Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/logto-io/logto.git synced 2025-02-24 22:05:56 -05:00
Gao Sun 2cbc591ff6
feat: support direct sign-in (#5536)
* feat: support direct sign-in

* chore: add changesets

* refactor: add test cases

* chore(deps): upgrade logto sdks
2024-03-26 13:23:41 +08:00

476 lines
15 KiB

import { type webcrypto } from 'node:crypto';
import { type DeepPartial } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { getPwnPasswordsForTest, isIntegrationTest } from './utils/integration-test.js';
/** Password policy configuration type. */
export type PasswordPolicy = {
/** Policy about password length. */
length: {
/** Minimum password length. */
min: number;
/** Maximum password length. */
max: number;
* Policy about password character types. Four types of characters are supported:
* - Lowercase letters (a-z).
* - Uppercase letters (A-Z).
* - Digits (0-9).
* - Symbols ({@link PasswordPolicyChecker.symbols}).
characterTypes: {
/** Minimum number of character types. Range: 1-4. */
min: number;
/** Policy about what passwords to reject. */
rejects: {
/** Whether to reject passwords that are pwned. */
pwned: boolean;
/** Whether to reject passwords that like '123456' or 'aaaaaa'. */
repetitionAndSequence: boolean;
/** Whether to reject passwords that include current user information. */
userInfo: boolean;
/** Whether to reject passwords that include specific words. */
words: string[];
/** Password policy configuration guard. */
export const passwordPolicyGuard = z.object({
length: z
min: z.number().int().min(1).default(8),
max: z.number().int().min(1).default(256),
characterTypes: z
min: z.number().int().min(1).max(4).optional().default(1),
rejects: z
pwned: z.boolean().default(true),
repetitionAndSequence: z.boolean().default(true),
userInfo: z.boolean().default(true),
words: z.string().array().default([]),
}) satisfies z.ZodType<PasswordPolicy, z.ZodTypeDef, DeepPartial<PasswordPolicy>>;
/** The code of why a password is rejected. */
export type PasswordRejectionCode =
| 'too_short'
| 'too_long'
| 'character_types'
| 'unsupported_characters'
| 'pwned'
| 'restricted.repetition'
| 'restricted.sequence'
| 'restricted.user_info'
| 'restricted.words';
/** A password issue that does not meet the policy. */
export type PasswordIssue<Code extends PasswordRejectionCode = PasswordRejectionCode> = {
/** Issue code. */
code: `password_rejected.${Code}`;
/** Interpolation data for the issue message. */
interpolation?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** User information to check. */
export type UserInfo = Partial<{
name: string;
username: string;
email: string;
phoneNumber: string;
* The class for checking if a password meets the policy. The policy is defined as
* {@link PasswordPolicy}.
* @example
* ```ts
* const checker = new PasswordPolicyChecker({
* length: { min: 8, max: 256 },
* characterTypes: { min: 2 },
* rejects: { pwned: true, repetitionAndSequence: true, words: [] },
* });
* const issues = await checker.check('123456');
* console.log(issues);
* // [
* // { code: 'password_rejected.too_short' },
* // { code: 'password_rejected.character_types', interpolation: { min: 2 } },
* // { code: 'password_rejected.pwned' },
* // { code: 'password_rejected.restricted.sequence' },
* // ]
* ```
export class PasswordPolicyChecker {
static symbols = Object.freeze('!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ ' as const);
/** A set of characters that are considered as sequential. */
static sequence = Object.freeze([
] as const);
/** The length threshold for checking repetition and sequence. */
static repetitionAndSequenceThreshold = 3 as const;
* If the password contains more than such number of characters that are not
* in the restricted phrases, it will be accepted.
static restrictedPhrasesTolerance = 3 as const;
/** Get the length threshold for checking restricted phrases. */
protected static getRestrictedPhraseThreshold(password: string): number {
const { restrictedPhrasesTolerance } = PasswordPolicyChecker;
return Math.max(1, password.length - restrictedPhrasesTolerance);
public readonly policy: PasswordPolicy;
policy: DeepPartial<PasswordPolicy>,
/** The Web Crypto API to use. By default, the global `crypto.subtle` will be used. */
protected readonly subtle: webcrypto.SubtleCrypto | SubtleCrypto = crypto.subtle
) {
this.policy = passwordPolicyGuard.parse(policy);
* Check if a password meets all the policy requirements.
* @param password - Password to check.
* @param userInfo - User information to check. Required if the policy
* requires to reject passwords that include user information.
* @returns An array of issues. If the password meets the policy, an empty array will be returned.
* @throws TypeError - If the policy requires to reject passwords that include user information
* but the user information is not provided.
/* eslint-disable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation, @silverhand/fp/no-mutating-methods */
async check(password: string, userInfo?: UserInfo): Promise<PasswordIssue[]> {
const issues: PasswordIssue[] = this.fastCheck(password);
if (this.policy.rejects.pwned && (await this.hasBeenPwned(password))) {
code: 'password_rejected.pwned',
// `hashArray[i]` indicates whether the `i`th character violates the restriction.
// We'll gradually set the value to `1` if needed.
// The algorithm time complexity should be O(n^2), but it's fast enough for a password.
const hashArray = Array.from<0 | 1>({ length: password.length }).fill(0);
const issueCodes = new Set<PasswordRejectionCode>();
const { repetitionAndSequence, words, userInfo: rejectUserInfo } = this.policy.rejects;
const rejectWords = words.length > 0;
const fillHashArray = (startIndex: number, length: number, code: PasswordRejectionCode) => {
if (length <= 0) {
for (let i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i += 1) {
hashArray[i] = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < password.length; i += 1) {
const sliced = password.slice(i);
if (repetitionAndSequence) {
fillHashArray(i, this.repetitionLength(sliced), 'restricted.repetition');
fillHashArray(i, this.sequenceLength(sliced), 'restricted.sequence');
if (rejectWords) {
fillHashArray(i, this.wordLength(sliced), 'restricted.words');
if (rejectUserInfo) {
if (!userInfo) {
throw new TypeError('User information data is required to check user information.');
fillHashArray(i, this.userInfoLength(sliced, userInfo), 'restricted.user_info');
return hashArray.reduce<number>((total, current) => total + current, 0) >
? [
...[...issueCodes].map<PasswordIssue>((code) => ({ code: `password_rejected.${code}` })),
: issues;
/* eslint-enable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation, @silverhand/fp/no-mutating-methods */
* Perform a fast check to see if the password passes the basic requirements.
* Only the length and character types will be checked.
* This method is used for frontend validation.
* @param password - Password to check.
* @returns Whether the password passes the basic requirements.
/* eslint-disable @silverhand/fp/no-mutating-methods */
fastCheck(password: string) {
const issues: PasswordIssue[] = [];
if (password.length < this.policy.length.min) {
code: 'password_rejected.too_short',
interpolation: { min: this.policy.length.min },
} else if (password.length > this.policy.length.max) {
code: 'password_rejected.too_long',
interpolation: { max: this.policy.length.max },
const characterTypes = this.checkCharTypes(password);
if (characterTypes === 'unsupported') {
code: 'password_rejected.unsupported_characters',
} else if (!characterTypes) {
code: 'password_rejected.character_types',
interpolation: { min: this.policy.characterTypes.min },
return issues;
/* eslint-enable @silverhand/fp/no-mutating-methods */
* Check if the given password contains enough character types.
* @param password - Password to check.
* @returns Whether the password contains enough character types; or `'unsupported'`
* if the password contains unsupported characters.
checkCharTypes(password: string): boolean | 'unsupported' {
const characterTypes = new Set<string>();
for (const char of password) {
if (char >= 'a' && char <= 'z') {
} else if (char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z') {
} else if (char >= '0' && char <= '9') {
} else if (PasswordPolicyChecker.symbols.includes(char)) {
} else {
return 'unsupported';
return characterTypes.size >= this.policy.characterTypes.min;
* Check if the given password has been pwned.
* @param password - Password to check.
* @returns Whether the password has been pwned.
async hasBeenPwned(password: string): Promise<boolean> {
if (isIntegrationTest()) {
return getPwnPasswordsForTest().includes(password);
const hash = await this.subtle.digest('SHA-1', new TextEncoder().encode(password));
const hashHex = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash))
.map((binary) => binary.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
const hashPrefix = hashHex.slice(0, 5);
const hashSuffix = hashHex.slice(5);
const response = await fetch(`https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/${hashPrefix}`);
const text = await response.text();
const hashes = text.split('\n');
const found = hashes.some((hex) => hex.toLowerCase().startsWith(hashSuffix));
return found;
* Get the length of the repetition at the beginning of the given string.
* For example, `repetitionLength('aaaaa')` will return `5`.
* If the length is less than {@link PasswordPolicyChecker.repetitionAndSequenceThreshold},
* `0` will be returned.
/* eslint-disable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation */
repetitionLength(password: string): number {
const { repetitionAndSequenceThreshold } = PasswordPolicyChecker;
const firstChar = password[0];
let length = 0;
if (firstChar === undefined) {
return 0;
for (const char of password) {
if (char === firstChar) {
length += 1;
} else {
return length >= repetitionAndSequenceThreshold ? length : 0;
/* eslint-enable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation */
* Get the length of the user information at the beginning of the given string.
* For example, `userInfoLength('silverhand', { username: 'silverhand' })` will return `10`.
* For multiple matches, the longest length will be returned.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
userInfoLength(password: string, userInfo: UserInfo): number {
const lowercased = password.toLowerCase();
const { name, username, email, phoneNumber } = userInfo;
// eslint-disable-next-line @silverhand/fp/no-let
let length = 0;
const updateLength = (newLength: number) => {
if (newLength > length) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @silverhand/fp/no-mutation
length = newLength;
if (name) {
const joined = name.replaceAll(/\s+/g, '');
// The original name should be the longest string, so we check it first.
if (lowercased.startsWith(name.toLowerCase())) {
} else {
if (lowercased.startsWith(joined.toLowerCase())) {
for (const word of name.split(' ')) {
if (lowercased.startsWith(word.toLowerCase())) {
if (username && lowercased.startsWith(username.toLowerCase())) {
if (email) {
const emailPrefix = email.split('@')[0];
if (emailPrefix && lowercased.startsWith(emailPrefix.toLowerCase())) {
if (phoneNumber && lowercased.startsWith(phoneNumber)) {
return length;
* Get the length of the word that matches the word list at the beginning of the given string.
* For multiple matches, the longest length will be returned.
/* eslint-disable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation */
wordLength(password: string): number {
const sliced = password.toLowerCase();
let length = 0;
for (const word of this.policy.rejects.words) {
if (sliced.startsWith(word.toLowerCase()) && word.length > length) {
length = word.length;
return length;
/* eslint-enable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation */
* Get the length of the sequence at the beginning of the given string.
* For example, `sequenceLength('12345')` will return `5`.
* If the length is less than {@link PasswordPolicyChecker.repetitionAndSequenceThreshold},
* `0` will be returned.
/* eslint-disable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation */
sequenceLength(password: string): number {
const { repetitionAndSequenceThreshold } = PasswordPolicyChecker;
let value = '';
let length = 0;
for (const char of password) {
if (!value || this.isSequential(value + char)) {
value += char;
length += 1;
} else {
return length >= repetitionAndSequenceThreshold ? length : 0;
/* eslint-enable @silverhand/fp/no-let, @silverhand/fp/no-mutation */
* Check if the given string is sequential by iterating through the {@link PasswordPolicyChecker.sequence}.
protected isSequential(value: string): boolean {
const { sequence } = PasswordPolicyChecker;
for (const seq of sequence) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @silverhand/fp/no-mutating-methods -- created a new array before mutating
const reversedSeq = [...seq].reverse().join('');
if (
[seq, reversedSeq, seq.toUpperCase(), reversedSeq.toUpperCase()].some((item) =>
) {
return true;
return false;