Privacy Policy
+For the oficial instance, no logs are kept except for + when an error is met that affects the user is encounered. + An example of this is when data retrieval fails when a user + requests. No identifying information is kept except for the + time of request. below is an example of this data
+ +
+ {
+ "endpoint":"/api/users/chibidoki",
+ "level":"warn","message":
+ "No element found for selector: li.InjectLayout-sc-1i43xsx-0:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(1)",
+ "origin":"http://localhost:5173",
+ "reqId":"fed6f1f6-403f-4d6a-9943-3d07ea7bf9bb",
+ "timestamp":"2023-03-07T22:42:37.982Z"
+ }