import { ZodError } from 'zod'; import { PasswordPolicyChecker } from './password-policy.js'; const { jest } = import.meta; const mockPwnResponse = () => { const originalFetch = global.fetch; beforeAll(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line @silverhand/fp/no-mutation global.fetch = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ // Return hash suffixes for '123456'. text: async () => 'D032E84B0AEB4E773555C73D6B13BEA7A44:1\nD09CA3762AF61E59520943DC26494F8941B:37615252', }); }); afterAll(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line @silverhand/fp/no-mutation global.fetch = originalFetch; }); }; describe('PasswordPolicyChecker', () => { it('should reject malformed policy', () => { expect(() => { // @ts-expect-error return new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 1, max: '2' } }); }).toThrowError(ZodError); }); }); describe('PasswordPolicyChecker -> check()', () => { mockPwnResponse(); const checker = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 7, max: 8 }, characterTypes: { min: 2 }, rejects: { pwned: true, repetitionAndSequence: true, userInfo: true, words: ['aaaaaate', 'aaaaaaaa'], }, }); it('should accept valid password', async () => { expect(await checker.check('aL1!aL1!', {})).toEqual([]); }); it('should reject with all failed checks', async () => { expect(await checker.check('aaa😀', {})).toEqual([ { code: 'password_rejected.too_short', interpolation: { min: 7 } }, { code: 'password_rejected.unsupported_characters' }, { code: 'password_rejected.restricted.repetition' }, ]); expect(await checker.check('123456', { phoneNumber: '12345' })).toEqual([ { code: 'password_rejected.too_short', interpolation: { min: 7 } }, { code: 'password_rejected.character_types', interpolation: { min: 2 } }, { code: 'password_rejected.pwned' }, { code: 'password_rejected.restricted.sequence' }, { code: 'password_rejected.restricted.user_info' }, ]); expect(await checker.check('aaaaaaaate', {})).toEqual([ { code: 'password_rejected.too_long', interpolation: { max: 8 } }, { code: 'password_rejected.character_types', interpolation: { min: 2 } }, { code: 'password_rejected.restricted.repetition' }, { code: 'password_rejected.restricted.words', interpolation: { words: 'aaaaaate\naaaaaaaa', count: 2 }, }, ]); }); }); describe('PasswordPolicyChecker -> checkCharTypes()', () => { const checker1 = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 1, max: 256 }, characterTypes: { min: 2 }, rejects: { pwned: false, repetitionAndSequence: false, userInfo: false, words: [] }, }); const checker2 = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 1, max: 256 }, characterTypes: { min: 4 }, rejects: { pwned: false, repetitionAndSequence: false, userInfo: false, words: [] }, }); it('should reject unsupported characters', () => { expect(checker1.checkCharTypes('😀')).toBe('unsupported'); expect(checker2.checkCharTypes('aA1!😀')).toBe('unsupported'); }); it('should reject password with too few character types', () => { expect(checker1.checkCharTypes('a')).toBe(false); expect(checker2.checkCharTypes('aA')).toBe(false); }); it('should accept password with enough character types', () => { expect(checker1.checkCharTypes('aA')).toBe(true); expect(checker1.checkCharTypes('aA1!0')).toBe(true); expect(checker2.checkCharTypes('aA1!0')).toBe(true); }); }); describe('PasswordPolicyChecker -> hasBeenPwned()', () => { const checker = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 1, max: 256 }, characterTypes: { min: 2 }, rejects: { pwned: true, repetitionAndSequence: false, userInfo: false, words: [] }, }); mockPwnResponse(); it('should reject pwned password', async () => { expect(await checker.hasBeenPwned('123456')).toBe(true); }); it('should accept non-pwned password', async () => { expect(await checker.hasBeenPwned('1')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('PasswordPolicyChecker -> hasRepetition()', () => { const checker = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 1, max: 256 }, characterTypes: { min: 2 }, rejects: { pwned: false, repetitionAndSequence: true, words: [] }, }); it('should reject password with too many repeated characters', () => { expect(checker.hasRepetition('aaaa')).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasRepetition('aaa12')).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasRepetition('aaaaaa😀')).toBe(true); }); it('should accept password with few repeated characters', () => { expect(checker.hasRepetition('a')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasRepetition('aa')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasRepetition('aL!bbbbb')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasRepetition('aL1!')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasRepetition('aL1!bbbbbbbbbbbb')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('PasswordPolicyChecker -> hasUserInfo()', () => { const checker = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ rejects: { pwned: false, repetitionAndSequence: false, userInfo: true, words: [] }, }); it('should reject password with name', () => { expect(checker.hasUserInfo('test', { name: 'test' })).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('test', { name: 'test2' })).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('FOO', { name: 'Foo bar' })).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('Foo', { name: 'bar fOo' })).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('barFooBaz12', { name: 'bar fOo baz' })).toBe(true); }); it('should reject password with username', () => { expect(checker.hasUserInfo('1!test', { username: 'teST' })).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('test123', { username: 'test2' })).toBe(false); }); it('should reject password with email', () => { expect(checker.hasUserInfo('teST1', { email: '' })).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('TEST2', { email: '' })).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('FOO', { email: '' })).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('Foo!', { email: '' })).toBe(true); }); it('should reject password with phone number', () => { expect(checker.hasUserInfo('ST123456789', { phoneNumber: '123456789' })).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('teST1234567890.', { phoneNumber: '123456789' })).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasUserInfo('TEST12345678', { phoneNumber: '123456789' })).toBe(false); }); }); describe('PasswordPolicyChecker -> hasWords()', () => { const checker = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 1, max: 256 }, characterTypes: { min: 2 }, rejects: { pwned: false, repetitionAndSequence: false, userInfo: false, words: ['test', 'teSt2', 'TesT3'], }, }); it('should reject password with blacklisted words (case insensitive)', () => { expect(checker.hasWords('test')).toEqual(['test']); expect(checker.hasWords('tEst2')).toEqual(['test', 'test2']); }); it('should accept password without blacklisted words', () => { expect(checker.hasWords('tes4')).toEqual([]); expect(checker.hasWords('tes4 est5 tes t')).toEqual([]); expect(checker.hasWords('tEST TEst2 teSt3')).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('PasswordPolicyChecker -> hasSequentialChars()', () => { const checker = new PasswordPolicyChecker({ length: { min: 1, max: 256 }, characterTypes: { min: 2 }, rejects: { pwned: false, repetitionAndSequence: true, userInfo: false, words: [] }, }); it('should reject password with too many sequential characters', () => { expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('1234')).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('edcba')).toBe(true); expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('BCDEDC')).toBe(true); }); it('should accept password with few sequential characters', () => { expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('z')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('FE')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('aL1!')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('aL1!BCDEFA')).toBe(false); expect(checker.hasSequentialChars('aL1!bcdedcb1234321')).toBe(false); }); });