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import { exec } from 'node:child_process';
import { existsSync } from 'node:fs';
import fs from 'node:fs/promises';
import path from 'node:path';
import { promisify } from 'node:util';
import { assert, conditionalArray, conditionalString, trySafe } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import { got } from 'got';
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
import pLimit from 'p-limit';
import pRetry from 'p-retry';
import tar from 'tar';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { connectorDirectory } from '../../constants.js';
import { getConnectorPackagesFromDirectory, isTty, log, oraPromise } from '../../utils.js';
import { defaultPath } from '../install/utils.js';
const coreDirectory = 'packages/core';
const execPromise = promisify(exec);
export const npmPackResultGuard = z
name: z.string(),
version: z.string(),
filename: z.string(),
const buildPathErrorMessage = (value: string) =>
`The path ${chalk.green(value)} does not contain a Logto instance, please try another.`;
const validatePath = async (value: string) => {
const corePackageJsonPath = path.resolve(path.join(value, coreDirectory, 'package.json'));
if (!existsSync(corePackageJsonPath)) {
return buildPathErrorMessage(value);
const packageJson = await fs.readFile(corePackageJsonPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
const packageName = await z
.object({ name: z.string() })
.then(({ name }) => name)
.catch(() => '');
if (packageName !== '@logto/core') {
return buildPathErrorMessage(value);
return true;
export const inquireInstancePath = async (initialPath?: string) => {
const inquire = async () => {
if (!initialPath && (await validatePath('.')) === true) {
return path.resolve('.');
if (!isTty()) {
assert(initialPath, new Error('Path is missing'));
return initialPath;
const { instancePath } = await inquirer.prompt<{ instancePath: string }>(
name: 'instancePath',
message: 'Where is your Logto instance?',
type: 'input',
default: defaultPath,
filter: (value: string) => value.trim(),
validate: validatePath,
{ instancePath: initialPath }
return instancePath;
const instancePath = await inquire();
const validated = await validatePath(instancePath);
if (validated !== true) {
return instancePath;
const packagePrefix = 'connector-';
export const normalizePackageName = (name: string) =>
// Prepend prefix to the last fragment if needed
.map((fragment, index, array) =>
index === array.length - 1 && !fragment.startsWith(packagePrefix) && !fragment.startsWith('@')
? packagePrefix + fragment
: fragment
export const getConnectorDirectory = (instancePath: string) =>
path.join(instancePath, coreDirectory, connectorDirectory);
export const isOfficialConnector = (packageName: string) =>
export const getConnectorPackagesFrom = async (instancePath?: string) => {
const directory = getConnectorDirectory(await inquireInstancePath(instancePath));
const packages = await trySafe(getConnectorPackagesFromDirectory(directory));
if (!packages || packages.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No connector found in ' + directory);
return packages;
export const getLocalConnectorPackages = async (instancePath: string) => {
const directory = path.join(instancePath, 'packages', connectorDirectory);
const files = await fs.readdir(directory, { withFileTypes: true });
const packages = files.filter(
(entity) => entity.isDirectory() && entity.name.startsWith('connector-')
if (packages.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No connector found in ' + directory);
return packages.map(({ name }) => [name, path.join(directory, name)] as const);
export const addConnectors = async (instancePath: string, packageNames: string[]) => {
const cwd = getConnectorDirectory(instancePath);
if (!existsSync(cwd)) {
await fs.mkdir(cwd, { recursive: true });
log.info('Fetch connector metadata');
const limit = pLimit(10);
const results = await Promise.all(
.map((name) => normalizePackageName(name))
.map(async (packageName) => {
const run = async () => {
const { stdout } = await execPromise(`npm pack ${packageName} --json`, { cwd });
const result = npmPackResultGuard.parse(JSON.parse(stdout));
if (!result[0]) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to execute ${chalk.green('npm pack')} on package ${chalk.green(packageName)}`
const { filename, name, version } = result[0];
const escapedFilename = filename.replace(/\//g, '-').replace(/@/g, '');
const tarPath = path.join(cwd, escapedFilename);
const packageDirectory = path.join(cwd, name.replace(/\//g, '-'));
await fs.rm(packageDirectory, { force: true, recursive: true });
await fs.mkdir(packageDirectory, { recursive: true });
await tar.extract({ cwd: packageDirectory, file: tarPath, strip: 1 });
await fs.unlink(tarPath);
log.succeed(`Added ${chalk.green(name)} v${version}`);
return limit(async () => {
try {
await pRetry(run, { retries: 2 });
} catch (error: unknown) {
console.warn(`[${packageName}]`, error);
return packageName;
const errorPackages = results.filter(Boolean);
const errorCount = errorPackages.length;
? `Finished with ${errorCount} error${conditionalString(errorCount > 1 && 's')}.`
: 'Finished'
if (errorCount) {
log.warn('Failed to add ' + errorPackages.map((name) => chalk.green(name)).join(', '));
const officialConnectorPrefix = '@logto/connector-';
type PackageMeta = { name: string; scope: string; version: string };
const fetchOfficialConnectorList = async (includingCloudConnectors = false) => {
// See https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#get-v1search
type FetchResult = {
objects: Array<{
package: PackageMeta;
flags?: { unstable?: boolean };
total: number;
const fetchList = async (from = 0, size = 20) => {
const parameters = new URLSearchParams({
text: officialConnectorPrefix,
from: String(from),
size: String(size),
return got(
const packages: PackageMeta[] = [];
// Disable lint rules for business need
// eslint-disable-next-line @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation
for (let page = 0; ; ++page) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const { objects } = await fetchList(page * 20, 20);
const excludeList = ['mock', 'kit', ...conditionalArray(!includingCloudConnectors && 'logto')];
// eslint-disable-next-line @silverhand/fp/no-mutating-methods
({ package: { name, scope } }) =>
scope === 'logto' &&
(excluded) => !name.slice(officialConnectorPrefix.length).startsWith(excluded)
.map(({ package: data }) => data)
if (objects.length < 20) {
return packages;
export const addOfficialConnectors = async (
instancePath: string,
includingCloudConnectors = false
) => {
const packages = await oraPromise(fetchOfficialConnectorList(includingCloudConnectors), {
text: 'Fetch official connector list',
prefixText: chalk.blue('[info]'),
log.info(`Found ${packages.length} official connectors`);
await addConnectors(
packages.map(({ name }) => name)