import type { CreateUser, Role, User } from '@logto/schemas'; import { userInfoSelectFields } from '@logto/schemas'; import pick from 'lodash.pick'; import { mockUser, mockUserList, mockUserListResponse, mockUserResponse, } from '#src/__mocks__/index.js'; import { encryptUserPassword } from '#src/lib/user.js'; import { findRolesByRoleNames } from '#src/queries/roles.js'; import { hasUser, findUserById, updateUserById, deleteUserIdentity, deleteUserById, } from '#src/queries/user.js'; import { createRequester } from '#src/utils/test-utils.js'; import adminUserRoutes from './admin-user.js'; const filterUsersWithSearch = (users: User[], search: string) => users.filter((user) => [user.username, user.primaryEmail, user.primaryPhone,].some((value) => value ? !value.includes(search) : false ) ); const mockFindDefaultSignInExperience = jest.fn(async () => ({ signUp: { identifiers: [], password: false, verify: false, }, })); jest.mock('#src/queries/sign-in-experience.js', () => ({ findDefaultSignInExperience: jest.fn(async () => mockFindDefaultSignInExperience()), })); const mockHasUser = jest.fn(async () => false); const mockHasUserWithEmail = jest.fn(async () => false); const mockHasUserWithPhone = jest.fn(async () => false); jest.mock('#src/queries/user.js', () => ({ countUsers: jest.fn(async (search) => ({ count: search ? filterUsersWithSearch(mockUserList, search).length : mockUserList.length, })), findUsers: jest.fn( async (limit, offset, search): Promise => search ? filterUsersWithSearch(mockUserList, search) : mockUserList ), findUserById: jest.fn(async (): Promise => mockUser), hasUser: jest.fn(async () => mockHasUser()), hasUserWithEmail: jest.fn(async () => mockHasUserWithEmail()), hasUserWithPhone: jest.fn(async () => mockHasUserWithPhone()), updateUserById: jest.fn( async (_, data: Partial): Promise => ({ ...mockUser,, }) ), deleteUserById: jest.fn(), deleteUserIdentity: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock('#src/lib/user.js', () => ({ generateUserId: jest.fn(() => 'fooId'), encryptUserPassword: jest.fn(() => ({ passwordEncrypted: 'password', passwordEncryptionMethod: 'Argon2i', })), insertUser: jest.fn( async (user: CreateUser): Promise => ({ ...mockUser, ...user, }) ), })); jest.mock('#src/queries/roles.js', () => ({ findRolesByRoleNames: jest.fn( async (): Promise => [{ id: 'role_id', name: 'admin', description: 'none' }] ), })); const revokeInstanceByUserId = jest.fn(); jest.mock('#src/queries/oidc-model-instance.js', () => ({ revokeInstanceByUserId: async (modelName: string, userId: string) => revokeInstanceByUserId(modelName, userId), })); describe('adminUserRoutes', () => { const userRequest = createRequester({ authedRoutes: adminUserRoutes }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('GET /users', async () => { const response = await userRequest.get('/users'); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual(mockUserListResponse); expect(response.header).toHaveProperty('total-number', `${mockUserList.length}`); }); it('GET /users should return matched data', async () => { const search = 'foo'; const response = await userRequest.get('/users').send({ search }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual( filterUsersWithSearch(mockUserList, search).map((user) => pick(user, ...userInfoSelectFields)) ); expect(response.header).toHaveProperty( 'total-number', `${filterUsersWithSearch(mockUserList, search).length}` ); }); it('GET /users/:userId', async () => { const response = await userRequest.get('/users/foo'); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual(mockUserResponse); }); it('POST /users', async () => { const username = 'MJAtLogto'; const password = 'PASSWORD'; const name = 'Michael'; const primaryEmail = ''; const response = await userRequest .post('/users') .send({ primaryEmail, username, password, name }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, id: 'fooId', username, name, }); }); it('POST /users should throw with invalid input params', async () => { const username = 'MJAtLogto'; const password = 'PASSWORD'; const name = 'Michael'; // Invalid input format await expect('/users').send({ username, password: 'abc', name }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 400); }); it('POST /users should throw if username exists', async () => { const mockHasUser = hasUser as jest.Mock; mockHasUser.mockImplementationOnce(async () => true); const username = 'MJAtLogto'; const password = 'PASSWORD'; const name = 'Michael'; await expect('/users').send({ username, password, name }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 422); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId', async () => { const name = 'Michael'; const avatar = 'http://www.michael.png'; const primaryEmail = ''; const primaryPhone = '222222'; const username = 'bar'; const response = await userRequest .patch('/users/foo') .send({ username, name, avatar, primaryEmail, primaryPhone }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, primaryEmail, primaryPhone, username, name, avatar, }); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should allow empty string for clearable fields', async () => { const response = await userRequest .patch('/users/foo') .send({ name: '', avatar: '', primaryEmail: '' }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, name: '', avatar: '', primaryEmail: '', }); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should allow null values for clearable fields', async () => { const response = await userRequest .patch('/users/foo') .send({ name: null, username: null, primaryPhone: null }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, name: null, username: null, primaryPhone: null, }); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should allow partial update', async () => { const name = 'Michael'; const updateNameResponse = await userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ name }); expect(updateNameResponse.status).toEqual(200); expect(updateNameResponse.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, name, }); const avatar = 'https://www.michael.png'; const updateAvatarResponse = await userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ avatar }); expect(updateAvatarResponse.status).toEqual(200); expect(updateAvatarResponse.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, avatar, }); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should throw when avatar URL is invalid', async () => { const name = 'Michael'; const avatar = 'http://www.michael.png'; await expect(userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ avatar })).resolves.toHaveProperty( 'status', 200 ); await expect( userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ name, avatar: 'non url' }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 400); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should throw if user cannot be found', async () => { const name = 'Michael'; const avatar = 'http://www.michael.png'; const mockFindUserById = findUserById as jest.Mock; mockFindUserById.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error(' '); }); await expect(userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ name, avatar })).resolves.toHaveProperty( 'status', 500 ); expect(updateUserById).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should throw if new username is already in use', async () => { mockHasUser.mockImplementationOnce(async () => true); await expect( userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ username: 'test' }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 422); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should throw if new email has already linked to other accounts', async () => { mockHasUserWithEmail.mockImplementationOnce(async () => true); await expect( userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ primaryEmail: '' }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 422); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should throw if new phone number has already linked to other accounts', async () => { mockHasUserWithPhone.mockImplementationOnce(async () => true); await expect( userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ primaryPhone: '18688886666' }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 422); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should throw if role names are invalid', async () => { const mockedFindRolesByRoleNames = findRolesByRoleNames as jest.Mock; mockedFindRolesByRoleNames.mockImplementationOnce( async (): Promise => [ { id: 'role_id1', name: 'worker', description: 'none' }, { id: 'role_id2', name: 'cleaner', description: 'none' }, ] ); await expect( userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ roleNames: ['admin'] }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 400); expect(findUserById).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateUserById).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId should update if roleNames field is an empty array', async () => { const roleNames: string[] = []; const response = await userRequest.patch('/users/foo').send({ roleNames }); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, roleNames, }); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId/password', async () => { const mockedUserId = 'foo'; const password = '123456'; const response = await userRequest.patch(`/users/${mockedUserId}/password`).send({ password }); expect(encryptUserPassword).toHaveBeenCalledWith(password); expect(updateUserById).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, }); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId/password should throw if user cannot be found', async () => { const notExistedUserId = 'notExistedUserId'; const dummyPassword = '123456'; const mockedFindUserById = findUserById as jest.Mock; mockedFindUserById.mockImplementationOnce((userId) => { if (userId === notExistedUserId) { throw new Error(' '); } }); await expect( userRequest.patch(`/users/${notExistedUserId}/password`).send({ password: dummyPassword }) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 500); expect(encryptUserPassword).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateUserById).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('PATCH /users/:userId/is-suspended', async () => { const mockedUserId = 'foo'; const response = await userRequest .patch(`/users/${mockedUserId}/is-suspended`) .send({ isSuspended: true }); expect(updateUserById).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockedUserId, { isSuspended: true }); expect(revokeInstanceByUserId).toHaveBeenCalledWith('refreshToken', mockedUserId); expect(response.status).toEqual(200); expect(response.body).toEqual({ ...mockUserResponse, isSuspended: true, }); }); it('DELETE /users/:userId', async () => { const userId = 'fooUser'; const response = await userRequest.delete(`/users/${userId}`); expect(response.status).toEqual(204); }); it('DELETE /users/:userId should throw if user is deleting self', async () => { const userId = 'foo'; const response = await userRequest.delete(`/users/${userId}`); expect(response.status).toEqual(400); expect(deleteUserIdentity).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('DELETE /users/:userId should throw if user cannot be found', async () => { const notExistedUserId = 'notExistedUserId'; const mockedFindUserById = findUserById as jest.Mock; mockedFindUserById.mockImplementationOnce((userId) => { if (userId === notExistedUserId) { throw new Error(' '); } }); await expect(userRequest.delete(`/users/${notExistedUserId}`)).resolves.toHaveProperty( 'status', 500 ); expect(deleteUserById).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('DELETE /users/:userId/identities/:target should throw if user cannot be found', async () => { const notExistedUserId = 'notExistedUserId'; const arbitraryTarget = 'arbitraryTarget'; const mockedFindUserById = findUserById as jest.Mock; mockedFindUserById.mockImplementationOnce((userId) => { if (userId === notExistedUserId) { throw new Error(' '); } }); await expect( userRequest.delete(`/users/${notExistedUserId}/identities/${arbitraryTarget}`) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 500); expect(deleteUserIdentity).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('DELETE /users/:userId/identities/:target should throw if user is found but connector cannot be found', async () => { const arbitraryUserId = 'arbitraryUserId'; const nonExistedTarget = 'nonExistedTarget'; const mockedFindUserById = findUserById as jest.Mock; mockedFindUserById.mockImplementationOnce((userId) => { if (userId === arbitraryUserId) { return { identities: { connector1: {}, connector2: {} } }; } }); await expect( userRequest.delete(`/users/${arbitraryUserId}/identities/${nonExistedTarget}`) ).resolves.toHaveProperty('status', 404); expect(deleteUserIdentity).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('DELETE /users/:userId/identities/:target', async () => { const arbitraryUserId = 'arbitraryUserId'; const arbitraryTarget = 'arbitraryTarget'; const mockedFindUserById = findUserById as jest.Mock; mockedFindUserById.mockImplementationOnce((userId) => { if (userId === arbitraryUserId) { return { identities: { connectorTarget1: {}, connectorTarget2: {}, arbitraryTarget: {} } }; } }); await userRequest.delete(`/users/${arbitraryUserId}/identities/${arbitraryTarget}`); expect(deleteUserIdentity).toHaveBeenCalledWith(arbitraryUserId, arbitraryTarget); }); });