import type { DatabaseTransactionConnection } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; const adminConsoleConfigKey = 'adminConsole'; type OldAdminConsoleData = { livePreviewChecked: boolean; applicationCreated: boolean; signInExperienceCustomized: boolean; passwordlessConfigured: boolean; selfHostingChecked: boolean; communityChecked: boolean; m2mApplicationCreated: boolean; } & Record; type OldLogtoAdminConsoleConfig = { tenantId: string; value: OldAdminConsoleData; }; type NewAdminConsoleData = { livePreviewChecked: boolean; applicationCreated: boolean; signInExperienceCustomized: boolean; passwordlessConfigured: boolean; furtherReadingsChecked: boolean; roleCreated: boolean; communityChecked: boolean; m2mApplicationCreated: boolean; } & Record; type NewLogtoAdminConsoleConfig = { tenantId: string; value: NewAdminConsoleData; }; const alterAdminConsoleData = async ( logtoConfig: OldLogtoAdminConsoleConfig, pool: DatabaseTransactionConnection ) => { const { tenantId, value: oldAdminConsoleConfig } = logtoConfig; const { selfHostingChecked, // Extract to remove from config ...others } = oldAdminConsoleConfig; const newAdminConsoleData: NewAdminConsoleData = { ...others, furtherReadingsChecked: false, roleCreated: false, }; await pool.query( sql`update logto_configs set value = ${JSON.stringify( newAdminConsoleData )} where tenant_id = ${tenantId} and key = ${adminConsoleConfigKey}` ); }; const rollbackAdminConsoleData = async ( logtoConfig: NewLogtoAdminConsoleConfig, pool: DatabaseTransactionConnection ) => { const { tenantId, value: newAdminConsoleConfig } = logtoConfig; const { furtherReadingsChecked, // Extract to remove from config roleCreated, // Extract to remove from config ...others } = newAdminConsoleConfig; const oldAdminConsoleData: OldAdminConsoleData = { ...others, selfHostingChecked: false, }; await pool.query( sql`update logto_configs set value = ${JSON.stringify( oldAdminConsoleData )} where tenant_id = ${tenantId} and key = ${adminConsoleConfigKey}` ); }; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { const rows = await pool.many( sql`select * from logto_configs where key = ${adminConsoleConfigKey}` ); await Promise.all( (row) => alterAdminConsoleData(row, pool))); }, down: async (pool) => { const rows = await pool.many( sql`select * from logto_configs where key = ${adminConsoleConfigKey}` ); await Promise.all( (row) => rollbackAdminConsoleData(row, pool))); }, }; export default alteration;