import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; import { applyTableRls, dropTableRls } from './utils/1704934999-tables.js'; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { await pool.query(sql` create table idp_initiated_saml_sso_sessions ( tenant_id varchar(21) not null references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The globally unique identifier of the assertion record. */ id varchar(21) not null, /** The identifier of the SAML SSO connector. */ connector_id varchar(128) not null references sso_connectors (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, /** The SAML assertion. */ assertion_content jsonb /* @use SsoSamlAssertionContent */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, created_at timestamptz not null default(now()), /** The expiration time of the assertion. */ expires_at timestamptz not null, primary key (tenant_id, id) ); `); await applyTableRls(pool, 'idp_initiated_saml_sso_sessions'); }, down: async (pool) => { await dropTableRls(pool, 'idp_initiated_saml_sso_sessions'); await pool.query(sql` drop table idp_initiated_saml_sso_sessions; `); }, }; export default alteration;