> This guidelines refers to the main (`master`) that host the v6.x, if you want to contribute to `5.x` please read the following [link](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/5.x/CONTRIBUTING.md).
We're happy that you're considering contributing!
To help you getting started we've prepared these guidelines for you, any change matter, just do it:
- [Test and triage bugs reported by others](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aissue_needs_triage)
- [Working on requested/approved features](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22topic%3A+feature+request%22+)
- [Improve the codebase (linting, naming, comments, test descriptions, etc...)](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/discussions/1461)
- Improve code coverage for unit testing for every module, [end to end](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/e2e/cli) or [UI test](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/e2e/ui) (with cypress).
- **Website**: we use [**Docusaurus**](https://docusaurus.io/) for the **website** and if you are familiar with this technology, you might become the official webmaster.
- **User Interface**: The [user Interface](https://github.com/verdaccio/ui) is based in **react** and **material-ui** and looking for front-end contributors.
- **Kubernetes and Helm**: Ts the official repository for the [**Helm chart**](https://github.com/verdaccio/charts).
**Note**: The size of the Verdaccio project is quite significant. Unzipped it is about 33 MB. However, a full build with all node_modules installed takes about **2.8 GB** of disk space (~190k files)!
Verdaccio uses [pnpm](https://pnpm.io) as the package manager for development in this repository.
If you are using pnpm for the first time the [pnpm configuration documentation](https://pnpm.io/configuring) may be useful to avoid any potential problems with the following steps.
**Note**: pnpm uses npm's configuration formats so check that your global `.npmrc` file does not inadvertently disable package locks. In other words, your `.npmrc` file **should not** contain
This setting would cause the `pnpm install` command to install incorrect versions of package dependencies and the subsequent `pnpm build` step would likely fail.
We use [corepack](https://github.com/nodejs/corepack) to install and use a specific (latest) version of pnpm. Please run the following commands which is use a specific version on Node.js and configure it to use a specific version of pnpm. The version of pnpm is specified in the `package.json` file in `packageManager` field.
`pnpm` version will be updated mainly by the maintainers but if you would like to set it to a specific version, you can do so by running the following command:
To run the application from the source code, ensure the project has been built with `pnpm build`, once this is done, there are few commands that helps to run server:
The command `pnpm start` runs web server on port `8000` and user interface (webpack-server) on port `4873`. This is particularly useful if you want to contribute to the UI, since it runs with hot reload. The request to the server are proxy through webpack proxy support through the port `4873`.
The user interface is split in two packages, the `/packages/plugins/ui-theme` and the `/packages/ui-components`. The `ui-components` package uses _storybook_ in order to develop component, but if you need to reload ui components with `ui-theme` do the following.
Go to `/packages/ui-component` and run `pnpm watch` to enable _babel_ in watch mode, every change on the components will be hot reloaded in combination with the `pnpm start` command.
-`pnpm debug:fastify`: To contribute on the [fastify migration](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/discussions/2155) this is a temporary command for such purpose.
-`pnpm website`: Build the website, for more commands to run the _website_, run `cd website` and then `pnpm serve`, website will run on port `3000`.
-`pnpm docker`: Build the docker image. Requires `docker` command available in your system.
- Run `pnpm local:publish:release` to launch a local registry and publish all packages into it. This command will be alive until server is killed (Control Key + C)
a report in our [issue tracker](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues), if you think a potential vulnerability please read the [security policy](https://verdaccio.org/community/security) .
It's recommended use a UNIX system for local development, Windows dev local support is not being tested and might not work. To ensure a fast code review and merge, please follow the next guidelines:
Any contribution gives you the right to be part of this organization as _collaborator_ and your avatar will be automatically added to the [contributors page](https://verdaccio.org/contributors).
On a pull request, commit messages are not important, please focus on document properly the pull request content. The commit message will be taken from the pull request title, it is recommended to use lowercase format.
If you want to contribute by adding translations, create an account (GitHub could be used as fast alternative), in the platform you can contribute to two areas, the website or improve User Interface translations.
If a language is not listed, ask for it in the [Discord](https://discord.gg/7qWJxBf) channel #contribute channel.
For adding a new **language** on the UI follow these steps:
1. Ensure the **language** has been enabled, must be visible in the `crowdin` platform.
2. Find in the explorer the file `en.US.json` in the path `packages/plugins/ui-theme/src/i18n/crowdin/ui.json` and complete the translations, **not need to find approval on this**.
3. Into the project, add a new field into `packages/plugins/ui-theme/src/i18n/crowdin/ui.json` file, in the section `lng`, the new language, eg: `{ lng: {korean:"Korean"}}`. (This file is English based, once the PR has been merged, this string will be available in crowdin for translate to the targeted language).
4. Add the language, [flag icon](https://www.npmjs.com/package/country-flag-icons), and the menu key for the new language eg: `menuKey: 'lng.korean'` to the file `packages/plugins/ui-theme/src/i18n/enabledLanguages.ts`.