module.exports = { content: [ "./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,vue}", ], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [ require('tailwindcss-themer')({ themes: [ { // name your theme anything that could be a valid css class name // remember what you named your theme because you will use it as a class to enable the theme name: 'dark', // put any overrides your theme has here // just as if you were to extend tailwind's theme like normal extend: { colors: { "primary": '#141515', "secondary": '#1e1f1f', "overlay0": '#282a2a', "overlay1": '#323434', "surface0": '#393B3B', "surface1": '#3F4242', "crust": '#0C0C0C', "purple": '#D946EF', "red": "#980C0C", "neutral": "#bdbdbd", "contrast": "white", } } }, { // name your theme anything that could be a valid css class name // remember what you named your theme because you will use it as a class to enable the theme name: 'light', // put any overrides your theme has here // just as if you were to extend tailwind's theme like normal extend: { colors: { "primary": '#ebeaea', "secondary": '#e1e0e0', "overlay0": '#d7d5d5', "overlay1": '#cdcbcb', "surface0": '#c6c4c4', "surface1": '#c0bdbd', "crust": '#fafafa', "purple": '#D946EF', "red": "#e81304", "neutral": "gray", "contrast": "black", } } } ] }), require('@tailwindcss/typography'), require("@tailwindcss/forms") ], }