Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/thomiceli/opengist.git synced 2025-03-12 02:21:45 -05:00

Convert Javascript to Typescript

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Miceli 2023-04-03 23:37:54 +02:00
parent 0eb1b103d0
commit 8b08c5a5cc
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: D86C6F6390AF050F
9 changed files with 324 additions and 302 deletions

public/editor.js vendored
View file

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
import {EditorView, gutter, keymap, lineNumbers} from "@codemirror/view"
import {Compartment, EditorState, Facet, SelectionRange} from "@codemirror/state"
import {indentLess} from "@codemirror/commands";
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
EditorView.theme({}, {dark: true})
let editorsjs = []
let editorsParentdom = document.getElementById('editors')
let allEditorsdom = document.querySelectorAll('#editors > .editor')
let firstEditordom = allEditorsdom[0]
const txtFacet = Facet.define({
combine(values) {
return values[0]
let indentSize = new Compartment, wrapMode = new Compartment, indentType = new Compartment
const newEditor = (dom, value = '') => {
let editor = new EditorView({
doc: value,
parent: dom,
extensions: [
lineNumbers(), gutter({class: "cm-mygutter"}),
keymap.of([{key: "Tab", run: customIndentMore, shift: indentLess}]),
dom.querySelector('.editor-indent-type').onchange = (e) => {
let newTabType = e.target.value
setIndentType(editor, !['tab', 'space'].includes(newTabType) ? 'space' : newTabType)
dom.querySelector('.editor-indent-size').onchange = (e) => {
let newTabSize = parseInt(e.target.value)
setIndentSize(editor, ![2, 4, 8].includes(newTabSize) ? 2 : newTabSize)
dom.querySelector('.editor-wrap-mode').onchange = (e) => {
let newWrapMode = e.target.value
setLineWrapping(editor, newWrapMode === 'soft')
dom.addEventListener("drop", (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the browser from opening the dropped file
e.target.closest('.editor').querySelector('input.form-filename').value = e.dataTransfer.files[0].name
// remove editor on delete
let deleteBtns = dom.querySelector('button.delete-file')
if (deleteBtns !== null) {
deleteBtns.onclick = () => {
editorsjs.splice(editorsjs.indexOf(editor), 1);
editor.dom.addEventListener("input", function inputConfirmLeave() {
if (!editor.inView) return; // skip events outside the viewport
editor.dom.removeEventListener("input", inputConfirmLeave);
window.onbeforeunload = () => {
return 'Are you sure you want to quit?';
return editor;
function getIndentation(state) {
if (indentType.get(state).value === 'tab') {
return '\t';
return ' '.repeat(indentSize.get(state).value);
function customIndentMore({state, dispatch}) {
let indentation = getIndentation(state)
...state.update(changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes) => {
changes.push({from: state.selection.ranges[0].from, insert: indentation})
})), selection: {
anchor: state.selection.ranges[0].from + indentation.length,
head: state.selection.ranges[0].from + indentation.length,
return true
function changeBySelectedLine(state, f) {
let atLine = -1
return state.changeByRange(range => {
let changes = []
for (let line = state.doc.lineAt(range.from); ;) {
if (line.number > atLine) {
f(line, changes)
atLine = line.number
if (range.to <= line.to) break
line = state.doc.lineAt(line.number + 1)
let changeSet = state.changes(changes)
return {
range: new SelectionRange(changeSet.mapPos(range.anchor, 1), changeSet.mapPos(range.head, 1))
function setIndentType(view, type) {
view.dispatch({effects: indentType.reconfigure(txtFacet.of(type))})
function setIndentSize(view, size) {
view.dispatch({effects: indentSize.reconfigure(EditorState.tabSize.of(size))})
function setLineWrapping(view, enable) {
if (enable) {
view.dispatch({effects: wrapMode.reconfigure(EditorView.lineWrapping)})
} else {
view.dispatch({effects: wrapMode.reconfigure([])})
let arr = [...allEditorsdom]
arr.forEach(el => {
// in case we edit the gist contents
let currEditor = newEditor(el, el.querySelector('.form-filecontent').value)
document.getElementById('add-file').onclick = () => {
let newEditorDom = firstEditordom.cloneNode(true)
// reset the filename of the new cloned element
newEditorDom.querySelector('input[name="name"]').value = ""
// removing the previous codemirror editor
let newEditorDomCM = newEditorDom.querySelector('.cm-editor')
// creating the new codemirror editor and append it in the editor div
document.querySelector('form#create').onsubmit = () => {
let j = 0
document.querySelectorAll('.form-filecontent').forEach((e) => {
e.value = encodeURIComponent(editorsjs[j++].state.doc.toString())
document.onsubmit = () => {
window.onbeforeunload = null;

public/editor.ts vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
import {EditorView, gutter, keymap, lineNumbers} from "@codemirror/view";
import {Compartment, EditorState, Facet, Line, SelectionRange} from "@codemirror/state";
import {indentLess} from "@codemirror/commands";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
EditorView.theme({}, {dark: true});
let editorsjs: EditorView[] = [];
let editorsParentdom = document.getElementById("editors")!;
let allEditorsdom = document.querySelectorAll("#editors > .editor");
let firstEditordom = allEditorsdom[0];
const txtFacet = Facet.define<string>({
combine(values) {
return values;
let indentSize = new Compartment(),
wrapMode = new Compartment(),
indentType = new Compartment();
const newEditor = (dom: HTMLElement, value: string = ""): EditorView => {
let editor = new EditorView({
doc: value,
parent: dom,
extensions: [
gutter({class: "cm-mygutter"}),
keymap.of([{key: "Tab", run: customIndentMore, shift: indentLess}]),
dom.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>(".editor-indent-type")!.onchange = (e) => {
let newTabType = (e.target as HTMLInputElement).value;
setIndentType(editor, !["tab", "space"].includes(newTabType) ? "space" : newTabType);
dom.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>(".editor-indent-size")!.onchange = (e) => {
let newTabSize = parseInt((e.target as HTMLInputElement).value);
setIndentSize(editor, ![2, 4, 8].includes(newTabSize) ? 2 : newTabSize);
dom.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>(".editor-wrap-mode")!.onchange = (e) => {
let newWrapMode = (e.target as HTMLInputElement).value;
setLineWrapping(editor, newWrapMode === "soft");
dom.addEventListener("drop", (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the browser from opening the dropped file
(e.target as HTMLInputElement)
.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>("input.form-filename")!.value =
// remove editor on delete
let deleteBtns = dom.querySelector<HTMLButtonElement>("button.delete-file");
if (deleteBtns !== null) {
deleteBtns.onclick = () => {
editorsjs.splice(editorsjs.indexOf(editor), 1);
editor.dom.addEventListener("input", function inputConfirmLeave() {
if (!editor.inView) return; // skip events outside the viewport
editor.dom.removeEventListener("input", inputConfirmLeave);
window.onbeforeunload = () => {
return "Are you sure you want to quit?";
return editor;
function getIndentation(state: EditorState): string {
// @ts-ignore
if (indentType.get(state).value === "tab") {
return "\t";
// @ts-ignore
return " ".repeat(indentSize.get(state).value);
function customIndentMore({state, dispatch,}: { state: EditorState; dispatch: (value: any) => void; }): boolean {
let indentation = getIndentation(state);
...state.update(changeBySelectedLine(state, (line, changes) => {
changes.push({from: state.selection.ranges[0].from, insert: indentation,});
selection: {
anchor: state.selection.ranges[0].from + indentation.length,
head: state.selection.ranges[0].from + indentation.length,
return true;
function changeBySelectedLine(state: EditorState, f: (line: Line, changes: any[]) => void): any {
let atLine = -1;
return state.changeByRange((range) => {
let changes: any[] = [];
for (let line = state.doc.lineAt(range.from); ;) {
if (line.number > atLine) {
f(line, changes);
atLine = line.number;
if (range.to <= line.to) break;
line = state.doc.lineAt(line.number + 1);
let changeSet = state.changes(changes);
return {
// @ts-ignore
range: new SelectionRange(changeSet.mapPos(range.anchor, 1), changeSet.mapPos(range.head, 1)),
function setIndentType(view: EditorView, type: string): void {
view.dispatch({effects: indentType.reconfigure(txtFacet.of(type))});
function setIndentSize(view: EditorView, size: number): void {
view.dispatch({effects: indentSize.reconfigure(EditorState.tabSize.of(size))});
function setLineWrapping(view: EditorView, enable: boolean): void {
effects: wrapMode.reconfigure(enable ? EditorView.lineWrapping : []),
let arr = Array.from(allEditorsdom);
arr.forEach((el: HTMLElement) => {
// in case we edit the gist contents
let currEditor = newEditor(el, el.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>(".form-filecontent")!.value);
document.getElementById("add-file")!.onclick = () => {
let newEditorDom = firstEditordom.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement;
// reset the filename of the new cloned element
newEditorDom.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>('input[name="name"]')!.value = "";
// removing the previous codemirror editor
let newEditorDomCM = newEditorDom.querySelector(".cm-editor");
// creating the new codemirror editor and append it in the editor div
document.querySelector<HTMLFormElement>("form#create")!.onsubmit = () => {
let j = 0;
document.querySelectorAll<HTMLInputElement>(".form-filecontent").forEach((e) => {
e.value = encodeURIComponent(editorsjs[j++].state.doc.toString());
document.onsubmit = () => {
window.onbeforeunload = null;

public/main.js vendored
View file

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
import './style.css'
import './markdown.css'
import './favicon.svg'
import 'highlight.js/styles/tokyo-night-dark.css'
import moment from 'moment'
import md from 'markdown-it'
import hljs from 'highlight.js'
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
document.querySelectorAll('.moment-timestamp').forEach((e) => {
e.title = moment.unix(e.innerHTML).format('LLLL')
e.innerHTML = moment.unix(e.innerHTML).fromNow()
document.querySelectorAll('.moment-timestamp-date').forEach((e) => {
e.innerHTML = moment.unix(e.innerHTML).format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm')
let rev = document.querySelector('.revision-text')
if (rev) {
let fullRev = rev.innerHTML
let smallRev = fullRev.substring(0, 7)
rev.innerHTML = smallRev
rev.onmouseover = () => {
rev.innerHTML = fullRev
rev.onmouseout = () => {
rev.innerHTML = smallRev
document.querySelectorAll('.markdown').forEach((e) => {
e.innerHTML = md().render(e.innerHTML);
document.querySelectorAll('.table-code').forEach((el) => {
let ext = el.dataset.filename.split('.').pop()
if (hljs.autoDetection(ext) && ext !== 'txt') {
el.querySelectorAll('td.line-code').forEach((ell) => {
// more efficient
el.addEventListener('click', event => {
if (event.target.matches('.line-num')) {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.table-code .selected')).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('selected'));
let filename = el.dataset.filenameSlug
let line = event.target.textContent
let url = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname
let hash = '#file-'+ filename + '-' +line
window.history.pushState(null, null, url+hash);
location.hash = hash;
let colorhash = () => {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.table-code .selected')).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('selected'));
let lineEl = document.querySelector(location.hash)
if (lineEl) {
if (location.hash) {
window.onhashchange = colorhash
document.getElementById('main-menu-button').onclick = () => {
let tabs = document.getElementById('gist-tabs')
if (tabs) {
tabs.onchange = (e) => {
// navigate to the url in data-url
window.location.href = e.target.selectedOptions[0].dataset.url
let gistmenutoggle = document.getElementById('gist-menu-toggle');
if (gistmenutoggle) {
let gistmenucopy = document.getElementById('gist-menu-copy')
let gistmenubuttoncopy = document.getElementById('gist-menu-button-copy')
let gistmenuinput = document.getElementById('gist-menu-input')
let gistmenutitle = document.getElementById('gist-menu-title')
gistmenutitle.textContent = gistmenucopy.children[0].firstChild.textContent
gistmenuinput.value = gistmenucopy.children[0].dataset.link
gistmenutoggle.onclick = () => {
for (let item of gistmenucopy.children) {
item.onclick = () => {
gistmenutitle.textContent = item.firstChild.textContent
gistmenuinput.value = item.dataset.link
gistmenubuttoncopy.onclick = () => {
let text = gistmenuinput.value
navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(null, function(err) {
console.error('Could not copy text: ', err);
let sortgist = document.getElementById('sort-gists-button')
if (sortgist) {
sortgist.onclick = () => {
document.querySelectorAll('.copy-gist-btn').forEach((e) => {
e.onclick = () => {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(e.parentNode.querySelector('.gist-content').textContent).then(null, function (err) {
console.error('Could not copy text: ', err);

public/main.ts vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import './style.css';
import './markdown.css';
import './favicon.svg';
import 'highlight.js/styles/tokyo-night-dark.css';
import moment from 'moment';
import md from 'markdown-it';
import hljs from 'highlight.js';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
document.querySelectorAll('.moment-timestamp').forEach((e: HTMLElement) => {
e.title = moment.unix(parseInt(e.innerHTML)).format('LLLL');
e.innerHTML = moment.unix(parseInt(e.innerHTML)).fromNow();
document.querySelectorAll('.moment-timestamp-date').forEach((e: HTMLElement) => {
e.innerHTML = moment.unix(parseInt(e.innerHTML)).format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm');
const rev = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>('.revision-text');
if (rev) {
const fullRev = rev.innerHTML;
const smallRev = fullRev.substring(0, 7);
rev.innerHTML = smallRev;
rev.onmouseover = () => {
rev.innerHTML = fullRev;
rev.onmouseout = () => {
rev.innerHTML = smallRev;
document.querySelectorAll('.markdown').forEach((e: HTMLElement) => {
e.innerHTML = md().render(e.innerHTML);
document.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>('.table-code').forEach((el) => {
const ext = el.dataset.filename?.split('.').pop() || '';
if (hljs.autoDetection(ext) && ext !== 'txt') {
el.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>('td.line-code').forEach((ell) => {
ell.classList.add('language-' + ext);
el.addEventListener('click', event => {
if (event.target && (event.target as HTMLElement).matches('.line-num')) {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.table-code .selected')).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('selected'));
const nextSibling = (event.target as HTMLElement).nextSibling;
if (nextSibling instanceof HTMLElement) {
const filename = el.dataset.filenameSlug;
const line = (event.target as HTMLElement).textContent;
const url = location.protocol + '//' + location.host + location.pathname;
const hash = '#file-' + filename + '-' + line;
window.history.pushState(null, null, url + hash);
location.hash = hash;
const colorhash = () => {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.table-code .selected')).forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('selected'));
const lineEl = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>(location.hash);
if (lineEl) {
const nextSibling = lineEl.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (location.hash) {
window.onhashchange = colorhash;
document.getElementById('main-menu-button')!.onclick = () => {
const tabs = document.getElementById('gist-tabs');
if (tabs) {
tabs.onchange = (e: Event) => {
const target = e.target as HTMLSelectElement;
window.location.href = target.selectedOptions[0].dataset.url || '';
const gistmenutoggle = document.getElementById('gist-menu-toggle');
if (gistmenutoggle) {
const gistmenucopy = document.getElementById('gist-menu-copy')!;
const gistmenubuttoncopy = document.getElementById('gist-menu-button-copy')!;
const gistmenuinput = document.getElementById('gist-menu-input') as HTMLInputElement;
const gistmenutitle = document.getElementById('gist-menu-title')!;
gistmenutitle.textContent = gistmenucopy.children[0].firstChild!.textContent;
gistmenuinput.value = (gistmenucopy.children[0] as HTMLElement).dataset.link || '';
gistmenutoggle.onclick = () => {
for (const item of Array.from(gistmenucopy.children)) {
(item as HTMLElement).onclick = () => {
gistmenutitle.textContent = item.firstChild!.textContent;
gistmenuinput.value = (item as HTMLElement).dataset.link || '';
gistmenubuttoncopy.onclick = () => {
const text = gistmenuinput.value;
navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).catch((err) => {
console.error('Could not copy text: ', err);
const sortgist = document.getElementById('sort-gists-button');
if (sortgist) {
sortgist.onclick = () => {
document.querySelectorAll('.copy-gist-btn').forEach((e: HTMLElement) => {
e.onclick = () => {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(e.parentNode!.querySelector<HTMLElement>('.gist-content')!.textContent || '').catch((err) => {
console.error('Could not copy text: ', err);

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="{{ asset "favicon.svg" }}" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset "main.css" }}" />
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "main.js" }}"></script>
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "main.ts" }}"></script>
{{ if .htmlTitle }}
<title>{{ .htmlTitle }} - Opengist</title>

View file

@ -65,6 +65,6 @@
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "editor.js" }}"></script>
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "editor.ts" }}"></script>
{{ template "footer" .}}

View file

@ -102,6 +102,6 @@
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "editor.js" }}"></script>
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "editor.ts" }}"></script>
{{ template "footer" .}}

tsconfig.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"esModuleInterop": true
"files": [

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
assetsDir: 'assets',
manifest: true,
rollupOptions: {
input: ['./public/main.js', './public/editor.js']
input: ['./public/main.ts', './public/editor.ts']