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var assert = require('assert')
var Crypto = require('crypto')
var Error = require('http-errors')
var minimatch = require('minimatch')
var Path = require('path')
var LocalData = require('./local-data')
var Utils = require('./utils')
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
// [[a, [b, c]], d] -> [a, b, c, d]
function flatten(array) {
var result = []
for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
if (Array.isArray(array[i])) {
result.push.apply(result, flatten(array[i]))
} else {
return result
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
function Config(config) {
var self = Object.create(Config.prototype)
for (var i in config) {
if (self[i] == null) self[i] = config[i]
// some weird shell scripts are valid yaml files parsed as string
assert.equal(typeof(config), 'object', 'CONFIG: it doesn\'t look like a valid config file')
assert(self.storage, 'CONFIG: storage path not defined')
self.localList = LocalData(
Path.resolve(Path.dirname(self.self_path), self.storage),
if (!self.secret) {
self.secret = self.localList.data.secret
if (!self.secret) {
self.secret = Crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(32).toString('hex')
self.localList.data.secret = self.secret
var users = {all:true, anonymous:true, 'undefined':true, owner:true, none:true}
var check_user_or_uplink = function(arg) {
assert(arg !== 'all' && arg !== 'owner' && arg !== 'anonymous' && arg !== 'undefined' && arg !== 'none', 'CONFIG: reserved user/uplink name: ' + arg)
assert(!arg.match(/\s/), 'CONFIG: invalid user name: ' + arg)
assert(users[arg] == null, 'CONFIG: duplicate user/uplink name: ' + arg)
users[arg] = true
;[ 'users', 'uplinks', 'packages' ].forEach(function(x) {
if (self[x] == null) self[x] = {}
assert(Utils.is_object(self[x]), 'CONFIG: bad "'+x+'" value (object expected)')
for (var i in self.users) check_user_or_uplink(i)
for (var i in self.uplinks) check_user_or_uplink(i)
for (var i in self.users) {
assert(self.users[i].password, 'CONFIG: no password for user: ' + i)
typeof(self.users[i].password) === 'string' &&
, 'CONFIG: wrong password format for user: ' + i + ', sha1 expected')
for (var i in self.uplinks) {
assert(self.uplinks[i].url, 'CONFIG: no url for uplink: ' + i)
assert( typeof(self.uplinks[i].url) === 'string'
, 'CONFIG: wrong url format for uplink: ' + i)
self.uplinks[i].url = self.uplinks[i].url.replace(/\/$/, '')
function check_userlist(i, hash, action) {
if (hash[action] == null) hash[action] = []
// if it's a string, split it to array
if (typeof(hash[action]) === 'string') {
hash[action] = hash[action].split(/\s+/)
typeof(hash[action]) === 'object' &&
, 'CONFIG: bad "'+i+'" package '+action+' description (array or string expected)')
hash[action] = flatten(hash[action])
for (var i in self.packages) {
typeof(self.packages[i]) === 'object' &&
, 'CONFIG: bad "'+i+'" package description (object expected)')
check_userlist(i, self.packages[i], 'allow_access')
check_userlist(i, self.packages[i], 'allow_publish')
check_userlist(i, self.packages[i], 'proxy_access')
check_userlist(i, self.packages[i], 'proxy_publish')
// deprecated
check_userlist(i, self.packages[i], 'access')
check_userlist(i, self.packages[i], 'proxy')
check_userlist(i, self.packages[i], 'publish')
// loading these from ENV if aren't in config
;[ 'http_proxy', 'https_proxy', 'no_proxy' ].forEach((function(v) {
if (!(v in self)) {
self[v] = process.env[v] || process.env[v.toUpperCase()]
// unique identifier of self server (or a cluster), used to avoid loops
if (!self.server_id) {
self.server_id = Crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(6).toString('hex')
if (self.ignore_latest_tag == null) self.ignore_latest_tag = false
return self
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
function allow_action(package, who, action) {
return (this.get_package_setting(package, action) || []).reduce(function(prev, curr) {
if (typeof(who) === 'string' && curr === who) return true
if (Array.isArray(who) && who.indexOf(curr) !== -1) return true
return prev
}, false)
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
Config.prototype.allow_access = function(package, user) {
return allow_action.call(this, package, user.groups, 'allow_access')
|| allow_action.call(this, package, user.groups, 'access')
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
Config.prototype.allow_publish = function(package, user) {
return allow_action.call(this, package, user.groups, 'allow_publish')
|| allow_action.call(this, package, user.groups, 'publish')
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
2013-09-24 08:27:47 +04:00
Config.prototype.proxy_access = function(package, uplink) {
return allow_action.call(this, package, uplink, 'proxy_access')
|| allow_action.call(this, package, uplink, 'proxy')
2013-09-24 08:27:47 +04:00
Config.prototype.proxy_publish = function(package, uplink) {
throw Error('deprecated')
//return allow_action.call(this, package, uplink, 'proxy_publish')
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
2014-01-13 20:48:51 +04:00
Config.prototype.get_package_setting = function(package, setting) {
for (var i in this.packages) {
if (minimatch.makeRe(i).exec(package)) {
return this.packages[i][setting]
return undefined
2014-01-13 20:48:51 +04:00
2013-10-26 16:18:36 +04:00
module.exports = Config
2013-06-08 05:16:28 +04:00
var parse_interval_table = {
'': 1000,
ms: 1,
s: 1000,
m: 60*1000,
h: 60*60*1000,
d: 86400000,
w: 7*86400000,
M: 30*86400000,
y: 365*86400000,
module.exports.parse_interval = function(interval) {
if (typeof(interval) === 'number') return interval * 1000
var result = 0
var last_suffix = Infinity
interval.split(/\s+/).forEach(function(x) {
if (!x) return
var m = x.match(/^((0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?)(ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y|)$/)
if (!m
|| parse_interval_table[m[4]] >= last_suffix
|| (m[4] === '' && last_suffix !== Infinity)) {
throw Error('invalid interval: ' + interval)
last_suffix = parse_interval_table[m[4]]
result += Number(m[1]) * parse_interval_table[m[4]]
return result