import { ConnectorType } from '@logto/schemas'; import { HTTPError } from 'got'; import { disableConnector, enableConnector, getConnector, listConnectors, updateConnectorConfig, } from '@/connector-api'; const facebookConnectorId = 'facebook-universal'; const facebookConnectorConfig = { clientId: 'application_foo', clientSecret: 'secret_bar', }; const aliyunSmsConnectorId = 'aliyun-short-message-service'; const aliyunSmsConnectorConfig = { accessKeyId: 'access-key-id-value', accessKeySecret: 'access-key-secret-value', signName: 'sign-name-value', templates: [ { usageType: 'SignIn', templateCode: 'template-code-value', }, { usageType: 'Register', templateCode: 'template-code-value', }, { usageType: 'Test', templateCode: 'template-code-value', }, ], }; const twilioSmsConnectorId = 'twilio-short-message-service'; const twilioSmsConnectorConfig = { accountSID: 'account-sid-value', authToken: 'auth-token-value', fromMessagingServiceSID: 'from-messaging-service-sid-value', templates: [ { content: 'This is for sign-in purposes only. Your passcode is {{code}}.', usageType: 'SignIn', }, { content: 'This is for registering purposes only. Your passcode is {{code}}.', usageType: 'Register', }, { content: 'This is for testing purposes only. Your passcode is {{code}}.', usageType: 'Test', }, ], }; const aliyunEmailConnectorId = 'aliyun-direct-mail'; const aliyunEmailConnectorConfig = { accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id-value', accessKeySecret: 'your-access-key-secret-value', accountName: '', fromAlias: 'from-alias-value', templates: [ { subject: 'register-template-subject-value', content: 'Logto: Your passcode is {{code}}. (regitser template)', usageType: 'Register', }, { subject: 'sign-in-template-subject-value', content: 'Logto: Your passcode is {{code}}. (sign-in template)', usageType: 'SignIn', }, { subject: 'test-template-subject-value', content: 'Logto: Your passcode is {{code}}. (test template)', usageType: 'Test', }, ], }; const sendgridEmailConnectorId = 'sendgrid-email-service'; const sendgridEmailConnectorConfig = { apiKey: 'api-key-value', fromEmail: '', fromName: 'from-name-value', templates: [ { usageType: 'SignIn', type: 'text/plain', subject: 'Logto SignIn Template', content: 'This is for sign-in purposes only. Your passcode is {{code}}.', }, { usageType: 'Register', type: 'text/plain', subject: 'Logto Register Template', content: 'This is for registering purposes only. Your passcode is {{code}}.', }, { usageType: 'Test', type: 'text/plain', subject: 'Logto Test Template', content: 'This is for testing purposes only. Your passcode is {{code}}.', }, ], }; test('connector flow', async () => { /* * List connectors after initializing a new Logto instance */ const allConnectors = await listConnectors(); // There should be no connectors, or all connectors should be disabled. for (const connectorDto of allConnectors) { expect(connectorDto.enabled).toBeFalsy(); } /* * Set up a social connector */ const updatedFacebookConnector = await updateConnectorConfig( facebookConnectorId, facebookConnectorConfig ); expect(updatedFacebookConnector.config).toEqual(facebookConnectorConfig); const enabledFacebookConnector = await enableConnector(facebookConnectorId); expect(enabledFacebookConnector.enabled).toBeTruthy(); // The result of getting a connector should be same as the result of updating a connector above. const facebookConnector = await getConnector(facebookConnectorId); expect(facebookConnector.enabled).toBeTruthy(); expect(facebookConnector.config).toEqual(facebookConnectorConfig); /* * Set up an SMS connector */ const updatedAliyunSmsConnector = await updateConnectorConfig( aliyunSmsConnectorId, aliyunSmsConnectorConfig ); expect(updatedAliyunSmsConnector.config).toEqual(aliyunSmsConnectorConfig); const enabledAliyunSmsConnector = await enableConnector(aliyunSmsConnectorId); expect(enabledAliyunSmsConnector.enabled).toBeTruthy(); /* * Change to another SMS connector */ const updatedTwilioSmsConnector = await updateConnectorConfig( twilioSmsConnectorId, twilioSmsConnectorConfig ); expect(updatedTwilioSmsConnector.config).toEqual(twilioSmsConnectorConfig); const enabledTwilioSmsConnector = await enableConnector(twilioSmsConnectorId); expect(enabledTwilioSmsConnector.enabled).toBeTruthy(); // There should be exactly one enabled SMS connector after changing to another SMS connector. const connectorsAfterChangingSmsConnector = await listConnectors(); const enabledSmsConnectors = connectorsAfterChangingSmsConnector.filter( (connector) => connector.type === ConnectorType.SMS && connector.enabled ); expect(enabledSmsConnectors.length).toEqual(1); expect(enabledSmsConnectors[0]?.id).toEqual(twilioSmsConnectorId); /* * Set up an email connector */ const updatedAliyunEmailConnector = await updateConnectorConfig( aliyunEmailConnectorId, aliyunEmailConnectorConfig ); expect(updatedAliyunEmailConnector.config).toEqual(aliyunEmailConnectorConfig); const enabledAliyunEmailConnector = await enableConnector(aliyunEmailConnectorId); expect(enabledAliyunEmailConnector.enabled).toBeTruthy(); /* * Change to another email connector */ const updatedSendgridEmailConnector = await updateConnectorConfig( sendgridEmailConnectorId, sendgridEmailConnectorConfig ); expect(updatedSendgridEmailConnector.config).toEqual(sendgridEmailConnectorConfig); const enabledSendgridEmailConnector = await enableConnector(sendgridEmailConnectorId); expect(enabledSendgridEmailConnector.enabled).toBeTruthy(); // There should be exactly one enabled email connector after changing to another email connector. const connectorsAfterChangingEmailConnector = await listConnectors(); const enabledEmailConnector = connectorsAfterChangingEmailConnector.filter( (connector) => connector.type === ConnectorType.Email && connector.enabled ); expect(enabledEmailConnector.length).toEqual(1); expect(enabledEmailConnector[0]?.id).toEqual(sendgridEmailConnectorId); /* * It should update the connector config successfully when it is valid; otherwise, it should fail. * We will test updating to the invalid connector config, that is the case not covered above. */ await expect( updateConnectorConfig(aliyunEmailConnectorId, sendgridEmailConnectorConfig) ).rejects.toThrow(HTTPError); // To confirm the failed updating request above did not modify the original config, // we check: the Aliyun email connector config should stay the same. const aliyunEmailConnector = await getConnector(aliyunEmailConnectorId); expect(aliyunEmailConnector.config).toEqual(aliyunEmailConnectorConfig); /* * Delete (i.e. disable) a connector * * We have not provided the API to delete a connector for now. * Deleting a connector using Admin Console means disabling a connector using Management API. */ const disabledSendgridEmailConnector = await disableConnector(sendgridEmailConnectorId); expect(disabledSendgridEmailConnector.enabled).toBeFalsy(); const sendgridEmailConnector = await getConnector(sendgridEmailConnectorId); expect(sendgridEmailConnector.enabled).toBeFalsy(); /** * List connectors after manually setting up connectors. * The result of listing connectors should be same as the result of updating connectors above. */ expect(await listConnectors()).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ id: facebookConnectorId, config: facebookConnectorConfig, enabled: true, }), expect.objectContaining({ id: aliyunSmsConnectorId, config: aliyunSmsConnectorConfig, enabled: false, }), expect.objectContaining({ id: twilioSmsConnectorId, config: twilioSmsConnectorConfig, enabled: true, }), expect.objectContaining({ id: aliyunEmailConnectorId, config: aliyunEmailConnectorConfig, enabled: false, }), expect.objectContaining({ id: sendgridEmailConnectorId, config: sendgridEmailConnectorConfig, enabled: false, }), ]) ); // Next up // - validate `config` parameter before sending // - send sms test message // - send email test message });