{ "host": "", "port": 80, "password": "", "username": "", "fromEmail": "", "templates": [ { "contentType": "text/plain", "content": "This is for testing purposes only. Your verification code is {{code}}.", "subject": "Logto Test with SMTP", "usageType": "Test" }, { "contentType": "text/plain", "content": "This is for sign-in purposes only. Your verification code is {{code}}.", "subject": "Logto Sign In with SMTP", "usageType": "SignIn" }, { "contentType": "text/plain", "content": "This is for register purposes only. Your verification code is {{code}}.", "subject": "Logto Register with SMTP", "usageType": "Register" }, { "contentType": "text/plain", "content": "This is for forgot-password purposes only. Your verification code is {{code}}.", "subject": "Logto Forgot Password with SMTP", "usageType": "ForgotPassword" } ] }