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mirror of https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden.git synced 2025-02-11 01:38:05 -05:00
Jeremy Lin d77333576b Add support for auto-deleting trashed items
Upstream will soon auto-delete trashed items after 30 days, but some people
use the trash as an archive folder, so to avoid unexpected data loss, this
implementation requires the user to explicitly enable auto-deletion.
2021-04-05 23:07:25 -07:00

913 lines
38 KiB

use std::process::exit;
use std::sync::RwLock;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
use reqwest::Url;
use crate::{
util::{get_env, get_env_bool},
static CONFIG_FILE: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| {
let data_folder = get_env("DATA_FOLDER").unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("data"));
get_env("CONFIG_FILE").unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}/config.json", data_folder))
pub static CONFIG: Lazy<Config> = Lazy::new(|| {
Config::load().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
println!("Error loading config:\n\t{:?}\n", e);
static PRIVACY_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"[\w]").unwrap());
const PRIVACY_CONFIG: &[&str] = &[
pub type Pass = String;
macro_rules! make_config {
$(#[doc = $groupdoc:literal])?
$group:ident $(: $group_enabled:ident)? {
$(#[doc = $doc:literal])+
$name:ident : $ty:ident, $editable:literal, $none_action:ident $(, $default:expr)?;
)+) => {
pub struct Config { inner: RwLock<Inner> }
struct Inner {
templates: Handlebars<'static>,
config: ConfigItems,
_env: ConfigBuilder,
_usr: ConfigBuilder,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct ConfigBuilder {
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
$name: Option<$ty>,
impl ConfigBuilder {
fn from_env() -> Self {
match dotenv::from_path(".env") {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => match e {
dotenv::Error::LineParse(msg, pos) => {
panic!("Error loading the .env file:\nNear {:?} on position {}\nPlease fix and restart!\n", msg, pos);
dotenv::Error::Io(ioerr) => match ioerr.kind() {
std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
println!("[INFO] No .env file found.\n");
std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
println!("[WARNING] Permission Denied while trying to read the .env file!\n");
_ => {
println!("[WARNING] Reading the .env file failed:\n{:?}\n", ioerr);
_ => {
println!("[WARNING] Reading the .env file failed:\n{:?}\n", e);
let mut builder = ConfigBuilder::default();
builder.$name = make_config! { @getenv &stringify!($name).to_uppercase(), $ty };
fn from_file(path: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
use crate::util::read_file_string;
let config_str = read_file_string(path)?;
/// Merges the values of both builders into a new builder.
/// If both have the same element, `other` wins.
fn merge(&self, other: &Self, show_overrides: bool) -> Self {
let mut overrides = Vec::new();
let mut builder = self.clone();
if let v @Some(_) = &other.$name {
builder.$name = v.clone();
if self.$name.is_some() {
if show_overrides && !overrides.is_empty() {
// We can't use warn! here because logging isn't setup yet.
println!("[WARNING] The following environment variables are being overriden by the config file,");
println!("[WARNING] please use the admin panel to make changes to them:");
println!("[WARNING] {}\n", overrides.join(", "));
/// Returns a new builder with all the elements from self,
/// except those that are equal in both sides
fn _remove(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
let mut builder = ConfigBuilder::default();
if &self.$name != &other.$name {
builder.$name = self.$name.clone();
fn build(&self) -> ConfigItems {
let mut config = ConfigItems::default();
let _domain_set = self.domain.is_some();
config.$name = make_config!{ @build self.$name.clone(), &config, $none_action, $($default)? };
config.domain_set = _domain_set;
config.signups_domains_whitelist = config.signups_domains_whitelist.trim().to_lowercase();
config.org_creation_users = config.org_creation_users.trim().to_lowercase();
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ConfigItems { $($(pub $name: make_config!{@type $ty, $none_action}, )+)+ }
impl Config {
pub fn $name(&self) -> make_config!{@type $ty, $none_action} {
pub fn prepare_json(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
let (def, cfg) = {
let inner = &self.inner.read().unwrap();
(inner._env.build(), inner.config.clone())
fn _get_form_type(rust_type: &str) -> &'static str {
match rust_type {
"Pass" => "password",
"String" => "text",
"bool" => "checkbox",
_ => "number"
fn _get_doc(doc: &str) -> serde_json::Value {
let mut split = doc.split("|>").map(str::trim);
"name": split.next(),
"description": split.next()
json!([ $({
"group": stringify!($group),
"grouptoggle": stringify!($($group_enabled)?),
"groupdoc": make_config!{ @show $($groupdoc)? },
"elements": [
$( {
"editable": $editable,
"name": stringify!($name),
"value": cfg.$name,
"default": def.$name,
"type": _get_form_type(stringify!($ty)),
"doc": _get_doc(concat!($($doc),+)),
}, )+
]}, )+ ])
pub fn get_support_json(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
let cfg = {
let inner = &self.inner.read().unwrap();
json!({ $($(
stringify!($name): make_config!{ @supportstr $name, cfg.$name, $ty, $none_action },
)+)+ })
// Support string print
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, Pass, option ) => { $value.as_ref().map(|_| String::from("***")) }; // Optional pass, we map to an Option<String> with "***"
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, Pass, $none_action:ident ) => { String::from("***") }; // Required pass, we return "***"
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, $ty:ty, option ) => { // Optional other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
if PRIVACY_CONFIG.contains(&stringify!($name)) {
json!($value.as_ref().map(|x| PRIVACY_REGEX.replace_all(&x.to_string(), "${1}*").to_string()))
} else {
( @supportstr $name:ident, $value:expr, $ty:ty, $none_action:ident ) => { // Required other value, we return as is or convert to string to apply the privacy config
if PRIVACY_CONFIG.contains(&stringify!($name)) {
json!(PRIVACY_REGEX.replace_all(&$value.to_string(), "${1}*").to_string())
} else {
// Group or empty string
( @show ) => { "" };
( @show $lit:literal ) => { $lit };
// Wrap the optionals in an Option type
( @type $ty:ty, option) => { Option<$ty> };
( @type $ty:ty, $id:ident) => { $ty };
// Generate the values depending on none_action
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, option, ) => { $value };
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, def, $default:expr ) => { $value.unwrap_or($default) };
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, auto, $default_fn:expr ) => {{
match $value {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let f: &dyn Fn(&ConfigItems) -> _ = &$default_fn;
( @build $value:expr, $config:expr, gen, $default_fn:expr ) => {{
let f: &dyn Fn(&ConfigItems) -> _ = &$default_fn;
( @getenv $name:expr, bool ) => { get_env_bool($name) };
( @getenv $name:expr, $ty:ident ) => { get_env($name) };
// /// Short description (without this they won't appear on the list)
// group {
// /// Friendly Name |> Description (Optional)
// name: type, is_editable, action, <default_value (Optional)>
// }
// Where action applied when the value wasn't provided and can be:
// def: Use a default value
// auto: Value is auto generated based on other values
// option: Value is optional
// gen: Value is always autogenerated and it's original value ignored
make_config! {
folders {
/// Data folder |> Main data folder
data_folder: String, false, def, "data".to_string();
/// Database URL
database_url: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "db.sqlite3");
/// Database connection pool size
database_max_conns: u32, false, def, 10;
/// Icon cache folder
icon_cache_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "icon_cache");
/// Attachments folder
attachments_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "attachments");
/// Sends folder
sends_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "sends");
/// Templates folder
templates_folder: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "templates");
/// Session JWT key
rsa_key_filename: String, false, auto, |c| format!("{}/{}", c.data_folder, "rsa_key");
/// Web vault folder
web_vault_folder: String, false, def, "web-vault/".to_string();
ws {
/// Enable websocket notifications
websocket_enabled: bool, false, def, false;
/// Websocket address
websocket_address: String, false, def, "".to_string();
/// Websocket port
websocket_port: u16, false, def, 3012;
jobs {
/// Job scheduler poll interval |> How often the job scheduler thread checks for jobs to run.
/// Set to 0 to globally disable scheduled jobs.
job_poll_interval_ms: u64, false, def, 30_000;
/// Send purge schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for Sends past their deletion date.
/// Defaults to hourly. Set blank to disable this job.
send_purge_schedule: String, false, def, "0 0 * * * *".to_string();
/// Trash purge schedule |> Cron schedule of the job that checks for trashed items to delete permanently.
/// Defaults to daily. Set blank to disable this job.
trash_purge_schedule: String, false, def, "0 0 0 * * *".to_string();
/// General settings
settings {
/// Domain URL |> This needs to be set to the URL used to access the server, including 'http[s]://'
/// and port, if it's different than the default. Some server functions don't work correctly without this value
domain: String, true, def, "http://localhost".to_string();
/// Domain Set |> Indicates if the domain is set by the admin. Otherwise the default will be used.
domain_set: bool, false, def, false;
/// Domain origin |> Domain URL origin (in https://example.com:8443/path, https://example.com:8443 is the origin)
domain_origin: String, false, auto, |c| extract_url_origin(&c.domain);
/// Domain path |> Domain URL path (in https://example.com:8443/path, /path is the path)
domain_path: String, false, auto, |c| extract_url_path(&c.domain);
/// Enable web vault
web_vault_enabled: bool, false, def, true;
/// HIBP Api Key |> HaveIBeenPwned API Key, request it here: https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/Key
hibp_api_key: Pass, true, option;
/// Per-user attachment limit (KB) |> Limit in kilobytes for a users attachments, once the limit is exceeded it won't be possible to upload more
user_attachment_limit: i64, true, option;
/// Per-organization attachment limit (KB) |> Limit in kilobytes for an organization attachments, once the limit is exceeded it won't be possible to upload more
org_attachment_limit: i64, true, option;
/// Trash auto-delete days |> Number of days to wait before auto-deleting a trashed item.
/// If unset, trashed items are not auto-deleted. This setting applies globally, so make
/// sure to inform all users of any changes to this setting.
trash_auto_delete_days: i64, true, option;
/// Disable icon downloads |> Set to true to disable icon downloading, this would still serve icons from
/// $ICON_CACHE_FOLDER, but it won't produce any external network request. Needs to set $ICON_CACHE_TTL to 0,
/// otherwise it will delete them and they won't be downloaded again.
disable_icon_download: bool, true, def, false;
/// Allow new signups |> Controls whether new users can register. Users can be invited by the bitwarden_rs admin even if this is disabled
signups_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// Require email verification on signups. This will prevent logins from succeeding until the address has been verified
signups_verify: bool, true, def, false;
/// If signups require email verification, automatically re-send verification email if it hasn't been sent for a while (in seconds)
signups_verify_resend_time: u64, true, def, 3_600;
/// If signups require email verification, limit how many emails are automatically sent when login is attempted (0 means no limit)
signups_verify_resend_limit: u32, true, def, 6;
/// Email domain whitelist |> Allow signups only from this list of comma-separated domains, even when signups are otherwise disabled
signups_domains_whitelist: String, true, def, "".to_string();
/// Org creation users |> Allow org creation only by this list of comma-separated user emails.
/// Blank or 'all' means all users can create orgs; 'none' means no users can create orgs.
org_creation_users: String, true, def, "".to_string();
/// Allow invitations |> Controls whether users can be invited by organization admins, even when signups are otherwise disabled
invitations_allowed: bool, true, def, true;
/// Password iterations |> Number of server-side passwords hashing iterations.
/// The changes only apply when a user changes their password. Not recommended to lower the value
password_iterations: i32, true, def, 100_000;
/// Show password hints |> Controls if the password hint should be shown directly in the web page.
/// Otherwise, if email is disabled, there is no way to see the password hint
show_password_hint: bool, true, def, true;
/// Admin page token |> The token used to authenticate in this very same page. Changing it here won't deauthorize the current session
admin_token: Pass, true, option;
/// Invitation organization name |> Name shown in the invitation emails that don't come from a specific organization
invitation_org_name: String, true, def, "Bitwarden_RS".to_string();
/// Advanced settings
advanced {
/// Client IP header |> If not present, the remote IP is used.
/// Set to the string "none" (without quotes), to disable any headers and just use the remote IP
ip_header: String, true, def, "X-Real-IP".to_string();
/// Internal IP header property, used to avoid recomputing each time
_ip_header_enabled: bool, false, gen, |c| &c.ip_header.trim().to_lowercase() != "none";
/// Positive icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds to consider that an already cached icon is fresh. After this period, the icon will be redownloaded
icon_cache_ttl: u64, true, def, 2_592_000;
/// Negative icon cache expiry |> Number of seconds before trying to download an icon that failed again.
icon_cache_negttl: u64, true, def, 259_200;
/// Icon download timeout |> Number of seconds when to stop attempting to download an icon.
icon_download_timeout: u64, true, def, 10;
/// Icon blacklist Regex |> Any domains or IPs that match this regex won't be fetched by the icon service.
/// Useful to hide other servers in the local network. Check the WIKI for more details
icon_blacklist_regex: String, true, option;
/// Icon blacklist non global IPs |> Any IP which is not defined as a global IP will be blacklisted.
/// Usefull to secure your internal environment: See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses for a list of IPs which it will block
icon_blacklist_non_global_ips: bool, true, def, true;
/// Disable Two-Factor remember |> Enabling this would force the users to use a second factor to login every time.
/// Note that the checkbox would still be present, but ignored.
disable_2fa_remember: bool, true, def, false;
/// Disable authenticator time drifted codes to be valid |> Enabling this only allows the current TOTP code to be valid
/// TOTP codes of the previous and next 30 seconds will be invalid.
authenticator_disable_time_drift: bool, true, def, false;
/// Require new device emails |> When a user logs in an email is required to be sent.
/// If sending the email fails the login attempt will fail.
require_device_email: bool, true, def, false;
/// Reload templates (Dev) |> When this is set to true, the templates get reloaded with every request.
/// ONLY use this during development, as it can slow down the server
reload_templates: bool, true, def, false;
/// Enable extended logging
extended_logging: bool, false, def, true;
/// Log timestamp format
log_timestamp_format: String, true, def, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3f".to_string();
/// Enable the log to output to Syslog
use_syslog: bool, false, def, false;
/// Log file path
log_file: String, false, option;
/// Log level
log_level: String, false, def, "Info".to_string();
/// Enable DB WAL |> Turning this off might lead to worse performance, but might help if using bitwarden_rs on some exotic filesystems,
/// that do not support WAL. Please make sure you read project wiki on the topic before changing this setting.
enable_db_wal: bool, false, def, true;
/// Max database connection retries |> Number of times to retry the database connection during startup, with 1 second between each retry, set to 0 to retry indefinitely
db_connection_retries: u32, false, def, 15;
/// Bypass admin page security (Know the risks!) |> Disables the Admin Token for the admin page so you may use your own auth in-front
disable_admin_token: bool, true, def, false;
/// Allowed iframe ancestors (Know the risks!) |> Allows other domains to embed the web vault into an iframe, useful for embedding into secure intranets
allowed_iframe_ancestors: String, true, def, String::new();
/// Yubikey settings
yubico: _enable_yubico {
/// Enabled
_enable_yubico: bool, true, def, true;
/// Client ID
yubico_client_id: String, true, option;
/// Secret Key
yubico_secret_key: Pass, true, option;
/// Server
yubico_server: String, true, option;
/// Global Duo settings (Note that users can override them)
duo: _enable_duo {
/// Enabled
_enable_duo: bool, true, def, false;
/// Integration Key
duo_ikey: String, true, option;
/// Secret Key
duo_skey: Pass, true, option;
/// Host
duo_host: String, true, option;
/// Application Key (generated automatically)
_duo_akey: Pass, false, option;
/// SMTP Email Settings
smtp: _enable_smtp {
/// Enabled
_enable_smtp: bool, true, def, true;
/// Host
smtp_host: String, true, option;
/// Enable Secure SMTP |> (Explicit) - Enabling this by default would use STARTTLS (Standard ports 587 or 25)
smtp_ssl: bool, true, def, true;
/// Force TLS |> (Implicit) - Enabling this would force the use of an SSL/TLS connection, instead of upgrading an insecure one with STARTTLS (Standard port 465)
smtp_explicit_tls: bool, true, def, false;
/// Port
smtp_port: u16, true, auto, |c| if c.smtp_explicit_tls {465} else if c.smtp_ssl {587} else {25};
/// From Address
smtp_from: String, true, def, String::new();
/// From Name
smtp_from_name: String, true, def, "Bitwarden_RS".to_string();
/// Username
smtp_username: String, true, option;
/// Password
smtp_password: Pass, true, option;
/// SMTP Auth mechanism |> Defaults for SSL is "Plain" and "Login" and nothing for Non-SSL connections. Possible values: ["Plain", "Login", "Xoauth2"]. Multiple options need to be separated by a comma ','.
smtp_auth_mechanism: String, true, option;
/// SMTP connection timeout |> Number of seconds when to stop trying to connect to the SMTP server
smtp_timeout: u64, true, def, 15;
/// Server name sent during HELO |> By default this value should be is on the machine's hostname, but might need to be changed in case it trips some anti-spam filters
helo_name: String, true, option;
/// Enable SMTP debugging (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Enabling this will output very detailed SMTP messages. This could contain sensitive information like passwords and usernames! Only enable this during troubleshooting!
smtp_debug: bool, true, def, false;
/// Accept Invalid Certs (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Allow invalid certificates. This option introduces significant vulnerabilities to man-in-the-middle attacks!
smtp_accept_invalid_certs: bool, true, def, false;
/// Accept Invalid Hostnames (Know the risks!) |> DANGEROUS: Allow invalid hostnames. This option introduces significant vulnerabilities to man-in-the-middle attacks!
smtp_accept_invalid_hostnames: bool, true, def, false;
/// Email 2FA Settings
email_2fa: _enable_email_2fa {
/// Enabled |> Disabling will prevent users from setting up new email 2FA and using existing email 2FA configured
_enable_email_2fa: bool, true, auto, |c| c._enable_smtp && c.smtp_host.is_some();
/// Email token size |> Number of digits in an email token (min: 6, max: 19). Note that the Bitwarden clients are hardcoded to mention 6 digit codes regardless of this setting.
email_token_size: u32, true, def, 6;
/// Token expiration time |> Maximum time in seconds a token is valid. The time the user has to open email client and copy token.
email_expiration_time: u64, true, def, 600;
/// Maximum attempts |> Maximum attempts before an email token is reset and a new email will need to be sent
email_attempts_limit: u64, true, def, 3;
fn validate_config(cfg: &ConfigItems) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Validate connection URL is valid and DB feature is enabled
let limit = 256;
if cfg.database_max_conns < 1 || cfg.database_max_conns > limit {
"`DATABASE_MAX_CONNS` contains an invalid value. Ensure it is between 1 and {}.",
let dom = cfg.domain.to_lowercase();
if !dom.starts_with("http://") && !dom.starts_with("https://") {
"DOMAIN variable needs to contain the protocol (http, https). Use 'http[s]://bw.example.com' instead of 'bw.example.com'"
let whitelist = &cfg.signups_domains_whitelist;
if !whitelist.is_empty() && whitelist.split(',').any(|d| d.trim().is_empty()) {
err!("`SIGNUPS_DOMAINS_WHITELIST` contains empty tokens");
let org_creation_users = cfg.org_creation_users.trim().to_lowercase();
if !(org_creation_users.is_empty() || org_creation_users == "all" || org_creation_users == "none")
&& org_creation_users.split(',').any(|u| !u.contains('@'))
err!("`ORG_CREATION_USERS` contains invalid email addresses");
if let Some(ref token) = cfg.admin_token {
if token.trim().is_empty() && !cfg.disable_admin_token {
println!("[WARNING] `ADMIN_TOKEN` is enabled but has an empty value, so the admin page will be disabled.");
println!("[WARNING] To enable the admin page without a token, use `DISABLE_ADMIN_TOKEN`.");
if cfg._enable_duo
&& (cfg.duo_host.is_some() || cfg.duo_ikey.is_some() || cfg.duo_skey.is_some())
&& !(cfg.duo_host.is_some() && cfg.duo_ikey.is_some() && cfg.duo_skey.is_some())
err!("All Duo options need to be set for global Duo support")
if cfg._enable_yubico && cfg.yubico_client_id.is_some() != cfg.yubico_secret_key.is_some() {
err!("Both `YUBICO_CLIENT_ID` and `YUBICO_SECRET_KEY` need to be set for Yubikey OTP support")
if cfg._enable_smtp {
if cfg.smtp_host.is_some() == cfg.smtp_from.is_empty() {
err!("Both `SMTP_HOST` and `SMTP_FROM` need to be set for email support")
if cfg.smtp_host.is_some() && !cfg.smtp_from.contains('@') {
err!("SMTP_FROM does not contain a mandatory @ sign")
if cfg.smtp_username.is_some() != cfg.smtp_password.is_some() {
err!("Both `SMTP_USERNAME` and `SMTP_PASSWORD` need to be set to enable email authentication")
if cfg._enable_email_2fa && (!cfg._enable_smtp || cfg.smtp_host.is_none()) {
err!("To enable email 2FA, SMTP must be configured")
if cfg._enable_email_2fa && cfg.email_token_size < 6 {
err!("`EMAIL_TOKEN_SIZE` has a minimum size of 6")
if cfg._enable_email_2fa && cfg.email_token_size > 19 {
err!("`EMAIL_TOKEN_SIZE` has a maximum size of 19")
// Check if the icon blacklist regex is valid
if let Some(ref r) = cfg.icon_blacklist_regex {
let validate_regex = Regex::new(&r);
match validate_regex {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => err!(format!("`ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX` is invalid: {:#?}", e)),
/// Extracts an RFC 6454 web origin from a URL.
fn extract_url_origin(url: &str) -> String {
match Url::parse(url) {
Ok(u) => u.origin().ascii_serialization(),
Err(e) => {
println!("Error validating domain: {}", e);
/// Extracts the path from a URL.
/// All trailing '/' chars are trimmed, even if the path is a lone '/'.
fn extract_url_path(url: &str) -> String {
match Url::parse(url) {
Ok(u) => u.path().trim_end_matches('/').to_string(),
Err(_) => {
// We already print it in the method above, no need to do it again
impl Config {
pub fn load() -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Loading from env and file
let _env = ConfigBuilder::from_env();
let _usr = ConfigBuilder::from_file(&CONFIG_FILE).unwrap_or_default();
// Create merged config, config file overwrites env
let builder = _env.merge(&_usr, true);
// Fill any missing with defaults
let config = builder.build();
Ok(Config {
inner: RwLock::new(Inner {
templates: load_templates(&config.templates_folder),
pub fn update_config(&self, other: ConfigBuilder) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Remove default values
//let builder = other.remove(&self.inner.read().unwrap()._env);
// TODO: Remove values that are defaults, above only checks those set by env and not the defaults
let builder = other;
// Serialize now before we consume the builder
let config_str = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&builder)?;
// Prepare the combined config
let config = {
let env = &self.inner.read().unwrap()._env;
env.merge(&builder, false).build()
// Save both the user and the combined config
let mut writer = self.inner.write().unwrap();
writer.config = config;
writer._usr = builder;
//Save to file
use std::{fs::File, io::Write};
let mut file = File::create(&*CONFIG_FILE)?;
pub fn update_config_partial(&self, other: ConfigBuilder) -> Result<(), Error> {
let builder = {
let usr = &self.inner.read().unwrap()._usr;
usr.merge(&other, false)
/// Tests whether an email's domain is allowed. A domain is allowed if it
/// is in signups_domains_whitelist, or if no whitelist is set (so there
/// are no domain restrictions in effect).
pub fn is_email_domain_allowed(&self, email: &str) -> bool {
let e: Vec<&str> = email.rsplitn(2, '@').collect();
if e.len() != 2 || e[0].is_empty() || e[1].is_empty() {
warn!("Failed to parse email address '{}'", email);
return false;
let email_domain = e[0].to_lowercase();
let whitelist = self.signups_domains_whitelist();
whitelist.is_empty() || whitelist.split(',').any(|d| d.trim() == email_domain)
/// Tests whether signup is allowed for an email address, taking into
/// account the signups_allowed and signups_domains_whitelist settings.
pub fn is_signup_allowed(&self, email: &str) -> bool {
if !self.signups_domains_whitelist().is_empty() {
// The whitelist setting overrides the signups_allowed setting.
} else {
/// Tests whether the specified user is allowed to create an organization.
pub fn is_org_creation_allowed(&self, email: &str) -> bool {
let users = self.org_creation_users();
if users.is_empty() || users == "all" {
} else if users == "none" {
} else {
let email = email.to_lowercase();
users.split(',').any(|u| u.trim() == email)
pub fn delete_user_config(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Empty user config
let usr = ConfigBuilder::default();
// Config now is env + defaults
let config = {
let env = &self.inner.read().unwrap()._env;
// Save configs
let mut writer = self.inner.write().unwrap();
writer.config = config;
writer._usr = usr;
pub fn private_rsa_key(&self) -> String {
format!("{}.der", CONFIG.rsa_key_filename())
pub fn private_rsa_key_pem(&self) -> String {
format!("{}.pem", CONFIG.rsa_key_filename())
pub fn public_rsa_key(&self) -> String {
format!("{}.pub.der", CONFIG.rsa_key_filename())
pub fn mail_enabled(&self) -> bool {
let inner = &self.inner.read().unwrap().config;
inner._enable_smtp && inner.smtp_host.is_some()
pub fn get_duo_akey(&self) -> String {
if let Some(akey) = self._duo_akey() {
} else {
let akey = crate::crypto::get_random_64();
let akey_s = data_encoding::BASE64.encode(&akey);
// Save the new value
let builder = ConfigBuilder {
_duo_akey: Some(akey_s.clone()),
/// Tests whether the admin token is set to a non-empty value.
pub fn is_admin_token_set(&self) -> bool {
let token = self.admin_token();
token.is_some() && !token.unwrap().trim().is_empty()
pub fn render_template<T: serde::ser::Serialize>(
name: &str,
data: &T,
) -> Result<String, crate::error::Error> {
if CONFIG.reload_templates() {
let hb = load_templates(CONFIG.templates_folder());
hb.render(name, data).map_err(Into::into)
} else {
let hb = &CONFIG.inner.read().unwrap().templates;
hb.render(name, data).map_err(Into::into)
use handlebars::{Context, Handlebars, Helper, HelperResult, Output, RenderContext, RenderError, Renderable};
fn load_templates<P>(path: P) -> Handlebars<'static>
P: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
let mut hb = Handlebars::new();
// Error on missing params
// Register helpers
hb.register_helper("case", Box::new(case_helper));
hb.register_helper("jsesc", Box::new(js_escape_helper));
macro_rules! reg {
($name:expr) => {{
let template = include_str!(concat!("static/templates/", $name, ".hbs"));
hb.register_template_string($name, template).unwrap();
($name:expr, $ext:expr) => {{
reg!(concat!($name, $ext));
// First register default templates here
reg!("email/change_email", ".html");
reg!("email/delete_account", ".html");
reg!("email/invite_accepted", ".html");
reg!("email/invite_confirmed", ".html");
reg!("email/new_device_logged_in", ".html");
reg!("email/pw_hint_none", ".html");
reg!("email/pw_hint_some", ".html");
reg!("email/send_org_invite", ".html");
reg!("email/twofactor_email", ".html");
reg!("email/verify_email", ".html");
reg!("email/welcome", ".html");
reg!("email/welcome_must_verify", ".html");
reg!("email/smtp_test", ".html");
// And then load user templates to overwrite the defaults
// Use .hbs extension for the files
// Templates get registered with their relative name
hb.register_templates_directory(".hbs", path).unwrap();
fn case_helper<'reg, 'rc>(
h: &Helper<'reg, 'rc>,
r: &'reg Handlebars,
ctx: &'rc Context,
rc: &mut RenderContext<'reg, 'rc>,
out: &mut dyn Output,
) -> HelperResult {
let param = h
.ok_or_else(|| RenderError::new("Param not found for helper \"case\""))?;
let value = param.value().clone();
if h.params().iter().skip(1).any(|x| x.value() == &value) {
h.template().map(|t| t.render(r, ctx, rc, out)).unwrap_or(Ok(()))
} else {
fn js_escape_helper<'reg, 'rc>(
h: &Helper<'reg, 'rc>,
_r: &'reg Handlebars,
_ctx: &'rc Context,
_rc: &mut RenderContext<'reg, 'rc>,
out: &mut dyn Output,
) -> HelperResult {
let param = h
.ok_or_else(|| RenderError::new("Param not found for helper \"js_escape\""))?;
let no_quote = h
let value = param
.ok_or_else(|| RenderError::new("Param for helper \"js_escape\" is not a String"))?;
let mut escaped_value = value.replace('\\', "").replace('\'', "\\x22").replace('\"', "\\x27");
if ! no_quote {
escaped_value = format!("&quot;{}&quot;", escaped_value);