import { Resource, CreateResource } from '@logto/schemas'; import { mockResource } from '@/__mocks__'; import { createRequester } from '@/utils/test-utils'; import resourceRoutes from './resource'; jest.mock('@/queries/resource', () => ({ findTotalNumberOfResources: jest.fn(async () => ({ count: 10 })), findAllResources: jest.fn(async (): Promise => [mockResource]), findResourceById: jest.fn(async (): Promise => mockResource), insertResource: jest.fn( async (body: CreateResource): Promise => ({ ...mockResource, ...body, }) ), updateResourceById: jest.fn( async (_, data: Partial): Promise => ({ ...mockResource,, }) ), deleteResourceById: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock('@logto/shared', () => ({ // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/consistent-function-scoping buildIdGenerator: jest.fn(() => () => 'randomId'), })); describe('resource routes', () => { const resourceRequest = createRequester({ authedRoutes: resourceRoutes }); it('GET /resources', async () => { const response = await resourceRequest.get('/resources'); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual([mockResource]); expect(response.header).toHaveProperty('total-number', '10'); }); it('POST /resources', async () => { const name = 'user api'; const indicator = ''; const accessTokenTtl = 60; const response = await resourceRequest .post('/resources') .send({ name, indicator, accessTokenTtl }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ id: 'randomId', name, indicator, accessTokenTtl, scopes: [], }); }); it('POST /resources should throw with invalid input body', async () => { const name = 'user api'; const indicator = ''; await expect('/resources')).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 400); await expect('/resources').send({ name })).resolves.toHaveProperty( 'status', 400 ); await expect('/resources').send({ indicator })).resolves.toHaveProperty( 'status', 400 ); }); it('GET /resources/:id', async () => { const response = await resourceRequest.get('/resources/foo'); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockResource, }); }); it('PATCH /resources/:id', async () => { const name = 'user api'; const indicator = ''; const accessTokenTtl = 60; const response = await resourceRequest .patch('/resources/foo') .send({ name, indicator, accessTokenTtl }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockResource, name, indicator, accessTokenTtl, }); }); it('PATCH /resources/:id should throw with invalid propreties', async () => { const response = await resourceRequest.patch('/resources/foo').send({ indicator: 12 }); expect(response.status).toEqual(400); }); it('DELETE /resources/:id', async () => { await expect(resourceRequest.delete('/resources/foo')).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 204); }); });