import { GlobalValues } from '@logto/shared'; import { appendPath } from '@silverhand/essentials'; import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; type M2mCredentials = { appSecret: string; appId: string; endpoint: string; tokenEndpoint: string; resource: string; }; type EmailServiceConnector = { tenantId: string; config: Partial & Record; }; type CloudConnectionData = { tenantId: string; value: { appSecret: string; appId: string; resource: string }; }; enum ServiceConnector { Email = 'logto-email', } const cloudConnectionKey = 'cloudConnection'; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { const { rows: rawConnectors } = await pool.query(sql` select tenant_id, config from connectors where connector_id = ${ServiceConnector.Email}; `); const connectors = => { const { tenantId, config: { appSecret, appId, endpoint, tokenEndpoint, resource, }, } = rawConnector; return { tenantId, config: rest }; }); for (const connector of connectors) { const { tenantId, config } = connector; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await pool.query(sql` update connectors set config = ${JSON.stringify( config )} where tenant_id = ${tenantId} and connector_id = ${ServiceConnector.Email}; `); } }, down: async (pool) => { const { rows: cloudConnections } = await pool.query(sql` select tenant_id, value from logto_configs where key = ${cloudConnectionKey}; `); /** Get `endpoint` and `tokenEndpoints` */ const globalValues = new GlobalValues(); const { cloudUrlSet, adminUrlSet } = globalValues; const endpoint = appendPath(cloudUrlSet.endpoint, 'api').toString(); const tokenEndpoint = appendPath(adminUrlSet.endpoint, 'oidc/token').toString(); const { rows: rawEmailServiceConnectors } = await pool.query(sql` select tenant_id, config from connectors where connector_id = ${ServiceConnector.Email}; `); const tenantIdsWithM2mCredentials = new Set({ tenantId }) => tenantId)); const emailServiceConnectors = rawEmailServiceConnectors.filter(({ tenantId }) => tenantIdsWithM2mCredentials.has(tenantId) ); for (const emailServiceConnector of emailServiceConnectors) { const { tenantId: currentTenantId, config } = emailServiceConnector; const newConfig = { ...config, endpoint, tokenEndpoint, ...cloudConnections.find(({ tenantId }) => tenantId === currentTenantId)?.value, }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await pool.query(sql` update connectors set config = ${JSON.stringify( newConfig )} where tenant_id = ${currentTenantId} and connector_id = ${ServiceConnector.Email}; `); } }, }; export default alteration;