import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; enum DataHookSchema { User = 'User', Role = 'Role', Scope = 'Scope', Organization = 'Organization', OrganizationRole = 'OrganizationRole', OrganizationScope = 'OrganizationScope', } type OldSchemaUpdateEvent = `${DataHookSchema}.${'Updated'}`; type NewSchemaUpdateEvent = `${DataHookSchema}.Data.Updated`; const oldSchemaUpdateEvents = Object.freeze([ 'User.Updated', 'Role.Updated', 'Scope.Updated', 'Organization.Updated', 'OrganizationRole.Updated', 'OrganizationScope.Updated', ] satisfies OldSchemaUpdateEvent[]); const newSchemaUpdateEvents = Object.freeze([ 'User.Data.Updated', 'Role.Data.Updated', 'Scope.Data.Updated', 'Organization.Data.Updated', 'OrganizationRole.Data.Updated', 'OrganizationScope.Data.Updated', ] as const satisfies NewSchemaUpdateEvent[]); const updateMap: { [key in OldSchemaUpdateEvent]: NewSchemaUpdateEvent } = { 'User.Updated': 'User.Data.Updated', 'Role.Updated': 'Role.Data.Updated', 'Scope.Updated': 'Scope.Data.Updated', 'Organization.Updated': 'Organization.Data.Updated', 'OrganizationRole.Updated': 'OrganizationRole.Data.Updated', 'OrganizationScope.Updated': 'OrganizationScope.Data.Updated', }; const reverseMap: { [key in NewSchemaUpdateEvent]: OldSchemaUpdateEvent } = { 'User.Data.Updated': 'User.Updated', 'Role.Data.Updated': 'Role.Updated', 'Scope.Data.Updated': 'Scope.Updated', 'Organization.Data.Updated': 'Organization.Updated', 'OrganizationRole.Data.Updated': 'OrganizationRole.Updated', 'OrganizationScope.Data.Updated': 'OrganizationScope.Updated', }; // This alteration script filters all the hook's events jsonb column to replace all the old schema update events with the new schema update events. const isOldSchemaUpdateEvent = (event: string): event is OldSchemaUpdateEvent => // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax oldSchemaUpdateEvents.includes(event as OldSchemaUpdateEvent); const isNewSchemaUpdateEvent = (event: string): event is NewSchemaUpdateEvent => // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax newSchemaUpdateEvents.includes(event as NewSchemaUpdateEvent); const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { const { rows: hooks } = await pool.query<{ id: string; events: string[] }>(sql` select id, events from hooks `); const hooksToBeUpdate = hooks.filter(({ events }) => { return oldSchemaUpdateEvents.some((oldEvent) => events.includes(oldEvent)); }); await Promise.all( ({ id, events }) => { const updateEvents = events.reduce((accumulator, event) => { if (isOldSchemaUpdateEvent(event)) { return [...accumulator, updateMap[event]]; } return [...accumulator, event]; }, []); await pool.query(sql` update hooks set events = ${JSON.stringify(updateEvents)} where id = ${id}; `); }) ); }, down: async (pool) => { const { rows: hooks } = await pool.query<{ id: string; events: string[] }>(sql` select id, events from hooks `); const hooksToBeUpdate = hooks.filter(({ events }) => { return newSchemaUpdateEvents.some((newEvent) => events.includes(newEvent)); }); await Promise.all( ({ id, events }) => { const updateEvents = events.reduce((accumulator, event) => { if (isNewSchemaUpdateEvent(event)) { return [...accumulator, reverseMap[event]]; } return [...accumulator, event]; }, []); await pool.query(sql` update hooks set events = ${JSON.stringify(updateEvents)} where id = ${id}; `); }) ); }, }; export default alteration;