import type { ConnectorMetadata } from '@logto/connector-kit'; import { ConnectorConfigFormItemType, ConnectorPlatform } from '@logto/connector-kit'; import { authorizationEndpointFormItem, clientIdFormItem, clientSecretFormItem, scopeFormItem, tokenEndpointAuthOptionsFormItems, tokenEndpointFormItem, } from './oauth2/form-items.js'; export const defaultMetadata: ConnectorMetadata = { id: 'oauth2', target: 'oauth2', platform: ConnectorPlatform.Universal, name: { en: 'OAuth 2.0', 'zh-CN': 'OAuth 2.0', }, logo: './logo.svg', logoDark: null, description: { en: 'The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service.', 'zh-CN': 'OAuth 2.0 授权框架是的第三方应用能够有权限访问 HTTP 服务。', }, readme: './', isStandard: true, formItems: [ authorizationEndpointFormItem, tokenEndpointFormItem, { key: 'userInfoEndpoint', label: 'User Info Endpoint', type: ConnectorConfigFormItemType.Text, required: true, placeholder: '', }, clientIdFormItem, clientSecretFormItem, ...tokenEndpointAuthOptionsFormItems, { key: 'tokenEndpointResponseType', label: 'Token Endpoint Response Type', type: ConnectorConfigFormItemType.Select, selectItems: [ { title: 'query-string', value: 'query-string', }, { title: 'json', value: 'json' }, ], required: false, defaultValue: 'query-string', }, scopeFormItem, { key: 'profileMap', label: 'Profile Map', type: ConnectorConfigFormItemType.Json, required: false, defaultValue: { id: 'user_id', email: 'email_verified', phone: 'phone_verified', name: 'full_name', avatar: 'avatar_url', }, }, { key: 'customConfig', label: 'Custom Config', type: ConnectorConfigFormItemType.Json, required: false, defaultValue: {}, }, ], }; export const defaultTimeout = 5000;