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2020-11-14 16:52:37 +01:00
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
import buildDebug from 'debug';
import fs from 'fs';
import _ from 'lodash';
import path from 'path';
import { VerdaccioError, errorUtils } from '@verdaccio/core';
import { readFile, unlockFile } from '@verdaccio/file-locking';
import { ReadTarball, UploadTarball } from '@verdaccio/streams';
import { Callback, ILocalPackageManager, IUploadTarball, Logger, Package } from '@verdaccio/types';
import { readFilePromise, rmdirPromise, unlinkPromise } from './fs';
export const fileExist = 'EEXISTS';
export const noSuchFile = 'ENOENT';
export const resourceNotAvailable = 'EAGAIN';
export const packageJSONFileName = 'package.json';
const debug = buildDebug('verdaccio:plugin:local-storage:local-fs');
export const fSError = function (message: string, code = 409): VerdaccioError {
const err: VerdaccioError = errorUtils.getCode(code, message);
// FIXME: we should return http-status codes here instead, future improvement
// @ts-ignore
err.code = message;
return err;
const tempFile = function (str): string {
return `${str}.tmp${String(Math.random()).substr(2)}`;
const renameTmp = function (src, dst, _cb): void {
const cb = (err): void => {
if (err) {
fs.unlink(src, () => {});
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
return fs.rename(src, dst, cb);
// windows can't remove opened file,
// but it seem to be able to rename it
const tmp = tempFile(dst);
fs.rename(dst, tmp, function (err) {
fs.rename(src, dst, cb);
if (!err) {
fs.unlink(tmp, () => {});
export type ILocalFSPackageManager = ILocalPackageManager & { path: string };
export default class LocalFS implements ILocalFSPackageManager {
public path: string;
public logger: Logger;
public constructor(path: string, logger: Logger) {
this.path = path;
this.logger = logger;
* This function allows to update the package thread-safely
1. lock package.json for writing
2. read package.json
3. updateFn(pkg, cb), and wait for cb
4. write package.json.tmp
5. move package.json.tmp package.json
6. callback(err?)
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} updateHandler
* @param {*} onWrite
* @param {*} transformPackage
* @param {*} onEnd
public updatePackage(
name: string,
updateHandler: Callback,
onWrite: Callback,
transformPackage: Function,
onEnd: Callback
): void {
this._lockAndReadJSON(packageJSONFileName, (err, json) => {
let locked = false;
const self = this;
// callback that cleans up lock first
const unLockCallback = function (lockError: Error): void {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
const _args = arguments;
if (locked) {
debug('unlock %s', packageJSONFileName);
self._unlockJSON(packageJSONFileName, () => {
// ignore any error from the unlock
if (lockError !== null) {
debug('lock file: %o has failed with error %o', name, lockError);
onEnd.apply(lockError, _args);
} else {
debug('file: %o has been updated', name);
if (!err) {
locked = true;
debug('file: %o has been locked', name);
if (_.isNil(err) === false) {
if (err.code === resourceNotAvailable) {
return unLockCallback(errorUtils.getInternalError('resource temporarily unavailable'));
} else if (err.code === noSuchFile) {
return unLockCallback(errorUtils.getNotFound());
} else {
return unLockCallback(err);
updateHandler(json, (err) => {
if (err) {
return unLockCallback(err);
onWrite(name, transformPackage(json), unLockCallback);
public async deletePackage(packageName: string): Promise<void> {
debug('delete a file/package %o', packageName);
return await unlinkPromise(this._getStorage(packageName));
public async removePackage(): Promise<void> {
debug('remove a package folder %o', this.path);
await rmdirPromise(this._getStorage('.'));
public createPackage(name: string, value: Package, cb: Callback): void {
debug('create a package %o', name);
this._createFile(this._getStorage(packageJSONFileName), this._convertToString(value), cb);
public savePackage(name: string, value: Package, cb: Callback): void {
debug('save a package %o', name);
this._writeFile(this._getStorage(packageJSONFileName), this._convertToString(value), cb);
public async readPackageNext(name: string): Promise<Package> {
debug('read a package %o', name);
try {
const res = await this._readStorageFile(this._getStorage(packageJSONFileName));
const data: any = JSON.parse(res.toString('utf8'));
debug('read storage file %o has succeed', name);
return data;
} catch (err: any) {
debug('parse error');
this.logger.error({ err, name }, 'error @{err.message} on parse @{name}');
throw err;
public readPackage(name: string, cb: Callback): void {
debug('read a package %o', name);
.then((res) => {
try {
const data: any = JSON.parse(res.toString('utf8'));
debug('read storage file %o has succeed', name);
cb(null, data);
} catch (err: any) {
debug('parse error');
this.logger.error({ err, name }, 'error @{err.message} on parse @{name}');
throw err;
.catch((err) => {
debug('error on read storage file %o', err.message);
return cb(err);
public writeTarball(name: string): IUploadTarball {
const uploadStream = new UploadTarball({});
debug('write a tarball for a package %o', name);
let _ended = 0;
uploadStream.on('end', function () {
_ended = 1;
const pathName: string = this._getStorage(name);
fs.access(pathName, (fileNotFound) => {
const exists = !fileNotFound;
if (exists) {
uploadStream.emit('error', fSError(fileExist));
} else {
const temporalName = path.join(
`${name}.tmp-${String(Math.random()).replace(/^0\./, '')}`
debug('write a temporal name %o', temporalName);
const file = fs.createWriteStream(temporalName);
const removeTempFile = (): void => fs.unlink(temporalName, () => {});
let opened = false;
uploadStream.done = function (): void {
const onend = function (): void {
file.on('close', function () {
renameTmp(temporalName, pathName, function (err) {
if (err) {
uploadStream.emit('error', err);
} else {
if (_ended) {
} else {
uploadStream.on('end', onend);
uploadStream.abort = function (): void {
if (opened) {
opened = false;
file.on('close', function () {
} else {
// if the file does not recieve any byte never is opened and has to be removed anyway.
file.on('open', function () {
opened = true;
// re-emitting open because it's handled in storage.js
file.on('error', function (err) {
uploadStream.emit('error', err);
return uploadStream;
public readTarball(name: string): ReadTarball {
const pathName: string = this._getStorage(name);
debug('read a a tarball %o on path %o', name, pathName);
const readTarballStream = new ReadTarball({});
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(pathName);
readStream.on('error', function (err) {
debug('error on read a tarball %o with error %o', name, err);
readTarballStream.emit('error', err);
readStream.on('open', function (fd) {
fs.fstat(fd, function (err, stats) {
if (_.isNil(err) === false) {
debug('error on read a tarball %o with error %o', name, err);
return readTarballStream.emit('error', err);
readTarballStream.emit('content-length', stats.size);
debug('open on read a tarball %o', name);
readTarballStream.abort = function (): void {
debug('abort on read a tarball %o', name);
return readTarballStream;
private _createFile(name: string, contents: any, callback: Function): void {
debug(' create a new file: %o', name);
fs.open(name, 'wx', (err) => {
if (err) {
// native EEXIST used here to check exception on fs.open
if (err.code === 'EEXIST') {
debug('file %o cannot be created, it already exists: %o', name);
return callback(fSError(fileExist));
this._writeFile(name, contents, callback);
private async _readStorageFile(name: string): Promise<any> {
debug('reading the file: %o', name);
try {
debug('reading the file: %o', name);
return await readFilePromise(name);
} catch (err: any) {
debug('error reading the file: %o with error %o', name, err.message);
throw err;
private _convertToString(value: Package): string {
return JSON.stringify(value, null, '\t');
private _getStorage(fileName = ''): string {
const storagePath: string = path.join(this.path, fileName);
return storagePath;
private _writeFile(dest: string, data: string, cb: Callback): void {
const createTempFile = (cb): void => {
const tempFilePath = tempFile(dest);
fs.writeFile(tempFilePath, data, (err) => {
if (err) {
debug('error on write the file: %o', dest);
return cb(err);
debug('creating a new file:: %o', dest);
renameTmp(tempFilePath, dest, cb);
createTempFile((err) => {
if (err && err.code === noSuchFile) {
fs.mkdir(path.dirname(dest), { recursive: true }, function (err) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
} else {
private _lockAndReadJSON(name: string, cb: Function): void {
const fileName: string = this._getStorage(name);
debug('lock and read a file %o', fileName);
lock: true,
parse: true,
(err, res) => {
if (err) {
this.logger.error({ err }, 'error on lock file @{err.message}');
debug('error on lock and read json for file: %o', name);
return cb(err);
debug('lock and read json for file: %o', name);
return cb(null, res);
private _unlockJSON(name: string, cb: Function): void {
unlockFile(this._getStorage(name), cb);