import type { DatabaseTransactionConnection } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import { sql } from '@silverhand/slonik'; import type { AlterationScript } from '../lib/types/alteration.js'; enum DeprecatedBrandingStyle { Logo = 'Logo', Logo_Slogan = 'Logo_Slogan', } const deprecatedDefaultBrandingStyle = DeprecatedBrandingStyle.Logo_Slogan; const deprecatedDefaultSlogan = 'admin_console.welcome.title'; type DeprecatedBranding = { style?: DeprecatedBrandingStyle; logoUrl?: string; darkLogoUrl?: string; favicon?: string; slogan?: string; }; type DeprecatedSignInExperience = { id: string; tenantId: string; branding: DeprecatedBranding; }; type Branding = { logoUrl?: string; darkLogoUrl?: string; favicon?: string; }; type SignInExperience = { id: string; tenantId: string; branding: Branding; }; const alterBranding = async ( signInExperience: DeprecatedSignInExperience, pool: DatabaseTransactionConnection ) => { const { id, tenantId, branding: originBranding } = signInExperience; const { style, // Extract to remove from branding slogan, // Extract to remove from branding logoUrl, darkLogoUrl, favicon, } = originBranding; const branding: Branding = { logoUrl, darkLogoUrl, favicon }; await pool.query( sql`update sign_in_experiences set branding = ${JSON.stringify( branding )} where id = ${id} and tenant_id = ${tenantId}` ); }; const rollbackBranding = async ( signInExperience: SignInExperience, pool: DatabaseTransactionConnection ) => { const { id, tenantId, branding: { logoUrl, darkLogoUrl, favicon }, } = signInExperience; const adminBranding: DeprecatedBranding = { style: DeprecatedBrandingStyle.Logo_Slogan, slogan: 'admin_console.welcome.title', logoUrl, darkLogoUrl, favicon, }; const defaultBranding: DeprecatedBranding = { style: DeprecatedBrandingStyle.Logo, logoUrl, darkLogoUrl, favicon, }; const branding: DeprecatedBranding = tenantId === 'admin' ? adminBranding : defaultBranding; await pool.query( sql`update sign_in_experiences set branding = ${JSON.stringify( branding )} where id = ${id} and tenant_id = ${tenantId}` ); }; const alteration: AlterationScript = { up: async (pool) => { const rows = await pool.many( sql`select * from sign_in_experiences` ); await Promise.all( (row) => alterBranding(row, pool))); }, down: async (pool) => { const rows = await pool.many(sql`select * from sign_in_experiences`); await Promise.all( (row) => rollbackBranding(row, pool))); }, }; export default alteration;