import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import { raw } from 'slonik-sql-tag-raw'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; const getId = (value: string) => sql.identifier([value]); const tenantId = sql.identifier(['tenant_id']); const tables: string[] = [ 'applications', 'applications_roles', 'connectors', 'custom_phrases', 'logs', 'oidc_model_instances', 'passcodes', 'resources', 'roles_scopes', 'roles', 'scopes', 'settings', 'sign_in_experiences', 'users_roles', 'users', ]; type IndexInfo = { table: string; indexes: Array<{ name?: string; columns: string[]; strategy?: 'drop-only' }>; }; const indexes: IndexInfo[] = [ { table: 'logs', indexes: [ { columns: ['key'] }, { columns: ['created_at'], strategy: 'drop-only' }, { name: 'user_id', columns: ["(payload->>'user_id') nulls last"] }, { name: 'application_id', columns: ["(payload->>'application_id') nulls last"] }, ], }, { table: 'oidc_model_instances', indexes: [ { name: 'model_name_payload_user_code', columns: ['model_name', "(payload->>'userCode')"] }, { name: 'model_name_payload_uid', columns: ['model_name', "(payload->>'uid')"] }, { name: 'model_name_payload_grant_id', columns: ['model_name', "(payload->>'grantId')"] }, ], }, { table: 'passcodes', indexes: [ { columns: ['interaction_jti', 'type'] }, { columns: ['email', 'type'] }, { columns: ['phone', 'type'] }, ], }, { table: 'users', indexes: [{ columns: ['name'] }, { columns: ['created_at'], strategy: 'drop-only' }], }, ]; type ConstraintInfo = { table: string; columns: string[]; original?: 'index'; }; const constraints: ConstraintInfo[] = [ { table: 'applications_roles', columns: ['application_id', 'role_id'] }, { table: 'custom_phrases', columns: ['language_tag'] }, { table: 'oidc_model_instances', columns: ['model_name', 'id'] }, { table: 'roles_scopes', columns: ['role_id', 'scope_id'] }, { table: 'users_roles', columns: ['user_id', 'role_id'] }, { table: 'resources', columns: ['indicator'], original: 'index' }, { table: 'roles', columns: ['name'], original: 'index' }, { table: 'scopes', columns: ['resource_id', 'name'], original: 'index' }, ]; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { // Add `tenant_id` column and create index accordingly await Promise.all( (tableName) => { // Add `tenant_id` column and set existing data to the default tenant await pool.query(sql` alter table ${getId(tableName)} add column ${tenantId} varchar(21) not null default 'default' references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade; `); // Column should not have a default tenant ID, it should be always assigned manually or by a trigger await pool.query(sql` alter table ${getId(tableName)} alter column ${tenantId} drop default; `); // Skip OIDC model instances since we always query them with a model name if (tableName !== 'oidc_model_instances') { // Add ID index for better RLS query performance await pool.query(sql` create index ${getId(`${tableName}__id`)} on ${getId(tableName)} (${tenantId}, id); `); } }) ); // Update indexes await Promise.all( indexes.flatMap(({ table, indexes }) => ({ name, columns, strategy }) => { const indexName = getId(`${table}__${name ?? columns.join('_')}`); await pool.query(sql`drop index ${indexName}`); if (strategy !== 'drop-only') { await pool.query( sql` create index ${indexName} on ${getId(table)} ( ${tenantId}, ${sql.join( => raw(column)), sql`, ` )} ); ` ); } }) ) ); // Update constraints await Promise.all( ({ table, columns, original }) => { const indexName = getId(`${table}__${columns.join('_')}`); if (original === 'index') { await pool.query(sql`drop index ${indexName}`); } await pool.query(sql` alter table ${getId(table)} ${original === 'index' ? sql`` : sql`drop constraint ${indexName},`} add constraint ${indexName} unique ( ${tenantId}, ${sql.join( => raw(column)), sql`, ` )} ); `); }) ); }, down: async (pool) => { // Restore constraints await Promise.all( ({ table, columns, original }) => { const indexName = getId(`${table}__${columns.join('_')}`); await pool.query(sql` alter table ${getId(table)} drop constraint ${indexName}; `); await (original === 'index' ? pool.query(sql` create unique index ${indexName} on ${getId(table)} ( ${sql.join( => raw(column)), sql`, ` )} ) `) : pool.query(sql` alter table ${getId(table)} add constraint ${indexName} unique ( ${sql.join( => raw(column)), sql`, ` )} ); `)); }) ); // Restore indexes await Promise.all( indexes.flatMap(({ table, indexes }) => ({ name, columns, strategy }) => { const indexName = getId(`${table}__${name ?? columns.join('_')}`); if (strategy !== 'drop-only') { await pool.query(sql`drop index ${indexName}`); } await pool.query( sql` create index ${indexName} on ${getId(table)} ( ${sql.join( => raw(column)), sql`, ` )} ); ` ); }) ) ); // Drop `tenant_id` column cascade await Promise.all( (tableName) => { // Add `tenant_id` column and set existing data to the default tenant await pool.query(sql` alter table ${getId(tableName)} drop column ${tenantId} cascade; `); }) ); }, }; export default alteration;