/* init_order = 1.1 */ /** The roles defined by the organization template. */ create table organization_roles ( tenant_id varchar(21) not null references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The globally unique identifier of the organization role. */ id varchar(21) not null, /** The organization role's name, unique within the organization template. */ name varchar(128) not null, /** A brief description of the organization role. */ description varchar(256), /** The type of the organization role. Same as the `type` field in the `roles` table. */ type role_type not null default 'User', primary key (id), constraint organization_roles__name unique (tenant_id, name) ); create index organization_roles__id on organization_roles (tenant_id, id); create function check_organization_role_type(role_id varchar(21), target_type role_type) returns boolean as $$ begin return (select type from organization_roles where id = role_id) = target_type; end; $$ language plpgsql;