/* init_order = 1 */ create type application_type as enum ('Native', 'SPA', 'Traditional', 'MachineToMachine', 'Protected'); create table applications ( tenant_id varchar(21) not null references tenants (id) on update cascade on delete cascade, id varchar(21) not null, name varchar(256) not null, /** @deprecated The internal client secret. Note it is only used for internal validation, and the actual secret should be stored in the `application_secrets` table. You should NOT use it unless you are sure what you are doing. */ secret varchar(64) not null, description text, type application_type not null, oidc_client_metadata jsonb /* @use OidcClientMetadata */ not null, custom_client_metadata jsonb /* @use CustomClientMetadata */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, protected_app_metadata jsonb /* @use ProtectedAppMetadata */, custom_data jsonb /* @use JsonObject */ not null default '{}'::jsonb, unknown_session_fallback_uri text, is_third_party boolean not null default false, created_at timestamptz not null default(now()), primary key (id) ); create index applications__id on applications (tenant_id, id); create index applications__is_third_party on applications (tenant_id, is_third_party); create unique index applications__protected_app_metadata_host on applications ( (protected_app_metadata->>'host') ); create unique index applications__protected_app_metadata_custom_domain on applications ( (protected_app_metadata->'customDomains'->0->>'domain') ); create function check_application_type( application_id varchar(21), variadic target_type application_type[] ) returns boolean as $$ begin return (select type from applications where id = application_id) = any(target_type); end; $$ language plpgsql set search_path = public;