import type { RolesScope } from '@logto/schemas'; import { RolesScopes } from '@logto/schemas'; import { convertToIdentifiers } from '@logto/shared'; import type { CommonQueryMethods } from 'slonik'; import { sql } from 'slonik'; import envSet from '#src/env-set/index.js'; import { DeletionError } from '#src/errors/SlonikError/index.js'; const { table, fields } = convertToIdentifiers(RolesScopes); export const createRolesScopesQueries = (pool: CommonQueryMethods) => { const insertRolesScopes = async (rolesScopes: RolesScope[]) => pool.query(sql` insert into ${table} (${fields.scopeId}, ${fields.roleId}) values ${sql.join({ scopeId, roleId }) => sql`(${scopeId}, ${roleId})`), sql`, ` )} `); const findRolesScopesByRoleId = async (roleId: string) => pool.any(sql` select ${sql.join(Object.values(fields), sql`,`)} from ${table} where ${fields.roleId}=${roleId} `); const deleteRolesScope = async (roleId: string, scopeId: string) => { const { rowCount } = await pool.query(sql` delete from ${table} where ${fields.scopeId} = ${scopeId} and ${fields.roleId} = ${roleId} `); if (rowCount < 1) { throw new DeletionError(RolesScopes.table); } }; return { insertRolesScopes, findRolesScopesByRoleId, deleteRolesScope }; }; /** @deprecated Will be removed soon. Use createRolesScopesQueries() factory instead. */ export const { insertRolesScopes, findRolesScopesByRoleId, deleteRolesScope } = createRolesScopesQueries(envSet.pool);