import type { User, CreateUser } from '@logto/schemas'; import { Users } from '@logto/schemas'; import { conditionalArray, pick } from '@silverhand/essentials'; import type { CommonQueryMethods } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import { buildUpdateWhereWithPool } from '#src/database/update-where.js'; import { EnvSet } from '#src/env-set/index.js'; import { DeletionError } from '#src/errors/SlonikError/index.js'; import type { Search } from '#src/utils/search.js'; import { buildConditionsFromSearch } from '#src/utils/search.js'; import type { OmitAutoSetFields } from '#src/utils/sql.js'; import { conditionalSql, convertToIdentifiers } from '#src/utils/sql.js'; const { table, fields } = convertToIdentifiers(Users); /** * The conditions that connected with `and` operator for finding users. It supports the * following: * * - `search`: The search conditions. It can be combined with various search fields and * match modes. * - `relation`: The relation conditions. It can be used to find users that have or don't * have a relation with another table. Note that the relation field is the raw field name * in the database, not the camel case one. * * @example * ```ts * // Find users that have a relation with the table `foo` and the field `bar` is `baz`. * { relation: { table: 'foo', field: 'bar', value: 'baz', type: 'exists' } } * ``` * @see {@link Search} for more information about the search conditions. */ export type UserConditions = { search?: Search; relation?: { table: string; field: string; value: string; type: 'exists' | 'not exists'; }; }; /** * The schema field keys that can be used for searching users. For the actual field names, * see {@link Users.fields} and {@link userSearchFields}. */ export const userSearchKeys = Object.freeze([ 'id', 'primaryEmail', 'primaryPhone', 'username', 'name', ] as const); /** * The actual database field names that can be used for searching users. For the schema field * keys, see {@link userSearchKeys}. */ export const userSearchFields = Object.freeze(Object.values(pick(Users.fields, ...userSearchKeys))); export const createUserQueries = (pool: CommonQueryMethods) => { const findUserByUsername = async (username: string) => pool.maybeOne(sql` select ${sql.join(Object.values(fields), sql`,`)} from ${table} ${ EnvSet.values.isCaseSensitiveUsername ? sql`where ${fields.username}=${username}` : sql`where lower(${fields.username})=lower(${username})` } `); const findUserByEmail = async (email: string) => pool.maybeOne(sql` select ${sql.join(Object.values(fields), sql`,`)} from ${table} where lower(${fields.primaryEmail})=lower(${email}) `); const findUserByPhone = async (phone: string) => pool.maybeOne(sql` select ${sql.join(Object.values(fields), sql`,`)} from ${table} where ${fields.primaryPhone}=${phone} `); const findUserById = async (id: string): Promise =>` select ${sql.join(Object.values(fields), sql`,`)} from ${table} where ${}=${id} `); const findUserByIdentity = async (target: string, userId: string) => pool.maybeOne( sql` select ${sql.join(Object.values(fields), sql`,`)} from ${table} where ${fields.identities}::json#>>'{${sql.identifier([target])},userId}' = ${userId} ` ); const hasUser = async (username: string, excludeUserId?: string) => pool.exists(sql` select ${} from ${table} ${ EnvSet.values.isCaseSensitiveUsername ? sql`where ${fields.username}=${username}` : sql`where lower(${fields.username})=lower(${username})` } ${conditionalSql(excludeUserId, (id) => sql`and ${}<>${id}`)} `); const hasUserWithId = async (id: string) => pool.exists(sql` select ${} from ${table} where ${}=${id} `); const hasUserWithEmail = async (email: string, excludeUserId?: string) => pool.exists(sql` select ${fields.primaryEmail} from ${table} where lower(${fields.primaryEmail})=lower(${email}) ${conditionalSql(excludeUserId, (id) => sql`and ${}<>${id}`)} `); const hasUserWithPhone = async (phone: string, excludeUserId?: string) => pool.exists(sql` select ${fields.primaryPhone} from ${table} where ${fields.primaryPhone}=${phone} ${conditionalSql(excludeUserId, (id) => sql`and ${}<>${id}`)} `); const hasUserWithIdentity = async (target: string, userId: string, excludeUserId?: string) => pool.exists( sql` select ${} from ${table} where ${fields.identities}::json#>>'{${sql.identifier([target])},userId}' = ${userId} ${conditionalSql(excludeUserId, (id) => sql`and ${}<>${id}`)} ` ); /** * Build the `where` clause for finding users with the given conditions joined with `and`. * * @see {@link UserConditions} for more information about the conditions. */ const buildUserConditions = ({ search, relation }: UserConditions) => { const hasSearch = search?.matches.length; const id = sql.identifier; const buildRelationCondition = () => { if (!relation) { return; } const { table, field, type, value } = relation; return sql` ${type === 'exists' ? sql`exists` : sql`not exists`} ( select 1 from ${id([table])} where ${id([table, field])} = ${value} and ${id([table, 'user_id'])} = ${id([Users.table,])} ) `; }; const conditions = conditionalArray( buildRelationCondition(), hasSearch && sql`(${buildConditionsFromSearch(search, userSearchFields)})` ); if (conditions.length === 0) { return sql``; } return sql`where ${sql.join(conditions, sql` and `)}`; }; const countUsers = async (conditions: UserConditions) =><{ count: number }>(sql` select count(*) from ${table} ${buildUserConditions(conditions)} `); const findUsers = async (limit: number, offset: number, conditions: UserConditions) => pool.any( sql` select ${sql.join( Object.values(fields).map((field) => sql`${table}.${field}`), sql`,` )} from ${table} ${buildUserConditions(conditions)} order by ${fields.createdAt} desc limit ${limit} offset ${offset} ` ); const findUsersByIds = async (userIds: string[]): Promise => userIds.length > 0 ? pool.any(sql` select ${sql.join(Object.values(fields), sql`, `)} from ${table} where ${} in (${sql.join(userIds, sql`, `)}) `) : []; const updateUser = buildUpdateWhereWithPool(pool)(Users, true); const updateUserById = async ( id: string, set: Partial>, jsonbMode: 'replace' | 'merge' = 'merge' ) => updateUser({ set, where: { id }, jsonbMode }); const deleteUserById = async (id: string) => { const { rowCount } = await pool.query(sql` delete from ${table} where ${}=${id} `); if (rowCount < 1) { throw new DeletionError(Users.table, id); } }; const deleteUserIdentity = async (userId: string, target: string) =>` update ${table} set ${fields.identities}=${fields.identities}::jsonb-${target} where ${}=${userId} returning * `); const hasActiveUsers = async () => pool.exists(sql` select ${} from ${table} where ${fields.isSuspended} = false limit 1 `); const getDailyNewUserCountsByTimeInterval = async ( startTimeExclusive: number, endTimeInclusive: number ) => pool.any<{ date: string; count: number }>(sql` select date(${fields.createdAt}), count(*) from ${table} where ${fields.createdAt} > to_timestamp(${startTimeExclusive}::double precision / 1000) and ${fields.createdAt} <= to_timestamp(${endTimeInclusive}::double precision / 1000) group by date(${fields.createdAt}) `); return { findUserByUsername, findUserByEmail, findUserByPhone, findUserById, findUserByIdentity, hasUser, hasUserWithId, hasUserWithEmail, hasUserWithPhone, hasUserWithIdentity, countUsers, findUsers, findUsersByIds, updateUserById, deleteUserById, deleteUserIdentity, hasActiveUsers, getDailyNewUserCountsByTimeInterval, }; };