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synced 2025-03-26 02:41:19 -05:00
544 lines
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544 lines
13 KiB
package web
import (
func gistInit(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx echo.Context) error {
userName := ctx.Param("user")
gistName := ctx.Param("gistname")
if strings.HasSuffix(gistName, ".git") {
gistName = strings.TrimSuffix(gistName, ".git")
gist, err := models.GetGist(userName, gistName)
if err != nil {
return notFound("Gist not found")
setData(ctx, "gist", gist)
if config.C.SshGit {
var sshDomain string
if config.C.SshExternalDomain != "" {
sshDomain = config.C.SshExternalDomain
} else {
sshDomain = strings.Split(ctx.Request().Host, ":")[0]
if config.C.SshPort == "22" {
setData(ctx, "sshCloneUrl", sshDomain+":"+userName+"/"+gistName+".git")
} else {
setData(ctx, "sshCloneUrl", "ssh://"+sshDomain+":"+config.C.SshPort+"/"+userName+"/"+gistName+".git")
httpProtocol := "http"
if ctx.Request().TLS != nil || ctx.Request().Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Proto") == "https" {
httpProtocol = "https"
setData(ctx, "httpProtocol", strings.ToUpper(httpProtocol))
var baseHttpUrl string
// if a custom external url is set, use it
if config.C.ExternalUrl != "" {
baseHttpUrl = config.C.ExternalUrl
} else {
baseHttpUrl = httpProtocol + "://" + ctx.Request().Host
if config.C.HttpGit {
setData(ctx, "httpCloneUrl", baseHttpUrl+"/"+userName+"/"+gistName+".git")
setData(ctx, "httpCopyUrl", baseHttpUrl+"/"+userName+"/"+gistName)
setData(ctx, "currentUrl", template.URL(ctx.Request().URL.Path))
nbCommits, err := gist.NbCommits()
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching number of commits", err)
setData(ctx, "nbCommits", nbCommits)
if currUser := getUserLogged(ctx); currUser != nil {
hasLiked, err := currUser.HasLiked(gist)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Cannot get user like status", err)
setData(ctx, "hasLiked", hasLiked)
return next(ctx)
func allGists(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
fromUserStr := ctx.Param("user")
userLogged := getUserLogged(ctx)
pageInt := getPage(ctx)
sort := "created"
order := "desc"
orderText := "Recently"
if ctx.QueryParam("sort") == "updated" {
sort = "updated"
if ctx.QueryParam("order") == "asc" {
order = "asc"
orderText = "Least recently"
setData(ctx, "sort", sort)
setData(ctx, "order", orderText)
var gists []*models.Gist
var currentUserId uint
if userLogged != nil {
currentUserId = userLogged.ID
} else {
currentUserId = 0
if fromUserStr == "" {
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "All gists")
fromUserStr = "all"
gists, err = models.GetAllGistsForCurrentUser(currentUserId, pageInt-1, sort, order)
} else {
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "All gists from "+fromUserStr)
fromUser, err := models.GetUserByUsername(fromUserStr)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return notFound("User not found")
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching user", err)
setData(ctx, "fromUser", fromUser)
gists, err = models.GetAllGistsFromUser(fromUserStr, currentUserId, pageInt-1, sort, order)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching gists", err)
if err = paginate(ctx, gists, pageInt, 10, "gists", fromUserStr, 2, "&sort="+sort+"&order="+order); err != nil {
return errorRes(404, "Page not found", nil)
return html(ctx, "all.html")
func gistIndex(ctx echo.Context) error {
gist := getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
revision := ctx.Param("revision")
if revision == "" {
revision = "HEAD"
files, err := gist.Files(revision)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching files", err)
if len(files) == 0 {
return notFound("Revision not found")
setData(ctx, "page", "code")
setData(ctx, "commit", revision)
setData(ctx, "files", files)
setData(ctx, "revision", revision)
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", gist.Title)
return html(ctx, "gist.html")
func revisions(ctx echo.Context) error {
gist := getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
userName := gist.User.Username
gistName := gist.Uuid
pageInt := getPage(ctx)
commits, err := gist.Log((pageInt - 1) * 10)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching commits log", err)
if err := paginate(ctx, commits, pageInt, 10, "commits", userName+"/"+gistName+"/revisions", 2); err != nil {
return errorRes(404, "Page not found", nil)
setData(ctx, "page", "revisions")
setData(ctx, "revision", "HEAD")
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "Revision of "+gist.Title)
return html(ctx, "revisions.html")
func create(ctx echo.Context) error {
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "Create a new gist")
return html(ctx, "create.html")
func processCreate(ctx echo.Context) error {
isCreate := false
if ctx.Request().URL.Path == "/" {
isCreate = true
err := ctx.Request().ParseForm()
if err != nil {
return errorRes(400, "Bad request", err)
dto := new(models.GistDTO)
var gist *models.Gist
if isCreate {
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "Create a new gist")
} else {
gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "Edit "+gist.Title)
if err := ctx.Bind(dto); err != nil {
return errorRes(400, "Cannot bind data", err)
dto.Files = make([]models.FileDTO, 0)
fileCounter := 0
for i := 0; i < len(ctx.Request().PostForm["content"]); i++ {
name := ctx.Request().PostForm["name"][i]
content := ctx.Request().PostForm["content"][i]
if name == "" {
fileCounter += 1
name = "gistfile" + strconv.Itoa(fileCounter) + ".txt"
escapedValue, err := url.QueryUnescape(content)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(400, "Invalid character unescaped", err)
dto.Files = append(dto.Files, models.FileDTO{
Filename: name,
Content: escapedValue,
err = ctx.Validate(dto)
if err != nil {
addFlash(ctx, validationMessages(&err), "error")
if isCreate {
return html(ctx, "create.html")
} else {
files, err := gist.Files("HEAD")
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching files", err)
setData(ctx, "files", files)
return html(ctx, "edit.html")
if isCreate {
gist = dto.ToGist()
} else {
gist = dto.ToExistingGist(gist)
user := getUserLogged(ctx)
gist.NbFiles = len(dto.Files)
if isCreate {
uuidGist, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error creating an UUID", err)
gist.Uuid = strings.Replace(uuidGist.String(), "-", "", -1)
gist.UserID = user.ID
gist.User = *user
if gist.Title == "" {
if ctx.Request().PostForm["name"][0] == "" {
gist.Title = "gist:" + gist.Uuid
} else {
gist.Title = ctx.Request().PostForm["name"][0]
if len(dto.Files) > 0 {
split := strings.Split(dto.Files[0].Content, "\n")
if len(split) > 10 {
gist.Preview = strings.Join(split[:10], "\n")
} else {
gist.Preview = dto.Files[0].Content
gist.PreviewFilename = dto.Files[0].Filename
if err = gist.InitRepository(); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error creating the repository", err)
if err = gist.AddAndCommitFiles(&dto.Files); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error adding and commiting files", err)
if isCreate {
if err = gist.Create(); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error creating the gist", err)
} else {
if err = gist.Update(); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error updating the gist", err)
return redirect(ctx, "/"+user.Username+"/"+gist.Uuid)
func toggleVisibility(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
gist.Private = !gist.Private
if err := gist.Update(); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error updating this gist", err)
addFlash(ctx, "Gist visibility has been changed", "success")
return redirect(ctx, "/"+gist.User.Username+"/"+gist.Uuid)
func deleteGist(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
err := gist.DeleteRepository()
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error deleting the repository", err)
if err := gist.Delete(); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error deleting this gist", err)
addFlash(ctx, "Gist has been deleted", "success")
return redirect(ctx, "/")
func like(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
currentUser := getUserLogged(ctx)
hasLiked, err := currentUser.HasLiked(gist)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error checking if user has liked a gist", err)
if hasLiked {
err = gist.RemoveUserLike(getUserLogged(ctx))
} else {
err = gist.AppendUserLike(getUserLogged(ctx))
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error liking/dislking this gist", err)
redirectTo := "/" + gist.User.Username + "/" + gist.Uuid
if r := ctx.QueryParam("redirecturl"); r != "" {
redirectTo = r
return redirect(ctx, redirectTo)
func fork(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
currentUser := getUserLogged(ctx)
alreadyForked, err := gist.GetForkParent(currentUser)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return errorRes(500, "Error checking if gist is already forked", err)
if gist.User.ID == currentUser.ID {
addFlash(ctx, "Unable to fork own gists", "error")
return redirect(ctx, "/"+gist.User.Username+"/"+gist.Uuid)
if alreadyForked.ID != 0 {
return redirect(ctx, "/"+alreadyForked.User.Username+"/"+alreadyForked.Uuid)
uuidGist, err := uuid.NewRandom()
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error creating an UUID", err)
newGist := &models.Gist{
Uuid: strings.Replace(uuidGist.String(), "-", "", -1),
Title: gist.Title,
Preview: gist.Preview,
PreviewFilename: gist.PreviewFilename,
Description: gist.Description,
Private: gist.Private,
UserID: currentUser.ID,
ForkedID: gist.ID,
NbFiles: gist.NbFiles,
if err = newGist.CreateForked(); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error forking the gist in database", err)
if err = gist.ForkClone(currentUser.Username, newGist.Uuid); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error cloning the repository while forking", err)
if err = gist.IncrementForkCount(); err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error incrementing the fork count", err)
addFlash(ctx, "Gist has been forked", "success")
return redirect(ctx, "/"+currentUser.Username+"/"+newGist.Uuid)
func rawFile(ctx echo.Context) error {
gist := getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
file, err := gist.File(ctx.Param("revision"), ctx.Param("file"), false)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error getting file content", err)
if file == nil {
return notFound("File not found")
return plainText(ctx, 200, file.Content)
func edit(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
files, err := gist.Files("HEAD")
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching files from repository", err)
setData(ctx, "files", files)
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "Edit "+gist.Title)
return html(ctx, "edit.html")
func downloadZip(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
var revision = ctx.Param("revision")
files, err := gist.Files(revision)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error fetching files from repository", err)
if len(files) == 0 {
return notFound("No files found in this revision")
zipFile := new(bytes.Buffer)
zipWriter := zip.NewWriter(zipFile)
for _, file := range files {
fh := &zip.FileHeader{
Name: file.Filename,
Method: zip.Deflate,
f, err := zipWriter.CreateHeader(fh)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error adding a file the to the zip archive", err)
_, err = f.Write([]byte(file.Content))
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error adding file content the to the zip archive", err)
err = zipWriter.Close()
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error closing the zip archive", err)
ctx.Response().Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/zip")
ctx.Response().Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+gist.Uuid+".zip")
ctx.Response().Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(zipFile.Bytes())))
_, err = ctx.Response().Write(zipFile.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error writing the zip archive", err)
return nil
func likes(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
pageInt := getPage(ctx)
likers, err := gist.GetUsersLikes(pageInt - 1)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error getting users who liked this gist", err)
if err = paginate(ctx, likers, pageInt, 30, "likers", gist.User.Username+"/"+gist.Uuid+"/likes", 1); err != nil {
return errorRes(404, "Page not found", nil)
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "Likes for "+gist.Title)
setData(ctx, "revision", "HEAD")
return html(ctx, "likes.html")
func forks(ctx echo.Context) error {
var gist = getData(ctx, "gist").(*models.Gist)
pageInt := getPage(ctx)
currentUser := getUserLogged(ctx)
var fromUserID uint = 0
if currentUser != nil {
fromUserID = currentUser.ID
forks, err := gist.GetForks(fromUserID, pageInt-1)
if err != nil {
return errorRes(500, "Error getting users who liked this gist", err)
if err = paginate(ctx, forks, pageInt, 30, "forks", gist.User.Username+"/"+gist.Uuid+"/forks", 2); err != nil {
return errorRes(404, "Page not found", nil)
setData(ctx, "htmlTitle", "Forks for "+gist.Title)
setData(ctx, "revision", "HEAD")
return html(ctx, "forks.html")