import { jwtVerify } from 'jose/jwt/verify'; import { Context } from 'koa'; import { IRouterParamContext } from 'koa-router'; import RequestError from '@/errors/RequestError'; import { createContextWithRouteParamters } from '@/utils/test-utils'; import koaAuth, { WithAuthContext } from './koa-auth'; jest.mock('jose/jwt/verify', () => ({ jwtVerify: jest.fn(() => ({ payload: { sub: 'fooUser' } })), })); describe('koaAuth middleware', () => { const baseCtx = createContextWithRouteParamters(); const ctx: WithAuthContext = { ...baseCtx, auth: '', }; const unauthorizedError = new RequestError({ code: 'auth.unauthorized', status: 401 }); const next = jest.fn(); beforeEach(() => { ctx.auth = ''; ctx.request = baseCtx.request; jest.resetModules(); }); it('should read DEVELOPMENT_USER_ID from env variable first if not production', async () => { // Mock the @/env/consts jest.mock('@/env/consts', () => ({ ...jest.requireActual('@/env/consts'), developmentUserId: 'foo', })); /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ /* eslint-disable unicorn/prefer-module */ const koaAuthModule = require('./koa-auth') as { default: typeof koaAuth }; /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports */ /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ /* eslint-enable unicorn/prefer-module */ await koaAuthModule.default()(ctx, next); expect(ctx.auth).toEqual('foo'); }); it('should set user auth with given sub returned from accessToken', async () => { ctx.request = { ...ctx.request, headers: { authorization: 'Bearer access_token', }, }; await koaAuth()(ctx, next); expect(ctx.auth).toEqual('fooUser'); }); it('expect to throw if authorization header is missing', async () => { await expect(koaAuth()(ctx, next)).rejects.toMatchError(unauthorizedError); }); it('expect to throw if authorization header token type not recognized ', async () => { ctx.request = { ...ctx.request, headers: { authorization: 'dummy access_token', }, }; await expect(koaAuth()(ctx, next)).rejects.toMatchError(unauthorizedError); }); it('expect to throw if jwt sub is missing', async () => { const mockJwtVerify = jwtVerify as jest.Mock; mockJwtVerify.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ payload: {} })); ctx.request = { ...ctx.request, headers: { authorization: 'Bearer access_token', }, }; await expect(koaAuth()(ctx, next)).rejects.toMatchError(unauthorizedError); }); });