import { generateStandardId } from '@logto/shared/universal'; import { deduplicate } from '@silverhand/essentials'; import { sql } from 'slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; enum InternalRole { Admin = '#internal:admin', } enum RoleType { User = 'User', MachineToMachine = 'MachineToMachine', } enum PredefinedScope { All = 'all', } const getManagementApiResourceIndicator = (tenantId: string) => `https://${tenantId}`; const managementApiAccessRoleName = 'Management API access'; const managementApiAccessRoleDescription = 'Management API access'; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { /** * Step 1 * Get all internal admin roles. */ /** * Notice that in our case: * Each tenant has only one built-in management API resource and one attached internal admin role. * Each internal admin role has only one scope (`PredefinedScope.All`). * * Can go to @logto/schemas/src/{utils,seeds}/* to find more details. * * Based on this setup, we can use the following query to get all internal admin roles. */ const { rows: internalManagementApiRolesCandidates } = await pool.query<{ roleId: string; tenantId: string; scopeId: string; indicator: string; }>(sql` select as "role_id", roles.tenant_id as "tenant_id", as "scope_id", resources.indicator as "indicator" from roles join roles_scopes on roles_scopes.role_id = and roles_scopes.tenant_id = roles.tenant_id join scopes on = roles_scopes.scope_id and scopes.tenant_id = roles_scopes.tenant_id join resources on = scopes.resource_id and resources.tenant_id = scopes.tenant_id where = ${InternalRole.Admin} and roles.type = ${ RoleType.MachineToMachine } and = ${ PredefinedScope.All } and resources.indicator like ${getManagementApiResourceIndicator( '%' )} and = 'Logto Management API' `); // Can not directly use the result from the query unless we use subquery, separate the filter and subquery for easy understanding. const internalManagementApiRoles = internalManagementApiRolesCandidates.filter( ({ indicator, tenantId }) => indicator === getManagementApiResourceIndicator(tenantId) ); /** * Step 2 * Get all applications_roles related to the internal admin roles. */ const { rows: applicationRoles } = await pool.query<{ id: string; applicationId: string; roleId: string; tenantId: string; }>(sql` select * from applications_roles where (role_id, tenant_id) in (values ${sql.join({ roleId, tenantId }) => sql`( ${roleId}, ${tenantId} )`), sql`, ` )}); `); /** * Step 3 * Create new roles with only management API access for tenants (m2m apps with internal admin access should share the same role), * we can not directly assign internal admin roles to m2m applications since it's "internal" and invisible to Logto users. */ /** A tenant can have multiple applications with internal admin role, hence need to `deduplicate()`. */ const tenantsNeedManagementApiAccessRole = deduplicate({ tenantId }) => tenantId) ); if (tenantsNeedManagementApiAccessRole.length === 0) { return; } const { rows: insertedRoles } = await pool.query<{ id: string; tenantId: string; name: string; description: string; type: RoleType; }>(sql` insert into roles (tenant_id, id, name, description, type) values ${sql.join( (tenantId) => sql`( ${tenantId}, ${generateStandardId()}, ${managementApiAccessRoleName}, ${managementApiAccessRoleDescription}, ${ RoleType.MachineToMachine } )` ), sql`, ` )} returning *; `); /** * Step 4 * Assign internal admin access scopes to new roles. */ await Promise.all( ({ tenantId, id: roleId }) => { const internalRoleForTenant = internalManagementApiRoles.find( ({ tenantId: roleTenantId }) => tenantId === roleTenantId ); if (!internalRoleForTenant) { return; } await pool.query<{ tenantId: string; id: string; roleId: string; scopeId: string; }>(sql` insert into roles_scopes (tenant_id, id, role_id, scope_id) values (${tenantId}, ${generateStandardId()}, ${roleId}, ${ internalRoleForTenant.scopeId }); `); }) ); /** * Step 5 * Should remove internal admin access roles from m2m applications and assign new roles (created in step 3) to them. * These two steps can be done by simply replace the role_id in applications_roles table. */ await Promise.all( ({ tenantId, id: roleId }) => { const applicationRolesOfTheTenant = applicationRoles.filter( ({ tenantId: applicationRoleTenantId }) => tenantId === applicationRoleTenantId ); const previousInternalRole = internalManagementApiRoles.find( ({ tenantId: internalRoleTenantId }) => internalRoleTenantId === tenantId ); if (applicationRolesOfTheTenant.length === 0 || !previousInternalRole) { return; } await pool.query<{ id: string; applicationId: string; roleId: string; tenantId: string; }>(sql` update applications_roles set role_id = ${roleId} where tenant_id = ${tenantId} and role_id = ${ previousInternalRole.roleId } and application_id in (${sql.join({ applicationId }) => applicationId), sql`, ` )}); `); }) ); }, down: async (pool) => { /** * Step 1 * Get all auto-created management api access roles. * Notice that in our case: each management api access role has only one scope (`PredefinedScope.All`), and each tenant has only one management api access role. */ /** * Notice that in our case: * Each tenant has only one built-in management API resource and one attached management API access role. * Each management API access role role has only one scope (`PredefinedScope.All`). * * Can go to @logto/schemas/src/{utils,seeds}/* to find more details. * * Based on this setup, we can use the following query to get all internal admin roles. */ const { rows: managementApiAccessRolesCandidates } = await pool.query<{ roleId: string; tenantId: string; scopeId: string; indicator: string; }>(sql` select as "role_id", roles.tenant_id as "tenant_id", as "scope_id", resources.indicator as "indicator" from roles join roles_scopes on roles_scopes.role_id = and roles_scopes.tenant_id = roles.tenant_id join scopes on = roles_scopes.scope_id and scopes.tenant_id = roles_scopes.tenant_id join resources on = scopes.resource_id and resources.tenant_id = scopes.tenant_id where = ${managementApiAccessRoleName} and roles.description = ${managementApiAccessRoleDescription} and roles.type = ${ RoleType.MachineToMachine } and = ${ PredefinedScope.All } and resources.indicator like ${getManagementApiResourceIndicator( '%' )} and = 'Logto Management API'; `); // Can not directly use the result from the query unless we use subquery, separate the filter and subquery for easy understanding. const managementApiAccessRoles = managementApiAccessRolesCandidates.filter( ({ indicator, tenantId }) => indicator === getManagementApiResourceIndicator(tenantId) ); /** * Step 2 * Get all applications_roles related to the management api access role. */ if (managementApiAccessRoles.length === 0) { return; } const { rows: applicationRoles } = await pool.query<{ id: string; applicationId: string; roleId: string; tenantId: string; }>(sql` select * from applications_roles where (role_id, tenant_id) in (values ${sql.join({ roleId, tenantId }) => sql`( ${roleId}, ${tenantId} )`), sql`, ` )}); `); /** * Step 3 * Find all internal admin access roles. */ const concernedTenantIds = deduplicate({ tenantId }) => tenantId) ); const { rows: internalAdminAccessRoles } = await pool.query<{ roleId: string; tenantId: string; }>(sql` select as "roleId", roles.tenant_id as "tenantId" from roles join roles_scopes on roles.tenant_id = roles_scopes.tenant_id and = roles_scopes.role_id join scopes on scopes.tenant_id = roles_scopes.tenant_id and = roles_scopes.scope_id join resources on = scopes.resource_id and resources.tenant_id = scopes.tenant_id where = ${ InternalRole.Admin } and ( roles.tenant_id, resources.indicator ) in (values ${sql.join( (tenantId) => sql`( ${tenantId}, ${getManagementApiResourceIndicator(tenantId)} )` ), sql`, ` )}); `); /** * Step 4 * Assign internal admin access roles to m2m apps with management api access roles. (Found in step 2) */ await Promise.all( ({ roleId: internalAdminAccessRoleId, tenantId }) => { const pendingApplicationsOfTenant = applicationRoles.filter( ({ tenantId: applicationTenantId }) => tenantId === applicationTenantId ); const previousManagementApiAccessRole = managementApiAccessRoles.find( ({ tenantId: managementApiAccessRoleTenantId }) => managementApiAccessRoleTenantId === tenantId ); if (pendingApplicationsOfTenant.length === 0 || !previousManagementApiAccessRole) { return; } await pool.query<{ id: string; applicationId: string; roleId: string; tenantId: string; }>(sql` update applications_roles set role_id = ${internalAdminAccessRoleId} where tenant_id = ${tenantId} and role_id = ${ previousManagementApiAccessRole.roleId } and application_id in (${sql.join({ applicationId }) => applicationId), sql`, ` )}); `); }) ); /** * Step 5 * Remove management api access roles. (`roles_scopes` will automatically be removed if roles are removed) */ if (managementApiAccessRoles.length === 0) { return; } await Promise.all( ({ roleId, tenantId }) => { await pool.query(sql` delete from roles where id = ${roleId} and tenant_id = ${tenantId}; `); }) ); }, }; export default alteration;