import { TtlCache } from '@logto/shared'; import { pick } from '@silverhand/essentials'; import { mockConnector0 } from '#src/__mocks__/connector-base-data.js'; import { mockSignInExperience } from '#src/__mocks__/sign-in-experience.js'; import { WellKnownCache } from './well-known.js'; const { jest } = import.meta; const tenantId = 'mock_id'; const cacheStore = new TtlCache(60_000); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); cacheStore.clear(); }); describe('Well-known cache basics', () => { it('should be able to get, set, and delete values', async () => { const cache = new WellKnownCache(tenantId, cacheStore); await cache.set('sie', WellKnownCache.defaultKey, mockSignInExperience); expect(await cache.get('sie', WellKnownCache.defaultKey)).toStrictEqual(mockSignInExperience); await cache.set('connectors-well-known', '123', [mockConnector0]); expect(await cache.get('connectors-well-known', '123')).toStrictEqual([ pick(mockConnector0, 'connectorId', 'id', 'metadata'), ]); await cache.set('tenant-cache-expires-at', WellKnownCache.defaultKey, 123); expect(await cache.get('tenant-cache-expires-at', WellKnownCache.defaultKey)).toBe(123); await cache.delete('sie', WellKnownCache.defaultKey); expect(await cache.get('sie', WellKnownCache.defaultKey)).toBe(undefined); }); it('should NOT be able to set the value with wrong structure', async () => { const cache = new WellKnownCache(tenantId, cacheStore); // @ts-expect-error await cache.set('custom-phrases-tags', WellKnownCache.defaultKey, 1); expect(await cache.get('custom-phrases-tags', WellKnownCache.defaultKey)).toBe(undefined); }); it('should NOT be able to set and get when cache type is wrong', async () => { const cache = new WellKnownCache(tenantId, cacheStore); // @ts-expect-error await cache.set('custom-phrases-tags-', WellKnownCache.defaultKey, []); expect( // @ts-expect-error await cache.get('custom-phrases-tags-', WellKnownCache.defaultKey) ).toBe(undefined); }); }); describe('Well-known cache function wrappers', () => { it('can memoize function and cache the promise', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const runResult = Object.freeze({ foo: 'bar' }); const run = jest.fn( async () => new Promise>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(runResult); }, 0); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); // Ensure this runs in fake timers }) ); const cache = new WellKnownCache(tenantId, cacheStore); const memoized = cache.memoize(run, ['custom-phrases']); const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([memoized(), memoized()]); expect(result1).toStrictEqual(runResult); expect(result2).toStrictEqual(runResult); expect(await cache.get('custom-phrases', WellKnownCache.defaultKey)).toStrictEqual(runResult); expect(run).toBeCalledTimes(1); // Second call expect(await memoized()).toStrictEqual(runResult); expect(run).toBeCalledTimes(1); // Cache expired jest.setSystemTime( + 100_000); // Ensure cache is expired expect(await memoized()).toStrictEqual(runResult); expect(run).toBeCalledTimes(2); expect(await cache.get('custom-phrases', WellKnownCache.defaultKey)).toStrictEqual(runResult); jest.useRealTimers(); }); it('can memoize function with customized cache key builder', async () => { const run = jest.fn( async (foo: string, bar: number) => new Promise>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({ foo, bar }); }, 0); }) ); const cache = new WellKnownCache(tenantId, cacheStore); const memoized = cache.memoize(run, ['custom-phrases', (foo, bar) => `${foo}+${bar}`]); const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([memoized('1', 1), memoized('2', 2)]); expect(result1).toStrictEqual({ foo: '1', bar: 1 }); expect(result2).toStrictEqual({ foo: '2', bar: 2 }); expect( await Promise.all([cache.get('custom-phrases', '1+1'), cache.get('custom-phrases', '2+2')]) ).toStrictEqual([ { foo: '1', bar: 1 }, { foo: '2', bar: 2 }, ]); }); it('can create mutate function wrapper with default cache key builder', async () => { const run = jest.fn( async () => new Promise>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({}); }, 0); }) ); const update = jest.fn(async () => true); const cache = new WellKnownCache(tenantId, cacheStore); const memoized = cache.memoize(run, ['custom-phrases']); const mutate = cache.mutate(update, ['custom-phrases']); await memoized(); await mutate(); expect(await cache.get('custom-phrases', WellKnownCache.defaultKey)).toBeUndefined(); await memoized(); expect(run).toBeCalledTimes(2); }); it('can create mutate function wrapper with customized cache key builder', async () => { const run = jest.fn( async (foo: string, bar: number) => new Promise>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({ foo, bar }); }, 0); }) ); const update = jest.fn(async (value: number) => value); const cache = new WellKnownCache(tenantId, cacheStore); const memoized = cache.memoize(run, ['custom-phrases', (foo, bar) => `${foo}+${bar}`]); const mutate = cache.mutate(update, ['custom-phrases', (value) => `1+${value}`]); await Promise.all([memoized('1', 1), memoized('2', 2)]); await Promise.all([mutate(1), mutate(2)]); expect( await Promise.all([cache.get('custom-phrases', '1+1'), cache.get('custom-phrases', '2+2')]) ).toStrictEqual([undefined, { foo: '2', bar: 2 }]); expect(run).toBeCalledTimes(2); const mutate2 = cache.mutate(update, ['custom-phrases', () => `2+2`]); await mutate2(1); expect(await cache.get('custom-phrases', '2+2')).toBeUndefined(); expect(run).toBeCalledTimes(2); }); });