--- "@logto/core": patch --- prevent i18n context contamination by using request-scoped instances This bug fix resolves a concurrency issue in i18n handling by moving from a global i18next instance to request-scoped instances. ### Problem When handling concurrent requests: - The shared global `i18next` instance's language was being modified via `changeLanguage()` calls. - This could lead to race conditions where requests might receive translations in unexpected languages. - Particularly problematic in multi-tenant environments with different language requirements. ### Solution - Updated `koaI18next` middleware to create a cloned i18next instance for each request. - Attach the request-scoped instance to Koa context (`ctx.i18n`) All subsequent middleware and handlers should now use `ctx.i18n` instead of the global `i18next` instance. - Maintains the global instance for initialization while preventing cross-request contamination