import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; const adminConsoleConfigKey = 'adminConsole'; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { const tenantIds = await pool.many<{ id: string }>(sql`select id from tenants`); await Promise.all( ({ id }) => { const { count } = await<{ count: number }>(sql` select count(*) from connectors where tenant_id = ${id} and connector_id <> 'logto-sms' and connector_id <> 'logto-email' and connector_id <> 'logto-social-demo'; `); if (count > 0) { await pool.query(sql` update logto_configs set value = jsonb_set(value, '{passwordlessConfigured}', 'true') where tenant_id = ${id} and key = ${adminConsoleConfigKey}; `); } }) ); }, down: async () => { // Do nothing as there is no alteration made to the DB schemas, only fixing data. }, }; export default alteration;