# Multi-stage # 1) Node image for building frontend assets # 2) nginx stage to serve frontend assets # Name the node stage "builder" FROM node:16 AS builder # Set working directory WORKDIR /app ENV SAFETWITCH_BACKEND_DOMAIN SAFETWITCH_BACKEND_DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER ENV SAFETWITCH_INSTANCE_DOMAIN SAFETWITCH_INSTANCE_DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER ENV SAFETWITCH_HTTPS SAFETWITCH_HTTPS_PLACEHOLDER # Copy all files from current directory to working dir in image COPY . . # install node modules and build assets RUN npm i && npm run build # nginx state for serving content FROM nginx:alpine COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Set working directory to nginx asset directory RUN mkdir /app # Copy static assets from builder stage COPY --from=builder /app/dist /app # Containers run nginx with global directives and daemon off EXPOSE 80 # Overriding the default NGINX container behavior COPY ./substitute_environment_variables.sh ./substitute_environment_variables.sh RUN chmod +x /substitute_environment_variables.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/substitute_environment_variables.sh"]