/** * This script runs the following tasks: * * 1. Tag the first package of fixed version groups defined in `.changeset/config.json` and other single packages if they are not tagged with the current version in `package.json`; * 2. If no new git tag added, exit; * 3. If at least one new git tag found, run `pnpm -r publish` and `git push --tags`. * * The subsequential release tasks, such as create GitHub release and build Docker image, will be took over by GitHub workflows. */ import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import { mainPackages, allPackages, singlePackages, corePackageName } from './packages-meta.js'; const taggedPackages = [...mainPackages, ...singlePackages] .map((packageName) => { const packageInfo = allPackages.find(({ name }) => name === packageName); if (!packageInfo) { throw new Error(`Package ${packageName} not found`); } const { name, version } = packageInfo; if (!version) { throw new Error(`No version found in package ${packageName}`); } const tag = name + '@' + version; const hasTag = Boolean(execSync(`git tag -l ${tag}`, { encoding: 'utf8' })); if (hasTag) { console.log(`Tag ${tag} exists, skipping`); return; } execSync(`git tag -a ${tag} -m'${tag}'`); console.log(`Tag ${tag} added`); if (packageName === corePackageName) { const semver = 'v' + version; execSync(`git tag -a ${semver} -m'${semver}'`); console.log(`Tag ${semver} added (SemVer of core package ${corePackageName})`); } return packageName; }) .filter((value) => !!value); if (taggedPackages.length === 0) { console.log('No package tagged, exiting'); process.exit(0); } try { execSync('pnpm prepack'); execSync('pnpm -r publish'); execSync('git push --follow-tags'); } catch (error) { console.log(String(error.stdout)); throw error; }