- start : Verdaccio start
- Yes: Loading custom plugin
- No: Custom plugin not found
- Yes_loads: Plugin loads successfully
- No_loads: Plugin fails on load
- load_default: Load default theme (@verdaccio/theme-ui)
- Crash: Verdaccio stops
- [*] --> start
- start --> if_loads
- if_loads --> No: false
- if_loads --> Yes : true
- Yes --> if_load_fails
- No --> load_default
- if_load_fails --> No_loads: false
- if_load_fails --> Yes_loads : true
- No_loads --> Crash
-### How the assets of the theme loads? {#loads}
-By default the application loads on `http://localhost:4873`, but in cases where a resverse proxy with custom domain are involved the assets are loaded based on the property `__VERDACCIO_BASENAME_UI_OPTIONS.base` and `__VERDACCIO_BASENAME_UI_OPTIONS.basename`, thus only one domain configuration can be used.
-The theme loads only in the client side, the application renders HTML with `'
- metaScripts:
- - ''
- - ''
- - ''
- scriptsbodyBefore:
- - 'html before webpack scripts
- html_cache: true
- showInfo: true
- showSettings: true
- # In combination with darkMode you can force specific theme
- showThemeSwitch: true
- showFooter: true
- showSearch: true
- showDownloadTarball: true
- showRaw: true
-All access restrictions defined to [protect your packages](protect-your-dependencies.md) will also apply to the Web Interface.
-> The `primary_color` and `scope` must be wrapped by quotes: eg: ('#000000' or "#000000")
-The `primary_color` **must be a valid hex representation**.
-### Internationalization {#internationalization}
-_Since v4.5.0_, there are translations available.
- web: en-US
-> ⚠️ Only the enabled languages on this [file](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/packages/plugins/ui-theme/src/i18n/enabledLanguages.ts) are available, you can contribute by adding new more languages. The default
-> one is en-US
-### Configuration {#configuration}
-| Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description |
-| ------------------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| enable | boolean | No | true/false | all | allow to display the web interface |
-| title | string | No | Verdaccio | all | HTML head title description (if is not define set "Verdaccio" by default). |
-| gravatar | boolean | No | true | `>v4` | Gravatars will be generated under the hood if this property is enabled |
-| sort_packages | [asc,desc] | No | asc | `>v4` | By default private packages are sorted by ascending |
-| logo | string | No | `/local/path/to/my/logo.png` `http://my.logo.domain/logo.png` | all | a URI where logo is located (header logo) |
-| primary_color | string | No | "#4b5e40" | `>4` | The primary color to use throughout the UI (header, etc) |
-| scope | string | No | @myscope | `>v3.x` | If you're using this registry for a specific module scope, specify that scope to set it in the webui instructions header |
-| darkMode | boolean | No | false | `>=v4.6.0` | This mode is an special theme for those want to live in the dark side |
-| favicon | string | No | false | `>=v5.0.1` | Display a custom favicon, can be local resource or valid url |
-| rateLimit | object | No | use `userRateLimit` configuration | `>=v5.4.0` | Increase or decrease rate limit, by default is 5k request every 2 minutes, only limit web api endpoints, the CSS, JS, etcc are ingnored |
-| pkgManagers | npm, pnpm or yarn | No | npm | `>=v5.5.0` | Allow customise which package managers on the side bar and registry information dialog are visible |
-| login | boolean | No | true or false | `>=v5.5.0` | Allow disable login on the UI (also include web endpoints). |
-| scriptsBodyAfter | string[] | No | any list of strings | `>=5.0.0` | inject scripts after the tag |
-| metaScripts | string[] | No | any list of strings | `>=5.0.0` | inject scripts inside