/* init_order = 3 */ create type organization_invitation_status as enum ('Pending', 'Accepted', 'Expired', 'Revoked'); /** The invitation entry defined in RFC 0003. It stores the invitation information for a user to join an organization. */ create table organization_invitations ( tenant_id varchar(21) not null references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The unique identifier of the invitation. */ id varchar(21) not null, /** The user ID who sent the invitation. */ inviter_id varchar(21) references users (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The email address or other identifier of the invitee. */ invitee varchar(256) not null, /** The user ID of who accepted the invitation. */ accepted_user_id varchar(21) references users (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The ID of the organization to which the invitee is invited. */ organization_id varchar(21) not null references organizations (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The status of the invitation. */ status organization_invitation_status not null, /** The ID of the magic link that can be used to accept the invitation. */ magic_link_id varchar(21) references magic_links (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The time when the invitation was created. */ created_at timestamptz not null default (now()), /** The time when the invitation status was last updated. */ updated_at timestamptz not null default (now()), /** The time when the invitation expires. */ expires_at timestamptz not null, primary key (id) ); -- Ensure there is only one pending invitation for a given invitee and organization. create unique index organization_invitations__invitee_organization_id on organization_invitations (tenant_id, invitee, organization_id) where status = 'Pending';