--- "@logto/core": minor --- support `first_screen` parameter in authentication request Sign-in experience can be initiated with a specific screen by setting the `first_screen` parameter in the OIDC authentication request. This parameter is intended to replace the `interaction_mode` parameter, which is now deprecated. The `first_screen` parameter can have the following values: - `signIn`: The sign-in screen is displayed first. - `register`: The registration screen is displayed first. Here's a non-normative example of how to use the `first_screen` parameter: ``` GET /authorize? response_type=code &client_id=your_client_id &redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient.example.org%2Fcb &scope=openid &state=af0ifjsldkj &nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj &first_screen=signIn ``` When `first_screen` is set, the legacy `interaction_mode` parameter is ignored.