import { generateStandardId } from '@logto/shared/universal'; import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; type ActiveUserInteractionLog = { tenantId: string; userId: string; createdAt: number; }; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { // Delete all record from `daily_active_users` table await pool.query(sql`delete from daily_active_users;`); // Retrieve all active user logs from `logs` table const { rows: interactionLogs } = await pool.query<ActiveUserInteractionLog>(sql` select tenant_id, payload->>'userId' as user_id, created_at from logs where payload->>'userId' is not null and key like 'ExchangeTokenBy.%' and payload->>'result' = 'Success' `); if (interactionLogs.length === 0) { console.log('No active user interaction logs found, skip alteration'); return; } // Generate DAU data from active user logs for (const { tenantId, userId, createdAt } of interactionLogs) { /** * Note: we ignore the conflict here because conflict data may be inserted when staging. */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await pool.query(sql` insert into daily_active_users (id, tenant_id, user_id, date) values (${generateStandardId()},${tenantId}, ${userId}, ${new Date( createdAt ).toISOString()}) on conflict do nothing; `); } }, down: async (pool) => { // Cannot be reverted }, }; export default alteration;