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mirror of https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio.git synced 2025-01-27 22:59:51 -05:00

add a possibility to listen on multiple ports

This commit is contained in:
Alex Kocharin 2015-03-28 17:20:58 +03:00
parent 61fff273fc
commit dfef2b862f

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ var http = require('http')
var https = require('https')
var YAML = require('js-yaml')
var Path = require('path')
var URL = require('url')
var server = require('./index')
var pkg_file = '../package.yaml'
var pkg = YAML.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(__dirname+'/'+ pkg_file, 'utf8'))
@ -60,38 +61,92 @@ try {
function get_hostport() {
function get_listen_addresses() {
// command line || config file || default
var hostport = commander.listen || String(config.listen || '') || '4873'
var addresses
hostport = hostport.split(':')
if (hostport.length < 2) {
hostport = [ undefined, hostport[0] ]
if (commander.listen) {
addresses = [ commander.listen ]
} else if (Array.isArray(config.listen)) {
addresses = config.listen
} else if (config.listen) {
addresses = [ config.listen ]
} else {
addresses = [ '4873' ]
if (hostport[0] == null) {
hostport[0] = 'localhost'
addresses = addresses.map(function(addr) {
// Allow:
// - https:localhost:1234 - protocol + host + port
// - localhost:1234 - host + port
// - 1234 - port
// - http::1234 - protocol + port
// - https://localhost:443/ - full url
var m = /^((https?):(\/\/)?)?(([^\/:]+):)?(\d+)\/?$/.exec(addr)
if (!m) {
logger.logger.warn({ addr: addr },
'invalid address - @{addr}, we expect a port (e.g. "4873"),'
+ ' host:port (e.g. "localhost:4873") or full url'
+ ' (e.g. "http://localhost:4873/")')
return hostport
return {
proto: m[2] || 'http',
host: m[5] || 'localhost',
port: m[6] || '4873',
return addresses
function afterConfigLoad() {
if (!config.self_path) config.self_path = Path.resolve(config_path)
if (!config.https) config.https = { enable: false };
var hostport = get_hostport()
var app = server(config);
var webServer;
var app = server(config)
get_listen_addresses().forEach(function(addr) {
var webServer
if (addr.proto === 'https') { // https
if (!config.https || !config.https.key || !config.https.cert) {
var conf_path = function(file) {
if (!file) return config_path
return Path.resolve(Path.dirname(config_path), file)
'You need to specify "https.key" and "https.cert" to run https server',
// commands are borrowed from node.js docs
'To quickly create self-signed certificate, use:',
' $ openssl genrsa -out ' + conf_path('sinopia-key.pem') + ' 2048',
' $ openssl req -new -sha256 -key ' + conf_path('sinopia-key.pem') + ' -out ' + conf_path('sinopia-csr.pem'),
' $ openssl x509 -req -in ' + conf_path('sinopia-csr.pem') + ' -signkey ' + conf_path('sinopia-key.pem') + ' -out ' + conf_path('sinopia-cert.pem'),
'And then add to config file (' + conf_path() + '):',
' https:',
' key: sinopia-key.pem',
' cert: sinopia-cert.pem',
if (config.https.enable === true) { // https
try {
webServer = https.createServer({
secureProtocol: 'SSLv23_method', // disable insecure SSLv2 and SSLv3
secureOptions: constants.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | constants.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3,
key: fs.readFileSync(config.https.key),
cert: fs.readFileSync(config.https.cert)
}, app);
}, app)
} catch (err) { // catch errors related to certificate loading
logger.logger.fatal({err: err}, 'cannot create server: @{err.message}')
logger.logger.fatal({ err: err }, 'cannot create server: @{err.message}')
} else { // http
@ -99,16 +154,22 @@ function afterConfigLoad() {
.listen(hostport[1], hostport[0])
.listen(addr.port, addr.host)
.on('error', function(err) {
logger.logger.fatal({ err: err }, 'cannot create server: @{err.message}')
addr: (config.https.enable === true ? 'https' : 'http') + '://'+hostport[0]+':'+hostport[1]+'/',
addr: URL.format({
protocol: addr.proto,
hostname: addr.host,
port: addr.port,
pathname: '/',
version: 'Sinopia/'+pkg.version,
}, 'http address - @{addr}')
// undocumented stuff for tests
if (typeof(process.send) === 'function') {