import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { /* Drop settings table */ await pool.query(sql` insert into _logto_configs (key, value) select 'adminConsole', admin_console from settings where id='default'; `); await pool.query(sql` alter table _logto_configs add column tenant_id varchar(21) not null default 'default' references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade; create trigger set_tenant_id before insert on _logto_configs for each row execute procedure set_tenant_id(); `); await pool.query(sql` alter table _logto_configs alter column tenant_id drop default; `); await pool.query(sql`drop table settings cascade;`); /* Create systems table */ await pool.query(sql` create table systems ( key varchar(256) not null, value jsonb not null default '{}'::jsonb, primary key (key) ); alter table _logto_configs rename to logto_configs; alter table logto_configs drop constraint _logto_configs_pkey, add primary key (tenant_id, key); alter table logto_configs rename constraint _logto_configs_tenant_id_fkey to logto_configs_tenant_id_fkey; `); await pool.query(sql` insert into systems (key, value) select key, value from logto_configs where key='alterationState'; `); await pool.query(sql` delete from logto_configs where key='alterationState'; `); }, down: async (pool) => { /* Drop systems table */ await pool.query(sql` insert into logto_configs (key, value) select key, value from systems where key='alterationState'; drop table systems; alter table logto_configs rename to _logto_configs; `); /* Restore settings table */ await pool.query(sql` create table settings ( tenant_id varchar(21) not null references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, id varchar(21) not null, admin_console jsonb not null, primary key (id) ); create index settings__id on settings (tenant_id, id); create trigger set_tenant_id before insert on settings for each row execute procedure set_tenant_id(); `); await pool.query(sql` insert into settings (id, admin_console) select 'default', value from _logto_configs where key='adminConsole'; `); await pool.query(sql` delete from _logto_configs where key='adminConsole'; `); await pool.query(sql` drop trigger set_tenant_id on _logto_configs; alter table _logto_configs drop constraint logto_configs_pkey, drop column tenant_id cascade, add primary key (key); `); }, }; export default alteration;