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src chore: fix test and lint issues 2023-04-01 22:16:56 +08:00
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README.md refactor: add connector packages 2023-04-01 15:53:14 +08:00

Naver Connector

The Naver connector provides a succinct way for your application to use Navers OAuth 2.0 authentication system.

Developer Site Only Korean Support Now

Currently Naver Developers site only supports Korean. Please consider use a translator.

For the Production

  • For the production, you have to get review from Naver team. Otherwise, only registered users can sign in.
    • You can add a tester from 맴버관리(Member Manage) menu.
  • To get a review, please check 애플리케이션 개발 상태(Application Devlopment Status) from API 설정(API Setting) from your application project setting.

Set up a project in the Naver Developers

  • Visit the Naver Developers and sign in with your Naver account.
  • Click the Application -> 어플리케이션 등록 from the menu to create new project.
  • Follow the instruction below to create application.

Application Name (어플리케이션 이름)

  • Type your application name on 어플리케이션 이름 (This name is shown while a user sign in.)

API Usage (사용 API)

  • Choose 네이버 로그인(Naver Login) for 사용 API(API Usage)
  • Check 이메일 주소(Email Address), 별명(Nickname), 프로필 사진(Profile Image) as 필수(Neccessary) from 권한(Role) (You can check 추가(Add) as optional these options, but you cannot get the information from the user.)

Sign in Open API Service Environment (로그인 오픈 API 서비스 환경)

  • For 로그인 오픈 API 서비스 환경(Sign in Open API Service Environment), add two environment PC웹(PC Web) and 모바일웹(Mobile Web).

PC Web (PC 웹)

Mobile Web (Mobile 웹)

⚠️ Caution

The connector_id can be found on the top bar of the Logto Admin Console connector details page.

Configure Logto

Config types

Name Type
clientId string
clientSecret string


clientId is Client ID of your project. (You can find it from 애플리케이션 정보(Application Info) of your project from Naver developers.)


clientSecret is Client Secret of your project. (You can find it from 애플리케이션 정보(Application Info) of your project from Naver developers.)