import { VerificationCodeType } from '@logto/connector-kit'; import type { Transporter } from 'nodemailer'; import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; import createConnector from './index.js'; import { mockedConfig, mockedOauth2AuthWithKey, mockedOauth2AuthWithToken, mockedTlsOptionsWithTls, mockedTlsOptionsWithoutTls, mockedConnectionOptionsValid, mockedConnectionOptionsInvalid, mockedDebuggingOptions, mockedSecurityOptions, } from './mock.js'; import { smtpConfigGuard } from './types.js'; const { jest } = import.meta; const getConfig = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mockedConfig); const sendMail = jest.fn(); // @ts-expect-error for testing jest.spyOn(nodemailer, 'createTransport').mockReturnValue({ sendMail } as Transporter); describe('SMTP connector', () => { afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('init without throwing errors', async () => { await expect(createConnector({ getConfig })).resolves.not.toThrow(); }); it('should send mail with proper options', async () => { const connector = await createConnector({ getConfig }); await connector.sendMessage({ to: 'foo', type: VerificationCodeType.Register, payload: { code: '123456' }, }); expect(sendMail).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ from: '', subject: 'Logto Register with SMTP', text: 'This is for register purposes only. Your verification code is 123456.', to: 'foo', }); }); it('should send mail with proper subject', async () => { const connector = await createConnector({ getConfig }); await connector.sendMessage({ to: 'bar', type: VerificationCodeType.SignIn, payload: { code: '234567' }, }); expect(sendMail).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ from: '', subject: 'Logto Sign-In with SMTP 234567', text: 'This is for sign-in purposes only. Your verification code is 234567.', to: 'bar', }); }); }); describe('Test config guard', () => { it('basic config', () => { const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(mockedConfig); expect(result.success &&; }); it('config with oauth2 auth (private key needed)', () => { const testConfig = { ...mockedConfig, auth: mockedOauth2AuthWithKey }; const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(testConfig); expect(result.success &&; }); it('config with oauth2 auth (token needed)', () => { const testConfig = { ...mockedConfig, auth: mockedOauth2AuthWithToken }; const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(testConfig); expect(result.success &&; }); it('config with tls options (with additional `tls` configuration)', () => { const testConfig = { ...mockedConfig, ...mockedTlsOptionsWithTls }; const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(testConfig); expect(result.success && expect.objectContaining(mockedTlsOptionsWithTls) ); }); it('config with tls options (without additional `tls` configuration)', () => { const testConfig = { ...mockedConfig, ...mockedTlsOptionsWithoutTls }; const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(testConfig); expect(result.success &&; }); it('config with VALID connection options', () => { const testConfig = { ...mockedConfig, ...mockedConnectionOptionsValid }; const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(testConfig); expect(result.success &&; }); it('config with INVALID connection options', () => { const testConfig = { ...mockedConfig, ...mockedConnectionOptionsInvalid }; const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(testConfig); expect(result.success &&; }); it('config with debugging and security options', () => { const testConfig = { ...mockedConfig, ...mockedDebuggingOptions, ...mockedSecurityOptions, }; const result = smtpConfigGuard.safeParse(testConfig); expect(result.success &&; }); });