de evitar conflictos de versiones, debería utilizar un sufijo personalizado previo al lanzamiento de la siguiente versión del parche. Por ejemplo, si un paquete público tiene la versión 0.1.2, puede cargar 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. De esta manera su paquete se utilizará hasta que el desarrollador original cargue su paquete público al 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio ofrece un interfaz web de usuario para mostrar solo los paquetes privados y puede ser personalizable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-Todo los accesos restringidos definidos para [proteger paquetes](protect-your-dependencies.md) también aplican al interfaz web.
-### Configuración
-| Propiedad | Tipo | Requerido | Ejemplo | Soporte | Descripcion |
-| --------- | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | habilita la interfaz web |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | El título de la interfaz web |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | el URI donde el logo esta localizado |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | Si estas usando el registro por un scope specifico, define el @scope en el encabezado de la interfaz web (note: escapa @ con \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "Qué es Verdaccio?"
-Verdacio es un **ligero registry privado y proxy**hecho en **Node.js**
-## Qué es un registro
-* Un repositorio de paquetes que implementan la espcificación **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** para la lectura de información de paquetes
-* Provee un API compatible con clientes npm **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Compatible con el versionado semantico **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Usando Verdaccio
-Usar verdaccio con cualquier cliente de manejador de paquetes es muy sencillo.
-Puedes usar un registro personalizado bien definiendolo globalmente para todos los projectos
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-o por línea de commandos como argumento `--registry` en npm (ligeramente diferente en yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Privado
-Todos los paquetes que publicas son privados y accesibles basados en tu configuración.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio almacena todas las dependencias bajo demanda y acelera las instalaciones en redes locales y privadas.
-## Verdaccio en pocas palabras
-* Es una aplicación web basada en Node.js
-* Es un registro privado
-* Es un proxy para la red local
-* Es una aplicación extensible
-* Es muy fácil de usar e instalar
-* Ofrecemos soporte en Docker y Kubernetes
-* Es 100% compatible con yarn, npm y pnpm
-* Es un ** forked** basado en `sinopia@1.4.0` y 100% **compatible hacia atras**.
-* Verdaccio significa **Un color verde popular en la Italia medieval para la pintura en fresco**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Instalación como un Servicio de Windows"
-Basándome ligeramente en las instrucciones encontradas [aquí](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). Elaboré lo siguiente y me proporcionó un servicio de instalación de verdaccio totalmente funcional:
-1. Crear un directorio para Verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Instalar localmente verdaccio (me encontré con problemas npm con las instalaciones globales)
- * instalar verdaccio con npm
-3. Crear su archivo `config.yaml` en esta ubicación `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Configurar el Servicio de Windows
-## Uso de NSSM
-MÉTODO ALTERNATIVO: (el paquete WinSW faltaba cuando intenté descargarlo)
-* Descargar [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) y extraerlo
-* Agregar la ruta que contiene nssm.exe a la RUTA
-* Abrir un comando administrativo
-* Ejecutar la instalación nssm de verdaccio. Como mínimo debe completar en la Aplicación las pestañas de Ruta, el directorio de Inicio y los campos de Argumentos. Suponiendo una instalación con nodo en la ruta del sistema y una ubicación de c:\verdaccio los siguientes valores funcionarán:
- * Ruta: `node`
- * Directorio de Inicio: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Argumentos: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- Puede ajustar otras configuraciones de servicio en otras pestañas, según desee. Cuando termine, haga clic en el botón Servicio de Instalación
- * Iniciar el servicio sc iniciar verdaccio
-## Uso de WinSW
-* A partir del 27/10/2015, WinSW ya no está disponible en la siguiente ubicación. Por favor, siga las instrucciones anteriores de Uso de NSSM.
-* Descargar [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Colocar el archivo ejecutable (por ejemplo `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) en esta carpeta (`c:\verdaccio`) y cambiarle el nombre a `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Crear un archivo de configuración en `c:\verdaccio`, llamado `verdaccio-winsw.xml` con la siguiente configuración `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Instalar su servicio
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Comenzar su servicio
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Algunas de las configuraciones anteriores son más detalladas de lo que esperaba, parece como si 'workingdirectory' es ignorado, pero aparte de eso, esto funciona para mí y permite que mi instancia de verdaccio persista entre reinicios del servidor, y también que se reinicie a sí mismo de haber algún problema en el proceso de verdaccio.
-## Repositorios
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Nous avons une solution personnalisée pour `verdaccio` dans notre organisation.
-#### Autres options
-* Le rôle d'Ansible pour les utilisateurs de Gentoo: [ jirutka / ansible-role-sinopia ](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Le rôle d'Ansible pour les utilisateurs de Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-Les paramètres de la section d’authentification sont étroitement liés au [ plug-in ](plugins.md) " Auth " que vous utilisez. Les restrictions de package sont également gérées par [ l'accès au package](packages.md).
-Le processus d'authentification du client est géré par `npm` lui-même. Une fois que vous êtes connectés à l'application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Un jeton est généré dans le `npm` fichier de configuration hébergé dans votre répertoire personnel. Pour plus d'informations sur `.npmrc` lire la [documentation officielle](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Publication anonyme
-`verdaccio` vous permet d'activer la publication anonyme. Pour utiliser cette fonction, vous devez définir correctement votre [accès aux packages](packages.md).
-Par exemple :
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Comme décrit [ dans le cas N°212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500)jusqu'à`npm@5.3.0`et dans toutes les versions mineurs ** vous ne serez pas autorisés à publier sans jeton**. Cependant `yarn` n'a pas une telle limitation.
-## Htpasswd par défaut
-Afin de simplifier la configuration, `verdaccio` utilise un plugin basé sur `htpasswd`. A partir de la version 3.0.x, le [ plugin externe ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) est utilisé par défaut. La version v2.x de ce paquet contient toujours la version intégrée de ce plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | ----------- | ---------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| fichier | chaîne | Oui | ./htpasswd | tous | fichier qui héberge les informations d'identification chiffrées |
-| max_users | numéro | Non | 1000 | tous | définir un nombre limite d'utilisateurs |
-Si vous décidez d'empêcher un utilisateur de se connecter, vous pouvez définir `max_users: -1`.
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-id: générer
-title: "Générer le code source"
-Verdaccio se base sur `yarn` au lieu de `npm` pour télécharger les les dépendances.
-*Remarque: le code source actuel ne peut être généré que par `➜ fil@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Pour visualiser la liste complète des scripts, [cliquez ici](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Utilisation du Chef Cookbook pour Verdaccio
-Pour plus d’informations:
-> Nous sommes à la recherche de collaborateurs pour ce référentiel. Si vous êtes intéressés, veuillez en informer l'auteur par ticket.
-Auteur: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Intégration Continue"
-Vous pouvez utiliser verdaccio avec une intégration continue lors de la connexion ou de la publication. Lorsque vous utilisez NPM pour installer un module privé dans un environnement d'intégration continue pour la première fois, vous rencontrez immédiatement un problème. La commande de connexion NPM est conçue pour être utilisée de manière interactive. Cela pose un problème dans les CI, les scripts, etc. Ici, vous trouverez comment utiliser NPM pour accéder à différentes plates-formes d'intégration continue.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) ou [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Outil de ligne de commande"
-La CLI de Verdaccio est votre moyen de lancer l'application.
-## Commandes
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Commande | Par défaut | Exemple | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | --------------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | port http |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | le fichier de configuration |
-## Emplacement du fichier de configuration par défaut
-Pour localiser le répertoire de base, nous nous appuyons sur **$XDG_DATA_HOME** comme premier choix et sur l'environnement Windows que nous cherchons [Variable d’environnement APPDATA ](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Emplacement de stockage par défaut
-On utilise **$XDG_DATA_HOME**la variable d'environnement par défaut pour trouver le stockage par défaut qui [ devrait être identique ](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) de $HOME/ .local / share. Si vous utilisez un stockage personnalisé, cet emplacement est sans importance.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Fichier de configuration"
-Ce fichier est le pilier de verdaccio où vous pouvez modifier le comportement par défaut, activer les plugins et étendre les fonctionnalités.
-Un fichier de configuration par défaut est créé la première fois que vous exécutez `verdaccio`.
-## Configuration par défaut
-La configuration par défaut a un support pour les packs **portée(scoped)** et permet à tout utilisateur à accéder à tous les packs, mais seuls **les utilisateurs authentifiés qui peuvent publier**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-Les sections suivantes expliquent ce que signifie chaque propriété et les différentes options.
-### Stockage
-C'est le chemin de stockage par défaut. **Verdaccio est basé par défaut sur le fichier système local**.
-stockage: ./stockage
-### Plugins
-C'est le chemin du répertoire des plugins. Utile pour les déploiements basées sur Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-Le paramètre d'authentification est défini ici, l'authentification par défaut est basée sur `htpasswd` et est intégrée. Vous pouvez modifier ce comportement via les[plugins](plugins.md). Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page d'authentification ](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Interface utilisateur Web
-Cette propriété vous permet de modifier les fonctionnalités de l'interface utilisateur Web. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page de l'interface utilisateur Web ](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks est la capacité du système à récupérer des paquets à partir de registres distants lorsque ces paquets ne sont pas disponibles localement. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, lisez [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Paquets
-Les Paquets permettent à l'utilisateur de contrôler comment les paquets sont rendus accessibles. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page des paquets ](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Paramètres avancés
-### Publication hors ligne
-Par défaut `verdaccio` n'autorise pas le client à publier lorsqu'il est hors ligne, ce comportement peut être remplacé en définissant cette option *Vraie*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Préfixe de l'URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Depuis: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Taille maximale du corps
-Par défaut, la taille maximale du corps d'un document JSON est `10mb`. Si vous rencontrez des erreurs telles que ` "entité de demande trop grande" `, vous pouvez augmenter cette valeur.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Port d’écoute
-`verdaccio` s’exécute par défaut dans le port `4873`. La modification du port peut être faite via [cli](cli.md) ou dans le fichier de configuration, les options suivantes sont valides.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Pour activer `https` dans `verdaccio` il suffit de définir le drapeau `Ecoute` avec le protocole *https://*. Pour plus d’informations sur cette section, lisez [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Les Proxy sont des serveurs HTTP spéciaux conçus pour transférer des données de serveurs distants vers des clients locaux.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Si vous avez un proxy sur votre réseau, vous pouvez définir un en-tête `X-Forwarded-For` à l'aide des propriétés suivantes.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Cette variable doit contenir une liste d'extensions de domaine séparées par des virgules pour lesquelles le proxy ne doit pas être utilisé.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-L'activation des notifications d'outils tiers est assez facile via des webhooks. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page de notification ](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Pour plus de détails sur les paramètres de configuration, veuillez [ vérifier le code source ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Depuis : verdaccio@3.0.0
-` npm audit ` est une nouvelle commande émise avec[ npm 6.x ](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio inclut un plugin middleware intégré pour gérer cette commande.
-> Si vous avez une nouvelle installation, elle est fournie par défaut. Sinon, vous devez ajouter les propriétés suivantes à votre fichier de configuration
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contribuant
-title: "Contribuer à Verdaccio"
-First of all Passer à une base de code inconnue n'est pas facile, mais nous sommes là pour vous aider.
-## Canaux de communication
-Si vous souhaitez poser des questions, nous utilisons deux canaux de discussion:
-* [Chaîne publique de Discord](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Commencer
-À première vue, verdaccio est un référentiel unique, mais il existe de nombreuses façons de contribuer et une grande variété de technologies à utiliser.
-### Trouver ma place
-Nous avons tous des compétences différentes, alors voyons où vous pouvez vous sentir confortable.
-### Je connais ou je veux en apprendre Node.js
-Node.js est la base de `verdaccio`, nous utilisons des bibliothèques comme `express`, `commander`, `request` ou `async`. Verdaccio est essentiellement un API Rest qui crée une communication avec les clients `npm`, comme `yarn`.
-Nous avons une longue [liste de plugins](plugins.md) prête à être utilisée et améliorée, mais en même temps, [vous pouvez créer votre propre liste](dev-plugins.md).
-### J'aurais préférer travailler dans l’Interface utilisateur
-Récemment, nous sommes passés à des techonologies moderne comme `React` et `element-react`. Nous sommes impatients de voir de nouvelles idées pour améliorer l’Interface Utilisateur.
-### Je me sens plus confortable en améliorant la pile
-Bien sûr, nous serons heureux si vous pouviez nous aider à améliorer la pile, vous pouvez mettre à niveau des dépendances telles que `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. Ce serait très utile si vous pouvez simplement améliorer la configuration de `webpack`. Toute suggestion est la bienvenue. De même, si vous avez une expérience dans **Yeoman**, vous pouvez nous aider avec le [générateur de verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Voici quelques idées:
-* Créer des règles communes d'eslint pouvant être utilisées dans toutes les dépendances ou plugins
-* Améliorer la distribution des définitions de types de flux
-* Migrer vers Webpack 4
-* Améliorez le rechargement à chaud avec Webpack
-* Nous utilisons babel et webpack à travers toutes les dépendances, pourquoi pas un préréglage commun?
-* Améliorer la distribution continue de l'intégration
-### Je fais une bonne documentation
-De nombreux contributeurs trouvent des fautes de frappe et des problèmes de grammaire, ce qui contribue également à améliorer l'expérience globale de résolution de problèmes.
-### Je suis un Designer
-Nous avons une interface du site qui sera ravie de voir vos idées.
-Notre site est basé sur [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Je suis un DevOps
-Nous avons une image très populaire sur Docker [ https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/) qui a besoin de maintenance et d’énormes améliorations, nous avons donc besoin de vos connaissances pour que tous les utilisateurs en bénéficient.
-Nous avons un soutien pour **Kubernetes**, ** Puppet**, **Ansible** et **Chef** et nous avons besoin d'aide dans ces domaines, n'hésitez pas à voir tous les dépôts.
-### Je peux faire des traductions
-Verdaccio vise à être multilingue et, pour atteindre cet objectif, **nous bénéficions du soutien important** de [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com), qui est une plate-forme stupéfiante pour les traductions.
-Nous avons mis en place un projet dans lequel vous pouvez choisir la langue que vous préférez. Si vous ne trouvez pas la langue qui vous convient, n'hésitez pas à demander une en [créant un ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Aller à Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Je suis prêt à contribuer
-Si vous pensez que *"J'ai déjà vu les [dépôts](repositories.md) et je souhaite commencer tout de suite"*, alors j'ai bien de bonnes nouvelles pour vous, Voici l'étape suivante.
-Vous devrez apprendre à créer un projet, [nous avons préparé un guide à cet effet](build.md).
-Une fois que vous vous êtes amusés avec tous les scripts et que vous avez compris comment les utiliser, nous sommes prêts pour passer à l'étape suivante: exécutez le [**Test unitaire**](test.md).
-## Liste complète des contributeurs. Nous souhaitons voir votre visage ici !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Développement des Plugins"
-Il existe plusieurs façons pour étendre `verdaccio`, les types de plugins pris en charge sont :
-* Plugins d’authentification
-* Plugins Middleware (depuis `v2.7.0`)
-* Plugins de stockage depuis (`v3.x`)
-> Nous vous recommandons de développer des plugins à l'aide de nos [ définitions des types de flux ](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Plugin d’authentification
-Fondamentalement, nous devons renvoyer un objet avec une seule méthode appelée `authentifier` qui recevra 3 arguments (`utilisateur, mot de passe, rappel`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Seuls `adduser`, `allow_access` et `allow_publish` sont facultatifs, verdaccio fournit une solution de secours dans tous ces cas.
-#### Rappel
-Une fois l’authentification effectuée, il existe 2 options possibles pour répondre à `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Soit que quelque chose de mauvais s'est produite, ou que l'authentification a échoué.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-L’authentification a réussi.
-`groups` est un tableau de chaînes dont l'utilisateur fait partie.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Exemple
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-Et la configuration ressemblera à ceci:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Où `htpasswd` est le suffixe du nom du plugin. ex: `verdaccio-htpasswd` et le reste du corps serait composé des paramètres de configuration du plugin.
-## Plugin Middleware
-Les plugins middleware peuvent modifier le niveau de l'API, en ajoutant de nouveaux points de terminaison ou en interceptant des demandes.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Cette méthode fournit un accès complet à l'authentification et à l'archivage via `auth` et `storage`. `app` est l'application rapide qui permet d'ajouter de nouveaux points de terminaison.
-> Un très bon exemple de plugin Middleware est le [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) et [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Pour enregistrer un middleware, nous avons besoin d'un objet avec une seule méthode appelée `register_middlewares`, qui recevra 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* est l'instance d'authentification et *storage* est également l'instance de stockage principale qui donnera accès à toutes les actions de stockage.
-## Plugin de stockage
-Verdaccio utilise par défaut une extension de stockage du système de fichiers [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), mais à partir de `verdaccio @ 3.x` vous pouvez brancher un stockage personnalisé qui remplacera le comportement par défaut.
-### API
-L'API de stockage étant un peu plus complexe, vous devez créer une classe qui renvoie une implémentation `IPluginStorage`. Veuillez consulter les détails ci-dessous.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> L'API de stockage est toujours expérimental et peut changer dans les versions mineures ultérieures. Pour plus d'informations sur l'API de stockage, veuillez suivre les [définitions de type dans nos archives officielles](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Exemples de Plugins de Stockage
-Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des extensions utilisant l'API de stockage et pouvant être utilisées à titre d'exemple.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Voulez-vous contribuer avec de nouveaux Plugins de Stockage?[Appuyez ici.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Pour télécharger la dernière [image docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/) prédéfinie:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Versions marquées
-À partir de la version `v2.x`, vous pouvez obtenir des images du menu fixe pour la [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), comme suit:
-Pour une version majeure:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Pour une version mineure:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Pour une version spécifique (patch):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Pour la prochaine version majeure, utilisez la version `beta` (branche principale).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Si vous êtes intéréssés par une liste de tags, [veuillez visiter le site web Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## En cours d’exécution de Verdaccio à l’aide de Docker
-Pour exécuter le conteneur de docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-Le dernier argument définit quelle image doit être utilisée. La ligne ci-dessus téléchargera à partir du dockerhub la dernière image prédéfinie disponible, si celle-ci n'a pas encore été créée.
-Si vous avez [construit une image localement](#build-your-own-docker-image), utilisez `verdaccio` comme dernier argument.
-Vous pouvez utiliser `-v` pour monter `conf`, `storage` et `plugins` dans le système de fichiers hôte:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Remarque: Verdaccio s'exécute dans le conteneur en tant qu'utilisateur non root (uid = 100, gid = 101). Si vous utilisez le montage lié pour ignorer les paramètres par défaut, vous devez vous assurer que le dossier de montage est attribué à l'utilisateur correct. Dans l'exemple précédent, vous devez exécuter `sudo chown -R 100: 101 / opt / verdaccio`, sinon vous obtiendrez des erreurs d'autorisation pendant l'exécution. [Utiliser le volume docker](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) est recommandé, plutôt qu'utiliser le lieu du montage de liaison.
-### Plugins
-Les plugins peuvent être installés dans un dossier séparé et montés à l'aide de Docker ou de Kubernetes. Cependant, veillez à créer des plugins avec des dépendances natives à l'aide de la même image de base du fichier Docker de Verdaccio.
-### Configuration de Docker et du port personnalisé
-Chaque `host: port` configuré dans `conf/config.yaml` sous `listen` est actuellement ignoré lors de l'utilisation de docker.
-Si vous souhaitez atteindre l’instance verdaccio docker depuis un autre port, dites `5000`, dans la commande `docker run`, remplacez `-p 4873: 4873` par `-p 5000: 4873`.
-Dans le cas où vous devez spécifier le port sur lequel écouter **dans le conteneur de menu fixe**, à partir de la version 2.?.? ceci est possible en fournissant des arguments supplémentaires à `docker run`: `- env PORT = 5000` Ceci remplace le port offert par le conteneur de menu fixe et le port écouté par verdaccio.
-Bien sûr, les nombres fournis au paramètre `-p` doivent correspondre, donc si vous les voulez tous identiques, voici ce que vous pouvez copier, coller et adopter:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utiliser HTTPS avec Docker
-Vous pouvez configurer le protocole que verdaccio écoutera, de la même manière que le port. Vous devez remplacer la valeur par défaut ("http") de la variable d'environnement du `PROTOCOL` par "https" après avoir spécifié les certificats dans le fichier config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utiliser docker-compose
-1. Obtenir la dernière version de [docker-composer](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Générer et exécuter le conteneur:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Vous pouvez définir le port à utiliser (pour le conteneur et pour l'hôte) en préfixant la commande précédente avec le préfixe`PORT = 5000`.
-Docker générera un volume nommé dans lequel les données d'application persistantes seront stockées. Vous pouvez utiliser `docker inspect` ou `docker volume inspect` pour révéler l'emplacement physique du volume et modifier la configuration, comme:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Créer votre propre image Docker
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Il existe également un script npm pour créer une image docker, vous pouvez donc également:
-npm run build:docker
-Remarque: La première génération prend quelques minutes pour être créée car elle doit démarrer `npm install` et peut prendre le même temps chaque fois que vous modifiez un fichier ne figurant pas dans la liste `.dockerignore`.
-Si vous souhaitez utiliser l'image docker du menu fixe sur un périphérique rpi ou un périphérique compatible, un fichier docker est aussi disponible. Pour créer une image docker pour raspberry pi, exécutez:
-npm run build:docker
-Veuillez noter que pour chacune des commandes de menu mentionnées ci-dessus, il est nécessaire d’installer le docker sur le PC, aussi le docker exécutable doit être disponible sur `$PATH`.
-## Exemples de docker
-Il existe un dossier distinct qui héberge plusieurs configurations pour composer des images Docker avec `verdaccio`, par exemple, en tant que proxy inverse:
-## Constructions personnalisées de Docker
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) conteneur privé NPM pouvant être sauvegardé en s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) image de docker fournissant verdaccio à partir de coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installation sur le serveur IIS"
-Ces instructions ont été écrites pour le serveur Windows 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) et [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Installez IIS et [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Assurez-vous d'installer les conditions préalables (module de réécriture d'URL & nœud) comme expliqué dans les instructions pour iisnode.
-- Créez un nouveau dossier dans Explorer où vous souhaitez héberger Verdaccio. Par exemple `C:\verdaccio`. Sauvgarder [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) et [web.config](#webconfig) dans ce fichier.
-- Créez un nouveau site sur Internet Information Services Manager. Vous pouvez l’appeler comme vous voulez. Je l’appellerai verdaccio dans ces [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Spécifiez le chemin vers où vous avez enregistré les fichiers et un numéro de port.
-- Retournez vers Explorer et autorisez l'utilisateur exécutant le groupe d'applications à pouvoir modifier le dossier nouvellement créé. Si vous avez nommé le nouveau site verdaccio et que vous n'avez pas modifié le groupe d'applications, cela fonctionne à l'arrière plan d'une ApplicationPoolIdentity et vous devez autoriser l'utilisateur à modifier IIS AppPool\verdaccio. Voir les instructions si vous avez besoin d'aide. (Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez restreindre l'accès ultérieurement, de sorte que vous ne disposiez que des autorisations de modification sur iisnode et verdaccio/storage)
-- Lancez une invite de commande et lancez celles ci-dessous pour télécharger verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Assurez-vous de disposer d'une règle entrante acceptant le trafic TCP sur le port du pare-feu Windows
-- C'est ça! Maintenant, vous pouvez parcourir l'hôte et le port que vous avez spécifiés
-Je voulais que `verdaccio` soit le site par défaut sur IIS, j'ai donc pris les mesures suivantes:
-- Je me suis assuré que le fichier .nmprc dans `c:\users{yourname}` avait le registre configuré sur `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- J'ai arrêté le "site Web par défaut" et n'ai démarré que le site "verdaccio" sur IIS
-- J'ai établi des connexions avec "http", l'adresse Ip "All Unassigned" sur le port 80, permettre tout avertissement ou invite
-Ces instructions sont basées sur [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). J'ai dû faire un petit ajustement de la configuration Web, comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessous, mais vous pouvez trouver l'original à partir du lien mentionné qui fonctionne le mieux
-Un fichier de configuration par défaut sera créé `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Dépannage
-- **L'interface Web n'est pas chargée lorsqu'elle est allouée à l'hôte https puisqu'elle tente de télécharger le script sur http.**
- Assurez-vous que vous avez nommé correctement `url_prefix` dans la configuration de Verdaccio. Suivez la [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio est une application Web multi-plateforme. Quelques conditions préalables sont requises pour son installation.
-#### Conditions préalables
-1. Nœud supérieur à
- - Pour la version `verdaccio@2.x` Noeud `v4.6.1` est la version minimale prise en charge.
- - Pour la version `verdaccio@latest` Noeud `6.12.0` est la version minimale prise en charge.
-2. npm `>=3.x` ou `yarn`
-3. L'interface web prend en charge les navigateurs `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, et IE9`.
-## En cours d'installation du CLI
-`verdaccio` doit être installé globalement en utilisant l'une des méthodes suivantes:
-En utilisant `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-ou en utilisant `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![installer verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Usage basique
-Une fois installé, il vous suffit d’exécuter la commande CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Pour plus d'information sur CLI, veuillez [lire la section cli](cli.md).
-## Image de docker
-`verdaccio` a une image de docker officielle que vous pouvez utiliser, et dans la majorité des cas, la configuration par défaut est assez bonne. Pour plus d’informations sur la façon d’installer l’image officielle, [lisez la section docker](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` est également disponible en application à installer en 1 clic sur [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Les instructions pour développer Verdaccio sur un cluster Kubernetes sont disponibles dans l’archive [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Cependant, la méthode recommandée pour installer Verdaccio sur un cluster Kubernetes consiste à utiliser [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm est un [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) gestionnaire de paquets, qui présente de nombreux avantages.
-## Helm
-### Configurer Helm
-Si vous n'avez jamais utilisé Helm, vous devez configurer le contrôleur Helm dit Tiller:
-helm init
-### Installer
-Développez la charte de Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). Dans cet exemple, nous utilisons `npm` comme nom de version:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Déployer une version spécifique
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### En cours de mettre Verdaccio à niveau
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Désinstallation
-helm del --purge npm
-**Remarque:** cette commande supprime toutes les ressources, y compris les packages que vous avez peut-être déjà publiés dans le registre.
-### Configuration personnalisée de Verdaccio
-Vous pouvez personnaliser la configuration de Verdaccio en utilisant un Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Préparer
-Copiez la [configuration existante](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) et adaptez la à votre propre cas d'utilisation:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Remarque:** assurez-vous que vous utilisez le chemin correct d'archivage utilisé pour la persistance:
-torage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Développer le configMap
-Développer le `configMap` dans le cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Développer Verdaccio
-Maintenant, vous pouvez développer le tableau Verdaccio Helm et spécifier la configuration à utiliser:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Support Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) est une plate-forme complète de gestion de conteneurs facilitant la gestion et l'utilisation des conteneurs en production.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: enregistreur
-title: "Enregistreur"
-Comme toute application Web, verdaccio dispose d'un enregistreur intégré personnalisable. Vous pouvez définir différents types de sorties.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Les options sont transmises directement à Bunyan. Voir: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-En utilisant `SIGUSR2` pour notifier l'application, le fichier journal a été pivoté et doit être rouvert. Remarque: L'activité de rotation des journaux n'est pas prise en charge en mode cluster. [Voir ici](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| ---------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | chaîne de caractères | Non | [stdout, file] | tous | définir la sortie |
-| itinéraire | chaîne de caractères | Non | verdaccio.log | tous | si le type est fichier, définissez l’emplacement de ce fichier |
-| format | chaîne de caractères | Non | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | tous | format de la sortie |
-| niveau | chaîne de caractères | Non | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | tous | niveau détaillé |
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-id: logo
-title: "Logo de Verdaccio"
-Le logo a été conçu par [Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno) qui a gagné la [compétition](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([dernière étape](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) et a fait de son travail un don pour ce projet.
-> Tous les logos sont enregistrés sous la licence [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Un merci spécial à [@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar) pour sa contribution avec différents formats et tailles d’images.
-## Symboles
-**Avec texte**
-![petit symbole avec texte](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbole moyen avec texte](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![grand symbole avec texte](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbole svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**Aucun texte**
-![petit symbole](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbole moyen](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![grand symbole](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![symbole de format svg sans texte](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Noir &Blanc
-![symbole noir et blanc petit](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbole noir et blanc moyen](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbole noir et blanc grand](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbole noir et blanc svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Bannière
-![petite bannière](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![bannière moyenne](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![grande bannière](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio peut être invoqué par programme. Le node API a été introduit à partir de la version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Utilisation
-#### Par programme
- mport startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Autres implémentations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) registre local npm, serveur proxy
-import * comme verdaccioServer de « verdaccio-serveur » ;
-verdaccioServer.start() ;
-verdaccioServer.stop() ;
-verdaccioServer.list() ;
-verdaccioServer.stopAll() ;
-verdaccioServer.show() ;
-verdaccioServer.cli() ;
-/ / windows .net2
-verdaccioServer.serviceInstall() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceUninstall() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceStart() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceStop() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceRestart() ;
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify a été créé principalement pour être utilisé avec les Webhooks entrants de Slack, mais fournira également une charge utile simple à chaque terminal. Pour le moment, il n'est actif que pour la commande `npm publish`.
-## Utilisation
-Un exemple avec **HipChat**, **Stride** et **Google Hangouts Chat**, cliquez sur:
-> Verdaccio supporte chaque API, n'hésitez pas à ajouter d'autres exemples.
-#### Notification unique
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Notification multiple
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Modèle
-Nous utilisons [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) comme moteur de gabarit principal.
-### Exemples de format
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Propriétés
-Liste des propriétés accessibles via un modèle
-* Métadonnées
-* Éditeur (celui qui publie)
-* Package publié (package@1.0.0)
-### Métadonnées
-Package de métadonnées auquel le modèle a accès
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Editeur
-Vous pouvez accéder aux informations sur les packages de l'éditeur dans le `content` d'un Webhook à l'aide de l'objet `publisher`.
-Voir le type d'objet `publisher` ci-dessous:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-Un exemple:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Remarque:** Il est impossible d'obtenir des informations sur l'éditeur si le fichier `package.json` possède déjà la propriété `éditeur`.
-### Package Publié
-Vous pouvez accéder au package publié avec le mot clé `{{publishedPackage}}` comme suit.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Soutien | Par défaut | Description |
-| ------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| méthode | chaîne de caractères | Non | tous | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | chaîne de caractères | Non | tous | | N'effectuez cette notification que si le nom du package correspond à l'expression régulière |
-| packagePatternFlags | chaîne de caractères | Non | tous | | Tous les drapeaux à utiliser avec l'expression régulière |
-| en-têtes | tableau/objet | Oui | tous | | Si ce noeud final nécessite des en-têtes spécifiques, définissez-les ici comme un tableau de clé: valeur des objets. |
-| endpoint | chaîne de caractères | Oui | tous | | définir l'URL de l'endpoint pour cet appel |
-| content | chaîne de caractères | Oui | tous | | toute expression [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) |
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-id: paquets
-title: "Paquet d'accès"
-Il s'agit d'une série de restrictions qui permettent ou restreignent l'accès au stockage local en fonction de critères spécifiques.
-Les restrictions de sécurité dépendent du plugin que vous utilisez. `verdaccio` utilise par défaut le plugin [htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). Si vous utilisez un autre plugin, l'opération peut être différente. Le plugin par défaut ne gère pas directement `allow_access` et `allow_publish`, mais utilise une alternative interne au cas où le plugin ne serait pas prêt pour cela.
-Pour plus d'informations sur les autorisations, consultez la [section d'authentification du wiki](auth.md).
-### Utilisation
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-si rien n'est spécifié, le choix est par défaut
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-La liste des groupes valides selon les plugins par défaut sont
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-Tous les utilisateurs reçoivent tous ces groupes d'autorisations, qu'ils soient anonymes ou non, plus les groupes fournis par le plug-in. Dans le cas `htpasswd`, rejetez le nom d'utilisateur en tant que groupe. Par exemple, si vous êtes connectés en tant que `npmUser`, la liste des noms sera.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-Si vous souhaitez protéger un ensemble spécifique de paquets au sein de votre groupe, vous devez procéder de la même manière. Utilisons un `Regex` qui couvre tous les paquets avec le préfixe `npmuser -`. Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser un préfixe pour vos paquets afin de faciliter leur protection.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Redémarrez `verdaccio` et essayez d'installer `npmuser-core` dans votre console.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-Vous pouvez changer le comportement existant en utilisant un autre plugin d'authentification. `verdaccio` vérifie simplement si l'utilisateur qui a tenté d'accéder ou de publier un paquet spécifique appartient au groupe approprié.
-#### Définir plusieurs groupes
-Il est facile de définir plusieurs groupes d’accès, définissez-les juste avec un espace blanc entre eux.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Bloquer l’accès à l’ensemble des paquets
-Si vous souhaitez bloquer l’accès/publier à un groupe spécifique de paquets. alors ne définissez pas `access` et `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Bloquer la transmission d'un groupe de paquets spécifiques
-Vous voudrez peut-être empêcher les registres distants d’atteindre un ou plusieurs paquets tout en autorisant les autres à accéder à différentes *uplinks*.
-Voyons l’exemple suivant:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Décrivons ce que nous voulons avec l'exemple ci-dessus:
-* Je souhaite héberger ma propre dépendance `jquery` mais je dois éviter de la transférer.
-* Je veux toutes les dépendances qui coïncident avec <`my-company - *` mais je dois éviter de les transférer.
-* Je veux toutes les dépendances qui se trouvent dans la portée `my-local-scope`, mais je dois éviter de les transférer.
-* Je veux transférer toutes les dépendances restantes.
-**N'oubliez pas l'importance de la commande de colis et utilisez toujours le double astérisque**. Parce que si vous ne l'incluez pas, `verdaccio` l'inclura à votre place et cela affectera la manière dont vos dépendances seront résolues.
-### Configuration
-Vous pouvez définir mutiple `packages` et chacun d’eux doit avoir un unique `Regex`. La syntaxe est basée sur [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| --------- | -------------------- | ----------- | -------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
-| accès | chaîne de caractères | Non | $all | tous | définir des groupes autorisés à accéder au package |
-| publier | chaîne | Non | $authenticated | tous | définir les groupes autorisés à publier |
-| proxy | chaîne de caractères | Non | npmjs | tous | limite la recherche d'un uplink spécifique |
-| stockage | booléenne | Non | [vrai,faux] | tous | TODO |
-> Nous vous signalons qu'il est déconseillé d'utiliser les **allow_access **/**allow_publish** et les **proxy_access** qui sont obsolètes et qui seront bientôt supprimés. version courte de chacun de ces éléments (**acces**/ **publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio est une application extensible. Il peut être étendu par de nombreuses manières, ou avec de nouvelles méthodes d'authentification, en ajoutant des points de terminaison ou en utilisant un archivage personnalisé.
-> Si vous souhaitez développer votre plugin personnel, lisez la section [development](dev-plugins.md).
-## Utilisation
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` étant une fourchette de sinopia, est compatible avec les versions précédentes et avec les plugins compatibles avec `sinopia@1.4.0`. Dans ce cas, l'installation est la même.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Ouvrez le fichier `>config.yaml` et mettez à jour la section `auth` comme suit :
-La configuration par défaut ressemble à ceci, car nous utilisons un plugin intégré `htpasswd` qui peut être désactivé en commentant les lignes suivantes.
-### Configuration du Plugin d'authentification
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-et en les remplaçant par (si vous décidez d'utiliser un plugin `ldap`.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Plugins d'authentification multiples
-Ceci est techniquement possible, en accordant de l'importance à l'ordre du plugin, car les informations d'identification seront résolues dans l'ordre.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Configuration du plugin Middleware
-Ceci est un exemple de la façon de configurer un plugin middleware. Tous les plugins middleware doivent être définis dans l'espace de noms **middlewares**.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> Vous pouvez suivre le [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) comme exemple de base.
-### Configuration du plugin store
-Ceci est un exemple de la façon de configurer un plugin de stockage. Tous les plugins de stockage doivent être définis dans l'espace de noms **store**.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> Si vous définissez un magasin personnalisé, la propriété **stockage** du fichier de configuration sera ignorée.
-## Plugins hérités
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible avec toutes les versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): plugin d'authentification pour la prise en charge de sinopia avec un journal npm.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia qui se souvient des utilisateurs.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [ sinopia-crowd ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia qui prend en charge le public atlassien.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): plugin d'authentification Ative Directory pour sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia2, prenant en charge le flux web github oauth.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): plugin d’authentification Sinopia qui délègue l’authentification vers une autre URL HTTP
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): plugin remplaçant LDAP Auth pour Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): un facile auth-plugin, entier, avec configuration pour utiliser une API externe.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-mail](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): générer le mot de passe au format htaccess, chiffrer avec GPG et envoyer via l’API MailGun pour les utilisateurs.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): un facile auth-plugin, entier, avec configuration pour utiliser une base de données mongodb.
-* [ sinopia-crowd ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia qui prend en charge le format htpasswd.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): plugin auth pris en charge par leveldb pour la synchronisation privée npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): plugin d'authentification Gitlab pour sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): plugin d'authentification Gitlab pour sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): plugin d'authentification LDAP pour sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) plugin d'authentification pour Sinopia avec une interface Web github oauth.
-> Tous les plugins de Sinopia devraient être compatibles avec toutes les futures versions de Verdaccio. Cependant, nous encourageons les contributeurs à les transférer vers l’API moderne de verdaccio et à utiliser le préfixe * verdaccio-xx-name *.
-## Plugins de Verdaccio
-(compatible depuis 2.1.x)
-### Plugins d'Autorisation
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): plugin d'authentification Bitbucket pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): plugin d'authentification du serveur Bitbucket pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): plugin d'authentification LDAP pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): plugin d'authentifiation Active Directory pour verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): utilisez les Jetons d'Accès Personnel GitLab pour votre authentification
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): permettre à GitLab CI d'authentifier contre verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): authentification basée sur le plugin du fichier htpasswd (built-in) pour verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): plugin d'authentification Github oauth pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): plugin de Github OAuth pour le boutton de connexion de verdaccio.
-### Plugins Middleware
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): plugin verdaccio pour le support de *npm audit* (intégré) (compatible à partir de 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): plugin verdaccio pour le support client *profil npm* et *Le profil npm du mot de passe* pour l'authentification basée sur *verdaccio-htpasswd*
-### Plugins de stockage
-(compatible depuis 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Des plugins de stockage pour héberger des paquets en mémoire
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) plugin de stockage pour héberger les paquets**Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) plugin de stockage pour héberger les paquets **Stockage Google Cloud**
-## Avertissements
-> Ces plugins ne sont pas tous testés de manière continue, certains peuvent ne pas fonctionner du tout. Si vous rencontrez un problème, veuillez en informer le propriétaire du plugin en question.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protection des paquets"
-`verdaccio` vous permet de protéger la publication. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de configurer correctement le [package acces](packages).
-### Configuration du paquet
-Voyons, par exemple, la configuration suivante. Vous avez une série de dépendances préfixées par `my-company - *` et vous devez les protéger contre les utilisateurs anonymes ou contre les autres utilisateurs connectés sans informations d'identification correctes.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-Avec cette configuration, en principe, nous permettons aux groupes **admin** et **teamA** de *publier*, et **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** d'*accéder* à de telles dépendences.
-### Cas d'utilisation: teamD tente d'accéder à la dépendance
-Par conséquent, si je me connecte en tant que ** teamD **, je ne devrais pas pouvoir accéder à toutes les dépendances qui correspondent au modèle ` my-company - * `.
-➜ npm whoami
-Je n'aurai pas accès à ces dépendances, aussi elles ne seront pas visibles sur le Web pour l'utilisateur **teamD**. Si j'essaie d'accéder, il arrivera ce qui suit.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-ou avec `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error Une erreur inattendue s'est produite: "http: // localhost: 5555 / webpack-1: les utilisateurs non enregistrés ne sont pas autorisés à accéder au paquet my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Installez verdaccio pour Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, et RedHat.
-# Utilisation
-Deux variantes sont disponibles pour installer verdaccio à l’aide de ce module Puppet:
-* Mode d'application (avec puppet-apply et aucune configuration puppetmaster n'est demandée)
-* Mode Master-Agent (avec accès à la configuration de puppet-agent via puppetmaster).
-Dans les deux variantes, il est nécessaire d'appeler explicitement la "classe nodejs {}" dans le script puppet car le module puppet-verdaccio le définit uniquement en tant qu'exigence. Vous disposez ainsi de toute la flexibilité que vous souhaitez pour l'installation de nodejs. Faites défiler la liste pour plus de détails sur la variante de la méthode Master-Agent.
-Pour plus d'informations:
-> Nous sommes à la recherche de collaborateurs actifs pour cette intégration. Si vous êtes intéressé, [référez-vous à ce ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: code source
-title: "Code source"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Pour visualiser la liste complète des scripts, [cliquez ici](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Configuration du proxy inverse"
-## Apache
-Apache et mod_proxy ne doivent pas décoder/encoder les barres obliques et doivent les laisser tels qu'elles sont:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration avec SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Configuration du serveur virtuel Apache
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Commencer derrière le proxy inverse avec un domaine et un port différents
-Si vous exécutez verdaccio derrière le proxy inverse, vous remarqueriez que tous les fichiers de ressources fonctionnent comme des chemins associés, tels que ``
-Pour résoudre le problème, vous devez envoyer le domaine réel et le port avec l'en-tête `Host` à verdaccio
-La configuration de Nginx devrait ressembler à ceci:
-ocation / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-Dans ce cas, `url_prefix` ne doit pas être défini dans la configuration de verdaccio
-* * *
-ou dans l'installation d'un sous-dossier:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-Dans ce cas, `url_prefix` doit être défini sur `/verdaccio/`
-> Remarque: il y a une barre oblique après le chemin d'installation (`https://votre-domaine:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Configuration du serveur"
-Il s’agit principalement de la documentation de la configuration de base du serveur Linux, mais je pense qu’il est important de documenter et de partager les étapes que j’ai suivies pour démarrer définitivement Verdaccio sur mon serveur. Vous aurez besoin d'autorisations root (ou sudo) pour les opérations suivantes.
-## Gérer en tant qu'utilisateur distinct
-Premièrement créez l’utilisateur verdaccio:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-Vous créez un shell en tant qu'utilisateur verdaccio à l'aide de la commande suivante:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-La commande 'cd ~' envoie le répertoire personnel de l'utilisateur verdaccio. Veillez à exécuter verdaccio au moins une fois pour générer le fichier de configuration. Changez-le en fonction de vos besoins.
-## À l'écoute de toutes les adresses
-Si vous souhaitez écouter chaque adresse externe, définissez la directive d'écoute dans la configuration sur:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-Si vous exécutez `verdaccio` dans une instance Amazon EC2, [ vous devrez définir le paramètre 'écouter' dans le fichier 'changer votre configuration'](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) comme décrit ci-dessus.
-> Avez-vous besoin de configurer Apache? Veuillez vérifier la [configuration inverse du proxy](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Garder verdaccio en opération pour toujours
-Vous pouvez utiliser le paquet de nœud appelé 'forever' pour que le site verdaccio continue de fonctionner tout le temps. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-Premièrement installez forever entièrement:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Assurez-vous que vous avez démarré au moins une fois verdaccio pour générer le fichier de configuration et notez l'utilisateur administrateur créé. Ensuite, la commande suivante peut être utilisée pour lancer verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-Vous pouvez consulter la documentation pour plus d'informations sur l'utilisation forever.
-## Durée de redémarrage du serveur
-Vous pouvez utiliser crontab et forever en même temps pour redémarrer Verdaccio après une réinitialisation du serveur. Lorsque vous êtes connectés en tant qu'utilisateur verdaccio, procédez comme suit:
-$ crontab -e
-Cela peut vous demander de choisir un éditeur. Sélectionnez votre préféré et continuez. Ajoutez l'annotation suivante au fichier:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-Les emplacements peuvent varier en fonction de la configuration du serveur. Si vous voulez savoir où sont les fichiers, vous pouvez utiliser la commande 'which':
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Configurez les Certificats SSL"
-Suivez ces instructions pour configurer un certificat SSL servant le registre NPM sous HTTPS.
-* Mettez à jour la propriété listen dans `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Une fois que vous avez mis à jour le programme d'écoute et que vous avez essayé d'exécuter à nouveau verdaccio, des certificats vous seront demandés.
-* Générer votres certificats
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Editez votre dossier de configuration `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Comme alternative,si vous avez un certificat de format `server.pfx`, vous pouvez ajouter la section de configuration suivante. La phrase secrète est facultative et nécessaire uniquement si le certificat est crypté.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-Pour plus d'informations sur `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` et `passphrase`, veuillez vous référer à la [documentation sur les nœuds](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Exécutez `verdaccio` dans votre ligne de commande.
-* Ouvrez le navigateur et chargez `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-Les instructions sont largement valables pour OSX et Linux. Pour Windows, les chemins peuvent varier, mais les étapes à suivre sont les mêmes.
-## Docker
-Si vous utilisez l'image Docker, vous devez définir la variable d'environnement `PROTOCOL` sur `https` car l'argument `listen` est fourni sur [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), et est donc ignoré par le fichier de configuration.
-Vous pouvez également définir la variable d'environnement `PORT` si vous utilisez un port autre que `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Test unitaire"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-Un *uplink* est un lien avec un registre externe qui donne accès à des paquets externes.
-### Utilisation
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-Vous pouvez définir de mutiple uplinks et chacun d’eux doit avoir un nom unique (clé). Ils peuvent avoir deux propriétés:
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description | Par défaut |
-| ------------ | -------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------- |
-| url | chaîne de caractères | Oui | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | tous | L’url du registre | npmjs |
-| ca | chaîne de caractères | Non | ~./ssl/client.crt' | tous | Certificat de chemin SSL | Pas par défaut |
-| timeout | chaîne de caractères | Non | 100ms | tous | définir le nouveau délai d’attente pour la demande | 30s |
-| maxage | chaîne de caractères | Non | 10m | tous | limite maximale d'échecs à chaque demande | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | chaîne de caractères | Non | 10m | tous | définit le temps maximal pour qu'une demande devienne un échec | 5m |
-| max_fails | numéro | Non | 2 | tous | limite maximale d'échecs à chaque demande | 2 |
-| cache | booléenne | Non | [vrai,faux] | >= 2.1 | mettre en cache tous les tarballs éloignés dans l'archive | vrai |
-| auth | liste | Non | [voir ci-dessous](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | attribuer l'en-tête "Autorisation" [plus d'informations](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | désactivé |
-| en-têtes | liste | Non | autorisation: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | tous | liste des en-têtes personnalisés pour l'uplink | désactivé |
-| strict_ssl | booléenne | Non | [vrai,faux] | >= 3.0 | Si vrai, nécessite que les certificats SSL soient valides. | vrai |
-#### Propriété de l'auth
-La propriété `auth` vous permet d'utiliser un jeton d'authentification avec un uplink. Utilisez la variable environnementale par défaut:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-ou par une variable environnementale spécifique:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN` utilisera en interne `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-ou en spécifiant directement un jeton:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Remarque: `jeton` a la priorité sur `jeton_env`
-### Vous devez savoir
-* Verdaccio n'utilise plus l'authentification de base à partir de la version `v2.3.0`. Tous les jetons générés par verdaccio sont basés sur JWT ([jeton Web JSON](https://jwt.io/))
-* Les uplinks doivent être des registres compatibles avec les noeuds finaux `npm`. Par exemple: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* et autre.
-* En affectant false au paramètre `cache`, vous économiserez de l'espace sur le disque dur. Cela évitera de stocker les `tarballs`, mais [conservera les métadonnées dans les dossiers](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Le dépassement avec plusieurs uplinks peut ralentir la recherche de vos paquets car pour chaque demande transmise par un client npm, Verdaccio transmet à son tour un appel pour chaque uplink.
-* Le format (timeout, maxage et fail_timeout) suit les [unités de mesure NGINX](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Cas d’utilisation"
-## Utilisation de paquets privés
-Vous pouvez ajouter des utilisateurs et gérer quels utilisateurs peuvent accéder à quels paquets.
-Il est conseillé de définir un préfixe pour les paquets privés, par exemple "local", afin que tous les éléments privés aient cet aspect: `local-foo`. De cette façon, vous pouvez clairement séparer les paquets publiques et privés.
-## Utilisation des paquets publics à partir de npmjs.org
-Si un paquet n'existe pas dans l'archive, le serveur essaiera de le récupérer à partir de npmjs.org. Si npmjs.org ne fonctionne pas, il ne fournira les paquets mis en cache que s'il n'y avait pas d'autres paquets. Verdaccio ne téléchargera que ce qui est requis (= requis par les clients), et ces informations seront mises en cache. Ainsi, si le client demande la même chose une seconde fois, il peut être servi sans avoir à demander à npmjs.org.
-Exemple: si vous effectuez avec succès une requête express@3.0.1 une fois sur ce serveur, vous pouvez le faire à nouveau (avec toutes ses dépendances) à tout moment, même si npmjs.org ne fonctionne pas. Mais disons qu'express@3.0.0 ne sera pas téléchargé avant que ce soit réellement nécessaire pour quelqu'un. Et si npmjs.org était hors ligne, ce serveur indiquerait que seule la valeur express@3.0.1 (= uniquement ce qui est dans le cache) sera publiée, mais rien d'autre.
-## Annuler les paquets publiques
-Si vous souhaitez utiliser une version modifiée d'un paquet public`foo`, vous ne pouvez le publier que sur votre serveur local. Par conséquent, si vous écrivez `npm install foo`, cette version sera installée.
-Il y a deux options ici:
-1. Vous souhaitez créer un fork distinct et arrêter la synchronisation avec la version publique.
- Si vous voulez faire cela, vous devriez modifier votre fichier de configuration pour que verdaccio ne fasse plus de demande à propos de ce paquet pour npjms. Ajoutez une entrée distincte pour ce paquet à *config.yaml* et supprimez `npmjs` de la liste `proxy`, puis redémarrez le serveur.
- Lorsque vous publiez votre paquet localement, vous devez probablement commencer par un format de chaîne de caractère supérieur à celui existant, afin d'éviter toute confusion avec le paquet existant dans le cache.
-2. Vous souhaitez utiliser temporairement votre propre version, mais revenir à la version public dès sa mise à jour.
- Pour éviter toute confusion entre les versions, vous devez utiliser un suffixe personnalisé publié avant la prochaine version du patch. Par exemple, si un paquet public a la version 0.1.2, vous pouvez charger 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. De cette manière, le paquet sera utilisé jusqu'à ce que son responsable d'origine mette à jour son paquet public vers la version 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Interface d'Utilisateur Web"
-Verdaccio dispoe d'une interface d'utilisateur web pour afficher uniquement les paquets privés et qui peut être personnalisée.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-Toutes les restrictions d'accès définies pour la [protection des pacquets](protect-your-dependencies.md) s'appliquent également à l'Interface Web.
-### Configuration
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| --------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | booléenne | Non | vrai/faux | tous | permettre l’affichage de l’interface web |
-| titre | chaîne de caractères | Non | Verdaccio | tous | Description du titre HTML |
-| logo | chaîne de caractères | Non | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | tous | un URI où se trouve le logo |
-| scope | chaîne de caractères | Non | \\@myscope | tous | Si vous utilisez ce registre pour un modul spécifique, définissez le dans l'en-tête des instructions de l'interface Web de l'utilisateur (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "C'est quoi Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio est un **journal proxy npm léger et privé** écrit dans **Node.js**
-## Qu'est-ce qu'un journal
-* Référentiel des paquets qui implémentent la **spécification CommonJS Compliant Package Registry** pour la lecture des informations sur les paquets
-* Fournit un API compatible avec les clients npm **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Suit le contrôle de version compatible sémantique **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Utilisation de Verdaccio
-L'utilisation de verdaccio avec n'importe quel gestionnaire de paquets de poste client est très simple.
-Vous pouvez utiliser un registre personnalisé ou le configurer de manière général pour tous vos projets
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-ou depuis la ligne de commande comme argument `--registry` dans npm (légèrement différent dans yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Privé
-Tous les paqutes que vous publiez sont privés et accessibles uniquement sur la base de votre configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio stocke toutes les dépendances sur demande et accélère les installations au niveau des réseaux locaux ou privés.
-## Verdaccio en quelques mots
-* C'est une application web basée sur Node.js
-* C'est un registre npm privé
-* C'est un réseau local proxy
-* C'est une application extensible
-* Il est assez facile à installer et à utiliser
-* Nous offrons un soutien Docker et Kubernetes
-* Il est 100% compatible avec les yarn, npm et pnpm
-* Il s'agit d'un **fork** basé sur `sinopia@1.4.0` et 100% **rétrocompatible**.
-* Le nom Verdaccio vient d'**Une nuance de vert populaire dans l’Italie médiévale tardive et utilisée pour les fresques**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installation en tant que service Windows"
-Librement basé sur les instructions trouvées [ici](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). J'ai élaboré ce qui suit, ce qui m'a fourni un service d'installation de verdaccio entièrement fonctionnel:
-1. Créer un répertoire pour verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Installer verdaccio localement (j'ai rencontré des problèmes avec npm avec des installations générales)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Créer votre fichier `confi.yaml` dans cet emplacement `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Configurer le service Windows
-## Utilisation de NSSM
-MÉTHODE ALTERNATIVE: (le paquet WinSW n'était pas présent lorsque j'ai essayé de le télécharger)
-* Téléchargez puis extrayez [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/)
-* Ajoutez le chemin qui contient nssm.exe au PATH
-* Ouvrez une commande administrative
-* Exécutez nssm install verdaccio. Vous devez au moins entrer le dossier de démarrage et les champs Arguments dans le chemin de l'onglet Application. En supposant une installation avec noeud dans le chemin système et un emplacement de c:\verdaccio, les valeurs ci-dessous fonctionneront:
- * Path: `node`
- * Répertoire de démarrage: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- Si vous le souhaitez, il est possible d'adapter d'autres configurations de service sous d'autres onglets. Une fois terminé, cliquez sur le bouton d'installation
- * Démarrer le service sc start verdaccio
-## Utilisation de WinSW
-* À compter du 27/10/2015, WinSW n'est plus disponible à l'emplacement suivant. Veuillez suivre les instructions d'utilisation NSSM écrites ci-dessus.
-* Téléchargez [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Placez l'exécutable (par exemple `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) dans ce dossier (`c:\verdaccio`) et renommez-le `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Créez un fichier de configuration dans `c:\verdaccio`, nommé `verdaccio-winsw.xml` avec la configuration suivante`xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Installez votre service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Démarrez votre service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Certaines des configurations ci-dessus sont plus détaillées que prévu. Il semble cependant que le 'workingdirectory' soit ignoré, à part cela, ceci fonctionne et permet, dans mon cas, que Verdaccio continue de fonctionner entre les redémarrages du serveur, en plus il redémarre de manière autonome en cas d’échec du processus de verdaccio.
-## Référentiels
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Nous avons une solution personnalisée pour `verdaccio` dans notre organisation.
-#### Autres options
-* Le rôle d'Ansible pour les utilisateurs de Gentoo: [ jirutka / ansible-role-sinopia ](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Le rôle d'Ansible pour les utilisateurs de Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-Les paramètres de la section d’authentification sont étroitement liés au [ plug-in ](plugins.md) " Auth " que vous utilisez. Les restrictions de package sont également gérées par [ l'accès au package](packages.md).
-Le processus d'authentification du client est géré par `npm` lui-même. Une fois que vous êtes connectés à l'application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Un jeton est généré dans le `npm` fichier de configuration hébergé dans votre répertoire personnel. Pour plus d'informations sur `.npmrc` lire la [documentation officielle](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Publication anonyme
-`verdaccio` vous permet d'activer la publication anonyme. Pour utiliser cette fonction, vous devez définir correctement votre [accès aux packages](packages.md).
-Par exemple :
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Comme décrit [ dans le cas N°212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500)jusqu'à`npm@5.3.0`et dans toutes les versions mineurs ** vous ne serez pas autorisés à publier sans jeton**. Cependant `yarn` n'a pas une telle limitation.
-## Htpasswd par défaut
-Afin de simplifier la configuration, `verdaccio` utilise un plugin basé sur `htpasswd`. A partir de la version 3.0.x, le [ plugin externe ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) est utilisé par défaut. La version v2.x de ce paquet contient toujours la version intégrée de ce plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | ----------- | ---------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| fichier | chaîne | Oui | ./htpasswd | tous | fichier qui héberge les informations d'identification chiffrées |
-| max_users | numéro | Non | 1000 | tous | définir un nombre limite d'utilisateurs |
-Si vous décidez d'empêcher un utilisateur de se connecter, vous pouvez définir `max_users: -1`.
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-id: générer
-title: "Générer le code source"
-Verdaccio se base sur `yarn` au lieu de `npm` pour télécharger les les dépendances.
-*Remarque: le code source actuel ne peut être généré que par `➜ fil@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Pour visualiser la liste complète des scripts, [cliquez ici](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Utilisation du Chef Cookbook pour Verdaccio
-Pour plus d’informations:
-> Nous sommes à la recherche de collaborateurs pour ce référentiel. Si vous êtes intéressés, veuillez en informer l'auteur par ticket.
-Auteur: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Intégration Continue"
-Vous pouvez utiliser verdaccio avec une intégration continue lors de la connexion ou de la publication. Lorsque vous utilisez NPM pour installer un module privé dans un environnement d'intégration continue pour la première fois, vous rencontrez immédiatement un problème. La commande de connexion NPM est conçue pour être utilisée de manière interactive. Cela pose un problème dans les CI, les scripts, etc. Ici, vous trouverez comment utiliser NPM pour accéder à différentes plates-formes d'intégration continue.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) ou [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Outil de ligne de commande"
-La CLI de Verdaccio est votre moyen de lancer l'application.
-## Commandes
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Commande | Par défaut | Exemple | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | --------------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | porte http |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | le fichier de configuration |
-## Emplacement du fichier de configuration par défaut
-Pour localiser le répertoire de base, nous nous appuyons sur **$XDG_DATA_HOME** comme premier choix et sur l'environnement Windows que nous cherchons [Variable d’environnement APPDATA ](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Emplacement de stockage par défaut
-On utilise **$XDG_DATA_HOME**la variable d'environnement par défaut pour trouver le stockage par défaut qui [ devrait être identique ](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) de $HOME/ .local / share. Si vous utilisez un stockage personnalisé, cet emplacement est sans importance.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Fichier de configuration"
-Ce fichier est le pilier de verdaccio où vous pouvez modifier le comportement par défaut, activer les plugins et étendre les fonctionnalités.
-Un fichier de configuration par défaut est créé la première fois que vous exécutez `verdaccio`.
-## Configuration par défaut
-La configuration par défaut a un support pour les packs **portée(scoped)** et permet à tout utilisateur à accéder à tous les packs, mais seuls **les utilisateurs authentifiés qui peuvent publier**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-Les sections suivantes expliquent ce que signifie chaque propriété et les différentes options.
-### Stockage
-C'est le chemin de stockage par défaut. **Verdaccio est basé par défaut sur le fichier système local**.
-stockage: ./stockage
-### Plugins
-C'est le chemin du répertoire des plugins. Utile pour les déploiements basées sur Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-Le paramètre d'authentification est défini ici, l'authentification par défaut est basée sur `htpasswd` et est intégrée. Vous pouvez modifier ce comportement via les[plugins](plugins.md). Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page d'authentification ](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Interface utilisateur Web
-Cette propriété vous permet de modifier les fonctionnalités de l'interface utilisateur Web. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page de l'interface utilisateur Web ](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks est la capacité du système à récupérer des paquets à partir de registres distants lorsque ces paquets ne sont pas disponibles localement. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, lisez [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Paquets
-Les Paquets permettent à l'utilisateur de contrôler comment les paquets sont rendus accessibles. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page des paquets ](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Paramètres avancés
-### Publication hors ligne
-Par défaut `verdaccio` n'autorise pas le client à publier lorsqu'il est hors ligne, ce comportement peut être remplacé en définissant cette option *Vraie*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Préfixe de l'URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Depuis: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Taille maximale du corps
-Par défaut, la taille maximale du corps d'un document JSON est `10mb`. Si vous rencontrez des erreurs telles que ` "entité de demande trop grande" `, vous pouvez augmenter cette valeur.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Port d’écoute
-`verdaccio` s’exécute par défaut dans le port `4873`. La modification du port peut être faite via [cli](cli.md) ou dans le fichier de configuration, les options suivantes sont valides.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Pour activer `https` dans `verdaccio` il suffit de définir le drapeau `Ecoute` avec le protocole *https://*. Pour plus d’informations sur cette section, lisez [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Les Proxy sont des serveurs HTTP spéciaux conçus pour transférer des données de serveurs distants vers des clients locaux.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Si vous avez un proxy sur votre réseau, vous pouvez définir un en-tête `X-Forwarded-For` à l'aide des propriétés suivantes.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Cette variable doit contenir une liste d'extensions de domaine séparées par des virgules pour lesquelles le proxy ne doit pas être utilisé.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-L'activation des notifications d'outils tiers est assez facile via des webhooks. Pour plus d'informations sur cette section, consultez la [ page de notification ](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Pour plus de détails sur les paramètres de configuration, veuillez [ vérifier le code source ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Depuis : verdaccio@3.0.0
-` npm audit ` est une nouvelle commande émise avec[ npm 6.x ](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio inclut un plugin middleware intégré pour gérer cette commande.
-> Si vous avez une nouvelle installation, elle est fournie par défaut. Sinon, vous devez ajouter les propriétés suivantes à votre fichier de configuration
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contribuant
-title: "Contribuer à Verdaccio"
-First of all Passer à une base de code inconnue n'est pas facile, mais nous sommes là pour vous aider.
-## Canaux de communication
-Si vous souhaitez poser des questions, nous utilisons deux canaux de discussion:
-* [Chaîne publique de Discord](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Commencer
-À première vue, verdaccio est un référentiel unique, mais il existe de nombreuses façons de contribuer et une grande variété de technologies à utiliser.
-### Trouver ma place
-Nous avons tous des compétences différentes, alors voyons où vous pouvez vous sentir confortable.
-### Je connais ou je veux en apprendre Node.js
-Node.js est la base de `verdaccio`, nous utilisons des bibliothèques comme `express`, `commander`, `request` ou `async`. Verdaccio est essentiellement un API Rest qui crée une communication avec les clients `npm`, comme `yarn`.
-Nous avons une longue [liste de plugins](plugins.md) prête à être utilisée et améliorée, mais en même temps, [vous pouvez créer votre propre liste](dev-plugins.md).
-### J'aurais préférer travailler dans l’Interface utilisateur
-Récemment, nous sommes passés à des techonologies moderne comme `React` et `element-react`. Nous sommes impatients de voir de nouvelles idées pour améliorer l’Interface Utilisateur.
-### Je me sens plus confortable en améliorant la pile
-Bien sûr, nous serons heureux si vous pouviez nous aider à améliorer la pile, vous pouvez mettre à niveau des dépendances telles que `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. Ce serait très utile si vous pouvez simplement améliorer la configuration de `webpack`. Toute suggestion est la bienvenue. De même, si vous avez une expérience dans **Yeoman**, vous pouvez nous aider avec le [générateur de verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Voici quelques idées:
-* Créer des règles communes d'eslint pouvant être utilisées dans toutes les dépendances ou plugins
-* Améliorer la distribution des définitions de types de flux
-* Migrer vers Webpack 4
-* Améliorez le rechargement à chaud avec Webpack
-* Nous utilisons babel et webpack à travers toutes les dépendances, pourquoi pas un préréglage commun?
-* Améliorer la distribution continue de l'intégration
-### Je fais une bonne documentation
-De nombreux contributeurs trouvent des fautes de frappe et des problèmes de grammaire, ce qui contribue également à améliorer l'expérience globale de résolution de problèmes.
-### Je suis un Designer
-Nous avons une interface du site qui sera ravie de voir vos idées.
-Notre site est basé sur [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Je suis un DevOps
-Nous avons une image très populaire sur Docker [ https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/) qui a besoin de maintenance et d’énormes améliorations, nous avons donc besoin de vos connaissances pour que tous les utilisateurs en bénéficient.
-Nous avons un soutien pour **Kubernetes**, ** Puppet**, **Ansible** et **Chef** et nous avons besoin d'aide dans ces domaines, n'hésitez pas à voir tous les dépôts.
-### Je peux faire des traductions
-Verdaccio vise à être multilingue et, pour atteindre cet objectif, **nous bénéficions du soutien important** de [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com), qui est une plate-forme stupéfiante pour les traductions.
-Nous avons mis en place un projet dans lequel vous pouvez choisir la langue que vous préférez. Si vous ne trouvez pas la langue qui vous convient, n'hésitez pas à demander une en [créant un ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Aller à Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Je suis prêt à contribuer
-Si vous pensez que *"J'ai déjà vu les [dépôts](repositories.md) et je souhaite commencer tout de suite"*, alors j'ai bien de bonnes nouvelles pour vous, Voici l'étape suivante.
-Vous devrez apprendre à créer un projet, [nous avons préparé un guide à cet effet](build.md).
-Une fois que vous vous êtes amusés avec tous les scripts et que vous avez compris comment les utiliser, nous sommes prêts pour passer à l'étape suivante: exécutez le [**Test unitaire**](test.md).
-## Liste complète des contributeurs. Nous souhaitons voir votre visage ici !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Développement des Plugins"
-Il existe plusieurs façons pour étendre `verdaccio`, les types de plugins pris en charge sont :
-* Plugins d’authentification
-* Plugins Middleware (depuis `v2.7.0`)
-* Plugins de stockage depuis (`v3.x`)
-> Nous vous recommandons de développer des plugins à l'aide de nos [ définitions des types de flux ](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Plugin d’authentification
-Fondamentalement, nous devons renvoyer un objet avec une seule méthode appelée `authentifier` qui recevra 3 arguments (`utilisateur, mot de passe, rappel`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Seuls `adduser`, `allow_access` et `allow_publish` sont facultatifs, verdaccio fournit une solution de secours dans tous ces cas.
-#### Rappel
-Une fois l’authentification effectuée, il existe 2 options possibles pour répondre à `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Soit que quelque chose de mauvais s'est produite, ou que l'authentification a échoué.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-L’authentification a réussi.
-`groups` est un tableau de chaînes dont l'utilisateur fait partie.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Exemple
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-Et la configuration ressemblera à ceci:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Où `htpasswd` est le suffixe du nom du plugin. ex: `verdaccio-htpasswd` et le reste du corps serait composé des paramètres de configuration du plugin.
-## Plugin Middleware
-Les plugins middleware peuvent modifier le niveau de l'API, en ajoutant de nouveaux points de terminaison ou en interceptant des demandes.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Cette méthode fournit un accès complet à l'authentification et à l'archivage via `auth` et `storage`. `app` est l'application rapide qui permet d'ajouter de nouveaux points de terminaison.
-> Un très bon exemple de plugin Middleware est le [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) et [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Pour enregistrer un middleware, nous avons besoin d'un objet avec une seule méthode appelée `register_middlewares`, qui recevra 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* est l'instance d'authentification et *storage* est également l'instance de stockage principale qui donnera accès à toutes les actions de stockage.
-## Plugin de stockage
-Verdaccio utilise par défaut une extension de stockage du système de fichiers [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), mais à partir de `verdaccio @ 3.x` vous pouvez brancher un stockage personnalisé qui remplacera le comportement par défaut.
-### API
-L'API de stockage étant un peu plus complexe, vous devez créer une classe qui renvoie une implémentation `IPluginStorage`. Veuillez consulter les détails ci-dessous.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> L'API de stockage est toujours expérimental et peut changer dans les versions mineures ultérieures. Pour plus d'informations sur l'API de stockage, veuillez suivre les [définitions de type dans nos archives officielles](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Exemples de Plugins de Stockage
-Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste des extensions utilisant l'API de stockage et pouvant être utilisées à titre d'exemple.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Voulez-vous contribuer avec de nouveaux Plugins de Stockage?[Appuyez ici.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Pour télécharger la dernière [image docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/) prédéfinie:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Versions marquées
-À partir de la version `v2.x`, vous pouvez obtenir des images du menu fixe pour la [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), comme suit:
-Pour une version majeure:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Pour une version mineure:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Pour une version spécifique (patch):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Pour la prochaine version majeure, utilisez la version `beta` (branche principale).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Si vous êtes intéréssés par une liste de tags, [veuillez visiter le site web Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## En cours d’exécution de Verdaccio à l’aide de Docker
-Pour exécuter le conteneur de docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-Le dernier argument définit quelle image doit être utilisée. La ligne ci-dessus téléchargera à partir du dockerhub la dernière image prédéfinie disponible, si celle-ci n'a pas encore été créée.
-Si vous avez [construit une image localement](#build-your-own-docker-image), utilisez `verdaccio` comme dernier argument.
-Vous pouvez utiliser `-v` pour monter `conf`, `storage` et `plugins` dans le système de fichiers hôte:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Remarque: Verdaccio s'exécute dans le conteneur en tant qu'utilisateur non root (uid = 100, gid = 101). Si vous utilisez le montage lié pour ignorer les paramètres par défaut, vous devez vous assurer que le dossier de montage est attribué à l'utilisateur correct. Dans l'exemple précédent, vous devez exécuter `sudo chown -R 100: 101 / opt / verdaccio`, sinon vous obtiendrez des erreurs d'autorisation pendant l'exécution. [Utiliser le volume docker](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) est recommandé, plutôt qu'utiliser le lieu du montage de liaison.
-### Plugins
-Les plugins peuvent être installés dans un dossier séparé et montés à l'aide de Docker ou de Kubernetes. Cependant, veillez à créer des plugins avec des dépendances natives à l'aide de la même image de base du fichier Docker de Verdaccio.
-### Configuration de Docker et du port personnalisé
-Chaque `host: port` configuré dans `conf/config.yaml` sous `listen` est actuellement ignoré lors de l'utilisation de docker.
-Si vous souhaitez atteindre l’instance verdaccio docker depuis un autre port, dites `5000`, dans la commande `docker run`, remplacez `-p 4873: 4873` par `-p 5000: 4873`.
-Dans le cas où vous devez spécifier le port sur lequel écouter **dans le conteneur de menu fixe**, à partir de la version 2.?.? ceci est possible en fournissant des arguments supplémentaires à `docker run`: `- env PORT = 5000` Ceci remplace le port offert par le conteneur de menu fixe et le port écouté par verdaccio.
-Bien sûr, les nombres fournis au paramètre `-p` doivent correspondre, donc si vous les voulez tous identiques, voici ce que vous pouvez copier, coller et adopter:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utiliser HTTPS avec Docker
-Vous pouvez configurer le protocole que verdaccio écoutera, de la même manière que le port. Vous devez remplacer la valeur par défaut ("http") de la variable d'environnement du `PROTOCOL` par "https" après avoir spécifié les certificats dans le fichier config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utiliser docker-compose
-1. Obtenir la dernière version de [docker-composer](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Générer et exécuter le conteneur:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Vous pouvez définir le port à utiliser (pour le conteneur et pour l'hôte) en préfixant la commande précédente avec le préfixe`PORT = 5000`.
-Docker générera un volume nommé dans lequel les données d'application persistantes seront stockées. Vous pouvez utiliser `docker inspect` ou `docker volume inspect` pour révéler l'emplacement physique du volume et modifier la configuration, comme:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Créer votre propre image Docker
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Il existe également un script npm pour créer une image docker, vous pouvez donc également:
-npm run build:docker
-Remarque: La première génération prend quelques minutes pour être créée car elle doit démarrer `npm install` et peut prendre le même temps chaque fois que vous modifiez un fichier ne figurant pas dans la liste `.dockerignore`.
-Si vous souhaitez utiliser l'image docker du menu fixe sur un périphérique rpi ou un périphérique compatible, un fichier docker est aussi disponible. Pour créer une image docker pour raspberry pi, exécutez:
-npm run build:docker
-Veuillez noter que pour chacune des commandes de menu mentionnées ci-dessus, il est nécessaire d’installer le docker sur le PC, aussi le docker exécutable doit être disponible sur `$PATH`.
-## Exemples de docker
-Il existe un dossier distinct qui héberge plusieurs configurations pour composer des images Docker avec `verdaccio`, par exemple, en tant que proxy inverse:
-## Constructions personnalisées de Docker
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) conteneur privé NPM pouvant être sauvegardé en s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) image de docker fournissant verdaccio à partir de coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installation sur le serveur IIS"
-Ces instructions ont été écrites pour le serveur Windows 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) et [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Installez IIS et [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Assurez-vous d'installer les conditions préalables (module de réécriture d'URL & nœud) comme expliqué dans les instructions pour iisnode.
-- Créez un nouveau dossier dans Explorer où vous souhaitez héberger Verdaccio. Par exemple `C:\verdaccio`. Sauvgarder [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) et [web.config](#webconfig) dans ce fichier.
-- Créez un nouveau site sur Internet Information Services Manager. Vous pouvez l’appeler comme vous voulez. Je l’appellerai verdaccio dans ces [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Spécifiez le chemin vers où vous avez enregistré les fichiers et un numéro de port.
-- Retournez vers Explorer et autorisez l'utilisateur exécutant le groupe d'applications à pouvoir modifier le dossier nouvellement créé. Si vous avez nommé le nouveau site verdaccio et que vous n'avez pas modifié le groupe d'applications, cela fonctionne à l'arrière plan d'une ApplicationPoolIdentity et vous devez autoriser l'utilisateur à modifier IIS AppPool\verdaccio. Voir les instructions si vous avez besoin d'aide. (Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez restreindre l'accès ultérieurement, de sorte que vous ne disposiez que des autorisations de modification sur iisnode et verdaccio/storage)
-- Lancez une invite de commande et lancez celles ci-dessous pour télécharger verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Assurez-vous de disposer d'une règle entrante acceptant le trafic TCP sur le port du pare-feu Windows
-- C'est ça! Maintenant, vous pouvez parcourir l'hôte et le port que vous avez spécifiés
-Je voulais que `verdaccio` soit le site par défaut sur IIS, j'ai donc pris les mesures suivantes:
-- Je me suis assuré que le fichier .nmprc dans `c:\users{yourname}` avait le registre configuré sur `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- J'ai arrêté le "site Web par défaut" et n'ai démarré que le site "verdaccio" sur IIS
-- J'ai établi des connexions avec "http", l'adresse Ip "All Unassigned" sur le port 80, permettre tout avertissement ou invite
-Ces instructions sont basées sur [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). J'ai dû faire un petit ajustement de la configuration Web, comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessous, mais vous pouvez trouver l'original à partir du lien mentionné qui fonctionne le mieux
-Un fichier de configuration par défaut sera créé `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Dépannage
-- **L'interface Web n'est pas chargée lorsqu'elle est allouée à l'hôte https puisqu'elle tente de télécharger le script sur http.**
- Assurez-vous que vous avez nommé correctement `url_prefix` dans la configuration de Verdaccio. Suivez la [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio est une application Web multi-plateforme. Quelques conditions préalables sont requises pour son installation.
-#### Conditions préalables
-1. Nœud supérieur à
- - Pour la version `verdaccio@2.x` Noeud `v4.6.1` est la version minimale prise en charge.
- - Pour la version `verdaccio@latest` Noeud `6.12.0` est la version minimale prise en charge.
-2. npm `>=3.x` ou `yarn`
-3. L'interface web prend en charge les navigateurs `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, et IE9`.
-## En cours d'installation du CLI
-`verdaccio` doit être installé globalement en utilisant l'une des méthodes suivantes:
-En utilisant `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-ou en utilisant `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![installer verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Usage basique
-Une fois installé, il vous suffit d’exécuter la commande CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Pour plus d'information sur CLI, veuillez [lire la section cli](cli.md).
-## Image de docker
-`verdaccio` a une image de docker officielle que vous pouvez utiliser, et dans la majorité des cas, la configuration par défaut est assez bonne. Pour plus d’informations sur la façon d’installer l’image officielle, [lisez la section docker](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` est également disponible en application à installer en 1 clic sur [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Les instructions pour développer Verdaccio sur un cluster Kubernetes sont disponibles dans l’archive [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Cependant, la méthode recommandée pour installer Verdaccio sur un cluster Kubernetes consiste à utiliser [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm est un [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) gestionnaire de paquets, qui présente de nombreux avantages.
-## Helm
-### Configurer Helm
-Si vous n'avez jamais utilisé Helm, vous devez configurer le contrôleur Helm dit Tiller:
-helm init
-### Installer
-Développez la charte de Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). Dans cet exemple, nous utilisons `npm` comme nom de version:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Déployer une version spécifique
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### En cours de mettre Verdaccio à niveau
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Désinstallation
-helm del --purge npm
-**Remarque:** cette commande supprime toutes les ressources, y compris les packages que vous avez peut-être déjà publiés dans le registre.
-### Configuration personnalisée de Verdaccio
-Vous pouvez personnaliser la configuration de Verdaccio en utilisant un Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Préparer
-Copiez la [configuration existante](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) et adaptez la à votre propre cas d'utilisation:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Remarque:** assurez-vous que vous utilisez le chemin correct d'archivage utilisé pour la persistance:
-torage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Développer le configMap
-Développer le `configMap` dans le cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Développer Verdaccio
-Maintenant, vous pouvez développer le tableau Verdaccio Helm et spécifier la configuration à utiliser:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Support Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) est une plate-forme complète de gestion de conteneurs facilitant la gestion et l'utilisation des conteneurs en production.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: enregistreur
-title: "Enregistreur"
-Comme toute application Web, verdaccio dispose d'un enregistreur intégré personnalisable. Vous pouvez définir différents types de sorties.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Les options sont transmises directement à Bunyan. Voir: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-En utilisant `SIGUSR2` pour notifier l'application, le fichier journal a été pivoté et doit être rouvert. Remarque: L'activité de rotation des journaux n'est pas prise en charge en mode cluster. [Voir ici](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| ---------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | chaîne de caractères | Non | [stdout, file] | tous | définir la sortie |
-| itinéraire | chaîne de caractères | Non | verdaccio.log | tous | si le type est fichier, définissez l’emplacement de ce fichier |
-| format | chaîne de caractères | Non | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | tous | format de la sortie |
-| niveau | chaîne de caractères | Non | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | tous | niveau détaillé |
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-id: logo
-title: "Logo de Verdaccio"
-Le logo a été conçu par [Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno) qui a gagné la [compétition](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([dernière étape](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) et a fait de son travail un don pour ce projet.
-> Tous les logos sont enregistrés sous la licence [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Un merci spécial à [@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar) pour sa contribution avec différents formats et tailles d’images.
-## Symboles
-**Avec texte**
-![petit symbole avec texte](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbole moyen avec texte](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![grand symbole avec texte](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbole svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**Aucun texte**
-![petit symbole](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbole moyen](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![grand symbole](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![symbole de format svg sans texte](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Noir &Blanc
-![symbole noir et blanc petit](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbole noir et blanc moyen](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbole noir et blanc grand](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbole noir et blanc svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Bannière
-![petite bannière](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![bannière moyenne](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![grande bannière](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio peut être invoqué par programme. Le node API a été introduit à partir de la version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Utilisation
-#### Par programme
- mport startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Autres implémentations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) registre local npm, serveur proxy
-import * comme verdaccioServer de « verdaccio-serveur » ;
-verdaccioServer.start() ;
-verdaccioServer.stop() ;
-verdaccioServer.list() ;
-verdaccioServer.stopAll() ;
-verdaccioServer.show() ;
-verdaccioServer.cli() ;
-/ / windows .net2
-verdaccioServer.serviceInstall() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceUninstall() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceStart() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceStop() ;
-verdaccioServer.serviceRestart() ;
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify a été créé principalement pour être utilisé avec les Webhooks entrants de Slack, mais fournira également une charge utile simple à chaque terminal. Pour le moment, il n'est actif que pour la commande `npm publish`.
-## Utilisation
-Un exemple avec **HipChat**, **Stride** et **Google Hangouts Chat**, cliquez sur:
-> Verdaccio supporte chaque API, n'hésitez pas à ajouter d'autres exemples.
-#### Notification unique
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Notification multiple
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Modèle
-Nous utilisons [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) comme moteur de gabarit principal.
-### Exemples de format
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Propriétés
-Liste des propriétés accessibles via un modèle
-* Métadonnées
-* Éditeur (celui qui publie)
-* Package publié (package@1.0.0)
-### Métadonnées
-Package de métadonnées auquel le modèle a accès
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Editeur
-Vous pouvez accéder aux informations sur les packages de l'éditeur dans le `content` d'un Webhook à l'aide de l'objet `publisher`.
-Voir le type d'objet `publisher` ci-dessous:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-Un exemple:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Remarque:** Il est impossible d'obtenir des informations sur l'éditeur si le fichier `package.json` possède déjà la propriété `éditeur`.
-### Package Publié
-Vous pouvez accéder au package publié avec le mot clé `{{publishedPackage}}` comme suit.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Soutien | Par défaut | Description |
-| ------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| méthode | chaîne de caractères | Non | tous | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | chaîne de caractères | Non | tous | | N'effectuez cette notification que si le nom du package correspond à l'expression régulière |
-| packagePatternFlags | chaîne de caractères | Non | tous | | Tous les drapeaux à utiliser avec l'expression régulière |
-| en-têtes | tableau/objet | Oui | tous | | Si ce noeud final nécessite des en-têtes spécifiques, définissez-les ici comme un tableau de clé: valeur des objets. |
-| endpoint | chaîne de caractères | Oui | tous | | définir l'URL de l'endpoint pour cet appel |
-| content | chaîne de caractères | Oui | tous | | toute expression [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) |
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-id: paquets
-title: "Paquet d'accès"
-Il s'agit d'une série de restrictions qui permettent ou restreignent l'accès au stockage local en fonction de critères spécifiques.
-Les restrictions de sécurité dépendent du plugin que vous utilisez. `verdaccio` utilise par défaut le plugin [htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). Si vous utilisez un autre plugin, l'opération peut être différente. Le plugin par défaut ne gère pas directement `allow_access` et `allow_publish`, mais utilise une alternative interne au cas où le plugin ne serait pas prêt pour cela.
-Pour plus d'informations sur les autorisations, consultez la [section d'authentification du wiki](auth.md).
-### Utilisation
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-si rien n'est spécifié, le choix est par défaut
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-La liste des groupes valides selon les plugins par défaut sont
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-Tous les utilisateurs reçoivent tous ces groupes d'autorisations, qu'ils soient anonymes ou non, plus les groupes fournis par le plug-in. Dans le cas `htpasswd`, rejetez le nom d'utilisateur en tant que groupe. Par exemple, si vous êtes connectés en tant que `npmUser`, la liste des noms sera.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-Si vous souhaitez protéger un ensemble spécifique de paquets au sein de votre groupe, vous devez procéder de la même manière. Utilisons un `Regex` qui couvre tous les paquets avec le préfixe `npmuser -`. Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser un préfixe pour vos paquets afin de faciliter leur protection.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Redémarrez `verdaccio` et essayez d'installer `npmuser-core` dans votre console.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-Vous pouvez changer le comportement existant en utilisant un autre plugin d'authentification. `verdaccio` vérifie simplement si l'utilisateur qui a tenté d'accéder ou de publier un paquet spécifique appartient au groupe approprié.
-#### Définir plusieurs groupes
-Il est facile de définir plusieurs groupes d’accès, définissez-les juste avec un espace blanc entre eux.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Bloquer l’accès à l’ensemble des paquets
-Si vous souhaitez bloquer l’accès/publier à un groupe spécifique de paquets. alors ne définissez pas `access` et `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Bloquer la transmission d'un groupe de paquets spécifiques
-Vous voudrez peut-être empêcher les registres distants d’atteindre un ou plusieurs paquets tout en autorisant les autres à accéder à différentes *uplinks*.
-Voyons l’exemple suivant:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Décrivons ce que nous voulons avec l'exemple ci-dessus:
-* Je souhaite héberger ma propre dépendance `jquery` mais je dois éviter de la transférer.
-* Je veux toutes les dépendances qui coïncident avec <`my-company - *` mais je dois éviter de les transférer.
-* Je veux toutes les dépendances qui se trouvent dans la portée `my-local-scope`, mais je dois éviter de les transférer.
-* Je veux transférer toutes les dépendances restantes.
-**N'oubliez pas l'importance de la commande de colis et utilisez toujours le double astérisque**. Parce que si vous ne l'incluez pas, `verdaccio` l'inclura à votre place et cela affectera la manière dont vos dépendances seront résolues.
-### Configuration
-Vous pouvez définir mutiple `packages` et chacun d’eux doit avoir un unique `Regex`. La syntaxe est basée sur [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| --------- | -------------------- | ----------- | -------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
-| accès | chaîne de caractères | Non | $all | tous | définir des groupes autorisés à accéder au package |
-| publier | chaîne | Non | $authenticated | tous | définir les groupes autorisés à publier |
-| proxy | chaîne de caractères | Non | npmjs | tous | limite la recherche d'un uplink spécifique |
-| stockage | booléenne | Non | [vrai,faux] | tous | TODO |
-> Nous vous signalons qu'il est déconseillé d'utiliser les **allow_access **/**allow_publish** et les **proxy_access** qui sont obsolètes et qui seront bientôt supprimés. version courte de chacun de ces éléments (**acces**/ **publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio est une application extensible. Il peut être étendu par de nombreuses manières, ou avec de nouvelles méthodes d'authentification, en ajoutant des points de terminaison ou en utilisant un archivage personnalisé.
-> Si vous souhaitez développer votre plugin personnel, lisez la section [development](dev-plugins.md).
-## Utilisation
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` étant une fourchette de sinopia, est compatible avec les versions précédentes et avec les plugins compatibles avec `sinopia@1.4.0`. Dans ce cas, l'installation est la même.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Ouvrez le fichier `>config.yaml` et mettez à jour la section `auth` comme suit :
-La configuration par défaut ressemble à ceci, car nous utilisons un plugin intégré `htpasswd` qui peut être désactivé en commentant les lignes suivantes.
-### Configuration du Plugin d'authentification
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-et en les remplaçant par (si vous décidez d'utiliser un plugin `ldap`.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Plugins d'authentification multiples
-Ceci est techniquement possible, en accordant de l'importance à l'ordre du plugin, car les informations d'identification seront résolues dans l'ordre.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Configuration du plugin Middleware
-Ceci est un exemple de la façon de configurer un plugin middleware. Tous les plugins middleware doivent être définis dans l'espace de noms **middlewares**.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> Vous pouvez suivre le [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) comme exemple de base.
-### Configuration du plugin store
-Ceci est un exemple de la façon de configurer un plugin de stockage. Tous les plugins de stockage doivent être définis dans l'espace de noms **store**.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> Si vous définissez un magasin personnalisé, la propriété **stockage** du fichier de configuration sera ignorée.
-## Plugins hérités
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible avec toutes les versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): plugin d'authentification pour la prise en charge de sinopia avec un journal npm.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia qui se souvient des utilisateurs.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [ sinopia-crowd ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia qui prend en charge le public atlassien.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): plugin d'authentification Ative Directory pour sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia2, prenant en charge le flux web github oauth.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): plugin d’authentification Sinopia qui délègue l’authentification vers une autre URL HTTP
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): plugin remplaçant LDAP Auth pour Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): un facile auth-plugin, entier, avec configuration pour utiliser une API externe.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-mail](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): générer le mot de passe au format htaccess, chiffrer avec GPG et envoyer via l’API MailGun pour les utilisateurs.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): un facile auth-plugin, entier, avec configuration pour utiliser une base de données mongodb.
-* [ sinopia-crowd ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): plugin d'authentification pour sinopia qui prend en charge le format htpasswd.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): plugin auth pris en charge par leveldb pour la synchronisation privée npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): plugin d'authentification Gitlab pour sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): plugin d'authentification Gitlab pour sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): plugin d'authentification LDAP pour sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) plugin d'authentification pour Sinopia avec une interface Web github oauth.
-> Tous les plugins de Sinopia devraient être compatibles avec toutes les futures versions de Verdaccio. Cependant, nous encourageons les contributeurs à les transférer vers l’API moderne de verdaccio et à utiliser le préfixe * verdaccio-xx-name *.
-## Plugins de Verdaccio
-(compatible depuis 2.1.x)
-### Plugins d'Autorisation
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): plugin d'authentification Bitbucket pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): plugin d'authentification du serveur Bitbucket pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): plugin d'authentification LDAP pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): plugin d'authentifiation Active Directory pour verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): utilisez les Jetons d'Accès Personnel GitLab pour votre authentification
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): permettre à GitLab CI d'authentifier contre verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): authentification basée sur le plugin du fichier htpasswd (built-in) pour verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): plugin d'authentification Github oauth pour verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): plugin de Github OAuth pour le boutton de connexion de verdaccio.
-### Plugins Middleware
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): plugin verdaccio pour le support de *npm audit* (intégré) (compatible à partir de 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): plugin verdaccio pour le support client *profil npm* et *Le profil npm du mot de passe* pour l'authentification basée sur *verdaccio-htpasswd*
-### Plugins de stockage
-(compatible depuis 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Des plugins de stockage pour héberger des paquets en mémoire
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) plugin de stockage pour héberger les paquets**Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) plugin de stockage pour héberger les paquets **Stockage Google Cloud**
-## Avertissements
-> Ces plugins ne sont pas tous testés de manière continue, certains peuvent ne pas fonctionner du tout. Si vous rencontrez un problème, veuillez en informer le propriétaire du plugin en question.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protection des paquets"
-`verdaccio` vous permet de protéger la publication. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de configurer correctement le [package acces](packages).
-### Configuration du paquet
-Voyons, par exemple, la configuration suivante. Vous avez une série de dépendances préfixées par `my-company - *` et vous devez les protéger contre les utilisateurs anonymes ou contre les autres utilisateurs connectés sans informations d'identification correctes.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-Avec cette configuration, en principe, nous permettons aux groupes **admin** et **teamA** de *publier*, et **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** d'*accéder* à de telles dépendences.
-### Cas d'utilisation: teamD tente d'accéder à la dépendance
-Par conséquent, si je me connecte en tant que ** teamD **, je ne devrais pas pouvoir accéder à toutes les dépendances qui correspondent au modèle ` my-company - * `.
-➜ npm whoami
-Je n'aurai pas accès à ces dépendances, aussi elles ne seront pas visibles sur le Web pour l'utilisateur **teamD**. Si j'essaie d'accéder, il arrivera ce qui suit.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-ou avec `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error Une erreur inattendue s'est produite: "http: // localhost: 5555 / webpack-1: les utilisateurs non enregistrés ne sont pas autorisés à accéder au paquet my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Installez verdaccio pour Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, et RedHat.
-# Utilisation
-Deux variantes sont disponibles pour installer verdaccio à l’aide de ce module Puppet:
-* Mode d'application (avec puppet-apply et aucune configuration puppetmaster n'est demandée)
-* Mode Master-Agent (avec accès à la configuration de puppet-agent via puppetmaster).
-Dans les deux variantes, il est nécessaire d'appeler explicitement la "classe nodejs {}" dans le script puppet car le module puppet-verdaccio le définit uniquement en tant qu'exigence. Vous disposez ainsi de toute la flexibilité que vous souhaitez pour l'installation de nodejs. Faites défiler la liste pour plus de détails sur la variante de la méthode Master-Agent.
-Pour plus d'informations:
-> Nous sommes à la recherche de collaborateurs actifs pour cette intégration. Si vous êtes intéressé, [référez-vous à ce ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: code source
-title: "Code source"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Pour visualiser la liste complète des scripts, [cliquez ici](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Configuration du proxy inverse"
-## Apache
-Apache et mod_proxy ne doivent pas décoder/encoder les barres obliques et doivent les laisser tels qu'elles sont:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration avec SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Configuration du serveur virtuel Apache
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Commencer derrière le proxy inverse avec un domaine et un port différents
-Si vous exécutez verdaccio derrière le proxy inverse, vous remarqueriez que tous les fichiers de ressources fonctionnent comme des chemins associés, tels que ``
-Pour résoudre le problème, vous devez envoyer le domaine réel et le port avec l'en-tête `Host` à verdaccio
-La configuration de Nginx devrait ressembler à ceci:
-ocation / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-Dans ce cas, `url_prefix` ne doit pas être défini dans la configuration de verdaccio
-* * *
-ou dans l'installation d'un sous-dossier:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-Dans ce cas, `url_prefix` doit être défini sur `/verdaccio/`
-> Remarque: il y a une barre oblique après le chemin d'installation (`https://votre-domaine:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Configuration du serveur"
-Il s’agit principalement de la documentation de la configuration de base du serveur Linux, mais je pense qu’il est important de documenter et de partager les étapes que j’ai suivies pour démarrer définitivement Verdaccio sur mon serveur. Vous aurez besoin d'autorisations root (ou sudo) pour les opérations suivantes.
-## Gérer en tant qu'utilisateur distinct
-Premièrement créez l’utilisateur verdaccio:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-Vous créez un shell en tant qu'utilisateur verdaccio à l'aide de la commande suivante:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-La commande 'cd ~' envoie le répertoire personnel de l'utilisateur verdaccio. Veillez à exécuter verdaccio au moins une fois pour générer le fichier de configuration. Changez-le en fonction de vos besoins.
-## À l'écoute de toutes les adresses
-Si vous souhaitez écouter chaque adresse externe, définissez la directive d'écoute dans la configuration sur:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-Si vous exécutez `verdaccio` dans une instance Amazon EC2, [ vous devrez définir le paramètre 'écouter' dans le fichier 'changer votre configuration'](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) comme décrit ci-dessus.
-> Avez-vous besoin de configurer Apache? Veuillez vérifier la [configuration inverse du proxy](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Garder verdaccio en opération pour toujours
-Vous pouvez utiliser le paquet de nœud appelé 'forever' pour que le site verdaccio continue de fonctionner tout le temps. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-Premièrement installez forever entièrement:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Assurez-vous que vous avez démarré au moins une fois verdaccio pour générer le fichier de configuration et notez l'utilisateur administrateur créé. Ensuite, la commande suivante peut être utilisée pour lancer verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-Vous pouvez consulter la documentation pour plus d'informations sur l'utilisation forever.
-## Durée de redémarrage du serveur
-Vous pouvez utiliser crontab et forever en même temps pour redémarrer Verdaccio après une réinitialisation du serveur. Lorsque vous êtes connectés en tant qu'utilisateur verdaccio, procédez comme suit:
-$ crontab -e
-Cela peut vous demander de choisir un éditeur. Sélectionnez votre préféré et continuez. Ajoutez l'annotation suivante au fichier:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-Les emplacements peuvent varier en fonction de la configuration du serveur. Si vous voulez savoir où sont les fichiers, vous pouvez utiliser la commande 'which':
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Configurez les Certificats SSL"
-Suivez ces instructions pour configurer un certificat SSL servant le registre NPM sous HTTPS.
-* Mettez à jour la propriété listen dans `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Une fois que vous avez mis à jour le programme d'écoute et que vous avez essayé d'exécuter à nouveau verdaccio, des certificats vous seront demandés.
-* Générer votres certificats
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Editez votre dossier de configuration `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Comme alternative,si vous avez un certificat de format `server.pfx`, vous pouvez ajouter la section de configuration suivante. La phrase secrète est facultative et nécessaire uniquement si le certificat est crypté.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-Pour plus d'informations sur `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` et `passphrase`, veuillez vous référer à la [documentation sur les nœuds](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Exécutez `verdaccio` dans votre ligne de commande.
-* Ouvrez le navigateur et chargez `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-Les instructions sont largement valables pour OSX et Linux. Pour Windows, les chemins peuvent varier, mais les étapes à suivre sont les mêmes.
-## Docker
-Si vous utilisez l'image Docker, vous devez définir la variable d'environnement `PROTOCOL` sur `https` car l'argument `listen` est fourni sur [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), et est donc ignoré par le fichier de configuration.
-Vous pouvez également définir la variable d'environnement `PORT` si vous utilisez un port autre que `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Test unitaire"
-Tous les tests sont divisés en trois dossiers:
-- `test/unit` - Tests couvrant les fonctions transformant les données de manière non triviale. Ces tests `demandent()` simplement peu de fichiers et exécutent le code qu'ils contiennent, ils sont donc très rapides.
-- `test/fonctionnel` - Tests qui lancent une instance verdaccio et effectuent une série de requêtes via http. Ils sont plus lents que les tests unitaires.
-- `test/integration` - Tests qui lancent une instance de verdaccio et lui adressent des requêtes à l'aide de npm. Ils sont considérablement lents et peuvent atteindre un registre npm réel. **test non maintenu**
-Les tests unitaires et fonctionnels sont effectués automatiquement lorsque vous démarrez `npm test` à partir du dossier racine du projet. Les tests d'intégration doivent être effectués manuellement de temps à autre.
-L'on utilise `jest` pour tous les tests.
-## Le Script npm
-Pour exécuter le script de test, vous pouvez utiliser soit `npm` ou `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-Cela activera uniquement les deux premiers groupes de test, unité et fonctionnel.
-### Utilisation de test/unit
-Ce qui suit est juste un exemple de ce à quoi un test unitaire devrait ressembler. Suivez fondamentalement la norme `jest`.
-Essayez de décrire ce que fait exactement le test unitaire en une seule phrase dans l'en-tête de la section `test`.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Utilisation de test/functional
-Le test fonctionnel de verdaccio présente un niveau de complexité supérieur, qui nécessite une explication détaillée pour garantir une expérience positive.
-Tout commence dans le fichier de`index.js`. Plongeons-nous dedans.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Utilisation
-Ici nous allons décrire à quoi devrait ressembler un test fonctionnel typique. Vérifiez inline pour plus d'informations détaillées.
-#### The lib/server.js
-La classe de serveur est uniquement un wrapper qui simule un client `npm` et fournit une simple API pour les tests fonctionnels.
-Comme nous l'avons mentionné dans la section précédente, nous créons 3 serveurs de processus accessibles dans chaque processus, tels que `serveur1`, `serveur2` et `` serveur3`.
-En utilisant ces références, vous pourrez envoyer des requêtes à chacune des 3 instances en cours d'exécution.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-Cette section n'a jamais été utilisée, mais nous recherchons de l'aide pour la faire fonctionner correctement. **Toute nouvelle idée est la bienvenue.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-Un *uplink* est un lien avec un registre externe qui donne accès à des paquets externes.
-### Utilisation
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-Vous pouvez définir de mutiple uplinks et chacun d’eux doit avoir un nom unique (clé). Ils peuvent avoir deux propriétés:
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description | Par défaut |
-| ------------ | -------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------- |
-| url | chaîne de caractères | Oui | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | tous | L’url du registre | npmjs |
-| ca | chaîne de caractères | Non | ~./ssl/client.crt' | tous | Certificat de chemin SSL | Pas par défaut |
-| timeout | chaîne de caractères | Non | 100ms | tous | définir le nouveau délai d’attente pour la demande | 30s |
-| maxage | chaîne de caractères | Non | 10m | tous | limite maximale d'échecs à chaque demande | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | chaîne de caractères | Non | 10m | tous | définit le temps maximal pour qu'une demande devienne un échec | 5m |
-| max_fails | numéro | Non | 2 | tous | limite maximale d'échecs à chaque demande | 2 |
-| cache | booléenne | Non | [vrai,faux] | >= 2.1 | mettre en cache tous les tarballs éloignés dans l'archive | vrai |
-| auth | liste | Non | [voir ci-dessous](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | attribuer l'en-tête "Autorisation" [plus d'informations](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | désactivé |
-| en-têtes | liste | Non | autorisation: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | tous | liste des en-têtes personnalisés pour l'uplink | désactivé |
-| strict_ssl | booléenne | Non | [vrai,faux] | >= 3.0 | Si vrai, nécessite que les certificats SSL soient valides. | vrai |
-#### Propriété de l'auth
-La propriété `auth` vous permet d'utiliser un jeton d'authentification avec un uplink. Utilisez la variable environnementale par défaut:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-ou par une variable environnementale spécifique:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN` utilisera en interne `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-ou en spécifiant directement un jeton:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Remarque: `jeton` a la priorité sur `jeton_env`
-### Vous devez savoir
-* Verdaccio n'utilise plus l'authentification de base à partir de la version `v2.3.0`. Tous les jetons générés par verdaccio sont basés sur JWT ([jeton Web JSON](https://jwt.io/))
-* Les uplinks doivent être des registres compatibles avec les noeuds finaux `npm`. Par exemple: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* et autre.
-* En affectant false au paramètre `cache`, vous économiserez de l'espace sur le disque dur. Cela évitera de stocker les `tarballs`, mais [conservera les métadonnées dans les dossiers](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Le dépassement avec plusieurs uplinks peut ralentir la recherche de vos paquets car pour chaque demande transmise par un client npm, Verdaccio transmet à son tour un appel pour chaque uplink.
-* Le format (timeout, maxage et fail_timeout) suit les [unités de mesure NGINX](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Cas d’utilisation"
-## Utilisation de paquets privés
-Vous pouvez ajouter des utilisateurs et gérer quels utilisateurs peuvent accéder à quels paquets.
-Il est conseillé de définir un préfixe pour les paquets privés, par exemple "local", afin que tous les éléments privés aient cet aspect: `local-foo`. De cette façon, vous pouvez clairement séparer les paquets publiques et privés.
-## Utilisation des paquets publics à partir de npmjs.org
-Si un paquet n'existe pas dans l'archive, le serveur essaiera de le récupérer à partir de npmjs.org. Si npmjs.org ne fonctionne pas, il ne fournira les paquets mis en cache que s'il n'y avait pas d'autres paquets. Verdaccio ne téléchargera que ce qui est requis (= requis par les clients), et ces informations seront mises en cache. Ainsi, si le client demande la même chose une seconde fois, il peut être servi sans avoir à demander à npmjs.org.
-Exemple: si vous effectuez avec succès une requête express@3.0.1 une fois sur ce serveur, vous pouvez le faire à nouveau (avec toutes ses dépendances) à tout moment, même si npmjs.org ne fonctionne pas. Mais disons qu'express@3.0.0 ne sera pas téléchargé avant que ce soit réellement nécessaire pour quelqu'un. Et si npmjs.org était hors ligne, ce serveur indiquerait que seule la valeur express@3.0.1 (= uniquement ce qui est dans le cache) sera publiée, mais rien d'autre.
-## Annuler les paquets publiques
-Si vous souhaitez utiliser une version modifiée d'un paquet public`foo`, vous ne pouvez le publier que sur votre serveur local. Par conséquent, si vous écrivez `npm install foo`, cette version sera installée.
-Il y a deux options ici:
-1. Vous souhaitez créer un fork distinct et arrêter la synchronisation avec la version publique.
- Si vous voulez faire cela, vous devriez modifier votre fichier de configuration pour que verdaccio ne fasse plus de demande à propos de ce paquet pour npjms. Ajoutez une entrée distincte pour ce paquet à *config.yaml* et supprimez `npmjs` de la liste `proxy`, puis redémarrez le serveur.
- Lorsque vous publiez votre paquet localement, vous devez probablement commencer par un format de chaîne de caractère supérieur à celui existant, afin d'éviter toute confusion avec le paquet existant dans le cache.
-2. Vous souhaitez utiliser temporairement votre propre version, mais revenir à la version public dès sa mise à jour.
- Pour éviter toute confusion entre les versions, vous devez utiliser un suffixe personnalisé publié avant la prochaine version du patch. Par exemple, si un paquet public a la version 0.1.2, vous pouvez charger 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. De cette manière, le paquet sera utilisé jusqu'à ce que son responsable d'origine mette à jour son paquet public vers la version 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Interface d'Utilisateur Web"
-Verdaccio dispoe d'une interface d'utilisateur web pour afficher uniquement les paquets privés et qui peut être personnalisée.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-Toutes les restrictions d'accès définies pour la [protection des pacquets](protect-your-dependencies.md) s'appliquent également à l'Interface Web.
-### Configuration
-| Propriété | Type | Obligatoire | Exemple | Soutien | Description |
-| --------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | booléenne | Non | vrai/faux | tous | permettre l’affichage de l’interface web |
-| titre | chaîne de caractères | Non | Verdaccio | tous | Description du titre HTML |
-| logo | chaîne de caractères | Non | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | tous | un URI où se trouve le logo |
-| scope | chaîne de caractères | Non | \\@myscope | tous | Si vous utilisez ce registre pour un modul spécifique, définissez le dans l'en-tête des instructions de l'interface Web de l'utilisateur (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "C'est quoi Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio est un **journal proxy npm léger et privé** écrit dans **Node.js**
-## Qu'est-ce qu'un journal
-* Référentiel des paquets qui implémentent la **spécification CommonJS Compliant Package Registry** pour la lecture des informations sur les paquets
-* Fournit un API compatible avec les clients npm **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Suit le contrôle de version compatible sémantique **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Utilisation de Verdaccio
-L'utilisation de verdaccio avec n'importe quel gestionnaire de paquets de poste client est très simple.
-Vous pouvez utiliser un registre personnalisé ou le configurer de manière général pour tous vos projets
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-ou depuis la ligne de commande comme argument `--registry` dans npm (légèrement différent dans yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Privé
-Tous les paqutes que vous publiez sont privés et accessibles uniquement sur la base de votre configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio stocke toutes les dépendances sur demande et accélère les installations au niveau des réseaux locaux ou privés.
-## Verdaccio en quelques mots
-* C'est une application web basée sur Node.js
-* C'est un registre npm privé
-* C'est un réseau local proxy
-* C'est une application extensible
-* Il est assez facile à installer et à utiliser
-* Nous offrons un soutien Docker et Kubernetes
-* Il est 100% compatible avec les yarn, npm et pnpm
-* Il s'agit d'un **fork** basé sur `sinopia@1.4.0` et 100% **rétrocompatible**.
-* Le nom Verdaccio vient d'**Une nuance de vert populaire dans l’Italie médiévale tardive et utilisée pour les fresques**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installation en tant que service Windows"
-Librement basé sur les instructions trouvées [ici](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). J'ai élaboré ce qui suit, ce qui m'a fourni un service d'installation de verdaccio entièrement fonctionnel:
-1. Créer un répertoire pour verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Installer verdaccio localement (j'ai rencontré des problèmes avec npm avec des installations générales)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Créer votre fichier `confi.yaml` dans cet emplacement `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Configurer le service Windows
-## Utilisation de NSSM
-MÉTHODE ALTERNATIVE: (le paquet WinSW n'était pas présent lorsque j'ai essayé de le télécharger)
-* Téléchargez puis extrayez [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/)
-* Ajoutez le chemin qui contient nssm.exe au PATH
-* Ouvrez une commande administrative
-* Exécutez nssm install verdaccio. Vous devez au moins entrer le dossier de démarrage et les champs Arguments dans le chemin de l'onglet Application. En supposant une installation avec noeud dans le chemin système et un emplacement de c:\verdaccio, les valeurs ci-dessous fonctionneront:
- * Path: `node`
- * Répertoire de démarrage: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- Si vous le souhaitez, il est possible d'adapter d'autres configurations de service sous d'autres onglets. Une fois terminé, cliquez sur le bouton d'installation
- * Démarrer le service sc start verdaccio
-## Utilisation de WinSW
-* À compter du 27/10/2015, WinSW n'est plus disponible à l'emplacement suivant. Veuillez suivre les instructions d'utilisation NSSM écrites ci-dessus.
-* Téléchargez [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Placez l'exécutable (par exemple `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) dans ce dossier (`c:\verdaccio`) et renommez-le `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Créez un fichier de configuration dans `c:\verdaccio`, nommé `verdaccio-winsw.xml` avec la configuration suivante`xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Installez votre service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Démarrez votre service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Certaines des configurations ci-dessus sont plus détaillées que prévu. Il semble cependant que le 'workingdirectory' soit ignoré, à part cela, ceci fonctionne et permet, dans mon cas, que Verdaccio continue de fonctionner entre les redémarrages du serveur, en plus il redémarre de manière autonome en cas d’échec du processus de verdaccio.
-## Référentiels
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Abbiamo una soluzione personalizzata per `verdaccio` nella nostra organizzazione.
-#### Altre opzioni
-* Ruolo di Ansible per gli utenti Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-ruolo-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ruolo di Ansible per gli utenti Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-ruolo
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-id: autenticazione
-title: "Autenticazione"
-L'autenticazione è legata al [plugin](plugins.md) di autenticazione che si utilizza. Anche le restrizioni di pacchetto sono gestite dal [pacchetto accesso](packages.md).
-L'autenticazione del client viene gestito dal `npm` client stesso. Una volta che si effettua il login all'applicazione:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Un token viene generato nel file di configurazione `npm` ospitato nella cartella home dell'utente. Per ulteriori informazioni su `.npmrc` leggere la [documentazione ufficiale](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Pubblicazione anonima
-`verdaccio` permette di attivare la pubblicazione anonima, per riuscirci sarà necessario impostare correttamente [l'accesso ai pacchetti](packages.md).
-Ad esempio:
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Come è descritto [nel caso #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) fino al `npm@5.3.0` e in tutte le versioni minori **non vi sarà permesso pubblicare senza un token **. Tuttavia `yarn` non ha tale limitazione.
-## Impostazione predefinita htpasswd
-Al fine di semplificare l'installazione, `verdaccio` utilizza un plugin basato su `htpasswd`. A partire dalla versione v3.0.x un [plugin esterno](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) viene utilizzato come impostazione predefinita. La versione v2.x di questo pacchetto contiene ancora la versione incorporata di questo plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| --------- | ------- | --------- | ------------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| file | stringa | Sì | . / htpasswd | tutti | file che ospitano le credenziali crittografate |
-| max_users | numero | No | 1000 | tutti | imposta limite di utenti |
-Nel caso si decida di non consentire all'utente di accedere, è possibile impostare `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Compilare il codice sorgente"
-Verdaccio si basa su `yarn` invece che su `npm` per scaricare le dipendenze.
-*Nota: la compilazione corrente si baserà solo su `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Per vedere l'elenco completo degli script, [clicca qui](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Uso di Chef Cookbook per Verdaccio
-Per ulteriori informazioni:
-> Stiamo cercando collaboratori per questo repository, se siete interessati si prega di avvisare l'autore tramite ticket.
-Autori: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Integrazione continua"
-Potete utilizzare verdaccio con integrazione continua mentre effettuate il login o pubblicate. Quando si usa NPM per installare un modulo privato in un ambiente di integrazione continua per la prima volta, si troverà subito un problema. Il comando di login NPM è progettato per essere utilizzato in modo interattivo. Questo causa un problema in CI, script, ecc. Qui trovate come utilizzare NPM per accedere a differenti piattaforme di integrazione continua.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Strumento riga di comando"
-Il CLI di verdaccio è la modalità per avviare l'applicazione.
-## Comandi
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Comandi | Impostazione predefinita | Esempio | Descrizione |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ------------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | porta http |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | il file di configurazione |
-## Posizione predefinita dei file config
-Per individuare la home directory, ci si affida a **$XDG_DATA_HOME** come prima scelta ed in un ambiente Windows si usa [variabile di ambiente APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Percorso di archiviazione predefinito
-Si usa la variabile di ambiente **$XDG_DATA_HOME** di default per individuare l'archiviazione predefinita che [dovrebbe essere la stessa](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) di $HOME/.local/share. Se si utilizza un'archiviazione dati personalizzata, questo percorso è irrilevante.
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-id: configurazione
-title: "File di configurazione"
-Questo file è il fondamento di verdaccio nel quale è possibile modificare il comportamento predefinito, attivare i plugin ed estendere le funzionalità.
-Un file di configurazione predefinito viene creato la prima volta che si esegue `verdaccio`.
-## Configurazione predefinita
-La configurazione predefinita dispone del supporto per pacchetti ** scoped** e permette a qualsiasi utente di accedere a tutti i pacchetti ma solo **agli utenti autenticati di pubblicare**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sezioni
-Le sezioni seguenti spiegano cosa significa ogni proprietà e le diverse opzioni possibili.
-### Archiviazione
-È il percorso di archiviazione predefinito. **Verdaccio è di default basato sul file locale di sistema**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugin
-È il percorso della directory dei plugin. Utile per distribuzioni basate su Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Autenticazione
-L'impostazione dell'autenticazione viene fatta qui, l'autenticazione predefinita è basata su `htpasswd` ed è incorporata. È possibile modificare questa condotta tramite [plugin](plugins.md). Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere la [ pagina dell'autenticazione](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-Questa proprietà consente di modificare le caratteristiche dell'interfaccia utente web. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione, leggere la [pagina dell'interfaccia utente web](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplink
-Uplink è la capacità del sistema di recuperare i pacchetti da registri remoti quando quei pacchetti non sono disponibili localmente. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere la [ pagina uplink](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Pacchetti
-Pacchetti consente all'utente di controllare come i pacchetti vengono resi accessibili. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere [la pagina dei pacchetti ](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Impostazioni avanzate
-### Pubblicazione non in linea
-Per impostazione predefinita `verdaccio` non consente di pubblicare quando il client è offline, questa condotta può essere modificata impostandola su *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Prefisso URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Dimensione massima del corpo
-Per impostazione predefinita la dimensione massima del corpo per un documento JSON è di `10mb`, se si incontrano errori come `"entità richiesta troppo grande"` si può aumentare questo valore.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Porta in ascolto
-`verdaccio` viene eseguito per impostazione predefinita nella porta `4873`. Modifica della porta può essere fatta tramite [cli](cli.md) o nel file di configurazione, le seguenti opzioni sono valide.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Per abilitare `https` in `verdaccio` è sufficiente impostare il flag `ascolto` con il protocollo *https://*. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere la [ pagina del ssl](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-I proxy sono speciali HTTP Server progettati per trasferire dati da server remoti ai clienti locali.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Se avete un proxy nella rete è possibile impostare un'intestazione di `X-Forwarded-For` utilizzando le seguenti proprietà.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Questa variabile deve contenere un elenco di estensioni di dominio separate da virgole per cui il proxy non deve essere utilizzato.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifiche
-Abilitare le notifiche di strumenti di terze parti è abbastanza facile via web hooks. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione, leggere la [pagina delle notifiche](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Per impostazioni di configurazione più dettagliate, si prega di [controllare il codice sorgente](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` è un nuovo comando rilasciato con [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio include un plugin di middleware incorporato per gestire questo comando.
-> Se si dispone di una nuova installazione viene fornito di default, altrimenti è necessario aggiungere le seguenti proprietà al file di configurazione
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contribuendo a Verdaccio"
-First of all Saltare dentro a un code base sconosciuto non è facile, ma noi siamo qui per aiutarti.
-## Canali di comunicazione
-Se desideri fare domande, usiamo due canali per le discussioni:
-* [Canale pubblico Discord](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Guida introduttiva
-A prima vista verdaccio è un unico repository, ma ci sono molti modi in cui potresti contribuire e una ampia varietà di tecnologie da usare.
-### Trovare il proprio posto
-Tutti noi abbiamo competenze diverse, quindi, vediamo dove ti potresti sentire a tuo agio.
-### Conosco o voglio imparare Node.js
-Node.js è la base di `verdaccio`, usiamo librerie come `express`, `commander,``request ` o `async`. Verdaccio è fondamentalmente un'API Rest che crea una comunicazione con i client `npm` compatibili, come `yarn`.
-Abbiamo una lunga [lista di plugin](plugins.md) pronti per essere utilizzati e migliorati, ma al tempo stesso [è possibile crearne uno proprio](dev-plugins.md).
-### Preferirei lavorare nell'Interfaccia Utente
-Recentemente ci siamo spostati su tecnologie moderne come `React` e `element-react`. Siamo ansiosi di vedere nuove idee su come migliorare l'Interfaccia Utente.
-### Mi sento più a mio agio a migliorare lo stack
-Naturalmente, saremo felici se ci aiutassi a migliorare lo stack, è possibile aggiornare le dipendenze come `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. Sarebbe di grande aiuto se potessi semplicemente migliorare la configurazione di `webpack`. Ogni suggerimento è molto gradito. Inoltre se avessi esperienza con **Yeoman** potresti aiutarci con il [generatore di verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Qui alcune idee:
-* Creare regole comuni di eslint che possano essere usate in tutte le dipendenze o plugin
-* Migliorare la distribuzione delle definizioni del tipo di flusso
-* Migrare su Webpack 4
-* Migliorare l'hot reload con Webpack
-* Utilizziamo babel e webpack attraverso tutte le dipendenze, perché non un preset comune?
-* Migliorare la distribuzione continuativa dell'integrazione
-### Sono bravo nella documentazione
-Molti contributori trovano errori di battitura e problemi di grammatica, altra cosa che aiuta a migliorare l'esperienza complessiva per la risoluzione dei problemi.
-### Sono un Designer
-Abbiamo un frontend del sito che sarà felice di vedere le tue idee.
-Il nostro sito web è basato su [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Io sono un DevOps
-Abbiamo un'immagine su Docker molto popolare che necessita di manutenzione e molto probabilmente di enormi miglioramenti, abbiamo quindi bisogno della vostra conoscenza per il beneficio di tutti gli utenti.
-Abbiamo il supporto per **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** e **Chef** e abbiamo bisogno di aiuto in quei campi, sentitevi liberi di vedere tutti i repository.
-### Posso fare traduzioni
-Verdaccio mira ad essere multilingue e,per poter raggiungere questa meta **abbiamo l'importante supporto** di [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) che è un incredibile piattaforma per le traduzioni.
-Abbiamo impostato un progetto nel quale è possibile scegliere la tua lingua preferita, se non la trovi richiedila [creando un ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Vai a Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Sono pronto a contribuire
-Se stai pensando *"ho già visto [i repository](repositories.md) e sono disposto a iniziare subito"* ho buone notizie per te, le troverai nel prossimo step.
-Avrai bisogno di imparare a costruire un progetto, [abbiamo preparato una guida proprio per questo](build.md).
-Una volta che ti sei divertito con tutti gli script e hai capito come utilizzarli, siamo pronti per andare al passaggio successivo, eseguire l' [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Lista completa dei contributori. Vogliamo vedere la tua faccia qui!
diff --git a/website/translated_docs/it-IT/dev-plugins.md b/website/translated_docs/it-IT/dev-plugins.md
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Sviluppare Estensioni"
-Esistono diversi modi di ampliare `verdaccio`, i tipi di estensioni supportati sono:
-* Plugin di autenticazione
-* Plugin Middleware (da `v2.7.0`)
-* Plugin di archiviazione da (`v3.x`)
-> Consigliamo di sviluppare estensioni utilizzando le nostre [definizioni di tipo di flusso](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Plugin di autenticazione
-Fondamentalmente dobbiamo restituire un oggetto con un unico metodo chiamato `authenticate` che riceverà 3 argomenti (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Solamente `adduser`, `allow_access` e `allow_publish` sono facoltativi, verdaccio fornisce una soluzione di ripiego in tutti questi casi.
-#### Callback
-Una volta che l'autenticazione viene eseguita, esistono 2 possibili opzioni per dare una risposta a `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Nel caso in cui qualcosa sia andato storto oppure l'auth sia fallita.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Nel caso in cui l'auth sia andata a buon fine.
-`groups` è un array di stringhe di cui l'utente fa parte.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Esempio
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-E la configurazione apparirà così:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Dove `htpasswd` è il suffisso del nome del plugin. es: `verdaccio-htpasswd` ed il resto del body sarebbe composto dai parametri di configurazione del plugin.
-## Plugin Middleware
-Le estensioni Middleware possiedono la capacità di modificare il livello API, aggiungendo nuovi endpoint o intercettando richieste.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Questo metodo fornisce un accesso completo all'autenticazione ed all'archiviazione tramite `auth` and `storage`. `app` è l'applicazione rapida che permette l'aggiunta di nuovi endpoint.
-> Un bell'esempio di plugin middleware è il [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) ed il [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Per registrare un middleware necessitiamo di un oggetto con un unico metodo chiamato `register_middlewares` il quale riceverà 3 argomenti (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* è l'istanza di autenticazione e *storage* è anche la principale istanza di Archiviazione che darà accesso a tutte le azioni di memorizzazione.
-## Plugin di archiviazione
-Verdaccio di default utilizza un'estensione di archiviazione del file system [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), ma, dalla versione di `verdaccio@3.x` in poi è possibile collegarne una personalizzata che sostituisca la condotta predefinita.
-### API
-L'API di archiviazione è un po' più complessa, è necessario creare una classe che restituisca un'implementazione `IPluginStorage`. Si prega di leggere i dettagli qui sotto.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> L'API di archiviazione è ancora in via sperimentale e potrebbe cambiare nelle successive versioni minori. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'API di archiviazione si prega di seguire le [ definizioni dei tipi nel nostro archivio ufficiale](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Esempi di Plugin di Archiviazione
-Il seguente è un elenco di estensioni che utilizzano l'API di archiviazione e che potrebbero essere utilizzate come esempio.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Sei disposto a contribuire con nuovi Plugin di Archiviazione? [Clicca qui.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Per scaricare la più recente [immagine docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/) pre costruita:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Versioni taggate
-Dalla versione `v2.x` si possono ottenere immagini docker per [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), come segue:
-Per una versione maggiore:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Per una versione minore:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Per una specifica (patch) versione:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Per la successiva maggiore release che utilizzi la versione `beta` (ramo master).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Se si è interessati ad un elenco dei tag, [ si prega di visitare il sito Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Eseguire verdaccio utilizzando Docker
-Per avviare il contenitore Docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-L'ultimo argomento definisce quale immagine si utilizza. La riga sopra citata scaricherà da dockerhub l'ultima immagine pre costruita disponibile, se non ne è ancora stata creata una.
-Se è stata [costruita un'immagine localmente](#build-your-own-docker-image) utilizzare `verdaccio` come ultimo argomento.
-È possibile utilizzare `-v` per montare `conf`, `storage` e `plugins` nel filesystem degli host:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Nota: Verdaccio viene eseguito all'interno del contenitore come un utente non-root (uid=100, gid=101), se si utilizza bind mount per non tener conto delle impostazioni predefinite, è necessario assicurarsi che la cartella di mount venga assegnata all'utente corretto. Nell'esempio precedente, è necessario eseguire `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` altrimenti si presenteranno errori di permesso durante l'esecuzione. Si consiglia di [utilizzare il volume di docker](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) al posto di bind mount.
-### Estensioni
-I plugin possono essere installati in una cartella separata e montati utilizzando Docker o Kubernetes, ad ogni modo assicurarsi di costruire plugin con dipendenze native adoperando la stessa immagine di base del Dockerfile di Verdaccio.
-### Configurazione di Docker e della porta personalizzata
-Ogni `host:port` configurato in `conf/config.yaml` sotto a `listen` viene attualmente ignorato quando si utilizza docker.
-Se si desidera raggiungere l'istanza docker di verdaccio da una porta differente, diciamo `5000`, nel comando `docker run` sostituire `-p 4873:4873` con `-p 5000:4873`.
-Nel caso in cui sia necessario specificare quale porta ascoltare **nel contenitore docker**, dalla versione 2.?.? ciò è possibile fornendo argomenti supplementari a `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` Questo sostituisce la porta che il contenitore docker offre e la porta che verdaccio ascolta.
-Naturalmente i numeri che vengono forniti al parametro `-p` devono combaciare, quindi, supponendo di volerli tutti uguali, questo è ciò che è possibile copiare, incollare ed adottare:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utilizzare HTTPS con Docker
-È possibile configurare il protocollo che verdaccio andrà ad ascoltare, analogamente a come si configura la porta. È necessario sovrascrivere il valore predefinito ("http") della variabile ambientale del `PROTOCOL` con "https", dopo aver specificato i certificati nel config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utilizzare docker-compose
-1. Scaricare l'ultima versione di [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Creare ed eseguire il contenitore:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Si può definire la porta da utilizzare (sia per il contenitore che per l'host) anteponendo al comando precedente il prefisso `PORT=5000`.
-Docker genererà un volume nominato nel quale immagazzinare i dati persistenti dell'applicazione. È possibile utilizzare `docker inspect` o `docker volume inspect` per rivelare l'ubicazione fisica del volume e modificare la configurazione, in questo modo:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Creare la propria immagine Docker
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Esiste inoltre uno script npm per creare l'immagine docker, quindi si può anche fare:
-npm run build:docker
-Nota: Il primo build necessita di qualche minuto per creare perché ha bisogno di avviare `npm install`, e potrebbe impiegare lo stesso tempo ogni volta che si cambia un file che non sia elencato in `.dockerignore`.
-Se si desidera utilizzare l'immagine docker su un raspberry pi o su un dispositivo compatibile, è altresì disponibile un dockerfile. Per creare un'immagine docker per raspberry pi eseguire:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Si prega di notare che per ognuno dei comandi docker sopra citati è necessario avere docker installato sul pc e l'eseguibile docker dovrebbe essere disponibile su `$PATH`.
-## Esempi Docker
-Esiste una cartella separata che ospita configurazioni multiple per comporre immagini Docker con `verdaccio`, per esempio, come proxy inverso:
-## Build personalizzati di Docker
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Contenitore privato di NPM che può eseguire il back up in s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) immagine docker che esegue verdaccio da coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installazione sul server IIS"
-Queste istruzioni sono state scritte per Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) e [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Installare IIS e [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Assicurarsi di installare i prerequisiti (Url Rewrite Module & node) come spiegato nelle istruzioni per iisnode.
-- Creare una nuova cartella in Explorer in cui si desidera ospitare verdaccio. Per esempio `C:\verdaccio`. Salvare in questa cartella [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) e [web.config](#webconfig).
-- Creare un nuovo sito su Internet Information Services Manager. È possibile nominarlo come si preferisce. In queste [istruzioni](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities) verrà chiamato verdaccio. Specificare il percorso in cui sono stati salvati i file ed il numero della porta.
-- Tornare indietro a Explorer e autorizzare l'utente che esegue il gruppo di applicazioni a poter modificare la cartella appena creata. Se si è nominato il nuovo sito verdaccio e non si è modificato il gruppo di applicazioni, allora questo sta funzionando grazie ad un'ApplicationPoolIdentity e si dovrebbe dare all'utente le autorizzazioni di poter modificare IIS AppPool\verdaccio, vedere le istruzioni in caso di aiuto. (Se si desidera è possibile restringere l'accesso successivamente, così che si abbiano solo le autorizzazioni per modificare su iisnode e verdaccio/storage)
-- Iniziare un prompt dei comandi ed eseguire quelli sottostanti per scaricare verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Assicurarsi di possedere una regola in entrata che accetti il traffico TCP alla porta in Windows Firewall
-- Con questo è tutto! Ora si può navigare nell'host e nella porta che sono stati specificati
-Desideravo che `verdaccio` fosse il sito di default su IIS, quindi ho intrapreso le seguenti azioni:
-- Mi sono assicurato che il file .nmprc in `c:\users{yourname}` avesse il registro configurato su `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Ho arrestato il "Sito Web predefinito" e ho avviato esclusivamente il sito "verdaccio" su IIS
-- Ho stabilito le connessioni a "http", indirizzo ip "All Unassigned" sulla porta 80, ok qualsiasi avvertenza o prompt
-Queste istruzioni sono basate su [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Ho dovuto fare un piccolo aggiustamento alla configurazione web come si può notare qui sotto, ma è possibile trovare l'originale dal link menzionato che funziona meglio
-Verrà creato un file di configurazione predefinito `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Risoluzione dei problemi
-- **L'interfaccia web non viene caricata quando è allocata su https dal momento che tenta di scaricare script su http.**
- Assicurarsi di aver nominato correttamente `url-prefix` nella configurazione di verdaccio. Seguire la [discussione](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installazione
-title: "Installazione"
-Verdaccio è un'applicazione web multi piattaforma. Per la sua installazione sono necessari pochi prerequisiti.
-#### Prerequisiti
-1. Nodo maggiore di
- - Per la versione `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` è la versione minima supportata.
- - Per la versione `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` è la versione minima supportata.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. L'interfaccia web supporta i browser `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, e IE9`.
-## Installazione di CLI
-`verdaccio` deve essere installato globalmente utilizzando uno dei seguenti metodi:
-Usando `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-o usando `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![installare verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Utilizzo di base
-Una volta che è stato installato, è necessario solamente eseguire il comando CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Per ulteriori informazioni riguardo a CLI, si prega di [leggere la sezione cli](cli.md).
-## Immagine Docker
-`verdaccio` ha un'immagine docker ufficiale disponibile da utilizzare, ed in molti casi, la configurazione predefinita è sufficientemente buona. Per ulteriori informazioni su come installare l'immagine ufficiale, [leggere la sezione docker](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` è anche disponibile come applicazione da installare in 1 click su [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Le istruzioni per sviluppare Verdaccio su un cluster Kubernetes si possono trovare nell'archivio [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Tuttavia, il metodo raccomandato per l'installazione di Verdaccio su un cluster Kubernetes è di utilizzare [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm è un gestore di pacchetti [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) che trae molteplici vantaggi.
-## Helm
-### Configurare Helm
-Se non si è mai usato Helm prima d'ora, è necessario configurare il controller chiamato Tiller:
-helm init
-### Installazione
-Sviluppare il grafico Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). In questo esempio usiamo `npm` come nome della release:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Sviluppare una versione specifica
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Aggiornamento di Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Disinstallazione
-helm del --purge npm
-**Nota:** questo comando cancella tutte le risorse, inclusi i pacchetti che potresti aver pubblicato precedentemente sul registro.
-### Configurazione personalizzata di Verdaccio
-È possibile personalizzare la configurazione di Verdaccio utilizzando un Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Preparazione
-Copiare la [configurazione esistente](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) ed adattarla al proprio caso:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Nota:** Assicurarsi che si stia utilizzando il percorso corretto per l'archiviazione che viene usato per la persistenza:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Sviluppare il configMap
-Sviluppare il `configMap` nel cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Sviluppare Verdaccio
-Ora è possibile sviluppare il grafico Verdaccio Helm e specificare quale configurazione utilizzare:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Supporto Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) è una piattaforma completa per l'amministrazione di contenitori che rende estremamente semplice gestire ed utilizzare contenitori in produzione.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-Come ogni applicazione web, verdaccio ha un logger incorporato personalizzabile. Si possono definire vari tipi di output.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Le opzioni vengono passate direttamente a Bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Utilizzare `SIGUSR2` per notificare all'applicazione, il file-log è stato ruotato ed è necessario riaprirlo. Nota: L'attività di rotazione dei log non è supportata in modalità cluster. [Vedere qui](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configurazione
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| --------- | ------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| tipo | stringa | No | [stdout, file] | tutti | definire l'output |
-| percorso | stringa | No | verdaccio.log | tutti | se il tipo è file, definire la posizione di quel file |
-| formato | stringa | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | tutti | formato dell'output |
-| livello | stringa | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | tutti | livello dettagliato |
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-id: logo
-title: "Logo di Verdaccio"
-Il logo è stato disegnato da **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** che ha vinto il [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([fase finale](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) e ha donato il suo lavoro per questo progetto.
-> Tutti i loghi sono registrati sotto la licenza [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Uno speciale ringraziamento a *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* per aver contribuito con diversi formati e dimensioni dell'immagine.
-## Simboli
-**Con testo**
-![simbolo piccolo con testo](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![simbolo medio con testo](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![simbolo grande con testo](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![simbolo svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**Senza testo**
-![simbolo piccolo](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![simbolo medio](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![simbolo grande](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![formato svg simbolo senza testo](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Nero&Bianco
-![simbolo bianco e nero piccolo](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![simbolo bianco e nero medio](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![simbolo bianco e nero grande](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![simbolo bianco e nero svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner piccolo](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medio](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner grande](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio può essere invocato a livello di programmazione. Il nodo API è stato introdotto a partire dalla versione `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Utilizzo
-#### Programmazione
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Altre implementazioni
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) registro proxy di npm locale
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifiche
-title: "Notifiche"
-Notify fu creato principalmente per essere utilizzato con i webhook entranti di Slack, ma consegnerà inoltre un semplice carico utile ad ogni endpoint. Al momento è solo attivo per il comando `npm publish`.
-## Utilizzo
-Un esempio con un hook **HipChat**, **Stride** e **Google Hangouts Chat**:
-> Verdaccio supporta ogni API, sentiti libero di aggiungere ulteriori esempi.
-#### Notifica singola
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Notifica multipla
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-Usiamo [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) come template engine principale.
-### Esempi di formato
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Proprietà
-Elenco delle proprietà accessibili tramite template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (chi sta pubblicando)
-* Pacchetto pubblicato (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Pacchetto metadata al quale il template ha accesso
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-Si può accedere alle informazioni del pacchetto publisher nel `content` di un webhook utilizzando l'oggetto `publisher`.
-Vedi sotto il tipo di oggetto `publisher`:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-Un esempio:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Nota:** non è possibile ottenere le informazioni del publisher se il file `package.json` ha già la proprietà `publisher`.
-### Pacchetto pubblicato
-Si può accedere al pacchetto che è stato pubblicato con la keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` come segue.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configurazione
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Supporto | Impostazione predefinita | Descrizione |
-| ------------------- | ------------- | --------- | -------- | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| metodo | stringa | No | tutti | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | stringa | No | tutti | | Eseguire questa notifica solo se il nome del pacchetto coincide con l'espressione regolare |
-| packagePatternFlags | stringa | No | tutti | | Qualsiasi flag da utilizzare con l'espressione regolare |
-| intestazioni | array/oggetto | Sì | tutti | | Se questo endpoint richiede intestazioni specifiche, definirle qui come un array della key: oggetti di valore. |
-| endpoint | stringa | Sì | tutti | | definire l'URL dell'endpoint per questa chiamata |
-| content | stringa | Sì | tutti | | qualsiasi espressione [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) |
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-id: pacchetti
-title: "Accesso al pacchetto"
-È una serie di restrizioni che permettono o limitano l'accesso all'archiviazione locale basandosi su criteri specifici.
-Le restrizioni di sicurezza dipendono dal plugin che si sta utilizzando, `verdaccio` usa di default il [plugin htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). Se si usa un plugin differente il funzionamento potrebbe essere diverso. Il plugin predefinito non gestisce direttamente `allow_access` e `allow_publish`, ma utilizza un'alternativa interna nel caso in cui il plugin non sia pronto per questo.
-Per ulteriori informazioni sui permessi, visita [la sezione autenticazione nella wiki](auth.md).
-### Utilizzo
- # packages con scopo
- '@scopo/*':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'privato-*':
- accessso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # consenti a tutti gli utenti (inclusi gli utenti non autenticati) di leggere e
- # pubblicare tutti i pacchetti
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-se non ne viene specificato nemmeno uno, rimane quello predefinito
- '**':
- accessso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
-La lista di gruppi validi a seconda dei plugin predefiniti è
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-Tutti gli utenti ricevono tutti questi gruppi di permessi indipendentemente dal fatto che siano anonimi o no, più i gruppi previsti dal plugin, nel caso `htpasswd` respinga lo username come un gruppo. Per esempio, se si è loggati come `npmUser` l'elenco dei nomi sarà.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-Se si desidera proteggere un insieme specifico di pacchetti dentro al proprio gruppo, è necessario fare qualcosa simile a questo. Utilizziamo un `Regex` che copra tutti i pacchetti con prefisso `npmuser-`. Raccomandiamo di utilizzare un prefisso per i pacchetti, in modo che possa essere più semplice proteggerli.
- 'npmuser-*':
- accessso: npmuser
- pubblicare: npmuser
-Riavviare `verdaccio` e provare ad installare `npmuser-core` nella console.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-È possibile modificare la condotta esistente utilizzando un plugin di autenticazione differente. `verdaccio` verifica semplicemente che l'utente che ha provato ad accedere o pubblicare un pacchetto specifico appartenga al gruppo corretto.
-#### Definire gruppi multipli
-Definire gruppi di accesso multipli è abbastanza facile, è sufficiente distinguerli semplicemente con uno spazio bianco tra di essi.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Bloccare l'accesso a gruppi di pacchetti
-Se si desidera bloccare l'accesso/pubblicazione ad uno specifico gruppo di pacchetti, è sufficiente non definire `access` e `publish`.
- 'vecchio-*':
- '**':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
-#### Bloccare l'inoltro di un gruppo di pacchetti specifici
-Si potrebbe voler impedire che uno o vari pacchetti vengano raggiunti dai registri remoti, ma allo stesso tempo, permettere ad altri l'accesso a differenti *uplink*.
-Vediamo l'esempio seguente:
- 'jquery':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- 'mia-azienda-*':
- accessso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
- '@mio-locale-scopo/*':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
- '**':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Descriviamo quello che si desidera con l'esempio precedente:
-* Desidero ospitare la mia dipendenza `jquery` ma ho necessità di evitare il suo inoltro.
-* Desidero tutte le dipendenze che coincidano con `my-company-*` ma ho necessità di evitare di inoltrarle.
-* Desidero tutte le dipendenze che si trovino nell'ambito `my-local-scope` ma ho necessità di evitare di inoltrarle.
-* Desidero l'inoltro per tutte le dipendenze rimanenti.
-**Non dimenticare l'importanza dell'ordine dei pacchetti e di utilizzare sempre il doppio asterisco**. Poiché se non lo si include, `verdaccio` lo includerà per voi e questo inciderà sulla modalità con cui le dipendenze sono risolte.
-### Configurazione
-Si possono definire `pacchetti` multipli ed ognuno di essi deve avere un `Regex` unico. La sintassi è basata su [ espressioni minimatch glob](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| ------------- | ------------------ | --------- | -------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| accesso | stringa | No | $all | tutti | definisce i gruppi autorizzati ad accedere al pacchetto |
-| pubblicazione | stringa | No | $authenticated | tutti | definisce i gruppi autorizzati a pubblicare |
-| proxy | stringa | No | npmjs | tutti | limita le ricerche di un uplink specifico |
-| archiviazione | variabile booleana | No | [vero/falso] | tutti | TODO |
-> Vogliamo rimarcare che non raccomandiamo più l'utilizzo di **allow_access**/**allow_publish** e **proxy_access** che sono superati e saranno presto rimossi, si prega di utilizzare invece la versione breve di ognuna di queste (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugin
-title: "Plugin"
-Verdaccio è un'applicazione estensibile. Si può espandere in molti modi, o con nuovi metodi di autenticazione, aggiungendo endpoint o utilizzando un archivio personalizzato.
-> Se sei interessato a sviluppare il tuo plugin personale, leggi la sezione [sviluppo](dev-plugins.md).
-## Utilizzo
-### Installazione
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` essendo un fork di sinopia, ha compatibilità con le versioni precedenti e con plugin che sono compatibili con `sinopia@1.4.0`. In questo caso l'installazione è la stessa.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configurazione
-Aprire il file `config.yaml` e aggiornare la sezione `auth` come segue:
-La configurazione predefinita appare così, poiché usiamo un plugin `htpasswd` incorporato di default che si può disabilitare commentando le seguenti linee.
-### Configurazione del plugin Auth
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-e sostituendo con (in caso si decida di utilizzare un plugin `ldap`.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Plugin Auth multipli
-Questo è tecnicamente possibile, prestando importanza all'ordine del plugin, dato che le credenziali verranno risolte in ordine.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Configurazione del Plugin Middleware
-Questo è un esempio di come si configura un plugin middleware. Tutti i plugin middleware devono essere definiti nel namespace **middlewares**.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> Si potrebbe seguire il [plugin audit middle](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) come esempio di base.
-### Configurazione del Plugin Store
-Questo è un esempio di come configurare un plugin di archiviazione. Tutti i plugin di archiviazione devono essere definiti nel namespace **store**.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> Se si definisce uno store personalizzato, la proprietà di **archiviazione** nel file di configurazione verrà ignorata.
-## Plugin ereditati
-### Plugin di Sinopia
-(compatibili con tutte le versioni)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): plugin auth per il supporto di sinopia a un registro npm.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): plugin auth per sinopia che mantiene gli utenti in memoria.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): plugin auth per sinopia che supporta atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Plugin di autenticazione Active Directory per sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): plugin di autenticazione per sinopia2, che supporta il flusso web di github oauth.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): plugin di autenticazione di Sinopia che delega autenticazione ad altro URL HTTP
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alterna il plugin LDAP Auth per Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): Un plugin auth semplice e completo con la configurazione per utilizzare un'API esterna.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Genera password in formato htaccess, cripta con GPG ed invia attraverso MailGun API agli utenti.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): Un plugin auth semplice e completo con la configurazione per utilizzare un database mongodb.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): plugin auth per sinopia che supporta il formato htpasswd.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): plugin auth supportato da leveldb per l'npm privato di sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): plugin di autenticazione Gitlab per sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): plugin di autenticazione Gitlab per sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): plugin auth LDAP per sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) plugin di autenticazione di Sinopia con flusso web github oauth.
-> Tutti i plugin di sinopia dovrebbero essere compatibili con tutte le versioni future di verdaccio. Tuttavia, incoraggiamo i contributori a spostarli sull'API attuale di verdaccio e ad utilizzare il prefisso così *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Plugin di Verdaccio
-(compatibile da 2.1.x)
-### Plugin di autorizzazione
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): plugin di autenticazione di Bitbucket per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Plugin di autenticazione Bitbucket Server per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Plugin di autenticazione Active Directory per verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): utilizza il Token di Accesso Personale di GitLab per autenticare
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Abilitare GitLab CI per l'autenticazione con verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth basato sul file di plugin htpasswd (interno) per verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Plugin di autenticazione Github oauth per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): Plugin GitHub OAuth per il bottone di login di verdaccio.
-### Plugin di Middleware
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): plugin verdaccio per il supporto cli di *npm audit* (incorporato) (compatibile da 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): plugin di verdaccio per il supporto cli di *npm profile* e *npm profile set password* per l'autenticazione basata su *verdaccio-htpasswd*
-### Plugin di archiviazione
-(compatibile da 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Plugin di archiviazione per ospitare pacchetti in Memoria
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Plugin di archiviazione per ospitare pacchetti **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Plugin di archiviazione per ospitare pacchetti **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Avvertenze
-> Non tutti questi plugin vengono testati assiduamente, alcuni di essi potrebbero anche non funzionare affatto. In caso si incontri qualsiasi problema, si prega di notificarlo al proprietario del plugin in questione.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protezione dei pacchetti"
-`verdaccio` permette di proteggere la pubblicazione. Per ottenere ciò è necessario configurare correttamente l'[accesso ai pacchetti](packages).
-### Configurazione del pacchetto
-Vediamo, per esempio, la seguente configurazione. Si dispone di una serie di dipendenze che hanno come prefisso `my-company-*` e si necessita di proteggerle da anonimi o da altri utenti loggati senza credenziali.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-Con questa configurazione, si permette fondamentalmente di raggruppare **admin** e **teamA** per *pubblicare* e **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *per accedere* a tali dipendenze.
-### Caso d'uso: teamD prova ad accedere alla dipendenza
-Quindi, se io sono loggato come **teamD** non dovrei poter accedere a tutte quelle dipendenze che corrispondono al modello `my-company-*`.
-➜ npm whoami
-Non solo non avrò accesso a tali dipendenze ma non saranno nemmeno visibili via web per l'utente **teamD**.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-o con `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-errore Si è verificato un errore imprevisto: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: gli utenti non registrati non sono autorizzati ad accedere al pacchetto my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Installazione di verdaccio per Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Utilizzo
-Sono disponibili due varianti per installare verdaccio usando questo modulo Puppet:
-* Metodo Apply (con puppet-apply e senza la necessità di configurare il puppet master)
-* Metodo Master-Agent (con accesso alla configurazione del puppet-agent tramite il puppet master).
-In entrambe le varianti è necessario chiamare esplicitamente i "class nodejs {}" nel puppet script perché il modulo puppet-verdaccio lo definisce solo come un requisito, per cui si ha tutta la flessibilità che si desidera al momento di installare nodejs. Scorrere verso il basso per dettagli sulla variante del metodo Master-Agent.
-Per ulteriori informazioni:
-> Stiamo cercando collaboratori attivi per questa integrazione, se sei interessato [ fai riferimento a questo ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: codice sorgente
-title: "Codice sorgente"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Per vedere la lista completa dei repositori, [clicca qui](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Configurazione di Proxy inverso"
-## Apache
-Apache e mod_proxy non dovrebbero decodificare/codificare gli slash e dovrebbero lasciarli così come sono:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configurazione con SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Configurazione del server virtuale Apache
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Avvio dietro al proxy inverso con dominio e porta differenti
-Se esegui verdaccio dietro al proxy inverso, potresti notare che tutti i file risorsa funzionano come percorsi correlati, come ` `
-Per risolvere il problema, si dovrebbe inviare a verdaccio il dominio reale e la porta con l'intestazione `Host`
-La configurazione di Nginx dovrebbe apparire così:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-In questo caso, `url_prefix` non dovrebbe essere impostato nella configurazione di verdaccio
-* * *
-o nell'installazione di una sotto cartella:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-In questo caso invece, `url_prefix` dovrebbe essere impostato su `/verdaccio/`
-> Nota: C'è uno Slash dopo il percorso dell'installazione (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Configurazione del server"
-Questa è principalmente la documentazione della configurazione di base per il server di linux ma credo sia importante documentare e condividere i passi che ho seguito per avviare permanentemente verdaccio sul mio server. Serviranno le autorizzazioni di root (o sudo) per quello che segue.
-## Gestire come utente separato
-Come prima cosa creare l'utente verdaccio:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-Creare una shell come l'utente verdaccio utilizzando il seguente comando:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-Il comando 'cd ~' manda alla cartella home dell'utente verdaccio. Assicurarsi di eseguire verdaccio almeno una volta per generare il file di configurazione. Modificarlo a seconda delle proprie esigenze.
-## Ascolto di tutti gli indirizzi
-Se si desidera ascoltare ogni indirizzo esterno impostare la direttiva listen nella configurazione su:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-Se si sta eseguendo `verdaccio` in un'istanza di Amazon EC2, [ sarà necessario impostare l'ascolto nel cambiare il file di configurazione](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) come viene descritto sopra.
-> Devi configurare Apache? Controlla per favore la [Configurazione Inversa del Proxy](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Mantenere verdaccio in funzione
-È possibile utilizzare il pacchetto del nodo chiamato 'forever' per mantenere in funzione il sito di verdaccio
-Innanzitutto installare forever globalmente:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Assicurarsi di aver avviato verdaccio almeno una volta per generare il file di configurazione ed annotare l'utente amministratore creato. Successivamente può essere usato il seguente comando per avviare verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-Per ulteriori informazioni su come utilizzare forever verificare la documentazione.
-## Durata dei riavvi del server
-Si può utilizzare crontab e forever contemporaneamente per riavviare verdaccio in seguito ad una reinizializzazione del server. Quando sei loggato come utente verdaccio, effettua le seguenti operazioni:
-$ crontab -e
-Questo potrebbe richiedere di scegliere un editor. Selezionare il preferito e procedere. Aggiungere la seguente annotazione al file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-Le locazioni potrebbero variare a seconda della configurazione del server. Se si vuole sapere dove si trovano i file, si può usare il comando 'which':
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Configurare i Certificati SSL"
-Segui queste istruzioni per configurare un certificato SSL che serva al registro NPM sotto HTTPS.
-* Aggiornare la proprietà listen in `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Una volta aggiornato listen e avviato verdaccio di nuovo chiederà i certificati.
-* Generare i certificati
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- In alternativa, se si possiede un certificato di formato `server.pfx`, si può aggiungere la seguente configurazione. La passphrase è facoltativa e solo necessaria se il certificato è criptato.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-Ulteriori informazioni sugli argomenti `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` e `passphrase` si possono trovare nella [documentazione Node ](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Eseguire `verdaccio` nella linea di comando.
-* Aprire il browser e caricare `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-Le istruzioni sono ampiamente valide per OSX e Linux, per Windows i percorsi potranno variare, ma i passi da seguire sono gli stessi.
-## Docker
-Se si sta utilizzando l'immagine Docker, bisogna impostare la variabile ambientale `PROTOCOL` su `https` visto che l'argomento `listen` viene fornito su [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), e viene quindi ignorato dal file di configurazione.
-Si può anche impostare la variabile ambientale `PORT` se si sta utilizzando una porta differente da `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Test Unità"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplink
-title: "Uplink"
-Un *uplink* è un link ad un registro esterno che fornisce accesso ai pacchetti esterni.
-### Utilizzo
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configurazione
-È possibile definire uplink multipli ed ognuno di essi deve avere un nome univoco (key). Possono avere due proprietà:
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione | Impostazione predefinita |
-| ------------ | ------------------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
-| url | stringa | Sì | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | tutti | L'url del registro di sistema | npmjs |
-| ca | stringa | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | tutti | Certificato del percorso SSL | Non predefinito |
-| timeout | stringa | No | 100ms | tutti | impostare nuovo timeout per la richiesta | 30s |
-| maxage | stringa | No | 10m | tutti | limite massimo di fallimenti ad ogni richiesta | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | stringa | No | 10m | tutti | definire il tempo massimo dopo il quale una richiesta fallisce | 5m |
-| max_fails | numero | No | 2 | tutti | limite massimo di fallimenti ad ogni richiesta | 2 |
-| cache | variabile booleana | No | [vero/falso] | >= 2.1 | memorizzare nella cache tutti i tarball remoti in archivio | vero |
-| auth | elenco | No | [vedi sotto](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assegnare l'intestazione 'Autorizzazione' [ ulteriori informazioni](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabilitato |
-| headers | elenco | No | autorizzazione: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | tutti | elenco di intestazioni personalizzate per l'uplink | disabilitato |
-| strict_ssl | variabile booleana | No | [vero/falso] | >= 3.0 | Se vero, richiede che i certificati SSL siano validi. | vero |
-#### Proprietà dell' auth
-La proprietà `auth` consente di usare un auth token con un uplink. Utilizzare la variabile ambientale predefinita:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-o tramite una specifica variabile ambientale:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN` utilizzerà internamente `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-o specificando direttamente un token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Nota: `token` ha la priorità su `token_env`
-### Da sapere
-* Verdaccio non utilizza Basic Authentication dalla versione `v2.3.0`. Tutti i token generati da verdaccio sono basati su JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Gli uplink devono essere registri compatibili con gli endpoint `npm`. Per esempio: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* ed altri ancora.
-* Impostare la `cache` su falso aiuterà a risparmiare spazio nel disco rigido. Ciò eviterà di memorizzare i `tarballs` ma [ terrà i metadata nelle cartelle](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Eccedere con uplink multipli potrebbe rallentare la ricerca dei pacchetti poiché per ogni richiesta che un client npm inoltra, verdaccio a sua volta inoltra 1 chiamata per ogni uplink.
-* Il formato (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) segue le [ unità di misura NGINX](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Casi di utilizzo"
-## Utilizzo di pacchetti privati
-È possibile aggiungere utenti e gestire quali utenti possono accedere a quali pacchetti.
-È raccomandabile definire un prefisso per i pacchetti privati, per esempio "locale", così che tutti gli elementi privati abbiano questo aspetto: `local-foo`. In questo modo si possono separare chiaramente i pacchetti pubblici da quelli privati.
-## Utilizzo dei pacchetti pubblici da npmjs.org
-Se qualche pacchetto non esiste nell'archivio, il server proverà a recuperarlo da npmjs.org. Se npmjs.org non funziona, fornirà solo i pacchetti presenti nella cache come se non ne esistessero altri. Verdaccio scaricherà solo ciò che è necessario (= richiesto dai client), e questa informazione verrà memorizzata nella cache, così che se il client chiederà la stessa cosa una seconda volta, potrà essere soddisfatto senza dover chiedere a npmjs.org.
-Esempio: se si fa una richiesta express@3.0.1 che va a buon fine da questo server una volta, sarà possibile farla un'altra volta ( con tutte le sue dipendenze) in ogni momento, anche con npmjs.org non funzionante. Però diciamo che express@3.0.0 non verrà scaricato fino a che non sia effettivamente necessario per qualcuno. E se npmjs.org fosse offline, questo server direbbe che solo express@3.0.1 (= solo quello che è nella cache) verrebbe pubblicato, ma nient'altro.
-## Annullare pacchetti pubblici
-Se si desidera utilizzare una versione modificata di qualche pacchetto pubblico `foo`, si può pubblicarla solamente sul server locale, così scrivendo `npm install foo`, installerà questa versione.
-Ci sono due opzioni qui:
-1. Si desidera creare un fork separato e interrompere la sincronizzazione con la versione pubblica.
- Se si vuole fare ciò, si dovrebbe modificare il file di configurazione affinché verdaccio non faccia più richieste a npmjs riguardo a questi pacchetti. Aggiungere un'entrata separata per questo pacchetto a *config.yaml* e rimuovere `npmjs` dalla lista `proxy` e riavviare il server.
- Quando si pubblica il pacchetto in locale, si dovrebbe probabilmente iniziare con formato della stringa superiore a quella esistente, così che non vada in conflitto con il pacchetto già esistente nella cache.
-2. Si vuole temporaneamente utilizzare la propria versione, ma tornare alla pubblica appena questa sia aggiorna,.
- Per evitare qualsiasi conflitto delle versioni, si dovrebbe usare un suffisso personalizzato rilasciato prima della successiva versione della patch. Per esempio, se un pacchetto pubblico ha la versione 0.1.2, si può caricare 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. In questo modo il pacchetto verrà utilizzato fino a che il suo manutentore originale aggiorni il suo pacchetto pubblico alla 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Interfaccia utente web"
-Verdaccio offre un'interfaccia web utente per mostrare solo i pacchetti privati e può essere personalizzata,.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-Tutte le restrizioni di accesso definite per [proteggere i pacchetti](protect-your-dependencies.md) si applicano anche all'interfaccia Web.
-### Configurazione
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| --------- | ------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------ | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | variabile booleana | No | vero/falso | tutti | abilita l'interfaccia web |
-| title | stringa | No | Verdaccio | tutti | Descrizione del titolo HTML |
-| logo | stringa | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | tutti | un URI in cui si trova il logo |
-| scope | stringa | No | \\@myscope | tutti | Se si utilizza questo registro per uno specifico scope, definisci quello scope nelle istruzioni dell' intestazione dell'interfaccia web utente (nota: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "Cos'è Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio è un **registro proxy npm leggero e privato** scritto in **Node.js**
-## Cos'è un registro
-* Un repositorio per pacchetti che implementa la **specificazione CommonJS Compliant Package Registry** per la lettura delle informazioni dei pacchetti
-* Fornisce un API compatibile con i client npm **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Segue il Versionamento semantico compatibile **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Utilizzo di Verdaccio
-L'uso di verdaccio con qualsiasi gestore del pacchetto di nodi dei client è molto semplice.
-È possibile utilizzare un registro personalizzato oppure settarlo in generale per tutti i tuoi progetti
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-o da riga di comando come argomento `--registry` in npm (leggermente diverso in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Privato
-Tutti i pacchetti che pubblichi sono privati e accessibili soltanto in base alla tua configurazione.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio memorizza tutte le dipendenze su richiesta e velocizza le installazioni in locale o su reti private.
-## Verdaccio in pillole
-* È un'applicazione web basata su Node.js
-* È un registro npm privato
-* È un proxy di rete locale
-* È un'applicazione estensibile
-* È discretamente facile da installare e da usare
-* Offriamo supporto Docker e Kubernetes
-* È 100% compatibile con yarn, npm e pnpm
-* È un **fork** basato su `sinopia@1.4.0` e 100% **retrocompatible**.
-* Il nome Verdaccio viene da **Una tonalità di verde, popolare nell'Italia tardo medievale usata per gli affreschi**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installazione come servizio di Windows"
-Basato approssimativamente sulle istruzioni che trovi [qui](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). Ho elaborato ciò che segue e mi ha fornito un servizio di installazione per verdaccio completamente funzionante:
-1. Creare una directory per verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Installare verdaccio localmente (ho incontrato problemi con npm con le installazioni generali)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Creare il file `config.yaml` in questa posizione `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Configurare Windows Service
-## Utilizzo di NSSM
-METODO ALTERNATIVO: (il pacchetto WinSW non era presente quando ho provato a scaricarlo)
-* Scaricare [NSMM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) ed estrarlo
-* Aggiungere il percorso che contiene nssm.exe al PERCORSO
-* Aprire un comando amministrativo
-* Eseguire nssm install verdaccio. È necessario inserire nel Percorso della Application tab, la cartella Startup e i campi Argomenti. Supponendo un'installazione con node nel percorso di sistema ed una posizione di c:\verdaccio, i valori qui sotto funzioneranno:
- * Percorso: `node`
- * Cartella di avvio: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Argomenti: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- Se si desidera, è possibile adattare configurazioni di servizio alternative sotto altre tab. Una volta terminato, cliccare sul bottone di installazione
- * Avviare il servizio sc start verdaccio
-## Utilizzo di WinSW
-* A partire dal 27/10/2015, WinSW non è più disponibile nella posizione seguente. Si prega di seguire le istruzioni di utilizzo NSSM scritte sopra.
-* Scaricare [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Collocare l'eseguibile (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) in questa cartella (`c:\verdaccio`) e rinominarlo `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Creare un file di configurazione in `c:\verdaccio`, denominato `verdaccio-winsw.xml` con la seguente configurazione `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Installare il servizio
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Avviare il servizio
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Alcune delle configurazioni sopra citate sono più dettagliate di quanto mi aspettassi, sembra comunque che 'workingdirectory' venga ignorato, ma a parte questo, per me funziona e permette, nel mio caso, che verdaccio continui a funzionare tra i riavvi del server, ed inoltre che si riavvii da solo qualora dovessero esserci crash del processo di verdaccio.
-## Repositori
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Abbiamo una soluzione personalizzata per `verdaccio` nella nostra organizzazione.
-#### Altre opzioni
-* Ruolo di Ansible per gli utenti Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-ruolo-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ruolo di Ansible per gli utenti Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-ruolo
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-id: autenticazione
-title: "Autenticazione"
-L'autenticazione è legata al [plugin](plugins.md) di autenticazione che si utilizza. Anche le restrizioni di pacchetto sono gestite dal [pacchetto accesso](packages.md).
-L'autenticazione del client viene gestito dal `npm` client stesso. Una volta che si effettua il login all'applicazione:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Un token viene generato nel file di configurazione `npm` ospitato nella cartella home dell'utente. Per ulteriori informazioni su `.npmrc` leggere la [documentazione ufficiale](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Pubblicazione anonima
-`verdaccio` permette di attivare la pubblicazione anonima, per riuscirci sarà necessario impostare correttamente [l'accesso ai pacchetti](packages.md).
-Ad esempio:
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Come è descritto [nel caso #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) fino al `npm@5.3.0` e in tutte le versioni minori **non vi sarà permesso pubblicare senza un token **. Tuttavia `yarn` non ha tale limitazione.
-## Impostazione predefinita htpasswd
-Al fine di semplificare l'installazione, `verdaccio` utilizza un plugin basato su `htpasswd`. A partire dalla versione v3.0.x un [plugin esterno](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) viene utilizzato come impostazione predefinita. La versione v2.x di questo pacchetto contiene ancora la versione incorporata di questo plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| --------- | ------- | --------- | ------------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| file | stringa | Sì | . / htpasswd | tutti | file che ospitano le credenziali crittografate |
-| max_users | numero | No | 1000 | tutti | imposta limite di utenti |
-Nel caso si decida di non consentire all'utente di accedere, è possibile impostare `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Compilare il codice sorgente"
-Verdaccio si basa su `yarn` invece che su `npm` per scaricare le dipendenze.
-*Nota: la compilazione corrente si baserà solo su `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Per vedere l'elenco completo degli script, [clicca qui](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Uso di Chef Cookbook per Verdaccio
-Per ulteriori informazioni:
-> Stiamo cercando collaboratori per questo repository, se siete interessati si prega di avvisare l'autore tramite ticket.
-Autori: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Integrazione continua"
-Potete utilizzare verdaccio con integrazione continua mentre effettuate il login o pubblicate. Quando si usa NPM per installare un modulo privato in un ambiente di integrazione continua per la prima volta, si troverà subito un problema. Il comando di login NPM è progettato per essere utilizzato in modo interattivo. Questo causa un problema in CI, script, ecc. Qui trovate come utilizzare NPM per accedere a differenti piattaforme di integrazione continua.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Strumento riga di comando"
-Il CLI di verdaccio è la modalità per avviare l'applicazione.
-## Comandi
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Comandi | Impostazione predefinita | Esempio | Descrizione |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ------------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | porta http |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | il file di configurazione |
-## Posizione predefinita dei file config
-Per individuare la home directory, ci si affida a **$XDG_DATA_HOME** come prima scelta ed in un ambiente Windows si usa [variabile di ambiente APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Percorso di archiviazione predefinito
-Si usa la variabile di ambiente **$XDG_DATA_HOME** di default per individuare l'archiviazione predefinita che [dovrebbe essere la stessa](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) di $HOME/.local/share. Se si utilizza un'archiviazione dati personalizzata, questo percorso è irrilevante.
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-id: configurazione
-title: "File di configurazione"
-Questo file è il fondamento di verdaccio nel quale è possibile modificare il comportamento predefinito, attivare i plugin ed estendere le funzionalità.
-Un file di configurazione predefinito viene creato la prima volta che si esegue `verdaccio`.
-## Configurazione predefinita
-La configurazione predefinita dispone del supporto per pacchetti ** scoped** e permette a qualsiasi utente di accedere a tutti i pacchetti ma solo **agli utenti autenticati di pubblicare**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sezioni
-Le sezioni seguenti spiegano cosa significa ogni proprietà e le diverse opzioni possibili.
-### Archiviazione
-È il percorso di archiviazione predefinito. **Verdaccio è di default basato sul file locale di sistema**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugin
-È il percorso della directory dei plugin. Utile per distribuzioni basate su Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Autenticazione
-L'impostazione dell'autenticazione viene fatta qui, l'autenticazione predefinita è basata su `htpasswd` ed è incorporata. È possibile modificare questa condotta tramite [plugin](plugins.md). Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere la [ pagina dell'autenticazione](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-Questa proprietà consente di modificare le caratteristiche dell'interfaccia utente web. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione, leggere la [pagina dell'interfaccia utente web](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplink
-Uplink è la capacità del sistema di recuperare i pacchetti da registri remoti quando quei pacchetti non sono disponibili localmente. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere la [ pagina uplink](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Pacchetti
-Pacchetti consente all'utente di controllare come i pacchetti vengono resi accessibili. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere [la pagina dei pacchetti ](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Impostazioni avanzate
-### Pubblicazione non in linea
-Per impostazione predefinita `verdaccio` non consente di pubblicare quando il client è offline, questa condotta può essere modificata impostandola su *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Prefisso URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Dimensione massima del corpo
-Per impostazione predefinita la dimensione massima del corpo per un documento JSON è di `10mb`, se si incontrano errori come `"entità richiesta troppo grande"` si può aumentare questo valore.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Porta in ascolto
-`verdaccio` viene eseguito per impostazione predefinita nella porta `4873`. Modifica della porta può essere fatta tramite [cli](cli.md) o nel file di configurazione, le seguenti opzioni sono valide.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Per abilitare `https` in `verdaccio` è sufficiente impostare il flag `ascolto` con il protocollo *https://*. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione leggere la [ pagina del ssl](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-I proxy sono speciali HTTP Server progettati per trasferire dati da server remoti ai clienti locali.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Se avete un proxy nella rete è possibile impostare un'intestazione di `X-Forwarded-For` utilizzando le seguenti proprietà.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Questa variabile deve contenere un elenco di estensioni di dominio separate da virgole per cui il proxy non deve essere utilizzato.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifiche
-Abilitare le notifiche di strumenti di terze parti è abbastanza facile via web hooks. Per ulteriori informazioni su questa sezione, leggere la [pagina delle notifiche](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Per impostazioni di configurazione più dettagliate, si prega di [controllare il codice sorgente](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` è un nuovo comando rilasciato con [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio include un plugin di middleware incorporato per gestire questo comando.
-> Se si dispone di una nuova installazione viene fornito di default, altrimenti è necessario aggiungere le seguenti proprietà al file di configurazione
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contribuendo a Verdaccio"
-First of all Saltare dentro a un code base sconosciuto non è facile, ma noi siamo qui per aiutarti.
-## Canali di comunicazione
-Se desideri fare domande, usiamo due canali per le discussioni:
-* [Canale pubblico Discord](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Guida introduttiva
-A prima vista verdaccio è un unico repository, ma ci sono molti modi in cui potresti contribuire e una ampia varietà di tecnologie da usare.
-### Trovare il proprio posto
-Tutti noi abbiamo competenze diverse, quindi, vediamo dove ti potresti sentire a tuo agio.
-### Conosco o voglio imparare Node.js
-Node.js è la base di `verdaccio`, usiamo librerie come `express`, `commander,``request ` o `async`. Verdaccio è fondamentalmente un'API Rest che crea una comunicazione con i client `npm` compatibili, come `yarn`.
-Abbiamo una lunga [lista di plugin](plugins.md) pronti per essere utilizzati e migliorati, ma al tempo stesso [è possibile crearne uno proprio](dev-plugins.md).
-### Preferirei lavorare nell'Interfaccia Utente
-Recentemente ci siamo spostati su tecnologie moderne come `React` e `element-react`. Siamo ansiosi di vedere nuove idee su come migliorare l'Interfaccia Utente.
-### Mi sento più a mio agio a migliorare lo stack
-Naturalmente, saremo felici se ci aiutassi a migliorare lo stack, è possibile aggiornare le dipendenze come `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. Sarebbe di grande aiuto se potessi semplicemente migliorare la configurazione di `webpack`. Ogni suggerimento è molto gradito. Inoltre se avessi esperienza con **Yeoman** potresti aiutarci con il [generatore di verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Qui alcune idee:
-* Creare regole comuni di eslint che possano essere usate in tutte le dipendenze o plugin
-* Migliorare la distribuzione delle definizioni del tipo di flusso
-* Migrare su Webpack 4
-* Migliorare l'hot reload con Webpack
-* Utilizziamo babel e webpack attraverso tutte le dipendenze, perché non un preset comune?
-* Migliorare la distribuzione continuativa dell'integrazione
-### Sono bravo nella documentazione
-Molti contributori trovano errori di battitura e problemi di grammatica, altra cosa che aiuta a migliorare l'esperienza complessiva per la risoluzione dei problemi.
-### Sono un Designer
-Abbiamo un frontend del sito che sarà felice di vedere le tue idee.
-Il nostro sito web è basato su [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Io sono un DevOps
-Abbiamo un'immagine su Docker molto popolare che necessita di manutenzione e molto probabilmente di enormi miglioramenti, abbiamo quindi bisogno della vostra conoscenza per il beneficio di tutti gli utenti.
-Abbiamo il supporto per **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** e **Chef** e abbiamo bisogno di aiuto in quei campi, sentitevi liberi di vedere tutti i repository.
-### Posso fare traduzioni
-Verdaccio mira ad essere multilingue e,per poter raggiungere questa meta **abbiamo l'importante supporto** di [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) che è un incredibile piattaforma per le traduzioni.
-Abbiamo impostato un progetto nel quale è possibile scegliere la tua lingua preferita, se non la trovi richiedila [creando un ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Vai a Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Sono pronto a contribuire
-Se stai pensando *"ho già visto [i repository](repositories.md) e sono disposto a iniziare subito"* ho buone notizie per te, le troverai nel prossimo step.
-Avrai bisogno di imparare a costruire un progetto, [abbiamo preparato una guida proprio per questo](build.md).
-Una volta che ti sei divertito con tutti gli script e hai capito come utilizzarli, siamo pronti per andare al passaggio successivo, eseguire l' [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Lista completa dei contributori. Vogliamo vedere la tua faccia qui!
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Sviluppare Estensioni"
-Esistono diversi modi di ampliare `verdaccio`, i tipi di estensioni supportati sono:
-* Plugin di autenticazione
-* Plugin Middleware (da `v2.7.0`)
-* Plugin di archiviazione da (`v3.x`)
-> Consigliamo di sviluppare estensioni utilizzando le nostre [definizioni di tipo di flusso](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Plugin di autenticazione
-Fondamentalmente dobbiamo restituire un oggetto con un unico metodo chiamato `authenticate` che riceverà 3 argomenti (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Solamente `adduser`, `allow_access` e `allow_publish` sono facoltativi, verdaccio fornisce una soluzione di ripiego in tutti questi casi.
-#### Callback
-Una volta che l'autenticazione viene eseguita, esistono 2 possibili opzioni per dare una risposta a `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Nel caso in cui qualcosa sia andato storto oppure l'auth sia fallita.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Nel caso in cui l'auth sia andata a buon fine.
-`groups` è un array di stringhe di cui l'utente fa parte.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Esempio
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-E la configurazione apparirà così:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Dove `htpasswd` è il suffisso del nome del plugin. es: `verdaccio-htpasswd` ed il resto del body sarebbe composto dai parametri di configurazione del plugin.
-## Plugin Middleware
-Le estensioni Middleware possiedono la capacità di modificare il livello API, aggiungendo nuovi endpoint o intercettando richieste.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Questo metodo fornisce un accesso completo all'autenticazione ed all'archiviazione tramite `auth` and `storage`. `app` è l'applicazione rapida che permette l'aggiunta di nuovi endpoint.
-> Un bell'esempio di plugin middleware è il [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) ed il [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Per registrare un middleware necessitiamo di un oggetto con un unico metodo chiamato `register_middlewares` il quale riceverà 3 argomenti (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* è l'istanza di autenticazione e *storage* è anche la principale istanza di Archiviazione che darà accesso a tutte le azioni di memorizzazione.
-## Plugin di archiviazione
-Verdaccio di default utilizza un'estensione di archiviazione del file system [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), ma, dalla versione di `verdaccio@3.x` in poi è possibile collegarne una personalizzata che sostituisca la condotta predefinita.
-### API
-L'API di archiviazione è un po' più complessa, è necessario creare una classe che restituisca un'implementazione `IPluginStorage`. Si prega di leggere i dettagli qui sotto.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> L'API di archiviazione è ancora in via sperimentale e potrebbe cambiare nelle successive versioni minori. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'API di archiviazione si prega di seguire le [ definizioni dei tipi nel nostro archivio ufficiale](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Esempi di Plugin di Archiviazione
-Il seguente è un elenco di estensioni che utilizzano l'API di archiviazione e che potrebbero essere utilizzate come esempio.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Sei disposto a contribuire con nuovi Plugin di Archiviazione? [Clicca qui.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Per scaricare la più recente [immagine docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/) pre costruita:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Versioni taggate
-Dalla versione `v2.x` si possono ottenere immagini docker per [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), come segue:
-Per una versione maggiore:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Per una versione minore:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Per una specifica (patch) versione:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Per la successiva maggiore release che utilizzi la versione `beta` (ramo master).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Se si è interessati ad un elenco dei tag, [ si prega di visitare il sito Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Eseguire verdaccio utilizzando Docker
-Per avviare il contenitore Docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-L'ultimo argomento definisce quale immagine si utilizza. La riga sopra citata scaricherà da dockerhub l'ultima immagine pre costruita disponibile, se non ne è ancora stata creata una.
-Se è stata [costruita un'immagine localmente](#build-your-own-docker-image) utilizzare `verdaccio` come ultimo argomento.
-È possibile utilizzare `-v` per montare `conf`, `storage` e `plugins` nel filesystem degli host:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Nota: Verdaccio viene eseguito all'interno del contenitore come un utente non-root (uid=100, gid=101), se si utilizza bind mount per non tener conto delle impostazioni predefinite, è necessario assicurarsi che la cartella di mount venga assegnata all'utente corretto. Nell'esempio precedente, è necessario eseguire `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` altrimenti si presenteranno errori di permesso durante l'esecuzione. Si consiglia di [utilizzare il volume di docker](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) al posto di bind mount.
-### Estensioni
-I plugin possono essere installati in una cartella separata e montati utilizzando Docker o Kubernetes, ad ogni modo assicurarsi di costruire plugin con dipendenze native adoperando la stessa immagine di base del Dockerfile di Verdaccio.
-### Configurazione di Docker e della porta personalizzata
-Ogni `host:port` configurato in `conf/config.yaml` sotto a `listen` viene attualmente ignorato quando si utilizza docker.
-Se si desidera raggiungere l'istanza docker di verdaccio da una porta differente, diciamo `5000`, nel comando `docker run` sostituire `-p 4873:4873` con `-p 5000:4873`.
-Nel caso in cui sia necessario specificare quale porta ascoltare **nel contenitore docker**, dalla versione 2.?.? ciò è possibile fornendo argomenti supplementari a `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` Questo sostituisce la porta che il contenitore docker offre e la porta che verdaccio ascolta.
-Naturalmente i numeri che vengono forniti al parametro `-p` devono combaciare, quindi, supponendo di volerli tutti uguali, questo è ciò che è possibile copiare, incollare ed adottare:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utilizzare HTTPS con Docker
-È possibile configurare il protocollo che verdaccio andrà ad ascoltare, analogamente a come si configura la porta. È necessario sovrascrivere il valore predefinito ("http") della variabile ambientale del `PROTOCOL` con "https", dopo aver specificato i certificati nel config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Utilizzare docker-compose
-1. Scaricare l'ultima versione di [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Creare ed eseguire il contenitore:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Si può definire la porta da utilizzare (sia per il contenitore che per l'host) anteponendo al comando precedente il prefisso `PORT=5000`.
-Docker genererà un volume nominato nel quale immagazzinare i dati persistenti dell'applicazione. È possibile utilizzare `docker inspect` o `docker volume inspect` per rivelare l'ubicazione fisica del volume e modificare la configurazione, in questo modo:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Creare la propria immagine Docker
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Esiste inoltre uno script npm per creare l'immagine docker, quindi si può anche fare:
-npm run build:docker
-Nota: Il primo build necessita di qualche minuto per creare perché ha bisogno di avviare `npm install`, e potrebbe impiegare lo stesso tempo ogni volta che si cambia un file che non sia elencato in `.dockerignore`.
-Se si desidera utilizzare l'immagine docker su un raspberry pi o su un dispositivo compatibile, è altresì disponibile un dockerfile. Per creare un'immagine docker per raspberry pi eseguire:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Si prega di notare che per ognuno dei comandi docker sopra citati è necessario avere docker installato sul pc e l'eseguibile docker dovrebbe essere disponibile su `$PATH`.
-## Esempi Docker
-Esiste una cartella separata che ospita configurazioni multiple per comporre immagini Docker con `verdaccio`, per esempio, come proxy inverso:
-## Build personalizzati di Docker
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Contenitore privato di NPM che può eseguire il back up in s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) immagine docker che esegue verdaccio da coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installazione sul server IIS"
-Queste istruzioni sono state scritte per Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) e [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Installare IIS e [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Assicurarsi di installare i prerequisiti (Url Rewrite Module & node) come spiegato nelle istruzioni per iisnode.
-- Creare una nuova cartella in Explorer in cui si desidera ospitare verdaccio. Per esempio `C:\verdaccio`. Salvare in questa cartella [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) e [web.config](#webconfig).
-- Creare un nuovo sito su Internet Information Services Manager. È possibile nominarlo come si preferisce. In queste [istruzioni](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities) verrà chiamato verdaccio. Specificare il percorso in cui sono stati salvati i file ed il numero della porta.
-- Tornare indietro a Explorer e autorizzare l'utente che esegue il gruppo di applicazioni a poter modificare la cartella appena creata. Se si è nominato il nuovo sito verdaccio e non si è modificato il gruppo di applicazioni, allora questo sta funzionando grazie ad un'ApplicationPoolIdentity e si dovrebbe dare all'utente le autorizzazioni di poter modificare IIS AppPool\verdaccio, vedere le istruzioni in caso di aiuto. (Se si desidera è possibile restringere l'accesso successivamente, così che si abbiano solo le autorizzazioni per modificare su iisnode e verdaccio/storage)
-- Iniziare un prompt dei comandi ed eseguire quelli sottostanti per scaricare verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Assicurarsi di possedere una regola in entrata che accetti il traffico TCP alla porta in Windows Firewall
-- Con questo è tutto! Ora si può navigare nell'host e nella porta che sono stati specificati
-Desideravo che `verdaccio` fosse il sito di default su IIS, quindi ho intrapreso le seguenti azioni:
-- Mi sono assicurato che il file .nmprc in `c:\users{yourname}` avesse il registro configurato su `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Ho arrestato il "Sito Web predefinito" e ho avviato esclusivamente il sito "verdaccio" su IIS
-- Ho stabilito le connessioni a "http", indirizzo ip "All Unassigned" sulla porta 80, ok qualsiasi avvertenza o prompt
-Queste istruzioni sono basate su [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Ho dovuto fare un piccolo aggiustamento alla configurazione web come si può notare qui sotto, ma è possibile trovare l'originale dal link menzionato che funziona meglio
-Verrà creato un file di configurazione predefinito `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Risoluzione dei problemi
-- **L'interfaccia web non viene caricata quando è allocata su https dal momento che tenta di scaricare script su http.**
- Assicurarsi di aver nominato correttamente `url-prefix` nella configurazione di verdaccio. Seguire la [discussione](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installazione
-title: "Installazione"
-Verdaccio è un'applicazione web multi piattaforma. Per la sua installazione sono necessari pochi prerequisiti.
-#### Prerequisiti
-1. Nodo maggiore di
- - Per la versione `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` è la versione minima supportata.
- - Per la versione `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` è la versione minima supportata.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. L'interfaccia web supporta i browser `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, e IE9`.
-## Installazione di CLI
-`verdaccio` deve essere installato globalmente utilizzando uno dei seguenti metodi:
-Usando `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-o usando `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![installare verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Utilizzo di base
-Una volta che è stato installato, è necessario solamente eseguire il comando CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Per ulteriori informazioni riguardo a CLI, si prega di [leggere la sezione cli](cli.md).
-## Immagine Docker
-`verdaccio` ha un'immagine docker ufficiale disponibile da utilizzare, ed in molti casi, la configurazione predefinita è sufficientemente buona. Per ulteriori informazioni su come installare l'immagine ufficiale, [leggere la sezione docker](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` è anche disponibile come applicazione da installare in 1 click su [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Le istruzioni per sviluppare Verdaccio su un cluster Kubernetes si possono trovare nell'archivio [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Tuttavia, il metodo raccomandato per l'installazione di Verdaccio su un cluster Kubernetes è di utilizzare [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm è un gestore di pacchetti [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) che trae molteplici vantaggi.
-## Helm
-### Configurare Helm
-Se non si è mai usato Helm prima d'ora, è necessario configurare il controller chiamato Tiller:
-helm init
-### Installazione
-Sviluppare il grafico Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). In questo esempio usiamo `npm` come nome della release:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Sviluppare una versione specifica
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Aggiornamento di Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Disinstallazione
-helm del --purge npm
-**Nota:** questo comando cancella tutte le risorse, inclusi i pacchetti che potresti aver pubblicato precedentemente sul registro.
-### Configurazione personalizzata di Verdaccio
-È possibile personalizzare la configurazione di Verdaccio utilizzando un Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Preparazione
-Copiare la [configurazione esistente](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) ed adattarla al proprio caso:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Nota:** Assicurarsi che si stia utilizzando il percorso corretto per l'archiviazione che viene usato per la persistenza:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Sviluppare il configMap
-Sviluppare il `configMap` nel cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Sviluppare Verdaccio
-Ora è possibile sviluppare il grafico Verdaccio Helm e specificare quale configurazione utilizzare:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Supporto Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) è una piattaforma completa per l'amministrazione di contenitori che rende estremamente semplice gestire ed utilizzare contenitori in produzione.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-Come ogni applicazione web, verdaccio ha un logger incorporato personalizzabile. Si possono definire vari tipi di output.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Le opzioni vengono passate direttamente a Bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Utilizzare `SIGUSR2` per notificare all'applicazione, il file-log è stato ruotato ed è necessario riaprirlo. Nota: L'attività di rotazione dei log non è supportata in modalità cluster. [Vedere qui](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configurazione
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| --------- | ------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-| tipo | stringa | No | [stdout, file] | tutti | definire l'output |
-| percorso | stringa | No | verdaccio.log | tutti | se il tipo è file, definire la posizione di quel file |
-| formato | stringa | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | tutti | formato dell'output |
-| livello | stringa | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | tutti | livello dettagliato |
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-id: logo
-title: "Logo di Verdaccio"
-Il logo è stato disegnato da **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** che ha vinto il [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([fase finale](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) e ha donato il suo lavoro per questo progetto.
-> Tutti i loghi sono registrati sotto la licenza [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Uno speciale ringraziamento a *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* per aver contribuito con diversi formati e dimensioni dell'immagine.
-## Simboli
-**Con testo**
-![simbolo piccolo con testo](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![simbolo medio con testo](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![simbolo grande con testo](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![simbolo svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**Senza testo**
-![simbolo piccolo](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![simbolo medio](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![simbolo grande](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![formato svg simbolo senza testo](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Nero&Bianco
-![simbolo bianco e nero piccolo](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![simbolo bianco e nero medio](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![simbolo bianco e nero grande](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![simbolo bianco e nero svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner piccolo](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medio](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner grande](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio può essere invocato a livello di programmazione. Il nodo API è stato introdotto a partire dalla versione `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Utilizzo
-#### Programmazione
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Altre implementazioni
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) registro proxy di npm locale
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifiche
-title: "Notifiche"
-Notify fu creato principalmente per essere utilizzato con i webhook entranti di Slack, ma consegnerà inoltre un semplice carico utile ad ogni endpoint. Al momento è solo attivo per il comando `npm publish`.
-## Utilizzo
-Un esempio con un hook **HipChat**, **Stride** e **Google Hangouts Chat**:
-> Verdaccio supporta ogni API, sentiti libero di aggiungere ulteriori esempi.
-#### Notifica singola
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Notifica multipla
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-Usiamo [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) come template engine principale.
-### Esempi di formato
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Proprietà
-Elenco delle proprietà accessibili tramite template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (chi sta pubblicando)
-* Pacchetto pubblicato (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Pacchetto metadata al quale il template ha accesso
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-Si può accedere alle informazioni del pacchetto publisher nel `content` di un webhook utilizzando l'oggetto `publisher`.
-Vedi sotto il tipo di oggetto `publisher`:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-Un esempio:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Nota:** non è possibile ottenere le informazioni del publisher se il file `package.json` ha già la proprietà `publisher`.
-### Pacchetto pubblicato
-Si può accedere al pacchetto che è stato pubblicato con la keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` come segue.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configurazione
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Supporto | Impostazione predefinita | Descrizione |
-| ------------------- | ------------- | --------- | -------- | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| metodo | stringa | No | tutti | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | stringa | No | tutti | | Eseguire questa notifica solo se il nome del pacchetto coincide con l'espressione regolare |
-| packagePatternFlags | stringa | No | tutti | | Qualsiasi flag da utilizzare con l'espressione regolare |
-| intestazioni | array/oggetto | Sì | tutti | | Se questo endpoint richiede intestazioni specifiche, definirle qui come un array della key: oggetti di valore. |
-| endpoint | stringa | Sì | tutti | | definire l'URL dell'endpoint per questa chiamata |
-| content | stringa | Sì | tutti | | qualsiasi espressione [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) |
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-id: pacchetti
-title: "Accesso al pacchetto"
-È una serie di restrizioni che permettono o limitano l'accesso all'archiviazione locale basandosi su criteri specifici.
-Le restrizioni di sicurezza dipendono dal plugin che si sta utilizzando, `verdaccio` usa di default il [plugin htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). Se si usa un plugin differente il funzionamento potrebbe essere diverso. Il plugin predefinito non gestisce direttamente `allow_access` e `allow_publish`, ma utilizza un'alternativa interna nel caso in cui il plugin non sia pronto per questo.
-Per ulteriori informazioni sui permessi, visita [la sezione autenticazione nella wiki](auth.md).
-### Utilizzo
- # packages con scopo
- '@scopo/*':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'privato-*':
- accessso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # consenti a tutti gli utenti (inclusi gli utenti non autenticati) di leggere e
- # pubblicare tutti i pacchetti
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-se non ne viene specificato nemmeno uno, rimane quello predefinito
- '**':
- accessso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
-La lista di gruppi validi a seconda dei plugin predefiniti è
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-Tutti gli utenti ricevono tutti questi gruppi di permessi indipendentemente dal fatto che siano anonimi o no, più i gruppi previsti dal plugin, nel caso `htpasswd` respinga lo username come un gruppo. Per esempio, se si è loggati come `npmUser` l'elenco dei nomi sarà.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-Se si desidera proteggere un insieme specifico di pacchetti dentro al proprio gruppo, è necessario fare qualcosa simile a questo. Utilizziamo un `Regex` che copra tutti i pacchetti con prefisso `npmuser-`. Raccomandiamo di utilizzare un prefisso per i pacchetti, in modo che possa essere più semplice proteggerli.
- 'npmuser-*':
- accessso: npmuser
- pubblicare: npmuser
-Riavviare `verdaccio` e provare ad installare `npmuser-core` nella console.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-È possibile modificare la condotta esistente utilizzando un plugin di autenticazione differente. `verdaccio` verifica semplicemente che l'utente che ha provato ad accedere o pubblicare un pacchetto specifico appartenga al gruppo corretto.
-#### Definire gruppi multipli
-Definire gruppi di accesso multipli è abbastanza facile, è sufficiente distinguerli semplicemente con uno spazio bianco tra di essi.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Bloccare l'accesso a gruppi di pacchetti
-Se si desidera bloccare l'accesso/pubblicazione ad uno specifico gruppo di pacchetti, è sufficiente non definire `access` e `publish`.
- 'vecchio-*':
- '**':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
-#### Bloccare l'inoltro di un gruppo di pacchetti specifici
-Si potrebbe voler impedire che uno o vari pacchetti vengano raggiunti dai registri remoti, ma allo stesso tempo, permettere ad altri l'accesso a differenti *uplink*.
-Vediamo l'esempio seguente:
- 'jquery':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $all
- 'mia-azienda-*':
- accessso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
- '@mio-locale-scopo/*':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
- '**':
- accesso: $all
- pubblicare: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Descriviamo quello che si desidera con l'esempio precedente:
-* Desidero ospitare la mia dipendenza `jquery` ma ho necessità di evitare il suo inoltro.
-* Desidero tutte le dipendenze che coincidano con `my-company-*` ma ho necessità di evitare di inoltrarle.
-* Desidero tutte le dipendenze che si trovino nell'ambito `my-local-scope` ma ho necessità di evitare di inoltrarle.
-* Desidero l'inoltro per tutte le dipendenze rimanenti.
-**Non dimenticare l'importanza dell'ordine dei pacchetti e di utilizzare sempre il doppio asterisco**. Poiché se non lo si include, `verdaccio` lo includerà per voi e questo inciderà sulla modalità con cui le dipendenze sono risolte.
-### Configurazione
-Si possono definire `pacchetti` multipli ed ognuno di essi deve avere un `Regex` unico. La sintassi è basata su [ espressioni minimatch glob](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| ------------- | ------------------ | --------- | -------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| accesso | stringa | No | $all | tutti | definisce i gruppi autorizzati ad accedere al pacchetto |
-| pubblicazione | stringa | No | $authenticated | tutti | definisce i gruppi autorizzati a pubblicare |
-| proxy | stringa | No | npmjs | tutti | limita le ricerche di un uplink specifico |
-| archiviazione | variabile booleana | No | [vero/falso] | tutti | TODO |
-> Vogliamo rimarcare che non raccomandiamo più l'utilizzo di **allow_access**/**allow_publish** e **proxy_access** che sono superati e saranno presto rimossi, si prega di utilizzare invece la versione breve di ognuna di queste (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugin
-title: "Plugin"
-Verdaccio è un'applicazione estensibile. Si può espandere in molti modi, o con nuovi metodi di autenticazione, aggiungendo endpoint o utilizzando un archivio personalizzato.
-> Se sei interessato a sviluppare il tuo plugin personale, leggi la sezione [sviluppo](dev-plugins.md).
-## Utilizzo
-### Installazione
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` essendo un fork di sinopia, ha compatibilità con le versioni precedenti e con plugin che sono compatibili con `sinopia@1.4.0`. In questo caso l'installazione è la stessa.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configurazione
-Aprire il file `config.yaml` e aggiornare la sezione `auth` come segue:
-La configurazione predefinita appare così, poiché usiamo un plugin `htpasswd` incorporato di default che si può disabilitare commentando le seguenti linee.
-### Configurazione del plugin Auth
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-e sostituendo con (in caso si decida di utilizzare un plugin `ldap`.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Plugin Auth multipli
-Questo è tecnicamente possibile, prestando importanza all'ordine del plugin, dato che le credenziali verranno risolte in ordine.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Configurazione del Plugin Middleware
-Questo è un esempio di come si configura un plugin middleware. Tutti i plugin middleware devono essere definiti nel namespace **middlewares**.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> Si potrebbe seguire il [plugin audit middle](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) come esempio di base.
-### Configurazione del Plugin Store
-Questo è un esempio di come configurare un plugin di archiviazione. Tutti i plugin di archiviazione devono essere definiti nel namespace **store**.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> Se si definisce uno store personalizzato, la proprietà di **archiviazione** nel file di configurazione verrà ignorata.
-## Plugin ereditati
-### Plugin di Sinopia
-(compatibili con tutte le versioni)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): plugin auth per il supporto di sinopia a un registro npm.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): plugin auth per sinopia che mantiene gli utenti in memoria.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): plugin auth per sinopia che supporta atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Plugin di autenticazione Active Directory per sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): plugin di autenticazione per sinopia2, che supporta il flusso web di github oauth.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): plugin di autenticazione di Sinopia che delega autenticazione ad altro URL HTTP
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alterna il plugin LDAP Auth per Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): Un plugin auth semplice e completo con la configurazione per utilizzare un'API esterna.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Genera password in formato htaccess, cripta con GPG ed invia attraverso MailGun API agli utenti.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): Un plugin auth semplice e completo con la configurazione per utilizzare un database mongodb.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): plugin auth per sinopia che supporta il formato htpasswd.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): plugin auth supportato da leveldb per l'npm privato di sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): plugin di autenticazione Gitlab per sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): plugin di autenticazione Gitlab per sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): plugin auth LDAP per sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) plugin di autenticazione di Sinopia con flusso web github oauth.
-> Tutti i plugin di sinopia dovrebbero essere compatibili con tutte le versioni future di verdaccio. Tuttavia, incoraggiamo i contributori a spostarli sull'API attuale di verdaccio e ad utilizzare il prefisso così *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Plugin di Verdaccio
-(compatibile da 2.1.x)
-### Plugin di autorizzazione
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): plugin di autenticazione di Bitbucket per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Plugin di autenticazione Bitbucket Server per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Plugin di autenticazione Active Directory per verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): utilizza il Token di Accesso Personale di GitLab per autenticare
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Abilitare GitLab CI per l'autenticazione con verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth basato sul file di plugin htpasswd (interno) per verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Plugin di autenticazione Github oauth per verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): Plugin GitHub OAuth per il bottone di login di verdaccio.
-### Plugin di Middleware
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): plugin verdaccio per il supporto cli di *npm audit* (incorporato) (compatibile da 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): plugin di verdaccio per il supporto cli di *npm profile* e *npm profile set password* per l'autenticazione basata su *verdaccio-htpasswd*
-### Plugin di archiviazione
-(compatibile da 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Plugin di archiviazione per ospitare pacchetti in Memoria
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Plugin di archiviazione per ospitare pacchetti **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Plugin di archiviazione per ospitare pacchetti **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Avvertenze
-> Non tutti questi plugin vengono testati assiduamente, alcuni di essi potrebbero anche non funzionare affatto. In caso si incontri qualsiasi problema, si prega di notificarlo al proprietario del plugin in questione.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protezione dei pacchetti"
-`verdaccio` permette di proteggere la pubblicazione. Per ottenere ciò è necessario configurare correttamente l'[accesso ai pacchetti](packages).
-### Configurazione del pacchetto
-Vediamo, per esempio, la seguente configurazione. Si dispone di una serie di dipendenze che hanno come prefisso `my-company-*` e si necessita di proteggerle da anonimi o da altri utenti loggati senza credenziali.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-Con questa configurazione, si permette fondamentalmente di raggruppare **admin** e **teamA** per *pubblicare* e **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *per accedere* a tali dipendenze.
-### Caso d'uso: teamD prova ad accedere alla dipendenza
-Quindi, se io sono loggato come **teamD** non dovrei poter accedere a tutte quelle dipendenze che corrispondono al modello `my-company-*`.
-➜ npm whoami
-Non solo non avrò accesso a tali dipendenze ma non saranno nemmeno visibili via web per l'utente **teamD**.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-o con `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-errore Si è verificato un errore imprevisto: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: gli utenti non registrati non sono autorizzati ad accedere al pacchetto my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Installazione di verdaccio per Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Utilizzo
-Sono disponibili due varianti per installare verdaccio usando questo modulo Puppet:
-* Metodo Apply (con puppet-apply e senza la necessità di configurare il puppet master)
-* Metodo Master-Agent (con accesso alla configurazione del puppet-agent tramite il puppet master).
-In entrambe le varianti è necessario chiamare esplicitamente i "class nodejs {}" nel puppet script perché il modulo puppet-verdaccio lo definisce solo come un requisito, per cui si ha tutta la flessibilità che si desidera al momento di installare nodejs. Scorrere verso il basso per dettagli sulla variante del metodo Master-Agent.
-Per ulteriori informazioni:
-> Stiamo cercando collaboratori attivi per questa integrazione, se sei interessato [ fai riferimento a questo ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: codice sorgente
-title: "Codice sorgente"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Per vedere la lista completa dei repositori, [clicca qui](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Configurazione di Proxy inverso"
-## Apache
-Apache e mod_proxy non dovrebbero decodificare/codificare gli slash e dovrebbero lasciarli così come sono:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configurazione con SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Configurazione del server virtuale Apache
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Avvio dietro al proxy inverso con dominio e porta differenti
-Se esegui verdaccio dietro al proxy inverso, potresti notare che tutti i file risorsa funzionano come percorsi correlati, come ` `
-Per risolvere il problema, si dovrebbe inviare a verdaccio il dominio reale e la porta con l'intestazione `Host`
-La configurazione di Nginx dovrebbe apparire così:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-In questo caso, `url_prefix` non dovrebbe essere impostato nella configurazione di verdaccio
-* * *
-o nell'installazione di una sotto cartella:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-In questo caso invece, `url_prefix` dovrebbe essere impostato su `/verdaccio/`
-> Nota: C'è uno Slash dopo il percorso dell'installazione (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Configurazione del server"
-Questa è principalmente la documentazione della configurazione di base per il server di linux ma credo sia importante documentare e condividere i passi che ho seguito per avviare permanentemente verdaccio sul mio server. Serviranno le autorizzazioni di root (o sudo) per quello che segue.
-## Gestire come utente separato
-Come prima cosa creare l'utente verdaccio:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-Creare una shell come l'utente verdaccio utilizzando il seguente comando:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-Il comando 'cd ~' manda alla cartella home dell'utente verdaccio. Assicurarsi di eseguire verdaccio almeno una volta per generare il file di configurazione. Modificarlo a seconda delle proprie esigenze.
-## Ascolto di tutti gli indirizzi
-Se si desidera ascoltare ogni indirizzo esterno impostare la direttiva listen nella configurazione su:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-Se si sta eseguendo `verdaccio` in un'istanza di Amazon EC2, [ sarà necessario impostare l'ascolto nel cambiare il file di configurazione](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) come viene descritto sopra.
-> Devi configurare Apache? Controlla per favore la [Configurazione Inversa del Proxy](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Mantenere verdaccio in funzione
-È possibile utilizzare il pacchetto del nodo chiamato 'forever' per mantenere in funzione il sito di verdaccio
-Innanzitutto installare forever globalmente:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Assicurarsi di aver avviato verdaccio almeno una volta per generare il file di configurazione ed annotare l'utente amministratore creato. Successivamente può essere usato il seguente comando per avviare verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-Per ulteriori informazioni su come utilizzare forever verificare la documentazione.
-## Durata dei riavvi del server
-Si può utilizzare crontab e forever contemporaneamente per riavviare verdaccio in seguito ad una reinizializzazione del server. Quando sei loggato come utente verdaccio, effettua le seguenti operazioni:
-$ crontab -e
-Questo potrebbe richiedere di scegliere un editor. Selezionare il preferito e procedere. Aggiungere la seguente annotazione al file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-Le locazioni potrebbero variare a seconda della configurazione del server. Se si vuole sapere dove si trovano i file, si può usare il comando 'which':
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Configurare i Certificati SSL"
-Segui queste istruzioni per configurare un certificato SSL che serva al registro NPM sotto HTTPS.
-* Aggiornare la proprietà listen in `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Una volta aggiornato listen e avviato verdaccio di nuovo chiederà i certificati.
-* Generare i certificati
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- In alternativa, se si possiede un certificato di formato `server.pfx`, si può aggiungere la seguente configurazione. La passphrase è facoltativa e solo necessaria se il certificato è criptato.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-Ulteriori informazioni sugli argomenti `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` e `passphrase` si possono trovare nella [documentazione Node ](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Eseguire `verdaccio` nella linea di comando.
-* Aprire il browser e caricare `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-Le istruzioni sono ampiamente valide per OSX e Linux, per Windows i percorsi potranno variare, ma i passi da seguire sono gli stessi.
-## Docker
-Se si sta utilizzando l'immagine Docker, bisogna impostare la variabile ambientale `PROTOCOL` su `https` visto che l'argomento `listen` viene fornito su [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), e viene quindi ignorato dal file di configurazione.
-Si può anche impostare la variabile ambientale `PORT` se si sta utilizzando una porta differente da `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Test Unità"
-Tutti i test sono divisi in tre cartelle:
-- `test/unit` - Test che coprono le funzioni che trasformano i dati in modo non banale. Questi test `require()` necessitano semplicemente alcuni file ed eseguono il codice in essi, quindi sono molto rapidi.
-- `test/functional` - Test che lanciano un'istanza di verdaccio e realizzano una serie di richieste a essa su http. Sono più lenti dei test unità.
-- `test/integration` - Test che lanciano un'istanza di verdaccio e fanno richieste a essa usando npm. Sono considerevolmente lenti e possono raggiungere un registro npm reale. **test non mantenuto**
-I test unità e funzionali vengono eseguiti automaticamente all'avvio di `npm test` dalla cartella principale del progetto. I test di integrazione vanno eseguiti manualmente di volta in volta.
-Usiamo `jest` per tutti i test.
-## Lo Script npm
-Per eseguire lo script del test si può utilizzare sia `npm` che `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-Questo azionerà solo i primi due gruppi di test, unità e funzionale.
-### Utilizzo di test/unit
-Il seguente è solo un esempio di come dovrebbe vedersi un test unità. Fondamentalmente seguire il `jest` standard.
-Provare a descrivere cosa fa esattamente il test unità in una sola frase nell'intestazione della sezione `test`.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Utilizzo di test/functional
-Il test funzionale in verdaccio presenta un maggior livello di complessità che necessita di una spiegazione esaustiva per assicurarti un'esperienza positiva.
-Tutto inizia nel file `index.js`. Andiamo ad analizzarlo da vicino.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Utilizzo
-Qui andremo a descrivere come dovrebbe apparire un test funzionale tipico.
-#### Il lib/server.js
-La classe server è solamente un wrapper che simula un `npm` client e fornisce un API semplice per il test funzionale.
-Come abbiamo menzionato nella sezione precedente, stiamo creando 3 server di processo che siano accessibili in ogni processo come `server1`, `server2` e ``server3`.
-Usando queste referenze sarai in grado di inviare richieste a ognuna delle 3 istanze in esecuzione.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-Questa sezione non è ancora mai stata usata, ma stiamo cercando aiuto per farla funzionare a dovere. **Ogni nuova idea è benvenuta**
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-id: uplink
-title: "Uplink"
-Un *uplink* è un link ad un registro esterno che fornisce accesso ai pacchetti esterni.
-### Utilizzo
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configurazione
-È possibile definire uplink multipli ed ognuno di essi deve avere un nome univoco (key). Possono avere due proprietà:
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione | Impostazione predefinita |
-| ------------ | ------------------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
-| url | stringa | Sì | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | tutti | L'url del registro di sistema | npmjs |
-| ca | stringa | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | tutti | Certificato del percorso SSL | Non predefinito |
-| timeout | stringa | No | 100ms | tutti | impostare nuovo timeout per la richiesta | 30s |
-| maxage | stringa | No | 10m | tutti | limite massimo di fallimenti ad ogni richiesta | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | stringa | No | 10m | tutti | definire il tempo massimo dopo il quale una richiesta fallisce | 5m |
-| max_fails | numero | No | 2 | tutti | limite massimo di fallimenti ad ogni richiesta | 2 |
-| cache | variabile booleana | No | [vero/falso] | >= 2.1 | memorizzare nella cache tutti i tarball remoti in archivio | vero |
-| auth | elenco | No | [vedi sotto](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assegnare l'intestazione 'Autorizzazione' [ ulteriori informazioni](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabilitato |
-| headers | elenco | No | autorizzazione: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | tutti | elenco di intestazioni personalizzate per l'uplink | disabilitato |
-| strict_ssl | variabile booleana | No | [vero/falso] | >= 3.0 | Se vero, richiede che i certificati SSL siano validi. | vero |
-#### Proprietà dell' auth
-La proprietà `auth` consente di usare un auth token con un uplink. Utilizzare la variabile ambientale predefinita:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-o tramite una specifica variabile ambientale:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN` utilizzerà internamente `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-o specificando direttamente un token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Nota: `token` ha la priorità su `token_env`
-### Da sapere
-* Verdaccio non utilizza Basic Authentication dalla versione `v2.3.0`. Tutti i token generati da verdaccio sono basati su JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Gli uplink devono essere registri compatibili con gli endpoint `npm`. Per esempio: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* ed altri ancora.
-* Impostare la `cache` su falso aiuterà a risparmiare spazio nel disco rigido. Ciò eviterà di memorizzare i `tarballs` ma [ terrà i metadata nelle cartelle](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Eccedere con uplink multipli potrebbe rallentare la ricerca dei pacchetti poiché per ogni richiesta che un client npm inoltra, verdaccio a sua volta inoltra 1 chiamata per ogni uplink.
-* Il formato (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) segue le [ unità di misura NGINX](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Casi di utilizzo"
-## Utilizzo di pacchetti privati
-È possibile aggiungere utenti e gestire quali utenti possono accedere a quali pacchetti.
-È raccomandabile definire un prefisso per i pacchetti privati, per esempio "locale", così che tutti gli elementi privati abbiano questo aspetto: `local-foo`. In questo modo si possono separare chiaramente i pacchetti pubblici da quelli privati.
-## Utilizzo dei pacchetti pubblici da npmjs.org
-Se qualche pacchetto non esiste nell'archivio, il server proverà a recuperarlo da npmjs.org. Se npmjs.org non funziona, fornirà solo i pacchetti presenti nella cache come se non ne esistessero altri. Verdaccio scaricherà solo ciò che è necessario (= richiesto dai client), e questa informazione verrà memorizzata nella cache, così che se il client chiederà la stessa cosa una seconda volta, potrà essere soddisfatto senza dover chiedere a npmjs.org.
-Esempio: se si fa una richiesta express@3.0.1 che va a buon fine da questo server una volta, sarà possibile farla un'altra volta ( con tutte le sue dipendenze) in ogni momento, anche con npmjs.org non funzionante. Però diciamo che express@3.0.0 non verrà scaricato fino a che non sia effettivamente necessario per qualcuno. E se npmjs.org fosse offline, questo server direbbe che solo express@3.0.1 (= solo quello che è nella cache) verrebbe pubblicato, ma nient'altro.
-## Annullare pacchetti pubblici
-Se si desidera utilizzare una versione modificata di qualche pacchetto pubblico `foo`, si può pubblicarla solamente sul server locale, così scrivendo `npm install foo`, installerà questa versione.
-Ci sono due opzioni qui:
-1. Si desidera creare un fork separato e interrompere la sincronizzazione con la versione pubblica.
- Se si vuole fare ciò, si dovrebbe modificare il file di configurazione affinché verdaccio non faccia più richieste a npmjs riguardo a questi pacchetti. Aggiungere un'entrata separata per questo pacchetto a *config.yaml* e rimuovere `npmjs` dalla lista `proxy` e riavviare il server.
- Quando si pubblica il pacchetto in locale, si dovrebbe probabilmente iniziare con formato della stringa superiore a quella esistente, così che non vada in conflitto con il pacchetto già esistente nella cache.
-2. Si vuole temporaneamente utilizzare la propria versione, ma tornare alla pubblica appena questa sia aggiorna,.
- Per evitare qualsiasi conflitto delle versioni, si dovrebbe usare un suffisso personalizzato rilasciato prima della successiva versione della patch. Per esempio, se un pacchetto pubblico ha la versione 0.1.2, si può caricare 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. In questo modo il pacchetto verrà utilizzato fino a che il suo manutentore originale aggiorni il suo pacchetto pubblico alla 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Interfaccia utente web"
-Verdaccio offre un'interfaccia web utente per mostrare solo i pacchetti privati e può essere personalizzata,.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-Tutte le restrizioni di accesso definite per [proteggere i pacchetti](protect-your-dependencies.md) si applicano anche all'interfaccia Web.
-### Configurazione
-| Proprietà | Tipo | Richiesto | Esempio | Supporto | Descrizione |
-| --------- | ------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------ | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | variabile booleana | No | vero/falso | tutti | abilita l'interfaccia web |
-| title | stringa | No | Verdaccio | tutti | Descrizione del titolo HTML |
-| logo | stringa | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | tutti | un URI in cui si trova il logo |
-| scope | stringa | No | \\@myscope | tutti | Se si utilizza questo registro per uno specifico scope, definisci quello scope nelle istruzioni dell' intestazione dell'interfaccia web utente (nota: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "Cos'è Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio è un **registro proxy npm leggero e privato** scritto in **Node.js**
-## Cos'è un registro
-* Un repositorio per pacchetti che implementa la **specificazione CommonJS Compliant Package Registry** per la lettura delle informazioni dei pacchetti
-* Fornisce un API compatibile con i client npm **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Segue il Versionamento semantico compatibile **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Utilizzo di Verdaccio
-L'uso di verdaccio con qualsiasi gestore del pacchetto di nodi dei client è molto semplice.
-È possibile utilizzare un registro personalizzato oppure settarlo in generale per tutti i tuoi progetti
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-o da riga di comando come argomento `--registry` in npm (leggermente diverso in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Privato
-Tutti i pacchetti che pubblichi sono privati e accessibili soltanto in base alla tua configurazione.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio memorizza tutte le dipendenze su richiesta e velocizza le installazioni in locale o su reti private.
-## Verdaccio in pillole
-* È un'applicazione web basata su Node.js
-* È un registro npm privato
-* È un proxy di rete locale
-* È un'applicazione estensibile
-* È discretamente facile da installare e da usare
-* Offriamo supporto Docker e Kubernetes
-* È 100% compatibile con yarn, npm e pnpm
-* È un **fork** basato su `sinopia@1.4.0` e 100% **retrocompatible**.
-* Il nome Verdaccio viene da **Una tonalità di verde, popolare nell'Italia tardo medievale usata per gli affreschi**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installazione come servizio di Windows"
-Basato approssimativamente sulle istruzioni che trovi [qui](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). Ho elaborato ciò che segue e mi ha fornito un servizio di installazione per verdaccio completamente funzionante:
-1. Creare una directory per verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Installare verdaccio localmente (ho incontrato problemi con npm con le installazioni generali)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Creare il file `config.yaml` in questa posizione `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Configurare Windows Service
-## Utilizzo di NSSM
-METODO ALTERNATIVO: (il pacchetto WinSW non era presente quando ho provato a scaricarlo)
-* Scaricare [NSMM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) ed estrarlo
-* Aggiungere il percorso che contiene nssm.exe al PERCORSO
-* Aprire un comando amministrativo
-* Eseguire nssm install verdaccio. È necessario inserire nel Percorso della Application tab, la cartella Startup e i campi Argomenti. Supponendo un'installazione con node nel percorso di sistema ed una posizione di c:\verdaccio, i valori qui sotto funzioneranno:
- * Percorso: `node`
- * Cartella di avvio: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Argomenti: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- Se si desidera, è possibile adattare configurazioni di servizio alternative sotto altre tab. Una volta terminato, cliccare sul bottone di installazione
- * Avviare il servizio sc start verdaccio
-## Utilizzo di WinSW
-* A partire dal 27/10/2015, WinSW non è più disponibile nella posizione seguente. Si prega di seguire le istruzioni di utilizzo NSSM scritte sopra.
-* Scaricare [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Collocare l'eseguibile (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) in questa cartella (`c:\verdaccio`) e rinominarlo `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Creare un file di configurazione in `c:\verdaccio`, denominato `verdaccio-winsw.xml` con la seguente configurazione `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Installare il servizio
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Avviare il servizio
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Alcune delle configurazioni sopra citate sono più dettagliate di quanto mi aspettassi, sembra comunque che 'workingdirectory' venga ignorato, ma a parte questo, per me funziona e permette, nel mio caso, che verdaccio continui a funzionare tra i riavvi del server, ed inoltre che si riavvii da solo qualora dovessero esserci crash del processo di verdaccio.
-## Repositori
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Posiadamy indywidualne rozwiązanie dla `verdaccio` w naszej organizacji.
-#### Inne rozwiązania
-* Funkcja Ansible dla użytkowników Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Funkcja Ansible dla użytkowników Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-funkcja
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-id: uwierzytelnianie
-title: "Uwierzytelnianie"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-Uwierzytelnianie klienta jest obsługiwane przez samego klienta `npm`. Kiedy już zalogujesz się do aplikacji:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Token jest generowany w pliku konfiguracyjnym `npm` znajdującym się w folderze domowym Twojego użytkownika. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o `.npmrc` przeczytaj [oficjalną dokumentację](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonimowa publikacja
-`verdaccio` pozwala włączyć anonimowe publikowania, aby to osiągnąć, musisz poprawnie ustawić swój
-> Poszukujemy współtwórców tego repozytorium, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, powiadom autora poprzez zgłoszenie.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Ciągła integracja"
-Możesz używać verdaccio z ciągłą integracją podczas logowania i publikowania. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. Komenda logowania NPM jest zaprojektowana do użytku interaktywnego. Powoduje to problem w CI, skryptach, itp. Oto jak korzystać z logowania NPM na różnych platformach ciągłej integracji.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Narzędzie wiersza poleceń"
-Verdaccio CLI to Twój start, aby uruchomić aplikację.
-## Komendy
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Komenda | Domyślne | Przykład | Opis |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | plik konfiguracyjny |
-## Domyślna lokalizacja pliku konfiguracyjnego
-Aby znaleźć katalog osobisty, polegamy na **$XDG_DATA_HOME** pierwszym wyborze i środowisku Windows, którego szukamy [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Domyślna lokalizacja magazynu danych
-Domyślnie używamy zmiennej środowiskowej **$XDG_DATA_HOME**, aby zlokalizować domyślny magazyn danych, który [powinien znajdować się](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) w $HOME/.local/share. Jeśli używasz niestandardowego magazynu danych, ta lokalizacja nie ma znaczenia.
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-id: konfiguracja
-title: "Plik konfiguracyjny"
-Plik ten jest podstawą verdaccio, ponieważ to w nim możesz modyfikować domyślne zachowanie aplikacji, rozszerzać jej funkcje oraz włączać wtyczki.
-Domyślny plik konfiguracyjny jest tworzony, gdy po raz pierwszy uruchomisz `verdaccio`.
-## Podstawowa konfiguracja
-Domyślna konfiguracja obsługuje pakiety **o zakresie** i umożliwia każdemu użytkownikowi dostęp do wszystkich pakietów, ale tylko **uwierzytelnionych użytkowników do publikowania**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sekcje
-Poniższe sekcje wyjaśniają, co oznacza każda właściwość i różne opcje.
-### Magazyn danych
-Jest lokalizacją domyślnego magazynu danych. **Verdaccio domyślnie jest oparte o lokalny system plików**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Wtyczki
-Jest lokalizacja katalogu wtyczek. Przydatny w przypadku wdrożeń opartych na Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Uwierzytelnianie
-Uwierzytelnianie jest wykonywane tutaj, podstawowe uwierzytelnianie jest oparte o `htpasswd` i jest wbudowane w aplikację. Możesz modyfikować jego zachowanie poprzez [wtyczki](plugins.md). Więcej informacji o tej sekcji znajdziesz na [stronie dotyczącej uwierzytelniania](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Internetowy interfejs użytkownika
-Ta właściwość pozwala Ci zmienić wygląd internetowego interfejsu użytkownika.. Więcej informacji na temat tej sekcji można znaleźć na stronie [internetowego interfejsu użytkownika](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks to zdolność systemu do pobierania pakietów ze zdalnych rejestrów, gdy pakiety te nie są dostępne lokalnie. Więcej informacji na temat tej sekcji można znaleźć na [stronie uplinks](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Pakiety pozwalają użytkownikowi kontrolować, w jaki sposób pakiety będą dostępne. Więcej informacji na temat tej sekcji można znaleźć na [stronie pakietów](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Ustawienia zaawansowane
-### Publikowanie w trybie offline
-Domyślnie `verdaccio` nie pozwala na publikowanie w trybie offline, można to zmienić poprzez ustawienie tej właściwości na *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-Domyślnie maksymalny rozmiar ciała dokumentu JSON to `10mb`, jeśli napotykasz błędy takie jak `"zbyt duży rozmiar żądania"` możesz zwiększyć tę wartość.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Port nasłuchu
-`verdaccio` domyślnie nadaje poprzez port `4873`. Zmiana tego portu może być dokonana przez [cli](cli.md) lub przez plik konfiguracyjny, wszystkie następujące opcje są prawidłowe.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Aby aktywować `https` w `verdaccio` wystarczy ustawić flagę `listen` na protokół *https://*. Więcej informacji o tej sekcji znajdziesz na [stronie dotyczącej ssl](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxy to specjalne serwery HTTP stworzone do transferu danych z serwerów zdalnych do klientów lokalnych.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Jeśli posiadasz serwer proxy w swojej sieci możesz ustawić nagłówek `X-Forwarded-For` używając następujących właściwości.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Ta zmienna powinna posiadać listę domen oddzieloną przecinkami, dla których proxy nie powinno być używane.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Powiadomienia
-Dostarczanie powiadomień do aplikacji zewnętrznych jest całkiem łatwe poprzez web hooks. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o tej sekcji przeczytaj [stronę dotyczącą powiadomień](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Bardziej szczegółowe ustawienia konfiguracji znajdziesz w [kodzie źródłowym](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` to nowa komenda wydana razem z [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio zawiera wbudowany plugin oprogramowania pośredniego do obsługi tej komendy.
-> Jeśli instalujesz aplikację od nowa, to posiada ona ustawienia domyślnie, w przeciwnym razie musisz dodać następujące właściwości do Twojego pliku konfiguracyjnego
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Współtworzenie Verdaccio"
-First of all Zapoznanie się z obcą podstawą kodowania nie jest łatwe, ale jesteśmy tutaj, aby Ci z tym pomóc.
-## Kanały komunikacji
-Jeżeli masz jakieś pytania, używamy dwóch kanałów do dyskusji:
-* [Publiczny kanał Discord](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Pierwsze kroki
-Na pierwszy rzut oka verdaccio jest pojedyńczym repozytorium, lecz jest wiele sposobów, dzięki którym możesz z nami współpracować i wiele technik do przećwiczenia.
-### Znajdowanie swojej mocnej strony
-Wszyscy posiadamy różne umiejętności, więc zobaczmy w czym czujesz się komfortowo.
-### Znam lub chcę się nauczyć Node.js
-Node.js jest podstawą `verdaccio`, używamy bibliotek takich jak `express`, `commander`, `request` lub `async`. Verdaccio to w zasadzie Rest API, które tworzy komunikację z `npm` klientami zgodnymi, jak `yarn`.
-Posiadamy długą [listę wtyczek](plugins.md) gotową do użycia oraz rozwijania, ale również możesz [stworzyć swoją własną](dev-plugins.md).
-### Wolę pracować w interfejsie użytkownika
-Od niedawna zaczęliśmy używać nowoczesnych technologii, takich jak `React` oraz `element-react`. Z niecierpliwością oczekujemy nowych pomysłów na ulepszenie interfejsu użytkownika.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Wszelkie propozycje są mile widziane. Ponadto, jeśli masz doświadczenie z **Yeoman** możesz nam pomóc z [generatorem verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Tutaj jest kilka pomysłów:
-* Utwórz wspólne reguły eslint, które będą używane we wszystkich zależnościach lub wtyczkach
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### Robię świetne dokumentacje
-Wiele współtwórców znajduje literówki i błędy gramatyczne, to również przyczynia się do ogólnego wrażenia podczas rozwiązywania problemów.
-### Jestem projektantem
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Nasza strona internetowa jest oparta o [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-Wspieramy **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** i **Chef** oraz potrzebujemy pomocy tych dziedzinach, nie krępuj się sprawdzić wszystkie repozytoria.
-### Mogę tłumaczyć
-Verdaccio chce być wielojęzyczny, w tym celu **mamy niesamowitą pomoc** ze strony serwisu [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com), który jest świetną platformą do tłumaczeń.
-Przygotowaliśmy projekt, w którym możesz wybrać swój ulubiony język, jeśli nie znalazłeś tam swojego języka, nie wahaj się powiadomić nas o tym poprzez [wysłanie zgłoszenia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Przejdź do Verdaccio na platformie Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Jestem gotowy do współtworzenia
-Jeśli myślisz *"Widziałem już [repozytoria](repositories.md) i jestem gotów zacząć od razu"*, wtedy mam dla Ciebie dobrą wiadomość, która znajduje się w następnym kroku.
-Będziesz potrzebował nauczyć się budować, [przygotowaliśmy dla ciebie poradnik](build.md).
-Gdy zapoznasz się ze wszystkimi skryptami i będziesz wiedział jak ich używać, będziesz gotów do następnego kroku, uruchom [**Test jednostek**](test.md).
-## Pełna lista współtwórców. Chcemy tutaj zobaczyć Twoją twarz !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Tworzenie wtyczek"
-Istnieje wiele sposobów na rozszerzenie funkcjonalności `verdaccio`, wspierane są następujące rodzaje wtyczek:
-* Wtyczki uwierzytelniania
-* Wtyczki oprogramowania pośredniego (od wersji `v2.7.0`)
-* Wtyczki magazynu danych od wersji (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Wtyczka uwierzytelniania
-Musimy tylko zwrócić obiekt pojedynczą metodą `authenticate`, która otrzyma 3 argumenty (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Tylko `dduser`, `allow_access` i `allow_publish` są opcjonalne, verdaccio zapewnia cofnięcie we wszystkich tych przypadkach.
-#### Callback
-Po wykonaniu uwierzytelniania mamy 2 opcje na odpowiedź do `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Gdy coś złego się wydarzy, lub uwierzytelnianie nie powiedzie się.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Uwierzytelnianie zakończone sukcesem.
-`grupy` to tablica ciągów znaków, w których użytkownik jest częścią.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-Konfiguracja będzie wyglądać następująco:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Gdzie `htpasswd` jest przyrostkiem nazwy wtyczki. np: `verdaccio-htpasswd`, a reszta będzie parametrem konfiguracyjnym wtyczki.
-## Wtyczka oprogramowania pośredniego
-Wtyczki pośrednie mają możliwość modyfikowania warstwy API, dodając nowe punkty końcowe lub przechwytywania żądań.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Metoda zapewnia pełny dostęp do uwierzytelniania i przechowywania za pomocą `auth` i `storage`. `app` to ekspresowa aplikacja, która pozwala dodawać nowe punkty końcowe.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Aby zarejestrować oprogramowanie pośrednie potrzebujemy obiekt z pojedynczą metodą `register_middlewares`, która otrzyma 3 argumenty (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* to instancja uwierzytelniania, a *storage* to także główna instancja Storage, która zapewnia dostęp do wszystkich działań związanych z pamięcią masową.
-## Wtyczka magazynu danych
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-API magazynu danych jest trochę bardziej skomplikowane, będziesz musiał stworzyć klasę, która zwraca implementację `IPluginStorage`. Poniżej zapoznasz się ze szczegółami.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> API magazynu danych jest nadal w fazie eksperymentalnej i może się zmienić w następnej pomniejszej wersji. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Przykłady wtyczek magazynu danych
-Poniższa lista wtyczek wdraża API magazynu danych oraz mogą być użyte jako przykład.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Chciałbyś współtworzyć ten projekt z nowymi wtyczkami magazynu danych? [Kliknij tutaj.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-Te instrukcje zostały napisane dla systemu Windows Server 2012, usługi IIS8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) oraz [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Utwórz nowy folder w Eksploratorze, gdzie chcesz, aby znajdowało się verdaccio. Na przykład `C:\verdaccio`. Zapisz[package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) oraz [web.config](#webconfig) w tym folderze.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. Możesz ją nazwać jakkolwiek chcesz. Ja nazwę ją verdaccio w tych [instrukcjach](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Określ ścieżkę do lokalizacji, w której zapisałeś wszystkie pliki i numer portu.
-- Wróć do Eksploratora i daj użytkownikowi, który uruchamia pulę aplikacji, prawa do modyfikacji folderu, który został właśnie utworzony. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Uruchom wiersz polecenia i wykonaj poniższe polecenia, aby pobrać verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Upewnij się, że w Zaporze systemu Windows masz regułę ruchu przychodzącego akceptującą ruch TCP przez dany port
-- To wszystko! Teraz można przejść do hosta i portu, który został określony
-Chciałem, aby strona `verdaccio` była domyślną stroną w IIS, więc wykonałem następujące czynności:
-- Upewniłem się, że plik .npmrc w `c:\users{yourname}` miał rejestr ustawiony jako `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Zatrzymałem "Domyślną witrynę sieci Web" i uruchomiłem tylko witrynę "verdaccio" w IIS
-- Ustawiłem powiązania na "http", adres ip na "Wszystkie nieprzypisane" na porcie 80 i obyło się bez żadnych ostrzeżeń lub monitów
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-Domyślny plik konfiguracji zostanie utworzony `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Rozwiązywanie problemów
-- **Interfejs sieciowy nie ładuje się, gdy jest hostowany przez protokół https, ponieważ próbuje on pobrać skrypty za pomocą protokołu http.**
- Upewnij się, że poprawnie wskazałeś `url_prefix` w konfiguracji verdaccio. Śledź [dyskusję](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Instalacja"
-Verdaccio jest wieloplatformową aplikacją internetową. Aby ją zainstalować, musisz spełnić kilka wymagań.
-#### Wymagania
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. Interfejs sieci web obsługujący przeglądarki `Chrome, Firefox, Edge i IE9`.
-## Instalacja CLI
-`verdaccio` musi być zainstalowany globalnie używając dowolnej z poniższych metod:
-Za pomocą `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-lub za pomocą `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Podstawowe użycie
-Po jego zainstalowaniu, trzeba tylko wywołać komendę CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o CLI, zapoznaj się z [sekcją cli](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-Jeśli nie używałeś wcześniej Helm, musisz ustawić kontroler Helm zwany Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Odinstalowywanie
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Niestandardowa konfiguracja Verdaccio
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Rejestrator"
-Jak każda aplikacja sieci web, verdaccio posiada wbudowany konfigurowalny rejestrator. Możesz określić wiele typów wyjść.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Konfiguracja
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | zdefiniuj wyjście |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | jeśli typem jest plik, zdefiniuj lokalizację tego pliku |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | format wyjścia |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Logotyp Verdaccio"
-Logotyp został stworzony przez **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)**, który wygrał [konkurs](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([ostatni etap](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) oraz podarował swoją pracę dla tego projektu.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Inne implementacje
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Powiadomienia"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Pojedyncze powiadomienie
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Wiele powiadomień
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Szablon
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Właściwości
-Lista właściwości dostępnych poprzez szablon
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-Jest to seria ograniczeń, która pozwala lub zabrania dostępu do pamięci lokalnej bazując na konkretnych kryteriach.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Wtyczki"
-Verdaccio jest aplikacją obsługującą wtyczki. Dzięki temu można rozszerzyć działanie aplikacji na wiele sposobów: wprowadzić nowe metody uwierzytelniania, dodawać punkty końcowe lub użyć niestandardowego magazynu danych.
-> Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany stworzeniem swojej własnej wtyczki, przeczytaj sekcję dotyczącą [programowania](dev-plugins.md).
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Otwórz plik `config.yaml` i zaktualizuj sekcję `auth` następująco:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Konfiguracja wtyczki oprogramowania pośredniego
-To jest przykład jak skonfigurować wtyczkę oprogramowania pośredniego. Wszystkie te wtyczki muszą mieć zdefiniowane nazwy z przestrzeni nazw **oprogramowań pośrednich**.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(kompatybilne ze wszystkimi wersjami)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Zobaczmy dla przykładu następującą konfigurację. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-Więcej informacji znajdziesz:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Kod źródłowy"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Aby zobaczyć pełną listę repozytoriów, [kliknij tutaj](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Konfiguracja serwera"
-Jest to głównie podstawowa konfiguracja serwera linux, lecz myślę, że jest to ważne, aby udokumentować i udostępnić krok po kroku jak uruchomiłem na stałe verdaccio na moim serwerze. Będziesz musiał użyć uprawnień root (lub sudo) dla następujących.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "Co to jest Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## Co to jest rejestr
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio w skrócie
-* Jest to internetowa aplikacja oparta na Node.js
-* Jest to prywatny rejestr npm
-* Jest to proxy sieci lokalnej
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* Jest bardzo prosty w instalacji i w użyciu
-* Oferujemy wsparcie Docker i Kubernetes
-* Jest w 100% kompatybilny z yarn, npm i pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Słowo Verdaccio oznacza **zielony kolor popularny w późnych średniowiecznych włochach w malarstwie freskowym**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Instalacja jako Usługa systemu Windows"
-Ogólnie, bazując na instrukcji podanej [tutaj](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Stwórz folder dla verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Stwórz swój plik `config.yaml` w następującej lokalizacji `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Instalacja usługi systemu Windows
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Otwórz wiersz polecenia z uprawnieniami administratora
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repozytoria
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Posiadamy indywidualne rozwiązanie dla `verdaccio` w naszej organizacji.
-#### Inne rozwiązania
-* Funkcja Ansible dla użytkowników Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Funkcja Ansible dla użytkowników Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-funkcja
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-id: uwierzytelnianie
-title: "Uwierzytelnianie"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-Uwierzytelnianie klienta jest obsługiwane przez samego klienta `npm`. Kiedy już zalogujesz się do aplikacji:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Token jest generowany w pliku konfiguracyjnym `npm` znajdującym się w folderze domowym Twojego użytkownika. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o `.npmrc` przeczytaj [oficjalną dokumentację](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonimowa publikacja
-`verdaccio` pozwala włączyć anonimowe publikowania, aby to osiągnąć, musisz poprawnie ustawić swój
-> Poszukujemy współtwórców tego repozytorium, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, powiadom autora poprzez zgłoszenie.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Ciągła integracja"
-Możesz używać verdaccio z ciągłą integracją podczas logowania i publikowania. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. Komenda logowania NPM jest zaprojektowana do użytku interaktywnego. Powoduje to problem w CI, skryptach, itp. Oto jak korzystać z logowania NPM na różnych platformach ciągłej integracji.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Narzędzie wiersza poleceń"
-Verdaccio CLI to Twój start, aby uruchomić aplikację.
-## Komendy
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Komenda | Domyślne | Przykład | Opis |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | plik konfiguracyjny |
-## Domyślna lokalizacja pliku konfiguracyjnego
-Aby znaleźć katalog osobisty, polegamy na **$XDG_DATA_HOME** pierwszym wyborze i środowisku Windows, którego szukamy [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Domyślna lokalizacja magazynu danych
-Domyślnie używamy zmiennej środowiskowej **$XDG_DATA_HOME**, aby zlokalizować domyślny magazyn danych, który [powinien znajdować się](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) w $HOME/.local/share. Jeśli używasz niestandardowego magazynu danych, ta lokalizacja nie ma znaczenia.
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-id: konfiguracja
-title: "Plik konfiguracyjny"
-Plik ten jest podstawą verdaccio, ponieważ to w nim możesz modyfikować domyślne zachowanie aplikacji, rozszerzać jej funkcje oraz włączać wtyczki.
-Domyślny plik konfiguracyjny jest tworzony, gdy po raz pierwszy uruchomisz `verdaccio`.
-## Podstawowa konfiguracja
-Domyślna konfiguracja obsługuje pakiety **o zakresie** i umożliwia każdemu użytkownikowi dostęp do wszystkich pakietów, ale tylko **uwierzytelnionych użytkowników do publikowania**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sekcje
-Poniższe sekcje wyjaśniają, co oznacza każda właściwość i różne opcje.
-### Magazyn danych
-Jest lokalizacją domyślnego magazynu danych. **Verdaccio domyślnie jest oparte o lokalny system plików**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Wtyczki
-Jest lokalizacja katalogu wtyczek. Przydatny w przypadku wdrożeń opartych na Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Uwierzytelnianie
-Uwierzytelnianie jest wykonywane tutaj, podstawowe uwierzytelnianie jest oparte o `htpasswd` i jest wbudowane w aplikację. Możesz modyfikować jego zachowanie poprzez [wtyczki](plugins.md). Więcej informacji o tej sekcji znajdziesz na [stronie dotyczącej uwierzytelniania](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Internetowy interfejs użytkownika
-Ta właściwość pozwala Ci zmienić wygląd internetowego interfejsu użytkownika.. Więcej informacji na temat tej sekcji można znaleźć na stronie [internetowego interfejsu użytkownika](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks to zdolność systemu do pobierania pakietów ze zdalnych rejestrów, gdy pakiety te nie są dostępne lokalnie. Więcej informacji na temat tej sekcji można znaleźć na [stronie uplinks](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Pakiety pozwalają użytkownikowi kontrolować, w jaki sposób pakiety będą dostępne. Więcej informacji na temat tej sekcji można znaleźć na [stronie pakietów](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Ustawienia zaawansowane
-### Publikowanie w trybie offline
-Domyślnie `verdaccio` nie pozwala na publikowanie w trybie offline, można to zmienić poprzez ustawienie tej właściwości na *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-Domyślnie maksymalny rozmiar ciała dokumentu JSON to `10mb`, jeśli napotykasz błędy takie jak `"zbyt duży rozmiar żądania"` możesz zwiększyć tę wartość.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Port nasłuchu
-`verdaccio` domyślnie nadaje poprzez port `4873`. Zmiana tego portu może być dokonana przez [cli](cli.md) lub przez plik konfiguracyjny, wszystkie następujące opcje są prawidłowe.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Aby aktywować `https` w `verdaccio` wystarczy ustawić flagę `listen` na protokół *https://*. Więcej informacji o tej sekcji znajdziesz na [stronie dotyczącej ssl](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxy to specjalne serwery HTTP stworzone do transferu danych z serwerów zdalnych do klientów lokalnych.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Jeśli posiadasz serwer proxy w swojej sieci możesz ustawić nagłówek `X-Forwarded-For` używając następujących właściwości.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Ta zmienna powinna posiadać listę domen oddzieloną przecinkami, dla których proxy nie powinno być używane.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Powiadomienia
-Dostarczanie powiadomień do aplikacji zewnętrznych jest całkiem łatwe poprzez web hooks. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o tej sekcji przeczytaj [stronę dotyczącą powiadomień](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Bardziej szczegółowe ustawienia konfiguracji znajdziesz w [kodzie źródłowym](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` to nowa komenda wydana razem z [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio zawiera wbudowany plugin oprogramowania pośredniego do obsługi tej komendy.
-> Jeśli instalujesz aplikację od nowa, to posiada ona ustawienia domyślnie, w przeciwnym razie musisz dodać następujące właściwości do Twojego pliku konfiguracyjnego
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Współtworzenie Verdaccio"
-First of all Zapoznanie się z obcą podstawą kodowania nie jest łatwe, ale jesteśmy tutaj, aby Ci z tym pomóc.
-## Kanały komunikacji
-Jeżeli masz jakieś pytania, używamy dwóch kanałów do dyskusji:
-* [Publiczny kanał Discord](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Pierwsze kroki
-Na pierwszy rzut oka verdaccio jest pojedyńczym repozytorium, lecz jest wiele sposobów, dzięki którym możesz z nami współpracować i wiele technik do przećwiczenia.
-### Znajdowanie swojej mocnej strony
-Wszyscy posiadamy różne umiejętności, więc zobaczmy w czym czujesz się komfortowo.
-### Znam lub chcę się nauczyć Node.js
-Node.js jest podstawą `verdaccio`, używamy bibliotek takich jak `express`, `commander`, `request` lub `async`. Verdaccio to w zasadzie Rest API, które tworzy komunikację z `npm` klientami zgodnymi, jak `yarn`.
-Posiadamy długą [listę wtyczek](plugins.md) gotową do użycia oraz rozwijania, ale również możesz [stworzyć swoją własną](dev-plugins.md).
-### Wolę pracować w interfejsie użytkownika
-Od niedawna zaczęliśmy używać nowoczesnych technologii, takich jak `React` oraz `element-react`. Z niecierpliwością oczekujemy nowych pomysłów na ulepszenie interfejsu użytkownika.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Wszelkie propozycje są mile widziane. Ponadto, jeśli masz doświadczenie z **Yeoman** możesz nam pomóc z [generatorem verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Tutaj jest kilka pomysłów:
-* Utwórz wspólne reguły eslint, które będą używane we wszystkich zależnościach lub wtyczkach
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### Robię świetne dokumentacje
-Wiele współtwórców znajduje literówki i błędy gramatyczne, to również przyczynia się do ogólnego wrażenia podczas rozwiązywania problemów.
-### Jestem projektantem
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Nasza strona internetowa jest oparta o [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-Wspieramy **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** i **Chef** oraz potrzebujemy pomocy tych dziedzinach, nie krępuj się sprawdzić wszystkie repozytoria.
-### Mogę tłumaczyć
-Verdaccio chce być wielojęzyczny, w tym celu **mamy niesamowitą pomoc** ze strony serwisu [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com), który jest świetną platformą do tłumaczeń.
-Przygotowaliśmy projekt, w którym możesz wybrać swój ulubiony język, jeśli nie znalazłeś tam swojego języka, nie wahaj się powiadomić nas o tym poprzez [wysłanie zgłoszenia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Przejdź do Verdaccio na platformie Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Jestem gotowy do współtworzenia
-Jeśli myślisz *"Widziałem już [repozytoria](repositories.md) i jestem gotów zacząć od razu"*, wtedy mam dla Ciebie dobrą wiadomość, która znajduje się w następnym kroku.
-Będziesz potrzebował nauczyć się budować, [przygotowaliśmy dla ciebie poradnik](build.md).
-Gdy zapoznasz się ze wszystkimi skryptami i będziesz wiedział jak ich używać, będziesz gotów do następnego kroku, uruchom [**Test jednostek**](test.md).
-## Pełna lista współtwórców. Chcemy tutaj zobaczyć Twoją twarz !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Tworzenie wtyczek"
-Istnieje wiele sposobów na rozszerzenie funkcjonalności `verdaccio`, wspierane są następujące rodzaje wtyczek:
-* Wtyczki uwierzytelniania
-* Wtyczki oprogramowania pośredniego (od wersji `v2.7.0`)
-* Wtyczki magazynu danych od wersji (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Wtyczka uwierzytelniania
-Musimy tylko zwrócić obiekt pojedynczą metodą `authenticate`, która otrzyma 3 argumenty (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Tylko `dduser`, `allow_access` i `allow_publish` są opcjonalne, verdaccio zapewnia cofnięcie we wszystkich tych przypadkach.
-#### Callback
-Po wykonaniu uwierzytelniania mamy 2 opcje na odpowiedź do `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Gdy coś złego się wydarzy, lub uwierzytelnianie nie powiedzie się.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Uwierzytelnianie zakończone sukcesem.
-`grupy` to tablica ciągów znaków, w których użytkownik jest częścią.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-Konfiguracja będzie wyglądać następująco:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Gdzie `htpasswd` jest przyrostkiem nazwy wtyczki. np: `verdaccio-htpasswd`, a reszta będzie parametrem konfiguracyjnym wtyczki.
-## Wtyczka oprogramowania pośredniego
-Wtyczki pośrednie mają możliwość modyfikowania warstwy API, dodając nowe punkty końcowe lub przechwytywania żądań.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Metoda zapewnia pełny dostęp do uwierzytelniania i przechowywania za pomocą `auth` i `storage`. `app` to ekspresowa aplikacja, która pozwala dodawać nowe punkty końcowe.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Aby zarejestrować oprogramowanie pośrednie potrzebujemy obiekt z pojedynczą metodą `register_middlewares`, która otrzyma 3 argumenty (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* to instancja uwierzytelniania, a *storage* to także główna instancja Storage, która zapewnia dostęp do wszystkich działań związanych z pamięcią masową.
-## Wtyczka magazynu danych
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-API magazynu danych jest trochę bardziej skomplikowane, będziesz musiał stworzyć klasę, która zwraca implementację `IPluginStorage`. Poniżej zapoznasz się ze szczegółami.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> API magazynu danych jest nadal w fazie eksperymentalnej i może się zmienić w następnej pomniejszej wersji. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Przykłady wtyczek magazynu danych
-Poniższa lista wtyczek wdraża API magazynu danych oraz mogą być użyte jako przykład.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Chciałbyś współtworzyć ten projekt z nowymi wtyczkami magazynu danych? [Kliknij tutaj.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-Te instrukcje zostały napisane dla systemu Windows Server 2012, usługi IIS8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) oraz [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Utwórz nowy folder w Eksploratorze, gdzie chcesz, aby znajdowało się verdaccio. Na przykład `C:\verdaccio`. Zapisz[package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) oraz [web.config](#webconfig) w tym folderze.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. Możesz ją nazwać jakkolwiek chcesz. Ja nazwę ją verdaccio w tych [instrukcjach](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Określ ścieżkę do lokalizacji, w której zapisałeś wszystkie pliki i numer portu.
-- Wróć do Eksploratora i daj użytkownikowi, który uruchamia pulę aplikacji, prawa do modyfikacji folderu, który został właśnie utworzony. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Uruchom wiersz polecenia i wykonaj poniższe polecenia, aby pobrać verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Upewnij się, że w Zaporze systemu Windows masz regułę ruchu przychodzącego akceptującą ruch TCP przez dany port
-- To wszystko! Teraz można przejść do hosta i portu, który został określony
-Chciałem, aby strona `verdaccio` była domyślną stroną w IIS, więc wykonałem następujące czynności:
-- Upewniłem się, że plik .npmrc w `c:\users{yourname}` miał rejestr ustawiony jako `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Zatrzymałem "Domyślną witrynę sieci Web" i uruchomiłem tylko witrynę "verdaccio" w IIS
-- Ustawiłem powiązania na "http", adres ip na "Wszystkie nieprzypisane" na porcie 80 i obyło się bez żadnych ostrzeżeń lub monitów
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-Domyślny plik konfiguracji zostanie utworzony `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Rozwiązywanie problemów
-- **Interfejs sieciowy nie ładuje się, gdy jest hostowany przez protokół https, ponieważ próbuje on pobrać skrypty za pomocą protokołu http.**
- Upewnij się, że poprawnie wskazałeś `url_prefix` w konfiguracji verdaccio. Śledź [dyskusję](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Instalacja"
-Verdaccio jest wieloplatformową aplikacją internetową. Aby ją zainstalować, musisz spełnić kilka wymagań.
-#### Wymagania
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. Interfejs sieci web obsługujący przeglądarki `Chrome, Firefox, Edge i IE9`.
-## Instalacja CLI
-`verdaccio` musi być zainstalowany globalnie używając dowolnej z poniższych metod:
-Za pomocą `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-lub za pomocą `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Podstawowe użycie
-Po jego zainstalowaniu, trzeba tylko wywołać komendę CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o CLI, zapoznaj się z [sekcją cli](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-Jeśli nie używałeś wcześniej Helm, musisz ustawić kontroler Helm zwany Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Odinstalowywanie
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Niestandardowa konfiguracja Verdaccio
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Rejestrator"
-Jak każda aplikacja sieci web, verdaccio posiada wbudowany konfigurowalny rejestrator. Możesz określić wiele typów wyjść.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Konfiguracja
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | zdefiniuj wyjście |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | jeśli typem jest plik, zdefiniuj lokalizację tego pliku |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | format wyjścia |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Logotyp Verdaccio"
-Logotyp został stworzony przez **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)**, który wygrał [konkurs](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([ostatni etap](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) oraz podarował swoją pracę dla tego projektu.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Inne implementacje
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Powiadomienia"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Pojedyncze powiadomienie
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Wiele powiadomień
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Szablon
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Właściwości
-Lista właściwości dostępnych poprzez szablon
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-Jest to seria ograniczeń, która pozwala lub zabrania dostępu do pamięci lokalnej bazując na konkretnych kryteriach.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Wtyczki"
-Verdaccio jest aplikacją obsługującą wtyczki. Dzięki temu można rozszerzyć działanie aplikacji na wiele sposobów: wprowadzić nowe metody uwierzytelniania, dodawać punkty końcowe lub użyć niestandardowego magazynu danych.
-> Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany stworzeniem swojej własnej wtyczki, przeczytaj sekcję dotyczącą [programowania](dev-plugins.md).
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Otwórz plik `config.yaml` i zaktualizuj sekcję `auth` następująco:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Konfiguracja wtyczki oprogramowania pośredniego
-To jest przykład jak skonfigurować wtyczkę oprogramowania pośredniego. Wszystkie te wtyczki muszą mieć zdefiniowane nazwy z przestrzeni nazw **oprogramowań pośrednich**.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(kompatybilne ze wszystkimi wersjami)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Zobaczmy dla przykładu następującą konfigurację. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-Więcej informacji znajdziesz:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Kod źródłowy"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Aby zobaczyć pełną listę repozytoriów, [kliknij tutaj](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Konfiguracja serwera"
-Jest to głównie podstawowa konfiguracja serwera linux, lecz myślę, że jest to ważne, aby udokumentować i udostępnić krok po kroku jak uruchomiłem na stałe verdaccio na moim serwerze. Będziesz musiał użyć uprawnień root (lub sudo) dla następujących.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "Co to jest Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## Co to jest rejestr
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio w skrócie
-* Jest to internetowa aplikacja oparta na Node.js
-* Jest to prywatny rejestr npm
-* Jest to proxy sieci lokalnej
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* Jest bardzo prosty w instalacji i w użyciu
-* Oferujemy wsparcie Docker i Kubernetes
-* Jest w 100% kompatybilny z yarn, npm i pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Słowo Verdaccio oznacza **zielony kolor popularny w późnych średniowiecznych włochach w malarstwie freskowym**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Instalacja jako Usługa systemu Windows"
-Ogólnie, bazując na instrukcji podanej [tutaj](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Stwórz folder dla verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Stwórz swój plik `config.yaml` w następującej lokalizacji `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Instalacja usługi systemu Windows
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Otwórz wiersz polecenia z uprawnieniami administratora
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repozytoria
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-Nós temos uma solução customizada para o `verdaccio` na sua organização.
-#### Outras opções
-* Ansible role para usuários Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role para usuários Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: autenticacao
-title: "Autenticação"
-A autenticação está ligada ao [plugin](plugins.md) auth que você está utilizando. As restrições do pacote também são tratadas pelo [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Obrigatório | Exemplo | Support | Descrição |
-| --------- | ------ | ----------- | ---------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| file | string | Sim | ./htpasswd | all | arquivo onde ficam armazenadas as credenciais criptografadas |
-| max_users | number | Não | 1000 | todos | define o limite de usuários |
-No caso de não permitir o login de usuário, você pode definir `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Utilizando a partir do código fonte"
-Verdaccio depende do `yarn` ao invés do `npm` para gerir as suas dependências.
-*Nota: A build atual apenas compilará com `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Para ver a lista completa de scripts, [acesse aqui](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Utilizando o Chef Cookbook para o Verdaccio
-Para mais informações:
-> Estamos à procura de colaboradores para este repositório, se você estiver interessado por favor informe o autor através de tickets.
-Autor: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Integração contínua"
-Você pode usar verdaccio com integração contínua enquanto login ou publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. O comando de login NPM é, projetado para ser usado interativamente. Isso causará um problema na Integração Contínua, scripts e etc. Temos um exemplo NPM login integração contínua de diferentes plataformas.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) ou [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Utilitário na Linha de Comando"
-A linha de comando é por onde você pode controlar toda a sua instalação Verdaccio.
-## Comandos
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Comando | Padrão | Exemplo | Descrição |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ------------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | porta http |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | o arquivo de configuração |
-## Local padrão das Configurações
-Para encontrar o diretório padrão de configuração, é usada a variável **$XDG_DATA_HOME** em sistemas Linux e Mac, em instalações Windows é usada a [variável APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Armazenamento Padrão
-A variável **$XDG_DATA_HOME** é usada para determinar o local de armazenamento padrão. Em geral essa variável [deve ser](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) igual a $HOME/.local/share. Se você estiver usando um tipo de armazenamento diferente do padrão, essa informação é irrelevante.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Arquivo de Configuração"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Configuração Padrão
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Seções
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Autenticação
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. Você pode modifica este comportamento via [plugins](plugins.md). Para maiores informações sobre esta seção, leia a [página sobre autenticação](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Configurações Avançadas
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Prefixo de URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Desde: `verdaccio@2.3.6` feito em [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy e https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contribuindo com o Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Meios de Comunicação
-Se você quiser fazer perguntas, nós usamos dois canais para discussões:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Como Começar
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Como contribuir
-Todos nós temos habilidades diferentes, você pode ajudar onde se sentir confortável.
-### Eu sei ou quero aprender Node.js
-O `Verdaccio` é baseado em Node.js, nós também usamos algumas livrarias como `express`, `commander`, `request` e `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-Nós temos uma longa [lista de plugins](plugins.md) prontos para serem usados e que também aceitam contribuições. Se quiser, [voce pode criar o seu próprio](dev-plugins.md).
-### Eu prefiro trabalhar com a Interface do Usuário
-Recentemente nós começamos a usar tecnologias mais modernas, como `React` e `element-react`. Estamos abertos a novas ideias para melhorar a UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-Nós temos uma página inicial que ficaria muito boa com novas ideias.
-Nosso site é gerado com [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Eu sou um DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### Eu posso traduzir
-Nosso projeto busca ser multilíngue, e contamos **com a ótima ajuda** do [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) que é uma ótima plataforma para traduções.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Para fazer o pull do último pré-build[docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Versões com Tags
-Desde a versão `v2.x`, você pode fazer o pull das imagens pela [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), por exemplo:
-Para uma versão principal:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Para uma versão secundária:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Para uma versão específica (patch):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Para a próxima versão principal usando versão `beta` (master).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Se você está interessado em uma lista de tags, [acesse o Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Executando verdaccio usando Docker
-Para executar o container do docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-O último argumento define qual imagem usar. a linha acima vai buscar a imagem mais recente da pre-build do dockerhub, isso se você já não tiver feito.
-Se você tiver [uma imagem construída localmente](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` como o último argumento.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: home
-title: "Verdaccio registro privado e proxy npm"
-## Fácil de Instalar
-Instale seu novo registro com um único comando
-$> npm install --global verdaccio
-# or
-$> yarn global add verdaccio
-## Fácil de Configurar
-Configure o seu novo registro verdaccio como padrão
- $> npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-$> npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Fácil de Usar
-Use a partir do seu terminal
- $> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:5555/ - verdaccio/2.2.0
-#### Tudo pronto! Aproveite o seu novo **gerente de pacotes privado**.
-##### a maioria dos clientes npm é suportada.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: index1
-date: 2017-07-10T23:36:56.503Z
-title: Docs Home
-`verdaccio` is a fork of **sinopia** and it's backwards compatible.
-## Why should I use verdaccio?
-* I am/was **sinopia** user and need an **easy migration**.
-* I need a lightweight and free solution
-* I need long-term support and help when I got stuck.
-* I want a product compatible with the newer tools as **Yarn** and **DevOps (Docker, Ansible, Puppet, etc)** tools.
-* An evolving plugabble product, not only for **Authentification**, also for **Storage** and more in the future.
-* An active community
-* Integration with **Nexus**, **Artifactoy** and any other npm compatible registry.
-A bunch more of reasons [you might be interested](https://medium.com/@jotadeveloper/five-use-cases-where-a-npm-private-proxy-fits-in-your-workflow-632a81779c14).
-### Why we forked from Sinopia?
-It [appeared that sinopia maintenance had stalled and the author had abandoned it](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/376), so there was a suggestion that the sinopia-using community would benefit from a fresh look at the code and the outstanding issues. So here we are The last step about the [detach from sinopia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/38).
-### Near Future
-`verdaccio` aims to be compatible with sinopia along the time preserving the main features, a lightweight app based on local file system and easy installation but being able to be pluggable and built over a modern tool stack.
-## Getting Started
-### Installation
-* [Installation](/docs/installation)
-### Usage
-* [Command Line](/docs/cli)
-### Configuration
-* [The configuration file](/docs/configuration)
-* [Setting up *uplinks*](/docs/uplinks)
-* [Packages Access](/docs/packages)
-* [Authorization and Access](/docs/authentication)
-* [Enable Notifications](/docs/notifications)
-* [Custom Logs](/docs/logger)
-### UI Customization
-* [Configure the Web](/docs/webui)
-## Server Configurations
-* [Advanced Server Configuration](/docs/server)
-* [Reverse Proxy](/docs/reverse-proxy)
-* [SSL Certificates](/docs/ssl)
-### Windows Specific Settings
-* [Installing As a Windows Service](/docs/windows)
-* [Installing on IIS server](/docs/iis-server)
-## Extend Verdaccio
-* [Installing Plugins](/docs/plugins)
-## DevOps
-* [Configure with Ansible](/docs/ansible)
-* [Using Docker Image](/docs/docker)
-* [Using Kubernetes](/docs/kubernetes)
-## Guides && Recipes
-* [Learn how to protect your packages](/docs/recipes/protect-your-dependencies)
-## Development
-* [I want to to contribute](/docs/dev/contributing)
-* [Build verdaccio](/docs/dev/build)
-* [Create plugins](/docs/dev/plugins)
-* [Repositories](/docs/dev/repositories)
-* [Unit Testing](/docs/dev/unit-test)
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-id: installation
-title: "Instalação"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Pré-requisitos
-1. Node, acima da versão
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Instação
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Usando `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-ou usando `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Como Usar
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Imagem do Docker
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Api Node"
-Verdaccio pode ser inicializado de forma customizada através de um script utilizando a nova API implementada a partir da `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Utilização
-#### Programação
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Outros Usos
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) um proxy local para npm
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuração
-| Nome | Tipo | Obrigatório | Exemplo | Suporte | Descrição |
-| ------ | ------- | ----------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | Não | true/false | all | habilitar a interface web |
-| title | string | Não | Verdaccio | all | Título da página web |
-| logo | string | Não | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | URI onde o logo se encontra |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "O que é o Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Аутентификация"
-Аутентификация зависит от того [плагина](plugins.md), который вы используете. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-Аутентификация клиента обрабатывается самим клиентом `npm`. В тот момент, когда вы выполняете вход в приложение:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Токен генерируется в файле конфигурации `npm`, расположенном в домашней директории пользователя. Больше информации о `.npmrc` читайте в [официальной документации](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Анонимная публицация
-`verdaccio` позволяет включить анонимную публикацию. Для того, чтобы сделать это вам нужно правильно настроить ваш [доступ к пакетам](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Как описано в [issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) до `npm@5.3.0`, включая все минорные релизы, **не позволят вам публикацию без токенов**. Однако `yarn` не имеет таких ограничений.
-## Стандартный htpasswd
-Для того, чтобы упростить настройку, `verdaccio` использует плагин работающий с `htpasswd`. Начиная с версии v3.0.x [внешний плагин](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) используется по умолчанию. Но версия v2.x содержит встроенную версию данного плагина.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Максимальное количество пользователей, которые могут зарегистрироваться. По умолчанию "+inf".
- # Вы можете установить -1 для отключения регистрации пользователей.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Свойство | Тип | Обязательное | Пример | Поддержка | Описание |
-| --------- | ------ | ------------ | ---------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Да | ./htpasswd | все | файл, содержащий зашифрованные реквизиты |
-| max_users | number | Нет | 1000 | все | устанавливает ограничение пользователей |
-Для того, чтобы запретить пользователям входить, вы можете установить `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Сборка исходного кода"
-Verdaccio использует `yarn` вместо `npm` для загрузки зависимостей.
-* Примечание: текущая сборка может быть собрана только с `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Посмотреть весь список скриптов сборки можно [здесь](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Поваренная книга"
-Использование книги для приготовления Verdaccio
-Для дополнительной информации:
-> Мы ищем помощников для этого проекта, если вам это интересно, пожалуйста сообщите автору.
-Автор: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Непрерывная интеграция"
-Вы можете использовать verdaccio с системами непрерывной интеграции при входе или публикации. Когда вы используете NPM для установки приватного модуля в окружении непрерывной интерграции, то вы сразу упираетесь в кирпичную стену. Вход, в команде NPM, был разработана для интерактивного использования. Это вызывает проблемы в CI, скриптах и т.п. Вот как нужно использовать NPM вход на различных платформах непрерывной интеграции.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) или [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Инструмент командной строки"
-Инструмент командной строки verdaccio, это начало вашей работы с приложением.
-## Команды
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Команда | По умолчанию | Пример | Описание |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ----------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http порт |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | файл конфигурации |
-## Расположение файла конфигурации по умолчанию
-Для того, чтобы определить местоположение домашней директории мы полагаемся на **$XDG_DATA_HOME** в первую очередь и в среде Windows мы ищем переменную окружения [APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Расположение хранилища по умолчанию
-Для определения местоположения хранилища, по умолчанию мы используем переменную окружения **$XDG_DATA_HOME**, которая [должна быть похожа](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) на $HOME/.local/share. Но, если вы используете своё место для хранилища, это не имеет значения.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Файл конфигурации"
-Этот файл является краеугольным камнем verdaccio. В нём вы можете изменить стандартное поведение, включить плагины и расширенные возможности.
-Стандартный файл конфигурации создаётся при самом первом запуске `verdaccio`.
-## Стандартная конфигурация
-Стандартная конфигурация поддерживает **область видимости (scope)** пакетов и позволяет любым пользователям получить доступ ко всем пакетам, но **только авторизованные пользователи могут публиковать пакеты**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Разделы
-Следующие разделы пояснят что означает каждое свойство и его различные опции.
-### Хранилище
-Местоположение хранилища по умолчанию. **По умолчанию Verdaccio определит исходя из локальной файловой системы**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Плагины
-Местоположения директории с плагинами. Полезно при развёртывании при помощи Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Аутентификация
-Настройка аутентификация делается здесь. По умолчанию аутентификация основана на `htpasswd` и является встроенной. Вы можете изменить это при помощи [плагинов](plugins.md). Читайте об этом в разделе [Аутентификация](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Веб интерфейс
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Подключения
-Каналы — это способность системы получать пакетов из удаленных реестров, если эти пакеты не доступны локально. Читайте об этом в разделе [Каналы](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Пакеты
-Секция пакеты позволяет пользователю контролировать доступ к пакетам. Читайте об этом в разделе [Пакеты](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Расширенные настройки
-### Публикация без подключения к сети
-По умолчанию `verdaccio` не позволяет публиковать пакеты, если у клиента не подключения к сети. Это может быть изменено устновкой данного параметрв в *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Начиная с: verdaccio@2.3.6 в связи #223
-### URL приствка
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Начиная с: `verdaccio@2.3.6` в связи [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Максимальный размер
-По умолчанию максимальный размер JSON документа `10 Мб`, если вы получаете ошибки типа `"request entity too large"`, то вы можете увеличить это значение.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Рабочий порт
-`verdaccio` по умолчанию запускается на порту `4873`. Изменить порт можно при помощи [Интерфейса командной строки](cli.md) или в файле конфигурации. Следующие значения являются правильными.
-# - localhost:4873 # значение по умолчанию
-# - http://localhost:4873 # тоже самое
-# - # работа на всех адресах (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # если нужно использовать https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Для включения `https` в `verdaccio` достаточно устанновить опцию `listen` в значение с протоколом *https://*. Читайте об этом в разделе [SSL](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Проксирование
-Прокси сервера, это специально предназначенные сервера для передачи от удалённых серверов к локальным клиентам.
-#### http_proxy и https_proxy
-Если в вашей сети используется прокси, вы можете установить `X-Forwarded-For` заголовок использую следующие свойства.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Это свойство должно содержать разделённый через запятую список доменов, для которых прокси не будет использоваться.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Уведомления
-Уведомления для сторонних инструментов включаются очень просто через web hooks. Читайте об этом в разделе [Уведомления](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Для более детальной настройки, пожалуйста [загляните в исходнй код](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Аудит
-Начиная с: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` это новая команда, добавленная в [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio имеет встроенный плагин для обработки этой команды.
-> Если это у вас вновь созданная конфигурация, то значение будет установлено по умолчанию. Если нет, вам необходимо добавить эти опции в ваши файл конфигурации
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Содействие Verdaccio"
-First of all Нырять в незнакомую кодовую базу не просто, но мы здесь для того, чтобы помочь вам.
-## Каналы связи
-Если вы готовы задать вопрос, мы используем два канала для обсуждений:
-* [Публичный Discord канал](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Приступая к работе
-На первый взгляд verdaccio представляет собой единый репозиторий, но есть много способов, которыми вы могли бы посодействовать. А так же есть разнообразные технологии для практики.
-### Занять свою нишу
-Все мы имеем различные навыки, так что, давайте посмотрим, где вы можете чувствовать себя комфортно.
-### Я знаю, или я хочу узнать Node.js
-Node.js это основа `verdaccio`, мы используем такие библиотеки как `express`, `commander`, `request` или `async`. Verdaccio это в основном Rest API который обеспечивает коммуникацию `npm` совместимых клиентов, таких как `yarn`.
-Мы имеем длинный [список плагинов](plugins.md) готовых к использованию и улучшению, но в тоже время [вы можете создать свой собственный](dev-plugins.md).
-### Я бы предпочел работать с пользовательским интерфейсом
-Недавно мы переехали на современные технологии, такие как `React` и `element-react`. Мы с нетерпением ожидаем увидеть новые идеи для улучшения пользовательского интерфейса.
-### Мне гораздо комфортнее улучшать стек технологий
-Разумеется мы будем рады помощи в улучшении стека, вы можете обновить зависимости, такие как `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Мы рады приветствовать любые ваши предложения. Кроме того, если у вас есть опыт работы с **Yeoman** вы можете помочь нам с [генератором verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Вот некоторые идеи:
-* Создать общие правила для eslint, которые будут использоваться во всех зависимостях и плагинах
-* Улучшение доставки определений Flow types
-* Перейти к использованию Webpack 4
-* Улучшить горячую перезагрузку с Webpack
-* Мы используем babel и webpack во всех зависимостях, почему бы не сделать общий набор настроек?
-* Улучшить доставку непрерывной интеграции
-### Я делаю прекрасную документацию
-Много участников находят опечатки и грамматические ошибки, которые так же улучшаю общее впечатление от использования и устранения проблем.
-### Я Дизайнер
-У нас есть веб-сайт который будет рад новым идеям.
-Наш веб-сайт основан на [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Я DevOps
-У нас есть образ для широко известного Docker'а ему необходимо техническое сопровождение и скорее всего огромные улучшения, нам нужны ваши знания для пользы всего сообщества.
-У нас есть поддержка **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** и **Chef** и здесь нам тоже нужна помощь, не стесняйтесь заглянуть во все репозитории.
-### Я могу переводить
-Verdaccio стремится стать многоязычным и для достижения этого **у нас есть классная поддержка** [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com). Это потрясающая платформа для переводов.
-У нас есть настройка для выбора вашего любимого языка, если вы не нашли свой язык не стесняйтесь попросить его [создав задачу](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Перейти в Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Я готов помогать
-Если вы думаете *"Я уже видел [репозитории](repositories.md) и я хочу начать прямо сейчас"* то для вас есть хорошая возможноть, это следующий шаг.
-Вам нужно научиться собирать проект из исходников, [и мы подготовили для вас руководство](build.md).
-После того, как вы поигрались со скриптами и узнали как ими пользоваться, мы готовы перейти к следующему шагу, запуск [**Модульных тестов**](test.md).
-## Полный список участников. Мы хотим видеть здесь и ваше лицо!
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Разработка плагинов"
-Есть много способов расширить `verdaccio`, поддерживаются следующие типы плагинов:
-* Плагин аутентификации
-* Middleware плагины (начиная с `v2.7.0`)
-* Плагины для хранения с (`v3.x`)
-> Мы рекомендуем разрабатывать плагины с использованием [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Плагин аутентификации
-В основном мы должны возвращать объект с помощью одного метода, называемого `authenticate`, который должен принимать три аругмента (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Необязательными являются только `adduser`, `allow_access` и `allow_publish`, verdaccio предоставляет запасной вариант в этих случаях.
-#### Callback
-После того как аутентификация была выполнена, `verdaccio` может быть возвращено только два ответа.
-###### OnError
-Либо что-то пошло не так, либо аутентификация была не удачной.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Аутентификация прошла успешно.
-`groups` это массив строк с именами групп, в которых пользователь состоит.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Пример
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // конфигурация для этого модуля
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-И конфигурация будет выглядеть как-то так:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Где `htpasswd` это суфикс имени плагина. Например: `verdaccio-htpasswd` и остальная часть тела должна быть конфигурацией плагина.
-## Middleware плагин
-Middleware плагины могут менять API, добавляя конечные обработчики или перехватывая запросы.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Метод предоставляет полный доступ к аутентификации и хранилищу через `auth` и `storage`. `app` это приложение express, которое позволяет добавлять новые обработчики запросов (так называемые endpoint).
-> Очень хорошим примером middleware-плагина является [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) и [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* реализация плагина */
-Для регистрации плагина, нам нужен объект с единственным методом, называемым `register_middlewares`, который принимает три аргумента (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* это экземпляр авторизации и *storage* так же является экземпляром главного хранилища, который предоставит доступ ко всем действиям над ним.
-## Плагин хранилища
-По умолчанию Verdaccio использует плагин хранилища в файловой системе [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), но, начиная с `verdaccio@3.x` вы можете устновить свой плагин хранлища, заменив тем самым поведение по умолчанию.
-### API
-API хранилища немного сложнее, вам потребуется создать класс, реализующий интерфейс `IPluginStorage`. Детали представлены ниже.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> API хранилища всё ещё остаётся экспериментальным и может измениться в следующих минорных версиях. Для получения актуальной информации о API Хранилища пожалуйста перейдите к [типам определённым в нашем репозитории](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Пример плагина хранилища
-Данный список плагинов реализует API Хранилища и может использоваться вами как пример.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Вы собираетесь способствовать разработке нового плагина хранилища? [Загляните сюда.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
- ![alt Количество скачиваний](http://dockeri.co/image/verdaccio/verdaccio "Количество скачиваний")
-Для скачивания последней версии [Docker образа](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Версии с меткой
-Начиная с версии `v2.x` вы можете скачать Docker образ [тег](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), так:
-Для базовых версий:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Для минорной версии:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Конкретная версия (патч):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Следующая базовая версия, при помощи тега `beta` (ветка master).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Если вас интересует весь список тегов, [посетите нашу страницу на сайте Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Запуск verdaccio с использованием Docker
-Запуск Docker контейнера:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-Последний аргумент указывает на то, какой именно образ нужно использовать. Эта команда скачает последний образ из Docker Hub, если вы ещё не сделали этого ранее.
-Если этот образ [у вас уже скачан](#build-your-own-docker-image) используйте `verdaccio` в качестве последнего аргумента.
-Вы можете использовать `-v` для того, что бы примонтировать каталоги `conf`, `storage` и `plugins` к основной (host) файловой системе:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Примечание: Verdaccio, внутри контейнера, запускается не из под root (uid=100, gid=101), если вы используете монтирование каталогов, вам необходимо убедиться, что у пользователя, из контейнера, будет доступ к этим каталогам. В примере выше, вам нужно выполнить `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` иначе вы получите ошибку прав доступа во время запуска контейнера. Рекомендуется использовать [Docker разделы](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) при монтировании каталогов.
-### Плагины
-Плагины могут быть установлены в отдельную директорию и смонтированы с использованием Docker или Kubernetes. Однако вам нужно убедиться, что вы используете встроенные плагины с родными зависимостями, использующими такой же базовый образ как и в Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker и конфигурация пользовательского порта
-В настоящее время любой `host:port`, настроенный в `conf/config.yaml` в опции `listen` игнорируется при использовании Докер.
-Если вам необходимо чтобы docker-экземпляр verdaccio работал на другом порту, скажем на `5000`, в вашей `docker run` команде нужно заменить `-p 4873:4873` на `-p 5000:4873`.
-В том случае, когда вам нужно указать какой порт слушать **в docker контейнере**, начиная с версии 2.?.?, вы можете указать дополнительный аргумент в `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` Это изменит порт, который docker контейнер будет слушать и порт, который будет слушать verdaccio.
-Разумеется, числа указываемые в параметре `-p` должны соответствовать, по этому предпологается, что все они должны быть одинаковыми и вы можете скопировать, вставить и запускать:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Использование HTTPS с Docker
-Вы можете настроить протокол, который verdaccio будет слушать, аналогично тому, как ранее конфигурировался порт. Необходмило переопределить значение по умолчанию ("http") переменной окружения `PROTOCOL` на "https", после того, как вы укажете сертификаты в config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Использование docker-compose
-1. Возьмите последнюю версию [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Соберите и запустите контейнер:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Вы можете указать используемый порт (внутри контейнера и снаружи) дописав перед командой `PORT=5000`.
-Docker сгенерирует именованный раздел, в котором будут храниться данные приложения. Вы можете использовать `docker inspect` или `docker volume inspect` для определения физического местоположения и изменения конфигурации, например:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Сборка собственного Docker образа
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Есть так же npm скрипт для сборки Docker образа, по этому вы можете выполнить:
-npm run build:docker
-Примечание: Первая сборки может занять несколько минут, потому что нужно выполнить `npm install`, это будет занимать много времени, всякий раз, как вы измените, что либо, что не перечислено в `.dockerignore`.
-Если вам нужно использовать Docker образ на rpi или совместимом устройстве, то Dockerfile так же доступен. Для сборки Docker образа под raspberry pi выполните:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Имейте в виду, что для выполнения всех, представленных выше команд, Docker должен быть установлен на вашем компьютере и исполняемый файл должен быть представлен в переменной окружения `$PATH`.
-## Примеры
-Это отдельные репозитории, которые содержат многожество конфигураций для сборки Docker образов с `verdaccio`, для запуска обратного прокси:
-## Пользовательские сборки
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Контейнер с приватным NPM, который может сохранять резервные копии на s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker образ предоставленный verdaccio от coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Установка на IIS сервер"
-Эта инструкция для Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) и [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Установите IIS установив [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Убедитесь, что у вас уже установлено всё необходимое (Url Rewrite Module & node) как того требует инструкция к iisnode.
-- Создайте новую директорию в Explorer, в которой вы хотите расположить verdaccio. Например `C:\verdaccio`. Сохраните [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) и [web.config](#webconfig) в эту директорию.
-- Создайте новый сайт c помощью Internet Information Services Manager. Можете назвать его как хотите. Я буду называть его verdaccio в этих [инструкциях](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Укажите путь к сохранённым файлам и номер порта.
-- Вернитесь в Explorer и дайте пользователю, который будет запускать приложение, права на изменение созданной вами ранее директории. Если вы назвали новый сайт verdaccio и не меняли пул приложения, он запустится под ApplicationPoolIdentity и вы должны дать пользователю IIS AppPool\verdaccio права на изменение, смотрите инструкцию, если вам требуется помощь. (Вы можете ограничить доступ позже, если вы хотите, чтобы права распространялись только на iisnode и verdaccio\storage)
-- Запустите команду строку и выполните эти команды для загрузки verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Убедитесь, что у вас есть правила приёма входящего TCP подключения на порт в Windows Firewall
-- Вот и всё! Теперь вы можете перейти на хост и порт, который вы указывали
-Я хотел чтобы сайт `verdaccio` был сайтом по умолчанию в IIS, по этому я сделал так:
-- Я убедился что .npmrc файл, который находится в `c:\users\{yourname}`, содержит реестр установленный в `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Я остановил "Default Web Site" и просто запустил сайт "verdaccio" в IIS
-- Я установил привязку ip адреса "Всех неназначенных" к "http" на 80ый порт, чтобы избежать предупреждений или запросов
-Эта инструкция основана на [Host Sinopia в IIS под Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Мне пришлось настроить мою конфигурацию, так как показано ниже. Но вы можете обратиться к оригиналу по приведённой выше ссылке
-Файл конфигурации по умолчанию будет создан `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Устранение проблем
-- **Web интерфейс не загружается, когда используется https, из-за попыток загрузить скрипты по http.**
- Убедитесь что у вас правильно указан `url_prefix` в конфигурации verdaccio. Перейти к [обсуждению](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Установка"
-Verdaccio — мультиплатформенное веб-приложение. Чтобы его установить, вам потребуется обеспечить некоторые условия.
-#### Требования
-1. Node выше чем
- - Для `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` минимальная допустимая версия.
- - Для `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` минимальная допустимая версия.
-2. npm `>=3.x` или `yarn`
-3. Обозреватели, поддерживающие веб-интерфейс, `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9`.
-## Установка инструмента командной строки
-`verdaccio` должен быть установлено глобально используя один из следующих способов:
-С использованием `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-или с использованием `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![установка verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Запуск
-После того как установка завершится, всё что вам нужно, это выполнить команду:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Больше информации об инструментах командной строки [читайте в этом разделе](cli.md).
-## Docker образ
-`verdaccio` имеет официальный образ Docker, который вы можете использовать, и в большенстве случаем стандартная конфигурация отлично работает. Больше информации о том как установить официальный образ [читайте в этом разделе](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` так же доступен для устновку в один клик с [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Вы можете найти инструкции для развёртывания Verdaccio на кластере Kubernetes в репозитории [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Однако, рекомендуемым методом установки Verdaccio на кластер Kubernetes является использование [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm это пакетный менеджер [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) который даёт некоторые приемущества.
-## Helm
-### Установка Helm
-Если ранее вы не пользовались Helm, то вам потребуется настроить Helm контроллер называемый Tiller:
-helm init
-### Установка
-Разверните Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). В этом примере мы используем `npm` как имя релиза:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Установка конкретной версии
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Обновление Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Удаление
-helm del --purge npm
-**Примечание:** эта команда удалит все ресурсы, включая пакеты, которые ранее были вами опубликованы в реестре.
-### Пользовательская конфигурация Verdaccio
-Вы можете настроить конфигурацию Verdaccio используя Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Подготовка
-Скопируйте [имеющуюся конфигурацю](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) и адаптируйте её к своим потребностям:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Примечание:** Убедитесь, что вы используете правильный путь для постоянного хранилища:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Применение configMap
-Для применения `configMap` к нашему кластеру
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Разворачивание Verdaccio
-Сейчас вы можете развернуть Verdaccio Helm пакет и указать, с какой конфигурацией его нужно развернуть: use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Поддержка Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) это платформа для управления конечными контейнерами, которая делает управление им и их использование в production реально простым.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Аутентификация"
-Аутентификация зависит от того [плагина](plugins.md), который вы используете. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-Аутентификация клиента обрабатывается самим клиентом `npm`. В тот момент, когда вы выполняете вход в приложение:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Токен генерируется в файле конфигурации `npm`, расположенном в домашней директории пользователя. Больше информации о `.npmrc` читайте в [официальной документации](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Анонимная публицация
-`verdaccio` позволяет включить анонимную публикацию. Для того, чтобы сделать это вам нужно правильно настроить ваш [доступ к пакетам](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Как описано в [issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) до `npm@5.3.0`, включая все минорные релизы, **не позволят вам публикацию без токенов**. Однако `yarn` не имеет таких ограничений.
-## Стандартный htpasswd
-Для того, чтобы упростить настройку, `verdaccio` использует плагин работающий с `htpasswd`. Начиная с версии v3.0.x [внешний плагин](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) используется по умолчанию. Но версия v2.x содержит встроенную версию данного плагина.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Максимальное количество пользователей, которые могут зарегистрироваться. По умолчанию "+inf".
- # Вы можете установить -1 для отключения регистрации пользователей.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Свойство | Тип | Обязательное | Пример | Поддержка | Описание |
-| --------- | ------ | ------------ | ---------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Да | ./htpasswd | все | файл, содержащий зашифрованные реквизиты |
-| max_users | number | Нет | 1000 | все | устанавливает ограничение пользователей |
-Для того, чтобы запретить пользователям входить, вы можете установить `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Сборка исходного кода"
-Verdaccio использует `yarn` вместо `npm` для загрузки зависимостей.
-* Примечание: текущая сборка может быть собрана только с `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Посмотреть весь список скриптов сборки можно [здесь](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Поваренная книга"
-Использование книги для приготовления Verdaccio
-Для дополнительной информации:
-> Мы ищем помощников для этого проекта, если вам это интересно, пожалуйста сообщите автору.
-Автор: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Непрерывная интеграция"
-Вы можете использовать verdaccio с системами непрерывной интеграции при входе или публикации. Когда вы используете NPM для установки приватного модуля в окружении непрерывной интерграции, то вы сразу упираетесь в кирпичную стену. Вход, в команде NPM, был разработана для интерактивного использования. Это вызывает проблемы в CI, скриптах и т.п. Вот как нужно использовать NPM вход на различных платформах непрерывной интеграции.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) или [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Инструмент командной строки"
-Инструмент командной строки verdaccio, это начало вашей работы с приложением.
-## Команды
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Команда | По умолчанию | Пример | Описание |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ----------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http порт |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | файл конфигурации |
-## Расположение файла конфигурации по умолчанию
-Для того, чтобы определить местоположение домашней директории мы полагаемся на **$XDG_DATA_HOME** в первую очередь и в среде Windows мы ищем переменную окружения [APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Расположение хранилища по умолчанию
-Для определения местоположения хранилища, по умолчанию мы используем переменную окружения **$XDG_DATA_HOME**, которая [должна быть похожа](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) на $HOME/.local/share. Но, если вы используете своё место для хранилища, это не имеет значения.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Файл конфигурации"
-Этот файл является краеугольным камнем verdaccio. В нём вы можете изменить стандартное поведение, включить плагины и расширенные возможности.
-Стандартный файл конфигурации создаётся при самом первом запуске `verdaccio`.
-## Стандартная конфигурация
-Стандартная конфигурация поддерживает **область видимости (scope)** пакетов и позволяет любым пользователям получить доступ ко всем пакетам, но **только авторизованные пользователи могут публиковать пакеты**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Разделы
-Следующие разделы пояснят что означает каждое свойство и его различные опции.
-### Хранилище
-Местоположение хранилища по умолчанию. **По умолчанию Verdaccio определит исходя из локальной файловой системы**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Плагины
-Местоположения директории с плагинами. Полезно при развёртывании при помощи Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Аутентификация
-Настройка аутентификация делается здесь. По умолчанию аутентификация основана на `htpasswd` и является встроенной. Вы можете изменить это при помощи [плагинов](plugins.md). Читайте об этом в разделе [Аутентификация](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Веб интерфейс
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Подключения
-Каналы — это способность системы получать пакетов из удаленных реестров, если эти пакеты не доступны локально. Читайте об этом в разделе [Каналы](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Пакеты
-Секция пакеты позволяет пользователю контролировать доступ к пакетам. Читайте об этом в разделе [Пакеты](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Расширенные настройки
-### Публикация без подключения к сети
-По умолчанию `verdaccio` не позволяет публиковать пакеты, если у клиента не подключения к сети. Это может быть изменено устновкой данного параметрв в *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Начиная с: verdaccio@2.3.6 в связи #223
-### URL приствка
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Начиная с: `verdaccio@2.3.6` в связи [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Максимальный размер
-По умолчанию максимальный размер JSON документа `10 Мб`, если вы получаете ошибки типа `"request entity too large"`, то вы можете увеличить это значение.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Рабочий порт
-`verdaccio` по умолчанию запускается на порту `4873`. Изменить порт можно при помощи [Интерфейса командной строки](cli.md) или в файле конфигурации. Следующие значения являются правильными.
-# - localhost:4873 # значение по умолчанию
-# - http://localhost:4873 # тоже самое
-# - # работа на всех адресах (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # если нужно использовать https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Для включения `https` в `verdaccio` достаточно устанновить опцию `listen` в значение с протоколом *https://*. Читайте об этом в разделе [SSL](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Проксирование
-Прокси сервера, это специально предназначенные сервера для передачи от удалённых серверов к локальным клиентам.
-#### http_proxy и https_proxy
-Если в вашей сети используется прокси, вы можете установить `X-Forwarded-For` заголовок использую следующие свойства.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Это свойство должно содержать разделённый через запятую список доменов, для которых прокси не будет использоваться.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Уведомления
-Уведомления для сторонних инструментов включаются очень просто через web hooks. Читайте об этом в разделе [Уведомления](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Для более детальной настройки, пожалуйста [загляните в исходнй код](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Аудит
-Начиная с: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` это новая команда, добавленная в [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio имеет встроенный плагин для обработки этой команды.
-> Если это у вас вновь созданная конфигурация, то значение будет установлено по умолчанию. Если нет, вам необходимо добавить эти опции в ваши файл конфигурации
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Содействие Verdaccio"
-First of all Нырять в незнакомую кодовую базу не просто, но мы здесь для того, чтобы помочь вам.
-## Каналы связи
-Если вы готовы задать вопрос, мы используем два канала для обсуждений:
-* [Публичный Discord канал](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Приступая к работе
-На первый взгляд verdaccio представляет собой единый репозиторий, но есть много способов, которыми вы могли бы посодействовать. А так же есть разнообразные технологии для практики.
-### Занять свою нишу
-Все мы имеем различные навыки, так что, давайте посмотрим, где вы можете чувствовать себя комфортно.
-### Я знаю, или я хочу узнать Node.js
-Node.js это основа `verdaccio`, мы используем такие библиотеки как `express`, `commander`, `request` или `async`. Verdaccio это в основном Rest API который обеспечивает коммуникацию `npm` совместимых клиентов, таких как `yarn`.
-Мы имеем длинный [список плагинов](plugins.md) готовых к использованию и улучшению, но в тоже время [вы можете создать свой собственный](dev-plugins.md).
-### Я бы предпочел работать с пользовательским интерфейсом
-Недавно мы переехали на современные технологии, такие как `React` и `element-react`. Мы с нетерпением ожидаем увидеть новые идеи для улучшения пользовательского интерфейса.
-### Мне гораздо комфортнее улучшать стек технологий
-Разумеется мы будем рады помощи в улучшении стека, вы можете обновить зависимости, такие как `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Мы рады приветствовать любые ваши предложения. Кроме того, если у вас есть опыт работы с **Yeoman** вы можете помочь нам с [генератором verdaccio](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Вот некоторые идеи:
-* Создать общие правила для eslint, которые будут использоваться во всех зависимостях и плагинах
-* Улучшение доставки определений Flow types
-* Перейти к использованию Webpack 4
-* Улучшить горячую перезагрузку с Webpack
-* Мы используем babel и webpack во всех зависимостях, почему бы не сделать общий набор настроек?
-* Улучшить доставку непрерывной интеграции
-### Я делаю прекрасную документацию
-Много участников находят опечатки и грамматические ошибки, которые так же улучшаю общее впечатление от использования и устранения проблем.
-### Я Дизайнер
-У нас есть веб-сайт который будет рад новым идеям.
-Наш веб-сайт основан на [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Я DevOps
-У нас есть образ для широко известного Docker'а ему необходимо техническое сопровождение и скорее всего огромные улучшения, нам нужны ваши знания для пользы всего сообщества.
-У нас есть поддержка **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** и **Chef** и здесь нам тоже нужна помощь, не стесняйтесь заглянуть во все репозитории.
-### Я могу переводить
-Verdaccio стремится стать многоязычным и для достижения этого **у нас есть классная поддержка** [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com). Это потрясающая платформа для переводов.
-У нас есть настройка для выбора вашего любимого языка, если вы не нашли свой язык не стесняйтесь попросить его [создав задачу](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Перейти в Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Я готов помогать
-Если вы думаете *"Я уже видел [репозитории](repositories.md) и я хочу начать прямо сейчас"* то для вас есть хорошая возможноть, это следующий шаг.
-Вам нужно научиться собирать проект из исходников, [и мы подготовили для вас руководство](build.md).
-После того, как вы поигрались со скриптами и узнали как ими пользоваться, мы готовы перейти к следующему шагу, запуск [**Модульных тестов**](test.md).
-## Полный список участников. Мы хотим видеть здесь и ваше лицо!
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Разработка плагинов"
-Есть много способов расширить `verdaccio`, поддерживаются следующие типы плагинов:
-* Плагин аутентификации
-* Middleware плагины (начиная с `v2.7.0`)
-* Плагины для хранения с (`v3.x`)
-> Мы рекомендуем разрабатывать плагины с использованием [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Плагин аутентификации
-В основном мы должны возвращать объект с помощью одного метода, называемого `authenticate`, который должен принимать три аругмента (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Необязательными являются только `adduser`, `allow_access` и `allow_publish`, verdaccio предоставляет запасной вариант в этих случаях.
-#### Callback
-После того как аутентификация была выполнена, `verdaccio` может быть возвращено только два ответа.
-###### OnError
-Либо что-то пошло не так, либо аутентификация была не удачной.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Аутентификация прошла успешно.
-`groups` это массив строк с именами групп, в которых пользователь состоит.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Пример
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // конфигурация для этого модуля
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-И конфигурация будет выглядеть как-то так:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Где `htpasswd` это суфикс имени плагина. Например: `verdaccio-htpasswd` и остальная часть тела должна быть конфигурацией плагина.
-## Middleware плагин
-Middleware плагины могут менять API, добавляя конечные обработчики или перехватывая запросы.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Метод предоставляет полный доступ к аутентификации и хранилищу через `auth` и `storage`. `app` это приложение express, которое позволяет добавлять новые обработчики запросов (так называемые endpoint).
-> Очень хорошим примером middleware-плагина является [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) и [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* реализация плагина */
-Для регистрации плагина, нам нужен объект с единственным методом, называемым `register_middlewares`, который принимает три аргумента (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* это экземпляр авторизации и *storage* так же является экземпляром главного хранилища, который предоставит доступ ко всем действиям над ним.
-## Плагин хранилища
-По умолчанию Verdaccio использует плагин хранилища в файловой системе [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), но, начиная с `verdaccio@3.x` вы можете устновить свой плагин хранлища, заменив тем самым поведение по умолчанию.
-### API
-API хранилища немного сложнее, вам потребуется создать класс, реализующий интерфейс `IPluginStorage`. Детали представлены ниже.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> API хранилища всё ещё остаётся экспериментальным и может измениться в следующих минорных версиях. Для получения актуальной информации о API Хранилища пожалуйста перейдите к [типам определённым в нашем репозитории](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Пример плагина хранилища
-Данный список плагинов реализует API Хранилища и может использоваться вами как пример.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Вы собираетесь способствовать разработке нового плагина хранилища? [Загляните сюда.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
- ![alt Количество скачиваний](http://dockeri.co/image/verdaccio/verdaccio "Количество скачиваний")
-Для скачивания последней версии [Docker образа](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Версии с меткой
-Начиная с версии `v2.x` вы можете скачать Docker образ [тег](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), так:
-Для базовых версий:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Для минорной версии:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Конкретная версия (патч):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Следующая базовая версия, при помощи тега `beta` (ветка master).
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Если вас интересует весь список тегов, [посетите нашу страницу на сайте Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Запуск verdaccio с использованием Docker
-Запуск Docker контейнера:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-Последний аргумент указывает на то, какой именно образ нужно использовать. Эта команда скачает последний образ из Docker Hub, если вы ещё не сделали этого ранее.
-Если этот образ [у вас уже скачан](#build-your-own-docker-image) используйте `verdaccio` в качестве последнего аргумента.
-Вы можете использовать `-v` для того, что бы примонтировать каталоги `conf`, `storage` и `plugins` к основной (host) файловой системе:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Примечание: Verdaccio, внутри контейнера, запускается не из под root (uid=100, gid=101), если вы используете монтирование каталогов, вам необходимо убедиться, что у пользователя, из контейнера, будет доступ к этим каталогам. В примере выше, вам нужно выполнить `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` иначе вы получите ошибку прав доступа во время запуска контейнера. Рекомендуется использовать [Docker разделы](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) при монтировании каталогов.
-### Плагины
-Плагины могут быть установлены в отдельную директорию и смонтированы с использованием Docker или Kubernetes. Однако вам нужно убедиться, что вы используете встроенные плагины с родными зависимостями, использующими такой же базовый образ как и в Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker и конфигурация пользовательского порта
-В настоящее время любой `host:port`, настроенный в `conf/config.yaml` в опции `listen` игнорируется при использовании Докер.
-Если вам необходимо чтобы docker-экземпляр verdaccio работал на другом порту, скажем на `5000`, в вашей `docker run` команде нужно заменить `-p 4873:4873` на `-p 5000:4873`.
-В том случае, когда вам нужно указать какой порт слушать **в docker контейнере**, начиная с версии 2.?.?, вы можете указать дополнительный аргумент в `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` Это изменит порт, который docker контейнер будет слушать и порт, который будет слушать verdaccio.
-Разумеется, числа указываемые в параметре `-p` должны соответствовать, по этому предпологается, что все они должны быть одинаковыми и вы можете скопировать, вставить и запускать:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Использование HTTPS с Docker
-Вы можете настроить протокол, который verdaccio будет слушать, аналогично тому, как ранее конфигурировался порт. Необходмило переопределить значение по умолчанию ("http") переменной окружения `PROTOCOL` на "https", после того, как вы укажете сертификаты в config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Использование docker-compose
-1. Возьмите последнюю версию [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Соберите и запустите контейнер:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Вы можете указать используемый порт (внутри контейнера и снаружи) дописав перед командой `PORT=5000`.
-Docker сгенерирует именованный раздел, в котором будут храниться данные приложения. Вы можете использовать `docker inspect` или `docker volume inspect` для определения физического местоположения и изменения конфигурации, например:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Сборка собственного Docker образа
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Есть так же npm скрипт для сборки Docker образа, по этому вы можете выполнить:
-npm run build:docker
-Примечание: Первая сборки может занять несколько минут, потому что нужно выполнить `npm install`, это будет занимать много времени, всякий раз, как вы измените, что либо, что не перечислено в `.dockerignore`.
-Если вам нужно использовать Docker образ на rpi или совместимом устройстве, то Dockerfile так же доступен. Для сборки Docker образа под raspberry pi выполните:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Имейте в виду, что для выполнения всех, представленных выше команд, Docker должен быть установлен на вашем компьютере и исполняемый файл должен быть представлен в переменной окружения `$PATH`.
-## Примеры
-Это отдельные репозитории, которые содержат многожество конфигураций для сборки Docker образов с `verdaccio`, для запуска обратного прокси:
-## Пользовательские сборки
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Контейнер с приватным NPM, который может сохранять резервные копии на s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker образ предоставленный verdaccio от coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Установка на IIS сервер"
-Эта инструкция для Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) и [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Установите IIS установив [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Убедитесь, что у вас уже установлено всё необходимое (Url Rewrite Module & node) как того требует инструкция к iisnode.
-- Создайте новую директорию в Explorer, в которой вы хотите расположить verdaccio. Например `C:\verdaccio`. Сохраните [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) и [web.config](#webconfig) в эту директорию.
-- Создайте новый сайт c помощью Internet Information Services Manager. Можете назвать его как хотите. Я буду называть его verdaccio в этих [инструкциях](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Укажите путь к сохранённым файлам и номер порта.
-- Вернитесь в Explorer и дайте пользователю, который будет запускать приложение, права на изменение созданной вами ранее директории. Если вы назвали новый сайт verdaccio и не меняли пул приложения, он запустится под ApplicationPoolIdentity и вы должны дать пользователю IIS AppPool\verdaccio права на изменение, смотрите инструкцию, если вам требуется помощь. (Вы можете ограничить доступ позже, если вы хотите, чтобы права распространялись только на iisnode и verdaccio\storage)
-- Запустите команду строку и выполните эти команды для загрузки verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Убедитесь, что у вас есть правила приёма входящего TCP подключения на порт в Windows Firewall
-- Вот и всё! Теперь вы можете перейти на хост и порт, который вы указывали
-Я хотел чтобы сайт `verdaccio` был сайтом по умолчанию в IIS, по этому я сделал так:
-- Я убедился что .npmrc файл, который находится в `c:\users\{yourname}`, содержит реестр установленный в `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Я остановил "Default Web Site" и просто запустил сайт "verdaccio" в IIS
-- Я установил привязку ip адреса "Всех неназначенных" к "http" на 80ый порт, чтобы избежать предупреждений или запросов
-Эта инструкция основана на [Host Sinopia в IIS под Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Мне пришлось настроить мою конфигурацию, так как показано ниже. Но вы можете обратиться к оригиналу по приведённой выше ссылке
-Файл конфигурации по умолчанию будет создан `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Устранение проблем
-- **Web интерфейс не загружается, когда используется https, из-за попыток загрузить скрипты по http.**
- Убедитесь что у вас правильно указан `url_prefix` в конфигурации verdaccio. Перейти к [обсуждению](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Установка"
-Verdaccio — мультиплатформенное веб-приложение. Чтобы его установить, вам потребуется обеспечить некоторые условия.
-#### Требования
-1. Node выше чем
- - Для `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` минимальная допустимая версия.
- - Для `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` минимальная допустимая версия.
-2. npm `>=3.x` или `yarn`
-3. Обозреватели, поддерживающие веб-интерфейс, `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9`.
-## Установка инструмента командной строки
-`verdaccio` должен быть установлено глобально используя один из следующих способов:
-С использованием `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-или с использованием `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![установка verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Запуск
-После того как установка завершится, всё что вам нужно, это выполнить команду:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Больше информации об инструментах командной строки [читайте в этом разделе](cli.md).
-## Docker образ
-`verdaccio` имеет официальный образ Docker, который вы можете использовать, и в большенстве случаем стандартная конфигурация отлично работает. Больше информации о том как установить официальный образ [читайте в этом разделе](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` так же доступен для устновку в один клик с [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Вы можете найти инструкции для развёртывания Verdaccio на кластере Kubernetes в репозитории [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Однако, рекомендуемым методом установки Verdaccio на кластер Kubernetes является использование [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm это пакетный менеджер [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) который даёт некоторые приемущества.
-## Helm
-### Установка Helm
-Если ранее вы не пользовались Helm, то вам потребуется настроить Helm контроллер называемый Tiller:
-helm init
-### Установка
-Разверните Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). В этом примере мы используем `npm` как имя релиза:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Установка конкретной версии
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Обновление Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Удаление
-helm del --purge npm
-**Примечание:** эта команда удалит все ресурсы, включая пакеты, которые ранее были вами опубликованы в реестре.
-### Пользовательская конфигурация Verdaccio
-Вы можете настроить конфигурацию Verdaccio используя Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Подготовка
-Скопируйте [имеющуюся конфигурацю](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) и адаптируйте её к своим потребностям:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Примечание:** Убедитесь, что вы используете правильный путь для постоянного хранилища:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Применение configMap
-Для применения `configMap` к нашему кластеру
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Разворачивание Verdaccio
-Сейчас вы можете развернуть Verdaccio Helm пакет и указать, с какой конфигурацией его нужно развернуть: use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Поддержка Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) это платформа для управления конечными контейнерами, которая делает управление им и их использование в production реально простым.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-U okviru naše organizacije, nudimo prilagođena rešenja za `verdaccio`.
-#### Ostale mogućnosti
-* Primena Ansible-a za korisnike Gentoo-a: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role za korisnike Ubuntu-a: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: autentifikacija
-title: "Autentifikacija"
-Autentifikacija je vezana za auth [plugin](plugins.md) koji koristite. Ograničenja paketa su definisana preko [Package Access](packages.md).
-Autentifikaciju klijenta vrši sam `npm` klijent. Nakon prijave na aplikaciju:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Token se generiše u fajlu za konfiguraciju `npm`, koji se nalazi u home folder-u korisnika. Kako biste saznali više o `.npmrc` pročitajte [zvaničnu dokumentaciju](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonimno publikovanje
-`verdaccio` Vam omogućava da pružite mogućnost anonimnog publikovanja. Kako biste uspeli u tome, potrebno je da podesite [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Kao što je opisano, [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) sve dok `npm@5.3.0` i sve verzije ne budu usaglašene **neće Vam biti omogućeno da publikujete bez tokena**. Ipak, `yarn` nema ta ograničenja.
-## Podrazumevana htpasswd
-Kako bi se pojednostavio setup, `verdaccio` koristi plugin baziran na `htpasswd`. Od verzije v3.0.x [eksterni plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) se koristi kao podrazumevan. Verzija v2.x i dalje sadrži ugrađenu verziju ovog plugin-a.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maksimalni broj korisnika koji se može registovati, podrazumevano je beskonačno, "+inf".
- # Ovo možete podesiti na -1 kako biste onemogućili registrovanje.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Svojstvo | Tip | Neophodno | Primer | Podrška | Opis |
-| --------- | ------ | --------- | ---------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Da | ./htpasswd | all | file koji sadrži šifrovane credentials |
-| max_users | number | Ne | 1000 | all | podešava maksimalni broj korisnika |
-Ako se odlučite na to da ne dozvolite korisnicima da se prijave, možete podesiti `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio se oslanja na `yarn` umesto na `npm` kako bi preuzeo dependencies.
-*Napomena: trenutni build će moći da radi samo sa build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Kako biste videli kompletnu listu scripts-a, [kliknite ovde](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Koristite Chef Cookbook za Verdaccio
-Za dalje informacije:
-> Tražimo saradnike za ovaj repozitorijum, pa ako ste zainteresovani, molimo Vas da se javite autoru preko tickets-a.
-Autori: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-Možete koristiti verdaccio sa continuous integration dok vršite login ili publikovanje. Kada po prvi put koristite NPM kako biste instalirali private module u continuous integration okruženje, udarićete glavom u zid. Komanda za NPM login je dizajnirana tako da se koristi na interaktivan način. To pravi probleme u CI, scripts, i čemu sve ne. Evo kako bi trebalo da koristite NPM login za različite continuous integration platforme.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) ili [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-Verdaccio CLI je Vaša početna stanica za pokretanje aplikacije.
-## Komande
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Komanda | Podrazumevano | Primer | Opis |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | file za konfigurisanje |
-## Podrazumevana lokacija config file-a
-Kako bismo locirali home directory, oslanjamo se na **$XDG_DATA_HOME** kao prvi izbor u Windows okruženju gde tragamo za [APPDATA environment variablom](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Podrazumevana lokacija za čuvanje
-Koristimo **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variablu kao podrazumevano podešavanje kako bismo locirali podrazumevano mesto za čuvanje koje bi trebalo [da bude isto](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) kao $HOME/.local/share. Ako koristite prilagođeno mesto za čuvanje podataka (custom storage,) onda je lokacija irelevantna.
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-id: konfigurisanje
-title: "Fajl za konfigurisanje"
-Ovaj fajl je osnova verdaccio-a. U okviru njega, možete vršiti izmene zadatih podešavanja, možete aktivirati plugin-e i spoljašnje resurse (features).
-Fajl "default configuration file" se kreira prilikom prvog pokretanja `verdaccio-a`.
-## Podrazumevane postavke (Default Configuration)
-Podrazumevane postavke podržavaju **scoped** pakete za sve korisnike, ali samo **autorizovanim korisnicima omogućavaju da publikuju**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sekcije
-Sekcija u nastavku daje objašnjenja za svako svojstvo i opciju.
-### Memorija za skladištenje
-Je lokacija na kojoj se vrši skladištenje podataka. **Verdaccio je inicijalno podešen kao local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Je lokacija plugin directorijuma. Ovo je korisno za deployment baziran na Docker/Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Autentifikacija
-Ovde se vrši podešavanje (set up). Podrazumevana auth je bazirana na `htpasswd` i već je ugrađena. Možete izvršiti modifikacije načina rada (behaviour) putem [plugin-a](plugins.md). Za više informacija o ovoj sekciji pročitajte [auth stranu](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI (korisnički interfejs)
-Ovo svojstvo Vam omogućava da steknete uvid u web UI. Za više informacija o ovoj sekciji, pročitajte [web ui stranicu](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks pružaju mogućnost sistemu da hvata (fetch) pakete iz udaljenih registrija ako ti paketi nisu lokalno dostupni. Za više informacija o ovoj sekciji pročitajte na [uplinks stranici](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Paketi
-Paketi (packages) daju mogućnost korisnicima da kontrolišu kako će se pristupati paketima. Za više detalja o ovoj sekciji, pročitajte [packages stranicu](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Napredna podešavanja
-### Publikovanje offline
-Prema zadatim podešavanjima, `verdaccio` ne dozvoljava publikovanje onda kada je klijent offline. Takav način rada (behavior), može da se promeni ako se ovo iz primera podesi na *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Maksimalna veličina body sekcije dokumenta
-Prema zadatim podešavanjima, maksimalna veličina za body JSON dokumenta je `10mb`. Ako dobijete grešku `"request entity too large"` mogli biste da povećate ovu vrednost.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` prema "fabričkim podešavanjima" radi na portu `4873`. Izmena porta se može obaviti preko [cli](cli.md) ili direktno u fajlu za konfigurisanje pri čemu su sledeće opcije validne:
-# - localhost:4873 # podrazumevano
-# - http://localhost:4873 # apsolutno isto
-# - # listen na svim adresama (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # ako želite da koristite https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Kako biste omogućili `https` u`verdaccio` dovoljno je da podesite `listen` flag sa protokolom *https://*. Više detalja možete naći na [ssl stranici](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies su HTTP serveri posebne namene dizajnirani da prenose podatke od udaljenih servera do lokalnih klijenata.
-#### http_proxy i https_proxy
-Ako imate proxy u svojoj mreži, možete podesiti `X-Forwarded-For` header koristeći sledeće unose za svojstva (properties).
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Ova varijabla bi trebalo da sadrži comma-separated listu ekstenzija domena za koju proxy ne bi trebalo da se koristi.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifikacije
-Dozvoljavanje notifikacija za alate napravljene od strane trećih lica je relativno jednostavno uz pomoć web hooks. Za više informacija o ovoj temi, pročitajte [notifications stranicu](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Za detaljnije opcije podešavanja, molimo Vas da [pogledate source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit (revizija)
-Počevši od: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` je nova komanda koja je uvedena u [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio, a koja uključuje ugrađeni middleware plugin bez koga je nemoguće izvršiti datu komandu.
-> Ako imate novu instalaciju, sve je već uključeno u okviru nje. U suprotnom, treba da dodate navedene props u Vaš config fajl
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: doprinošenje
-title: "Doprinošenje Verdaccio-u"
-First of all Plivanje u vodama nepoznatog koda nije lako, ali, mi smo tu da Vam pomognemo.
-## Kanali za komunikaciju
-Ako ste voljni da pitate, na raspolaganju su dva kanala za diskusiju:
-* [Javni Discord kanal](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Hajde da počnemo
-Na prvi pogled, verdaccio je jedinstveni repozitorijum, ali u praksi postoje mnogi načini da doprinesete razvoju i upotrebite tehnologiju.
-### Nađite svoje mesto pod suncem
-Svi mi posedujemo različite veštine, hajde da otkrijemo gde je kome udobno.
-### Znam ili želim da naučim Node.js
-Node.js je osnova `verdaccio`. Koristimo biblioteke kao na primer `express`, `commander`, `request` ili `async`. Verdaccio je praktično Rest API koji uspostavlja komunikaciju sa `npm` klijent-kompatibilnim, kao što je `yarn`.
-Imamo dugačku [listu plugina](plugins.md) spremnu da se koristi i istovremeno unapređuje, a ko zna, [možda se odlučite da napravite i svoj Plugin](dev-plugins.md).
-### Voleo bih kada bih mogao da radim u User Interface-u
-Nedavno smo se prebacili na korišćenje modernih tehnologija kao što su `React` i `element-react`. Uzbuđeni smo zbog novih ideja i razmišljanja kako da unapredimo UI.
-### Više mi prija da unapređujem Stack
-Naravno da možete i bili bismo jako srećni ako biste učestvovali u unapređivanju stack-a. Mogli biste na primer da poboljšate dependencies kao na primer `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. Čak i ako biste mogli samo malo da poboljšate `webpack` konfiguraciju, to bi bilo sjajno. Svaka sugestija je dobrodošla. Osim toga, ako imate iskustva sa **Yeoman-om** mogli biste da nam pomognete sa [verdaccio generatorom](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Evo nekih od ideja:
-* Kreirajte common eslint rules koja će se koristiti u svim dependencies ili pluginima
-* Unapredite Flow types definitions delivery
-* Kako preći na Webpack 4
-* Unapredite hot reload sa Webpack-om
-* Pošto koristimo babel i webpack u svim dependencies, zašto ne bismo imali zajednički preset?
-* Unapredite continous integration delivery
-### Sjajan sam u sređivanju Dokumentacije
-Mnogi saradnici imaju dar za pronalaženje grešaka u kucanju i gramatičkih grešaka, a to je jako važno jer podiže iskustvo korišćenja na novi nivo.
-### Ja sam Dizajner
-Frontend našeg website bi bio jako srećan da vidi i usvoji neku od Vaših ideja.
-Inače, naš sajt je baziran na [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Ja sam DevOps
-Imamo veoma popularan Docker image kome je potrebno održavanje i prilično velika unapređenja. Trebamo Vaše znanje, stavljeno u službu svih korisnika.
-Imamo podršku za **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** i **Chef**. Potrebna nam je pomoć za sve to, tako da, slobodno bacite pogled na sve navedene repozitorijume.
-### Mogao bih da radim Prevođenje
-Verdaccio stremi ka tome da bude dostupan na što više jezika. Kako bismo to postigli, **imamo apsolutno sjajnu podršku** preko [Crowdin-a](https://crowdin.com), neverovatno dobre platforme za prevođenje.
-Postavili smo projekat tako da možete da odaberete svoj omiljeni jezik, a ako ga ne pronađete na listi, slobodno zatražite da ga dodamo tako što ćete nam [poslati poruku (ticket)](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Pravac na Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Spreman sam da dam svoj doprinos
-Ako Vam razmišljanje ide u smeru *"Već sam video [repozitorijume](repositories.md) i spreman sam da odmah započnem posao"* imamo dobru vest za Vas, jer to je sledeći korak.
-Naučićete sve što je potrebno za rad jer [smo spremili uputstvo namenjeno upravo tome](build.md).
-Jednom kada isprobate sve moguće skripte i naučite kako da ih koristite, spremni ste da načinite sledeći korak, [**run Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Lista svih saradnika. Voleli bismo da i Vas vidimo ovde !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-Ima mnogo načina da proširite `verdaccio`, tipovi podržanih plugin-a su:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (od verzije `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins od verzije (`v3.x`)
-> Preporučujemo developing plugins koji koriste naše [flow type definicije](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-U suštini treba da vratimo objekat korišćenjem metode zvane `authenticate` koja prima 3 argumenta (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Jedini opcioni su `adduser`, `allow_access` i `allow_publish` i verdaccio omogućava fallback u svim navedenim slučajevima.
-#### Callback
-Jednom kada se autentifikacija izvrši, na raspolaganju su 2 opcije koje daju odgovor `verdaccio-u`.
-###### OnError
-Ili se nešto loše dogodilo ili auth nije bila uspešna.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Auth je uspešno objavljena.
-`groups` čini niz stringova u koji spada korisnik.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Primer
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-I na kraju, konfiguracija izgleda ovako:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Pri čemu je `htpasswd` sufiks za ime plugina. Primer: `verdaccio-htpasswd` i ostatak body-ja sadržaće parametre za konfigurisanje plugin-a.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins imaju moć da modifikuju API layer, bilo dodavanjem novih endpoints ili intercepting zahteva.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Metod omogućava potpuni pristup do authentification i storage preko `auth` i `storage`. `app` je express aplikacija koja Vam omogućava da dodajete nove endpoints.
-> Prilično dobri primeri za middleware plugin su [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) i [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Kako bismo registrovali middleware, potreban nam je objekat sa jedinstvenim metodom zvanim `register_middlewares` koji će primiti 3 argumenta (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* je instanca za autentifikaciju, a *storage* je takođe glavna instanca za Storage koja će Vam dati pristup svim akcijama koje se odnose na storage.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio po fabričkim podešavanjima koristi file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), ali, počevši od verzije `verdaccio@3.x` možete ubaciti custom storage plugin i tako zameniti postojeći način izvršavanja (behaviour).
-### API
-Za storage API, stvari su nešto komplikovanije, pošto ćete morati da kreirate klasu koja vraća `IPluginStorage` implementaciju. Ispod imate detaljno objašnjenje.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> Storage API je i dalje u eksperimentalnoj fazi i moguće je da će pretrpeti neke izmene u narednim verzijama. Za više informacija o Storage API molimo Vas da pratite [types definicije u našem zvaničnom repozitorijumu](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Primeri za Storage Plugins
-Navedena lista plugina implementuje Storage API i možete ih koristiti kao primere.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Da li ste voljni da date doprinos razvoju novih Storage Plugins? [Kliknite ovde.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Kako biste povukli (pull) najnoviji pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Počevši od verzije `v2.x` možete povući docker images preko [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), i onda:
-Za glavne verzije:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Za podverzije:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Za specifičnu verziju (patch):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Za sledeću glavnu verziju `beta` (master branch) verziju.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Ako Vas zanima lista tagova, [posetite Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Pokretanje verdaccio korišćenjem Docker-a
-Kako biste pokrenuli docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-Poslednji argument definiše koji image će se koristiti. Linija iznad povlači najnoviji prebuilt image sa dockerhub-a, ako to već niste uradili.
-Ako imate [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) koristite `verdaccio` kao poslednji argument.
-Možete koristiti `-v` kako biste vezali (bind) mount `conf`, `storage` i `plugins` za hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Napomena: Verdaccio radi kao non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) unutar container-a. Ako koristite bind mount da pregazite zadate postavke (override), onda morate da dodelite mount directory pravom korisniku. U navedenom primeru, morate da pokrenete `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio`, u suprotnom ćete dobiti permission errors u runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) je preporučeno umesto korišćenja bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins se mogu instalirati u posebnom direktorijumu i mountovati korišćenjem Docker-a ili Kubernetes. Ipak, postarajte se da "build" plugins sa native dependencies korišćenjem iste base image kao Verdaccio Dockerfile-a.
-### Docker i custom port konfiguracija
-Svaki `host:port` konfigurisan u `conf/config.yaml` pod `listen` se trenutno ignoriše dok se koristi docker.
-Ako želite da pristupite verdaccio docker instanci pod različitim port-om, recimo `5000`, u Vašoj `docker run` komandi zamenite `-p 4873:4873` sa `-p 5000:4873`.
-U slučaju da morate da odredite port to listen to **u docker kontejneru**, počevši od verzije 2.?.? to možete učiniti tako što ćete uneti dodatne argumente u `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` Ovo menja port koji izlaže docker kontejner i port koji će verdaccio slušati (listens to).
-Naravno, neophodno je da se brojevi koje ste zadali kao `-p` parametar podudaraju, tako da ako želite da se sve podudara, možete da kopirate, zalepite i usvojite:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Korišćenje HTTPS sa Docker-om
-Možete konfigurisati protokol koji će verdaccio slušati (listen on) i to na sličan način kao što ste podesili port configuration. Potrebno je da zamenite zadatu vrednost("http") u `PROTOCOL` environment variabl-i sa "https",nakon što ste odredili sertifikate u config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Korišćenje docker-compose
-1. Nabavite poslednju verziju [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build i pokrenite kontejner:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Možete podesiti port koji će se upotrebljavati (i za kontejner i za host) tako što ćete dodati prefiks `PORT=5000` komandi iz gornjeg primera.
-Docker će napraviti imenovani volume u kome će se čuvati podaci za aplikaciju. Možete koristiti `docker inspect` ili `docker volume inspect` kako biste otkrili fiizičku lokaciju volume-a i izmenili konfiguraciju, na primer:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Napravite svoj sopstveni Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Postoji takođe i npm script za building docker image-a, tako da možete da zadate i ovako:
-npm run build:docker
-Napomena: Prvi build može potrajati nekoliko minuta pošto mora da pokrene `npm install`, i ponovo će trajati dugo ako promenite bilo koji fajl koji nije izlistan u `.dockerignore`.
-Ako želite da koristite docker image na rpi ili kompatibilnom uređaju, postoji dostupan dockerfile. Kako biste build docker image za raspberry pi izvršite sledeću komandu:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Primite k znanju da za svaku docker komandu morate imati na svojoj mašini instaliran docker zajedno sa docker executable koja mora biti dostupna na `$PATH`.
-## Docker Primeri
-Postoji zaseban repozitorijum koji hostuje multiple konfiguracije kako bi komponovao Docker images sa `verdaccio`, na primer, reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Privatni NPM container koji se može backup-ovati na s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image omogućava verdaccio iz coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Instaliranje na IIS server"
-Navedene instrukcije su pisane za Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) i [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Postarajte se da ste instalirali (Url Rewrite Module & node) kao što je objašnjeno u uputstvima za iisnode.
-- Napravite novi folder u Explorer-u, koji će biti host za verdaccio. Na primer `C:\verdaccio`. Usnimite [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) i [web.config](#webconfig) u ovaj folder.
-- Napravite novi sajt u Internet Information Services Manager. Možete ga nazvati kako Vam je volja. Zvaćemo ga verdaccio u ovim [instrukcijama](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Odredite path gde ćete snimiti sve fajlove i broj porta.
-- Vratite se u Explorer i u okviru foldera koji ste upravo kreirali dodelite prava korisniku koji pokreće application pool. Ako ste imenovali novi sajt kao verdaccio i niste promenili app pool, on radi pod ApplicationPoolIdentity i trebalo bi da dodelite prava korisniku, IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights, pogledajte instrukcije ako Vam je potrebna pomoć. (Kasnije ako poželite, možete ograničiti pristup, tako da prava ostaju promenjena samo za iisnode i verdaccio\storage)
-- Pokrenite command prompt i izvršite komande navedene ispod kako biste preuzeli verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Postarajte se da imate dobro podešeno pravilo za prihvatanje TCP saobraćaja na port, u Windows Firewall
-- I to je to! Sada možete da navigate do host-a i porta koje ste odredili
-Želeo sam da `verdaccio` sajt bude podrazumevani sajt u IIS i zato sam uradio sledeće:
-- Postarao sam se da .npmrc file u `c:\users{yourname}` ima registry podešen na `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- Stopirao sam "Default Web Site" i pokrenuo jedino "verdaccio" sajt u IIS
-- Podesio sam bindings na "http", ip address "All Unassigned" na port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-Date instrukcije se baziraju na [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Treba još da čačnem my web config kao što je navedeno ispod, ali možete se desiti da navedeni link zapravo radi bolje
-Kreiraće se podrazumevana konfiguracija `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Problemi (Troubleshooting)
-- **Web interfejs se ne učitava kada je hostovan sa https pošto pokušava da preuzme skripte preko http.**
- Proverite da li ste ispravno uneli `url_prefix` u verdaccio config. Pratite [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: instalacija
-title: "Instalacija"
-Verdaccio je multi-platformna web aplikacija. Da biste je instalirali, potrebno je da ispunite nekoliko preduslova.
-#### Preduslovi
-1. Node viši od
- - Za verziju `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` je najstarija podržana verzija.
- - Za verziju `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` je najstarija podržana verzija.
-2. npm `>=3.x` ili `yarn`
-3. Web interfejs podržava `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, i IE9` pretraživače.
-## Instalacija CLI
-`verdaccio` mora biti instaliran globalno, korišćenjem neke od navedenih metoda:
-Koristi `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-ili koristi `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Osnovna upotreba
-Jednom kada se instalira, sve što treba je da izvršite CLI komandu:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Za dodatne informacije o CLI molimo Vas [da pročitate cli sekciju](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` poseduje zvanični docker image koji možete koristiti, a u većini slučajeva, podrazumevana konfiguracija radi sasvim dobro. Za više informacija o tome kako da instalirate official image, [pročitajte docker sekciju](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` je takođe dostupan i kao instalacija u samo jednom kliku, na [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Možete naći uputstva kako da izvršite deploy Verdaccio-a na Kubernetes klaster u [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repozitorijumu. Ipak, preporučujemo da instalirate Verdaccio na Kubernetes klaster tako što ćete koristiti [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm je [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager koji donosi mnoge pogodnosti.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-Ako ranije niste koristili Helm, potrebno je da podesite Helm kontroler zvani Tiller:
-helm init
-### Instaliranje
-Deploy Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. U ovom primeru koristimo `npm` kao ime izdanja (release name):
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Postavljanje specifične verzije (deploy)
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Nadogradjivanje Verdaccio-a
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deinstaliranje
-helm del --purge npm
-**Napomena:** ova komanda briše sve resurse, uključujući i pakete koji su možda ranije objavljeni u registriju.
-### Koristnička Konfiguracija Verdaccio-a
-Možete podesiti Verdaccio konfiguraciju po svojim željama tako što ćete koristiti Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Priprema
-Kopirajte [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) i adaptirajte za svoju svrhu:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Napomena:** Proverite da li koristite ispravan path za storage koji se koristi za persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Postavljanje configMap (deploy)
-Postavite `configMap` na klaster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Postavite Verdaccio
-Sada možete postaviti Verdaccio Helm chart i detaljno definisati konfiguraciju da koristi:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) je kompletna container management platforma koja Vam omogućava da na lak i jednostavan način koristite kontejnere.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-Kao i svaka web aplikacija, verdaccio poseduje ugrađeni logger koji se može prilagođavati po želji korisnika. Možete definisati različite tipove izlaza.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Opcije se prosleđuju direktno do bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Koristite `SIGUSR2` da obavestite aplikaciju, log-file je rotiran (rotated) i onda je potrebno da se ponovo otvori. Napomena: Rotating log stream nije podržan u klaster modu. [Pročitajte ovde](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Konfigurisanje
-| Svojstvo | Tip | Neophodno | Primer | Podrška | Opis |
-| -------- | ------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| type | string | Ne | [stdout, file] | all | definiše izlaz |
-| path | string | Ne | verdaccio.log | all | ako je tip "fajl", definiše lokaciju fajla |
-| format | string | Ne | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | izlazni format |
-| level | string | Ne | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-Logotip je dizajnirao **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** koji je osvojio [takmičenje](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([završna faza](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) i donirao je svoj talenat našem projektu.
-> Svaki logo je licenciran pod [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Posebno se zahvaljujemo *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* za njen doprinos u vidu raznih formata i veličina.
-## Simboli
-**Sa tekstom**
-![simbol, mali sa tekstom](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![simbol, srednji sa tekstom](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![simbol, veliki sa tekstom](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![simbol, svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**Bez teksta**
-![simbol, mali](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![simbol, srednji](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![simbol, veliki](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format, simbol bez teksta](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Crno&Belo
-![simbol, bw, mali](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![simbol, bw, srednji](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![simbol, bw, veliki](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![simbol, bw, svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Baner
-![baner, mali](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![baner, srednji](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![baner, veliki](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio podržava opciju invoqued programmatically. Nod API je uveden posle verzije `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Korišćenje
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Ostale implementacije
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifikacije
-title: "Notifikacije"
-Notifikacije su zamišljene da se koriste sa Slack's Incoming webhooks, ali takođe isporučuju simple payload do bilo koje endpoint. Trenutno je aktivno jedino za `npm publish` komandu.
-## Korišćenje
-Na primer sa **HipChat**, **Stride** i **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio podržava svaki API, slobodno dodajte još primera.
-#### Jedinstvena notifikacija
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Višestruka notifikacija
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Templat
-Koristimo [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) kao main template engine.
-### Primeri za formate
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Svojstva (Properties)
-Lista svojstava kojima se može pristupiti preko templata
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (onaj koji publikuje)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata za koje templat ima pristup
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-Možete pristupiti package publisher infomacijama u `content` u okviru webhook koristeći `publisher` objekat.
-Pogledajte primer za `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Napomena:** Nije moguće dobiti publisher information ako `package.json` fajl već ima `publisher` svojstvo.
-### Package Published
-Možete pristupiti opciji package is being published pomoću ključne reči `{{publishedPackage}}` na sledeći način.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Konfigurisanje
-| Svojstvo | Tip | Neophodno | Podrška | Podrazumevano | Opis |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | --------- | ------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | Ne | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | Ne | all | | Pokreni ovu notifikaciju ako se ime paketa podudara sa regularnim izrazom (regular expression) |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | Ne | all | | Bilo koja zastavica (flags) koja će se koristiti sa regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Da | all | | Ako endpoint zahteva specific headers, podesite ih ovde kao array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Da | all | | podesite URL endpoint za ovaj poziv |
-| content | string | Da | all | | bilo koji [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-Ovo je serija kontejnera koja dozvoljava ili zabranjuje pristup do local storage na osnovu specifično definisanih kriterijuma.
-Sigurnost pada na pleća plugina koji se koristi. Po pravilu, `verdaccio` koristi [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). Ako koristite različit plugin, način izvršavanja (behaviour) bi takođe mogao biti promenjen. Podrazumevani plugin ne rukovodi (handle) sa `allow_access` i `allow_publish` samostalno, već koristi interni fallback u slučaju da ne postoji spremni plugin.
-Za više informacija o dozvolama, posetite [authentification sekciju na wiki](auth.md).
-### Korišćenje
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-ako ništa nije precizirano, ostaje kako je podrazumevano
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-Lista validnih grupa u skladu sa podrazumevanim pluginima
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-Svi korisnici primaju sve navedeno kako bi podesili ovlašćenja nezavisno od toga jesu li anonimna ili više grupa nije omogućeno od strane plugina, a u slučaju da je tako `htpasswd` vraća username kao grupu. Na primer, ako ste prijavljeni kao `npmUser` lista grupa će izgledati ovako.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-Ako želite da zaštitite specifični set paketa u okviru grupe, potrebno je da uradite ovako nešto. Koristimo `Regex` koji pokriva sve `npmuser-` pakete sa prefiksima. Preporučujemo korišćenje prefiksa za Vaše pakete, jer ćete ih na taj način lakše zaštititi.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restartujte `verdaccio` i u svojoj konzoli probajte da instalirate `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-Možete promeniti postojeći behaviour korišćenjem različite plugin autentifikacije. `verdaccio` proverava da li korisnik koji je pokušao da pristupi nekom paketu ili publikuje paket pripada ispravnoj grupi korisnika.
-#### Podešavanje multiplih grupa
-Definisanje multiple access groups je relativno jednostavno, samo je potrebno da ih definišete sa razmakom između.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blokiranje pristupa setu paketa
-Ako želite da blokirate pristup/publikovanje specifičnoj grupi paketa, samo izostavite da definišete `access` i `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blokiranje proxying-a za set specifičnih paketa
-Možda ćete poželeti da blokirate jedan ili više paketa od uhvaćenih (fetching) iz udaljenog repozitorijuma, ali da istovremeno dozvolite drugima da pristupe različitim *uplinks-ima*.
-Hajde da pogledamo primer:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Hajde da vidimo šta smo postigli u navedenom primeru:
-* Želim da hostujem svoj `jquery` dependency ali istovremeno želim da izbegnem njeno proxying-ovanje.
-* Želim sve dependencies koje se poklapaju sa `my-company-*` ali ujedno imam potrebu da izbegnem njihovo proxying-ovanje.
-* Želim sve dependencies koje su u `my-local-scope` ali ujedno želim da izbegnem njihovo proxying-ovanje.
-* Želim da proxying-ujem sve ostale dependencies.
-**Budite svesni toga da je redosled definisanja Vaših paketa važan i još nešto, uvek koristite double wilcard**. Jer ako ne budete toga svesni, `verdaccio` će to učiniti umesto Vas, što će uticati Vaše dependencies.
-### Konfigurisanje
-Možete definisati mutiple `packages` pri čemu svaki od njih mora imati jedinstveni `Regex`. Sintaksa je bazirana na [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Svojstvo | Tip | Potrebno | Primer | Podrška | Opis |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | definiše grupe kojima je dozvoljen pristup paketu |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | definiše grupe kojima je dozvoljeno da publikuju |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limitira look ups za specifični uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> Naglašavamo da ne preporučujemo da i dalje koristite **allow_access**/**allow_publish** i **proxy_access**, jer će navedene uskoro biti uklonjene. Molimo Vas da umesto toga koristite skraćene verzije (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio je aplikacija koja podržava plugine. Može se proširivati na mnogo načina, dodavanjem novih metoda za autentifikaciju, dodavanjem endpoints-a ili korišćenjem custom storage-a.
-> Ako ste zainteresovani da razvijete sopstveni plugin, pročitajte [development](dev-plugins.md) sekciju.
-## Korišćenje
-### Instalacija
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` je sinopia fork i poseduje backward compability sa pluginima koji su kompatibilni sa `sinopia@1.4.0`. U tom slučaju, instalacija je potpuno ista.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Konfigurisanje
-Otvorite `config.yaml` fajl i uradite update `auth` sekcije prema sledećim uputstvima:
-Podrazumevana konfiguracija izgleda ovako, jer koristimo ugrađeni `htpasswd` plugin kao podrazumevan, a koji možete zaustaviti (disable) tako što ćete sledeće linije pretvoriti u komentar.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-i zameniti ih sa datim (ako se odlučite da koristite `ldap` plugin).
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugini
-Tehnički je izvodivo, ako postavite da je redosled plugina važan, usled čega će se credentials izvršiti po tom poretku.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-Ovo je primer koji pokazuje kako treba da podesite middleware plugin. Svi middleware plugini moraju biti definisani u **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> Možete pratiti [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) kao bazični primer.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-Ovo je primer koji pokazuje kako treba da podesite storage plugin. Svi storage plugini moraju se definisati u **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> Ako definišete custom store, svojstvo **storage** u configuration fajlu će biti ignorisano.
-## Tradicionalni plugini (Legacy plugins)
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(kompatibilni sa svim verzijama)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin za sinopia koji podržava npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin za sinopia koji čuva korisnike u memoriji.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin za sinopia koji podržava atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin za sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin za sinopia2, podržava github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin koji delegira authentifikaciju za drugi HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternativni LDAP Auth plugin za Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): Jednostavan i celovit auth-plugin sa konfiguracijom za korišćenjem eksternih API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generiše password u htaccess formatu, encrypt sa GPG i šalje preko MailGun API do korisnika.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): Jednostavan i celovit auth-plugin sa konfiguracijom za korišćenje mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin za sinopia koji podržava htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb podržan auth plugin za sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin za sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin za sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin za sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin sa github oauth web flow.
-> Svi sinopia pluginsi, trebalo bi da budu kompatibilni sa svim budućim verzijama verdaccio-a. Bilo kako bilo, ohrabrujemo naše saradnike da pređu na moderni verdaccio API i da koriste prefiks kao *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(kompatibilno od verzije 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin za verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin za verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin za verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin za verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): koristi GitLab Personal Access Token za authentifikaciju
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Omogućava GitLab CI da authenticate protiv verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): File plugin za Auth based on htpasswd (ugrađen), za verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin za verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin za the verdaccio login dugme.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin za *npm audit* cli support (ugrađen) (kompatibilni od verzije 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin za *npm profile* cli support i *npm profile set password* za *verdaccio-htpasswd* baziranu autentifikaciju
-### Storage Plugins
-(kompatibilni od verzije 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin za hostovanje paketa u Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin za hostovanje paketa na **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin za hostovanje paketa na **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Upozorenja (Caveats)
-> Svi navedeni plugini nisu detaljno testirani i može se dogoditi da neki od njih uopšte ne rade. Ako naiđete na probleme, molimo Vas da slobodno pošaljete upit autorima plugina.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` Vam omogućava da publikujete. Kako biste u tome uspeli, neophodno je da ispravno podesite svoj [packages acces](packages).
-### Konfigurisanje paketa
-Pogledajmo navedena podešavanja kao primer. Potrebno je da podesite dependencies koje imaju prefiks u vidu `my-company-*` i treba da ih zaštitite od anonimnih ili drugih prijavljenih korisnika koji su bez odgovarajućih ovlašćenja (credentials).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-Sa navedenom konfiguracijom dozvoljavamo grupama **admin** i **teamA** da *publikuju* a grupama **teamA** **teamB** i **teamC** *pristup* do tih dependencies.
-### Primer iz prakse: teamD pokušava da pristupi nekoj dependency
-Dale, prijavljen sam kao **teamD**. Ne bi trebalo da budem u mogućnosti da pristupim svim dependencies-ima koji sadrže `my-company-*` patern.
-➜ npm whoami
-**Neću imati pristup do svih dependencies-a i takođe neću biti vidljiv preko weba za korisnika **teamD**. Ako pokušam da pristupim, dogodiće se sledeće.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-ili sa `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Instalacija verdaccio-a za Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, i RedHat.
-# Korišćenje
-Postoje dva načina za instaliranje verdaccio-a korišćenjem Puppet modula:
-* Apply-mode (sa puppet-apply i bez da je puppetmaster setup neophodan)
-* Master-Agent-mode (sa puppet-agent pristupa Vašoj konfiguraciji preko puppetmaster).
-U oba slučaja morate eksplicitno pozvati "class nodejs {}" u svom puppet script jer puppet-verdaccio module jedino to definiše kao neophodno, tako da možete biti fleksibilni kada instalirate nodejs. Skrolujte na dole za više detalja o Master-Agent-mode varijanti.
-Za dalje informacije:
-> Tražimo aktivne saradnike za ovu integraciju, pa ako ste zainteresovani, [pošaljite nam ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-Da biste videli kompletnu listu repozitorijuma, [kliknite ovde](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache i mod_proxy ne treba da decode/encode slashes, tako da je najbolje da ostavite podešavanja takva kakva su:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Konfigurisanje sa SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Konfiguracija Apache virtual servera
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Pokrenite behind reverse proxy sa različitim domenom i portom
-Ako pokrenete verdaccio behind reverse proxy, možda ćete primetiti sve resource fajlove servirane kao relaticve path, na primer ``
-Kako biste rešili navedeni problem, trebalo bi da pošaljete real domain i port do verdaccio-a sa `Host` header-om
-Nginx konfigurisanje bi trebalo da izgleda ovako:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-U ovom slučaju, `url_prefix` NE treba da podešava verdaccio config
-* * *
-ili, instalacija pod-direktorijuma:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-U ovom slučaju, `url_prefix` treba podesiti na `/verdaccio/`
-> Napomena: Postoji Slash posle putanje za instalaciju (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-Ovo je najbazičnija konfiguracija za linux server ali nam se čini važnim da dokumentujemo i podelimo sa Vama sve korake kako bi verdaccio stalno radio na serveru. Biće Vam potrebne root (ili sudo) dozvole za navedeno.
-## Pokretanje, kao zaseban korisnik
-Najpre kreirajte verdaccio korisnika:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-Zatim kreirate shell kao verdaccio korisnik, putem sledeće komande:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-Komanda 'cd ~' šalje Vas do home direktorijuma verdaccio korisnika. Postarajte se da pokrenete verdaccio barem jednom kako biste generisali config fajl. Modifikujte ga prema svojim potrebama.
-## Listening na svim adresama
-Ako želite da osluškujete (listen to) svaku eksternu adresu, podesite listen direktivu na:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-Ako imate pokrenut `verdaccio` u Amazon EC2 instanci, [moraćete da podesite listen u change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) kao što je prikazano u navedenom primeru.
-> Konfigurisanje Apache-a? Molimo Vas da pogledate [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Kako da verdaccio radi neprekidno
-Možemo koristiti node paket zvani 'forever' kako biste podesili verdaccio da radi neprekidno. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-Prvo instalirajte forever globalno:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Proverite da li ste pokrenuli verdaccio barem jednom kako biste generisali config fajl i upisali admin korisnika. Posle toga, možete koristiti sledeću komandu kako biste pokrenuli verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-Možete pogledati dokumentaciju za više informacija o tome kako da koristite forever.
-## Preživljavanje resetovanja servera
-Možemo istovremeno koristiti crontab i forever kako bismo restartovali verdaccio nakon svakog reboot-ovanja servera. Nakon što ste prijavljeni kao verdaccio korisnik, zadajte sledeće:
-$ crontab -e
-Moguće je da ćete dobiti pitanje da odaberete editor. Odaberite svoj omiljeni i nastavite. Unesite sledeći input u fajl:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-Lokacije mogu varirati u zavisnosti od podešavanja servera. Ako želite da saznate gde se nalaze Vaši fajlovi, možete koristiti comandu 'which':
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Podešavanje SSL Sertifikata"
-Pratite instrukcije kako da konfigurišete SSL sertifikat koji služi u NPM registriju pod HTTPS.
-* Ažurirajte svojstvo listen u svom `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Jednom kada ažurite listen i probate ponovo da pokrenete verdaccio, pitaće Vas za sertifikate.
-* Generišite svoje sertifikate
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternativno, ako imate sertifikat u `server.pfx` formatu, možete dodati sledeću sekciju za konfigurisanje. Ako je Vaš sertifikat enkriptovan, jedino je neophodno uneti passphrase.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-Više informacija o `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` i `passphrase` argumentima u [Node dokumentaciji](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Pokrenite `verdaccio`u svom command line-u.
-* Otvorite pretraživač i učitajte `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-Instrukcije važe uglavnom za OSX i Linux, dok će na Windows-u putanje (paths) biti različite, ali u suštini, koraci su isti.
-## Docker
-Ako koristite Docker image, potrebno je da podesite `PROTOCOL` environment varijablu na `https` pošto je `listen` argument obezbeđen kao [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), i stoga ignorisan od strane config fajla.
-Takođe možete da podesite `PORT` environment variablu ako koristite različit port od `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-*uplink* je link koji sadrži external registry koji omogućava pristup do external packages.
-### Kako se koristi
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Konfigurisanje
-Možete definisati više uplinks-a, a svaki od njih mora imati jedinstveno ime (key). uplinks mogu imati dva svojstva:
-| Svojstvo | Tip | Potrebno | Primer | Podrška | Opis | Podrazumevano |
-| ------------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
-| url | string | Da | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | potpuna | Url registry-a | npmjs |
-| ca | string | Ne | ~./ssl/client.crt' | potpuna | Put do SSL sertifikata | Nema ništa zadato |
-| timeout | string | Ne | 100ms | potpuna | podesite novi timeout za request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | Ne | 10m | potpuna | limitira maksimalni broj neuspelih zahteva | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | Ne | 10m | potpuna | definiše maksimalno vreme nakon kojeg zahtev postaje neuspešan | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | potpuna | limitira maksimalni broj neuspelih zahteva | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | Ne | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | keširanje svih tarballs iz storage-a | true |
-| auth | list | Ne | [vidi ispod](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | dodeljuje zaglavlje 'Authorization' [više informacija](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | onemogućeno |
-| zaglavlja (headers) | list | Ne | autorizacija: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | potpuna | lista korisničkih, prilagođenih zaglavlja za uplink | onemogućeno |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | Ne | [true,false] | > = 3.0 | If true, zahteva da SSL certifikat bude validan. | true |
-#### Auth property
-Svojstvo `auth` Vam omogućava da koristite auth token sa uplink. Koristite podrazumevanu environment variablu:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-ili preko definisane environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`za internu upotrebu koristi `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-ili je direktno definisano tokenom:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Napomena: `token` ima prioritet nad `token_env`
-### Valjalo bi znati
-* Verdaccio ne koristi Basic Authentication od verzije `v2.3.0`. Svi tokeni koje generiše verdaccio, bazirani su na JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks moraju biti registries kompatibilni sa `npm` endpoints. Primer: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* i tako dalje.
-* Podešavanje `cache` na false, pomoći će da se uštedi prostor na hard disku. Tako se izbegava čuvanje `tarballs-a` ali [će čuvati metadata u folderima](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Preterivanje sa uplinks može usporiti lookup Vaših packages-a jer svaki put kada npm client traži zahtev, verdaccio pravi 1 pozivanje za svaki uplink.
-* Format za (timeout, maxage i fail_timeout) je usklađen sa [NGINX jedinicama mere](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Korišćenje privatnih paketa
-Možete dodavati korisnike i određivati koji će korisnici imati pristup kojim paketima.
-Zaista se preporučuje da definišete prefiks za svoje privatne pakete, na primer "local". Posle toga, sve što je privatno, izgledaće ovako: `local-foo`. Na ovaj način možete jasno razdvojiti javne pakete od privatnih.
-## Korišćenje javnih paketa sa npmjs.org
-Ako neki od paketa ne postoji u memoriji, server će pokušati da ga preuzme (fetch) sa npmjs.org. U slučaju da npmjs.org nije u funkciji, preuzeće se iz cache-a. Verdaccio će preuzeti samo ono što je neophodno (= ono što je klijent zatražio), i ta će informacija biti keširana, tako da u slučaju da klijent ponovo prosledi isti zahtev, preuzeće se bez aktivne potrebe za npmjs.org.
-Primer: ako ste jednom poslali zahtev za express@3.0.1sa ovog servera, bićete u mogućnosti da to uradite ponovo (sa svim potrebnim dependencies) kad god je npmjs.org van funkcije. Ali, recimo, express@3.0.0 neće biti preuzet, sve dok ga neko ne potraži. I u slučaju da je npmjs.org offline, server će odgovoriti da je, na primer, samo express@3.0.1 dostupan (= samo onaj koji je u cache) i nijedan drugi.
-## Override public packages
-Ako želite da koristite modifikovanu verziju nekog javnog paketa `foo`, možete ga jednostavno publikovati na lokalnom serveru, tako da kada ukucate `npm install foo`, počeće da instalira Vašu verziju.
-Ovde postoje dve opcije:
-1. Ako želite da kreirate poseban fork i zaustavite sinhronizaciju sa javnom verzijom.
- Ako želite da uradite to, trebalo bi da modifikujete svoj fajl za konfiguraciju tako da verdaccio prestane da traži zahteve od npmjs koji se odnose na taj paket. Dodajte poseban unos za ovaj paket u *config.yaml* i uklonite `npmjs` iz `proxy` liste i restartujte server.
- Kada publikujete svoj paket lokalno, verovatno bi trebalo da otpočnete sa sa verzijom novijom od postojeće, tako da se izbegne konflikt sa postojećim paketom u cache-u.
-2. Ako želite da svoju verziju koristite samo privremeno, ali da se vratite na javnu čim se pojavi ažurirana.
- Kako biste izbegli konflikte sa verzijama, trebalo bi da koristite pre-release suffix sledeće patch verzije. Na primer, ako je javni paket verzije 0.1.2, možete upload-ovati 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. Na taj način paket koji koristite će opstati dok se ne pojavi javna verzija paketa 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio poseduje prilagodivi web korisnički interfejs koji prikazuje samo privatne pakete.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-Sve restrikcije koje se odnose na pristup definisane su u okviru i takođe će se aplicirati i na web interfejs.
-### Konfigurisanje
-| Svojstvo | Tip | Neophodno | Primer | Podrška | Opis |
-| -------- | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | dozvoljava prikaz web interfejsa |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | opis naslova HTML zaglavlja |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | URL na kome se nalazi logo |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | Ako koristite registri za specific module scope, precizirajte taj scope kako biste podesili webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: šta-je-verdaccio
-title: "Šta je Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio je **lightweight private npm proxy registry** ugrađen u **Node.js**
-## Šta je registry
-* Repozitorijum za pakete koji implementira **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** za čitanje informacija o paketu
-* Obezbeđuje API kompatibilnost sa npm klijentima, **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Prati semantiku Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Korišćenje Verdaccio-a
-Korišćenje verdaccio-a sa bilo kojim node package manager client je vrlo jasno određeno.
-Možete koristiti prilagođeni registry za sve svoje projekte bilo ako ga podesite na globalno
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-ili preko command line kao argument `--registry` u npm (malo se razlikuje u odnosu na yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-Svi paketi koje publikujete su podešeni kao privatni i dostupni su samo ako su tako konfigurisani.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio kešira sve dependencies na zahtev i tako ubrzava instaliranje na lokalne ili privatne mreže.
-## Verdaccio u kratkim crtama
-* To je web app bazirana na Node.js
-* To je privatni npm registry
-* To je lokalni network proxy
-* To je aplikacija koja podržava plugine
-* Prilično jednostavan za instaliranje i korišćenje
-* Nudimo Docker i Kubernetes podršku
-* 100% Komparibilan sa yarn, npm i pnpm
-* Nakon što je **forkovan** na bazi `sinopia@1.4.0` ostvaruje100% **kompatibilnost unazad**.
-* Ime Verdaccio označava **zelenu boju koja se koristila za italijansko freskoslikarstvo kasnog srednjeg veka**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Instalirajte kao Windows Service"
-Ugrubo bazirano na uputstvima koja se mogu pronaći [ovde](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). Napravili smo primer verdaccio servis instalacije koja radi kao sat. Švajcarski:
-1. Kreirajte direktorijum za verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Instalirajte verdaccio lokalno (događaju se problemi sa npm ako je instalacija globalna)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Kreirajte svoj `config.yaml` falj na ovoj lokaciji `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Korišćenje NSSM
-ALTERNATIVNI METOD: (WinSW paket je nedostajao kada je jedan od naših saradnika pokušao da ga preuzme)
-* Preuzmite [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) i ekstrakujte
-* Dodajte putanju do nssm.exe u PATH
-* Otvorite administrative command
-* Pokrenite nssm install verdaccio. Kao minimum, morate popuniti polja: Application tab Path, Startup directory i Arguments. Ako pretpostavimo da ste instalirali sa node u system path na lokaciju c:\verdaccio trebalo bi da funkcioniše:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- Možete da podesite druga servisna podešavanja u okviru ostalih tabova po sopstvenim željama. Kada završite, kliknite dugme Install service
- * Pokrenite service sc, pokrenite verdaccio
-## Korišćenje WinSW
-* Od 2015-10-27, WinSW više nije dostupan na navedenoj lokaciji. Pratite instrukcije date u Using NSSM.
-* Preuzmite [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Postavite exe (primer, `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) u ovaj folder (`c:\verdaccio`) i preimenujte u `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Napravite fajl za konfigurisanje `c:\verdaccio`, nazvan `verdaccio-winsw.xml` sa sledećom konfiguracijom `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Instalirajte servis
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Pokrenite servis
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Izgleda da su neki od config komplikovaniji nego što smo očekivali, izgleda da se 'working directory' ignoriše, ali raducka i pored toga. Tako verdaccio instanca opstaje između restartovanja servera server, i sama sebe resetuje u slučaju pada nekog procesa vezanog za verdaccio.
-## Repozitorijumi
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-У оквиру наше организације, нудимо прилагођена решења за `verdaccio`.
-#### Остале могућности
-* Ansible role за кориснике Gentoo-а: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role за кориснике Ubuntu-а: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-Аутентификација је везана за auth [plugin](plugins.md) који користите. Ограничења пакета су дефинисана преко [Package Access](packages.md).
-Аутентификацију клијента врши сам `npm` клијент. Након пријаве на апликацију:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Токен се генерише у фајлу за конфигурацију `npm` који се налази у home фолдеру корисника. Како бисте сазнали више о `.npmrc` прочитајте [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Анонимно публиковање
-`verdaccio` Вам омогућава да пружите могућност анонимног публиковања. Како бисте успели у томе, потребно је да подесите [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Као што је описано, [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) све док `npm@5.3.0` и све верзије не буду усаглашене **неће Вам бити омогућено да публикујете без токена**. Ипак, `yarn` нема таква ограничења.
-## Подразумевана htpasswd
-Како би се поједноставио setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin базиран на `htpasswd`. Од верзије v3.0.x [екстерни plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) се користи као подразумеван. Верзија v2.x и даље садржи уграђену верзију овог plugin-а.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Својство | Тип | Неопходно | Пример | Подршка | Опис |
-| --------- | ------ | --------- | ---------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Да | ./htpasswd | all | фајл који садржи шифроване credentials |
-| max_users | number | Не | 1000 | all | подешава максимални број корисника |
-Ако се одлучите на то да не дозволите корисницима да се пријаве, можете подесити `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio се ослања на `yarn` уместо на `npm` како би преузео dependencies.
-*Напомена: тренутни build ће моћи да ради само са build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Како бисте видели комплетну листу scripts-a, [кликните овде](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-У оквиру наше организације, нудимо прилагођена решења за `verdaccio`.
-#### Остале могућности
-* Ansible role за кориснике Gentoo-а: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role за кориснике Ubuntu-а: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-Аутентификација је везана за auth [plugin](plugins.md) који користите. Ограничења пакета су дефинисана преко [Package Access](packages.md).
-Аутентификацију клијента врши сам `npm` клијент. Након пријаве на апликацију:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-Токен се генерише у фајлу за конфигурацију `npm` који се налази у home фолдеру корисника. Како бисте сазнали више о `.npmrc` прочитајте [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Анонимно публиковање
-`verdaccio` Вам омогућава да пружите могућност анонимног публиковања. Како бисте успели у томе, потребно је да подесите [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Као што је описано, [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) све док `npm@5.3.0` и све верзије не буду усаглашене **неће Вам бити омогућено да публикујете без токена**. Ипак, `yarn` нема таква ограничења.
-## Подразумевана htpasswd
-Како би се поједноставио setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin базиран на `htpasswd`. Од верзије v3.0.x [екстерни plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) се користи као подразумеван. Верзија v2.x и даље садржи уграђену верзију овог plugin-а.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Својство | Тип | Неопходно | Пример | Подршка | Опис |
-| --------- | ------ | --------- | ---------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Да | ./htpasswd | all | фајл који садржи шифроване credentials |
-| max_users | number | Не | 1000 | all | подешава максимални број корисника |
-Ако се одлучите на то да не дозволите корисницима да се пријаве, можете подесити `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio се ослања на `yarn` уместо на `npm` како би преузео dependencies.
-*Напомена: тренутни build ће моћи да ради само са build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Како бисте видели комплетну листу scripts-a, [кликните овде](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what each property means and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Is the location of the plugin directory. Useful for Docker/Kubernetes based deployments.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user to control how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden by setting this to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Changing the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` it's enough to set the `listen` flag with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Notifications
-Enabling notifications to third-party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Discord channel](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, the kind of plugins supported are:
-* Authentication plugins
-* Middleware plugins (since `v2.7.0`)
-* Storage plugins since (`v3.x`)
-> We recommend developing plugins using our [flow type definitions](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-## Authentication Plugin
-Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Only `adduser`, `allow_access` and `allow_publish` are optional, verdaccio provide a fallback in all those cases.
-#### Callback
-Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the configuration will looks like:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-The method provide full access to the authentification and storage via `auth` and `storage`. `app` is the express application that allows you to add new endpoints.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage replacing the default behaviour.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `IPluginStorage` implementation. Please see details bellow.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (master branch) version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf`, `storage` and `plugins` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Plugins
-Plugins can be installed in a separate directory and mounted using Docker or Kubernetes, however make sure you build plugins with native dependencies using the same base image as the Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-$ verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what means each property and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This properties allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden set it in to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Change the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` enough with set your `listen` domain with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-### Notifications
-Enable notifications to three party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Gitter channel](https://gitter.im/verdaccio/)
-* [Contributors Slack channel](https://verdaccio-npm.slack.com) (unfortunately only by email invitation, you might ask in **Gitter** to be included)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You migt merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, currently we support `authentication plugins`, `middleware plugins` (since `v2.7.0`) and `storage plugins` since (`v3.x`).
-## Authentication Plugin
-This section will describe how it looks like a Verdaccio plugin in a ES5 way. Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`). Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-### API
-function authenticate (user, password, callback) {
- ...more stuff
-##### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
- callback(null, false)
-##### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the setup
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage) but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `ILocalData` implementation. Please see details bellow.
- class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: Config, logger: Logger): ILocalData;
-declare interface verdaccio$ILocalData {
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
-declare interface verdaccio$ILocalPackageManager {
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-interface IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-interface IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (`master branch`)] version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf` and `storage` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `publish` / `create` commands.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contrains that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remains on shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handles by itself `allow_access` and `allow_publish`, it's use an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieves all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need todo something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend use a prefix for your packages, in that way it'd be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just check whether the user that try to access or publish specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Define multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just, do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages to fetch from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the example above:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want to proxying all the rest dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way how your dependencies are solved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`.
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight recommend do not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and soon will be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](development.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, the plugins order becames important, the the credentials will resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to * publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` heade
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/vardaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packges and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | $authenticated | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages access](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a plugin based on `htpasswd`. As of version v3.0.x an [external plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) is used by default. The v2.x version of this package still contains the built-in version of this plugin.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download dependencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-To see the complete list of scripts, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Using Chef Cookbook for Verdaccio
-For further information:
-> We are looking for contributors for this repository, if you are interested please notify the author via tickets.
-Author: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Continuous Integration"
-You may use verdaccio with continuous integration while login or publish. When using NPM to install a private module in a continuous integration environment for the first time, a brick wall is quickly hit. The NPM login command is designed to be used interactively. This causes an issue in CI, scripts, etc. Here’s how to use NPM login different continuous integration platforms.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-$ verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what means each property and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This properties allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden set it in to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `10mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Change the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` enough with set your `listen` domain with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-### Notifications
-Enable notifications to three party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Audit
-`npm audit` is a new command released with [npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio includes a built-in middleware plugin to handle this command.
-> If you have a new installation it comes by default, otherwise you need to add the following props to your config file
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Gitter channel](https://gitter.im/verdaccio/)
-* [Contributors Slack channel](https://verdaccio-npm.slack.com) (unfortunately only by email invitation, you might ask in **Gitter** to be included)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You migt merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, currently we support `authentication plugins`, `middleware plugins` (since `v2.7.0`) and `storage plugins` since (`v3.x`).
-## Authentication Plugin
-This section will describe how it looks like a Verdaccio plugin in a ES5 way. Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`). Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-### API
-function authenticate (user, password, callback) {
- ...more stuff
-##### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
- callback(null, false)
-##### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the setup
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Plugin
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests.
-> A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the [sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) and [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit).
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugin
-Verdaccio by default uses a file system storage plugin [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage) but, since `verdaccio@3.x` you can plug in a custom storage.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `ILocalData` implementation. Please see details bellow.
- class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: Config, logger: Logger): ILocalData;
-declare interface verdaccio$ILocalData {
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
-declare interface verdaccio$ILocalPackageManager {
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-interface IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-interface IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-> The Storage API is still experimental and might change in the next minor versions. For further information about Storage API please follow the [types definitions in our official repository](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Storage Plugins Examples
-The following list of plugins are implementing the Storage API and might be used them as example.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Are you willing to contribute with new Storage Plugins? [Click here.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-For the next major release using the `beta` (`master branch`)] version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to bind mount `conf` and `storage` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Note: Verdaccio runs as a non-root user (uid=100, gid=101) inside the container, if you use bind mount to override default, you need to make sure the mount directory is assigned to the right user. In above example, you need to run `sudo chown -R 100:101 /opt/verdaccio` otherwise you will get permission errors at runtime. [Use docker volume](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) is recommended over using bind mount.
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: home
-title: "Verdaccio npm proxy private registry"
-## Easy to Install
-One single command to install the application
-$> npm install --global verdaccio
-# or
-$> yarn global add verdaccio
-## Easy to Set Up
-Set your verdaccio registry as default
- $> npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-$> npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Easy to Use
-Run it in your terminal
- $> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:5555/ - verdaccio/2.2.0
-#### That's it ! Enjoy your **private package manager**.
-##### and all the most popular npm clients are supported.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-- Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) and [web.config](#webconfig) in this folder.
-- Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-- Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-- Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-- Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-- I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-- I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Troubleshooting
-- **The web interface does not load when hosted with https as it tries to download scripts over http.**
- Make sure that you have correctly mentioned `url_prefix` in verdaccio config. Follow the [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622).
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-id: index1
-date: 2017-07-10T23:36:56.503Z
-title: Docs Home
-`verdaccio` is a fork of **sinopia** and it's backwards compatible.
-## Why should I use verdaccio?
-* I am/was **sinopia** user and need an **easy migration**.
-* I need a lightweight and free solution
-* I need long-term support and help when I got stuck.
-* I want a product compatible with the newer tools as **Yarn** and **DevOps (Docker, Ansible, Puppet, etc)** tools.
-* An evolving plugabble product, not only for **Authentification**, also for **Storage** and more in the future.
-* An active community
-* Integration with **Nexus**, **Artifactoy** and any other npm compatible registry.
-A bunch more of reasons [you might be interested](https://medium.com/@jotadeveloper/five-use-cases-where-a-npm-private-proxy-fits-in-your-workflow-632a81779c14).
-### Why we forked from Sinopia?
-It [appeared that sinopia maintenance had stalled and the author had abandoned it](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/376), so there was a suggestion that the sinopia-using community would benefit from a fresh look at the code and the outstanding issues. So here we are The last step about the [detach from sinopia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/38).
-### Near Future
-`verdaccio` aims to be compatible with sinopia along the time preserving the main features, a lightweight app based on local file system and easy installation but being able to be pluggable and built over a modern tool stack.
-## Getting Started
-### Installation
-* [Installation](/docs/installation)
-### Usage
-* [Command Line](/docs/cli)
-### Configuration
-* [The configuration file](/docs/configuration)
-* [Setting up *uplinks*](/docs/uplinks)
-* [Packages Access](/docs/packages)
-* [Authorization and Access](/docs/authentication)
-* [Enable Notifications](/docs/notifications)
-* [Custom Logs](/docs/logger)
-### UI Customization
-* [Configure the Web](/docs/webui)
-## Server Configurations
-* [Advanced Server Configuration](/docs/server)
-* [Reverse Proxy](/docs/reverse-proxy)
-* [SSL Certificates](/docs/ssl)
-### Windows Specific Settings
-* [Installing As a Windows Service](/docs/windows)
-* [Installing on IIS server](/docs/iis-server)
-## Extend Verdaccio
-* [Installing Plugins](/docs/plugins)
-## DevOps
-* [Configure with Ansible](/docs/ansible)
-* [Using Docker Image](/docs/docker)
-* [Using Kubernetes](/docs/kubernetes)
-## Guides && Recipes
-* [Learn how to protect your packages](/docs/recipes/protect-your-dependencies)
-## Development
-* [I want to to contribute](/docs/dev/contributing)
-* [Build verdaccio](/docs/dev/build)
-* [Create plugins](/docs/dev/plugins)
-* [Repositories](/docs/dev/repositories)
-* [Unit Testing](/docs/dev/unit-test)
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application. To install it, you need a few prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` Node `v4.6.1` is the minimum supported version.
- - For version `verdaccio@latest` Node `6.12.0` is the minimum supported version.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface supports the `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9` browsers.
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be installed globaly using either of the following methods:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![install verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Basic Usage
-Once it has been installed, you only need to execute the CLI command:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-For more information about the CLI, please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has an official docker image you can use, and in most cases, the default configuration is good enough. For more information about how to install the official image, [read the docker section](docker.md).
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `publish` / `create` commands.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contrains that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remains on shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handles by itself `allow_access` and `allow_publish`, it's use an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieves all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need todo something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend use a prefix for your packages, in that way it'd be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just check whether the user that try to access or publish specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Define multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just, do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages to fetch from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the example above:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want to proxying all the rest dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way how your dependencies are solved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`.
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight recommend do not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and soon will be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](development.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is technically possible, the plugins order becames important, the the credentials will resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to * publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` heade
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/vardaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packges and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | $authenticated | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Phần mềm nguồn mở ansible"
-Chúng tôi có một giải pháp tuỳ chỉnh cho `verdaccio` trong tổ chức của chúng tôi.
-#### Những lựa chọn khác
-* Vai trò của phần mềm Ansible đối với người dùng Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Vai trò của phần mềm Ansible đối với người dùng Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* Vai trò của ansible-verdaccio
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-id: yêu cầu xác thực
-title: "Yêu cầu xác thực"
-Cài đặt yêu cầu xác thực có liên quan chặt chẽ đến [plugin](plugins.md) mà bạn đang sử dụng. Giới hạn truy cập gói cũng được kiểm soát thông qua [quyền truy cập gói](packages.md).
-Quá trình xác thực của khách hàng được xử lý bởi chính công cụ `npm`. Bạn có thể đăng nhập vào ứng dụng bằng lệnh sau:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-`npm` sẽ lưu Token được Verdaccio trả về trong tệp cấu hình, tệp này sẽ được lưu trữ trong thư mục chính của bạn. Để biết thêm thông tin về cấu hình `.npmrc`, vui lòng xem [ tài liệu chính thức ](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Gói phát hành ẩn danh
-Bạn có thể chọn gói phát hành ẩn danh khi sử dụng `verdaccio`, để bật chế độ này lên bạn cần cài đặt phần [quyền truy cập gói](packages.md) một cách chính xác.
-Ví dụ:
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Như đã giải thích trong phần [issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500), kể từ phiên bản `npm@5.3.0` và trong tất cả các phiên bản phụ khác ** bạn sẽ không được phép xuất bản gói mà không có một token nào**. Tuy nhiên đối với công cụ quản lý thư viện `yarn` thì không có yêu cầu này.
-## Tự động tạo tập tin htpasswd
-Để đơn giản hóa quá trình cài đặt, `verdaccio` đã sử dụng plugin dựa trên tập tin `htpasswd`. [Plugin bên ngoài](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) đã được cài đặt mặc định trong phiên bản v3.0.x. V2.x của gói này vẫn chứa phiên bản tích hợp của plugin này.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Thuộc tính | Phương thức | Yêu cầu | Ví dụ | Hỗ trợ | Miêu tả |
-| ---------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------- |
-| tập tin | chuỗi | Có | ./htpasswd | tất cả | tập tin lưu trữ các thông tin đã được mã hóa |
-| max_users | số | Không | 1000 | tất cả | giới hạn người dùng |
-Trường hợp bạn không muốn người dùng đăng nhập, bạn cài đặt `max_users: -1`.
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-id: tạo
-title: "Tạo mã nguồn"
-Để tải các gói phụ thuộc Verdaccio sử dụng `yarn` thay vì `npm`.
-*Xin lưu ý: Mã nguồn hiện tại chỉ có thể được tạo bởi `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Để xem đầy đủ danh sách các tập lệnh, hãy [nhấp vào đây](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Cách sử dụng Chef Cookbook trong Verdaccio
-Để biết thêm thông tin:
-> Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm những người đóng góp vào kho dữ thông tin này, nếu bạn quan tâm, vui lòng thông báo cho tác giả dưới đây.
-Tác giả: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Tích hợp liên tục"
-Khi đăng nhập hoặc phát hành, bạn có thể sử dụng verdaccio để tích hợp liên tục. Có thể bạn sẽ gặp sự cố ngay lập tức vào lần đầu tiên sử dụng NPM để chạy mô-đun chuyên dụng trong môi trường tích hợp liên tục. Lệnh đăng nhập NPM được tạo ra để tạo ra tính tương tác lẫn nhau khi sử dụng. Điều này có thể gây ra sự cố trong CI, tập lệnh, v. v. Dưới đây là cách sử dụng NPM để đăng nhập vào các nền tảng tích hợp liên tục khác nhau.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Công cụ dòng lệnh Command line"
-Dòng lệnh CLI của Verdaccio là công cụ để bạn bắt đầu khởi động và kiểm soát ứng dụng này.
-## Các lệnh
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Tham số | Giá trị mặc định | Ví dụ | Miêu tả |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | tệp tin cấu hình |
-## Vị trí đường dẫn tệp cấu hình mặc định
-Để tìm thư mục chính, trước hết chúng ta chọn **$XDG_DATA_HOME**, sau đó tìm [biến môi trường APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/) trong Window.
-## Vị trí lưu trữ mặc định
-Chúng tôi sử dụng biến môi trường **$XDG_DATA_HOME **làm mặc định để tìm bộ nhớ theo mặc định, cũng giống như $HOME/.local/share. Vị trí này sẽ không liên quan đến bạn nếu bạn đang sử dụng bộ nhớ tùy chỉnh.
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-id: cấu hình
-title: "Tệp cấu hình"
-Tệp này là một phần quan trọng của Verdaccio, đây là nơi bạn có thể sửa đổi hành vi mặc định, bật plugin và mở rộng các tính năng.
-Để cài tệp cấu hình mặc định đầu tiên, bạn chạy `verdaccio`.
-## Cấu hình mặc định
-Cấu hình mặc định có hỗ trợ gói **scoped** và cho phép truy cập ẩn danh vào các gói không phải riêng tư, nhưng chỉ ** người dùng đã đăng nhập mới có thể xuất bản gói **.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Các nội dung
-Những nội dung sau sẽ giải thích ý nghĩa của từng thuộc tính và các tùy chọn khác nhau.
-### Kho lưu trữ
-Là nơi lưu trữ mặc định. **Verdaccio sử dụng bộ nhớ chế độ tệp cục bộ tích hợp theo mặc định **.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Là vị trí của thư mục của plugin. Rất hữu ích cho cấu hình chạy trên hệ thống Docker / Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Yêu cầu xác thực
-Cài đặt yêu cầu xác thực được thực hiện ở đây, sự xác thực mặc đình này chạy trên tệp tin` htpasswd ` và được tích hợp sẵn. Bạn có thể sửa đổi chế độ này bằng [ plugins ](plugins.md). Để biết thêm chi tiết về nội dung này, vui lòng đọc [ trang xác thực](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Khi những gói không phải là cục bộ, uplinks cho phép hệ thống lấy các gói này từ một cơ quan đăng ký từ xa. Để biết thêm chi tiết về nội dung này, vui lòng đọc [ trang Uplink ](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Các loại gói
-Các gói này cho phép người dùng kiểm soát quyền truy cập vào gói. Để biết thêm chi tiết về mô-đun này, vui lòng đọc [ trang gói ](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Cài đặt nâng cao
-### Phát hành ngoại tuyến
-` verdaccio ` theo mặc định không cho phép khách hàng phát hành khi họ ngoại tuyến. Bạn có thể thay đổi cài đặt này bằng cách cài thành * true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Tiền tố URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Thuộc tính Max Body Size
-Thuộc tính Maximum body size của tệp JSON mặc định là `10mb ` và bạn có thể tăng giá trị này nếu bạn gặp lỗi như `"đối tượng yêu cầu quá lớn"`.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Cổng nghe
-`verdaccio ` được chạy mặc định trên cổng `4873 `. Cổng có thể được thay đổi thông qua [ cli ](cli.md) hoặc trong một tập tin cấu hình.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Để bật `https` trong `verdaccio`, chỉ cần sử dụng giao thức *https://* để đặt cờ `nghe `. Để biết thêm chi tiết về phần này, vui lòng đọc [ trang ssl ](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxy là một máy chủ HTTP làm nhiệm vụ chuyển tiếp thông tin và kiểm soát tạo sự an toàn cho việc chuyển dữ liệu từ máy chủ từ xa đến máy khách.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Nếu bạn có một proxy trên mạng của mình, bạn có thể đặt tiêu đề `X-Forwarded-For` với các thuộc tính sau.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Biến này phải chứa danh sách các tiện ích mở rộng tên được phân cách bằng dấu phẩy không được proxy sử dụng.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Những thông báo
-Thật dễ dàng để bật thông báo cho các công cụ của bên thứ ba thông qua các móc nối web. Để biết thêm chi tiết về phần này, vui lòng đọc [ trang thông báo ](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Để biết thêm thông tin về cài đặt cấu hình, vui lòng [ kiểm tra mã nguồn ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Đánh giá
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-` kiểm tra npm ` là một lệnh mới được phát hành trong phiên bản [ npm 6.x ](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio bao gồm một plugin middleware tích hợp (plugin trung gian) để xử lý lệnh này.
-> Trong trường hợp bạn muốn cài đặt phiên bản mặc định mới, bạn cần thêm đoạn mã sau vào tệp cấu hình
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: đóng góp
-title: "Tham gia đóng góp Verdaccio"
-First of all Để có thể sử dụng một cơ sở mã hoàn toàn mới là điều không hề dễ dàng, vì vậy chúng tôi luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ bạn.
-## Kênh trao đổi
-Nếu bạn có bất cứ câu hỏi nào, xin hãy gửi cho chúng tôi qua hai kênh sau để cùng thảo luận:
-* [Kênh Discord công khai](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Bắt đầu
-Thoạt nhìn, verdaccio chỉ là một kho lưu trữ đơn giản, nhưng bên trong lại có nhiều cách khác nhau để bạn có thể đóng góp và một loạt các công nghệ để bạn thực hành.
-### Tìm vị trí phù hợp với tôi
-Mỗi người đều có các kỹ năng khác nhau, vì vậy hãy xem và cảm nhận phần nào bạn cảm thấy có thể phát huy tối đa kỹ năng của mình.
-### Tôi biết hoặc tôi muốn tìm hiểu về Node.js
-Node.js là một hệ thống phần mềm dựa trên `verdaccio`, chúng tôi sử dụng `express`, `commander `, `request` hoặc `async ` làm thư viện của chương trình. Về cơ bản, Verdaccio là một Rest API, giống như `yarn`, tạo ra giao tiếp tương thích với máy khách `npm`.
-Chúng tôi có rất nhiều [danh sách plugin](plugins.md) có sẵn và đã được nâng cấp, nhưng đồng thời [bạn cũng có thể tạo plugin của riêng mình](dev-plugins.md).
-### Tôi thích làm việc trong giao diện người dùng hơn
-Thời gian gần đây, chúng tôi đã chuyển sang các công nghệ hiện đại như `React` và `element-react`. Chúng tôi mong được biết đến những ý tưởng mới về cách nâng cấp giao diện người dùng.
-### Việc nâng cấp ngăn xếp sẽ giúp tôi cảm thấy thoải mái hơn
-Tất nhiên, chúng tôi sẽ vui lòng giúp bạn sắp xếp ngăn xếp và bạn có thể nâng cấp các gói phụ thuộc của mình lên `eslint `, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Chúng tôi hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp của các bạn. Ngoài ra, nếu bạn có trải nghiệm với công cụ tạo khung **Yeoman**, bạn có thể giúp chúng tôi nâng cấp [verdaccio generator ](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Dưới đây là một số ý tưởng:
-* Tạo quy tắc chung Eslint để sử dụng trong tất cả các gói phụ thuộc hoặc những phần mềm bổ trợ
-* Cải thiện việc phân phối các loại quy trình xác định
-* Di chuyển sang Webpack 4
-* Nâng cấp mức độ thành phần của Webpack
-* Chúng tôi sử dụng babel và webpack cho tất cả các dependency, tại sao chúng ta không thể sử dụng một cài đặt phổ biến khác?
-* Nâng cấp việc phân phối tích hợp liên tục
-### Tôi soạn tài liệu rất giỏi
-Một số người đã góp ý cho chúng tôi về lỗi đánh máy và các vấn đề ngữ pháp, điều này đã giúp chúng tôi nâng cấp sự trải nghiệm và khắc phục sự cố chung.
-### Tôi là một nhà thiết kế
-Chúng tôi có trang web frontend [ http://www.verdaccio.org/](http://www.verdaccio.org/) và sẽ rất vui khi nhận sư chia sẻ những ý tưởng của các bạn.
-Trang web của chúng tôi dựa trên [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Tôi là một DevOps
-Chúng tôi có một hình ảnh Docker được sử dụng rộng rãi trên [ https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/), hình ảnh này cần được bảo trì và có thể cần được nâng cấp khá nhiều, chúng tôi cần kiến thức của bạn để mang lại lợi ích cho tất cả người dùng.
-Chúng tôi hỗ trợ phần ** Kubernetes**, **Puppet **, **Ansible** và **Chef**, và cần sự đóng góp của các bạn ở những nội dung này, vui lòng kiểm tra tất cả kho tài nguyên.
-### Tôi có thể dịch tài liệu
-Mục tiêu của Verdaccio là đa ngôn ngữ, để đạt được mục tiêu này, **chúng tôi đã nhận được sự giúp đỡ tuyệt vời** từ [ Crowdin ](https://crowdin.com) - một nền tảng hoàn hảo dành cho việc dịch thuật.
-Chúng tôi đã lập một dự án mà bạn có thể chọn ngôn ngữ yêu thích của mình, nếu bạn không tìm thấy ngôn ngữ mình muốn, vui lòng khởi chạy Tạo một vé yêu cầu.
-[Tham gia Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Tôi đã sẵn sàng đóng góp vào bản dịch
-Nếu bạn đang nghĩ *"Tôi đã xem [kho lưu trữ ](repositories.md) và sẵn sàng đóng góp vào bản dịch ngay*, thì đó là một tin tốt để bạn có thể tiếp tục bước tiếp theo.
-Bạn cần phải tìm hiểu cách đóng góp vào bản dịch, [ chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng hướng dẫn cho bạn ](build.md).
-Khi bạn đã làm quen với tất cả các tập lệnh và biết cách sử dụng, chúng tôi sẵn sàng chuyển sang bước tiếp theo và bắt đầu chạy [**kiểm tra đơn vị**](test.md).
-## Dưới đây là danh sách đầy đủ các cộng tác viên. Chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ gặp bạn ở đây!
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Phát triển các phần mềm bổ trợ"
-Có nhiều cách để mở rộng `verdaccio`. Các loại phần mềm bổ trợ là:
-* Xác minh các phần mềm bổ trợ
-* Phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware (kể từ phiên bản `v2.7.0`)
-* Phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ từ phiên bản (` v3.x `)
-> Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên phát triển phần mềm bổ trợ bằng cách sử dụng [định nghĩa loại luồng ](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types) của chúng tôi.
-## Xác minh phần mềm bổ trợ
-Cơ bản chúng ta phải trả về một đối tượng với phương thức được gọi là `authenticate`, và sẽ nhận lại 3 tham số (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Chỉ có các tùy chọn là `adduser`, ` allow_access` và `allow_publish` và verdaccio cung cấp chức năng dự phòng trong tất cả các tùy chọn này.
-#### Callback
-Khi xác thực được thực hiện, có hai tùy chọn để trả lời `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Hiện lỗi này nghĩa là hoặc xảy ra lỗi hoặc xác thực không thành công.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Xác thực thành công.
-`groups` là một tập hợp các chuỗi người dùng.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Ví dụ
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-Cấu hình sẽ trông như thế này:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Trong đó `htpasswd` là tên của một phần mềm bổ trợ, ví dụ: hậu tố của `verdaccio-htpasswd`. Các mã còn lại là các tham số của cấu hình phần mềm bổ trợ.
-## Phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware
-Phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware có khả năng sửa đổi giao diện API để thêm các điểm cuối mới hoặc chặn các yêu cầu.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Phương thức này sẽ cung cấp đầy đủ cách truy cập để xác thực và lưu trữ thông qua `auth` và `storage`. Nếu bạn muốn thêm điểm cuối mới, hãy dùng ứng dụng `app`.
-> Một ví dụ điển hình về phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware là [ sinopia-github-oauth ](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) và verdaccio-audit .
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Bằng cách sử dụng một cách thức duy nhất để đăng ký middleware là `register_middlewares`, chúng ta cần tìm một đối tượng có thể nhận được 3 tham số (` expressApp, auth, storage `) được gọi là. Lớp xác thực *Auth* và lớp lưu trữ chính *storage* cho phép bạn truy cập vào tất cả các hoạt động lưu trữ.
-## Phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ
-Theo mặc định, Verdaccio sử dụng phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ hệ thống tệp [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), tuy nhiên, từ phiên bản `verdaccio@3.x ` bạn có thể chèn lưu trữ tùy chỉnh thay vì hành vi mặc định.
-### API
-Vì API lưu trữ phức tạp hơn nên bạn sẽ cần phải tạo một lớp (bao gồm nhóm các đối tượng mà có các thuộc tính chung) có thể hoàn tác lại việc sử dụng ` IPluginStorage `. Vui lòng xem chi tiết bên dưới.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> API lưu trữ vẫn đang trong quá trình chạy thử nghiệm và có thể sẽ được sửa đổi trong phiên bản tiếp theo. Để biết thêm thông tin về API lưu trữ, vui lòng truy cập [ và nhập định nghĩa trong kho lưu trữ chính thức của chúng tôi ](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Những ví dụ về phần mềm bổ trợ bộ nhớ
-Dưới đây là danh sách những phần mềm bổ trợ đang sử dụng API lưu trữ và có thể được sử dụng làm ví dụ.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Bạn đã sẵn sàng đóng góp vào phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ mới chưa? [Nhấp vào đây.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Để tải [hình ảnh docker mới nhất](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Những phiên bản thẻ
-Bắt đầu với phiên bản `v2.x`, bạn có thể tải những hình ảnh này qua [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), cụ thể như sau:
-Đối với phiên bản chính:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Đối với phiên bản phụ:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Đối với một phiên bản (bản vá) cụ thể:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Phiên bản chính tiếp theo sẽ sử dụng bản `betacode> (master branch).
docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Nếu bạn quan tâm đến danh sách thẻ, hãy [truy cập trang web Docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Sử dụng Docker để chạy verdaccio
-Để chạy vùng chứa docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-Tham số cuối cùng sẽ xác định hình ảnh nào cần được sử dụng. Nếu bạn chưa thử, mã trên sẽ giúp bạn tải hình ảnh mới nhất được tạo trước từ dockerhub.
-Khi bạn muốn tạo [một bản sao cục bộ](#build-your-own-docker-image) hãy dùng `verdaccio` làm tham số cuối cùng.
-Bạn có thể sử dụng `-v` để liên kết với `conf`, `storage` và `plugins` với hệ thống tệp host:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Lưu ý: Verdaccio chạy như một tài khoản non-root (uid = 100, gid = 101) bên trong vùng chứa. Nếu bạn sử dụng cài đặt bind để ghi đè lên các thiết lập mặc định, bạn cần đảm bảo thư mục cài đặt tương thích với tài khoản. Trong ví dụ trên, bạn sẽ chạy `sudo chown -R 100: 101/opt /verdaccio`, nếu không bạn sẽ nhận được cảnh báo lỗi quyền truy cập khi sử dụng. Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên [ sử dụng khối lượng docker](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) thay vì cài đặt bắt buộc.
-### Những phần mềm bổ trợ
-Những phần mềm bổ trợ có thể được cài đặt trong một thư mục riêng biệt và được gắn với Docker hoặc Kubernetes, tuy nhiên, bạn nên đảm bảo việc tạo các phần mềm bổ trợ bằng cách sử dụng các phụ thuộc cục bộ của cùng một dữ liệu hình ảnh như Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker và cấu hình cổng tùy chỉnh
-Bất kỳ một `host: port` nào sử dụng cấu hình trong `conf / config.yaml` ở `listen` sẽ bị bỏ qua khi sử dụng docker.
-Nếu bạn muốn có bản sao của verdaccio docker trên một cổng khác, chẳng hạn như `5000` trong lệnh `docker run`, bạn cần thay thế `-p 4873: 4873` bằng `-p 5000: 4873`.
-Bắt đầu từ phiên bản 2.?.? sẽ cho phép bạn chỉ định cổng nghe trong **docker container**. bạn có thể thực hiện thao tác này bằng cách cung cấp các tham số bổ sung cho `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000 `. Điều này sẽ thay đổi cổng được hiển thị bởi vùng chứa docker và cổng mà verdaccio sử dụng.
-Tất nhiên, những tham số `-p` bạn cung cấp phải khớp, vì vậy nếu bạn muốn tất cả chúng giống nhau, bạn chỉ cần sao chép, dán và sử dụng:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Sử dụng HTTPS trong Docker
-Bạn có thể cài đặt cấu hình giao thức tương tự như cấu hình cổng mà verdaccio sẽ sử dụng. Sau khi bạn xác định certificate trong config.yaml, bạn phải ghi đè giá trị mặc định ("http") trong biến môi trường ` PROTOCOL ` bằng "https".
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Sử dụng docker-compose
-1. Tải phiên bản mới nhất của [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Tạo và chạy vùng chứa:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Sử dụng `PORT=5000` làm tiền tố cho lệnh trên nhằm cài đặt cổng để sử dụng (cả vùng chứa và máy chủ lưu trữ).
-Docker sẽ tạo ra một ổ đĩa có tên là lưu trữ dữ liệu ứng dụng liên tục. Bạn có thể sử dụng `docker inspect` hoặc `docker volume inspect` để xác định vị trí thực của ổ đĩa này và chỉnh sửa cấu hình, ví dụ như:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Tạo hình ảnh Docker của riêng bạn
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Ngoài ra còn có một script npm để tạo ra một hình ảnh docker, vì vậy bạn cũng có thể làm như sau:
-npm run build:docker
-Xin lưu ý rằng việc tạo hình ảnh đầu tiên mất vài phút vì nó cần phải chạy `npm install` và khi bạn thay đổi bất cứ điều gì vào bất kỳ lúc nào và không được liệt kê trong `.dockerignore` thì sẽ mất một thời gian dài để chạy các tập tin này.
-Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng hình ảnh docker trên một thiết bị rpi hoặc một thiết bị tương thích khác thì cũng cần một dockerfile được tạo sẵn trước đó. Để tạo một hình ảnh docker của Raspberry Pi, bạn cần thực hiện như sau:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Lưu ý rằng bạn cần phải cài đặt docker trên máy của bạn để thực hiện bất kỳ lệnh docker nào ở trên, docker executable phải nằm trong `$PATH` của bạn.
-## Docket ví dụ
-Có một kho lưu trữ riêng biệt lưu nhiều cấu hình để tạo hình ảnh Docker với `verdaccio`, ví dụ như đối với reverse proxy:
-## Tạo tùy chỉnh Docker
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Cài đặt trên máy chủ IIS"
-Những hướng dẫn này dành cho Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) và [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Khi muốn cài đặt IIS bạn cần chạy [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Bạn cần chắc chắn mình tuân thủ các điều kiện cần thiết trong việc cài đặt (Mô-đun Rewrite Rewrite & node) như được mô tả trong các hướng dẫn iisnode.
-- Bạn hãy tạo một thư mục mới trong Explorer để lưu trữ verdaccio. Ví dụ: `C:\verdaccio`. Lưu [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) và [web.config](#webconfig) vào thư mục này.
-- Tạo một trang mới trong Trình quản lý dịch vụ thông tin Internet. Hãy đặt tên cho thư mục theo ý thích của bạn. Tôi sẽ gọi là verdaccio như trong [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities) này. Xác định đường dẫn để lưu tất cả các tệp và số cổng.
-- Trở lại Explorer và cấp quyền cho người dùng sử dụng nhóm ứng dụng trong thư mục bạn vừa tạo. Trong trường hợp bạn đã đặt tên trang này là verdaccio và chưa sửa đổi nhóm ứng dụng, đồng thời trang đang chạy ứng dụng ApplicationPoolIdentity, bạn nên cấp cho người dùng quyền sửa đổi IIS AppPool\verdaccio. Nếu bạn cần trợ giúp, vui lòng tham khảo hướng dẫn. (Nếu cần, bạn có thể hạn chế quyền truy cập trong tương lai, chỉ cho phép quyền sửa đổi trong iisnode và verdaccio\storage)
-- Bắt đầu dòng lệnh và thực hiện lệnh sau để tải verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Hãy chắc chắn bạn có yêu cầu gửi đến rằng chấp nhận lưu lượng truy cập TCP vào cổng tường lửa của Windows
-- Sau đấy bạn có thể điều hướng đến máy chủ và cổng mà bạn chỉ định
-Tôi muốn trang web `verdaccio` trở thành trang mặc định trong IIS, vì vậy tôi đã làm như sau:
-- Tôi chắc chắn sổ đăng ký cho tệp .npmrc trong `c:\users{yourname}` được đặt thành `"registry= http: // localhost /"`
-- Tôi đã hủy bỏ "trang web mặc định" và chỉ bắt đầu trang "verdaccio" trong IIS
-- Tôi cài đặt các binding thành "http" và địa chỉ Ip là "All Unassigned" ở cổng 80, nhấp vào ok cho bất kỳ cảnh báo hoặc lời nhắc nào
-Những nguyên tắc này dựa trên [ Host Sinopia trong IIS trên Windows ](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Tôi phải điều chỉnh cấu hình trang web của mình như sau, tuy nhiên bạn có thể nhận thấy cấu hình ban đầu trong liên kết được đề cập ở trên hoạt động tốt hơn
-Tệp tin cấu hình mặc định `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml` sẽ được tạo
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Khắc phục sự cố
-- **Không thể tải giao diện web được lưu trữ trên https vì web luôn tải tập lệnh từ http.**
- Hãy đảm bảo việc bạn nhập `url_prefix` chính xác trong cấu hình verdaccio. Vui lòng vào [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622) để cùng thảo luận.
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-id: cài đặt
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio là một ứng dụng web đa nền tảng. Bạn cần phải có một số điều kiện bắt buộc trước khi cài đặt.
-#### Những yêu cầu tối thiểu
-1. Phiên bản Node. js
- - Đối với phiên bản `verdaccio@2.x` tối thiểu bạn phải dùng Node `v4.6.1`.
- - Đối với phiên bản `verdaccio@latest`, tối thiểu bạn phải dùng `6.12.0`.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. Các giao diện hỗ trợ web bao gồm các trình duyệt như `Chrome, Firefox, Edge và IE9`.
-## Cài đặt CLI
-`verdaccio` phải được cài đặt theo một trong hai cách:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-hoặc sử dụng `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![cài đặt verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Cách sử dụng cơ bản
-Sau khi cài đặt, bạn chỉ cần thực hiện lệnh CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Để biết thêm thông tin về CLI, vui lòng [ đọc phần cli](cli.md).
-## Hình ảnh Docker
-`verdaccio` có hình ảnh docker chính thức có thể được sử dụng và trong hầu hết các trường hợp, kể cả sử dụng với cấu hình mặc định. Để biết thêm chi tiết về cách cài đặt hình ảnh chính thức, vui lòng [đọc phần docker](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Bạn có thể tìm thấy cách sử dụng Verdaccio trong phần lưu trữ Kubernetes ở [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Tuy nhiên, cách cài đặt chúng tôi gợi ý cho bạn để chạy Verdaccio trên phần lưu trữ Kubernetes là sử dụng [Helm](https://helm.sh). Vì Helm là một trình quản lý gói [ Kubernetes ](https://kubernetes.io) có nhiều ưu điểm.
-## Helm
-### Cài đặt Helm
-Nếu trước đây bạn chưa từng sử dụng Helm, bạn cần tạo bộ điều khiển Helm có tên là Tiller:
-helm init
-### Cài đặt
-Chạy biểu đồ Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). Trong ví dụ này, chúng tôi sử dụng ` npm` làm tên bản phát hành:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Sử dụng cấu hình phiên bản cụ thể
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Nâng cấp Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Gỡ cài đặt
-helm del --purge npm
-**Lưu ý:** Lệnh này sẽ xóa tất cả mã nguồn, bao gồm các gói mà bạn đã đăng trước đó vào sổ đăng ký.
-### Tùy chỉnh cấu hình Verdaccio
-Bạn có thể tùy chỉnh cấu hình Verdaccio bằng Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Chuẩn bị
-Sao chép [cấu hình hiện tại](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) và điều chỉnh cấu hình theo những gì bạn muốn:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Lưu ý:** Hãy chắc chắn bạn đang sử dụng đúng đường dẫn để lưu trữ liên tục:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Cài đặt sử dụng configMap
-Cài đặt `configMap` trong cụm máy tính
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Cài đặt sử dụng cấu hình Verdaccio
-Bây giờ bạn có thể cài đặt cấu hình biểu đồ Verdaccio Helm và chỉ định cấu hình nào sẽ sử dụng:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Sữ hữu dụng của Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) là một nền tảng quản lý vùng chứa hoàn chỉnh giúp dễ dàng quản lý và sử dụng vùng chứa trong khi hoạt động.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-Cũng như bất kỳ ứng dụng web nào, verdaccio có trình ghi nhật ký tích hợp tùy chỉnh. Bạn có thể lựa chọn nhiều loại đầu ra.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Cấu hình
-| Thuộc tính | Loại | Yêu cầu | Ví dụ | Hỗ trợ | Miêu tả |
-| ---------- | ------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------ | --------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | xác định đầu ra |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | nếu là tệp, hãy xác định vị trí của tệp |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | định dạng đầu ra |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | mức độ chi tiết |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio đã xem như đã được lập trình. Còn API trên nền tảng node lại ra đời sau phiên bản `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Cách sử dụng
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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index 7c95b1d21..000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Phần mềm nguồn mở ansible"
-Chúng tôi có một giải pháp tuỳ chỉnh cho `verdaccio` trong tổ chức của chúng tôi.
-#### Những lựa chọn khác
-* Vai trò của phần mềm Ansible đối với người dùng Gentoo: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Vai trò của phần mềm Ansible đối với người dùng Ubuntu: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* Vai trò của ansible-verdaccio
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-id: yêu cầu xác thực
-title: "Yêu cầu xác thực"
-Cài đặt yêu cầu xác thực có liên quan chặt chẽ đến [plugin](plugins.md) mà bạn đang sử dụng. Giới hạn truy cập gói cũng được kiểm soát thông qua [quyền truy cập gói](packages.md).
-Quá trình xác thực của khách hàng được xử lý bởi chính công cụ `npm`. Bạn có thể đăng nhập vào ứng dụng bằng lệnh sau:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-`npm` sẽ lưu Token được Verdaccio trả về trong tệp cấu hình, tệp này sẽ được lưu trữ trong thư mục chính của bạn. Để biết thêm thông tin về cấu hình `.npmrc`, vui lòng xem [ tài liệu chính thức ](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Gói phát hành ẩn danh
-Bạn có thể chọn gói phát hành ẩn danh khi sử dụng `verdaccio`, để bật chế độ này lên bạn cần cài đặt phần [quyền truy cập gói](packages.md) một cách chính xác.
-Ví dụ:
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-Như đã giải thích trong phần [issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500), kể từ phiên bản `npm@5.3.0` và trong tất cả các phiên bản phụ khác ** bạn sẽ không được phép xuất bản gói mà không có một token nào**. Tuy nhiên đối với công cụ quản lý thư viện `yarn` thì không có yêu cầu này.
-## Tự động tạo tập tin htpasswd
-Để đơn giản hóa quá trình cài đặt, `verdaccio` đã sử dụng plugin dựa trên tập tin `htpasswd`. [Plugin bên ngoài](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd) đã được cài đặt mặc định trong phiên bản v3.0.x. V2.x của gói này vẫn chứa phiên bản tích hợp của plugin này.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Thuộc tính | Phương thức | Yêu cầu | Ví dụ | Hỗ trợ | Miêu tả |
-| ---------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------- |
-| tập tin | chuỗi | Có | ./htpasswd | tất cả | tập tin lưu trữ các thông tin đã được mã hóa |
-| max_users | số | Không | 1000 | tất cả | giới hạn người dùng |
-Trường hợp bạn không muốn người dùng đăng nhập, bạn cài đặt `max_users: -1`.
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-id: tạo
-title: "Tạo mã nguồn"
-Để tải các gói phụ thuộc Verdaccio sử dụng `yarn` thay vì `npm`.
-*Xin lưu ý: Mã nguồn hiện tại chỉ có thể được tạo bởi `➜ yarn@1.x`.
- yarn install
-Để xem đầy đủ danh sách các tập lệnh, hãy [nhấp vào đây](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code).
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Cách sử dụng Chef Cookbook trong Verdaccio
-Để biết thêm thông tin:
-> Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm những người đóng góp vào kho dữ thông tin này, nếu bạn quan tâm, vui lòng thông báo cho tác giả dưới đây.
-Tác giả: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont.
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-id: ci
-title: "Tích hợp liên tục"
-Khi đăng nhập hoặc phát hành, bạn có thể sử dụng verdaccio để tích hợp liên tục. Có thể bạn sẽ gặp sự cố ngay lập tức vào lần đầu tiên sử dụng NPM để chạy mô-đun chuyên dụng trong môi trường tích hợp liên tục. Lệnh đăng nhập NPM được tạo ra để tạo ra tính tương tác lẫn nhau khi sử dụng. Điều này có thể gây ra sự cố trong CI, tập lệnh, v. v. Dưới đây là cách sử dụng NPM để đăng nhập vào các nền tảng tích hợp liên tục khác nhau.
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) or [Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "Công cụ dòng lệnh Command line"
-Dòng lệnh CLI của Verdaccio là công cụ để bạn bắt đầu khởi động và kiểm soát ứng dụng này.
-## Các lệnh
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Tham số | Giá trị mặc định | Ví dụ | Miêu tả |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | tệp tin cấu hình |
-## Vị trí đường dẫn tệp cấu hình mặc định
-Để tìm thư mục chính, trước hết chúng ta chọn **$XDG_DATA_HOME**, sau đó tìm [biến môi trường APPDATA](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/) trong Window.
-## Vị trí lưu trữ mặc định
-Chúng tôi sử dụng biến môi trường **$XDG_DATA_HOME **làm mặc định để tìm bộ nhớ theo mặc định, cũng giống như $HOME/.local/share. Vị trí này sẽ không liên quan đến bạn nếu bạn đang sử dụng bộ nhớ tùy chỉnh.
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-id: cấu hình
-title: "Tệp cấu hình"
-Tệp này là một phần quan trọng của Verdaccio, đây là nơi bạn có thể sửa đổi hành vi mặc định, bật plugin và mở rộng các tính năng.
-Để cài tệp cấu hình mặc định đầu tiên, bạn chạy `verdaccio`.
-## Cấu hình mặc định
-Cấu hình mặc định có hỗ trợ gói **scoped** và cho phép truy cập ẩn danh vào các gói không phải riêng tư, nhưng chỉ ** người dùng đã đăng nhập mới có thể xuất bản gói **.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Các nội dung
-Những nội dung sau sẽ giải thích ý nghĩa của từng thuộc tính và các tùy chọn khác nhau.
-### Kho lưu trữ
-Là nơi lưu trữ mặc định. **Verdaccio sử dụng bộ nhớ chế độ tệp cục bộ tích hợp theo mặc định **.
-storage: ./storage
-### Plugins
-Là vị trí của thư mục của plugin. Rất hữu ích cho cấu hình chạy trên hệ thống Docker / Kubernetes.
-plugins: ./plugins
-### Yêu cầu xác thực
-Cài đặt yêu cầu xác thực được thực hiện ở đây, sự xác thực mặc đình này chạy trên tệp tin` htpasswd ` và được tích hợp sẵn. Bạn có thể sửa đổi chế độ này bằng [ plugins ](plugins.md). Để biết thêm chi tiết về nội dung này, vui lòng đọc [ trang xác thực](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This property allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### Uplinks
-Khi những gói không phải là cục bộ, uplinks cho phép hệ thống lấy các gói này từ một cơ quan đăng ký từ xa. Để biết thêm chi tiết về nội dung này, vui lòng đọc [ trang Uplink ](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Các loại gói
-Các gói này cho phép người dùng kiểm soát quyền truy cập vào gói. Để biết thêm chi tiết về mô-đun này, vui lòng đọc [ trang gói ](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Cài đặt nâng cao
-### Phát hành ngoại tuyến
-` verdaccio ` theo mặc định không cho phép khách hàng phát hành khi họ ngoại tuyến. Bạn có thể thay đổi cài đặt này bằng cách cài thành * true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### Tiền tố URL
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Thuộc tính Max Body Size
-Thuộc tính Maximum body size của tệp JSON mặc định là `10mb ` và bạn có thể tăng giá trị này nếu bạn gặp lỗi như `"đối tượng yêu cầu quá lớn"`.
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### Cổng nghe
-`verdaccio ` được chạy mặc định trên cổng `4873 `. Cổng có thể được thay đổi thông qua [ cli ](cli.md) hoặc trong một tập tin cấu hình.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-Để bật `https` trong `verdaccio`, chỉ cần sử dụng giao thức *https://* để đặt cờ `nghe `. Để biết thêm chi tiết về phần này, vui lòng đọc [ trang ssl ](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxy là một máy chủ HTTP làm nhiệm vụ chuyển tiếp thông tin và kiểm soát tạo sự an toàn cho việc chuyển dữ liệu từ máy chủ từ xa đến máy khách.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-Nếu bạn có một proxy trên mạng của mình, bạn có thể đặt tiêu đề `X-Forwarded-For` với các thuộc tính sau.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-Biến này phải chứa danh sách các tiện ích mở rộng tên được phân cách bằng dấu phẩy không được proxy sử dụng.
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### Những thông báo
-Thật dễ dàng để bật thông báo cho các công cụ của bên thứ ba thông qua các móc nối web. Để biết thêm chi tiết về phần này, vui lòng đọc [ trang thông báo ](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> Để biết thêm thông tin về cài đặt cấu hình, vui lòng [ kiểm tra mã nguồn ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
-### Đánh giá
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-` kiểm tra npm ` là một lệnh mới được phát hành trong phiên bản [ npm 6.x ](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0). Verdaccio bao gồm một plugin middleware tích hợp (plugin trung gian) để xử lý lệnh này.
-> Trong trường hợp bạn muốn cài đặt phiên bản mặc định mới, bạn cần thêm đoạn mã sau vào tệp cấu hình
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: đóng góp
-title: "Tham gia đóng góp Verdaccio"
-First of all Để có thể sử dụng một cơ sở mã hoàn toàn mới là điều không hề dễ dàng, vì vậy chúng tôi luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ bạn.
-## Kênh trao đổi
-Nếu bạn có bất cứ câu hỏi nào, xin hãy gửi cho chúng tôi qua hai kênh sau để cùng thảo luận:
-* [Kênh Discord công khai](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## Bắt đầu
-Thoạt nhìn, verdaccio chỉ là một kho lưu trữ đơn giản, nhưng bên trong lại có nhiều cách khác nhau để bạn có thể đóng góp và một loạt các công nghệ để bạn thực hành.
-### Tìm vị trí phù hợp với tôi
-Mỗi người đều có các kỹ năng khác nhau, vì vậy hãy xem và cảm nhận phần nào bạn cảm thấy có thể phát huy tối đa kỹ năng của mình.
-### Tôi biết hoặc tôi muốn tìm hiểu về Node.js
-Node.js là một hệ thống phần mềm dựa trên `verdaccio`, chúng tôi sử dụng `express`, `commander `, `request` hoặc `async ` làm thư viện của chương trình. Về cơ bản, Verdaccio là một Rest API, giống như `yarn`, tạo ra giao tiếp tương thích với máy khách `npm`.
-Chúng tôi có rất nhiều [danh sách plugin](plugins.md) có sẵn và đã được nâng cấp, nhưng đồng thời [bạn cũng có thể tạo plugin của riêng mình](dev-plugins.md).
-### Tôi thích làm việc trong giao diện người dùng hơn
-Thời gian gần đây, chúng tôi đã chuyển sang các công nghệ hiện đại như `React` và `element-react`. Chúng tôi mong được biết đến những ý tưởng mới về cách nâng cấp giao diện người dùng.
-### Việc nâng cấp ngăn xếp sẽ giúp tôi cảm thấy thoải mái hơn
-Tất nhiên, chúng tôi sẽ vui lòng giúp bạn sắp xếp ngăn xếp và bạn có thể nâng cấp các gói phụ thuộc của mình lên `eslint `, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You might merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Chúng tôi hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp của các bạn. Ngoài ra, nếu bạn có trải nghiệm với công cụ tạo khung **Yeoman**, bạn có thể giúp chúng tôi nâng cấp [verdaccio generator ](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Dưới đây là một số ý tưởng:
-* Tạo quy tắc chung Eslint để sử dụng trong tất cả các gói phụ thuộc hoặc những phần mềm bổ trợ
-* Cải thiện việc phân phối các loại quy trình xác định
-* Di chuyển sang Webpack 4
-* Nâng cấp mức độ thành phần của Webpack
-* Chúng tôi sử dụng babel và webpack cho tất cả các dependency, tại sao chúng ta không thể sử dụng một cài đặt phổ biến khác?
-* Nâng cấp việc phân phối tích hợp liên tục
-### Tôi soạn tài liệu rất giỏi
-Một số người đã góp ý cho chúng tôi về lỗi đánh máy và các vấn đề ngữ pháp, điều này đã giúp chúng tôi nâng cấp sự trải nghiệm và khắc phục sự cố chung.
-### Tôi là một nhà thiết kế
-Chúng tôi có trang web frontend [ http://www.verdaccio.org/](http://www.verdaccio.org/) và sẽ rất vui khi nhận sư chia sẻ những ý tưởng của các bạn.
-Trang web của chúng tôi dựa trên [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### Tôi là một DevOps
-Chúng tôi có một hình ảnh Docker được sử dụng rộng rãi trên [ https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/), hình ảnh này cần được bảo trì và có thể cần được nâng cấp khá nhiều, chúng tôi cần kiến thức của bạn để mang lại lợi ích cho tất cả người dùng.
-Chúng tôi hỗ trợ phần ** Kubernetes**, **Puppet **, **Ansible** và **Chef**, và cần sự đóng góp của các bạn ở những nội dung này, vui lòng kiểm tra tất cả kho tài nguyên.
-### Tôi có thể dịch tài liệu
-Mục tiêu của Verdaccio là đa ngôn ngữ, để đạt được mục tiêu này, **chúng tôi đã nhận được sự giúp đỡ tuyệt vời** từ [ Crowdin ](https://crowdin.com) - một nền tảng hoàn hảo dành cho việc dịch thuật.
-Chúng tôi đã lập một dự án mà bạn có thể chọn ngôn ngữ yêu thích của mình, nếu bạn không tìm thấy ngôn ngữ mình muốn, vui lòng khởi chạy Tạo một vé yêu cầu.
-[Tham gia Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## Tôi đã sẵn sàng đóng góp vào bản dịch
-Nếu bạn đang nghĩ *"Tôi đã xem [kho lưu trữ ](repositories.md) và sẵn sàng đóng góp vào bản dịch ngay*, thì đó là một tin tốt để bạn có thể tiếp tục bước tiếp theo.
-Bạn cần phải tìm hiểu cách đóng góp vào bản dịch, [ chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng hướng dẫn cho bạn ](build.md).
-Khi bạn đã làm quen với tất cả các tập lệnh và biết cách sử dụng, chúng tôi sẵn sàng chuyển sang bước tiếp theo và bắt đầu chạy [**kiểm tra đơn vị**](test.md).
-## Dưới đây là danh sách đầy đủ các cộng tác viên. Chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ gặp bạn ở đây!
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Phát triển các phần mềm bổ trợ"
-Có nhiều cách để mở rộng `verdaccio`. Các loại phần mềm bổ trợ là:
-* Xác minh các phần mềm bổ trợ
-* Phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware (kể từ phiên bản `v2.7.0`)
-* Phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ từ phiên bản (` v3.x `)
-> Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên phát triển phần mềm bổ trợ bằng cách sử dụng [định nghĩa loại luồng ](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types) của chúng tôi.
-## Xác minh phần mềm bổ trợ
-Cơ bản chúng ta phải trả về một đối tượng với phương thức được gọi là `authenticate`, và sẽ nhận lại 3 tham số (`user, password, callback`).
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> Chỉ có các tùy chọn là `adduser`, ` allow_access` và `allow_publish` và verdaccio cung cấp chức năng dự phòng trong tất cả các tùy chọn này.
-#### Callback
-Khi xác thực được thực hiện, có hai tùy chọn để trả lời `verdaccio`.
-###### OnError
-Hiện lỗi này nghĩa là hoặc xảy ra lỗi hoặc xác thực không thành công.
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
-Xác thực thành công.
-`groups` là một tập hợp các chuỗi người dùng.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Ví dụ
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-Cấu hình sẽ trông như thế này:
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Trong đó `htpasswd` là tên của một phần mềm bổ trợ, ví dụ: hậu tố của `verdaccio-htpasswd`. Các mã còn lại là các tham số của cấu hình phần mềm bổ trợ.
-## Phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware
-Phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware có khả năng sửa đổi giao diện API để thêm các điểm cuối mới hoặc chặn các yêu cầu.
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-Phương thức này sẽ cung cấp đầy đủ cách truy cập để xác thực và lưu trữ thông qua `auth` và `storage`. Nếu bạn muốn thêm điểm cuối mới, hãy dùng ứng dụng `app`.
-> Một ví dụ điển hình về phần mềm bổ trợ Middleware là [ sinopia-github-oauth ](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) và verdaccio-audit .
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-Bằng cách sử dụng một cách thức duy nhất để đăng ký middleware là `register_middlewares`, chúng ta cần tìm một đối tượng có thể nhận được 3 tham số (` expressApp, auth, storage `) được gọi là. Lớp xác thực *Auth* và lớp lưu trữ chính *storage* cho phép bạn truy cập vào tất cả các hoạt động lưu trữ.
-## Phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ
-Theo mặc định, Verdaccio sử dụng phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ hệ thống tệp [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), tuy nhiên, từ phiên bản `verdaccio@3.x ` bạn có thể chèn lưu trữ tùy chỉnh thay vì hành vi mặc định.
-### API
-Vì API lưu trữ phức tạp hơn nên bạn sẽ cần phải tạo một lớp (bao gồm nhóm các đối tượng mà có các thuộc tính chung) có thể hoàn tác lại việc sử dụng ` IPluginStorage `. Vui lòng xem chi tiết bên dưới.
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> API lưu trữ vẫn đang trong quá trình chạy thử nghiệm và có thể sẽ được sửa đổi trong phiên bản tiếp theo. Để biết thêm thông tin về API lưu trữ, vui lòng truy cập [ và nhập định nghĩa trong kho lưu trữ chính thức của chúng tôi ](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types).
-### Những ví dụ về phần mềm bổ trợ bộ nhớ
-Dưới đây là danh sách những phần mềm bổ trợ đang sử dụng API lưu trữ và có thể được sử dụng làm ví dụ.
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> Bạn đã sẵn sàng đóng góp vào phần mềm bổ trợ lưu trữ mới chưa? [Nhấp vào đây.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-Để tải [hình ảnh docker mới nhất](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-![Docker pull](/svg/docker_verdaccio.gif)
-## Những phiên bản thẻ
-Bắt đầu với phiên bản `v2.x`, bạn có thể tải những hình ảnh này qua [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), cụ thể như sau:
-Đối với phiên bản chính:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3
-Đối với phiên bản phụ:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0
-Đối với một phiên bản (bản vá) cụ thể:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:3.0.1
-Phiên bản chính tiếp theo sẽ sử dụng bản `betacode> (master branch).
docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-> Nếu bạn quan tâm đến danh sách thẻ, hãy [truy cập trang web Docker](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Sử dụng Docker để chạy verdaccio
-Để chạy vùng chứa docker:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-Tham số cuối cùng sẽ xác định hình ảnh nào cần được sử dụng. Nếu bạn chưa thử, mã trên sẽ giúp bạn tải hình ảnh mới nhất được tạo trước từ dockerhub.
-Khi bạn muốn tạo [một bản sao cục bộ](#build-your-own-docker-image) hãy dùng `verdaccio` làm tham số cuối cùng.
-Bạn có thể sử dụng `-v` để liên kết với `conf`, `storage` và `plugins` với hệ thống tệp host:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- -v $V_PATH/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-> Lưu ý: Verdaccio chạy như một tài khoản non-root (uid = 100, gid = 101) bên trong vùng chứa. Nếu bạn sử dụng cài đặt bind để ghi đè lên các thiết lập mặc định, bạn cần đảm bảo thư mục cài đặt tương thích với tài khoản. Trong ví dụ trên, bạn sẽ chạy `sudo chown -R 100: 101/opt /verdaccio`, nếu không bạn sẽ nhận được cảnh báo lỗi quyền truy cập khi sử dụng. Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên [ sử dụng khối lượng docker](https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/) thay vì cài đặt bắt buộc.
-### Những phần mềm bổ trợ
-Những phần mềm bổ trợ có thể được cài đặt trong một thư mục riêng biệt và được gắn với Docker hoặc Kubernetes, tuy nhiên, bạn nên đảm bảo việc tạo các phần mềm bổ trợ bằng cách sử dụng các phụ thuộc cục bộ của cùng một dữ liệu hình ảnh như Verdaccio Dockerfile.
-### Docker và cấu hình cổng tùy chỉnh
-Bất kỳ một `host: port` nào sử dụng cấu hình trong `conf / config.yaml` ở `listen` sẽ bị bỏ qua khi sử dụng docker.
-Nếu bạn muốn có bản sao của verdaccio docker trên một cổng khác, chẳng hạn như `5000` trong lệnh `docker run`, bạn cần thay thế `-p 4873: 4873` bằng `-p 5000: 4873`.
-Bắt đầu từ phiên bản 2.?.? sẽ cho phép bạn chỉ định cổng nghe trong **docker container**. bạn có thể thực hiện thao tác này bằng cách cung cấp các tham số bổ sung cho `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000 `. Điều này sẽ thay đổi cổng được hiển thị bởi vùng chứa docker và cổng mà verdaccio sử dụng.
-Tất nhiên, những tham số `-p` bạn cung cấp phải khớp, vì vậy nếu bạn muốn tất cả chúng giống nhau, bạn chỉ cần sao chép, dán và sử dụng:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Sử dụng HTTPS trong Docker
-Bạn có thể cài đặt cấu hình giao thức tương tự như cấu hình cổng mà verdaccio sẽ sử dụng. Sau khi bạn xác định certificate trong config.yaml, bạn phải ghi đè giá trị mặc định ("http") trong biến môi trường ` PROTOCOL ` bằng "https".
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Sử dụng docker-compose
-1. Tải phiên bản mới nhất của [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Tạo và chạy vùng chứa:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-Sử dụng `PORT=5000` làm tiền tố cho lệnh trên nhằm cài đặt cổng để sử dụng (cả vùng chứa và máy chủ lưu trữ).
-Docker sẽ tạo ra một ổ đĩa có tên là lưu trữ dữ liệu ứng dụng liên tục. Bạn có thể sử dụng `docker inspect` hoặc `docker volume inspect` để xác định vị trí thực của ổ đĩa này và chỉnh sửa cấu hình, ví dụ như:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Tạo hình ảnh Docker của riêng bạn
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-Ngoài ra còn có một script npm để tạo ra một hình ảnh docker, vì vậy bạn cũng có thể làm như sau:
-npm run build:docker
-Xin lưu ý rằng việc tạo hình ảnh đầu tiên mất vài phút vì nó cần phải chạy `npm install` và khi bạn thay đổi bất cứ điều gì vào bất kỳ lúc nào và không được liệt kê trong `.dockerignore` thì sẽ mất một thời gian dài để chạy các tập tin này.
-Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng hình ảnh docker trên một thiết bị rpi hoặc một thiết bị tương thích khác thì cũng cần một dockerfile được tạo sẵn trước đó. Để tạo một hình ảnh docker của Raspberry Pi, bạn cần thực hiện như sau:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Lưu ý rằng bạn cần phải cài đặt docker trên máy của bạn để thực hiện bất kỳ lệnh docker nào ở trên, docker executable phải nằm trong `$PATH` của bạn.
-## Docket ví dụ
-Có một kho lưu trữ riêng biệt lưu nhiều cấu hình để tạo hình ảnh Docker với `verdaccio`, ví dụ như đối với reverse proxy:
-## Tạo tùy chỉnh Docker
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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index b25ec42a5..000000000
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Cài đặt trên máy chủ IIS"
-Những hướng dẫn này dành cho Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) và [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-- Khi muốn cài đặt IIS bạn cần chạy [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Bạn cần chắc chắn mình tuân thủ các điều kiện cần thiết trong việc cài đặt (Mô-đun Rewrite Rewrite & node) như được mô tả trong các hướng dẫn iisnode.
-- Bạn hãy tạo một thư mục mới trong Explorer để lưu trữ verdaccio. Ví dụ: `C:\verdaccio`. Lưu [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) và [web.config](#webconfig) vào thư mục này.
-- Tạo một trang mới trong Trình quản lý dịch vụ thông tin Internet. Hãy đặt tên cho thư mục theo ý thích của bạn. Tôi sẽ gọi là verdaccio như trong [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities) này. Xác định đường dẫn để lưu tất cả các tệp và số cổng.
-- Trở lại Explorer và cấp quyền cho người dùng sử dụng nhóm ứng dụng trong thư mục bạn vừa tạo. Trong trường hợp bạn đã đặt tên trang này là verdaccio và chưa sửa đổi nhóm ứng dụng, đồng thời trang đang chạy ứng dụng ApplicationPoolIdentity, bạn nên cấp cho người dùng quyền sửa đổi IIS AppPool\verdaccio. Nếu bạn cần trợ giúp, vui lòng tham khảo hướng dẫn. (Nếu cần, bạn có thể hạn chế quyền truy cập trong tương lai, chỉ cho phép quyền sửa đổi trong iisnode và verdaccio\storage)
-- Bắt đầu dòng lệnh và thực hiện lệnh sau để tải verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- Hãy chắc chắn bạn có yêu cầu gửi đến rằng chấp nhận lưu lượng truy cập TCP vào cổng tường lửa của Windows
-- Sau đấy bạn có thể điều hướng đến máy chủ và cổng mà bạn chỉ định
-Tôi muốn trang web `verdaccio` trở thành trang mặc định trong IIS, vì vậy tôi đã làm như sau:
-- Tôi chắc chắn sổ đăng ký cho tệp .npmrc trong `c:\users{yourname}` được đặt thành `"registry= http: // localhost /"`
-- Tôi đã hủy bỏ "trang web mặc định" và chỉ bắt đầu trang "verdaccio" trong IIS
-- Tôi cài đặt các binding thành "http" và địa chỉ Ip là "All Unassigned" ở cổng 80, nhấp vào ok cho bất kỳ cảnh báo hoặc lời nhắc nào
-Những nguyên tắc này dựa trên [ Host Sinopia trong IIS trên Windows ](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). Tôi phải điều chỉnh cấu hình trang web của mình như sau, tuy nhiên bạn có thể nhận thấy cấu hình ban đầu trong liên kết được đề cập ở trên hoạt động tốt hơn
-Tệp tin cấu hình mặc định `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml` sẽ được tạo
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### Khắc phục sự cố
-- **Không thể tải giao diện web được lưu trữ trên https vì web luôn tải tập lệnh từ http.**
- Hãy đảm bảo việc bạn nhập `url_prefix` chính xác trong cấu hình verdaccio. Vui lòng vào [discussion](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622) để cùng thảo luận.
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index 07775da8a..000000000
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-id: cài đặt
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio là một ứng dụng web đa nền tảng. Bạn cần phải có một số điều kiện bắt buộc trước khi cài đặt.
-#### Những yêu cầu tối thiểu
-1. Phiên bản Node. js
- - Đối với phiên bản `verdaccio@2.x` tối thiểu bạn phải dùng Node `v4.6.1`.
- - Đối với phiên bản `verdaccio@latest`, tối thiểu bạn phải dùng `6.12.0`.
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. Các giao diện hỗ trợ web bao gồm các trình duyệt như `Chrome, Firefox, Edge và IE9`.
-## Cài đặt CLI
-`verdaccio` phải được cài đặt theo một trong hai cách:
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-hoặc sử dụng `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-![cài đặt verdaccio](/svg/install_verdaccio.gif)
-## Cách sử dụng cơ bản
-Sau khi cài đặt, bạn chỉ cần thực hiện lệnh CLI:
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-Để biết thêm thông tin về CLI, vui lòng [ đọc phần cli](cli.md).
-## Hình ảnh Docker
-`verdaccio` có hình ảnh docker chính thức có thể được sử dụng và trong hầu hết các trường hợp, kể cả sử dụng với cấu hình mặc định. Để biết thêm chi tiết về cách cài đặt hình ảnh chính thức, vui lòng [đọc phần docker](docker.md).
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` is also available as a 1-click install on [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io)
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-Bạn có thể tìm thấy cách sử dụng Verdaccio trong phần lưu trữ Kubernetes ở [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example). Tuy nhiên, cách cài đặt chúng tôi gợi ý cho bạn để chạy Verdaccio trên phần lưu trữ Kubernetes là sử dụng [Helm](https://helm.sh). Vì Helm là một trình quản lý gói [ Kubernetes ](https://kubernetes.io) có nhiều ưu điểm.
-## Helm
-### Cài đặt Helm
-Nếu trước đây bạn chưa từng sử dụng Helm, bạn cần tạo bộ điều khiển Helm có tên là Tiller:
-helm init
-### Cài đặt
-Chạy biểu đồ Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio). Trong ví dụ này, chúng tôi sử dụng ` npm` làm tên bản phát hành:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Sử dụng cấu hình phiên bản cụ thể
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Nâng cấp Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Gỡ cài đặt
-helm del --purge npm
-**Lưu ý:** Lệnh này sẽ xóa tất cả mã nguồn, bao gồm các gói mà bạn đã đăng trước đó vào sổ đăng ký.
-### Tùy chỉnh cấu hình Verdaccio
-Bạn có thể tùy chỉnh cấu hình Verdaccio bằng Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Chuẩn bị
-Sao chép [cấu hình hiện tại](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) và điều chỉnh cấu hình theo những gì bạn muốn:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Lưu ý:** Hãy chắc chắn bạn đang sử dụng đúng đường dẫn để lưu trữ liên tục:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Cài đặt sử dụng configMap
-Cài đặt `configMap` trong cụm máy tính
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Cài đặt sử dụng cấu hình Verdaccio
-Bây giờ bạn có thể cài đặt cấu hình biểu đồ Verdaccio Helm và chỉ định cấu hình nào sẽ sử dụng:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Sữ hữu dụng của Rancher
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) là một nền tảng quản lý vùng chứa hoàn chỉnh giúp dễ dàng quản lý và sử dụng vùng chứa trong khi hoạt động.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-Cũng như bất kỳ ứng dụng web nào, verdaccio có trình ghi nhật ký tích hợp tùy chỉnh. Bạn có thể lựa chọn nhiều loại đầu ra.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### Cấu hình
-| Thuộc tính | Loại | Yêu cầu | Ví dụ | Hỗ trợ | Miêu tả |
-| ---------- | ------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------ | --------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | xác định đầu ra |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | nếu là tệp, hãy xác định vị trí của tệp |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | định dạng đầu ra |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | mức độ chi tiết |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio Logotype"
-The logotype was designed by **[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)** which won the [contest](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237) ([last stage](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328)) and donated his work to this project.
-> All logos are licensed under [Creative Commons](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs).
-Special thanks to *[@Lisapressmar](https://github.com/Lisapressmar)* for her contribution with multiple image formats and sizes.
-## Symbols
-**With text**
-![symbol tiny with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom.png)
-![symbol medium with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@2x.png)
-![symbol big with text](/img/logo/symbol/png/logo-small-header-bottom@3x.png)
-![symbol svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-**No text**
-![symbol tiny](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny.png)
-![symbol medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@2x.png)
-![symbol big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-tiny@3x.png)
-![svg format symbol no text](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### Black&White
-![symbol bw small](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![symbol bw medium](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![symbol bw big](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![symbol bw svg](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## Banner
-![banner small](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner.png)
-![banner medium](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@2x.png)
-![banner big](/img/logo/banner/png/verdaccio-banner@3x.png)
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio đã xem như đã được lập trình. Còn API trên nền tảng node lại ra đời sau phiên bản `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Cách sử dụng
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `npm publish` command.
-## Usage
-An example with a **HipChat**, **Stride** and **Google Hangouts Chat** hook:
-> Verdaccio supports any API, feel free to ad more examples.
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## Template
-We use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) as main template engine.
-### Format Examples
- # iterate all versions
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # publisher and `dist-tag` package published
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### Properties
-List of properties accesible via template
-* Metadata
-* Publisher (who is publishing)
-* Package Published (package@1.0.0)
-### Metadata
-Package metadata that the template has access
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### Publisher
-You can access to the package publisher information in the `content` of a webhook using the `publisher` object.
-See below the `publisher` object type:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
-An example:
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**Note:** it's not possible to get the publisher information if the `package.json` file already has the `publisher` property.
-### Package Published
-You can acces to the package is being published with the keyword `{{publishedPackage}}` as follows.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any [Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/) expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contraints that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remain on the shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the [htpasswd plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd). If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin does not handle `allow_access` and `allow_publish` by itself, it uses an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it.
-For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieve all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need to do something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend using a prefix for your packages, in that way it will be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just checks whether the user that tried to access or publish a specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Defining multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### Blocking proxying a set of specific packages
-You might want to block one or several packages from fetching from remote repositories., but, at the same time, allow others to access different *uplinks*.
-Let's see the following example:
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-Let's describe what we want with the above example:
-* I want to host my own `jquery` dependency but I need to avoid proxying it.
-* I want all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want all dependencies that are in the `my-local-scope` scope but I need to avoid proxying them.
-* I want proxying for all the rest of the dependencies.
-Be **aware that the order of your packages definitions is important and always use double wilcard**. Because if you do not include it `verdaccio` will include it for you and the way that your dependencies are resolved will be affected.
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> We higlight that we recommend to not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated and will soon be removed, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**).
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. It can be extended in many ways, either new authentication methods, adding endpoints or using a custom storage.
-> If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](dev-plugins.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
-### Auth Plugin Configuration
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Middleware Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a middleware plugin. All middleware plugins must be defined in the **middlewares** namespace.
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> You might follow the [audit middle plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit) as base example.
-### Store Plugin Configuration
-This is an example how to set up a storage plugin. All storage plugins must be defined in the **store** namespace.
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> If you define a custom store, the property **storage** in the configuration file will be ignored.
-## Legacy plugins
-### Sinopia Plugins
-(compatible all versions)
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-> All sinopia plugins should be compatible with all future verdaccio versions. Anyhow, we encourage contributors to migrate them to the modern verdaccio API and using the prefix as *verdaccio-xx-name*.
-## Verdaccio Plugins
-(compatible since 2.1.x)
-### Authorization Plugins
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### Middleware Plugins
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit): verdaccio plugin for *npm audit* cli support (built-in) (compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api): verdacci plugin for *npm profile* cli support and *npm profile set password* for *verdaccio-htpasswd* based authentificaton
-### Storage Plugins
-(compatible since 3.x)
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory) Storage plugin to host packages in Memory
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage) Storage plugin to host packages **Amazon S3**
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud) Storage plugin to host packages **Google Cloud Storage**
-## Caveats
-> Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-Install verdaccio for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.
-# Usage
-There are two variants to install verdaccio using this Puppet module:
-* Apply-mode (with puppet-apply and no puppetmaster setup needed)
-* Master-Agent-mode (with puppet-agent accessing your configuration through the puppetmaster).
-In both variants you have to explicitely call "class nodejs {}" in your puppet script because the puppet-verdaccio module only defines this as a requirement, so you have all the flexibility you want when installing nodejs. Scroll down for details about Master-Agent-mode variant.
-For further information:
-> We are looking for active contributors for this integration, if you are interested [refers to this ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11).
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-To see the complete list of repositories, [click here](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories).
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true |
-| auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true |
-#### Auth property
-The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
-or via a specified environment variable:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
-or by directly specifying a token:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`
-### You Must know
-* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packages and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header (note: escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-Verdaccio is a **lightweight private npm proxy registry** built in **Node.js**
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the **CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** for reading package info
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**
-* Follow the semantic Versioning compatible **(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## Using Verdaccio
-Using verdaccio with any node package manager client is quite straightforward.
-You can use a custom registry either setting globally for all your projects
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-or by command line as argument `--registry` in npm (slightly different in yarn)
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Private
-All packages that you publish are private and only accessible based in your configuration.
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio cache all dependencies by demand and speed up installations in local or private networks.
-## Verdaccio in a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was **forked** based on `sinopia@1.4.0` and 100% **backward compatible**.
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Ansible"
-#### 其他选项
-* Ansible 对Gentoo用户的作用:[jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia)。
-* Ansible 对 Ubuntu 用户的作用: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible)。
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: 认证
-title: "认证"
-认证部分设置与 "Auth" [ 插件 ](plugins.md)息息相关。包的访问限制也同时通过 [ 包访问权限](packages.md) 控制。
-客户端的认证流程由 `npm` 自行处理,在你通过以下命令登陆后:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-`npm` 会将 Verdaccio 返回的 Token 保存在配置文件中,它存放于您的用户主目录下。 如需了解更多有关于 `npm 配置 (.npmrc)` 相关的内容,请查阅 [官方文档](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### 匿名发布包
-`verdaccio` 允许启用匿名发布,要使用这个功能,必须设置正确的 [程序包访问权限](packages.md)。
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-如 [Issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) 所述,截至 `npm@5.3.0` 你仍然 **无法在没有 Token 的情况下发布包**。 `yarn` 没有此限制。
-## 默认 htpasswd
-为了简化安装,`verdaccio` 使用`htpasswd`基础上的插件。 到v3.0.x版本为止,默认使用[外部插件](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd)。 此包的v2.x 版本仍然包含此插件的内置版本。
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| 属性 | 类型 | 必填 | 示例 | 支持 | 描述 |
-| --------- | --- | -- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
-| 文件 | 字符串 | 是 | ./htpasswd | 任意路径 | 存储了加密认证信息的 htpasswd 文件 |
-| max_users | 数字 | 否 | 1000 | 任意数字 | 最大的用户数量 |
-如果需要禁止新用户注册,可将配置修改为 `max_users: -1`.
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-id: 创建
-title: "创建源代码"
-Verdaccio 依赖 `yarn` 而非 `npm` 来下载依赖项。
-*请注意:当前创建源代码只能通过`➜ yarn@1.x`来生成。
- yarn install
-要查看脚本的完整列表, 请[点击这里](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Build-Source-Code)。
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-id: chef
-title: "Chef Cookbook"
-Verdaccio使用Chef Cookbook
-* [https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-cookbook ](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-cookbook)
-> 我们在寻找此资源库的贡献者,如果有兴趣请通过发票证方式通知作者。
-作者: [Keli Grubb](https://github.com/kgrubb) && Barthelemy Vessemont。
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-id: ci
-title: "持续集成"
-在登陆或发布的时候,您可以用verdaccio 进行持续集成。 初次使用NPM在持续集成的环境里安装专用模块,可能会马上碰到问题。 NPM 登陆命令设计为交互式使用。 它导致CI,脚本等问题。 下面是如何使用NPM 登陆不同持续集成平台的方法。
-- [Travis CI](https://remysharp.com/2015/10/26/using-travis-with-private-npm-deps)
-- [Circle CI 1.0](https://circleci.com/docs/1.0/npm-login/) 或者[Circle CI 2.0](https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/deployment-integrations/#npm)
-- [Gitlab CI](https://www.exclamationlabs.com/blog/continuous-deployment-to-npm-using-gitlab-ci/)
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-id: cli
-title: "命令行工具"
-Verdaccio 命令行是启动和控制此应用的工具。
-## 命令
-verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| 参数 | 默认值 | 示例 | 描述 |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | --------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | HTTP 监听端口 |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | 配置文件路径 |
-## 默认配置文件路径位置
-要找到主目录,我们首先选择 **$XDG_DATA_HOME**,接着寻找Windows 环境 [APPDATA 环境变量](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/)。
-## 默认存储位置
-我们以**$XDG_DATA_HOME** 环境变量为默认值来默认查找存储,[这应该和](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) $HOME/.local/share一样。 如果您正在使用自定义存储,则与此位置不相干。
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-id: configuration
-title: "配置文件"
-此文件是 Verdaccio 的重要部分, 您可以在其中修改默认行为, 启用插件并扩展功能。
-一个默认的配置文件已经在您首次运行 ` Verdaccio ` 时创建。
-## 默认配置
-默认配置支持 ** 私有(scoped) ** 包, 并允许匿名访问非私有包, 但只有 ** 已登陆用户才能发布包**。
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## 章节
-### 存储
-是默认的存储方式。** Verdaccio 默认使用内置本地文件模式存储 **。
-storage: ./storage
-### 插件
-是插件目录的位置。对Docker/Kubernetes 基础上的配置非常有用。
-plugins: ./plugins
-### 认证
-认证设置在这里完成,默认的授权是基于`htpasswd` 并且是内置的。 您可以通过[plugins](plugins.md)来修改此行为。 有关更多本章节的详细信息,请阅读[auth页面](auth.md)。
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-这个选项允许你定制 Web UI 的外观,如需了解更多信息请参阅 [Web UI 页面](web.md)
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-### 上行链路
-当包不在本地的时候,上行链路可以让系统从远程的registry里获取这些包。 有关更多本章节的详细信息,请阅读[上行链路页面](uplinks.md)。
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### 包
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## 高级设置
-### 脱线发布
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL 前缀
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### 最大正文大小
-默认的最大JSON 文件正文大小为`10mb`, 如果遇到`"request entity too large"` 的错误提示,您可以增大此数值。
-max_body_size: 10mb
-### 监听端口
-`verdaccio` 默认在`4873`端口运行。可以通过[cli](cli.md) 或者在配置文件里更改端口,以下选项有效。
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-要在 `verdaccio`启用`https`,只要用 *https://*协议来设置`listen` 标志。 有关更多此章节的详细信息,请阅读 [ssl page](ssl.md)。
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxy是专门把数据从远程服务器传输到本地客户端的HTTP 服务器。
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-如果您的网络里有proxy,您可以用以下属性设置`X-Forwarded-For` 页眉。
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-此变量应该包含一个proxy 本不应该用到的以逗号分开的域名扩展列表。
-no_proxy: localhost,
-### 通知
-通过web hooks来启用第三方工具通知是很容易的。有关更多此章节的详细信息,请阅读 [notifications page(通知页面)](notifications.md)。
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> 有关更多配置设置的详细信息,请[核对源代码](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf)。
-### 审核
-Since: verdaccio@3.0.0
-`npm audit` 是和[npm 6.x](https://github.com/npm/npm/releases/tag/v6.1.0)一起发布的新命令。Verdaccio 包含一个内置的middleware plugin(中间插件)来处理此命令。
-> 新安装采用默认版本,但是您可以添加以下代码段到配置文件中
- audit:
- enabled: true
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-id: 贡献
-title: "参与Verdaccio贡献"
-首先, 一头扎进不熟悉的代码库并不容易,但是我们会在此帮助你。
-## 沟通频道
-如果您想提出问题,我们使用两个 Discord 频道进行讨论:
-* [公开 Discord 频道](http://chat.verdaccio.org/)
-## 开始
-### 找到我的长处
-### 我知道或者我想要学习 Node.js
-`verdaccio` 基于 Node.js 开发, 我们使用了一些第三方库,例如: `express`, `commander`, `request` 和 `async` 。 Verdaccio 是一个与 `npm` 或 `yarn` 这些第三方客户端兼容的 Rest API。
-### 我希望使用图形界面
-最近,我们已经开始使用 `React` 和 `element-react` 这样的现代技术。我们期待看到关于如何改善 UI 的新想法。
-### 我觉得改善堆栈更自在
-当然,我们会很乐意您帮助我们改善堆栈,您可以将依赖项升级为 `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`。 或者你愿意改进 `webpack` 的配置文件也很棒。 我们欢迎任何的建议。 此外,如果您有使用 **Yeoman** 的经验,您可以帮我们改善 [verdaccio 插件生成器 ](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin)。
-* 创建要在所有依赖项或插件中使用的eslint共同规则
-* 改善定义传递的流程类型
-* 迁移到Webpack 4
-* 改善Webpack的组件级
-* 我们在所有依赖项使用babel 和 webpack,为什么不能用通用预设?
-* 改善持续集成传递
-### 我在文档方面很在行
-### 我是设计师
-我们有个前端网站 ,将很高兴看到您的想法。
-### 我是一名DevOps
-我们支持 **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** 和 **Chef**,在这些领域我们需要帮助,请随时查看所有资源库。
-### 我可以翻译
-Verdaccio 的目标是多语言,为了实现这个目标,**我们得到了 **[Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) 的巨大支持,它是一个了不起的翻译平台。
-[转到 Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## 我已经做好贡献的准备
-## 这里是贡献者的完整名单。我们希望在这里看到您!
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "插件开发"
-有很多种扩展 `verdaccio`的方法,支持的插件种类有:
-* 认证插件
-* Middleware 插件 (自 `v2.7.0`)
-* 存储插件自 (`v3.x`)
-> 我们建议使用[flow类型定义](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types)来开发插件。
-## Authentication Plugin(认证插件)
-基本上我们必须用一个叫做`authenticate`的单一方法来返回一个object(对象),此方法将接收到3 个参数(`user, password, callback`)。
-### API
-interface IPluginAuth extends IPlugin {
- login_url?: string;
- authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
- allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: $Subtype, cb: Callback): void;
-> 仅 `adduser`, `allow_access` 和`allow_publish` 是可选的,verdaccio 在所有这些例子里提供后退功能。
-#### 回调
-一旦执行了认证,有两个选项来回应 `verdaccio`。
-###### OnError
-callback(null, false)
-###### OnSuccess
- callback(null, groups);
-### 例如
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-其中`htpasswd` 是插件名称,例如:`verdaccio-htpasswd` 的后缀。剩下的组成部分是插件配置的参数。
-## Middleware Plugin(Middleware 插件)
-Middleware 插件有修改API 接口的能力,它可以添加新的端点或者拦截请求。
-interface verdaccio$IPluginMiddleware extends verdaccio$IPlugin {
- register_middlewares(app: any, auth: IBasicAuth, storage: IStorageManager): void;
-### register_middlewares
-此方法通过`auth`和`storage`提供认证和存储的完全访问。`app` 是可以让您添加新端点的应用程序。
-> Middleware插件的一个很好的例子是[sinopia-github-oauth](https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth) 和 [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit)。
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, authInstance, storageInstance) {
- /* more stuff */
-要注册middleware,我们需要一个object(对象)以及一个可以接收3 个参数(`expressApp, auth, storage`),名叫 `register_middlewares`的单一方法。 *Auth*是认证实例,*storage* 也是主存储实例,它将让您可以访问到所有存储操作。
-## Storage Plugin(存储插件)
-Verdaccio 默认使用文件系统存储插件[local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage), 但是,从`verdaccio@3.x` 开始,您可以插入定制存储来取代默认的行为。
-### API
-存储API 更复杂一些,您将需要创建一个可以返回实现`IPluginStorage`的class(类)。请参阅以下详细信息。
-class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: $Subtype, logger: verdaccio$Logger): ILocalData;
-interface IPluginStorage {
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- config: $Subtype;
- add(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- remove(name: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- get(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- getSecret(): Promise;
- setSecret(secret: string): Promise;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): verdaccio$IPackageStorage;
- search(onPackage: verdaccio$Callback, onEnd: verdaccio$Callback, validateName: Function): void;
-interface IPackageStorageManager {
- path: string;
- logger: verdaccio$Logger;
- writeTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): verdaccio$IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: verdaccio$Package, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: verdaccio$Callback,
- onWrite: verdaccio$Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: verdaccio$Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: verdaccio$Package, callback: verdaccio$Callback): void;
-class verdaccio$IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- done: Function;
- _transform: Function;
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-class verdaccio$IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort: Function;
- abort(): void;
-> 存储API 仍然还在实验阶段,并在接下来的小版本中可能会有修改。 更多有关存储API 的详细信息,请访问[我们官方资源库里的类型定义](https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types)。
-### 存储插件示例
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)
-* [local-storage](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage)
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/Remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage/tree/s3)
-> 您是否愿意为新存储插件做出贡献?[请点击此处。](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/103#issuecomment-357478295)
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
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-id: iss-server
-title: "IIS server上进行安装"
-这些用法说明是为Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) 和[verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio)所写。
-- 安装IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode)。请确保您依照iisnode用法说明中所说的安装先决条件 (Url 重写模块 & 节点) 。
-- 在要承载verdaccio的资源管理器中创建一个新文件夹。 例如 `C:\verdaccio`。 在此文件夹里保存 [package.json](#packagejson), [start.js](#startjs) 和 [web.config](#webconfig) 。
-- 在因特网信息服务管理器中创建一个新站点。 您可以随意给它命名。 我将在这些[用法说明](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities)中称它为verdaccio。 指定保存所有文件和端口号的路径。
-- 返回到资源管理器中,把对您刚创建的文件夹的修改权限赋予给运行此应用程序池的用户。 如果您已命名此站点为verdaccio,并没有修改该应用程序池,它正在ApplicationPoolIdentity下运行,您就应该给用户 IIS AppPool\verdaccio修改权限。如果您需要帮助的话,请参照用法说明。 (如果需要,可以在日后限制访问,这样它只有 iisnode 和verdaccio\storage的修改权限)
-- 启动命令行并执行以下命令来下载verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-- 请确保您有入站规则来接受TCP流量到Windows防火墙的端口
-- 就这样!现在您可以导航到您指定的主机和端口
-我希望 `verdaccio`站点成为IIS中默认的站点,因此我执行了以下操作:
-- 我确定`c:\users{yourname}`里的.npmrc文件的registry已设置为 `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-- 我中止“默认网站”,并且只在IIS 里启动"verdaccio"站点
-- 我将端口80绑定设置为"http", ip 地址为"全部未定义",ok 任何警告或提示。
-这些指南是基于[Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75)。 我不得不依照以下调整我的网页配置,但是您可能发现上述提到链接里的原始配置可以更好作业
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
-### 故障排除
-- **以https 为主机的网页界面无法加载,因为它总是尝试从 http下载脚本。**
- 请确保您在verdaccio配置里正确提到`url_prefix`。请跟随 [讨论](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/622)。
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-id: index1
-date: 2017-07-10T23:36:56.503Z
-title: Docs Home
-`verdaccio` is a fork of **sinopia** and it's backwards compatible.
-## Why should I use verdaccio?
-* I am/was **sinopia** user and need an **easy migration**.
-* I need a lightweight and free solution
-* I need long-term support and help when I got stuck.
-* I want a product compatible with the newer tools as **Yarn** and **DevOps (Docker, Ansible, Puppet, etc)** tools.
-* An evolving plugabble product, not only for **Authentification**, also for **Storage** and more in the future.
-* An active community
-* Integration with **Nexus**, **Artifactoy** and any other npm compatible registry.
-A bunch more of reasons [you might be interested](https://medium.com/@jotadeveloper/five-use-cases-where-a-npm-private-proxy-fits-in-your-workflow-632a81779c14).
-### Why we forked from Sinopia?
-It [appeared that sinopia maintenance had stalled and the author had abandoned it](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/376), so there was a suggestion that the sinopia-using community would benefit from a fresh look at the code and the outstanding issues. So here we are The last step about the [detach from sinopia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/38).
-### Near Future
-`verdaccio` aims to be compatible with sinopia along the time preserving the main features, a lightweight app based on local file system and easy installation but being able to be pluggable and built over a modern tool stack.
-## Getting Started
-### Installation
-* [Installation](/docs/installation)
-### Usage
-* [Command Line](/docs/cli)
-### Configuration
-* [The configuration file](/docs/configuration)
-* [Setting up *uplinks*](/docs/uplinks)
-* [Packages Access](/docs/packages)
-* [Authorization and Access](/docs/authentication)
-* [Enable Notifications](/docs/notifications)
-* [Custom Logs](/docs/logger)
-### UI Customization
-* [Configure the Web](/docs/webui)
-## Server Configurations
-* [Advanced Server Configuration](/docs/server)
-* [Reverse Proxy](/docs/reverse-proxy)
-* [SSL Certificates](/docs/ssl)
-### Windows Specific Settings
-* [Installing As a Windows Service](/docs/windows)
-* [Installing on IIS server](/docs/iis-server)
-## Extend Verdaccio
-* [Installing Plugins](/docs/plugins)
-## DevOps
-* [Configure with Ansible](/docs/ansible)
-* [Using Docker Image](/docs/docker)
-* [Using Kubernetes](/docs/kubernetes)
-## Guides && Recipes
-* [Learn how to protect your packages](/docs/recipes/protect-your-dependencies)
-## Development
-* [I want to to contribute](/docs/dev/contributing)
-* [Build verdaccio](/docs/dev/build)
-* [Create plugins](/docs/dev/plugins)
-* [Repositories](/docs/dev/repositories)
-* [Unit Testing](/docs/dev/unit-test)
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-id: installation
-title: "安装"
-Verdaccio 是一个跨平台的 Web 应用程序。在安装之前,您需要确保系统环境已满足以下条件。
-#### 最低要求:
-1. Node.js 版本
- - 对于 `verdaccio@2.x` 版本,Node `v4.6.1` 是最低支持版本。
- - 对于 `verdaccio@latest` 版本,Node `6.12.0` 是最低支持版本。
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. Web 界面支持 `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, 和 IE9` 浏览器。
-## 安装CLI
-`verdaccio` 需要使用以下两种方法之一安装到全局环境:
-使用 `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-或使用 `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-## 基本使用
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.0.1
-## Docker 镜像
-`verdaccio` 有官方 docker 镜像可以使用,在大多数情况下,默认配置已经足够了。 更多关于如何安装官方镜像的详细信息,请[阅读docker章节](docker.md)。
-## Cloudron
-`verdaccio` 可以使用 [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io) 一键安装
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-您可以在[verdaccio/docker-例子](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example)资源库找到在Kubernetes群集中配置Verdaccio的指南。 然而,建议在Kubernetes集群上安装Verdaccio的方法是使用[Helm](https://helm.sh)。 Helm 是 [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) 包管理者,它带来很多优点。
-## Helm
-### 设置Helm
-helm init
-### 安装
-配置Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart。在这个例子里,我们用 `npm` 作为发行名称:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### 配置特定版本
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### 升级Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### 卸载
-helm del --purge npm
-**请注意:** 此命令删除所有源代码,包含您之前可能已经发布到registry里的包。
-### 自定义Verdaccio 配置
-您可以用Kubernetes *configMap*自定义 Verdaccio 配置。
-#### 准备
-复制 [现有配置](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml)并将其调整为您所需要的:
-wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**请注意:** 请确保您使用的是持续存储的正确路径:
-torage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### 配置configMap
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### 配置Verdaccio
-现在您可以配置Verdaccio Helm chart 并指定使用哪个配置:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher 支持
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) 是一个完整的容器管理平台,它使得在生产中管理和使用容器非常容易。
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: 记录器
-title: "记录器"
-和任何网页应用程序一样, verdaccio 有可自定义的内置记录器。您可以定义多种输出类型。
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
- # Rotating log stream. Options are passed directly to bunyan. See: https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file
- - {type: rotating-file, format: json, path: /path/to/log.jsonl, level: http, options: {period: 1d}}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it. Note: Rotating log stream is not supported in cluster mode. [See here](https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan#stream-type-rotating-file)
-### 配置
-| 属性 | 类型 | 必填 | 范例 | 支持 | 描述 |
-| ------ | ------ | -- | ---------------------------------------------- | --- | ----------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | 定义输出 |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | 如果类型为文件,请定义该文件的位置 |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | 输出格式 |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | 详细级别 |
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-id: logo
-title: "Verdaccio 标识"
-此标识由赢得[制作比赛](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237)(最后阶段[](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/328))且将作品捐献给此项目的**[Breno Rodrigues](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno)**制作。
-> 所有标识均使用[知识共享](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/LICENSE-docs)许可授权。
-## 标识
-![svg 标识](/img/logo/symbol/svg/logo-small-header-bottom.svg)
-![无文本 svg 格式标识](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-tiny.svg)
-### 黑白
-![小 bw 标识](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite.png)
-![中等 bw 标识](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@2x.png)
-![大 bw 标识](/img/logo/symbol/png/verdaccio-blackwhite@3x.png)
-![svg bw 标识](/img/logo/symbol/svg/verdaccio-blackwhite.svg)
-## 横幅
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio 可以以编程方式调用。node API在版本`verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`后被引入。
-## 使用
-#### 编程
- mport startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## 其他执行
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) 本地 npm registry proxy server(代理服务器)
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: 通知
-title: "通知"
-创建通知主要是与Slack的输入webhooks一起使用,但它也会传递简单的载荷到任何末端。目前只对 `npm publish`命令有效。
-## 使用
-**HipChat**, **Stride** 和 **Google Hangouts Chat** hook的一个范例:
-> Verdaccio 支持任何 API, 请随意添加更多范例。
-#### 单个通知
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### 多通知
- 'example-google-chat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/AAAAB_TcJYs/messages?key=myKey&token=myToken
- content: '{"text":"New package published: `{{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}'
- 'example-hipchat':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-stride':
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, {'authorization': 'Bearer secretToken'}]
- endpoint: https://api.atlassian.com/site/{cloudId}/conversation/{conversationId}/message
- content: '{"body": {"version": 1,"type": "doc","content": [{"type": "paragraph","content": [{"type": "text","text": "New package published: * {{ name }}* Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }}"}]}]}}'
-## 模板
-我们用[Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) 作为主要模板引擎。
-### 格式范例
- # 重复所有版本
- {{ name }}{{#each versions}} v{{version}}{{/each}}`"}
- # 已发布的发表人和 `dist-tag` 包
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-### 属性
-* 元数据
-* 发表者(在发表的人)
-* 已发布的包(包@1.0.0)
-### 元数据
- {
- "_id": "@test/pkg1",
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "description": "",
- "dist-tags": {
- "beta": "1.0.54"
- },
- "versions": {
- "1.0.54": {
- "name": "@test/pkg1",
- "version": "1.0.54",
- "description": "some description",
- "main": "index.js",
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
- },
- "keywords": [],
- "author": {
- "name": "Author Name",
- "email": "author@domain.com"
- },
- "license": "MIT",
- "dependencies": {
- "webpack": "4.12.0"
- },
- "readmeFilename": "README.md",
- "_id": "@ test/pkg1@1.0.54",
- "_npmVersion": "6.1.0",
- "_nodeVersion": "9.9.0",
- "_npmUser": {},
- "dist": {
- "integrity": "sha512-JlXWpLtMUBAqvVZBvH7UVLhXkGE1ctmXbDjbH/l0zMuG7wVzQ7GshTYvD/b5C+G2vOL2oiIS1RtayA/kKkTwKw==",
- "shasum": "29c55c52c1e76e966e706165e5b9f22e32aa9f22",
- "tarball": "http://localhost:4873/@test/pkg1/-/@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz"
- }
- }
- },
- "readme": "# test",
- "_attachments": {
- "@test/pkg1-1.0.54.tgz": {
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "data": "H4sIAAAAAAAAE+y9Z5PjyJIgOJ ...",
- "length": 33112
- }
- },
- "time": {}
- }
-### 发表人
-您可以用`publisher` object(对象)在webhook的`content`里访问包发表人信息。
-请参阅以下`publisher` object(对象)类别:
- {
- name: string,
- groups: string[],
- real_groups: string[]
- }
- notify:
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*. Publisher name: * {{ publisher.name }} *.","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-**请注意:** 如果 `package.json` 文件已经有`publisher`属性,是不可能再拿到发表人信息的。
-### 已发布包
-您可以如以下所示用热词`{{publishedPackage}}` 来访问已经发布的包.
- {{ publisher.name }} has published {{publishedPackage}}"}
-## 配置
-| 属性 | 类型 | 必填 | 支持 | 默认 | 描述 |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | --- | --- | -- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | 仅当包名字和正规表达式匹配时才运行此通知 |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | 任何与正规表达式一起使用的标记 |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | 如果此端点需要特定的标头,请把它们设置为键数组:value objects(值对象)。 |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | 设置此调用的URL 端点 |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | 任何[Handlebar](https://handlebarsjs.com/)表达式 |
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-id: packages
-title: "包的访问"
-安全约束构建于被使用的插件上,在默认情况下,`verdaccio`使用[htpasswd 插件](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd)。 如果你使用不同的插件,行为可能会有所不同。 默认插件自己并不处理`allow_access`和`allow_publish`,它使用内部回退功能以防止插件尚未就绪。
-### 用法
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- proxy: uplink2
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-如果`htpasswd` 返回用户名为组,所有用户,不管匿名与否,都会分别接到该组的权限以及插件提供的组。 例如,如果你以`npmUser`身份登录,组列表为。
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-如果你想要保护你所在组的特定包,你需要做如下工作。 我们来使用一个包含所有前缀为`npmuser-`的包的`Regex`。 我们建议在包前使用前缀,通过这种方式更容易保护它们。
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-你可以使用不同的插件认证来更改现有行为。 `verdaccio`只是检查试图访问或发布特定包的用户是否属于正确的组。
-#### 设置多个组
- 'company-*':
- access: admin internal
- publish: admin
- proxy: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy: server1
-#### 阻止对一组包的访问
-如果你想要阻止访问/发布到一组包,只要不定义`access` 和 `publish`即可。
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
-#### 阻止代理一组特定包
- 'jquery':
- access: $all
- publish: $all
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '@my-local-scope/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- '**':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-* 我想要自己的服务器上放置`jquery`依赖库但需要避免代理它。
-* 我想要所有和`my-company-*`匹配的依赖库但我需要避免代理它们。
-* 我想要在`my-local-scope`范围内的所有依赖库但我需要避免代理它们。
-* 我想要代理所有剩余的依赖库。
-**注意库定义的顺序很重要同时必须使用双通配符**。 因为如果你没有包含它,`verdaccio`会帮你来包含它,这样你的依赖库解析会受到影响。
-### 配置
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`. The syntax is based on [minimatch glob expressions](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch).
-| 属性 | 类型 | 必须的 | 示例 | 支持 | 描述 |
-| ------- | ------- | --- | -------------- | --- | --------------- |
-| access | string | No | $all | all | 定义允许访问包的组 |
-| publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | 定义允许发布的组 |
-| proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | 针对特定的uplink限制查找 |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-> 我们强烈建议不要再使用已被弃用的**allow_access**/**allow_publish** 和 **proxy_access**,它们很快就会被移除,请使用它们的精简版本 (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**) 。
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-id: plugins
-title: "插件"
-> 如果您感兴趣开发自己的插件,请阅读[开发](dev-plugins.md)部分。
-## 用法
-### 安装
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
- $> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### 配置
-### Auth插件配置
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-#### 多个Auth插件
-This is tecnically possible, making the plugin order important, as the credentials will be resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### 中间件插件配置
- audit:
- enabled: true
-> 您可以跟着[audit middle plugin(审核中间插件)](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit)的基本范例。
-### 存储插件配置
- memory:
- limit: 1000
-> 如果您定义定制存储,配置文件中的**存储**属性将会被忽略。
-## 旧式插件
-### Sinopia插件
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm):支持npm注册表的sinopia认证插件。
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory):在内存中缓存用户的sinopia认证插件。
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli)。
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd):支持atlassian crowd的sinopia认证插件。
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory):sinopia Active Directory认证插件。
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth):sinopia2的认证插件,支持github oauth web flow。
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth):将认证代理给另一个HTTP URL的Sinopia认证插件。
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap):另一个Sinopia LDAP认证插件
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request):一个简单易用且功能齐全的认证插件,可以通过配置使用外部API。
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email):使用htaccess格式生成密码,通过GPG加密并通过MailGun API发送给用户。
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb):一个易用且功能齐全的认证插件,可通过配置使用mongodb数据库。
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd):支持htpasswd格式的sinopia认证插件。
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb):针对Sinopia private npm的基于leveldb的Sinopia认证插件。
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres):sinopia Gitlab认证插件。
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab):sinopia Gitlab认证插件。
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap):sinopia LDAP认证插件。
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env):基于github oauth web flow的Sinopia认证插件。
-> 所有sinopia 插件都应该和所有verdaccio将来版本兼容。 无论如何,我们鼓励贡献者们迁移到 modern verdaccio API并使用 *verdaccio-xx-name*为前缀。
-## Verdaccio插件
-### 授权插件
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket):verdaccio Bitbucket认证插件。
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket-server](https://github.com/oeph/verdaccio-bitbucket-server): Bitbucket Server authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-* [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci): Enable GitLab CI to authenticate against verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-htpasswd](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-htpasswd): Auth based on htpasswd file plugin (built-in) for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth](https://github.com/aroundus-inc/verdaccio-github-oauth): Github oauth authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-github-oauth-ui](https://github.com/n4bb12/verdaccio-github-oauth-ui): GitHub OAuth plugin for the verdaccio login button.
-### 中间件插件
-* [verdaccio-audit](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-audit):支持*npm audit* cli的verdaccio插件(内置) (自3.x版本后兼容)
-* [verdaccio-profile-api](https://github.com/ahoracek/verdaccio-profile-api):该插件支持*npm profile*cli,以及针对基于*verdaccio-htpasswd*认证的*npm profile set password*插件。
-### 存储插件
-* [verdaccio-memory](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-memory)在内存中装载包的存储插件
-* [verdaccio-s3-storage](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage)在**Amazon S3**中存储包的存储插件
-* [verdaccio-google-cloud](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-google-cloud)在**Google Cloud Storage**中存储包的存储插件
-## 警告
-> 并不是所有这些插件都被持续测试过,其中有些可能根本无法正常工作。 如果您发现任何问题,请随时通知每个插件的所有者。
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-id: protect-your-dependencies(保护-依赖项)
-title: "保护包"
-`verdaccio` 允许发布保护,为了要使用此功能,您将需要正确设置[包访问权限](packages)。
-### 包配置
-例如,让我们一起来看以下设置。 您有一组前缀为`my-company-*`的依赖项,您要保护它们不让匿名或另一个没有正确证书的已登录用户使用。
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to *publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### 用例:teamD试着访问此依赖项
-因此,如果我以**teamD**身份登录。我应该无法访问匹配`my-company-*` pattern的所有依赖项。
-➜ npm whoami
-我无法访问此类依赖项,并且在网页上也不会被用户 **teamD**看到。如果我试着访问,结果如下。
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-错误出现意外错误: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: 不允许未注册用户访问my-company-core包"。
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-id: puppet
-title: "Puppet"
-# 用法
-* Apply-mode (和puppet-apply一起使用,无需配置puppetmaster)
-* Master-Agent-mode (puppet-agent会通过puppetmaster访问你的配置)。
-在这两个变量中,你必须在你的puppet代码中显式调用"class nodejs {}",原因在于puppet-verdaccio模块只以此做为先决条件,因此在安装nodejs时你具有所有你需要的灵活性。 向下滚动查看Master-Agent-mode的所有细节信息。
-> 我们正在为这个集成寻找积极的贡献者,如果你感兴趣,请查看[这个票证](https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio/issues/11)。
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-id: source-code(源-代码)
-title: "源代码"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-要查看完整资源库列表, 请[点击这里](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Repositories)。
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-id: reverse-proxy(逆向代理服务器)
-title: "逆向代理服务器设置"
-## Apache
-不要在Apache 和mod_proxy 解码/编码slashes(斜线),要让它们保持不变:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### 用SSL 配置
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache 虚拟服务器配置
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## 在逆向代理服务器后运行用不同的域名和端口
-如果您在逆向代理服务器后运行verdaccio,您可能会注意到所有源文件都起到相关路径的作用,如 ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` header
-Nginx configure应该如下所示:
-ocation / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-在这个例子里,verdaccio config里不应该设置`url_prefix`
-* * *
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-在这个例子里, `url_prefix` 应该设置为`/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/verdaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration(服务器-配置)
-title: "服务器配置"
-这主要是一些基础的linux服务器配置信息,但是我觉得很重要来记录并分享我让verdaccio 在服务器上永久运行的步骤。 您将需要以下的根(或者sudo)权限。
-## 作为单独用户运行
-首先创建verdaccio 用户:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-您用以下命令来创建一个 shell作为verdaccio用户:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-'cd ~' 命令把您送到verdaccio用户的主目录。请确保您至少运行一次verdaccio来生成config文件。根据您的需求来编辑它。
-## 监听所有地址
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-如果您在Amazon EC2 Instance运行 `verdaccio`, 如上所述,[您将需要设置监听config 文件](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) 。
-> Apache configure? 请查看[逆向代理服务器配置](reverse-proxy.md)
-## 让 verdaccio一直运行下去
-我们可以使用名为'forever(永远)’的节点包来让verdaccio一直运行下去。 https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-请确保您至少已经启动一次verdaccio来生成config 文件,并记录下创建的管理员用户。然后,您可以用以下命令来启动verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-## 存留服务器重启
-我们可以在服务器重启后同时用crontab和forever来重启 verdaccio。当您以 verdaccio 用户登录后请执行以下操作:
-$ crontab -e
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-取决于服务器的设置,位置可能会有所不同。如果您想知道文件的位置,可以使用 'which' 命令:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "设置SSL 证书"
-依照这些说明来配置SSL 证书来服务HTTPS 下的NPM registry。
-* 在`~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`更新监听属性:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-一旦更新监听,并试着再次运行verdaccio ,将会被要求使用证书。
-* 生成证书
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * 编辑 config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`并添加以下部分
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- 或者,如果证书是server.pfx`格式,您可以添加以下配置部分。如果证书已加密,密码则是可选以及仅当需要时使用。
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-更多 关于`key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` 和`passphrase` 参数信息,请参照 [节点文档](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* 在命令行运行`verdaccio`。
-* 打开浏览器并加载`https://your.domain.com:port/`
-此指南主要在OSX和 Linux里有效,在 Windows 里,路径将不同,但步骤是一样的。
-## Docker
-如果您使用Docker 镜像,您得设置`PROTOCOL` 环境变量到 `https`中,原因是因为 `listen` 参数由 [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43)提供, 因此在您的config 文件中被忽略。
-如果您使用不同于 `4873`的端口,您也可以设置 `PORT` 环境变量。
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-id: unit-testing(单元-测试)
-title: "单元测试"
-Verdaccio has strong focus on unit testing and end to end testing. If you are willing to contribute, please refer to the following [guide for more information](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Developing-new-tests).
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-id: uplinks(上行链路)
-title: "上行链路"
-*上行链路* 是指可以访问到外部包的外部注册服务器地址。
-### 用法
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### 配置
-你可以定义多个上行链路,每一个都必须有唯一的名称(键值). 它们可以有多个属性:
-| 属性 | 类型 | 必须的 | 范例 | 支持版本 | 描述 | 默认值 |
-| ------------ | ------- | --- | --------------------------------------- | ------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
-| url | string | 是 | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | 全部 | 外部注册服务器URL | npmjs |
-| ca | string | 否 | ~./ssl/client.crt' | 全部 | SSL证书文件路径 | 无默认值 |
-| timeout | string | 否 | 100ms | 全部 | 为请求设置新的超时时间 | 30s |
-| maxage | string | 否 | 10m | 全部 | 请求返回信息时效,在此时间内不会发起相同的请求 | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | 否 | 10m | 全部 | 请求在连续失败超过指定次数后的最长等待重试时间 | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | 否 | 2 | 全部 | 请求连续失败的最大次数限制 | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | 否 | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | 缓存下载的远程tarball文件到本地 | true |
-| auth | list | 否 | [见下文](uplinks.md#auth-property) | >= 2.5 | 指定“授权authorization”请求头的内容 [详情见](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | 禁用 |
-| headers | list | 否 | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | 全部 | 上行链路请求的请求头header列表 | 禁用 |
-| strict_ssl | boolean | 否 | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | 为true时,会检测SSL证书的有效性 | true |
-#### Auth属性
-`auth` 属性内容是向上行链路发起请求时提供的授权令牌。例如使用默认环境变量:
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token_env: FOO_TOKEN
-`token_env: FOO_TOKEN`内部将使用 `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`
- private:
- url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
- auth:
- type: bearer
- token: "token"
-> 注意: `token`的优先级高于`token_env`
-### 须知
-* 自版本 `v2.3.0`以来, Verdaccio 不在使用Basic Authentication。verdaccio 所生成的所有令牌都基于 JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
-* 上行链路必须是兼容`npm`的注册服务器 例如: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* 设置`cache` 为false可以帮助节省你的硬盘空间。 这将避免存储 `tarballs`,但是[它将保留元数据在文件夹里](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391)。
-* 配置过多的上行链路会导致包查询速度变慢,这是因为相比较一个npm客户端每发送一次的请求,verdaccio却需要向每个上行链路都发送一次这样的请求
-* 这些属性(timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) 的配置单位格式参考[NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases(使用-案例)
-title: "使用案例"
-## 使用私有包
-建议您定义私有包的前缀。例如“local(当地)",这样您私人的东西将如下所示:`local-foo`。 通过这种方法您可以清楚地把公有包和私有包分开。
-## 从npmjs.org使用公有包
-如果一些包没有在存储里,服务器将试着从npmjs.org中取它。 如果npmjs.org坏了,它会假装没有其他的包存在, 并起到缓存包的作用。 Verdaccio将只下载需要的 (= 由客户要求的)信息, 而且此信息将被缓存,这样如果客户再次问同样的事,它可以马上作用而不需要问npmjs.org。
-例如:如果您曾经成功从此服务器请求express@3.0.1,哪怕npmjs.org 坏了,您也可以在任何时候再次请求(包含其相关项)。 但是,除非有人真正需要express@3.0.0,否则它是不会被下载的。 而且如果npmjs.org脱线,此服务器将会说除了express@3.0.1 (=只有在缓存里的)外,没有其他的发布。
-## 覆盖公共包
-如果您希望使用一些公共包`foo`的修正版本,您只要把它发布到您的当地服务器,这样当您输入`npm install foo`,它将考虑安装您的版本。
-1. 您要创建单独的分叉并停止与公共版本同步。
- 如果您希望这么做,您应该修改配置文件,这样verdaccio将不再向npmjs提出此包的请求。 将此包单独添加到*config.yaml* 中并从`proxy`列表删除`npmjs`,然后重启服务器。
- 当您在本地发布包,您可能应该从现有版本更高的 string开始,这样它就不会和缓存中的现有包冲突。
-2. 您希望临时使用自己的版本,但在它更新后立即切换回公共版本。
- 为了避免版本冲突,您应该使用下一个补丁版本的自定义预发行的后缀。 例如,如果公共包有 0.1.2版本,您可以上传0.1.3-my-temp-fix。 这样,您的包将在原始维护人员更新其公共包到0.1.3之前使用。
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio 有可定制的 Web 界面用于管理私有包
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
- scope:
-所有访问限制设置可以参考 [保护包](protect-your-dependencies.md) 页面,这些规则也将应用于 Web 界面。
-### 配置
-| 属性 | 类型 | 必填 | 示例 | 支持 | 描述 |
-| ------ | ------- | -- | ------------------------------ | --- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | 允许显示网页界面 |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML 页眉标题说明 |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | logo 位于的URI |
-| scope | string | No | \\@myscope | all | 如果要为特定模块作用域使用此registry,请指定该作用域,在webui指南页眉内设置它(注释:escape @ with \\@) |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio(verdaccio是什么)
-title: "Verdaccio是什么?"
-Verdaccio 是一个 **Node.js**创建的**轻量的私有npm proxy registry**
-## Registry是什么?
-* 包的资源库,它执行**CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification** 来阅读包信息
-* 提供与npm clients **(yarn/npm/pnpm)**兼容的API
-* 跟随Versioning语义兼容**(semver)**
- $> verdaccio
-## 使用Verdaccio
-用任何节点包manager client使用 verdaccio是相当简单的。
- npm set registry http://localhost:4873
- npm install lodash --registry http://localhost:4873
-## 私有
-## Proxy
-Verdaccio 按需要缓存所有相关项,并在当地或私有网络下可以加速安装。
-## Verdaccio概述摘要
-* 它是基于Node.js的网页应用程序
-* 它是私有npm registry
-* 它是本地网络proxy
-* 它是可插入式应用程序
-* 它相当容易安装和使用
-* 我们提供Docker和Kubernetes支持
-* 它与yarn, npm 和pnpm 100% 兼容
-* 它**forked**于`sinopia@1.4.0`并且100% **向后兼容**。
-* Verdaccio 表示**意大利中世纪晚期fresco 绘画中流行的一种绿色**的意思。
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-id: windows
-title: "作为 Windows 服务安装"
-基于的非精确指南请见[这里](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service)。 我制作以下,它提供良好运行的verdaccio 服务安装:
-1. 为 verdaccio创建一个目录
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. 当地安装verdaccio(我在全局安装的时候出现npm问题)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. 在此位置`(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`创建`config.yaml`文件
-4. Windows服务设置
-## 使用NSSM
-替代方法: (当我尝试下载的时候,WinSW 包缺失)
-* 下载[NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/)并提取
-* 添加包含nssm.exe 的路径到PATH(路径)中
-* 打开管理命令
-* 运行nssm install verdaccio,至少必须填写应用程序 tab Path(选项卡路径),启动目录和参数字段。 假设在系统路径中以及c:\verdaccio位置用node安装,以下的值将起作用:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\build\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- 您可以根据需要在其他选项卡调整其他服务设置。完成后,请单击安装服务按钮
- * 启动服务 sc 启动 verdaccio
-## 使用WinSW
-* 截至2015-10-27, WinSW 不再存在以下位置。请跟随以上使用NSSM指南。
-* 下载 [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * 放置可执行文件(例如`winsw-1.9-bin.exe`)到此文件夹(`c:\verdaccio`) 中并将其重命名为`verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* 在`c:\verdaccio`创建一个配置文件, 命名为`verdaccio-winsw.xml`,它有以下配置`xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`。
-* 安装服务
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* 开始服务
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-以上的一些配置比我预想的要繁琐,看起来好像忽略了'workingdirectory',但除此以外,这对我来说很有效,而且让verdaccio instance保持在服务器重启之间,并且还在verdaccio 流程出事故的时候可以自我重启。
-## 资源库
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Installing with Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a build-in plugin based on `htpasswd`.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download depenedencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn` latest.*
- yarn install
-## Scripts
-We have a list of scripts that you will use for diferent kind of tasks, in the following section we describe all posible task based on branches.
-### Branch (2.x)
-On branch `2.x` the unique part we have to build is the UI which is based on React.js, webpack and CSS Modules.
-#### Scripts
-| script | Description |
-| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| release | this script is used to generate changelog and raise up the version according the commits messages |
-| prepublish | it ensures before publish the new ui is being generated |
-| test | run all the test |
-| pre:ci | specific task for CI, build the UI required for test |
-| test:ci | run test generating coverage |
-| test:only | run only test |
-| test:coverage | run `nyc` as a wrapper to generate coverage with mocha test |
-| coverage:html | run `nyc` to generate coverage reports |
-| coverage:publish | publish on `codecov` the coverage (don't use it) |
-| lint | run the linting for javascript code. |
-| lint:css | run the linter for `css` |
-| dev:webui | run a `webpack` server with hot reloading enabled `http://localhost:4872/#/` it requires a `verdaccio` server running in port `4873`. |
-| pre:webpack | prepare the field for webpack (it a substask of `build:webui`) |
-| build:webui | create the static assets for the UI with `webpack` |
-| build:docker | create a local docker image with `verdaccio` |
-| build:rpi | create a local docker for raspberry pi image with `verdaccio` **(experimental with no support)** |
-#### Master branch (3.x)
-The current major version is based on `babel` and `flow`. If you switch from master ensure to run `yarn install` again.
-*Note: Only new scripts in bold*
-### Scripts
-| script | Description |
-| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| **flow** | run flow check |
-| **dev:start** | run `babel-node` and transpile code on memory |
-| **code:build** | transpile `verdaccio` with `babel` and copy transpiled code to `build/` |
-| release | this script is used to generate changelog and raise up the version according the commits messages |
-| prepublish | it ensures before publish the new ui is being generated |
-| test | run all the test `jest` |
-| test:unit | run the unit test |
-| test:func | run the funtional test |
-| pre:ci | specific task for CI, build the UI required for test |
-| pretest | A shorcut for transpile the code |
-| test:ci | run test generating coverage |
-| coverage:publish | publish on `codecov` the coverage (CI task specific, do not use it) |
-| lint | run the linting for javascript code. |
-| lint:css | run the linter for `css` |
-| dev:webui | run a `webpack` server with hot reloading enabled `http://localhost:4872/#/` it requires a `verdaccio` server running in port `4873`. |
-| pre:webpack | prepare the field for webpack (it a substask of `build:webui`) |
-| build:webui | create the static assets for the UI with `webpack` |
-| build:docker | create a local docker image with `verdaccio` |
-| build:rpi | create a local docker for raspberry pi image with `verdaccio` **(experimental with no support)** |
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-$ verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what means each property and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This properties allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden set it in to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `1mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 1mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Change the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` enough with set your `listen` domain with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-### Notifications
-Enable notifications to three party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Gitter channel](https://gitter.im/verdaccio/)
-* [Contributors Slack channel](https://verdaccio-npm.slack.com) (unfortunately only by email invitation, you might ask in **Gitter** to be included)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You migt merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
-| [](https://github.com/juanpicado) | [](https://github.com/rlidwka) | [](https://github.com/Meeeeow) | [](https://github.com/trentearl) | [](https://github.com/ayusharma) |
-| [juanpicado](https://github.com/juanpicado) | [rlidwka](https://github.com/rlidwka) | [Meeeeow](https://github.com/Meeeeow) | [trentearl](https://github.com/trentearl) | [ayusharma](https://github.com/ayusharma) |
-| [](https://github.com/verdacciobot) | [](https://github.com/jmwilkinson) | [](https://github.com/UnitedMarsupials) | [](https://github.com/ryan-codingintrigue) | [](https://github.com/ramonornela) |
-| [verdacciobot](https://github.com/verdacciobot) | [jmwilkinson](https://github.com/jmwilkinson) | [UnitedMarsupials](https://github.com/UnitedMarsupials) | [ryan-codingintrigue](https://github.com/ryan-codingintrigue) | [ramonornela](https://github.com/ramonornela) |
-| [](https://github.com/renovate-bot) | [](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno) | [](https://github.com/vernak2539) | [](https://github.com/jachstet-sea) | [](https://github.com/lgaitan) |
-| [renovate-bot](https://github.com/renovate-bot) | [rodriguesbreno](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno) | [vernak2539](https://github.com/vernak2539) | [jachstet-sea](https://github.com/jachstet-sea) | [lgaitan](https://github.com/lgaitan) |
-| [](https://github.com/crispy1989) | [](https://github.com/neuquino) | [](https://github.com/markpeterfejes) | [](https://github.com/steve-p-com) | [](https://github.com/BartDubois) |
-| [crispy1989](https://github.com/crispy1989) | [neuquino](https://github.com/neuquino) | [markpeterfejes](https://github.com/markpeterfejes) | [steve-p-com](https://github.com/steve-p-com) | [BartDubois](https://github.com/BartDubois) |
-| [](https://github.com/karfau) | [](https://github.com/030) | [](https://github.com/Qwerios) | [](https://github.com/wiggisser) | [](https://github.com/kfatehi) |
-| [karfau](https://github.com/karfau) | [030](https://github.com/030) | [Qwerios](https://github.com/Qwerios) | [wiggisser](https://github.com/wiggisser) | [kfatehi](https://github.com/kfatehi) |
-| [](https://github.com/imsnif) | [](https://github.com/denisbabineau) | [](https://github.com/HCanber) | [](https://github.com/jgoz) | [](https://github.com/josephg) |
-| [imsnif](https://github.com/imsnif) | [denisbabineau](https://github.com/denisbabineau) | [HCanber](https://github.com/HCanber) | [jgoz](https://github.com/jgoz) | [josephg](https://github.com/josephg) |
-| [](https://github.com/kba) | [](https://github.com/aledbf) | [](https://github.com/drubin) | [](https://github.com/plitex) | [](https://github.com/nedelenbos) |
-| [kba](https://github.com/kba) | [aledbf](https://github.com/aledbf) | [drubin](https://github.com/drubin) | [plitex](https://github.com/plitex) | [nedelenbos](https://github.com/nedelenbos) |
-| [](https://github.com/mysiar) | [](https://github.com/bufferoverflow) | [](https://github.com/osher) | [](https://github.com/danielo515) | [](https://github.com/marnel) |
-| [mysiar](https://github.com/mysiar) | [bufferoverflow](https://github.com/bufferoverflow) | [osher](https://github.com/osher) | [danielo515](https://github.com/danielo515) | [marnel](https://github.com/marnel) |
-| [](https://github.com/aszmyd) | [](https://github.com/estliberitas) | [](https://github.com/Alexandre-io) | [](https://github.com/amirmohsen) | [](https://github.com/BarthV) |
-| [aszmyd](https://github.com/aszmyd) | [estliberitas](https://github.com/estliberitas) | [Alexandre-io](https://github.com/Alexandre-io) | [amirmohsen](https://github.com/amirmohsen) | [BarthV](https://github.com/BarthV) |
-| [](https://github.com/BogdanAlexandru) | [](https://github.com/iambrandonn) | [](https://github.com/robi-wan) | [](https://github.com/crohrer) | [](https://github.com/psychocode) |
-| [BogdanAlexandru](https://github.com/BogdanAlexandru) | [iambrandonn](https://github.com/iambrandonn) | [robi-wan](https://github.com/robi-wan) | [crohrer](https://github.com/crohrer) | [psychocode](https://github.com/psychocode) |
-| [](https://github.com/conorhastings) | [](https://github.com/coreyjewett) | [](https://github.com/dbroadhurst) | [](https://github.com/etiennetremel) | [](https://github.com/einfallstoll) |
-| [conorhastings](https://github.com/conorhastings) | [coreyjewett](https://github.com/coreyjewett) | [dbroadhurst](https://github.com/dbroadhurst) | [etiennetremel](https://github.com/etiennetremel) | [einfallstoll](https://github.com/einfallstoll) |
-| [](https://github.com/gempain) | [](https://github.com/lbguilherme) | [](https://github.com/gecruz) | [](https://github.com/idangozlan) | [](https://github.com/jrussellsmyth) |
-| [gempain](https://github.com/gempain) | [lbguilherme](https://github.com/lbguilherme) | [gecruz](https://github.com/gecruz) | [idangozlan](https://github.com/idangozlan) | [jrussellsmyth](https://github.com/jrussellsmyth) |
-| [](https://github.com/jirutka) | [](https://github.com/kingjan1999) | [](https://github.com/vStone) | [](https://github.com/zaventh) | [](https://github.com/jeremymoritz) |
-| [jirutka](https://github.com/jirutka) | [kingjan1999](https://github.com/kingjan1999) | [vStone](https://github.com/vStone) | [zaventh](https://github.com/zaventh) | [jeremymoritz](https://github.com/jeremymoritz) |
-| [](https://github.com/jondlm) | [](https://github.com/speier) | [](https://github.com/kodypeterson) | [](https://github.com/mrblackus) | [](https://github.com/metaa) |
-| [jondlm](https://github.com/jondlm) | [speier](https://github.com/speier) | [kodypeterson](https://github.com/kodypeterson) | [mrblackus](https://github.com/mrblackus) | [metaa](https://github.com/metaa) |
-| [](https://github.com/bajtos) | [](https://github.com/okv) | [](https://github.com/Vrtak-CZ) | [](https://github.com/rafacesar) | [](https://github.com/rbpinheiro) |
-| [bajtos](https://github.com/bajtos) | [okv](https://github.com/okv) | [Vrtak-CZ](https://github.com/Vrtak-CZ) | [rafacesar](https://github.com/rafacesar) | [rbpinheiro](https://github.com/rbpinheiro) |
-| [](https://github.com/r3wald) | [](https://github.com/robertgroh) | [](https://github.com/prssn) | [](https://github.com/RodrigoBalest) | [](https://github.com/RomainLK) |
-| [r3wald](https://github.com/r3wald) | [robertgroh](https://github.com/robertgroh) | [prssn](https://github.com/prssn) | [RodrigoBalest](https://github.com/RodrigoBalest) | [RomainLK](https://github.com/RomainLK) |
-| [](https://github.com/rmg) | [](https://github.com/samcday) | [](https://github.com/tarun1793) | [](https://github.com/tcort) | [](https://github.com/grrowl) |
-| [rmg](https://github.com/rmg) | [samcday](https://github.com/samcday) | [tarun1793](https://github.com/tarun1793) | [tcort](https://github.com/tcort) | [grrowl](https://github.com/grrowl) |
-| [](https://github.com/tlvince) | [](https://github.com/lordvlad) | [](https://github.com/wpasternak) | [](https://github.com/yannickcr) | [](https://github.com/yannickglt) |
-| [tlvince](https://github.com/tlvince) | [lordvlad](https://github.com/lordvlad) | [wpasternak](https://github.com/wpasternak) | [yannickcr](https://github.com/yannickcr) | [yannickglt](https://github.com/yannickglt) |
-| [](https://github.com/silkentrance) | [](https://github.com/jjaakola) | [](https://github.com/maxlaverse) | [](https://github.com/ChadKillingsworth) |
-| [silkentrance](https://github.com/silkentrance) | [jjaakola](https://github.com/jjaakola) | [maxlaverse](https://github.com/maxlaverse) | [ChadKillingsworth](https://github.com/ChadKillingsworth) |
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, currently we support `authentication plugins`, `middleware plugins` (since `v2.7.0`) and `storage plugins` since (`v3.x`).
-## Authentication Plugins
-This section will describe how it looks like a Verdaccio plugin in a ES5 way. Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`). Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-### API
-function authenticate (user, password, callback) {
- ...more stuff
-##### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
- callback(null, false)
-##### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the setup
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Integration
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests. A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the (sinopia-github-oauth)[https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth]) compatible with `verdaccio`.
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, auth, storage) {
- ...more stuff
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugins
-Since `verdaccio@3.x` we also can plug a custom storage.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `ILocalData` implementation. Please see details bellow.
- class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: Config, logger: Logger): ILocalData;
-interface ILocalData {
- add(name: string): SyncReturn;
- remove(name: string): SyncReturn;
- get(): StorageList;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): IPackageStorage;
- sync(): ?SyncReturn;
-interface ILocalPackageManager {
- writeTarball(name: string): IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: any, cb: Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: Callback,
- onWrite: Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: Package, callback: Callback): void;
-interface IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-interface IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-> This API still is experimental and might change next minor versions. The default [LocalStorage plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage) it comes built-in in `verdaccio` and it is being loaded if any storage plugin has been defined.
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:2
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:2.1
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:2.1.7
-For the next major release using the `beta` version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-The Canary version (master branch) is tagged as `alpha`
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:alpha
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to mount `conf` and `storage` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: home
-title: "Verdaccio npm proxy private registry"
-## Easy to Install
-One single command to install the application
-$> npm install --global verdaccio
-# or
-$> yarn global add verdaccio
-## Easy to Set Up
-Set your verdaccio registry as default
- $> npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-$> npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Easy to Use
-Run it in your terminal
- $> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:5555/ - verdaccio/2.2.0
-#### That's it ! Enjoy your **private package manager**.
-##### and all the most popular npm clients are supported.
diff --git a/website/translated_docs/zh-HK/iis-server.md b/website/translated_docs/zh-HK/iis-server.md
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-* Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-* Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Installing-on-IIS-server#packagejson), [start.js](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Installing-on-IIS-server#startjs) and [web.config](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Installing-on-IIS-server#webconfig) in this folder.
-* Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-* Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-* Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-* Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-* Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-* I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-* I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-* I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
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-id: index1
-date: 2017-07-10T23:36:56.503Z
-title: Docs Home
-`verdaccio` is a fork of **sinopia** and it's backwards compatible.
-## Why should I use verdaccio?
-* I am/was **sinopia** user and need an **easy migration**.
-* I need a lightweight and free solution
-* I need long-term support and help when I got stuck.
-* I want a product compatible with the newer tools as **Yarn** and **DevOps (Docker, Ansible, Puppet, etc)** tools.
-* An evolving plugabble product, not only for **Authentification**, also for **Storage** and more in the future.
-* An active community
-* Integration with **Nexus**, **Artifactoy** and any other npm compatible registry.
-A bunch more of reasons [you might be interested](https://medium.com/@jotadeveloper/five-use-cases-where-a-npm-private-proxy-fits-in-your-workflow-632a81779c14).
-### Why we forked from Sinopia?
-It [appeared that sinopia maintenance had stalled and the author had abandoned it](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/376), so there was a suggestion that the sinopia-using community would benefit from a fresh look at the code and the outstanding issues. So here we are The last step about the [detach from sinopia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/38).
-### Near Future
-`verdaccio` aims to be compatible with sinopia along the time preserving the main features, a lightweight app based on local file system and easy installation but being able to be pluggable and built over a modern tool stack.
-## Getting Started
-### Installation
-* [Installation](/docs/installation)
-### Usage
-* [Command Line](/docs/cli)
-### Configuration
-* [The configuration file](/docs/configuration)
-* [Setting up *uplinks*](/docs/uplinks)
-* [Packages Access](/docs/packages)
-* [Authorization and Access](/docs/authentication)
-* [Enable Notifications](/docs/notifications)
-* [Custom Logs](/docs/logger)
-### UI Customization
-* [Configure the Web](/docs/webui)
-## Server Configurations
-* [Advanced Server Configuration](/docs/server)
-* [Reverse Proxy](/docs/reverse-proxy)
-* [SSL Certificates](/docs/ssl)
-### Windows Specific Settings
-* [Installing As a Windows Service](/docs/windows)
-* [Installing on IIS server](/docs/iis-server)
-## Extend Verdaccio
-* [Installing Plugins](/docs/plugins)
-## DevOps
-* [Configure with Ansible](/docs/ansible)
-* [Using Docker Image](/docs/docker)
-* [Using Kubernetes](/docs/kubernetes)
-## Guides && Recipes
-* [Learn how to protect your packages](/docs/recipes/protect-your-dependencies)
-## Development
-* [I want to to contribute](/docs/dev/contributing)
-* [Build verdaccio](/docs/dev/build)
-* [Create plugins](/docs/dev/plugins)
-* [Repositories](/docs/dev/repositories)
-* [Unit Testing](/docs/dev/unit-test)
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application, to install you need at least some prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` we support from Node `v4.6.1`.
- - For version `verdaccio@3.x` we support as minimum Node `6.12.0`
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface support browsers `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9`
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be install globaly using any of the most modern
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-## Basic Usage
-Once has been installed you only need to execute the CLI command.
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:5555/ - verdaccio/3.0.0
-For more information about CLI please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has a official docker image you can use, in the most of cases is good enough just the default configuration, for more information about how to install the official image [read the docker section](docker.md).
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `publish` / `create` commands.
-## Usage
-An example with a **hipchat** hook:
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-package-1'
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-package-2'
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-package-3'
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any Handlebar expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contrains that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remains on shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the `htpasswd` plugin. If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin `htpasswd` does not handles by itself `allow_access` and `allow_publish`, it's use an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it. For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- allow_access: all
- allow_publish: all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy_access: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- allow_access: all
- allow_publish: all
- proxy_access: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieves all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need todo something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend use a prefix for your packages, in that way it'd be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just check whether the user that try to access or publish specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Define multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- allow_access: admin internal
- allow_publish: admin
- proxy_access: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- allow_access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- allow_publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy_access: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just, do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`.
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| allow_access/access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| allow_publish/publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy_access/proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-We higlight recommend do not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. Currently supports multiple plugins only for [Authentication](auth.md) but there are plans to [improve the plugin system](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/169). If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](development.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- &> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, the plugins order becames important, the the credentials will resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-This is a list of plugins compatible with **Verdaccio**.
-## Sinopia Legacy Plugins
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-## Verdaccio Plugins (since 2.1.x)
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-## Caveats
-Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to * publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-| Repository | Usage | Stack |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| | The main repository | Node, Express, async, React, Babel, ES6, Mocha, Markdown, HTML, Sass |
-| | Small library to handle streams | ES6, Babel, *Soon: Flow* |
-| | Small library to handle locked files | ES6, Babel, *Soon: Flow* |
-| | Default dependency for verdaccio to handle local file system storage (since `v3.x`) | ES6, Babel, Flow |
-| | `flow` type definitions for verdaccio and sub dependencies. | Flow, flow-typed |
-| | Public `verdaccio` website and future documentation page. | Markdown, HTML, Sass, Github Pages |
-| | Docker examples with `docker-compose` to play around with integrations, (nginx, kubernetes, apache, ldap, etc..) | Docker Compose, Docker |
-| | Puppet support | Puppet |
-| | Ansible support | Ansible |
-| | Chef support | Chef |
-| | Kubernetes support | Kubernetes |
-## Experimental Repos
-The following repositories aims to be part of the future infraestructure of `verdaccio` and are just PoC looking for active colaborators.
-| Repository | Usage | Stack |
-| --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| | An experimental storage in memory | ES6, Babel, Flow |
-| | Yeoman generators for future verdaccio plugins | ES6, Babel, Yeoman |
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` heade
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/vardaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | avoid cache tarballs | true |
-| auth | list | No | type: [bearer,basic], [token: "token",token_env: [true,\]] | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' see: http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Basic YourBase64EncodedCredentials==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-### You Must know
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packges and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | $authenticated | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-## In a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was born based on `sinopia@1.4.0` fork and *backward compatible*
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification for reading package info
-* Store npm packages
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients
-* Semantic Versioning (semver) compatible
-```bash curl -v https://registry.npmjs.org/aaa
-* Connected to registry.npmjs.org ( port 443 (#0)
-* Connection #0 to host registry.npmjs.org left intact {"_id":"aaa","_rev":"6-ad86dfc8720569871753b5bf561f2741","name":"aaa","description":"aaa...","dist-tags":{"latest":"0.0.2"},"versions":{"0.0.1":{"name":"aaa","version":"0.0.1","description":"aaa...","main":"index.js","scripts":{"test":"test.js"},"repository":{"type":"git","url":"http:/www.google.git"},"keywords":["math"],"author":{"name":"peter"},"license":"BSD","_id":"aaa@0.0.1","dist": {"shasum":"a04fa88ad887a70dd5429652ce23823619dfd7c3","tarball":"https://registry.npmjs.org/aaa/-/aaa-0.0.1.tgz"},"_npmVersion":"1.1.62","_npmUser":{"name":"erhu65","email":"erhu65@gmail.com"},"maintainers":[{"name":"erhu65","email":"erhu65@gmail.com"}],"directories":{}},"0.0.2":{"name":"aaa","version":"0.0.2","description":"aaa...","main":"index.js","scripts":{"test":"test.js"},"repository":{"type":"git","url":"http:/www.google.git"},"keywords":["math"],"author":{"name":"peter"},"license":"BSD","_id":"aaa@0.0.2","dist": {"shasum":"acd2f632b94b0f89765e75bb7b7549ce5b01caa2","tarball":"https://registry.npmjs.org/aaa/-/aaa-0.0.2.tgz"},"_npmVersion":"1.1.62","_npmUser":{"name":"erhu65","email":"erhu65@gmail.com"},"maintainers":[{"name":"erhu65","email":"erhu65@gmail.com"}],"directories":{}}},"readme":"ERROR: No README.md file found!","maintainers":[{"name":"erhu65","email":"erhu65@gmail.com"}],"timmacbook-j:verdaccio.mmacbookmacbook-j:verdaccio.master.git jpicmacbook-j:verdaccio.master.git jpicmacbookmacbookmacbookmacbookmacbook ````
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-id: ansible
-title: "Installing with Ansible"
-We have a customised solution for `verdaccio` in our organization.
-#### Other options
-* Ansible role for Gentoo users: [jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia](https://github.com/jirutka/ansible-role-sinopia).
-* Ansible role for Ubuntu users: [jagregory/sinopia-ansible](https://github.com/jagregory/sinopia-ansible).
-* ansible-verdaccio-role
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-id: authentification
-title: "Authentification"
-The authentification is tied to the auth [plugin](plugins.md) you are using. The package restrictions also is handled by the [Package Access](packages.md).
-The client authentification is handled by `npm` client itself. Once you login to the application:
-npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-A token is generated in the `npm` configuration file hosted in your user home folder. For more information about `.npmrc` read the [official documentation](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc).
-cat .npmrc
-#### Anonymous publish
-`verdaccio`allows you to enable anonymous publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages.md).
- 'my-company-*':
- access: $anonymous
- publish: $anonymous
- proxy: npmjs
-As is described [on issue #212](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/212#issuecomment-308578500) until `npm@5.3.0` and all minor releases **won't allow you publish without a token**. However `yarn` has not such limitation.
-## Default htpasswd
-In order to simplify the setup, `verdaccio` use a build-in plugin based on `htpasswd`.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------- | ------ | -------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| file | string | Yes | ./htpasswd | all | file that host the encrypted credentials |
-| max_users | number | No | 1000 | all | set limit of users |
-In case to decide do not allow user to login, you can set `max_users: -1`.
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-id: build
-title: "Build the source code"
-Verdaccio relies on `yarn` instead `npm` to download depenedencies.
-*Note: the current build only will build with `➜ yarn` latest.*
- yarn install
-## Scripts
-We have a list of scripts that you will use for diferent kind of tasks, in the following section we describe all posible task based on branches.
-### Branch (2.x)
-On branch `2.x` the unique part we have to build is the UI which is based on React.js, webpack and CSS Modules.
-#### Scripts
-| script | Description |
-| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| release | this script is used to generate changelog and raise up the version according the commits messages |
-| prepublish | it ensures before publish the new ui is being generated |
-| test | run all the test |
-| pre:ci | specific task for CI, build the UI required for test |
-| test:ci | run test generating coverage |
-| test:only | run only test |
-| test:coverage | run `nyc` as a wrapper to generate coverage with mocha test |
-| coverage:html | run `nyc` to generate coverage reports |
-| coverage:publish | publish on `codecov` the coverage (don't use it) |
-| lint | run the linting for javascript code. |
-| lint:css | run the linter for `css` |
-| dev:webui | run a `webpack` server with hot reloading enabled `http://localhost:4872/#/` it requires a `verdaccio` server running in port `4873`. |
-| pre:webpack | prepare the field for webpack (it a substask of `build:webui`) |
-| build:webui | create the static assets for the UI with `webpack` |
-| build:docker | create a local docker image with `verdaccio` |
-| build:rpi | create a local docker for raspberry pi image with `verdaccio` **(experimental with no support)** |
-#### Master branch (3.x)
-The current major version is based on `babel` and `flow`. If you switch from master ensure to run `yarn install` again.
-*Note: Only new scripts in bold*
-### Scripts
-| script | Description |
-| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| **flow** | run flow check |
-| **dev:start** | run `babel-node` and transpile code on memory |
-| **code:build** | transpile `verdaccio` with `babel` and copy transpiled code to `build/` |
-| release | this script is used to generate changelog and raise up the version according the commits messages |
-| prepublish | it ensures before publish the new ui is being generated |
-| test | run all the test `jest` |
-| test:unit | run the unit test |
-| test:func | run the funtional test |
-| pre:ci | specific task for CI, build the UI required for test |
-| pretest | A shorcut for transpile the code |
-| test:ci | run test generating coverage |
-| coverage:publish | publish on `codecov` the coverage (CI task specific, do not use it) |
-| lint | run the linting for javascript code. |
-| lint:css | run the linter for `css` |
-| dev:webui | run a `webpack` server with hot reloading enabled `http://localhost:4872/#/` it requires a `verdaccio` server running in port `4873`. |
-| pre:webpack | prepare the field for webpack (it a substask of `build:webui`) |
-| build:webui | create the static assets for the UI with `webpack` |
-| build:docker | create a local docker image with `verdaccio` |
-| build:rpi | create a local docker for raspberry pi image with `verdaccio` **(experimental with no support)** |
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-id: cli
-title: "Command Line Tool"
-The verdaccio CLI is your go start the application.
-## Commands
-$ verdaccio --listen 4000 --config ~./config.yaml
-| Command | Default | Example | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- |
-| --listen \ **-l** | 4873 | -p 7000 | http port |
-| --config \ **-c** | ~/.local/verdaccio/config.yaml | ~./config.yaml | the configuration file |
-## Default config file location
-To locate the home directory, we rely on **$XDG_DATA_HOME** as a first choice and Windows environment we look for [APPDATA environment variable](https://www.howtogeek.com/318177/what-is-the-appdata-folder-in-windows/).
-## Default storage location
-We use **$XDG_DATA_HOME** environment variable as default to locate the storage by default which [should be the same](https://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04) as $HOME/.local/share. If you are using a custom storage, this location is irrelevant.
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-id: configuration
-title: "Configuration File"
-This file is the cornerstone of verdaccio where you can modify the default behaviour, enable plugins and extend features.
-A default configuration file is created the very first time you run `verdaccio`.
-## Default Configuration
-The default configuration has support for **scoped** packages and allow any user to access all packages but only **authenticated users to publish**.
-storage: ./storage
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
- '**':
- proxy: npmjs
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
-## Sections
-The following sections explain what means each property and the different options.
-### Storage
-Is the location of the default storage. **Verdaccio is by default based on local file system**.
-storage: ./storage
-### Authentification
-The authentification set up is done here, the default auth is based on `htpasswd` and is built-in. You can modify this behaviour via [plugins](plugins.md). For more information about this section read the [auth page](auth.md).
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- max_users: 1000
-### Web UI
-This properties allow you to modify the look and feel of the web UI. For more information about this section read the [web ui page](web.md).
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Uplinks
-Uplinks is the ability of the system to fetch packages from remote registries when those packages are not available locally. For more information about this section read the [uplinks page](uplinks.md).
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
-### Packages
-Packages allow the user how the packages are gonna be accessed. For more information about this section read the [packages page](packages.md).
- '@*/*':
- access: $all
- publish: $authenticated
- proxy: npmjs
-## Advanced Settings
-### Offline Publish
-By default `verdaccio` does not allow to publish when the client is offline, that behavior can be overridden set it in to *true*.
- allow_offline: false
-Since: verdaccio@2.3.6 due #223
-### URL Prefix
-url_prefix: https://dev.company.local/verdaccio/
-Since: `verdaccio@2.3.6` due [#197](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/pull/197)
-### Max Body Size
-By default the maximum body size for a JSON document is `1mb`, if you run in errors as `"request entity too large"` you may increase this value.
-max_body_size: 1mb
-### Listen Port
-`verdaccio` runs by default in the port `4873`. Change the port can be done via [cli](cli.md) or in the configuration file, the following options are valid.
-# - localhost:4873 # default value
-# - http://localhost:4873 # same thing
-# - # listen on all addresses (INADDR_ANY)
-# - https://example.org:4873 # if you want to use https
-# - "[::1]:4873" # ipv6
-# - unix:/tmp/verdaccio.sock # unix socket
-### HTTPS
-To enable `https` in `verdaccio` enough with set your `listen` domain with the protocol *https://*. For more information about this section read the [ssl page](ssl.md).
- key: ./path/verdaccio-key.pem
- cert: ./path/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ca: ./path/verdaccio-csr.pem
-### Proxy
-Proxies are special-purpose HTTP servers designed to transfer data from remote servers to local clients.
-#### http_proxy and https_proxy
-If you have a proxy in your network you can set a `X-Forwarded-For` header using the following properties.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-#### no_proxy
-This variable should contain a comma-separated list of domain extensions proxy should not be used for.
-http_proxy: http://something.local/
-https_proxy: https://something.local/
-### Notifications
-Enable notifications to three party tools is fairly easy via web hooks. For more information about this section read the [notifications page](notifications.md).
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-> For more detailed configuration settings, please [check the source code](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf).
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-id: contributing
-title: "Contributing Verdaccio"
-First of all Jumping into an unfamiliar code base is not easy but we are here to help you.
-## Comunication Channels
-If you are willing for asking, we use two channels for discussions:
-* [Public Gitter channel](https://gitter.im/verdaccio/)
-* [Contributors Slack channel](https://verdaccio-npm.slack.com) (unfortunately only by email invitation, you might ask in **Gitter** to be included)
-## Getting started
-As a first glance verdaccio is a single repository, but there are many ways you might contribute and a variety of technologies to practice.
-### Finding my spot
-All we have different skills, so, let's see where you might feel comfortable.
-### I know or I want to learn Node.js
-Node.js is the base of `verdaccio`, we use libraries as `express`, `commander`, `request` or `async`. Verdaccio is basically a Rest API that create a communication with `npm` clients compatible, as `yarn`.
-We have a long [list of plugins](plugins.md) ready to be used and improved but at the same time [you might create your own](dev-plugins.md).
-### I would prefer to work in the User Interface
-Recently we have moved to modern techonologies as `React` and `element-react`. We are looking forward to see new ideas how to improve the UI.
-### I feel more confortable improving the stack
-Of course, we will be happy to help us improving the stack, you can upgrade dependencies as `eslint`, `stylelint`, `webpack`. You migt merely improve the `webpack` configuration would be great. Any suggestion is very welcome. Furthermore whether you have experience with **Yeoman** you might help us with the [verdaccio generator](https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin).
-Here some ideas:
-* Create a common eslint rules to be used across all dependencies or plugins
-* Improve Flow types definitions delivery
-* Moving to Webpack 4
-* Improve hot reload with Webpack
-* We use babel and webpack across all dependencies, why not a common preset?
-* Improve continous integration delivery
-### I do great Documentation
-Many contributors find typos and grammar issues, that also helps to improve the overall experience for troubleshooting.
-### I am a Designer
-We have a frontend website that will be happy to see your ideas.
-Our website is based on [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/).
-### I am a DevOps
-We have a widely popular Docker image that need maintenance and pretty likely huge improvements, we need your knowledge for the benefits of all users.
-We have support for **Kubernetes**, **Puppet**, **Ansible** and **Chef** and we need help in those fields, feel free to see all repositories.
-### I can do translations
-Verdaccio aims to be multilingual, in order to achieve it **we have the awesome support** of [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) that is an amazing platform for translations.
-We have setup a project where you can choose your favourite language, if you do not find your language feel free to request one [creating a ticket](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/new).
-[Go to Crowdin Verdaccio](https://crowdin.com/project/verdaccio)
-## I'm ready to contribute
-If you are thinking *"I've seen already the [repositories](repositories.md) and I'm willing to start right away"* then I have good news for you, that's the next step.
-You will need learn how to build, [we have prepared a guide just for that](build.md).
-Once you have played around with all scripts and you know how to use them, we are ready to go to the next step, run the [**Unit Test**](test.md).
-## Full list of contributors. We want to see your face here !
-| [](https://github.com/juanpicado) | [](https://github.com/rlidwka) | [](https://github.com/Meeeeow) | [](https://github.com/trentearl) | [](https://github.com/ayusharma) |
-| [juanpicado](https://github.com/juanpicado) | [rlidwka](https://github.com/rlidwka) | [Meeeeow](https://github.com/Meeeeow) | [trentearl](https://github.com/trentearl) | [ayusharma](https://github.com/ayusharma) |
-| [](https://github.com/verdacciobot) | [](https://github.com/jmwilkinson) | [](https://github.com/UnitedMarsupials) | [](https://github.com/ryan-codingintrigue) | [](https://github.com/ramonornela) |
-| [verdacciobot](https://github.com/verdacciobot) | [jmwilkinson](https://github.com/jmwilkinson) | [UnitedMarsupials](https://github.com/UnitedMarsupials) | [ryan-codingintrigue](https://github.com/ryan-codingintrigue) | [ramonornela](https://github.com/ramonornela) |
-| [](https://github.com/renovate-bot) | [](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno) | [](https://github.com/vernak2539) | [](https://github.com/jachstet-sea) | [](https://github.com/lgaitan) |
-| [renovate-bot](https://github.com/renovate-bot) | [rodriguesbreno](https://github.com/rodriguesbreno) | [vernak2539](https://github.com/vernak2539) | [jachstet-sea](https://github.com/jachstet-sea) | [lgaitan](https://github.com/lgaitan) |
-| [](https://github.com/crispy1989) | [](https://github.com/neuquino) | [](https://github.com/markpeterfejes) | [](https://github.com/steve-p-com) | [](https://github.com/BartDubois) |
-| [crispy1989](https://github.com/crispy1989) | [neuquino](https://github.com/neuquino) | [markpeterfejes](https://github.com/markpeterfejes) | [steve-p-com](https://github.com/steve-p-com) | [BartDubois](https://github.com/BartDubois) |
-| [](https://github.com/karfau) | [](https://github.com/030) | [](https://github.com/Qwerios) | [](https://github.com/wiggisser) | [](https://github.com/kfatehi) |
-| [karfau](https://github.com/karfau) | [030](https://github.com/030) | [Qwerios](https://github.com/Qwerios) | [wiggisser](https://github.com/wiggisser) | [kfatehi](https://github.com/kfatehi) |
-| [](https://github.com/imsnif) | [](https://github.com/denisbabineau) | [](https://github.com/HCanber) | [](https://github.com/jgoz) | [](https://github.com/josephg) |
-| [imsnif](https://github.com/imsnif) | [denisbabineau](https://github.com/denisbabineau) | [HCanber](https://github.com/HCanber) | [jgoz](https://github.com/jgoz) | [josephg](https://github.com/josephg) |
-| [](https://github.com/kba) | [](https://github.com/aledbf) | [](https://github.com/drubin) | [](https://github.com/plitex) | [](https://github.com/nedelenbos) |
-| [kba](https://github.com/kba) | [aledbf](https://github.com/aledbf) | [drubin](https://github.com/drubin) | [plitex](https://github.com/plitex) | [nedelenbos](https://github.com/nedelenbos) |
-| [](https://github.com/mysiar) | [](https://github.com/bufferoverflow) | [](https://github.com/osher) | [](https://github.com/danielo515) | [](https://github.com/marnel) |
-| [mysiar](https://github.com/mysiar) | [bufferoverflow](https://github.com/bufferoverflow) | [osher](https://github.com/osher) | [danielo515](https://github.com/danielo515) | [marnel](https://github.com/marnel) |
-| [](https://github.com/aszmyd) | [](https://github.com/estliberitas) | [](https://github.com/Alexandre-io) | [](https://github.com/amirmohsen) | [](https://github.com/BarthV) |
-| [aszmyd](https://github.com/aszmyd) | [estliberitas](https://github.com/estliberitas) | [Alexandre-io](https://github.com/Alexandre-io) | [amirmohsen](https://github.com/amirmohsen) | [BarthV](https://github.com/BarthV) |
-| [](https://github.com/BogdanAlexandru) | [](https://github.com/iambrandonn) | [](https://github.com/robi-wan) | [](https://github.com/crohrer) | [](https://github.com/psychocode) |
-| [BogdanAlexandru](https://github.com/BogdanAlexandru) | [iambrandonn](https://github.com/iambrandonn) | [robi-wan](https://github.com/robi-wan) | [crohrer](https://github.com/crohrer) | [psychocode](https://github.com/psychocode) |
-| [](https://github.com/conorhastings) | [](https://github.com/coreyjewett) | [](https://github.com/dbroadhurst) | [](https://github.com/etiennetremel) | [](https://github.com/einfallstoll) |
-| [conorhastings](https://github.com/conorhastings) | [coreyjewett](https://github.com/coreyjewett) | [dbroadhurst](https://github.com/dbroadhurst) | [etiennetremel](https://github.com/etiennetremel) | [einfallstoll](https://github.com/einfallstoll) |
-| [](https://github.com/gempain) | [](https://github.com/lbguilherme) | [](https://github.com/gecruz) | [](https://github.com/idangozlan) | [](https://github.com/jrussellsmyth) |
-| [gempain](https://github.com/gempain) | [lbguilherme](https://github.com/lbguilherme) | [gecruz](https://github.com/gecruz) | [idangozlan](https://github.com/idangozlan) | [jrussellsmyth](https://github.com/jrussellsmyth) |
-| [](https://github.com/jirutka) | [](https://github.com/kingjan1999) | [](https://github.com/vStone) | [](https://github.com/zaventh) | [](https://github.com/jeremymoritz) |
-| [jirutka](https://github.com/jirutka) | [kingjan1999](https://github.com/kingjan1999) | [vStone](https://github.com/vStone) | [zaventh](https://github.com/zaventh) | [jeremymoritz](https://github.com/jeremymoritz) |
-| [](https://github.com/jondlm) | [](https://github.com/speier) | [](https://github.com/kodypeterson) | [](https://github.com/mrblackus) | [](https://github.com/metaa) |
-| [jondlm](https://github.com/jondlm) | [speier](https://github.com/speier) | [kodypeterson](https://github.com/kodypeterson) | [mrblackus](https://github.com/mrblackus) | [metaa](https://github.com/metaa) |
-| [](https://github.com/bajtos) | [](https://github.com/okv) | [](https://github.com/Vrtak-CZ) | [](https://github.com/rafacesar) | [](https://github.com/rbpinheiro) |
-| [bajtos](https://github.com/bajtos) | [okv](https://github.com/okv) | [Vrtak-CZ](https://github.com/Vrtak-CZ) | [rafacesar](https://github.com/rafacesar) | [rbpinheiro](https://github.com/rbpinheiro) |
-| [](https://github.com/r3wald) | [](https://github.com/robertgroh) | [](https://github.com/prssn) | [](https://github.com/RodrigoBalest) | [](https://github.com/RomainLK) |
-| [r3wald](https://github.com/r3wald) | [robertgroh](https://github.com/robertgroh) | [prssn](https://github.com/prssn) | [RodrigoBalest](https://github.com/RodrigoBalest) | [RomainLK](https://github.com/RomainLK) |
-| [](https://github.com/rmg) | [](https://github.com/samcday) | [](https://github.com/tarun1793) | [](https://github.com/tcort) | [](https://github.com/grrowl) |
-| [rmg](https://github.com/rmg) | [samcday](https://github.com/samcday) | [tarun1793](https://github.com/tarun1793) | [tcort](https://github.com/tcort) | [grrowl](https://github.com/grrowl) |
-| [](https://github.com/tlvince) | [](https://github.com/lordvlad) | [](https://github.com/wpasternak) | [](https://github.com/yannickcr) | [](https://github.com/yannickglt) |
-| [tlvince](https://github.com/tlvince) | [lordvlad](https://github.com/lordvlad) | [wpasternak](https://github.com/wpasternak) | [yannickcr](https://github.com/yannickcr) | [yannickglt](https://github.com/yannickglt) |
-| [](https://github.com/silkentrance) | [](https://github.com/jjaakola) | [](https://github.com/maxlaverse) | [](https://github.com/ChadKillingsworth) |
-| [silkentrance](https://github.com/silkentrance) | [jjaakola](https://github.com/jjaakola) | [maxlaverse](https://github.com/maxlaverse) | [ChadKillingsworth](https://github.com/ChadKillingsworth) |
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-id: dev-plugins
-title: "Developing Plugins"
-There are many ways to extend `verdaccio`, currently we support `authentication plugins`, `middleware plugins` (since `v2.7.0`) and `storage plugins` since (`v3.x`).
-## Authentication Plugins
-This section will describe how it looks like a Verdaccio plugin in a ES5 way. Basically we have to return an object with a single method called `authenticate` that will recieve 3 arguments (`user, password, callback`). Once the authentication has been executed there is 2 options to give a response to `verdaccio`.
-### API
-function authenticate (user, password, callback) {
- ...more stuff
-##### OnError
-Either something bad happened or auth was unsuccessful.
- callback(null, false)
-##### OnSuccess
-The auth was successful.
-`groups` is an array of strings where the user is part of.
- callback(null, groups);
-### Example
-function Auth(config, stuff) {
- var self = Object.create(Auth.prototype);
- self._users = {};
- // config for this module
- self._config = config;
- // verdaccio logger
- self._logger = stuff.logger;
- // pass verdaccio logger to ldapauth
- self._config.client_options.log = stuff.logger;
- return self;
-Auth.prototype.authenticate = function (user, password, callback) {
- var LdapClient = new LdapAuth(self._config.client_options);
- ....
- LdapClient.authenticate(user, password, function (err, ldapUser) {
- ...
- var groups;
- ...
- callback(null, groups);
- });
-module.exports = Auth;
-And the setup
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
-Where `htpasswd` is the sufix of the plugin name. eg: `verdaccio-htpasswd` and the rest of the body would be the plugin configuration params.
-## Middleware Integration
-Middleware plugins have the capability to modify the API layer, either adding new endpoints or intercepting requests. A pretty good example of middleware plugin is the (sinopia-github-oauth)[https://github.com/soundtrackyourbrand/sinopia-github-oauth]) compatible with `verdaccio`.
-### API
-function register_middlewares(expressApp, auth, storage) {
- ...more stuff
-To register a middleware we need an object with a single method called `register_middlewares` that will recieve 3 arguments (`expressApp, auth, storage`). *Auth* is the authentification instance and *storage* is also the main Storage instance that will give you have access to all to the storage actions.
-## Storage Plugins
-Since `verdaccio@3.x` we also can plug a custom storage.
-### API
-The storage API is a bit more complex, you will need to create a class that return a `ILocalData` implementation. Please see details bellow.
- class LocalDatabase{
- constructor(config: Config, logger: Logger): ILocalData;
-interface ILocalData {
- add(name: string): SyncReturn;
- remove(name: string): SyncReturn;
- get(): StorageList;
- getPackageStorage(packageInfo: string): IPackageStorage;
- sync(): ?SyncReturn;
-interface ILocalPackageManager {
- writeTarball(name: string): IUploadTarball;
- readTarball(name: string): IReadTarball;
- readPackage(fileName: string, callback: Callback): void;
- createPackage(name: string, value: any, cb: Callback): void;
- deletePackage(fileName: string, callback: Callback): void;
- removePackage(callback: Callback): void;
- updatePackage(pkgFileName: string,
- updateHandler: Callback,
- onWrite: Callback,
- transformPackage: Function,
- onEnd: Callback): void;
- savePackage(fileName: string, json: Package, callback: Callback): void;
-interface IUploadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-interface IReadTarball extends stream$PassThrough {
- abort(): void;
- done(): void;
-> This API still is experimental and might change next minor versions. The default [LocalStorage plugin](https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage) it comes built-in in `verdaccio` and it is being loaded if any storage plugin has been defined.
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-id: docker
-title: Docker
-To pull the latest pre-built [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/):
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio
-## Tagged Versions
-Since version `v2.x` you can pull docker images by [tag](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/), as follows:
-For a major version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:2
-For a minor version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:2.1
-For a specific (patch) version:
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:2.1.7
-For the next major release using the `beta` version.
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:beta
-The Canary version (master branch) is tagged as `alpha`
-docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:alpha
-> If you are interested on a list of tags, [please visit the Docker Hub website](https://hub.docker.com/r/verdaccio/verdaccio/tags/).
-## Running verdaccio using Docker
-To run the docker container:
-docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
-The last argument defines which image to use. The above line will pull the latest prebuilt image from dockerhub, if you haven't done that already.
-If you have [build an image locally](#build-your-own-docker-image) use `verdaccio` as the last argument.
-You can use `-v` to mount `conf` and `storage` to the hosts filesystem:
-V_PATH=/path/for/verdaccio; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 \
- -v $V_PATH/conf:/verdaccio/conf \
- -v $V_PATH/storage:/verdaccio/storage \
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Docker and custom port configuration
-Any `host:port` configured in `conf/config.yaml` under `listen` is currently ignored when using docker.
-If you want to reach verdaccio docker instance under different port, lets say `5000` in your `docker run` command replace `-p 4873:4873` with `-p 5000:4873`.
-In case you need to specify which port to listen to **in the docker container**, since version 2.?.? you can do so by providing additional arguments to `docker run`: `--env PORT=5000` This changes which port the docker container exposes and the port verdaccio listens to.
-Of course the numbers you give to `-p` paremeter need to match, so assuming you want them to all be the same this is what you could copy, paste and adopt:
-PORT=5000; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PORT -p $PORT:$PORT
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using HTTPS with Docker
-You can configure the protocol verdaccio is going to listen on, similarly to the port configuration. You have to overwrite the default value("http") of the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to "https", after you specified the certificates in the config.yaml.
-PROTOCOL=https; docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio \
- --env PROTOCOL -p 4873:4873
- verdaccio/verdaccio
-### Using docker-compose
-1. Get the latest version of [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose).
-2. Build and run the container:
-$ docker-compose up --build
-You can set the port to use (for both container and host) by prefixing the above command with `PORT=5000`.
-Docker will generate a named volume in which to store persistent application data. You can use `docker inspect` or `docker volume inspect` to reveal the physical location of the volume and edit the configuration, such as:
- $ docker volume inspect verdaccio_verdaccio
- [
- {
- "Name": "verdaccio_verdaccio",
- "Driver": "local",
- "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/verdaccio_verdaccio/_data",
- "Labels": null,
- "Scope": "local"
- }
- ]
-## Build your own Docker image
-docker build -t verdaccio .
-There is also an npm script for building the docker image, so you can also do:
-npm run build:docker
-Note: The first build takes some minutes to build because it needs to run `npm install`, and it will take that long again whenever you change any file that is not listed in `.dockerignore`.
-If you want to use the docker image on a rpi or a compatible device there is also a dockerfile available. To build the docker image for raspberry pi execute:
-npm run build:docker:rpi
-Please note that for any of the above docker commands you need to have docker installed on your machine and the docker executable should be available on your `$PATH`.
-## Docker Examples
-There is a separate repository that hosts multiple configurations to compose Docker images with `verdaccio`, for instance, as reverse proxy:
-## Docker Custom Builds
-* [docker-verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/snics/docker-verdaccio-gitlab)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/deployable/docker-verdaccio)
-* [docker-verdaccio-s3](https://github.com/asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3) Private NPM container that can backup to s3
-* [docker-verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/snadn/docker-verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://github.com/nathantreid/verdaccio-ldap)
-* [verdaccio-compose-local-bridge](https://github.com/shingtoli/verdaccio-compose-local-bridge)
-* [docker-verdaccio](https://github.com/Global-Solutions/docker-verdaccio)
-* [verdaccio-docker](https://github.com/idahobean/verdaccio-docker)
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/andru255/verdaccio-server)
-* [coldrye-debian-verdaccio](https://github.com/coldrye-docker/coldrye-debian-verdaccio) docker image providing verdaccio from coldrye-debian-nodejs.
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-id: home
-title: "Verdaccio npm proxy private registry"
-## Easy to Install
-One single command to install the application
-$> npm install --global verdaccio
-# or
-$> yarn global add verdaccio
-## Easy to Set Up
-Set your verdaccio registry as default
- $> npm set registry http://localhost:4873
-$> npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
-## Easy to Use
-Run it in your terminal
- $> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:5555/ - verdaccio/2.2.0
-#### That's it ! Enjoy your **private package manager**.
-##### and all the most popular npm clients are supported.
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-id: iss-server
-title: "Installing on IIS server"
-These instructions were written for Windows Server 2012, IIS 8, [Node.js 0.12.3](https://nodejs.org/), [iisnode 0.2.16](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode) and [verdaccio 2.1.0](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio).
-* Install IIS Install [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode). Make sure you install prerequisites (Url Rewrite Module & node) as explained in the instructions for iisnode.
-* Create a new folder in Explorer where you want to host verdaccio. For example `C:\verdaccio`. Save [package.json](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Installing-on-IIS-server#packagejson), [start.js](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Installing-on-IIS-server#startjs) and [web.config](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/wiki/Installing-on-IIS-server#webconfig) in this folder.
-* Create a new site in Internet Information Services Manager. You can name it whatever you want. I'll call it verdaccio in these [instructions](http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities). Specify the path to where you saved all files and a port number.
-* Go back to Explorer and give the user that runs the application pool modify rights to the folder you just created. If you've named the new site verdaccio and did not change the app pool, it's running under an ApplicationPoolIdentity and you should give the user IIS AppPool\verdaccio modify rights see instructions if you need help. (You can restrict access later if you want so that it only has modify rights on the iisnode and verdaccio\storage)
-* Start a command prompt and execute the commands below to download verdaccio:
- cd c:\verdaccio
- npm install
-* Make sure you have an inbound rule accepting TCP traffic to the port in Windows Firewall
-* Thats it! Now you can navigate to the host and port that you specified
-I wanted the `verdaccio` site to be the default site in IIS so I did the following:
-* I made sure the .npmrc file in `c:\users{yourname}` had the registry set to `"registry=http://localhost/"`
-* I stopped the "Default Web Site" and only start the site "verdaccio" site in IIS
-* I set the bindings to "http", ip address "All Unassigned" on port 80, ok any warning or prompts
-These instructions are based on [Host Sinopia in IIS on Windows](https://gist.github.com/HCanber/4dd8409f79991a09ac75). I had to tweak my web config as per below but you may find the original from the for mentioned link works better
-A default configuration file will be created `c:\verdaccio\verdaccio\config.yaml`
-### package.json
- "name": "iisnode-verdaccio",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "Hosts verdaccio in iisnode",
- "main": "start.js",
- "dependencies": {
- "verdaccio": "^2.1.0"
- }
-### start.js
-process.argv.push('-l', 'unix:' + process.env.PORT);
-### web.config
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-id: index1
-date: 2017-07-10T23:36:56.503Z
-title: Docs Home
-`verdaccio` is a fork of **sinopia** and it's backwards compatible.
-## Why should I use verdaccio?
-* I am/was **sinopia** user and need an **easy migration**.
-* I need a lightweight and free solution
-* I need long-term support and help when I got stuck.
-* I want a product compatible with the newer tools as **Yarn** and **DevOps (Docker, Ansible, Puppet, etc)** tools.
-* An evolving plugabble product, not only for **Authentification**, also for **Storage** and more in the future.
-* An active community
-* Integration with **Nexus**, **Artifactoy** and any other npm compatible registry.
-A bunch more of reasons [you might be interested](https://medium.com/@jotadeveloper/five-use-cases-where-a-npm-private-proxy-fits-in-your-workflow-632a81779c14).
-### Why we forked from Sinopia?
-It [appeared that sinopia maintenance had stalled and the author had abandoned it](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/376), so there was a suggestion that the sinopia-using community would benefit from a fresh look at the code and the outstanding issues. So here we are The last step about the [detach from sinopia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/38).
-### Near Future
-`verdaccio` aims to be compatible with sinopia along the time preserving the main features, a lightweight app based on local file system and easy installation but being able to be pluggable and built over a modern tool stack.
-## Getting Started
-### Installation
-* [Installation](/docs/installation)
-### Usage
-* [Command Line](/docs/cli)
-### Configuration
-* [The configuration file](/docs/configuration)
-* [Setting up *uplinks*](/docs/uplinks)
-* [Packages Access](/docs/packages)
-* [Authorization and Access](/docs/authentication)
-* [Enable Notifications](/docs/notifications)
-* [Custom Logs](/docs/logger)
-### UI Customization
-* [Configure the Web](/docs/webui)
-## Server Configurations
-* [Advanced Server Configuration](/docs/server)
-* [Reverse Proxy](/docs/reverse-proxy)
-* [SSL Certificates](/docs/ssl)
-### Windows Specific Settings
-* [Installing As a Windows Service](/docs/windows)
-* [Installing on IIS server](/docs/iis-server)
-## Extend Verdaccio
-* [Installing Plugins](/docs/plugins)
-## DevOps
-* [Configure with Ansible](/docs/ansible)
-* [Using Docker Image](/docs/docker)
-* [Using Kubernetes](/docs/kubernetes)
-## Guides && Recipes
-* [Learn how to protect your packages](/docs/recipes/protect-your-dependencies)
-## Development
-* [I want to to contribute](/docs/dev/contributing)
-* [Build verdaccio](/docs/dev/build)
-* [Create plugins](/docs/dev/plugins)
-* [Repositories](/docs/dev/repositories)
-* [Unit Testing](/docs/dev/unit-test)
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-id: installation
-title: "Installation"
-Verdaccio is a multiplatform web application, to install you need at least some prerequisites.
-#### Prerequisites
-1. Node higher than
- - For version `verdaccio@2.x` we support from Node `v4.6.1`.
- - For version `verdaccio@3.x` we support as minimum Node `6.12.0`
-2. npm `>=3.x` or `yarn`
-3. The web interface support browsers `Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE9`
-## Installing the CLI
-`verdaccio` must be install globaly using any of the most modern
-Using `npm`
-npm install -g verdaccio
-or using `yarn`
-yarn global add verdaccio
-## Basic Usage
-Once has been installed you only need to execute the CLI command.
-$> verdaccio
-warn --- config file - /home/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
-warn --- http address - http://localhost:5555/ - verdaccio/3.0.0
-For more information about CLI please [read the cli section](cli.md).
-## Docker Image
-`verdaccio` has a official docker image you can use, in the most of cases is good enough just the default configuration, for more information about how to install the official image [read the docker section](docker.md).
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-id: kubernetes
-title: "Kubernetes"
-You can find instructions to deploy Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster on the [verdaccio/docker-example](https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples/tree/master/kubernetes-example) repository. However, the recommended method to install Verdaccio on a Kubernetes cluster is to use [Helm](https://helm.sh). Helm is a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) package manager which bring multiple advantages.
-## Helm
-### Setup Helm
-If you haven't used Helm before, you need to setup the Helm controller called Tiller:
-helm init
-### Install
-Deploy the Helm [stable/verdaccio](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/verdaccio) chart. In this example we use `npm` as release name:
-helm install --name npm stable/verdaccio
-### Deploy a specific version
-helm install --name npm --set image.tag=2.6.5 stable/verdaccio
-### Upgrading Verdaccio
-helm upgrade npm stable/verdaccio
-### Uninstalling
-helm del --purge npm
-**Note:** this command delete all the resources, including packages that you may have previously published to the registry.
-### Custom Verdaccio configuration
-You can customize the Verdaccio configuration using a Kubernetes *configMap*.
-#### Prepare
-Copy the [existing configuration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) and adapt it for your use case:
-wget https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml -O config.yaml
-**Note:** Make sure you are using the right path for the storage that is used for persistency:
-storage: /verdaccio/storage/data
- htpasswd:
- file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd
-#### Deploy the configMap
-Deploy the `configMap` to the cluster
-kubectl create configmap verdaccio-config --from-file ./config.yaml
-#### Deploy Verdaccio
-Now you can deploy the Verdaccio Helm chart and specify which configuration to use:
-helm install --name npm --set customConfigMap=verdaccio-config stable/verdaccio
-## Rancher Support
-[Rancher](http://rancher.com/) is a complete container management platform that makes managing and using containers in production really easy.
-* [verdaccio-rancher](https://github.com/lgaticaq/verdaccio-rancher)
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-id: logger
-title: "Logger"
-As any web application, verdaccio has a customisable built-in logger. You can define multiple types of outputs.
- # console output
- - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
- # file output
- - {type: file, path: verdaccio.log, level: info}
-Use `SIGUSR2` to notify the application, the log-file was rotated and it needs to reopen it.
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| type | string | No | [stdout, file] | all | define the output |
-| path | string | No | verdaccio.log | all | if type is file, define the location of that file |
-| format | string | No | [pretty, pretty-timestamped] | all | output format |
-| level | string | No | [fatal, error, warn, http, info, debug, trace] | all | verbose level |
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-id: node-api
-title: "Node API"
-Verdaccio can be invoqued programmatically. The node API was introduced after version `verdaccio@3.0.0-alpha.10`.
-## Usage
-#### Programmatically
- import startServer from 'verdaccio';
- startServer(configJsonFormat, 6000, store, '1.0.0', 'verdaccio',
- (webServer, addrs, pkgName, pkgVersion) => {
- webServer.listen(addr.port || addr.path, addr.host, () => {
- console.log('verdaccio running');
- });
- });
-## Other implementations
-* [verdaccio-server](https://github.com/boringame/verdaccio-server) local npm registry proxy server
-// js
-import * as verdaccioServer from "verdaccio-server";
-// windows .net2
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-id: notifications
-title: "Notifications"
-Notify was built primarily to use with Slack's Incoming webhooks, but will also deliver a simple payload to any endpoint. Currently only active for `publish` / `create` commands.
-## Usage
-An example with a **hipchat** hook:
-#### Single notification
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-#### Multiple notification
- 'example-package-1'
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-package-2'
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
- 'example-package-3'
- method: POST
- headers: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}]
- endpoint: https://usagge.hipchat.com/v2/room/3729485/notification?auth_token=mySecretToken
- content: '{"color":"green","message":"New package published: * {{ name }}*","notify":true,"message_format":"text"}'
-## Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Support | Default | Description |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | -------- | ------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| method | string | No | all | | HTTP verb |
-| packagePattern | string | No | all | | Only run this notification if the package name matches the regular expression |
-| packagePatternFlags | string | No | all | | Any flags to be used with the regular expression |
-| headers | array/object | Yes | all | | If this endpoint requires specific headers, set them here as an array of key: value objects. |
-| endpoint | string | Yes | all | | set the URL endpoint for this call |
-| content | string | Yes | all | | any Handlebar expressions |
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-id: packages
-title: "Package Access"
-It's a series of contrains that allow or restrict access to the local storage based in specific criteria.
-The security constraints remains on shoulders of the plugin being used, by default `verdaccio` uses the `htpasswd` plugin. If you use a different plugin the behaviour might be different. The default plugin `htpasswd` does not handles by itself `allow_access` and `allow_publish`, it's use an internal fallback in case the plugin is not ready for it. For more information about permissions visit [the authentification section in the wiki](auth.md).
-### Usage
- # scoped packages
- '@scope/*':
- allow_access: all
- allow_publish: all
- proxy: server2
- 'private-*':
- access: all
- publish: all
- proxy_access: uplink1
- '**':
- # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
- # publish all packages
- allow_access: all
- allow_publish: all
- proxy_access: uplink2
-if none is specified, the default one remains
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-The list of valid groups according the default plugins are
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous'
-All users recieves all those set of permissions independently of is anonymous or not plus the groups provided by the plugin, in case of `htpasswd` return the username as a group. For instance, if you are logged as `npmUser` the list of groups will be.
-// groups without '$' are going to be deprecated eventually
-'$all', '$anonymous', '@all', '@anonymous', 'all', 'undefined', 'anonymous', 'npmUser'
-If you want to protect specific set packages under your group, you need todo something like this. Let's use a `Regex` that covers all prefixed `npmuser-` packages. We recomend use a prefix for your packages, in that way it'd be easier to protect them.
- 'npmuser-*':
- access: npmuser
- publish: npmuser
-Restart `verdaccio` and in your console try to install `npmuser-core`.
-$ npm install npmuser-core
-npm install npmuser-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: npmuser-core@latest
-npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
-npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2017-07-02T12_20_14_834Z-debug.log
-You can change the existing behaviour using a different plugin authentication. `verdaccio` just check whether the user that try to access or publish specific package belongs to the right group.
-#### Set multiple groups
-Define multiple access groups is fairly easy, just define them with a white space between them.
- 'company-*':
- allow_access: admin internal
- allow_publish: admin
- proxy_access: server1
- 'supersecret-*':
- allow_access: secret super-secret-area ultra-secret-area
- allow_publish: secret ultra-secret-area
- proxy_access: server1
-#### Blocking access to set of packages
-If you want to block the acccess/publish to a specific group of packages. Just, do not define `access` and `publish`.
- 'old-*':
- '**':
- access: all
- publish: $authenticated
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple `packages` and each of them must have an unique `Regex`.
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| --------------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| allow_access/access | string | No | $all | all | define groups allowed to access the package |
-| allow_publish/publish | string | No | $authenticated | all | define groups allowed to publish |
-| proxy_access/proxy | string | No | npmjs | all | limit look ups for specific uplink |
-| storage | boolean | No | [true,false] | all | TODO |
-We higlight recommend do not use **allow_access**/**allow_publish** and **proxy_access** anymore, those are deprecated, please use the short version of each of those (**access**/**publish**/**proxy**
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-id: plugins
-title: "Plugins"
-Verdaccio is an plugabble aplication. Currently supports multiple plugins only for [Authentication](auth.md) but there are plans to [improve the plugin system](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/169). If you are interested to develop your own plugin, read the [development](development.md) section.
-## Usage
-### Installation
-$> npm install --global verdaccio-activedirectory
-`verdaccio` as a sinopia fork it has backward compability with plugins that are compatible with `sinopia@1.4.0`. In such case the installation is the same.
- &> npm install --global sinopia-memory
-### Configuration
-Open the `config.yaml` file and update the `auth` section as follows:
-The default configuration looks like this, due we use a build-in `htpasswd` plugin by default that you can disable just commenting out the following lines.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
-and replacing them with (in case you decide to use a `ldap` plugin.
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-### Multiple Auth plugins
-This is tecnically possible, the plugins order becames important, the the credentials will resolved in order.
- htpasswd:
- file: ./htpasswd
- # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
- # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
- #max_users: 1000
- activedirectory:
- url: "ldap://"
- baseDN: 'dc=sample,dc=local'
- domainSuffix: 'sample.local'
-This is a list of plugins compatible with **Verdaccio**.
-## Sinopia Legacy Plugins
-* [sinopia-npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-npm): auth plugin for sinopia supporting an npm registry.
-* [sinopia-memory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-memory): auth plugin for sinopia that keeps users in memory.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-cli](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-cli).
-* [sinopia-crowd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-crowd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting atlassian crowd.
-* [sinopia-activedirectory](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth): authentication plugin for sinopia2, supporting github oauth web flow.
-* [sinopia-delegated-auth](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-delegated-auth): Sinopia authentication plugin that delegates authentication to another HTTP URL
-* [sinopia-altldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-altldap): Alternate LDAP Auth plugin for Sinopia
-* [sinopia-request](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-request): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use an external API.
-* [sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htaccess-gpg-email): Generate password in htaccess format, encrypt with GPG and send via MailGun API to users.
-* [sinopia-mongodb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-mongodb): An easy and fully auth-plugin with configuration to use a mongodb database.
-* [sinopia-htpasswd](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-htpasswd): auth plugin for sinopia supporting htpasswd format.
-* [sinopia-leveldb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-leveldb): a leveldb backed auth plugin for sinopia private npm.
-* [sinopia-gitlabheres](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlabheres): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-gitlab](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-gitlab): Gitlab authentication plugin for sinopia
-* [sinopia-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for sinopia.
-* [sinopia-github-oauth-env](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sinopia-github-oauth-env) Sinopia authentication plugin with github oauth web flow.
-## Verdaccio Plugins (since 2.1.x)
-* [verdaccio-bitbucket](https://github.com/idangozlan/verdaccio-bitbucket): Bitbucket authentication plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-ldap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verdaccio-ldap): LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio.
-* [verdaccio-active-directory](https://github.com/nowhammies/verdaccio-activedirectory): Active Directory authentication plugin for verdaccio
-* [verdaccio-gitlab](https://github.com/bufferoverflow/verdaccio-gitlab): use GitLab Personal Access Token to authenticate
-## Caveats
-Not all these plugins are been tested continuously, some of them might not work at all. Please if you found any issue feel free to notify the owner of each plugin.
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-id: protect-your-dependencies
-title: "Protecting packages"
-`verdaccio` allows you protect publish, to achieve that you will need to set up correctly your [packages acces](packages).
-### Package configuration
-Let's see for instance the following set up. You have a set of dependencies what are prefixed with `my-company-*` and you need to protect them from anonymous or another logged user without right credentials.
- 'my-company-*':
- access: admin teamA teamB teamC
- publish: admin teamA
- proxy: npmjs
-With this configuration, basically we allow to groups **admin** and **teamA** to * publish* and **teamA** **teamB** **teamC** *access* to such dependencies.
-### Use case: teamD try to access the dependency
-So, if I am logged as **teamD**. I shouldn't be able to access all dependencies that match with `my-company-*` pattern.
-➜ npm whoami
-I won't have access to such dependencies and also won't be visible via web for user **teamD**. If I try to access the following will happen.
-➜ npm install my-company-core
-npm ERR! code E403
-npm ERR! 403 Forbidden: webpack-1@latest
-or with `yarn`
-➜ yarn add my-company-core
-yarn add v0.24.6
-info No lockfile found.
-error An unexpected error occurred: "http://localhost:5555/webpack-1: unregistered users are not allowed to access package my-company-core".
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-id: source-code
-title: "Source Code"
-`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you
-| Repository | Usage | Stack |
-| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| | The main repository | Node, Express, async, React, Babel, ES6, Mocha, Markdown, HTML, Sass |
-| | Small library to handle streams | ES6, Babel, *Soon: Flow* |
-| | Small library to handle locked files | ES6, Babel, *Soon: Flow* |
-| | Default dependency for verdaccio to handle local file system storage (since `v3.x`) | ES6, Babel, Flow |
-| | `flow` type definitions for verdaccio and sub dependencies. | Flow, flow-typed |
-| | Public `verdaccio` website and future documentation page. | Markdown, HTML, Sass, Github Pages |
-| | Docker examples with `docker-compose` to play around with integrations, (nginx, kubernetes, apache, ldap, etc..) | Docker Compose, Docker |
-| | Puppet support | Puppet |
-| | Ansible support | Ansible |
-| | Chef support | Chef |
-| | Kubernetes support | Kubernetes |
-## Experimental Repos
-The following repositories aims to be part of the future infraestructure of `verdaccio` and are just PoC looking for active colaborators.
-| Repository | Usage | Stack |
-| --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| | An experimental storage in memory | ES6, Babel, Flow |
-| | Yeoman generators for future verdaccio plugins | ES6, Babel, Yeoman |
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-id: reverse-proxy
-title: "Reverse Proxy Setup"
-## Apache
-Apache and mod_proxy should not decode/encode slashes and leave them as they are:
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass /npm nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /npm
-### Configuration with SSL
-url_prefix: https://npm.your.domain.com
-Apache virtual server configuration
- apacheconfig
- ServerName npm.your.domain.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/fullchain.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm.your.domain.com/privkey.pem
- SSLProxyEngine On
- ProxyRequests Off
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
- ProxyPass / nocanon
- ProxyPassReverse /
-## Nginx
- server {
- listen 80 default_server;
- location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- }
- }
-## Run behind reverse proxy with different domain and port
-If you run verdaccio behind reverse proxy, you may noticed all resource file served as relaticve path, like ``
-To resolve this issue, you should send real domain and port to verdaccio with `Host` heade
-Nginx configure should look like this:
-location / {
- proxy_pass;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should NOT set in verdaccio config
-* * *
-or a sub-directory installation:
-location ~ ^/verdaccio/(.*)$ {
- proxy_pass$1;
- proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
-For this case, `url_prefix` should set to `/verdaccio/`
-> Note: There is a Slash after install path (`https://your-domain:port/vardaccio/`)!
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-id: server-configuration
-title: "Server Configuration"
-This is mostly basic linux server configuration stuff but I felt it important to document and share the steps I took to get verdaccio running permanently on my server. You will need root (or sudo) permissions for the following.
-## Running as a separate user
-First create the verdaccio user:
-$ sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'Verdaccio NPM mirror' verdaccio
-You create a shell as the verdaccio user using the following command:
-$ sudo su verdaccio
-$ cd ~
-The 'cd ~' command send you to the home directory of the verdaccio user. Make sure you run verdaccio at least once to generate the config file. Edit it according to your needs.
-## Listening on all addresses
-If you want to listen to every external address set the listen directive in the config to:
-# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)
-If you are running `verdaccio` in a Amazon EC2 Instance, [you will need set the listen in change your config file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/314#issuecomment-327852203) as is described above.
-> Apache configure? Please check out the [Reverse Proxy Setup](reverse-proxy.md)
-## Keeping verdaccio running forever
-We can use the node package called 'forever' to keep verdaccio running all the time. https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
-First install forever globally:
-$ sudo npm install -g forever
-Make sure you've started verdaccio at least once to generate the config file and write down the created admin user. You can then use the following command to start verdaccio:
-$ forever start `which verdaccio`
-You can check the documentation for more information on how to use forever.
-## Surviving server restarts
-We can use crontab and forever together to restart verdaccio after a server reboot. When you're logged in as the verdaccio user do the following:
-$ crontab -e
-This might ask you to choose an editor. Pick your favorite and proceed. Add the following entry to the file:
- @reboot /usr/bin/forever start /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
-The locations may vary depending on your server setup. If you want to know where your files are you can use the 'which' command:
-$ which forever
-$ which verdaccio
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-id: ssl
-title: "Set up the SSL Certificates"
-Follow this instructions to configure a SSL certificate to serve NPM registry under HTTPS.
-* Update the listen property in your `~/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml`:
- listen: 'https://your.domain.com/'
-Once you update the listen and try to run verdaccio again will ask for certificates.
-* Generate your certificates
- $ openssl genrsa -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem 2048
- $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- $ openssl x509 -req -in /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem -signkey /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem -out /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem
- ````
- * Edit your config file `/Users/user/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml` and add the following section
-https: key: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-key.pem cert: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-cert.pem ca: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/verdaccio-csr.pem
- Alternatively, if you have a certificate as `server.pfx` format, you can add the following configuration section. The passphrase is optional and only needed, if your certificate is encrypted.
-https: pfx: /Users/user/.config/verdaccio/server.pfx passphrase: 'secret' ````
-More info on the `key`, `cert`, `ca`, `pfx` and `passphrase` arguments on the [Node documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurecontext_options)
-* Run `verdaccio` in your command line.
-* Open the browser and load `https://your.domain.com:port/`
-This instructions are mostly valid under OSX and Linux, on Windows the paths will vary but, the steps are the same.
-## Docker
-If you are using the Docker image, you have to set the `PROTOCOL` environment variable to `https` as the `listen` argument is provided on the [Dockerfile](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/Dockerfile#L43), and thus ignored from your config file.
-You can also set the `PORT` environment variable if you are using a different port than `4873`.
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-id: unit-testing
-title: "Unit Testing"
-All tests are split in three folders:
-- `test/unit` - Tests that cover functions that transform data in an non-trivial way. These tests simply `require()` a few files and run code in there, so they are very fast.
-- `test/functional` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and perform a series of requests to it over http. They are slower than unit tests.
-- `test/integration` - Tests that launch a verdaccio instance and do requests to it using npm. They are really slow and can hit a real npm registry. **unmaintained test**
-Unit and functional tests are executed automatically by running `npm test` from the project's root directory. Integration tests are supposed to be executed manually from time to time.
-We use `jest` for all test.
-## The npm Script
-To run the test script you can use either `npm` or `yarn`.
- yarn run test
-That will trigger only two first groups of test, unit and functional.
-### Using test/unit
-The following is just an example how a unit test should looks like. Basically follow the `jest` standard.
-Try to describe what exactly does the unit test in a single sentence in the header of the `test` section.
-const verdaccio = require('../../src/api/index');
-const config = require('./partials/config');
-describe('basic system test', () => {
- beforeAll(function(done) {
- // something important
- });
- afterAll((done) => {
- // undo something important
- });
- test('server should respond on /', done => {
- // your test
- done();
- });
-### Using test/functional
-Funtional testing in verdaccio has a bit more of complextity that needs a deep explanation in order to success in your experience.
-All starts in the `index.js` file. Let's dive in into it.
-// we create 3 server instances
- const config1 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage',
- './store/config-1.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55551/');
- const config2 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage2',
- './store/config-2.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55552/');
- const config3 = new VerdaccioConfig(
- './store/test-storage3',
- './store/config-3.yaml',
- 'http://localhost:55553/');
- const server1: IServerBridge = new Server(config1.domainPath);
- const server2: IServerBridge = new Server(config2.domainPath);
- const server3: IServerBridge = new Server(config3.domainPath);
- const process1: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config1, server1, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process2: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config2, server2, SILENCE_LOG);
- const process3: IServerProcess = new VerdaccioProcess(config3, server3, SILENCE_LOG);
- const express: any = new ExpressServer();
- ...
- // we check whether all instances has been started, since run in independent processes
- beforeAll((done) => {
- Promise.all([
- process1.init(),
- process2.init(),
- process3.init()]).then((forks) => {
- _.map(forks, (fork) => {
- processRunning.push(fork[0]);
- });
- express.start(EXPRESS_PORT).then((app) =>{
- done();
- }, (err) => {
- done(err);
- });
- }).catch((error) => {
- done(error);
- });
- });
- // after finish all, we ensure are been stoped
- afterAll(() => {
- _.map(processRunning, (fork) => {
- fork.stop();
- });
- express.server.close();
- });
-### Usage
-Here we are gonna describe how it looks like an usual functional test, check inline for more detail information.
-#### The lib/server.js
-The server class is just a wrapper that simulates a `npm` client and provides a simple API for the funtional test.
-As we mention in the previous section, we are creating 3 process servers that are accessible in each process as `server1`, `server2` and ``server3`.
-Using such reference you will be able to send request to any of the 3 instance running.
- export default function(server) {
- // we recieve any server instance via arguments
- test('add tag - 404', () => {
- // we interact with the server instance.
- return server.addTag('testpkg-tag', 'tagtagtag', '0.0.1').status(404).body_error(/no such package/);
- });
-### Test/integration
-These section never has been used, but we are looking for help to make it run properly. **All new ideas are very welcome.**
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-id: uplinks
-title: "Uplinks"
-An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.
-### Usage
- npmjs:
- url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
- server2:
- url: http://mirror.local.net/
- timeout: 100ms
- server3:
- url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
- baduplink:
- url: http://localhost:55666/
-### Configuration
-You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default |
-| ------------ | ------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------- |
-| url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs |
-| ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default |
-| timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s |
-| maxage | string | No | 10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m |
-| fail_timeout | string | No | 10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m |
-| max_fails | number | No | 2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2 |
-| cache | boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 2.1 | avoid cache tarballs | true |
-| auth | list | No | type: [bearer,basic], [token: "token",token_env: [true,\]] | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' see: http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules | disabled |
-| headers | list | No | authorization: "Basic YourBase64EncodedCredentials==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled |
-### You Must know
-* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
-* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
-* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
-* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
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-id: use-cases
-title: "Use Cases"
-## Using private packages
-You can add users and manage which users can access which packages.
-It is recommended that you define a prefix for your private packages, for example "local", so all your private things will look like this: `local-foo`. This way you can clearly separate public packages from private ones.
-## Using public packages from npmjs.org
-If some package doesn't exist in the storage, server will try to fetch it from npmjs.org. If npmjs.org is down, it serves packages from cache pretending that no other packages exist. Verdaccio will download only what's needed (= requested by clients), and this information will be cached, so if client will ask the same thing second time, it can be served without asking npmjs.org for it.
-Example: if you successfully request express@3.0.1 from this server once, you'll able to do that again (with all it's dependencies) anytime even if npmjs.org is down. But say express@3.0.0 will not be downloaded until it's actually needed by somebody. And if npmjs.org is offline, this server would say that only express@3.0.1 (= only what's in the cache) is published, but nothing else.
-## Override public packages
-If you want to use a modified version of some public package `foo`, you can just publish it to your local server, so when your type `npm install foo`, it'll consider installing your version.
-There's two options here:
-1. You want to create a separate fork and stop synchronizing with public version.
- If you want to do that, you should modify your configuration file so verdaccio won't make requests regarding this package to npmjs anymore. Add a separate entry for this package to *config.yaml* and remove `npmjs` from `proxy` list and restart the server.
- When you publish your package locally, you should probably start with version string higher than existing one, so it won't conflict with existing package in the cache.
-2. You want to temporarily use your version, but return to public one as soon as it's updated.
- In order to avoid version conflicts, you should use a custom pre-release suffix of the next patch version. For example, if a public package has version 0.1.2, you can upload 0.1.3-my-temp-fix. This way your package will be used until its original maintainer updates his public package to 0.1.3.
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-id: webui
-title: "Web User Interface"
-Verdaccio has a web user interface to display only the private packges and can be customisable.
- enable: true
- title: Verdaccio
- logo: logo.png
-### Configuration
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| -------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | $authenticated | all | HTML head title description |
-| logo | string | No | http://my.logo.domain/logo.png | all | a URI where logo is located |
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-id: what-is-verdaccio
-title: "What is Verdaccio?"
-## In a nutshell
-* It's a web app based on Node.js
-* It's a private npm registry
-* It's a local network proxy
-* It's a Pluggable application
-* It's a fairly easy install and use
-* We offer Docker and Kubernetes support
-* It is 100% compatible with yarn, npm and pnpm
-* It was born based on `sinopia@1.4.0` fork and *backward compatible*
-* Verdaccio means **A green color popular in late medieval Italy for fresco painting**.
-## What's a registry
-* A repository for packages that implements the CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification for reading package info
-* Store npm packages
-* Provide an API compatible with npm clients
-* Semantic Versioning (semver) compatible
-```bash curl -v https://registry.npmjs.org/aaa
-* Connected to registry.npmjs.org ( port 443 (#0)
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--- a/website/translated_docs/zh-Hant/windows.md
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-id: windows
-title: "Installing As a Windows Service"
-Loosely based upon the instructions found [here](http://asysadmin.tumblr.com/post/32941224574/running-nginx-on-windows-as-a-service). I crafted the following and it provided me with a fully working verdaccio service installation:
-1. Create a directory for verdaccio
- * mkdir `c:\verdaccio`
- * cd `c:\verdaccio`
-2. Install verdaccio locally (I ran into npm issues with global installs)
- * npm install verdaccio
-3. Create your `config.yaml` file in this location `(c:\verdaccio\config.yaml)`
-4. Windows Service Setup
-## Using NSSM
-ALTERNATIVE METHOD: (WinSW package was missing when I tried to download it)
-* Download [NSSM](https://www.nssm.cc/download/) and extract
-* Add the path that contains nssm.exe to the PATH
-* Open an administrative command
-* Run nssm install verdaccio At a minimum you must fill in the Application tab Path, Startup directory and Arguments fields. Assuming an install with node in the system path and a location of c:\verdaccio the below values will work:
- * Path: `node`
- * Startup directory: `c:\verdaccio`
- * Arguments: `c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml`
- You can adjust other service settings under other tabs as desired. When you are done, click Install service button
- * Start the service sc start verdaccio
-## Using WinSW
-* As of 2015-10-27, WinSW is no longer available at the below location. Please follow the Using NSSM instructions above.
-* Download [WinSW](http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/)
- * Place the executable (e.g. `winsw-1.9-bin.exe`) into this folder (`c:\verdaccio`) and rename it to `verdaccio-winsw.exe`
-* Create a configuration file in `c:\verdaccio`, named `verdaccio-winsw.xml` with the following configuration `xml verdaccio verdaccio verdaccio node c:\verdaccio\node_modules\verdaccio\src\lib\cli.js -c c:\verdaccio\config.yaml roll c:\verdaccio`.
-* Install your service
- * `cd c:\verdaccio`
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe install`
-* Start your service
- * `verdaccio-winsw.exe start`
-Some of the above config is more verbose than I had expected, it appears as though 'workingdirectory' is ignored, but other than that, this works for me and allows my verdaccio instance to persist between restarts of the server, and also restart itself should there be any crashes of the verdaccio process.
-## Repositories
-* [verdaccio-deamon-windows](https://github.com/davidenke/verdaccio-deamon-windows)
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-const path = require("path");
-const fs = require("fs");
-const parseYaml = require("js-yaml").safeLoad;
-function loadYaml(fsPath) {
- return parseYaml(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, fsPath), "utf8"));
-module.exports = {
- loadYaml
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