Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/thomiceli/opengist.git synced 2025-02-19 01:55:43 -05:00

268 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

gist.public: Herkese Açık
gist.unlisted: Liste Dışı
gist.private: Gizli
gist.header.like: Beğen
gist.header.unlike: Beğenmekten Vazgeç
gist.header.fork: Çatalla
gist.header.edit: Düzenle
gist.header.delete: Sil
gist.header.forked-from: Çatallı
gist.header.last-active: Son aktif
gist.header.select-tab: Bir sekme seç
gist.header.code: Kod
gist.header.revisions: Revizyonlar
gist.header.revision: Revizyon
gist.header.clone-http: \%s aracılığıyla klonla
gist.header.clone-http-help: HTTP temel kimlik doğrulamasını kullanarak Git ile klonlayın.
gist.header.clone-ssh: SSH aracılığıyla klonla
gist.header.clone-ssh-help: Bir SSH anahtarı kullanarak Git ile klonlayın.
gist.header.embed: Yerleştirme
gist.header.embed-help: Bu gisti web sitenize yerleştirin.
gist.header.download-zip: ZIP'i indirin
gist.raw: Ham
gist.file-truncated: Bu dosya kısaltılmıştır.
gist.watch-full-file: Dosyanın tamamını görüntüleyin.
gist.file-not-valid: Bu dosya geçerli bir CSV dosyası değildir.
gist.no-content: Dosya bulunamadı
gist.new.new_gist: Yeni gist
gist.new.title: Başlık
gist.new.description: Description
gist.new.url: URL
gist.new.filename-with-extension: Uzantılı dosya adı
gist.new.indent-mode: Girinti modu
gist.new.indent-mode-space: Boşluk
gist.new.indent-mode-tab: Tab
gist.new.indent-size: Girinti boyutu
gist.new.wrap-mode: ''
gist.new.wrap-mode-no: ''
gist.new.wrap-mode-soft: ''
gist.new.add-file: Add file
gist.new.create-public-button: Herkese açık gist oluştur
gist.new.create-unlisted-button: Liste dışı gist oluştur
gist.new.create-private-button: Gizli gist oluştur
gist.new.preview: Ön izle
gist.new.create-a-new-gist: Yeni bir gist oluştur
gist.edit.editing: Düzenleme
gist.edit.edit-gist: '%s düzenle'
gist.edit.change-visibility: ''
gist.edit.delete: Delete
gist.edit.cancel: İptal Et
gist.edit.save: Kaydet
gist.list.joined: Katıldı
gist.list.all: Tüm gistler
gist.list.search-results: Arama sonuçları
gist.list.sort: Sırala
gist.list.sort-by-created: oluşturuldu
gist.list.sort-by-updated: düzenlendi
gist.list.order-by-asc: En son yakın zamanda
gist.list.order-by-desc: Son zamanlarda
gist.list.select-tab: Bir sekme seçin
gist.list.liked: Beğenildi
gist.list.likes: beğeniler
gist.list.forked: Çatallı
gist.list.forked-from: çatallandı
gist.list.forks: çatallar
gist.list.files: files
gist.list.last-active: Son aktif
gist.list.no-gists: Gistler yok
gist.list.all-liked-by: '%s tarafından beğenilen tüm gistler'
gist.list.all-forked-by: '%s tarafından beğenilen tüm çatallar'
gist.list.all-from: '%s tüm gistleri'
gist.search.found: bulunan gistler
gist.search.no-results: Hiç gist bulunamadı
gist.search.help.user: gists created by user
gist.search.help.title: gists with given title
gist.search.help.filename: gists having files with given name
gist.search.help.extension: gists having files with given extension
gist.search.help.language: gists having files with given language
gist.forks: Forks
gist.forks.view: View fork
gist.forks.no: No public forks
gist.forks.for: Forks for %s
gist.likes: Likes
gist.likes.no: No likes yet
gist.likes.for: Likes for %s
gist.revisions: Revisions
gist.revision.revised: revised this gist
gist.revision.go-to-revision: Go to revision
gist.revision.file-created: file created
gist.revision.file-deleted: file deleted
gist.revision.file-renamed: renamed to
gist.revision.diff-truncated: Diff is too large to be shown
gist.revision.file-renamed-no-changes: File renamed without changes
gist.revision.empty-file: Empty file
gist.revision.no-changes: No changes
gist.revision.no-revisions: No revisions to show
gist.revision-of: Revision of %s
settings: Settings
settings.email: Email
settings.email-help: Used for commits and Gravatar
settings.email-set: Set email
settings.link-accounts: Link accounts
settings.link-github-account: Link GitHub account
settings.link-gitlab-account: Link GitLab account
settings.link-gitea-account: Link Gitea account
settings.unlink-github-account: Unlink GitHub account
settings.unlink-gitlab-account: Unlink GitLab account
settings.unlink-gitea-account: Unlink Gitea account
settings.delete-account: Delete account
settings.delete-account-confirm: Are you sure you want to delete your account ?
settings.add-ssh-key: Add SSH key
settings.add-ssh-key-help: Used only to pull/push gists using Git via SSH
settings.add-ssh-key-title: Title
settings.add-ssh-key-content: Key
settings.delete-ssh-key: Delete
settings.delete-ssh-key-confirm: Confirm deletion of SSH key
settings.ssh-key-added-at: Added
settings.ssh-key-never-used: Never used
settings.ssh-key-last-used: Last used
settings.change-username: Change username
settings.create-password: Create password
settings.create-password-help: Create your password to login to Opengist via HTTP
settings.change-password: Change password
settings.change-password-help: Change your password to login to Opengist via HTTP
settings.password-label-title: Password
auth.signup-disabled: Administrator has disabled signing up
auth.login: Login
auth.signup: Register
auth.new-account: New account
auth.username: Username
auth.password: Password
auth.register-instead: Register instead
auth.login-instead: Login instead
auth.oauth: Continue with %s account
error: Error
error.page-not-found: Page not found
error.bad-request: Bad request
error.signup-disabled: Signing up is disabled
error.signup-disabled-form: Signing up via registration form is disabled
error.login-disabled-form: Logging in via login form is disabled
error.complete-oauth-login: "Cannot complete user auth: %s"
error.oauth-unsupported: Unsupported provider
error.cannot-bind-data: Cannot bind data
error.invalid-number: Invalid number
error.invalid-character-unescaped: Invalid character unescaped
header.menu.all: All
header.menu.new: New
header.menu.search: Search
header.menu.my-gists: My gists
header.menu.liked: Liked
header.menu.admin: Admin
header.menu.settings: Settings
header.menu.logout: Logout
header.menu.register: Register
header.menu.login: Login
header.menu.light: Light
header.menu.dark: Dark
header.menu.system: System
footer.powered-by: Powered by %s
pagination.older: Older
pagination.newer: Newer
pagination.previous: Previous
pagination.next: Next
admin.admin_panel: Admin panel
admin.general: General
admin.users: Users
admin.gists: Gists
admin.configuration: Configuration
admin.invitations: Invitations
admin.invitations.create: Create invitation
admin.versions: Versions
admin.ssh_keys: SSH keys
admin.stats: Stats
admin.actions: Actions
admin.actions.sync-fs: Synchronize gists from filesystem
admin.actions.sync-db: Synchronize gists from database
admin.actions.git-gc: Garbage collect all git repositories
admin.actions.sync-previews: Synchronize all gists previews
admin.actions.reset-hooks: Reset Git server hooks for all repositories
admin.actions.index-gists: Index all gists
admin.id: ID
admin.user: User
admin.delete: Delete
admin.created_at: Created
admin.config-link: This configuration can be %s by a YAML config file and/or environment variables.
admin.config-link-overriden: overridden
admin.disable-signup: Disable signup
admin.disable-signup_help: Forbid the creation of new accounts.
admin.require-login: Require login
admin.require-login_help: Enforce users to be logged in to see gists.
admin.disable-login: Disable login form
admin.disable-login_help: Forbid logging in via the login form to force using OAuth providers instead.
admin.disable-gravatar: Disable Gravatar
admin.disable-gravatar_help: Disable the usage of Gravatar as an avatar provider.
admin.users.delete_confirm: Do you want to delete this user ?
admin.gists.title: Title
admin.gists.private: Private ?
admin.gists.nb-files: Nb. files
admin.gists.nb-likes: Nb. likes
admin.gists.delete_confirm: Do you want to delete this gist ?
admin.invitations.help: Invitations can be used to create an account even if signing up is disabled.
admin.invitations.max_uses: Max uses
admin.invitations.expires_at: Expires at
admin.invitations.code: Code
admin.invitations.copy_link: Copy link
admin.invitations.uses: Uses
admin.invitations.expired: Expired
flash.admin.user-deleted: User has been deleted
flash.admin.gist-deleted: Gist has been deleted
flash.admin.invitation-created: Invitation has been created
flash.admin.invitation-deleted: Invitation has been deleted
flash.admin.sync-fs: Syncing repositories from filesystem...
flash.admin.sync-db: Syncing repositories from database...
flash.admin.git-gc: Garbage collecting repositories...
flash.admin.sync-previews: Syncing Gist previews...
flash.admin.reset-hooks: Resetting Git server hooks for all repositories...
flash.admin.index-gists: Indexing all gists...
flash.auth.username-exists: Username already exists
flash.auth.invalid-credentials: Invalid credentials
flash.auth.account-linked-oauth: Account linked to %s
flash.auth.account-unlinked-oauth: Account unlinked from %s
flash.auth.user-sshkeys-not-retrievable: Could not get user keys
flash.auth.user-sshkeys-not-created: Could not create ssh key
flash.auth.must-be-logged-in: You must be logged in to access gists
flash.gist.visibility-changed: Gist visibility has been changed
flash.gist.deleted: Gist has been deleted
flash.gist.fork-own-gist: Unable to fork own gists
flash.gist.forked: Gist has been forked
flash.user.email-updated: Email updated
flash.user.invalid-ssh-key: Invalid SSH key
flash.user.ssh-key-added: SSH key added
flash.user.ssh-key-deleted: SSH key deleted
flash.user.password-updated: Password updated
flash.user.username-updated: Username updated
validation.is-too-long: Field %s is too long
validation.should-not-be-empty: Field %s should not be empty
validation.should-not-include-sub-directory: Field %s should not include a sub directory
validation.should-only-contain-alphanumeric-characters: Field %s should only contain alphanumeric characters
validation.should-only-contain-alphanumeric-characters-and-dashes: Field %s should only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes
validation.not-enough: Not enough %s
validation.invalid: Invalid %s
html.title.admin-panel: Admin panel