import path from 'path'; import { LogtoErrorCode } from '@logto/phrases'; import { PasscodeType, UserLogType, userInfoSelectFields } from '@logto/schemas'; import { conditional } from '@silverhand/essentials'; import pick from 'lodash.pick'; import { Provider } from 'oidc-provider'; import { object, string } from 'zod'; import { getSocialConnectorInstanceById } from '@/connectors'; import RequestError from '@/errors/RequestError'; import { createPasscode, sendPasscode, verifyPasscode } from '@/lib/passcode'; import { assignInteractionResults } from '@/lib/session'; import { findSocialRelatedUser, getUserInfoByAuthCode, getUserInfoFromInteractionResult, } from '@/lib/social'; import { encryptUserPassword, generateUserId, findUserByUsernameAndPassword } from '@/lib/user'; import koaGuard from '@/middleware/koa-guard'; import { hasUserWithEmail, hasUserWithPhone, hasUser, hasUserWithIdentity, insertUser, findUserById, updateUserById, findUserByEmail, findUserByPhone, findUserByIdentity, } from '@/queries/user'; import assertThat from '@/utils/assert-that'; import { emailRegEx, phoneRegEx, usernameRegEx } from '@/utils/regex'; import { AnonymousRouter } from './types'; export default function sessionRoutes(router: T, provider: Provider) {'/session', async (ctx, next) => { const { prompt: { name }, } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); if (name === 'consent') { ctx.body = { redirectTo: path.join(ctx.request.origin, '/session/consent') }; return next(); } throw new RequestError('session.unsupported_prompt_name'); }); '/session/sign-in/username-password', koaGuard({ body: object({ username: string().regex(usernameRegEx), password: string() }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { username, password } = ctx.guard.body; ctx.userLog.username = username; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.SignInUsernameAndPassword; assertThat(password, 'session.insufficient_info'); const { id } = await findUserByUsernameAndPassword(username, password); ctx.userLog.userId = id; await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); '/session/sign-in/passwordless/phone/send-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ phone: string().regex(phoneRegEx) }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { phone } = ctx.guard.body; = phone; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.SignInPhone; assertThat( await hasUserWithPhone(phone), new RequestError({ code: 'user.phone_not_exists', status: 422 }) ); const passcode = await createPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.SignIn, { phone }); await sendPasscode(passcode); ctx.state = 204; return next(); } ); '/session/sign-in/passwordless/phone/verify-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ phone: string().regex(phoneRegEx), code: string() }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { phone, code } = ctx.guard.body; = phone; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.SignInPhone; assertThat( await hasUserWithPhone(phone), new RequestError({ code: 'user.phone_not_exists', status: 422 }) ); await verifyPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.SignIn, code, { phone }); const { id } = await findUserByPhone(phone); ctx.userLog.userId = id; await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); '/session/sign-in/passwordless/email/send-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ email: string().regex(emailRegEx) }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { email } = ctx.guard.body; = email; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.SignInEmail; assertThat( await hasUserWithEmail(email), new RequestError({ code: 'user.email_not_exists', status: 422 }) ); const passcode = await createPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.SignIn, { email }); await sendPasscode(passcode); ctx.state = 204; return next(); } ); '/session/sign-in/passwordless/email/verify-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ email: string().regex(emailRegEx), code: string() }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { email, code } = ctx.guard.body; = email; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.SignInEmail; assertThat( await hasUserWithEmail(email), new RequestError({ code: 'user.email_not_exists', status: 422 }) ); await verifyPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.SignIn, code, { email }); const { id } = await findUserByEmail(email); ctx.userLog.userId = id; await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); '/session/sign-in/social', koaGuard({ body: object({ connectorId: string(), code: string().optional(), state: string(), redirectUri: string(), }), }), async (ctx, next) => { const { connectorId, code, state, redirectUri } = ctx.guard.body; ctx.userLog.connectorId = connectorId; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.SignInSocial; if (!code) { assertThat(state && redirectUri, 'session.insufficient_info'); const connector = await getSocialConnectorInstanceById(connectorId); assertThat(connector.connector.enabled, 'connector.not_enabled'); const redirectTo = await connector.getAuthorizationUri(redirectUri, state); ctx.body = { redirectTo }; return next(); } const userInfo = await getUserInfoByAuthCode(connectorId, code); if (!(await hasUserWithIdentity(connectorId, { await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { connectorId, userInfo }, true); const relatedInfo = await findSocialRelatedUser(userInfo); throw new RequestError( { code: 'user.identity_not_exists', status: 422, }, relatedInfo && { relatedUser: relatedInfo[0] } ); } const { id, identities } = await findUserByIdentity(connectorId,; ctx.userLog.userId = id; // Update social connector's user info await updateUserById(id, { identities: { ...identities, [connectorId]: { userId:, details: userInfo } }, }); await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); '/session/sign-in/bind-social-related-user-and-sign-in', koaGuard({ body: object({ connectorId: string() }), }), async (ctx, next) => { ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.SignInSocial; const { connectorId } = ctx.guard.body; const { result } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); assertThat(result, 'session.connector_session_not_found'); ctx.userLog.connectorId = connectorId; const userInfo = await getUserInfoFromInteractionResult(connectorId, result); const relatedInfo = await findSocialRelatedUser(userInfo); assertThat(relatedInfo, 'session.connector_session_not_found'); const { id, identities } = relatedInfo[1]; ctx.userLog.userId = id; await updateUserById(id, { identities: { ...identities, [connectorId]: { userId:, details: userInfo } }, }); await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } );'/session/consent', async (ctx, next) => { const interaction = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { session, grantId, params, prompt } = interaction; assertThat(session, 'session.not_found'); const { accountId } = session; const grant = conditional(grantId && (await provider.Grant.find(grantId))) ?? new provider.Grant({ accountId, clientId: String(params.client_id) }); // V2: fulfill missing claims / resources const PromptDetailsBody = object({ missingOIDCScope: string().array().optional(), missingResourceScopes: object({}).catchall(string().array()).optional(), }); const { missingOIDCScope, missingResourceScopes } = PromptDetailsBody.parse(prompt.details); if (missingOIDCScope) { grant.addOIDCScope(missingOIDCScope.join(' ')); } if (missingResourceScopes) { for (const [indicator, scope] of Object.entries(missingResourceScopes)) { grant.addResourceScope(indicator, scope.join(' ')); } } const finalGrantId = await; // V2: configure consent await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { consent: { grantId: finalGrantId } }, true); return next(); }); '/session/register/username-password', koaGuard({ body: object({ username: string().regex(usernameRegEx), password: string() }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { username, password } = ctx.guard.body; ctx.userLog.username = username; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.RegisterUsernameAndPassword; assertThat( password, new RequestError({ code: 'session.insufficient_info', status: 400, }) ); assertThat( !(await hasUser(username)), new RequestError({ code: 'user.username_exists_register', status: 422, }) ); const id = await generateUserId(); ctx.userLog.userId = id; const { passwordEncryptionSalt, passwordEncrypted, passwordEncryptionMethod } = encryptUserPassword(id, password); await insertUser({ id, username, passwordEncrypted, passwordEncryptionMethod, passwordEncryptionSalt, }); await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); router.get( '/session/register/:username/existence', koaGuard({ params: object({ username: string().regex(usernameRegEx) }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { username } = ctx.guard.params; ctx.body = { existence: await hasUser(username) }; return next(); } ); '/session/register/passwordless/phone/send-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ phone: string().regex(phoneRegEx) }) }), async (ctx, next) => { ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.RegisterPhone; const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { phone } = ctx.guard.body; = phone; assertThat( !(await hasUserWithPhone(phone)), new RequestError({ code: 'user.phone_exists_register', status: 422 }) ); const passcode = await createPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.Register, { phone }); await sendPasscode(passcode); ctx.state = 204; return next(); } ); '/session/register/passwordless/phone/verify-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ phone: string().regex(phoneRegEx), code: string() }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { phone, code } = ctx.guard.body; = phone; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.RegisterPhone; assertThat( !(await hasUserWithPhone(phone)), new RequestError({ code: 'user.phone_exists_register', status: 422 }) ); await verifyPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.Register, code, { phone }); const id = await generateUserId(); ctx.userLog.userId = id; await insertUser({ id, primaryPhone: phone }); await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); '/session/register/passwordless/email/send-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ email: string().regex(emailRegEx) }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { email } = ctx.guard.body; = email; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.RegisterEmail; assertThat( !(await hasUserWithEmail(email)), new RequestError({ code: 'user.email_exists_register', status: 422 }) ); const passcode = await createPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.Register, { email }); await sendPasscode(passcode); ctx.state = 204; return next(); } ); '/session/register/passwordless/email/verify-passcode', koaGuard({ body: object({ email: string().regex(emailRegEx), code: string() }) }), async (ctx, next) => { const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const { email, code } = ctx.guard.body; = email; ctx.userLog.type = UserLogType.RegisterEmail; assertThat( !(await hasUserWithEmail(email)), new RequestError({ code: 'user.email_exists_register', status: 422 }) ); await verifyPasscode(jti, PasscodeType.Register, code, { email }); const id = await generateUserId(); ctx.userLog.userId = id; await insertUser({ id, primaryEmail: email }); await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); '/session/register/social', koaGuard({ body: object({ connectorId: string(), }), }), async (ctx, next) => { const { connectorId } = ctx.guard.body; const { result } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); // User can not regsiter with social directly, // need to try to sign in with social first, then confirm to register and continue, // so the result is expected to be exists. assertThat(result, 'session.connector_session_not_found'); const userInfo = await getUserInfoFromInteractionResult(connectorId, result); assertThat(!(await hasUserWithIdentity(connectorId,, 'user.identity_exists'); const id = await generateUserId(); await insertUser({ id, name: ?? null, avatar: userInfo.avatar ?? null, identities: { [connectorId]: { userId:, details: userInfo, }, }, }); await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { login: { accountId: id } }); return next(); } ); '/session/bind-social', koaGuard({ body: object({ connectorId: string(), }), }), async (ctx, next) => { const { connectorId } = ctx.guard.body; const { result } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); assertThat(result, 'session.connector_session_not_found'); assertThat(result.login?.accountId, 'session.unauthorized'); const userInfo = await getUserInfoFromInteractionResult(connectorId, result); const user = await findUserById(result.login.accountId); const updatedUser = await updateUserById(, { identities: { ...user.identities, [connectorId]: { userId:, details: userInfo }, }, }); ctx.body = pick(updatedUser, ...userInfoSelectFields); return next(); } ); router.delete('/session', async (ctx, next) => { await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res); const error: LogtoErrorCode = 'oidc.aborted'; await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { error }); return next(); }); }