import type { ConnectorMetadata } from '@logto/connector-kit'; import { ConnectorPlatform, ConnectorConfigFormItemType } from '@logto/connector-kit'; /** * Note: If you do not include a version number we will default to the oldest available version, so it's recommended to include the version number in your requests. * */ export const authorizationEndpoint = ''; export const accessTokenEndpoint = ''; /** * Note: The /me node is a special endpoint that translates to the object ID of the person or Page whose access token is currently being used to make the API calls. * * */ export const userInfoEndpoint = ''; export const scope = 'email,public_profile'; export const defaultMetadata: ConnectorMetadata = { id: 'facebook-universal', target: 'facebook', platform: ConnectorPlatform.Universal, name: { en: 'Facebook', 'zh-CN': 'Facebook', 'tr-TR': 'Facebook', ko: 'Facebook', }, logo: './logo.svg', logoDark: null, description: { en: 'Facebook is a worldwide social media platform with billions of users.', 'zh-CN': 'Facebook 是有数十亿用户的社交平台。', 'tr-TR': 'Facebook, en aktif kullanıcılara sahip dünya çapında bir sosyal medya platformudur.', ko: '페이스북은 가장 활동적인 사용자를 가진 세계적인 소셜 미디어 플랫폼입니다.', }, readme: './', formItems: [ { key: 'clientId', type: ConnectorConfigFormItemType.Text, required: true, label: 'Client ID', placeholder: '', }, { key: 'clientSecret', type: ConnectorConfigFormItemType.Text, required: true, label: 'Client Secret', placeholder: '', }, { key: 'scope', type: ConnectorConfigFormItemType.Text, required: false, label: 'Scope', placeholder: '', description: "The `scope` determines permissions granted by the user's authorization. If you are not sure what to enter, do not worry, just leave it blank.", }, ], }; export const defaultTimeout = 5000;