create type sign_in_mode as enum ('SignIn', 'Register', 'SignInAndRegister'); create type agree_to_terms_policy as enum ('Automatic', 'ManualRegistrationOnly', 'Manual'); create table sign_in_experiences ( tenant_id varchar(21) not null references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, id varchar(21) not null, color jsonb /* @use Color */ not null, branding jsonb /* @use Branding */ not null, language_info jsonb /* @use LanguageInfo */ not null, terms_of_use_url varchar(2048), privacy_policy_url varchar(2048), /** The policy that determines how users agree to the terms of use and privacy policy. */ agree_to_terms_policy agree_to_terms_policy not null default 'Automatic', sign_in jsonb /* @use SignIn */ not null, sign_up jsonb /* @use SignUp */ not null, social_sign_in jsonb /* @use SocialSignIn */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, social_sign_in_connector_targets jsonb /* @use ConnectorTargets */ not null default '[]'::jsonb, sign_in_mode sign_in_mode not null default 'SignInAndRegister', custom_css text, custom_content jsonb /* @use CustomContent */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, custom_ui_assets jsonb /* @use CustomUiAssets */, password_policy jsonb /* @use PartialPasswordPolicy */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, mfa jsonb /* @use Mfa */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, single_sign_on_enabled boolean not null default false, support_email text, support_website_url text, unknown_session_redirect_url text, captcha_policy jsonb /* @use CaptchaPolicy */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, primary key (tenant_id, id) );